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The Chinese mass immigration, that several every week in Japan 500 people


  • Blog goo●goo ne●ne jp publicult 电子 f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20厕所问题浮出水面 blog goo goo ne ne jp publicult e f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20 Also rest room problem surfaces
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    • Twitter com mujigedari 前朝日新闻社记者←,女儿在日本,韩国语翻译 twitter com mujigedari lt Former Asahi journalist and wife resident the Korean translation house
      • 呻 twitter com mujigedari 朝日新闻社记者←前,在日本媳妇,韩国语翻译 http twitter com mujigedari lt Former Asahi journalist and wife resident the Korean translation house

    • Www yomiuri co jp 聂 菌 2009 08 图像 02 三高。GIF呻 www2。Ttcn ne jp 本川 图像 1180的。gif www yomiuri co jp nie sp 2009 08 images 02 3 gif http www2 ttcn ne jp honkawa images 1180 gif
      • 那么这样做是后者不是日本或毒物控制和苏肩膀毒毒的古朝鲜人在日本狭窄 The resident South Korean becomes the shoulder body narrow When the poison is controlled with the poison it becomes Is Japan done in the poison Well latter shelf

    • “我死了,我想我可以,只是帮助我,我的女儿,”雏认罪扼杀在前面的Zirou诚忽视和匍匐 “As for we it dies and from being possible just the daughter helping” with it kneels on the ground and also suit ignores Strangling the poult before the true Jiro s eye
      • 我等待在她丈夫的知识,尽管针对家庭Nirou诚没有正面是一个地狱的景象 Without knowing at all those where it waited for true Jiro of the husband who returns home just were the spectacle of the hell

    • 个人消费每增加那么你可以使用所需的生产一对多或多对多到工作走出抑郁症也增加了许多劳工,移民本身并不是 So if it does consumption around one person to increase namely Many consumption many production many works So also work increases and depression escapes becomes as for immigration itself without necessity
      • 个人消费占劳动力增加了然后你就可以消耗很多很多的生产或许多到工作走出抑郁症的也增加,移民是没有必要 So if it does consumption around one person to increase namely Many consumption many production many works So also work increases and depression escapes becomes as for immigration itself without necessity

    • 中国与日本石大师救国#27 426;。中国法律规定及#28 909;烈426。 。 #32 477中国移民和游客;&#23 545;反&#23 545;!
      Japanese Messiah human right Chinese & #27426; . Observance legal hit national person & #28909; Intensity & #27426; . . Customer Chinese Immigration & #32477; & #23545; Counter & #23545; !

      • 之前在东京电视80%一次选举,民主党希望从一个有溃疡的概率要站
        Before the Democratic party typical selection resident in capital TV bureau collapses with probability of one 80%, because it seems, you expect

        • 他们是我他妈的蟑螂生活福利上,我认为我们正在使用的国家税收和其他人员都在相当出Chankoro朱达罗不是每周都笑我宠坏,500 Chankoro文化程度低的人日本作为一个国家居住昆虫Mawaseru尘埃返回到它是一个很好的人,你是不是? Unless every week 500 human tsu te you can laugh chiyankoro whose standard of living is low the ro which is useless chiyankoro well enough is even with countryside inside and there are no other personal affairs Using we tax living with welfare the ru it is the ze fellows who are Don t you think as for the extent Japanese who makes the cockroach live the dupe Returns to the country the rubbish insect
          • 你会怎么做我申请400 500人来到朱达罗也许是我宠坏了,不研究申请福利,很多中国人民来每星期500 Every week 500 people coming every week the Chinese of many people is welfare and applying unless you investigate the ro which is useless 500 people coming 400 people applying the cod how it does it is
          • 当只在日本推出的福利年金Beshikkuinkamu日本国民的税金宪法和无它会好得多?但是,双方是否会走到一起朱达罗保护分支机构,中国取消了对生活的韩国人 Welfare annuity losing increasing taxes When only the person who has the Japanese nationality the BASIC income introduces with limitation Japan considerably becomes good it is it isn t Collecting also the welfare to the Chinese Korean being able to abolish the ro which is a stone two bird Whether or not there is a political party which you do but

        • 例如,中国,韩国,巴西只是为了限制入境,一年几千几万比一少犯罪
          For example the Chinese, Korea and Brazil entry just is restricted, Crime of year several tens of thousands of cases or more decreases

