“Atomic bomb dropping, it was correct naturally”, “in the United States apologizing the atomic bomb”…In peaceful ceremony attendance of [enora] gay captain bereaved family and American ambassador unpleasant impression ★7
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -斯奈普- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -日本军,不久后,以促进其新的开始我或 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Omission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Japanese army, after that immediately, started advertising the new order
128 社会“,强奸,杀人反正苏,”前日本军人,证明了自己的性犯罪 ★琦玉“战争现实的,”前日本士兵的后代,犯罪作证的军事“,以减少秸秆切割机即使只有颈部记者,我将在这样的驱动tTA头的中国 128 “If how the se you kill the rape” former Japanese soldier characteristic crime of oneself testimony… Saitama “The actual condition of war” in future Testifying the characteristic crime of the former Japanese soldier and the troop “You held down the neck to the cutter which cuts the straw and attached like this did and cut the neck of the Chinese it is
1998年大爆炸(放松金融管制),后来,日本金融机构,国际金融资本和销售酒类的瀑布在美国金融危机 98 annuity molten big vans (financial flexible regulation) later, as for the financial institution of Japan, pouring sale of American type international finance capital It falls to financial crisis
1小时20分钟前港日本袭击珍珠港告诉我,633是一种沉淀我和海洋动力的潜艇舰队的高未经宣战,美国 633 1 hours of Pearl Harbor attack 20 minutes ago as for Japan with the United States Fleet Being able to sink the submarine with the declaration of war non dying public sea but the ru it is
即使在英国公布了该地区的飞机加油,Guriya继续勘探,并认为德国潜艇攻击Guriya The English troop machine for refueling that place after leaving as for guriya because it continued the inquiry as for the German submarine gripped attack in guriya
20世界。大压迫的平民。骑马位收到的,真正的总统杜鲁门5 4 3希特勒斯大林毛泽东5 1 2杀害许多政治家现在的事实是只有我吗? 20 worlds Civilian large 虐 It received riding to tell the truth was just Japan it is The politician best which large number kills the fact 5 1 Stalin 2 Mao Tse tung 3 Hitler President 4 Truman 5 someone is good
针对平民的重大压迫443。骑马位接受,但事实上,真正的书籍were m只是没有你在日本教 443 With opposition civilian large 虐 It received riding to tell the truth was just Japan it is The fact you do not teach the textbook
2。全部政府之间的合作,瞄准英国和美国在发展和军事用途的核商业用途,将会继续,除非协议终止 2 The atomic energy perfection between the English and both nations government which aims toward military purpose and the fact that it develops intended because of commerce If cooperation is not stopped by agreement it continues
44军国主义,特别政治警察,压迫制度,我并不是说我反对战争中的 44
Militarism, the special high police, as for we, the forced draft kind of system which war opposition how cannot be said
675无论如何,世界其他因为有一个核反应的东西太人性和道德上太危险,如果事情,看起来像句子,以悲伤过度,真正的核我还将有权接受恐怖主义Kanemasen严重损害 675 In any case because there is a nucleus in the world of the partner excessively humanity and opposing morally The fact that it does it is too dangerous it forces even excessively and if it does kind of that grudge is applied truly It is not unable to become either to receive serious damage with nuclear terrorism
道歉是一种道德的人谁,认识到道德附表 The partner on recognizes apology ethically and morally
705很不幸,我可以这么做,阿拉伯人将可能不斗气,苦了,我收到这么梁还必须花时间来采取报复不管如何恐怖分子的核攻击,美国的穆斯林不幸的是容易觉得非常高 705 Regrettable perhaps it becomes so don t you think the Arabian person deep attachment is deep as for the grudge which so it puts out receives Even if how even with spending time by all means it takes revenge so is die the Islamic system which is America As for the possibility of receiving the nuclear terrorist attack by the terrorist regrettable you think that it is very high
