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Requests the support to announcement country Yamada agricultural phase negative thought that Miyazaki prefecture establishes the revival fund,


  • “宫崎县是一个坏”,“宫崎县是一个乞丐!” “宫崎东国原的责任!”协议

    • 16:49编号:氮离子10HDrX TTP的: WWW的0 47 news jp 47topics 电子 159674。腓从后口蹄疫 养猪场 意外的惊喜!马纳伊工作进展相当缺乏兽医死了:在屠宰,掩埋发生确认:如果埋葬地点,参加这样的理解以及当地居民那里挖:开始杀戮:运输和埋葬地点掩埋牲畜妥善处理被打死:在纳卡Ryuu是一个大的上述或消毒农场,首先疲劳或浮动面临许多专业人士,他们随手 16 49 ID N 10HDrX ttp www 47news jp 47topics e 159674 php Astonishment Being the veterinarian teacher insufficient destroying without advancing easily it is � Before destroying verification of the burying place is taken � If there is a burying place obtaining understanding of the neighboring inhabitant over there it starts excavation � Start of destroying � The domestic animal which is destroyed processing appropriately in the burying place conveyance burying � Everything inside the farm it disinfects It means that the fact that it increased to description above is the rough flow but when it is many to stumble first with the � while the person in charge floating the face of fatigue talking now It did
      • 我离题,笑什么?290名: 名无Shisan十周年 发布日期:2010 05 10(星期一)14:21:38编号:a1vmNn4F0朱达罗官僚手册业余做这样的事情志位部长钱舒服我负责 Free story 休 subject funny story 290 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 10 month 14 21 38 ID a1vmNn4F0 The minister of state of the ro and the amateur such a thing bureaucracy should correspond the manual blaming the combining which is pleasant

    • 16:58编号:VRI34oDB0什么更好的是自阪神大地震重建? 398:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 07 30(星期五)23:18:14编号:je8yF jl0恩戴死亡,即使壊颜射的房子,但4 05亿元,捐赠: Shisan名无 10周年:2010 07 30(星期五)23:25:44编号:vDqG7DuZ0朱达罗业务未能与灾害有关宠坏如果,当我说,政府承担起它的地方我说更多的 新娘 16 58 ID VRI34oDB0 The Osaka and Kobe Awazi large earthquake disaster own power the one which is revived was good is 398 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 07 30 Friday 23 18 14 ID je8yF jl0 The person dying the house being broken the bu tsu but inquiry gold 3 000 000 405 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 07 30 Friday 23 25 44 ID vDqG7DuZ0 When earthquake disaster and it makes simultaneous the ro which is useless To business it failed that being that the country takes over therefore the ru it is Above that you say when Wife
      • 397 428:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 07 30(星期五)23:16:58编号:VRI34oDB0什么更好的是自阪神大地震重建? 398:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 07 30(星期五)23:18:14编号:je8yF jl0恩戴死亡,即使壊颜射的房子,但4 05亿元,捐赠: Shisan名无 10周年:2010 07 30(星期五)23:25:44编号:vDqG7DuZ0朱达罗业务未能与灾害有关宠坏如果,当我说,政府承担起它的地方我说更多的 新娘 428 397 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 07 30 gold 23 16 58 ID VRI34oDB0 The Osaka and Kobe Awazi large earthquake disaster own power the one which is revived was good is 398 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 07 30 gold 23 18 14 ID je8yF jl0 The person dying the house being broken the bu tsu but inquiry gold 3 000 000 405 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 07 30 gold 23 25 44 ID vDqG7DuZ0 When earthquake disaster and it makes simultaneous the ro which is useless To business it failed that being that the country takes over therefore the ru it is Above that you say when Wife
      • 636名: 周年名无Shisan 发布10 :2010 07 31(星期六)03:50:32编号:heRNdjCz0 16 20 发现工作真正需要的是什么蛋糕或用于资助634没有蒙哈 636 Name Name it is not ten lap year Contribution day 2010 07 31 Saturday 03 50 32 ID heRNdjCz0 16 20 634 When the fund it makes you knew it is it is not truly you use in something
      • 644名: 周年名无Shisan 发布10 :2010 07 31(星期六)04:04:33编号:heRNdjCz0 18 20 学生从641人前往如此普遍比意识低田肯定 644 Name Name it is not ten lap year Contribution day 2010 07 31 Saturday 04 04 33 ID heRNdjCz0 18 20 641 As for generality world becoming so the one which you have remembered from the ru is better
      • 我124,编号:f35DyJst0和代理商是穿着他们我写 124 As for we ID f35DyJst0 Thing is not written the operative but it is
      • 编号:934 934 934 7oJulxdxP ID 7oJulxdxP 934 934 934

    • 34:25编号:615 gwcrsfVaP时明确感染源,我觉得韩国不好的关系 34 25 ID gwcrsfVaP 615 When infection source is done whether Akira the relationship with China and South Korea becomes bad
      • 353:交易 现场直播!:2010 05 23(星期日)23:52:40编号:ZknPyAMF美食听说叔叔从你的故事 353 Trader Live 2010 05 23 Sunday 23 52 40 ID ZknPyAMF It is the story which is heard from the gourmet uncle
      • 365:交易 现场直播!:2010 05 24(星期一)00:07:15编号:7Seq8UQ0你可以试着给吃牛肉的EV塔斯马尼亚的357 365 Trader Live 2010 05 24 month 00 07 15 ID 7Seq8UQ0 357 The TASS maniac Japanese Cattle te you say it should have tried eating
      • 685:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 07 31(星期六)09:28:49编号:683 rtzVMU9w0没错,重建所有并不重要 685 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 07 31 Saturday 09 28 49 ID rtzVMU9w0 683 It is like the as for reconstruction the story which is not in the first place relationship