          • 呻/ blog.goo.ne.jp / publicult /电子/ f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20是造成最近的事件
            http: //blog.goo.ne.jp/publicult/e/f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20 The incident which occurred recently

            • 呻/ blog.goo.ne.jp / publicult /电子/ f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20最近发生的事件所引起的,“涉嫌行贿在中国,中国的父母,来到里士满钱逃避拥抱了很多
              http: //blog.goo.ne.jp/publicult/e/f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20 The incident which occurred recently

              • 呻/ blog.goo.ne●日/ publicult /电子/ f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20的球员涌入,其中加拿大的经济的确是激活
                http: //blog.goo.ne - jp/publicult/e/f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20 With their influxes, it activated the Canadian economy certainly

                • 呻/ blog.goo●ne.jp / publicult /电子/ f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20总统对日本的妇女有一些制造商敲响警钟这个苏等人。
                  http: //blog.goo - ne.jp/publicult/e/f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20 In addition, Japanese woman president of the certain manufacturer like this sounds the alarm bell

                  • 呻/ blog.goo●ne.jp / publicult /电子/ f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20社会变化以及成年人,甚至父母的儿童及可爱的偶像
                    http: //blog.goo - ne.jp/publicult/e/f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20 Change not only society of the adult, reaches to also the child

                    • 四经理说运行本地美容院“看埃泰的销售增加的华人移民要”“得到的折扣丰富的附加层乘坐奔驰,是敏感 Four is managed the local manager who talks beauty shop “the Chinese type immigration increasing the sale rose” “It is sensitive to discount even at the rich layer which is accustomed to riding with Benz
                      • 我已经进入外国人选举权,韩国成为了中国系统成员是它消除了严重 Foreign carrot administration how inserting when the Chinese system becomes the Assemblyman the Korean system is removed with maji

                    • 在一个流氓汉奸赞成新浪移民是唯一的娱乐就是贿赂瓦特
                      As for being approval in immigration of the atrocious Chinese person bribe w where is just the traitor who entertains

                      • 大田新公明党的代表让他们打扰了日本NHK拍摄难道我喝茶,我对我们和山田电机伊藤恩
                        Komeito Ota representation specially in NHK The tea of the [yamada] electrical machinery and appliances and the Itoh garden drinking, you make the [ru] place take [tsu] [ke

                        • 如果如此多的中国风是否,世界“新中国”是由作为分散是一场灾难震撼了多少金钱和权力逻辑 If the Chinese becomes rich just that “new China” is possible in the world disaster just is scattered by logic of number and power of the gold
                          • 如果如此多的中国风是否,世界“新中国”是由作为分散是一场灾难震撼了多少金钱和权力逻辑 If the Chinese becomes rich just that “new China” is possible in the world disaster just is scattered by logic of number and power of the gold

                        • 平泽的过程中,许多成员在日本,韩国等如果创价学会的权力基础,因为这意味着合1选举的坚实基础细节将会强劲
                          Hirasawa Naturally, because the resident Cori un member is many in Soka academic society of the support parent, the meaning being agreeable, for the sake of the election basis is set is strong, probably will be

                          • 很惊讶在逻辑数“(当地妇女)呻/ blog.goo●ne.jp / publicult /电子/ f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20
                            It made in surprise logic of number” (Local woman) http: //blog.goo - ne.jp/publicult/e/f4f0b0377e00cecb18f2d101716c8e20

                            • 我一直Warota Fabyo归咎于所有民主党人都无法给他们的货架,但中国被带到一个有能力胜任Netouyo
                              Although you took work in the Chinese whose disabled [netouyo] is competent you increasing your own disabled to the shelf, with everything as a consequence of the Democratic party [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] [te] [warota

                              • 我们将返回返回饲料饲料 Return Return
                                • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,我不认为塞板驱动tTA 37个人不幸 gt gt 37 Regrettable assuming that so you thought with the individual you do not stop
                                • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 657收入都,我会付你有资产 gt gt 657 Being both because there are earnings and a property paying the ru
                                • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 差异如果我和我只是希腊移动580在日本的钱 gt gt 580 But the gold just is moving in the Japanese country what Greece difference
                                • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 我不想瞄准社会生活等其余364螨 gt gt 364 Don t you think we would like to aim toward the society where it cannot survive such tick
                                • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 然后你知道你的国家正在从受益于120 gt gt 120 From the point of view of the country because there is a merit so it has done the ro which is