他们曾是伊朗的敌人已经完全从伊拉克和核电厂的技术创造出更完成,我认为需要100年才能采取报复 Because even the nuclear power plant Iraq and Iran which is the technology which is made were turned to the enemy completely You think that the party 100 years being required does vengeance and accomplishes
751美国战争的良好法治与原爆落的城市,一个特殊的,不要这么一个平民的大屠杀呢?嗯,我高兴的是,夷为平地,攻击导弹,美国在反对核战争,稍装模作样国家追随美国和其他地方 751 The atomic bomb to drop in the town you are possible the American war the civilian however much have slaughtered and say and being special rule When America the country of somewhere becomes next war With the nuclear missile of perplexity swift attack it is possible to designate the American all earth as the scorched earth it is
当我击落飞行海拔777如果美国对核武器。 came ll降序坚持从天空闪耀的志位或者,它是来自海大男子主义的人: 777 When the nucleus how it throws to the American partner the raising holding which is downed Instead the indomitable stick falling from the sky The old boy of mukimuki comes from the sea
NULL The Nanjing holocaust dispute 300 000 person or more Grandchild 巍 The Jiangsu economical social sciences institute research worker high Ancestor founder Nanjing university professor the Nanjing holocaust period sense mansion and the Taipei city state troop historical civilization mansion etc Slaughter negative theory vision theory Tadaaki Tanaka Former Takushoku University lecturer Shudo Higasinakano Asia University professor Minoru Kitamura Ritsumeikan University Professor Tomizawa complex trust Japanese “Nanjing” academic society director you flatter 羅 Kenichi closely today the history researcher victory Oka Hiroshi next Myojo University after the war education history research center Watabe Noboru one university emeritus professor Sophia Nakagawa eight ocean university emeritus professor Tsukuba ↑ Japanese tsu temporary www Way the nip does not recognize the Nanjing holocaust America the Asian solution of justice Blast Lifetime it continues to support theory
30●孙子万人辩论南京大屠杀。隆(江苏省社会科学研究院)高。乔(南京工业大学)南京大屠杀纪念馆,否认谋杀理论理论●奇怪的历史和文化博物馆,台北国民军和正明田中(拓殖前教师),宗教Higashinakano教授(亚洲大学),实北村(教授,立命馆大学) ,富泽重信(日本,“南京”协会董事),阿里镭Keniti(现代历史学家),以下寛胜冈(明生中心的教育新历史战后),渡边Shiyouiti(名誉教授,上智大学),浩中川八(筑波大学名誉教授 The Nanjing holocaust dispute 300 000 person or more Grandchild 巍 The Jiangsu economical social sciences institute research worker high Ancestor founder Nanjing university professor the Nanjing holocaust period sense mansion and the Taipei city state troop historical civilization mansion etc Slaughter negative theory vision theory Tadaaki Tanaka Former Takushoku University lecturer Shudo Higasinakano Asia University professor Minoru Kitamura Ritsumeikan University Professor Tomizawa complex trust Japanese “Nanjing” academic society director you flatter 羅 Kenichi closely today the history researcher victory Oka Hiroshi next Myojo University after the war education history research center Watabe Noboru one university emeritus professor Sophia Nakagawa eight ocean university emeritus professor Tsukuba ↑ Japanese tsu temporary www Way the nip does not recognize the Nanjing holocaust America the Asian solution of justice Blast Lifetime it continues to support theory
