159真的,我是一个魔鬼 他们被告知这样做的官员瓦特公众也指出,以刺激建筑业,建造业的官员正在做什么特别的 159 The ho it is with they are the fellows ogre domesticated fowl and animals w Also the constructive industry the point is let do in order to lift Just the government employee does not do at all As for staff of especially constructive industry
这样做,他可以在很多Tteta驴不吸吮甜汁?或建造业,特别是官方的故事 So by the fact that it does inhales the sweet juice also the person is many don t you think it is Authorized personnel of especially constructive industry
15:右根小高中化学教师永田29(凶手的父亲)和一个小右根。兴(24)2谋杀工程学院,大阪纵火,据称开展学校(兵库县高后的第一个波)和潜Shimosanjōchō兵库县神户,兵库Shimosanjōchō三层美浓美50小右根淖从母亲科比在家庭法院koune美浓回宇从一个小老师的门上的杀手我巴基斯坦航空公司她。阿姨家在日本的韩国50,应该燃烧 15 29 Osada high school chemical teacher small space large house root actual father of murderer with small space large house root Interest 24 arson homicide execution offense Osaka University manufacture department Graduate school 2 after the Hyogo high school soldier finishing one 浪 concealment to Sanjo Cho under the Kobe Hyogo Ku With mother of the bearing 3rd floor of Sanjo Cho under small space large house root nao beauty 50 Hyogo Ku Mother small space large house of bearing the Pia Co Ltd of koune tsu te nameplate of the Kobe Family Court reverse side of building teacher homicidal maniac Old lady 50 The resident Korean family should commit suicide the burning body
残留。消防运行。新英格兰令人发指的凶手小。兴(N和阅读它和各种方式,),我知道我的儿子是个杀手,他们吃了什么叫警察多次东西,看什么Wanu食物,教学因为他们采取 Remainder Execution of arson Atrocious homicidal maniac small space large house root Don t you think interest like this with every it does With you read it calls many times to the police with thing 喰 and others the tsu te Knowing that his own son is the homicidal maniac the te what the face which you do not eat doing because you take the pointer
182吧? ? ? ? ? Nukashi问:什么? ? ? ? ?税? ? ? ? ?金,谁得到百分之百的公务员是不是公务员,但我付税Makiageta广大市民从,他们只是拉老百姓真正的区别仅希望看到Makiageta税税款由公众我不支付 182 haa What it has omitted Tax payment But as for the gold which the government employee has received from the 100 ordinary citizen the firewood the tax which was lifted It did not mean that the government employee has paid from the general people the firewood from the tax which was lifted Just you have deducted in order to show in the same way as the general people You do not pay substance and tax
日本现在公务员的工资和奖金,即使加税,并从消费者s遣散费会 Because current Japan keeps going out increasing taxes in salary and the bonus and the retirement lump sum grant of the government employee
民主瓦兰公职人员方面的东西,人们宁愿做任何一方可奇怪的自由 In regard to the thing of the government employee Democracy Our people what the strange straw is Is possibility the party of everyone who the better shelf
1(年龄,工龄,职称,教育)和,乙(月工资,一次性),苏指出,在100多名员工对齐6元 a (age and seniority, the position and educational background) with, b (monthly giving, temporarily the gold)
It points to the place where the employee where 6 variables are even is 100 or more
22ヽ ll是你的工作速度? ¯布鲁诺无偿加班只是感谢哦 NULL
二十二分之七百九十二ヽ 咖啡隐藏的子 ·ω· 咖啡隐藏儿童。布鲁诺 °能剧哦 NULL
297不能带回家,Niko的婚姻不会甚至增加 297 The person whom it cannot have either the house cannot do either marriage increasing the ru it is the ze which is
理解? “Kaz m不是”我不再见! “Tteru租金只留下” You understand “Making the ru ” it is it is not it is the ze which is “Leaving receiving the ru ” just
480为什么?我叫日Tatemae法治国家 480
With something?