                              • 我被捕的日本人权和歧视中国立法在这你们是愚蠢的我去皮下瓦特原料基罗格利戈
                                Foolish shelf you When the Chinese it discriminates, it is arrested with the protection of fundamental human rights bill The Japanese lives under peeling, w

                                • 我鼓励学生解决(包括后面我们中国东),知识博物馆的美国原子弹没有馆长
                                  The [wa] which you reside promote the foreign student (the Higashi Hiroshima Chinese you are lazy with the shade), As for the curator of the atomic bomb data mansion while knowing, the American

                                  • 日本一直在试图在宪法指导穷人向日本,比1月新公明党政権没有其他
                                    Making the Japanese poor, as for assuring the emasculation conversion of the Japanese, our public administration which is not other things it is

                                    • 日本移民到共产党的建议,挥舞着国旗的普选外国人累计下
                                      Under the flag inclination of the Chinese Communist Party The immigration recommendation to Japan which expects foreign carrot administration

                                      • 没有很多人不知道是否邪恶,邪恶本身韩国和中国人民并没有什么差别相当 The certainly bad person it is many malice is not felt in the Chinese citizen itself but different from the South Korean

                                        • 火灾4 / 20世界上最严重的海洋污染,由军事冲突大规模示威游行开始3月泰国发生在墨西哥湾的石油泄漏
                                          Large fire 4/20 The worst marine pollution and the Mexican bay crude oil loss of flow accident in history start of occurrence March The military collision which is by large-scale demonstration with the tie

                                          • 看到没有注册,当然,不是很多中国罪犯签证,没有它,许多中国的签证已经看到没有注册为罪犯没有被捕获或忽略?
                                            It is not the register being completed, is not either the visa the Chinese offender who large number Of course, it is not exposed as the offender It is not the register being completed and is the Chinese who is not either the visa as for large number being disregard?

                                            • 编号:CfJELXgh0宣读有形引Mitakya你不必阅读全文,并粘贴复制的懒惰
                                              ID: CfJELXgh0 Lazily, all the sentence [kopipe] it does not do and the [te] is good To read to go back and forth, because you read in the [ya] quotation origin

                                              • 美国人欢迎丹麦移民,我们说世界上最大的福利国家和自由的日本严格的移民法犯罪的神秘行动。 W同意你的傻瓜
                                                As for America of immigration large welcome crime large country As for Denmark which is called welfare state the greatest in the world strict immigration method As for the Japanese of puzzle liberal transferring/changing. Approval Whether [aho] w

                                                • 许多著名的英国传统和手续群达,白私立学校的排名。在该地区已有人居住的富有阶层
                                                  The English tradition and status as for many of the ranking superior distinguished private school which is, White. There is a high-class area where wealthy layer resides

                                                  • 输入自卫队Hitomodoki中国日本韩国已经(在进步灭绝炮同时愤怒,你们大陆半岛核消毒
                                                    Self Defense Force throwing, resident support 那 to exterminate Korean [hitomodoki], before the [chi] (怒 With simultaneous advance, as for continent peninsula with nucleus sterilization margin

                                                    • 这些家伙,10年后让我发冷...我不是反日本政党领导人和何任Chainizu
                                                      The chill and others it is dense, may make the anti-Japanese political party which designates the Chinese lotus hoe as the party chief ten years, later

                                                      • 这就是所谓的“战争power ll采取”第一步“包括派出间谍,高层主导的政府
                                                        “It takes over also the name, war” To send the first gradual “operative, holding the government higher stratum of society section

                                                        • 这是从3个月偷一个,并没有返回,即使借了中国学员周转资金 Even working capital borrowing to the Chinese trainee the te In addition to being returned they were 3 month non rents therefore it is

                                                          • 这是大约5万名美军部队在不包括日本的美国人,在中国的存在是最 gt As for 2nd rank 580 000 human weakness of the Korean Korean Therefore gt American who excludes US Forces in Japan 50 000 about the existence impression of the Chinese is preponderant
                                                            • 不到5800万朝鲜人,其中约5 0万美元的日本军队不包括美国第二,中国的存在是最 Therefore as for 2nd rank 580 000 human weakness of the Korean Korean American who excludes US Forces in Japan 50 000 about the existence impression of the Chinese is preponderant
                                                            • 国家为反恐怖主义被称为日本的韩国兰花,约有10 000对中国人民生活严重670 000敌人 As for the anti Japanese terrorist race like the Korean intellectual viewing as for approximately 10 000 person for 670 000 Chinese who have lived seriously the enemy