    • 366一次,一个基金,以补偿它在宫崎县的农民如果关心的事情是会发生什么不同,一个国家的经济

      • 405动物传染病的损伤和破坏fisheries m水产养殖业务,您以前的自杀瓦特

        • 40:48编号:heRNdjCz0 20 20 我同意赔偿,称该法案听到万马660,没有结束的第一期捐款已经决定我,我的延长供款期 40 48 ID heRNdjCz0 20 20 660 Plan saying without hearing it tries to receive compensation how first without ending the contribution period which is decided contribution period it extended
          • 662名: 周年名无Shisan 发布10 :2010 07 31(星期六)04:40:47编号:heRNdjCz0 20 20 提出了一个常数660,这是在第一个决定捐赠我不留一期已经延长捐赠 662 Name Name it is not ten lap year Contribution day 2010 07 31 Saturday 04 40 47 ID heRNdjCz0 20 20 660 Sure enough first without ending the contribution period which is decided contribution period it extended
          • 910:交易 现场直播!:2010 05 09(星期日)08:09:48编号:YdlNRKSv观看头事件在2000年和茹世部的手流媒体的文章中死亡740 910 Trader Live 2010 05 09 day 08 09 48 ID YdlNRKSv When you look at the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries data holding down when occurring 2000 with the destroying 740 the ru

        • 43自卫队步兵团知识团动员讲话口蹄疫(都城)斗争(运送紧急取消了99天确认发生20分钟42 4月,产经新闻7月30日20 00手足口病是在宫崎县 Foot and mouth disease The Self Defense Force 43rd Infantry Regiment which Regimental Commander talks and is not known Miyakonojo city struggle July 30th 20 42 transmissions Product sutra newspaper Foot and mouth disease of Miyazaki prefecture where from occurrence verification April 20th emergency alert order is cancelled extensively in 99 days
          • 团会谈有关自卫队的斗争,动员20个知识口蹄疫(手足口病在宫崎县已被证实发生紧急取消从第99天4月份交货的42分钟时,产经新闻7月30日20 00 Foot and mouth disease The Self Defense Force 43rd Infantry Regiment which Regimental Commander talks and is not known Miyakonojo city struggle July 30th 20 42 transmissions Product sutra newspaper Foot and mouth disease of Miyazaki prefecture where from occurrence verification April 20th emergency alert order is cancelled extensively in 99 days

        • 677选前,“喷射牲畜饲养者的赔偿”,因为民主党在大选中被击败,而我说,“我们需要的东西不是喷射金”那将是什么民意 677 Before the electing “provides the compensation to the animal husbandry farmer” the Democratic party that Because it was crushed with election “Gold something it does not need puts out” probably is with the public opinion tsu lever
          • 只有20名员工,但它不是新闻上看到的,我不知道你问足够的钱来获得一些500万日元赔偿便离开,有些地方或 However you saw with news only 20 people being about the employee not to be when 500 000 000 Yen you receive with just the compensation when densely it is… If a lot of gold is received sufficiently it probably is what

        • 6:00。报偿,“你的微笑Tsukanai疯牛病成本的东西而已。”

          • 758名:@名无Shisan员额10周年:2010 / 07 / 31(星期六)13:24:52编号:O9roZmrM0:检查后进入ID和名称变更后,760名无Shisan @员额10周年:2010 / 07 / 31(星期六)13:28:28编号:O9roZmrM0课程的一部分,我认为我们日常生活柏青哥圈我这么老的人谁作出了捐款和捐赠的补偿,并捐献他们...乙超过1名是被796从宫崎:Shisan名无@员额10周年:2010 / 07 / 31(星期六)14:59:05编号:照顾好他们O9roZmrM0之前,世界上仍然宫崎县的支持...没有其他人在场那么他们知道

            • 791编号:rtzVMU9w0我读您的报价,我会说你有编号:rtzVMU9w0,我会说我正在吃饭,他们会在不同的680

              • 920自民党能够妥善遏制我吗?赫马自民党政府是否稀疏,以满足朋友和社会主义吧?我犯了一个期待已久的民主基金下跌的教训是什么智慧的官员在,但尚未排序时Keshimashita业务? 924栋。我是哑巴,我可以处理垃圾部长驱动tTA志野瓦特签名讨厌的人的声音是什么使本来就 NULL
                • 他估计全县将支付巨大的成本每分钟约有1 13亿日元,为了保持预算的压力在这个县有全额奖学金要求东国负担 NULL

              • 934“这是人民的财产说,你是在杀死自己的国家权力,即”有伤的支持和Ru的法律看着我休息,如果关心的是被视为说,或其他一极 934 Because “is possession property of the person because national power is murder chi ya u reason selfishly there being supporting the law it is possible ” Again when you see it is funny to be visible in quite natural speech

                • NULL And the fact that it is problem next is destroying the � other than of the veterinarian teacher qualification person does the chemicals and the behavior which relate to this destroying with medicine thing method Although thing is prohibited with law it does not relate 5 10 to presently it is verified by the light handedness of the veterinarian teacher the shooting 65 000 It was fact of the astonishment that approximately only 1 6 of the dealing object it is destroyed yet ry I have not received special knowledge or education medicine thing method in regard to quarantine is but as for foot and mouth disease it exceeds Kawaminami this way securely the shrine And it spreads to other prefecture to the promontory all earth because it will be and probably will be Is government probably to do what Perhaps doing Tsuno Kawaminami Animal husbandry Seki The disaster simulation demo which used the person in charge person is not to do probably will be Why it is not reported and whether also government is the movement with doubt And others it is not
                  • NULL And the fact that it is problem next is destroying the � other than of the veterinarian teacher qualification person does the chemicals and the behavior which relate to this destroying with medicine thing method Although thing is prohibited with law it does not relate 5 10 to presently it is verified by the light handedness of the veterinarian teacher the shooting 65 000 It was fact of the astonishment that approximately only 1 6 of the dealing object it is destroyed yet ry I have not received special knowledge or education medicine thing method in regard to quarantine is but as for foot and mouth disease it exceeds Kawaminami this way securely the shrine And it spreads to other prefecture to the promontory all earth because it will be and probably will be Is government probably to do what Perhaps doing Tsuno Kawaminami Animal husbandry Seki The disaster simulation demo which used the person in charge person is not to do probably will be Why it is not reported and whether also government is the movement with doubt And others it is not

                • _NULL_

                  • “大臣赤松,支付所有的农民表示”人们只看到这个,我想我看到↑全国护理?实际成本扑杀 5,政府将支付(实际上几乎不存在于动物的相互援助的)我只是说 “Statement the payment in full burden to Minister of State and farmer Akamatsu” When just ↑ this you see the citizen when the country sees trouble entirely thought now Good Heavens Actually 1 5 of destroying cost the country burden the object does not stay really almost with domestic animal mutual aid But with sufficient story what which is said
                    • “大臣赤松,支付所有的农民表示”人们只看到这个,我想我看到↑全国护理?实际成本扑杀 5,政府将支付(实际上几乎不存在于动物的相互援助的)我只是说 “Statement the payment in full burden to Minister of State and farmer Akamatsu” When just ↑ this you see the citizen when the country sees trouble entirely thought now Good Heavens Actually 1 5 of destroying cost the country burden the object does not stay really almost with domestic animal mutual aid But with sufficient story what which is said