As for Japan the constitutional government national [tsu] [te] there is [tatemae] which says, it is the [ze] which is
579在税收和排除Kishimen,是啊有一到一堆机器,而不是什么Nukashi 579
In tax doing to pull out, what it omits and takes
When there is a machine of the change, the one can obtain,
647相反,警察工作薪酬或津贴,或少年,它的业务需求?瓦正常范围内的兰花 647
The change, boy guidance treatment or police/policing and others job treatment the [ro] w which is main point viewing
Usually inside the range of business
884公务员是终身制,如果没有问题,他们定的最低标准,不论经济需要的蛋糕发射即刻扣不低于一定标准给予欢快方法 884
If allowance of the government employee locks with minimum standard regardless of to business, there is no problem
When it does not give status guarantee and is less than fixed standard with demerit system the same neck
Takahiko life coocan jp kansha 我想我已经得到了一条腿站立,即使私营部门公司的房屋,如果我不明白,如果不是更多的选择也较严重,因为我在这里的房子如何以及在哪里我可以克惹世耀西?我可以从1美元的各种税,以支持这些公司的一个借口或我的公司有一半的房屋津贴弹出 takahiko life coocan jp kansha If only the place it is good it is and says and therefore how to choose the residence which is more terrible than here it is many You cannot agree upon well if stinginess should have been acquired to also the employee s house of private enterprise it is it isn t There is about a company how half which puts out cost of living adjustment and Also the company such as that is what you bit with from tax various types having supporting therefore the ru it is
如果你能看到的网站,以便通过检查,如果你想↓417? TTP的: takahiko life coocan jp kansha 什么你觉得你得一腿立场亦if的私营部门公司的房屋中的我can并非很了解,如果不是more choose严重than的房子在这里是因为我how何地可以世诚克惹什么?我可以从1美元的各种税,以支持这些公司的一个借口或我的公司有一半的房屋津贴弹出 417 So if you think if you see and or inspect the sight of the ↓ ttp takahiko life coocan jp kansha If only the place it is good it is and says and therefore how to choose the residence which is more terrible than here it is many You cannot agree upon well if stinginess should have been acquired to also the employee s house of private enterprise it is it isn t There is about a company how half which puts out cost of living adjustment and Also the company such as that is what you bit with from tax various types having supporting therefore the ru it is
Ttaro差几十年前?但最重要的,甚至因低出生率,他们手头的工作,但无其他具有约束力。如果非税收收入,这将是有理由提我说低端的情况下,有这样的人在 As for several dozen years ago the ro which is different However the fact that it is consequence of little child conversion most is There is no work conversely joining There is no either tax revenue in such a late circumstance Lowness commenting of ability of the individual saying it is helpless probably will be
Ttaro差几十年前?但最重要的,甚至因低出生率,如果没有进一步的工作,具有约束力。如果非税收收入,这将是有理由提我说低端的情况下,有这样的人在 As for several dozen years ago the ro which is different However the fact that it is consequence of little child conversion most is There is no work conversely joining There is no either tax revenue in such a late circumstance Lowness commenting of ability of the individual saying it is helpless probably will be
甲“喷射”或“让他们失望,”他会说Etara我喜欢增加税收来扭转“增”怎么说?我不会说 That “it puts out” that “decrease” saying as for the ru person When the tax revenue increases conversely “increase” the tsu te saying You do not say probably will be
Zitirou 789 Ntsukyouso,湖的人,往往更是朝总联...或许如果自民党的唯一约束 789
Autonomous labor, Nitukiyou group, the people 潭, the Korean entire ream… to do and others, whether if just you see and you are more than the Liberal Democratic Party
。布鲁诺 只希望孩子孩子ー僻静2000年代退休。我转达,如包括卢武铉我钱,如果你退休¯回申僻静的退休现在只希望孩子的孩子 哦ー2000年代。转告,将得到遣散费是在回申我现在包括 No 2000 age You in just you secret of voluntary retirement system It conveys if this time you apply the retirement lump sum grant comes out No ¯ HKRPT 2000 age You in just you secret of voluntary retirement system It conveys if this time you apply the retirement lump sum grant comes out
。布鲁诺 只希望孩子孩子ー僻静2000年代退休。我转达,如包括卢武铉我钱,如果你退休¯回申僻静的退休现在只希望孩子的孩子 哦ー2000年代。转告,将得到遣散费是在回申我现在包括 No 2000 age You in just you secret of voluntary retirement system It conveys if this time you apply the retirement lump sum grant comes out No ¯ HKRPT 2000 age You in just you secret of voluntary retirement system It conveys if this time you apply the retirement lump sum grant comes out
一年奖金公务员薪酬与公务员薪酬的市民立即卡兹只有两次是免税艾达Kaz和汗水的普通公民 The government employee where with just the bonus of year 2 time makes the annual income of the ordinary citizen
And, salary of that government employee the ordinary citizen dropping, the sweat water is the tax which is made
三菱UFJ银行,三菱,三井,住友三井银行公司,任天堂,索尼,松下Koitsura颜射溃疡是不是,我不打日本 Mitsubishi UFJ bank, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui co., ltd., the Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Ltd. and Nintendo Co., SONY and [panasonitsukukoitsura]
Unless the [bu] [tsu] it crushes, don't you think? it does not play back Japan
不仅两位数分钟1个月的工资扣除每月Kishimen,但它是所有包含的,根据本季度的业绩,管理策略,造成道路被砍伐 Although that is annual income included, deducting, not only dividing in 2 months, half
With achievement circumstance the maneuver of the management side to which also the road which can be shaved leaves
以上Rashii万的工资,但是有关官员说,超过半数的557宗阿久根市 557
When it is Neiti Aku of case, however the or more of the half of the staff seems annual income 7,000,000 or more,…
但是,公务员和非承运人半关闭,当地政府官员的工资! ! So, make the allowance of the non carry national public service personnel and the local government employee reduce by half! !