NULL ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt Strategic bombardment as for doing the past About America Germany England Japan The Guernica bombardment by the German troop It depends on the Japanese military it is heavy Bombardment The Rotterdam bombardment by the German troop The Dresden bombardment by the allied forces Tokyo skies attacking by the US military A bomb dropping to the Hiroshima Nagasaki by the US military Bombardment to the Ho Chi Minh route by the US military The north blast by the US military Aerial bombing to the Serbia all earth with NATO The ▽ lt it is heavy The ho incendiary bomb it has in bombardment change Considerably it was done long term on a large scale The first campaign of Zero and set land attack
NULL ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt Strategic bombardment as for doing the past About America Germany England Japan The Guernica bombardment by the German troop It depends on the Japanese military it is heavy Bombardment The Rotterdam bombardment by the German troop The Dresden bombardment by the allied forces Tokyo skies attacking by the US military A bomb dropping to the Hiroshima Nagasaki by the US military Bombardment to the Ho Chi Minh route by the US military The north blast by the US military Aerial bombing to the Serbia all earth with NATO The ▽ lt it is heavy The ho incendiary bomb it has in bombardment change Considerably it was done long term on a large scale The first campaign of Zero and set land attack
“南瓜”是长崎原子弹“胖子”,身体很快翻译播放音频10000磅TNT炸药填充。圆柱形炸弹“模拟”的武器是真实的,即使 As for “pumpkin” in the same frame as Nagasaki atomic bomb “fat man” TNT gun powder
It is cool 10,000 pound. “The simulation” saying with the cartridge bomb, it is the genuine killing and wounding weapon
东京空袭和轰炸,闹剧,是一个虎头蛇尾的国家毋庸置疑的胜利者,在东京审判这是一个弥天大罪或平民的大屠杀明显 But Tokyo skies attacking and atomic bomb dropping are major crime with mass slaughter of the clear civilian With farce of the responsible escaping of victorious country Tokyo judgment it has become ignoring
欧盟国家在东京审判“,我很Bibirashita有罪,由”日本“艾 At Tokyo judgment bibi such as combined each country “we it seems it is empty guilt” The Japanese “meeting
主张“日本报纸犯罪信息孤岛”路透高山广済堂出版seventy - One与271 P有TTP的:/ / www.tamanegiya.com / aqmerika19.10.23的。html Abbreviation “Information national isolation Japan Crime” Takayama Tadayuki author of newspaper 廣 end hall publication p 17 〇 - 172
ttp: //www.tamanegiya.com/aqmerika19.10.23. html
什么是最后一根稻草不是来得早辜?你也不要忘了越南战争是长期Sousou凯塔 It cannot finish this quickly it is So you forget also such long Vietnam War and the chi ya are not good probably will be
这是最后一根稻草人类必须把战争的问题刚刚作为同盟国 That must finish war simply as United Nations it was the problem
什么是长崎的原子弹轰炸100滨崎步弓弦战时曼哈顿计划是一项科学实验和日本在日本,以此来检查本州广岛和长崎登陆部队轰炸苏联与原子战略轰炸是没有任何意义了 The Japanese and Manhattan Project which designates the Japanese as the laboratory-table
Nagasaki atomic bomb dropping as a wartime scientific experiment
Hundred steps transferring, the atomic bomb dropping to Hiroshima meaning of restraint to the Hokkaido of the Soviet troop & main island landing
As, as for strategic meaning it does not exist altogether to the atomic bomb dropping to Nagasaki
你已经得到了日本舰队的炮火摧毁,几乎没有空军 The Japanese Combined Fleet is devastating with the Leyte open sea sea fight and, also the air strength is nil
例如说,与此相反,同情,移情,你们之间的感情,对人的暴力刹车 Speaking conversely as for the feeling sympathy sympathy and love atrocity of the human the brake