                  • “民主党的预算削减也难怪,因为它们是没有太大一直致力于出年度预算和地方正在开展茹 After “becoming the Democratic party administration reduction of budget is done but when budget comes out every year how much because it is not the meaning which is definitely promised it is about not to have manner

                    • ◆秋筱宫夫人,顾客义子-宫崎县郁哟来明日在节日般的声明文仁国民

                      • 不仅如此,“民主不能承受另一次离开我们,茶,”日本和壊我不怀疑日本的政治运动壊我并不怀疑与灾难,对灾难的唯一政治行动我朱达罗政治不会甚至采取错误的渠道,也是负责的信念甚至不会看,更不用说摆脱恐怖责任是不自由了,杰瑞 Above that “already to leave on democracy the chi ya you cannot put ” the tsu lever Toda ro Disaster politics which does not move vis a vis disaster attaching is problem Breaking Japan politics which does not move is problem Breaking Japan as for politics you probably will take responsibility also it will not do terrorism of the spear escaping Instead of responsibility it does not do either error probably will be completely there is no reliance
                        • 蜡不会甚至采取一种政治责任,即使日本壊我并不怀疑政治动态一直是国家的灾难甚至不犯错的恐怖逃避托管责任,更不用说让所有参与标枪如果没有 The country politics which does not move vis a vis disaster is problem Breaking Japan as for politics you probably will take responsibility also it will not do terrorism of the spear escaping Instead of responsibility it does not do either error probably will be completely there is no reliance

                      • 不是因为坏山田长崎县长崎梅库拉我什至不知道自己也被殴打居民Miyazaki m其他1型糖尿病的眼睛

                        • 不过,即使该基金于本月28日成立的我不能做的答复?之间的修正案,并把我怎样?嘿,我负数字的金钱民主暴政这里不是太苛刻的选举? Although is becoming on the 28th of this month as for the tsu te reply perhaps installation of the fund it is not popular what itsu no 間 ni amendment plan it passed Because it was defeated with election don t you think the gold the violence of e tsu te democratization is too harsh it is it is not
                          • 不过,即使该基金于本月28日成立的我不能做的答复?之间的修正案,并把我怎样?嘿,怎么从民主选举中的负面数字暴政黄金在这里不是太苛刻? Although is becoming on the 28th of this month as for the tsu te reply perhaps installation of the fund it is not popular what itsu no 間 ni amendment plan it passed Because it was defeated with election don t you think the gold the violence of e tsu te democratization is too harsh it is it is not

                        • 东国“,关键在县财政状况,不能形成一个重建附表随没有完全的支持该国为荷兰国际集团不远处的”,要实现政府强烈求

                          • 中国踢,当我储544牛出售转到山田和债务由每个人都在中国

                            • 乍看之下,不让它转接受傻瓜打死人我想的隔离检疫,一个中立的意见?这是诡辩

                              • 什么县,但也给免息贷款,小企业唯一的其他方式!该县将偿还债务或贷款时,比较奇怪,不利于银行的小企业客户贷款也从县削减呢?是啊,你看看光马祖苏坏决定无论如何 NULL
                                • 撒Kudakedaro贷款业务增长高达一小切口600客户如银行和贫困省份?我会回来这么 600 The prefecture and the rose just spreads the gold which is called to the small and medium sized business defective customer who was refused from the bank and the like financing the ro Whether such it returns

                              • 什么是S 90%的支持率当选州长在越南宫崎,没有什么太多的苦难瓦特的支持率会是什么,他当选将是国家和 It is too painful what is the support ratio 9 percentage exceeding inside Miyazaki but something w That it probably is governor selection national government probably will be with appearing in whatever to be elected the chi ma u support ratio shelf
                                • 如果你想成为性交讲话Merubeki宫崎如果你得到州长支持一个民主制度,我讲话秃头 The baldness stopping if becomes the governor of democracy type it can have supporting If Miyazaki thing is thought it should stop swiftly

                              • 什么是可读的基金采取812的崩溃?这意味着成本的战斗池县财政虽然他在谈到经贸办渔业委员会28日采取行动的20首集会过程中偶尔故意口蹄疫六十七亿日元负担,县县国家支持不足很明显,这样的前景,县将很难提供财政支持的国家足够金额67亿日元 812 Demolition of fund This the kana which can be read Eto touching even at agricultural commission of 28 days however the ru It is with the pool hacksaw of prefectural public finance Measure expense prefectural burden 6 700 000 000 Yen Support insufficiency of country On the 20th of temporary prefectural national assembly first day which it concentrates deliberates foot and mouth disease measure as for the prefecture public finance support from the country without being enough It made that it is the prospect that prefectural burden of sum total 6 700 000 000 Yen occurs clear
                                • ー443,这是什么基金还采取了整整3年,一年就这样苏崩溃,而不是基金“给我3年的财政预算,以利用100亿 443 Payment in full is demolished there is also a fund which in such 3 years it is or … As for this rather than calling the fund “consuming budget of year 10 000 000 000 3 years s amount giving

                              • 什么? ? ?津市有什么你的经营利润和经营尤马基金吗?停止瞎搞秃恐怖M9是Shineyo!恐怖主义确实看起来像秃头? M9公路

                                • 今天的新闻捷运下一步MBC电视台的地方广播电台今日(本地鹿儿岛)

                                  • 他们认为,他完全置于Ete m愚蠢的公司不要看只是为了保护水产养殖架在堤坝损坏不是我

                                    • 信用风险是不消灭日本我的屁股了这个国家和交出course m没有想到

                                      • 公职人员,确保选票将交给该组织仍然迟钝或不管我说给人民的食品安全危机时,牛肉已不再简单的资金甚至是必要的,虽然在后藤岛费用转移业务狂欢中牛 And necessity of the fund being gone in a general way when the domestic cow becomes crisis For food guaranty of the citizen somehow saying it continues the group lazily To guarantee the vote of the compulsory government employee on the one hand the Chinese cow business with the Goto archipelago As a one for research expenditure the diversion stripe chestnut