你不付分钟,不只是戴着一个精干,更遑论与1 743减薪 743
Instead of allowance reduction the surplus fat being attached, [ru] amount for a while it is possible to be unpaid, don't you think?
你的钱是浮动的,在上午。什么免费的反恐怖主义训练至少学校〜,但希望能够在未来的退休金和缺乏可靠的公路网络 With the money which floats morning The anti Japanese terrorist training school it is gratuitousness conversion At least the highway net and in the future we want applying to insufficient secure annuity however it is
你的钱是浮动的,在上午。什么免费的反恐怖主义训练至少学校〜,但希望能够在未来的退休金和缺乏可靠的公路网络 With the money which floats morning The anti Japanese terrorist training school it is gratuitousness conversion At least the highway net and in the future we want applying to insufficient secure annuity however it is
例如分钟秤称的帮助下,也不在选举竞选马的骨头,我不值得驱动tTA相称的价格,公务员以外的其他猴子谁负担不起不気取一天狗,为什么? To understand speaking easily there is no value which it corresponds to price it is In the nondescript it is not the case that it is chosen with election you being affected the heaven 狗 it is troubled If other than of the government employee is not the person it is the monkey
儿童指导中心的官员他的两个孩子,离开大阪办事处被遗弃老人或非预测或奖金,我收到几十万呢? The senior citizen of location obscurity has left the government office or the Osaka 2 child leaving the government employee of the child advisory board which it makes die
Bonus no 100,000 you received, it is?
公务员人事费用进行了计算,他们提出的数据与预设的财政部官员也浪费他的理论正之福冈,一个非常著名的政治学家选举精确分析,“地方国家”揭露的事实有35万亿日圆年是 With fine election analysis very Fukuoka Masanari of famous political scholar with government employee wasteful theory of our book
The government employee labor cost the fact where “national was calculated making use of the financial affairs economical announcement data district” which is annual 35,000,000,000,000 Yen is disclosed
公职人员(公务员),但乞丐,豆腐需要Efehee Nukashi wwwwwwwwwwww Public and private matters (it does and the [be]) the beggar omits and takes what,
You obtain to the [u] [hu] [e] [hu] [e], wwwwwwwwwwww
即使公司有很好的例子丰厚的薪水在私营经济的古,但是从什么我能说服他们,他的仆人不同的驱动tTA頑張来自民间纳税甚至1日圆Ttemasen For example business being good with people there being a salary good company They persevered separately therefore it is the tsu te you can agree upon but As for the government employee tax paying also one Yen increase it is the empty
225筑和甘蔗〜〜〜!我们可以说,是否纳税了! !我要逃税!我说我要纳税捕捉Marudaro 225 chi paragraph yo Being said to there tax paying and others the re ru Evading taxation If the tsu te tax payment wa it is not the ro which is caught and is
发现的因素,约900000000000000日元债务偿还计划,并与本地及所有国家在没有,是付出了一点只要一个星期爆炸2.2万亿日元的债务研究。工作人口的能力是预测未来的人口急剧下降,平均每年减少80万的小观察社会进步的速度再次下降,对世界上最快的出生率下降和人口老龄化 In the association, there is no repayment plan of debt approximately 900,000,000,000,000 Yen of country or district completely,
Furthermore, debt at a time 1,200,000,000,000 Yen has increased in just the only 1 weeks, but
Paying/inserting. Working population of the ability person with worldwide most speed advances to small child super aging population sharp decrease society already at speed and every year at a time the average 800,000 person it is the future population sharp decrease estimate which decreases sharply
另一个729,但很久以前我设计的系统,睡眠茹(修订本)我的书戴枫手上没有感觉材料后entering m相关的小,空心 729 Already you sleep Considerably but before the design reform it related a little it is Because there is no data in labor assistant writing with the u ro remembering however the ru
我觉得这是土豆发挥后进入729单位的制度设计有关的手 729 It related to the system design don t you think is … you are played with the palm feeling