男子,同情,移情,感觉没有感情,成为一个彻底无情 The human the finish is accustomed to the object where sympathy sympathy and love are not felt coldheartedly
军队炸弹Nakattaro和智慧在这里只家伙比我预期晚瑞纳美国人我会说这样愚蠢的东西永远放弃或结束战争尽快梅塔2原子单位和道歉错误Tteta凯塔,但许多日本人民重新考虑美国鳕鱼 Only the atomic bomb the ro which is not As for the army two atomic bombs dropping it hastened termination of war that Being such a foolish thing forever the ru American Above expecting intelligence lag party shelf As for here it is by mistake with apologizing the cod Although the Japanese who takes a second look America it was many
皇帝决定向伙伴国死你说要解雇Tteta军队轰炸Nakattaro一个光荣的死像一万把基地,但我也一直在试图减少死亡和光荣的死就像两个原子弹 The partner 100 000 000 death for honor says is the base foreign house with the bamboo spear Decides to the emperor only the atomic bomb the ro which is not The army has done two atomic bombs being dropped it will die for honor that to do
聪明的家伙在这里比我预想的晚瑞纳美国人我会说这样愚蠢的东西永远重新考虑或结束战争尽快爆落元原,美国和日本的道歉,如果我错了Tteta凯塔,但也有许多 The atomic bomb dropping it hastened termination of war that Being such a foolish thing forever the ru American Above expecting intelligence lag party shelf As for here it is by mistake with apologizing the cod Although the Japanese who takes a second look America it was many
萨克使用的东西我做的是,我的炸弹发生了一些事情的正确使用 It is correct to use those which it made The lever where those which were made in order to use accidentally are the atomic bomb
原因是进行了大屠杀平民的轰炸下的最后一场决定媲美纳粹大屠杀是一个同性恋的机器人从伊诺拉的船长 Because the captain of [enoragei] was the robot
The civilian holocaust which is a match to the Nazis hollow coast
It is the meaning which lowers actual place last decision and carries out atomic bomb dropping
国家动员法工艺在该国及平房在科赫系统也在这里,从此我会说,做工作,抓住一个模糊线和非战斗人员战斗的论点 This with [kotsuchi] in country of indoor system manual industry total mobilization method and combatant
You do and/or are the fact that drawing of the noncombatant is unclear the empty
埃诺拉盖伊试点的幸存者和炸弹后裔的原子,它只会是一个正确的 And for the descendant and the bereaved family of [enora] gay captain as for atomic bomb dropping
It probably is correct thing what
如果我们没有生活在美国的对日战争中罕见的庞的良心研究。在越南,整个帝国将用尽竟烧 If in the toward Japan war compunction of conscience was not born in the United States
In. Vietnam probably conflagrates all earth empire
如果没有正当理由也是首次确认一块,考虑对执行挂起的报复你让日本的相当于612我在疯狂的犹太人巴勒斯坦知道选择是否 612 The way of the justification which does not have Japan or solving the reservation of retaliation the fragment of the consideration for execution certainly in that Palestine unreasonable the selection people consciousness which has been done The wa which is equal to the Judean person
请问这样做的理由,甚至当他们的核攻击美国的行动有权利运行你让苏报复日本举行 America so doing your own mushroom it justifies forever If Japan solving the reservation of retaliation it has the right to translate into action
如果这是有道理的,但被杀害熄灭的硫磺岛士兵也鲁兵,每百万驱动tTA拯救平民和美军整个你让一个女人岁的儿童,他们说,你知道我会削减和 If you say that the soldier it disappeared the sulphur island also easily however you can agree upon the woman offering accompanying old person every to slaughter roundly solving The civilian was rescued at the US military 1 000 000 unit that you can declare therefore it is well
不知怎的,我不知道棕榈种瓦特)平民士兵(或普通士兵的衣服可能是罕见的,以至于它包括对平民的屠杀 Whether yashi which does not know it is soldier what it is civilian what flight the robe soldier w while killing The extent shelf perhaps the civilian was included