                                        • 农业部长还山田正彦(五岛县的农民,长崎),他们不得牛肉品牌熄灭狙宫崎县

                                          • 删除肉 - 文集 - 6★讨价还价伪逃生勒索[纹身在消费电子]店

                                            • 即使考虑到自然灾害的形式方面,特别是在一个特定的行业,此外,品尝奢侈品行业,因为其他城市和Shiteyaranakya县沿充分的赔偿,如果没有国家 Assuming that the aspect of natural disaster is considered temporarily industry of specification of the prefecture of specification Furthermore at industry of the high class taste item national other prefecture doing to payment in full compensation if it is not there is no viewing reason

                                              • 口蹄疫 山田农业部长重建基金“,以建立一切手段,坚决支持听宫崎口袋朝鲜公民的需要,我应该做的”10 什么? “We would like to establish by all means Yamada agricultural phase concerning the revival fund the Miyazaki prefecture people should have done with our stomach You hear the Korean demand and would like to correspond securely” 10 a
                                                • 这样做韩国口袋个人赔偿南朝鲜口袋里,它应该做的三百三十五瓦特宫崎县 335 The Miyazaki prefecture people should have done with our stomach Korea does also the individual compensation of Korea with our stomach w

                                              • 口蹄疫是宫崎(系统化的方式),宣布300亿日元在9月成立基金的恢复和重建国家的约元求援助,农业部长30日会议的山田正彦在内阁会议后和思想,显示了基金设立的负

                                                • 只是由于大坝的肮脏博士教授在岩手县萨瓦泽勉忠是肮脏的,很可能会继续快乐地欢呼(和仆人流投票支持脏)或某些别有用心的,我就会让各种公共工程项目,岩手知识的耻辱尽管我们在

                                                  • 同样,虽然你不想要一个肯鲁皮传言满天飞所有的时间对肯三国人环境不仅不公平-这我知道我挑起祖

                                                    • 嗯,我秃顶秃顶包括端午说Tteta发言或带来病毒,以确保隧道或韩国 As for the baldness that the certain day Korea tunnel we would like to make saying the shelf Don t you think the virus you brought the baldness
                                                      • 韩国,日本是不是日本人和韩国甚至不会跟你一个人不知道太多韩国绝缘体 The person where Korean is not recognized it is many in the resident South Korean and You cannot speak Japanese or Korean honestly

                                                    • 嗯,这是皇帝但马牛牛肉在兵库县,神户牛肉通用名称品牌岩手县。不友好或挖掘现场永远WWW的脚

                                                      • 在宫崎县的肉牛养殖场,宫崎于今年3月25日,因为它被发现引起手足口病在1992年为第一次,镇本别北海道6月9日对心脏和解除的面积有限,国家,城市,农民,畜牧业官员和私人机构与疾病斗争井“的震撼76天”将被发送 It was done on this year March 25th in the cow raising farmer for the meat of Miyazaki prefecture Miyazaki city since occurrence of foot and mouth disease being verified after 92 years To cancellation of the portable restricted area which centers Hokkaido Honbetsu Cho June 9th the country the prefecture and municipalities the producer and the private association etc As for the animal husbandry authorized personnel fighting of this illness it was and with it came to the point of with sending “76 days of tremble”
                                                        • 只有当你吻投诉脂肪燃烧牲畜的农民将被编入下一个77至浪费钱无论如何,我会站出来 77 Temporarily the gold the next being packed wastefully the animal husbandry farmer it burns and gets fat being able to point the re As for complaint however perhaps it does not come out
                                                        • 畜牧业,说“饼”是在萎缩,宫崎是一个很好的薹山羊 You call animal husbandry industry while “the pie” has reduced Was done in the good sukepu goat Miyazaki…

                                                      • 在最近几年出现的极端天气罕见,以及农作物,农田,造成更大的破坏农业多大基总农业相关的损害,达到5433万亿日元 With the occurrence of the unusual weather which recently is seen rarely not only the farm products multi big damages occurred even in the farmland and the facility and the like for agriculture damage sum total related to agriculture reached to 1 000 000 000 000 5 433 hundred million Yen
                                                        • 在7月,以确保本地区在旱季我们的水,因为他们可能意味着站在大农业 At this area as for July because it is dry period as for guaranteeing the agricultural water there is important meaning

                                                      • 在此之上,县费用“支付的全部或部分国家的”特别拨款或部税务负担,如果它不能在库房解决的储备基金,以支付 或整个贝尼奥夫说,()的表达 “The country “it bears with special delivery tax of the general affairs ministry concerning all or part burden on that concerning the cost of the prefecture or at reserve fund of the financial affairs ministry Because the conclusion whether it bears of was not attached all or part expression it became
                                                        • 特别值得注意的是手足口病所需的成本措施“承担全部或国家的一部分”,并表示 “The country all or part burden” has clearly written with special 措 method concerning the cost which is required for foot and mouth disease measure

                                                      • 在此我时间确定为假名和精细197我可以,我要建立经费来打破,如果你不能认识到对国家和law内容的,不在于是否无论如何形式的帮助will going基金就这样DO承建商和区域发展政策需要在一个地方的山田,和你不那么重要,不是吗?我,我不承认 197 Deciding small scale correspondence being able to do with present time if the ru with the country has recognized it is not necessary again the fund to establish As for content of law becoming so the ru Whether or not you take the shape fund if it does not support anyhow in the future but problem When actually it is dense 1 So Yamada as for necessity to regional promotion step such as related trader recognizing the ro which is ru reason
                                                        • 官方不明白国家支持畜牧业农民萘乙酸没有很多人做的是,该基金是非常故事线奈瓦基金 The person where what fund very does not understand is many Support of public country to the animal husbandry farmer is done This time story of the fund

                                                      • 基金作Reyo国家将很快通过了这项法案在去年的事情重建援助,包括设立一个基金,元操

                                                        • 如果你质疑全国县级农业政策的责任已隐藏的云层和假装生病去从四郎热门淫秽秃头在你左右! ! !