员工看,一个退休的退休金额平均每人工作了25年的政府一般地方政府的雇员薪金调查部,所有56个地方。 3800万日元的退休鼓励手指,最高古市二亿六千八万日元城市2898,二十七亿一千七百万日元比国家,58少。 27 52亿日元的退休鼓励,这是26万退休和退休的60岁日元 Local government employee allowance fact finding of general affairs ministry When above continuous service 25 year of general staff the even retirement amount per 1 of retirees is seen In all the municipal corporations 56 With the encouragement retiree 380 000 Yen fingers city 268 cities to be highest at 28 980 000 Yen the following metropolis and districts 27 170 000 Yen 58 With the encouragement retiree it has reached 26 000 000 Yen with retiree such as 27 520 000 Yen and 60 year old retirement age
在这56个方面进一步群分类。鼓励离退休高,是大多数城市都在指定二八九八〇〇〇〇〇〇日元,二七三八日元是,二十六亿八千七百万日元,这是一个由二六三三零零零零零零日元县以下的乡村城市 When furthermore you look at this group classified by division 56 With the encouragement retiree the designated city is highest at 28 980 000 Yen the following metropolis and districts 27 380 000 Yen city 26 870 000 Yen town village has become order of 26 330 000 Yen
在退休和退休60岁,大多数是高县二千六百九十八日元,2624日元以下指定城市,二五七二日元,2362日元这是一个村的城市 The metropolis and districts are highest at 26 980 000 Yen regarding retiree such as 60 year old retirement age the following designated city 26 240 000 Yen city 25 720 000 Yen town village has reached 23 620 000 Yen
和包含此帐户的费用和实际的劳动力成本和员工与第三部门的公司和公营公司和独立的行政机构和官员,其实隐藏出的,地方和国家及三十八万亿日元每一年这使 Furthermore, when independent administrative corporate body and public-service corporation of the hiding outside putting out government employee of the country and the district and staff labor cost of the third sector and the public corporation etc is included
True government employee labor cost has expressed the fact which is annual approximately 38,000,000,000,000 Yen
商业用电量不断改进工作,339将与他们举行,昆虫惠惠慈゚゚不是it ve不得不调整空调哦Terya 339
Constant business improvement rides probably is work, but
Electricity turning off, adjusting air conditioning don't you think? the [ri] [ya] it meets and says - it is
The gold [ku] it is, the insect [he] ゚ [he] ゚ [tsu
四郎和国家收入568计算Pugyaー 568
[pu] [gi] [ya] -
With national income calculation margin and
国家公共服务柜位,我可能喜欢Imeshi゙到一括日 Don't you think? window business of the national public service personnel = public office, it probably is with like [imeshi] ゙ to have made one binding
学院也将计算产品在60万日元每月工资基数为最终在其上,以发现大约1000万日元 With large soldier finishing it becomes computation standard Because last salary reaches also month amount 600 000 Yen about 10 000 000 Yen than this it becomes upper load
学院也将计算产品在60万日元每月工资基数为最终在其上,以发现大约1000万日元 With large soldier finishing it becomes computation standard Because last salary reaches also month amount 600 000 Yen about 10 000 000 Yen than this it becomes upper load
此外,它不是一个大专班,成为一名董事在我付六○○○○○个月日元的基础上,以最终计算 Not to mention with large soldier finishing the thing how Bureau Chief class where the last salary which becomes computation standard reaches month amount 600 000 Yen So it is not
该学院也因为去年每月支付60万日元,在此基础上计算一个产品的发现,约10万本日元 Because with large soldier finishing the last salary which becomes computation standard reaches also month amount 600 000 Yen about 10 000 000 Yen than this it becomes upper load
当然肯定这辈子种“之前你即使我不挖掘古好公仆瓦特”“有什么交流或更改净胡说?W”的我就像是古沸腾,我会Majiresu我 By all means in sure of this hand “The government employee hitting your living do not become good w” Grumbling “with the net something it changes w” However being like boils majiresu doing