如果这是有道理的,但与儿童熄灭硫磺岛士兵还滚装船,救援驱动tTA你发了万美军屠杀整个老年妇女,他们说,你知道我会削减和 If you say that the soldier it disappeared the sulphur island also easily however you can agree upon the woman offering accompanying old person every to slaughter roundly solving The civilian was rescued at the US military 1 000 000 unit that you can declare therefore it is well
我一般,10万平民在广岛和不愿意道歉,你在东京长崎惊人屠宰单位 Generally it is enormous there is no air where at 100 000 unit Tokyo and Hiroshima it slaughters the civilian with Nagasaki and solves and apologizes
威平冈弘(三岛)1943年8月20日,从Humihiko信吾妻 Hiraoka public dignity (Yukio Mishima)
1943 August 20th, from the letter to east Fumihiko
希特勒,但是,对德国海军,海军对美国的攻击力量避免彻已经下令自卫,罗斯福Hikkakaranakatta陷阱 But Hitler avoids the attack to the US military warship vis a vis the German navy that you persist in self protection we have ordered it was not caught to Roosevelt s trap
那么,大米和烤无情地支付Ttetarou Terya首次成功地在日本发展,我是怎么道歉陷阱 The ma Japan succeeding in development first it burns the United States without ri ya pardon and has paid the wax to do the trap which is not this ya which you apologize
广岛是一个军事基地,并放弃有史以来第一颗原子弹的杜鲁门和原子弹轰炸不是少数非战斗伤亡 Atomic bomb dropping and Truman
The fact that it was dropped into Hiroshima where the first A-bomb in history is the base was in order to decrease being killed or being injured of the noncombatant,
广岛轰炸静止不接受日本已经被击败,一旦工作已在all,你需要的不是救赎原子弹的手段as 1 ü如下的美国人的生活,不能多说武器排减得到一个震惊世界的意见,得到,但可以用来避免变速箱,Kerubeki Hiroshima has not received air raid yet Japan has already been defeated when the atomic bomb completes that completely there is no necessity say By the fact that the weapon which even unnecessary can already be said as the expedient which rescues the life of the American next it is used When the fact that impact is given to international public opinion should be avoided it conveyed
不接受轰炸广岛仍然很容易检查军事力量广岛原子弹的军队,和弹药的工厂集中,我还是离开了他们,而不中断 Hiroshima had not received air raid was easy to verify the power of the atomic bomb yet The troop the military establishments the munitions factory is intensive on Hiroshima those are not destroyed yet It remained
美国情报官员,而不是对日本使用原子弹,因为不可能考虑到苏联的建议的机会,比赛的人是反对美国政府 As for the American information authorities person way the atomic bomb is not used vis a vis Japan In addition in order not to give the opportunity of participation to the Soviet Union we should advise vis a vis the American government
首先,日本已经被打败了,在原子弹不需要在所有的生命,为U救济的一种手段,以美国为以下方面峨由于武器的影响世界舆论的使用can be说没有再传说埃塔Kerubeki避免 First Japan has already been defeated as for the atomic bomb that completely there is no necessity say By the fact that the weapon which even unnecessary can already be said as the expedient which rescues the life of the American next is used When the fact that impact is given to international public opinion should be avoided it conveyed
我们想着与成效的这口井可以不认为许多人来说,如果有故障导致的理由Tchuu核不扩散制度,which Tchuu rest只支撑力量,和灵魂这个故事只是为了掩盖没有好 Well concerning effectiveness commenting this in various ways there probably is also argument but If nuclear non spread system it comes to the point of the tsu chi yu u thing causing failure even with respect to obligations After by strength this just is supported the tsu chi yu u just becomes the story which the body or the cover is not to do
美国音频Eenaa胡扯!没有一个人有一个坏的“核”从泰尤我要去借口坏,我将做它悄悄地骑 The chi tsu chi e to obtain America Because someone is bad “the nuclear weapon” badness saying without it has made the righteousness obligations which are said therefore it is saying nothing riding