                                                          • 宫崎。 Sugidaro穿着自来水家伙是继承顺便WWW的唯一重要的地区主义小馆“是唯一在东京大雨小心〜〜”我休息几天后,九州和国家电视台和我瓦特你呢?再次权。我说谎言的nigga Miyazaki Hitting the ru person to succeed old 舘 izumu too much just the ro www his own area which is the important tsu te “Tokyo is the heavy rain paying attention ” it is no day later of tsu te Kyushu w It is unrelated with nationwide broadcast In addition the right Don t you think lie you say
                                                            • 全县的传播意识不甜,“消磨时间。 3★强烈批评宫崎县的研究 Sweetness of consciousness of prefecture infection enlargement” Destroying time Miyazaki prefecture of examination it is strong criticism 3
                                                            • 全国品牌,即使宫崎牛小牛,我可以这不是181 231?再次权。我说的谎言,说谎话Tteta驱动tTA的黑白电视,不是吗? 231 181 In other words the calf of Miyazaki prefecture how it is not the te in the brand cow of entire country Relationship saying In addition the right Lie you said it is the shelf Is lie the ro w which is the television
                                                            • 全国品牌,即使小牛在宫崎牛,我可以这不是181?再次权。我撒谎说驱动tTA 181 In other words the calf of Miyazaki prefecture how it is not the te in the brand cow of entire country Relationship saying In addition the right Lie you said it is the shelf

                                                          • 屠宰牛,但也有许多差异补偿家伙像艾希手流预感事情°是秃头猪手流河内唤我已经确定,国家全额支付所有的,“我们使用的全国U泽尼泄漏让出去!“这正是我会说没有法律依据不说废话

                                                            • 岩手县由413,我可以在宫崎,宫崎缺乏有影响力的政治家,我只是更不能拉不称职州长 413 It being possible with Iwate it to be possible with Miyazaki and say and as for thing also the powerful politician being absent in Miyazaki Furthermore the governor being disabled connection just saying

                                                              • 布莱恩的金钱来源的废木瓦负担和洪水从瓦卡1万亿美元下落不明设法竞赛运行在相当大程度的成本的措施对手足口病完全唤醒

                                                                • 当您添加850,你说我觉得这工作好做了↓线程在这里 口蹄疫 疾病“家畜传染病”的措施,防止扩散和预防条,并独立县权威的国家 NULL

                                                                  • 当然不是你离开办公室驳回州长,宵禁,软禁,和守护,交付,助手,我知道你可以接受的输入没有了秃头疑问唯一的女孩私通和Deriheru Of course it displaces governor job and solves and going out prohibition and placing under house arrest state when however to come out before only the helper and the deriheru girl are entrance and exit otsuke the ro which accepts also that 淫 line baldness and is
                                                                    • 当然,州长解雇工人软禁,宵禁,并守护,交付,助手,我知道你可以接受的输入没有了秃头疑问唯一的女孩私通和Deriheru Of course as for governor job displacing going out prohibition and placing under house arrest state however to come out when before only the helper and the deriheru girl are entrance and exit otsuke the ro which accepts also that 淫 line baldness and is

                                                                  • 我会拯救日本第一!剩余的外国志愿者到我只会说!叛逆。日本居民的支持民主党,以保护他们只是我完全排除压迫居民 First after rescuing the Japanese but The foreigner to the last with the surplus In volunteer margin Treason The resident support political party where as for the Democratic party as for the Japanese you are hard on thoroughly and pull out and protects only resident
                                                                    • 我会拯救日本第一!剩余的外国志愿者到我只会说!叛逆。日本居民的支持民主党,以保护他们只是我完全排除压迫居民 First after rescuing the Japanese but The foreigner to the last with the surplus In volunteer margin Treason The resident support political party where as for the Democratic party as for the Japanese you are hard on thoroughly and pull out and protects only resident

                                                                  • 我会说我答应在充分保证价值古一或多个这样的故事在牛的头部,如果它是在任何牛只牛,每头的计算没有一个凯塔1万头或30万 You promise payment in full guarantee with direction above with saying as for such a story there was no ru Per kind cow head 300 000 was in some calculation Even with the cow where 5 000 000 value is attached even if as for 1 heads 1
                                                                    • 成为头一个亿日元计算的每622头奶牛? 623。如果您对峡Tomoyo尽管一Tsumonakere在贷款的不良贷款不 622 In some calculation it reached kind cow head several 10 000 000 000 Yen 623 If even one there is no bad debt with financing you are not ignorant of the world

                                                                  • 我可以吃摆在首位罚款宫崎牛肉,我有钱就够了吗?麻烦的是这不是对富人不能吃牛肉,但我宫崎产品质量多少钱?

                                                                    • 我埋在洞宫崎预算载于我是这个基金相同数额的预算,我设在高潜力宫崎,紧急治疗用于伐丽流

                                                                      • 我的支持和地方政府第23条,除上述措施发出了当地经济的民主国家和随地吐痰瓦特及214撒谎者Rashii,邪恶计划扩展了口蹄疫的发生于2010年4月后确认鉴于局势的影响已被这些严重的振兴当地经济,重建或者同时为双方及,能够进行精细的积极措施或根据情况,对本地机构及其他必要措施,成立了演讲认为任何措施,收费和所需费用的基金 214 Your democracy supporter the lie spitting shelf w which seems 23rd provision As for the country and the municipal corporation other than the measure which is decided in front provision The ma of the foot and mouth disease where occurrence was verified in after the 2010 April is extending Considering to the circumstance which has exerted serious influence on regional economy In order reconstruction of regional economy and to assure its activation To execute the fine measure which responds to the actual condition of area positively way it is possible Devises the installation other necessary measures of the fund in order to apply to the cost which is necessary for these measures
                                                                        • 国家和地方政府及第二条550,并采取措施前发出的,影响当地经济的显着邪恶的计划扩展了口蹄疫的发生对被证实在12年4月以来茂二平形势的振兴地方经济,或及两部分的重建,能够进行精细的或积极的措施根据当地情况,费用为这些必要措施机构及其他必要措施,以演讲的一个诚手流基金的设立 550 20th Sanjo As for the country and the municipal corporation the ma of the foot and mouth disease where occurrence was verified other than the measure which is decided in front provision in after the 2010 April is extending in regional economy serious influence In order you consider to the circumstance which it has caused reconstruction of regional economy and to assure its activation to execute the fine measure which responds to the actual condition of area positively way it is possible Devises the installation other necessary measures of the fund in order to apply to the cost which is necessary for these measures

                                                                      • 我,而且还依赖于周一Reneetsure sーEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to m Nonee,百分之九十三珠会社发言(巧妙