                                                          • 遣返费和口袋,但我的例子,因为,可以从机场返回逃避发送到中国,我几乎无法恢复,如果图标真的开始接触佩德罗 But as for forced repatriation cost our stomach what For example when it is returned to China to escape from the airport with communication not being attached te drawn There is rather many a thing which you cannot collect when it is
                                                            • 后来,不难驱逐永久居民,我会带,但是这将是一个特殊的永久居住,学习什么罪犯应被驱逐到其他国家是没有问题问 After now easily you do not force do not repatriate the ru with permanent residence permission but It probably is special permanent residence permission but it probably is what but learning in the foreign countries as for the offender Being indisputable it should force repatriate
                                                            • 如新加坡,Gitari在劳动期间,即使严格控制的,如果不是强行遣返犯罪或罪行 Singapore likely labor force being able to enter managing strictly when period passes and commits crime Unless you do not force repatriate
                                                            • 签证续期,但将被允许申请永久居留在特殊福利,驱逐时 Concerning visa renewal it probably is special permanent residence permission at the point in time when welfare is applied but it probably is what but forcing repatriation

                                                          • 隐藏东京特种垃圾的质量。关于在东京恶化的安全是有偏见的媒体报道将在少数情况下彻广泛报鸡足山当地瓦特
                                                            As for Tokyo mass rubbish pride hidden. In deflection reporting concerning Tokyo public order deterioration you will not announce and the numbers of districts few incident it is announced probably will persist largely but w

                                                            • &亿吨 1燃气轮机愚弄你& 日本原料去皮下来瓦特基罗格利戈囊但愿白痴说的,同样的东西存放郑东瓦特 gt Foolish shelf you gt When the Chinese it discriminates it is arrested with the protection of fundamental human rights bill gt The Japanese lives under peeling w The same thing as framework foolish chiyon it stops the fact that you say in Toa and dissolves w

                                                              • &亿吨 的退缩的情况下对某些人民守法的精神,但日本大多数永久性居民在学习中文及燃气轮机 基泰严重的信号,即生活 gt You are nonplused to the lack of law abiding mind of the part Chinese but as for large majority of the Chinese who in Japan you reside permanently studies abroad gt We would like to believe that it lives seriously
                                                                • 信号大部分在中国学习日本永远不可能基泰严重,生活 gt We would like to believe large majority of the Chinese who in Japan you reside permanently studies abroad that it lives seriously It cannot be
                                                                • 我国大多数长期在日本学习和生活已严重信任基泰 gt We would like to believe large majority of the Chinese who in Japan you reside permanently studies abroad that it lives seriously It cannot be
                                                                • 我国大多数长期在日本学习和生活已严重信任基泰 gt We would like to believe large majority of the Chinese who in Japan you reside permanently studies abroad that it lives seriously It cannot be
                                                                • &亿吨 的退缩的情况下对某些人民守法的精神,但日本大多数永久性居民在学习中文及燃气轮机 基泰严重的信号,即生活 gt You are nonplused to the lack of law abiding mind of the part Chinese but as for large majority of the Chinese who in Japan you reside permanently studies abroad gt We would like to believe that it lives seriously
                                                                • &亿吨 的退缩的情况下对某些人民守法的精神,但日本大多数永久性居民在学习中文及燃气轮机 基泰严重的信号,即生活 gt You are nonplused to the lack of law abiding mind of the part Chinese but as for large majority of the Chinese who in Japan you reside permanently studies abroad gt We would like to believe that it lives seriously

                                                              • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,像中国and Korea 825,5000年,生活一个人的资产不超过100万日元,所以我不采取永久居留许可 gt gt 825 Unless China and Korea likely it is above property 5000 100 000 000 Yen no year you probably will live but It should have tried not to be able to take permanent residence permission
                                                                • 他们让他去驱赶这些金钱,作为支付给黑手党的Burgers卡兹井出有永久居住地的海关,然后从 So when it does because there is permanent residence permission making with the manners paying the money to Mafia it can expel the people the ru way