我会站在那里的美国军队,和所谓的原子弹爆炸的“炸弹广岛和长崎,南瓜被称为”“模拟炸弹”我有很多日本投资 As for the US military preceding the atomic bomb dropping to the Hiroshima Nagasaki however the ru alias “pumpkin bomb” and call It is discovered the “simulated atomic bomb” it is to have dropped to Japan in large quantities
我站在那里的美军轰炸广岛和长崎等要求,被称为“南瓜炸弹”“模拟炸弹”我有很多日本投资 As for the US military preceding the atomic bomb dropping to the Hiroshima Nagasaki however the ru alias “pumpkin bomb” and call It is discovered the “simulated atomic bomb” it is to have dropped to Japan in large quantities
我离开了一个令人吃惊的糖果波季编号:suehWW4Y马雷极点这里Ntsukyouso洗脑教育 The [amepochi] left flank shelf which should be surprised ID: suehWW4Y
Become extreme brainwashing education here of Nitukiyou group the [ri
我过早结束战争没有轰炸,美国军方说,傲慢自大的嚣张气焰,高因为日本没有把黄蜂人已经死亡,以便将充实 Atomic bomb dropping did not hasten war conclusion and the [te], as for the US military there was no expectation the deceased coming out so
Because the Japanese is not regarded the person, very the speech which it is possible
Being arrogant, WASP which is proud and thrills
投入方式的问题,Shinee是不小的点差Ttena迫使道歉来自于人民,他们认为一 It is not understood is but Therefore with saying in the person who is not thought that it did bad thing Coercing apology it is meaningless die obtaining
事实上,我不道歉,求我你是从日本不要?现在,我独自离开杜克阿米莉亚 Actually being the case that you apologize it is not sought even from Japan even when without it is with to do the yo Already to be relieved ame public
投掷炸弹。韩国政府赔偿笔芯→→→美国众议院南众议院决议谴责日本道歉。论述 Atomic bomb throwing. Apologizes -> the House of Representatives Japan criticism resolution -> the Korean the compensation substitution [ri] -> government. Conversation
无论任何人的意图成为一个“打击”会死,因为如果你觉得我讨厌驱动tTA Regardless of even in someone s intention the mere “splash” it dies being if is As for you probably think that it is hateful
无论任何人的意图成为一个“打击”会认为我讨厌死驱动tTA Regardless of even in someone s intention the mere “splash” it dies being if is As for you probably think that it is hateful
日本的经济实力和被拉美后院的实际经验,并说美国帝国是一个有点奇怪Waranai As for economic power Japan Central and South America countries and the substance which were called the back court of the American emperor do not change excessively
日本要袭击珍珠港宣战的战争从,一项声明缓慢手井差异 After Japan declaration of war, it was the intention of attacking Pearl Harbor, but
Declaration of war was late with failure
最近的报纸,也没有国见Warota批准的国家在奥斯陆签署的条约 It does not come, is in the newspaper, the country which is not made the country in the Oslo treaty having signed & ratifying seeing, the [wa] [ro] it is
然而,尽管古铁形成一个系列“的有关条款向冲绳战役和冲绳时报,琉球新报,美国军方报告和时间获得的证词和新居民”(不是铁风暴较长风暴抗体“在没有增加,毫无疑问,梁得出结论,集体自决Detchi军命没有实地调查,”说 However while writing the serialization article which it is related to Okinawa game with Okinawa taimusu and the Ryukyu new information etc testimony of the new inhabitant and Without it procures the US military report and the like as for “ the storm of the iron is not the thing which doubts “the storm of the iron” long the locale investigating the group suicide with troop life the apprentice It reached to the conclusion that” it lifted that you say
然而,尽管古形式的调查领域的一系列相关文章的冲绳战役和冲绳时报,琉球新报,美国军方报告,也没有取得的证词和新居民“(铁风暴)我们的结论是梁仍然在Detchi军命集体自决“的 However while writing the serialization article which it is related to Okinawa game with Okinawa taimusu and the Ryukyu new information etc testimony of the new inhabitant and Without it procures the US military report and the like as for “ the storm of the iron is not the thing which doubts “the storm of the iron” long the locale investigating the group suicide with troop life the apprentice It reached to the conclusion that” it lifted that you say