                                                                        • 所以,你可以计算一英里作Reyo基金,你的意思呢?如果你不能计算赔偿,使基金 是什么?我想什么说什么? It cannot calculate if the fund make swiftly Therefore this what It cannot calculate the compensation if making the fund “ ” What Something would like to say
                                                                          • 国家平衡基金06县财政调整的方式, 他们终于让你的屁股了一个钱包,我离开了,甚至12后的赔偿将保持在2 9亿美元 By the way the balance of the public finance adjustment fund of the prefecture at 6 12 point in time 2 900 000 000 The country does not pass how long producing the compensation the te It seems that finally the wallet pierces the bottom

                                                                        • 整整655“唯一喷射听到说,政府全力预防接种”牛屠宰后↓牛屠宰猪只说↓最里于彻“正如预期从省黄金谁使他们“作为哈市一人犯加藤Reyo卫 655 Accurately Because “the country payment in full puts out thorough inquiring about the thing which is called” ↓ As said most cow pigs destroying vaccination kind cow destroying ↓ After the ending “and tsu pa prefecture even from produce the money” Protect the promise as a human with only
                                                                          • 疫苗接种政策是东西线的国家责任驱动tTA,总理,“苏国期间犯下 Vaccination went on policy responsibility of the country mono to be the prime minister and the minister of state “Country thorough expecting

                                                                        • 日本神户牛肉的骄傲,它是我必须做一些喜欢把一个无大量的税,如果完全陌生的宫崎牛Gotoki

                                                                          • 有一个基金,引入基于什么税?什么钢? 30亿至300亿州长时要秃头,你要500亿美元和500亿发言呢?我猜你是秃头相当 The fund what throws tax there in standard It is the can Bald governor being 30 000 000 000 desired if you say if you say that 30 000 000 000 and 50 000 000 000 we want it is 50 000 000 000 You coming off suitable don t you think the ru it is probably will be
                                                                            • 我会转达叙述脚田口赤松山以及古季长,他们将捐赠给山田赤松亲自设立的基金, Well it is handed down forever as a Akamatsu Yamada foot and mouth disease it is Akamatsu and Yamada Contributing privately the fund it probably will establish
                                                                            • 我帮助一个国家,成立马苏耀西所谓的双重援助基金将只会造成混乱 Although it has supported as the country it establishes also the fund depending as for the duplication support which is said Confusion it just brings probably and
                                                                            • 有一个基金,引入基于什么税?什么钢? 30亿至300亿州长时要秃头,你要500亿美元和500亿发言呢?我猜你是秃头相当 The fund what throws tax there in standard It is the can Bald governor being 30 000 000 000 desired if you say if you say that 30 000 000 000 and 50 000 000 000 we want it is 50 000 000 000 You coming off suitable don t you think the ru it is probably will be

                                                                          • 民主党国会议员打败它补充越来越多的敌视州长的支持率百分之90 418 s越南。我认为我们可以赢得下次大选 我剪湿重,我不认为它赢得九州冲绳民主鞭子在打我多,但如果吉蒙简单吗?的消极失败,但只是局部地区之一更糟的是,我知道你来找我,作为一个非常愚蠢的选举策略 418 The governor of the support ratio 9 percentage exceeding being hostile democracy Assemblyman being defeated steadily With that assistant Shaving it is the air where the following wins with general election it is ww which is But simple gimon when above this you have whipped however already democracy win it may it is not with Okinawa Kyushu it is possible to being that Even simply being defeated with the single seat constituency of the district although it is the crushing defeat trying making that tsu te election strategy considerably aho the ro which is correspondence
                                                                            • 哪个国家和对立工作省长,我是来自县给予的支持率,权利,如果你太愚蠢,真的拉大它从国家赔偿 The governor making composition of the country and opposition support ratio inside the prefecture lifting therefore the ru it is being serious if it has been about probably to pull out big compensation from the country The ro which aho it passes and is
                                                                            • 民主党国会议员打败它补充越来越多的敌视州长的支持率百分之90 418 s越南。我认为我们可以赢得下次大选 我剪湿重,我不认为它赢得九州冲绳民主鞭子在打我多,但如果吉蒙简单吗?的消极失败,但只是局部地区之一更糟的是,我知道你来找我,作为一个非常愚蠢的选举策略 418 The governor of the support ratio 9 percentage exceeding being hostile democracy Assemblyman being defeated steadily With that assistant Shaving it is the air where the following wins with general election it is ww which is But simple gimon when above this you have whipped however already democracy win it may it is not with Okinawa Kyushu it is possible to being that Even simply being defeated with the single seat constituency of the district although it is the crushing defeat trying making that tsu te election strategy considerably aho the ro which is correspondence

                                                                          • 民牧场主从下面的土宫崎县宫崎要求赔偿

                                                                            • 法案内容上没有特别措施口蹄疫194 207,但你知道你来自那我需要投资,以改革的国家建立一个基金,我们的国家为宫崎县宫崎县的嘴在处理共同脚病新公明党国会议员,我发誓Udaro国家使国家的资金来创造基金Ttena Ijan 207 194 Well as for contents of foot and mouth disease measure special measure law knowing the ru That say whether it has the necessity for the country to invest again in fund establishment for Miyazaki prefecture by Miyazaki prefecture The ro which as for that compared to discernment you call to wa tsu te fair Assemblyman who makes the fund which foot and mouth disease generally copes in the country as a country and is The country is the fund is not made
                                                                              • 行为内容的特别措施的口蹄疫没有194,但是你就会知道,这个你需要从投资到我要改革countries建立foot disease and口一fund为宫崎由宫崎像一个国家,以共同对付我正在说Udaro基金在国 194 Well as for contents of foot and mouth disease measure special measure law knowing the ru That say whether it has the necessity for the country to invest again in fund establishment for Miyazaki prefecture by Miyazaki prefecture The ro which as for that compared to the wa tsu te which makes the fund which foot and mouth disease generally copes in the country you say as a country and is
                                                                              • 饮食,什么是今天的是相反?古纹时间无直到我清楚什么是错的立法者基金设立一个国民议会君秋我将我,但没有触及Suretai That the present National Diet reply contents are opposite suretai by mistake the ru Has declared is in tsu te fair Assemblyman who in the National Diet reply the fund is established There is no time and did not touch to te contents but