                                                              • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,总人数由州登记的外国人★1(常住人口)402 434(#1人在东京顶级人口的比例,大多是中国和韩国,较5年前30 000增幅超过515)约1 21亿人330#1在东京琦玉县数创价学会第五名★谁是第四个人171 889 211 782神奈川,大阪,爱知第二第三228 432人(最高人口的比例,总部东京,东京是谁也名誉会长池田大作Ikeda ll根)在爱知县以东约50万约550 000 650 000第二第四第五埼玉,神奈川,大阪7000万第三 gt gt 1 Foreign register person total number classified by metropolis and districts resident population 1 rank Tokyo 402434 people even at population ratio the top and the majority the Chinese the Korean in comparison with 5 years ago thing increase of 30 000 person or more 2 rank Aichi prefecture 228432 people 3 rank The Osaka prefecture 211782 people 4 rank Kanagawa 171889 people 5 rank Saitama prefecture 121515 people Soka academic society numerical classified by metropolis and districts 1 rank Tokyo Approximately 3 300 000 person even at population ratio top as for headquarters Tokyo honorable Chairman Daisaku Ikeda naturally Tokyo person 2 rank The Osaka prefecture Approximately 700 000 person 3 rank Kanagawa Approximately 650 000 person 4 rank Saitama prefecture Approximately 550 000 person 5 rank Aichi prefecture Approximately 500 000 person Tokyo to call the supporter foreigner too much the ro w which is How many we would like to become rape champions it is ww The a already it is strong It was rate of occurrence and incurable illness AIDS infection person relative nationwide one rank w If immigration increases the extent gruesome incident which increases happens
                                                                • 特别是在2009年,或反映经济环境下,今年前减少30 000相比,外国居民总数只增加了中谁51410002 Especially 2009 reflecting economic situation foreign register person total number in comparison with the preceding year 30 000 person while decreasing Just the Chinese has increased as many as 25 141

                                                              • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,我将做它在它的388更好呢? Daro re自由贸易呢?是不是一个不被出售的不派军队到他们控制的W gt gt 388 If is now so it does it is good don t you think it is Therefore free trade what the ro so we should do Unless it sells separately the troop being sent w will not there be a reason which is subdued
                                                                • 蒋介石逃离蒋介石到台湾咬范围由部队镇压,并变得复杂的故事 Jiang Jieshi to escape to Taiwan extending because it subdued by military force Story became complicated

                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 1 而不是在外国订阅者还包括许多或 gt gt 1 But gt if it tries thinking calmly a little more than the Chinese 680 000 of the foreign register being completed vis a vis the person as for the Chinese offender 9522 gt Furthermore in that also the foreign not yet register person is included mainly

                                                                • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 384 °,你来主要是只是一个良好的国家危机意识在安全家伙从枯竭志位小宝贝国的粮食在家里是不是(天堂刑事工作)没有钱或涌入这些理由是你不是吗? gt gt 384 Coming as for ru mainly the person who cannot be eaten even with the home country Public order is better than the home country Crisis only the duck which is lacking in consciousness offender heaven Function the gold you give also the te As for having flowed the ro which is these reasons
                                                                  • 解决失业流入,你为什么充满了?我这样做没有意义或没有明显适用 Overflowing with the unemployed person although the ru why it flows It does not serve to reason it is not clearly

                                                                • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 385反对什么?那么可以在生活中采取的?当我长大了,运也认为任何Hazime津哉现在增加了宣传的两个从水龙头他们分具体 gt gt 385 Rally being what With that being taken even with life When matter and mind being attached from with special sub propaganda Because it was hit after so long a time one and two increasing At all the thought cup
                                                                  • 人类使用和宣传和平“第五阶段”嗯鄂如认为自己的权力被剥夺利用宣传媒体,如教育, Peace and mankind love as a propaganda utilization” The power which you think by your making use of fifth gradual “education and the advertisement media etc is taken

                                                                • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 568&燃气轮机 使未来钱,一旦我们的系统只在日本苏华业务,我会尽快与在那里工作只是一个很小的增益下 gt gt 568 gt Even with business with just the Chinese people Because the system which turns the gold is made in the future the Japanese just obtains spilling Just it becomes subordinate work existence

                                                                  • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 660嗯,中国公民遭受气体中毒未爆炸的炸弹,但我仍然没有抢救,他们是两个不同的故事,你呢?故障历史和文化问题和嘿附表如果安全 gt gt 660 It is as for the Chinese citizen who still suffers with the misfire binary gas bullet unless it rescues it is not good but it is That and it does in another story from this the yo Problem and history of public order and culture how it can combine the fact that it can be entwined