编号:fQz6uX / c0的味噌侵蚀你的大脑的辐射污染小男孩 ID: fQz6uX/c0
The brain seeing [so] being damaged in the radiation contamination substance of the Little boy, the [ru
缩写(“逻辑是杀害”朝日新闻每年由本田Shiyouiti 8 791),以报复美军士兵杀害83萨马尔站在,莱特岛的居民,在这个岛上2000000人和大屠杀,死亡1200万人 Abbreviation (“The logical Honda Masaru one work the side which is killed” Asahi Shimbun 1978 publication) Abbreviation
200,000 person killed e.g., in the retaliation to which 38 American soldiers kill with the [samaru] island, a little more than inhabitant 20,000 of this island and the Leyte island the person is slaughtered,
美国中央情报局世界上最大的恐怖组织,谋杀世界各地,扰乱了政府,而不是贩毒和恐怖活动的行工具叛乱,呆板,下降了第三世界的内战到了绝望和贫困的底部 You assassinated world's largest terrorist organization CIA, at the many places of the world, such as administration turning over and civil war construction drug illicit sale terrorist activity, in civil war and poverty pierced the third world on bottom of despair and dropped
美国曾表示,要付诸行动的强大力量和消失,尽快为他们赢得了对话的about competition in Show details他一个良好的强有力的人要谈战争的原则,以一对典型的是一种行为的所有弱,强语言是不是一个强大的国家,他们有他们的项目没有 1 Typical war principle person About the person who wishes to talk the fighter the dispute is liked When it stops being able to win with conversation appearing in military force conduct directly you talk the fighter As for America doing unless an entirely behavior of the weak there is strong item the country which cannot talk the fighter
如果你真的想DQN美国失控塞板,你会不会挑战昆虫侵略者武装以为他们将继续战斗 If being serious we would like to stop the reckless driving of America DQN with military force either idea invasion or Fight only is challenged probably will be
美国身份(菲律宾)“两年(至5月的○九一年1)谁杀了600 100人,16万吕宋立场 The American natural shape (the Philippines)
“Two years (19 〇) the Luzon island inhabitant to May of one Abbreviation 610,006 〇 〇 〇 person is killed
美国,为了证明自己的轰炸,我尝试与人类制造的南京大屠杀,731部队 As for America, in order for you to justify your own atomic bomb dropping,
Human body experiment of the Nanjing holocaust and 731 units it is the fabrication red sandal wood, don't you think?
自豪的是,美国投下的原子弹下降螨不是“什么?只带回了,原子弹“我prouud事实 ”你说什么?这些人是没有胆量向我们 Still America the atomic bomb thinks that dropping is dropped in pride” What Turning away the eye to the fact which the atomic bomb brings “I m prouud of When” is Though as for and others it is dense there is no spirit is
与此同时,1945年8月6日小男孩广岛投下 Among such the Little boy being dropped in Hiroshima 1945 August 6th
有没有必要坚持,有很多次,你说我真的很积极,并继续骂他是正确的东西,他们说,美国原子弹只有思想积极不螨 Still America passing atomic bomb dropping correctly the tsu Continuing to say however the ru when it is correct truly speaking correctly It is not necessary no time to insist
第一次战争的地方是从第二次世界战争造成的一切我也为各国为联合国日(或相当的战争,所以基本上),萨克我认为它必须是积极的或前一月美国人轰炸我们 In the first place the second next great war in America very very in Japan It was the war which is righteousness therefore it is with you say or basically war entirely so The American is atomic bomb dropping as for thinking that it is correct thing natural
要采取参加第二次世界大战,德国691潜艇跟踪,或者在美国潜艇袭击商船,美洲北部湾事件,或911,或不火的种子种植从他总是 691 In order to participate to the second next great war the German submarine was pursued the American merchant ship was made to attack to that submarine when the Tonkin bay incident or 911 America by all means have sown the kind of fire by your