                                                                            • 源已经牲畜809你就半径为824日元▽10位获得赔偿353亿公斤接种67亿元和存储从10月初在禁区进行20分钟的补充降价装运胴体ü陪同和日圆

                                                                              • 然而,只有拉回滚队还宣布临时流行病学研究,阿格拉和吸收学员故事中甚至可以是市民

                                                                                • 牛年外国人来日本支付赔款,但韩国民主党大量无条件这样做,是我几乎可以给孩子的福利津贴

                                                                                  • 畜牧业农民因秃顶,是文胸瓦特Gonejijii井谣言牲畜损害,但在保修期内其他企业,收到位接受公共援助,以所涵盖的牲畜除公众的支持,因为它涵盖认为正确的优先推动感

                                                                                    • 看来,这种情况再次发生,围绕Gijanakunaruzo Nendoroid赔偿噪音?首先,证明Goneru赔偿和补偿。因此,农民不知道在所有抑制,宫崎,这仍然是同样的事情反复,以及损害将大于发生什么 It recurred in such a circumstance it seems but there is no noise of compensating mud time In the first place with compensation compensation and gone ru thing anti Being the case that the Miyazaki peasant it is not conscious completely that it obstructs This way the same thing is repeated at the same time damage how to recur saying largely means especially
                                                                                      • 当在这种情况再次发生,围绕Gijanakunaruzo Nendoroid赔偿噪音?首先,证明Goneru赔偿和补偿。因此,农民不知道在所有抑制,宫崎,这仍然是同样的事情反复,以及损害将大于发生什么 When it recurs in such a circumstance there is no noise of compensating mud time In the first place with compensation compensation and gone ru thing anti Being the case that the Miyazaki peasant it is not conscious completely that it obstructs This way the same thing is repeated at the same time damage how to recur saying largely means especially
                                                                                      • 补。我们想,但我做了该法案勉强通过LDP或等待Shitarashii不,不,我没有遵循这个故事,如果你合?垃圾和垃圾如果这样做将报告 Assistant The bill which our people made it passed commenting helplessly it seems but after that the discussion It is not done altogether it is the tsu ke which is not It has done if is the rubbish rubbish probably will be reports and

                                                                                    • 秋季作物歉收,如果有关国家变得异常天气的规模继续像全球这292对,全球粮食歉收打击的同时,世界的厨房,日本已经没有钱,零落后积极的曲线反一反张贴,也许有一个最快的更新到下,即使改变,继续投球

                                                                                      • 第一个声明,在702是管理理念更多的重建资金的现在看到的全系统现有的用户你是不是一半,使订户 702 As for that first speech whether full it is not amount with the existing system that When now you verify the not yet member half price of the member it probably will put out management reconstruction fund is
                                                                                        • 山田农业部长,“作为农业部的是努力重建和支持的管理和提供赔偿,以牲畜超过意识形态支持农民具体事项 As for Yamada agricultural phase compensation of the domestic animal which passes shipment period “as Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and directing in management reconstruction support etc Farmer support is done concretely

                                                                                      • 米诺设置在592日圆的预算成立紧急宫崎775亿元吗? Munoha设定的时间,预算与第五至606县的口蹄疫,对我们这样总五九二零零零零零零零零零日元 NULL
                                                                                        • Munoha确定相对于口蹄疫县的预算,第五次,在我们这样总59200000万日元 NULL

                                                                                      • 编号:f35DyJst0将更为有趣的是太瓦特有趣的单词和行动扭转了民主党人的支持Netouyo 10胜,即使是

                                                                                        • 自来水的农民和乞丐随便Bakauyo东国,在心灵的就是这样做我会忠实于民主党彩色冬天

                                                                                          • 花宫崎的政治私有化将有助于民主的政府,自民党前,都只能在真正的强大,如果岩手Iyagarase m

                                                                                            • 苏大会选举产生全国约199个隐藏恐慌取决于它是否提请运行它呢?

                                                                                              • 虽然传言已经飞行不断上升,他们对人民宫崎狡猾,我激起我们Netouyo

                                                                                                • 该compensation m数额的补偿基金甚至不计算已作出631所以?这不是愚蠢吗?如果补偿是赔偿的计算Waranakere结束,但我出来,要到该基金设立

                                                                                                  • 该委员会是常设的七个问题的方式驱动tTA成员。南(九州民主的比例),额头大沽(自民党宫崎县二区)成员,包括5个国会议员,“基金也斗内采取措施,恢复县广泛交流奇怪的现象”等,艾达相下列问题寻求加强国家基金成立 At commission the inside road to be 7 Assemblymen who stand in question Genuine Ichiro democracy and proportional Kyushu Eto 拓 our people Miyazaki 2 Ku include the Assemblyman 5 Assemblymen who “When the prefecture devises revival step and even the way is a fund not being it is large and circumstance changes” when and so on the question which requests fund installation from the country followed one another
                                                                                                    • “口。县,300亿日元资金,紧急请求国家”县报29月二零一零年七月三十日宫崎,口。结论该国迫切需要采取有关重建公布 “Oral hoof Fund 30 000 000 000 Yen scale To prefecture and country emergency demand” Miyazaki daily newspaper 2010 July 30th As for prefecture on the 29th oral hoof You arranged the emergency demand to the country regarding revival announced
                                                                                                    • 全省的300亿日元自有资金,业务遍布三个必需年。诚手流“型和坍塌了。” 30 000 000 000 Yen as for individual funds of prefecture 3 years spending at necessary business all It applies “it demolishes type”
                                                                                                    • 该委员会是常设的七个问题的方式驱动tTA成员。南(九州民主的比例),额头大沽(自民党宫崎县二区)成员,包括5个国会议员,“基金也斗内采取措施,恢复县广泛交流奇怪的现象”等,艾达相下列问题寻求加强国家基金成立 At commission the inside road to be 7 Assemblymen who stand in question Genuine Ichiro democracy and proportional Kyushu Eto 拓 our people Miyazaki 2 Ku include the Assemblyman 5 Assemblymen who “When the prefecture devises revival step and even the way is a fund not being it is large and circumstance changes” when and so on the question which requests fund installation from the country followed one another