                                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 660贩运,压迫西藏○,○中毒颜色器官畸形,新闻和知识,近年来河流狩猎Toridori打死他们,因为她太穷人增加而且中国的形象在中国的暴行,是一个邪恶的独裁驱动tTA凯塔,卫生条件差,但差距在财富和权力Hozaki是国家目前在你Chinese ll是在困难的移民,如果外记你知道你的感受是什么Dzui,这不是太危险增加 gt gt 660 Trade in human life the Tibetan oppression and poison entering 0 various river Because the internal organs hunts and the deformity the person it increased too much destroying the women of poor layer The Chinese atrocity which knows with here several year news and the like The te image of the Chinese was bad not to be that While dictatorial nation non hygiene the large country babbling difference of wealth and poverty is extreme Being troubled with the Chinese who immigrates to the foreign country ru country is a reality Very you becoming aware when the ro which is the ru it increases too much speaking dangerously
                                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 你的照片,中国898残暴,“士兵的暴行日本”或46 Ttemasu你知道人民广场相信谁在天安门附加和行情? gt gt 898 You in the photograph of atrocity of the Chinese “atrocity of the Japanese soldier” and telop those which are attached Believing it does with the ru person the yo 64 Tien An Men knowing it increases

                                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 不是免费的,而不是877,是今天学生的管理教育,我认为教育仍是不是有什么是从缺乏这种道德和历史,特别是 gt gt 877 Rather than saying that it is not you think that after all it is education Because education of school days of the current manager was relationship of especially history shakily At all moral it was it is there is no
                                                                      • 事情是如此之大,即使你杀了这些家伙是从日本的例子不是道德,而是“教他”真正的原因可能是该 If it did from their morals assuming that it compared and killed the Japanese that much it is not great thing on the other hand “the za sees probably is truth well”

                                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 他的931胜,你是第一个当地华人身穿什么似乎是生活在中国行出稼基尼这对索马里非洲人“不害怕”,说弹出的人类进化的最前沿真正Hodorashii逃避万维网上的是什么 gt gt 931 As for being able to defeat them about the Somalian person the shelf The African person has gone to migrant in China it seems but Living the Chinese of the locale ahead arrives “we fear” that saying the extent which escapes it seems As expected the forefront www of mankind evolution The top was on
                                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 418&燃气轮机 如果没有工作,我可以做低级别的中国茂木出稼整洁残疾人中优于日本出稼茂木说,我找不到任何地方雇用哇没有得到雇用任何地方,我会确保将要采取的工作或什至 NULL

                                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 如果没有工作失业,恩戴我401没有从自己的好,现在我Hetarenito讲话显示了坚强的小细节,这意味着富裕整洁发言我找不到任何地方雇用那一刻你说,但我想要我神奇的税 gt gt 401 Just a little kitsui the hetarenito tsu te which is stopped immediately liking personally becoming inoccupation there is no ru reason consist of There is no work therefore a story that it could not have employing everywhere If the taxation margin tsu te you call to rich neat however you understand
                                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 陷阱ü氖一些小公司立即聘请讲话Hetarenito 1 3 458 1艰难 gt gt 458 Just a little kitsui company what which employs hetarenito which is stopped immediately it combines the trap

                                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 是很好,如果你有大约896梦想,就没有那么激进 gt gt 896 If dream the extent which it has it is good being particularly positive even when or

                                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 能力苏污染的食物,如果我被剥夺了大约947是它优于日本 gt gt 947 Taking polluting the ability to eat away is excellent than the Japanese

                                                                        • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; Aruyo不可能的,因为他们缺乏件和团结现有的分工与整个日本左派77
                                                                          & gt; & gt; 77 All Japanese lacking unity power with dividing construction of [sayoku] and the like, therefore already disjointed, unreasonable [aruyo

                                                                          • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; Warota这是Netouyo Fabyotsu 677
                                                                            & gt; & gt; 677 [netouyo] [huabiyotsu] [te] [te] [warota

                                                                            • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;朱达罗Eruku犹豫消失比中国严重的老龄化问题瓦特是从婴儿潮一代老龄化问题我237?讲Kotaere带给你20年后
                                                                              & gt; & gt; 237 The [ro] which is to the extent where the aging problem [tsu] [te] nodule goes out? If 20 years after it endures, w The Chinese one the seriousness puts out aging problem to that,

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