德国潜艇跟踪美国军用飞机驱逐舰Guriya据报道,英国的立场,深弹攻击 US military destroyer guriya pursued the German submarine informed the position to the English troop machine could point to depth charge attack
这意味着什么,是日本帝国陆军被强奸,“美国驻日本大使希弗说话[03 / 17]◇”绑架的士兵不能支持“美国大使警告说,慰安妇问题 In other words, you were raped to the former Japanese Army, it means that” The sea fur stop Japanese-American ambassador talks, [03/17]
* “You cannot kidnap cannot support” that warning With victory girl problem American stop Nippon University use
这是一个全球性的金融资本的金融诈保持世界各地的美军基地和战争继续和美国帝国。我们用来支付 As for this, war continuation of American emperor and the US military base maintenance of the world and circulation of money of American type international finance capital 詐. It is used in the assistant 填
这是我父亲的儿子“表演”是一件好事,因为我吸吮和世界的乐趣从戳 NULL
2分钟后,他们的目标包括驱动tTA吸玛丽塔拍摄日公布的美国球员 NULL
铃木贯太郎内阁7月26日1945年美国,英国,但是忽略来自中国的枪接受波茨坦宣言的要求,轰炸造成的 Suzuki Kantarou Cabinet, on 1945 July 26th in the Potsdam declaration acceptance request from America, England and China
Confronting, the cancer/gun ignoring, cause of atomic bomb dropping
防止Gutame万士兵死好了,我想尽快结束这场战争很快古 In order sled [ya] American soldiers 1,000,000 to prevent the fact that it dies, when moment you want to conclude war quickly
陆军公告,以照顾一百万死于原子弹爆炸的光荣死,因为我愿意和能够打击 The army after the atomic bomb dropping put out 100,000,000 death for honor, the air which war is done fully was, therefore it is,
飞行员和轰炸,杜鲁门总统下令原子弹爆炸了(四)联同更多的日本人也不笨 The atomic bomb President Truman who produces the captain and the atomic bomb dropping order which are dropped (the Democratic party) with
The extent which is made simultaneous, the fool there is no Japanese
鲑容易花的钱,军事等实验,不like m想轰炸伤亡美国,你可以是我最落分别与原来的250爆 250 Almost it does with the soldier also the tsu te different from the atomic bomb falling the yo Because even on the American side ru thing was disliked with the killed and wounded Combining also experiment easily with the atomic bomb it probably will finish
808 Ganbare爆落,我想向美国的原 808 gt The atomic bomb in America the wa which we would like to drop Persevering
如果你真的想积极的骂,原子弹纪念馆来,我说S的凝视着他们的 If you think that the ho it is with it was correct coming to the atomic bomb commemoration data mansion after you looking with at your own present callous properly call
它的左,右翼的和平活动人士说,44 W“的下跌也帮助了原子弹,那么, 44 Call that to the left flank peace movement go getter w Therefore “being dropped the atomic bomb there is no ginger
容易花了原子弹casualties m钱鲑实验想当讨厌美国军事人员等能轰炸我和你最什么区别250 250 Almost it does with the soldier also the tsu te different from the atomic bomb the yo Because even on the American side ru thing was disliked with the killed and wounded Combining also experiment easily with the atomic bomb it probably will finish
谁可以看到某处制空权,就不能驱动tTA美国大陆土地使用制海权原子弹担保 Someone considered as the do tsu Guarantees control of the air and control of the sea the United States which Because the mainland it cannot land the atomic bomb you just used
,这是”交谈 Assuming that gt and atomic bomb dropping war conclusion early rescued the life of the many people “naturally it is correct gt Thing was done” you said
此外,原子弹结束战争很快我,当然驱动tTA拯救许多人的生活“的,它必须是积极的”和故事 In addition assuming that atomic bomb dropping war conclusion early rescued the life of the many people “naturally it is correct Thing was done” you said