                                                                                                  • 该方案“已出售牛犊全国各地从宫崎,牛将被命名为”广播,也将包括神户牛肉或牛肉,但马

                                                                                                    • 路他们使用的食品和旅游产业的结构转型▽和▽水果和蔬菜援助的替代畜牧业,以加强其管理和牲畜检疫需要▽发挥环保宣传嵌入式地产图像复原通过把却处- -包括事件

                                                                                                      • 达罗或某事,说不好感觉,这是我们的赤松山田』[支持者?东部和说,他们不是邪恶的,但赤松山田,环境不坏的风险,不是没有! ?查看详细资料和写

                                                                                                        • 运输的牲畜,以挖孔在Stadthalle的却用我埋葬死者和驱赶动物发现包括屠宰的地方“ 船员的生命”,直到晚上工作到5上午8 30 Burying 却 excavation of business and conveyance of the domestic animal which dies Last spurt and the like of domestic animal to destroying place” As for life of soldier “Job from 8 30 AM to around 5 o clock in the afternoon
                                                                                                          • 牲畜被屠宰出售的意思这句话充分补偿由政府部长↑成本赤松,在受到 第5条,这意味着公司支付全额 gt Government compensates payment in full As for meaning of this speech of Minister of State ↑ Akamatsu Don t you think the meaning payment in full of having 1 5 trader burdens of processing cost of the domestic animal which has become the object of destroying

                                                                                                        • 这些都是一些请求,作为州长的,你也会在承担全额奖学金,(2))之间的差额估值津贴 5和疑似病例(1,如果麦克风支付的宫崎县,我认为你是填充在全省税前债务,特别交付税全额拨款1 With being the case that it is said as for these according to demand of the governor payment in full state expenditure being borne the ru Furthermore It is as been 2 Concerning the assessed amount of the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals and the balance 1 5 of the treatment gold when Miyazaki prefecture bears managing payment in full with special delivery tax in the general affairs ministry Delivery tax being done forward fall the ru it is it isn t
                                                                                                          • 首先,第一个嫌疑人。 。政府终于在驱动tTA宰杀牲畜的个人信仰,如果在他们的部长,因为他们感到焦虑和匆忙,实现真正的疫苗的吸收,我是不设防的索纳 First first doubt It responds and destroying the domesticated fowl and animals at the time of the belief of the individual of the minister of state in the tsu is government At last to become aware in actuality and be flurried and at the point in time when in vaccine intake it becomes frantic be cautious passing with thing the so

                                                                                                        • 这是在宫崎县的549毒液和同情照顾,但你,我做了一半了该基金的他们来说是有点莫名其妙 并获得其他县市也提供了一流的精子也赔偿我们已经有了仍是受害者!什么是设立一个基金,并 549 That it was unfortunate in Miyazaki as for sympathy however it does Because the fund it made although you say that half put out the just a little neck it can tilt … It can have also the powerful spermatozoon of other prefecture offering and although also damage compensation is done Still we are victim what With fund facilities standing …
                                                                                                          • 所以,你可以计算一英里作Reyo基金,你的意思呢?如果你不能计算赔偿,使基金 米的数额?这不是愚蠢吗?如果补偿是赔偿的计算Waranakere结束,但我出来,要到该基金设立 It cannot calculate if the fund make swiftly Therefore this what It cannot calculate the compensation if making the fund “ ” What Something would like to say
                                                                                                          • 这是一个在宫崎和同情,但毒害你的心灵,我做了一半了该基金的他们来说是有点莫名其妙 并获得其他县市也提供了一流的精子也赔偿我们已经有了仍是受害者!什么是设立一个基金,并 1 That it was unfortunate in Miyazaki as for sympathy however it does Because the fund it made although you say that half put out the just a little neck it can tilt … It can have also the powerful spermatozoon of other prefecture offering and although also damage compensation is done Still we are victim what With fund facilities standing …

                                                                                                        • 这里是一个修正 后立即研究所引进,日夜奋战在动物健康研究是一个新的销售收入○考虑到,不能支持,才恢复营业。保险发给非用户可以惠及更多的业务 It corrects here ○ Also the rear of the introducing the sleeplessness non 休 at once even in the new domestic animal hygienic research institute to consider the fact that circulation income cannot be obtained before the reopening Management support Also cooperative business delivers the insurance money to the not yet member
                                                                                                          • 我们聘请愚弄山田家庭。我是他们的家伙,民团机构?山田硬就像你不脏瓦特盖多的,因为它形成小泽学校 Being employed Yamada s foolishly the ru house They are the people of business group and people group don t you think Hardship way w Therefore as for Yamada s outside road to be Ozawa group don t you think all enterprises it is dirty
                                                                                                          • 的支持,一直致力于Tamotsu的场病研究部国际动物卫生研究所在我的白天和黑夜,它更多的“动物。新闻测试”没有0 103顷报告已 Focusing on the overseas illness division of research of the sleeplessness non 休 all it corresponds place even in the pad domesticated fowl and animals hygienic research institute It increased but that as for details “the domestic animal It is as reported to test news” No 103
                                                                                                          • 这房子Shikere易后。预防。弹出一个非商业用户以及相互保险,因为他们写了什么地方?如果你是幸运和宗教埃泰 If after it may House Anti Also cooperative business provides the insurance money to the not yet member about It is written somewhere probably will be When you can teach it is fortunate
                                                                                                          • 这是完全不同的特殊。除了补偿是说两次来补偿牲畜分 In other words to here various special It is other than compensation furthermore to designate the compensation of domestic animal amount as 2 times
                                                                                                          • 这里是一个修正 动物后,立即采用新的是不能销售收入○考虑,在恢复业务的支持。互助补助金 It corrects here ○ Also the rear of the introducing the sleeplessness non 休 at once even in the new domestic animal hygienic research institute to consider the fact that circulation income cannot be obtained before the reopening Management support Also cooperative business delivers the insurance money to the not yet member
                                                                                                          • 门牌685。预防。投保者受益,如不能重建费用越来越多的企业()和苏加出来的 685 Well the house Anti Whether also cooperative business provides the insurance money reconstruction cost and the like to the not yet member that

                                                                                                        • 首先,应该是什么责任的县知事,县因失误我应该辞职,宫崎

                                                                                                          • (问详细的手线) 进程状态的杀害了“县农场,一个先遣队人员进入城市后,我们达到了自卫队人员和兽医工作的 Listener Path conscientiousness As for circumstances of destroying job The staff of the prefecture and town after entering as a advance element the veterinarian teacher and the self protecting soldier undertook job “in the farm

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                                                                                                            研究 開発