当然肯定这辈子种“之前你即使我不挖掘古好公仆瓦特”“有什么交流或更改净胡说?W”的我就像是古沸腾,我会Majiresu我 By all means in sure of this hand “The government employee hitting your living do not become good w” Grumbling “with the net something it changes w” However being like boils majiresu doing
形式支付的374只12个主要城市和地区的具体利益,最多的是与一般不同类型的113〜1138年12个主要城市在国家全额支付津贴,不同的州有97 It rises with just local specific treatment and at the government ordinance designated city 374 types to 1138 types with the metropolis and districts If originally at the government ordinance designated city 113 types as many as 97 types there was the treatment which it should pay with this giving with the metropolis and districts
什么是40年以上的35万工资的0 2%或不是7000日元下来 40 generations rising from here don t you think with basic pay 350 000 even with 0 2 decrease annual 7 000 Yen
输入113个指定城市的正常支付津贴全部支付,有97县不同 gt It rises with just local specific treatment and at the government ordinance designated city 374 types to 1138 types with the metropolis and districts If gt originally at the government ordinance designated city 113 types as many as 97 types there was the treatment which it should pay with this giving with the metropolis and districts
我今年123奖金由私营部门增加?公务员是在这一年的表现反映了去年一年,但明年我想降低通缉 123 This year the private bonus increasing the ru The government employee the result of last year being reflected this year from the ru however it went down Next year rises
我切到这一个!蟑螂得到的回报泥朱达罗温婉苏尼科米埋在公共降落伞秘密资金的洞反正愚弄。基达死行公务员地狱曼达拉 Such a ones while cutting it goes How the ro which it has filled a gap at the bribe which swindles the se citizen and is The ro which is the contrivance which is regained with order exerted from above Cockroach mud Government employee When it dies it is the hell going
排减单位严重笑着公务员轮流粘连组织及政界人士,人身保险的受益人,蟑螂www和在日本的韩国(80岁的生命保险),否则所有的阴性组只有 maji www which can be laughed Politician and government employee and that follower adhesion group life insurance receipt person and resident cockroach Korean 8 percentage jobless life insurance Other than that everyone being defeated group
我只是赔偿Yaikanzaki Koreji异常酒后驾车和失败! Although drinking driving and just mistake
Remuneration unusually
This circumstance [za] coming!
我想艾希周一頑張可以破布下运作的公平薪酬附表中立的案件,案情在仆人工作的市民社会福利私有化Wozuta公职人员谁也意味着自来水基诺 The [zu] it is the government employee where also the person of the government employee hitting works by all means in connection with social welfare to a rag
It commercializes in order, it does salary it lowers it does neutrality to be able to manage fairly persevering, desired the potato it is
我提出的所有w1500决心继续在其各种必要的津贴超过条例类型,条例或跟我回来的批评,张拉 gt Being clearly written entirely from the ru The treatments which exceed w1500 type being decided respectively with regulations when the te it is criticized pulling from regulations it is dense
顺便说一句,“如何愚蠢,我确信,通过调控,”什么,你打算采访因达负责,为公众利益 Next “such a aho through regulations well the better seed ” the tsu te The ri ya which it charges interviews to the citizen it is good it is
我有什么好处,以丰富的整洁福利削减公务员的薪金为什么,我不知道不知道 Reducing the salary of the government employee with something if the treatment of welfare neat it is not complete viewing At all it is from the wa
岁的水龙头公务员是Kishimen从这里多次发现纳税人公职人员谁 The government employee from the inoccupation which has been done to hit here The government employee the case where many times have paid tax
高公务员的平均年龄,当然,比较不只是私人的款项 Of course total of the government employee and the people where the average age is high does not have to be compared that way
我的工作,提供给青年人自己什么他们削减60%的就业率你是不是大学生 And others it is dense cutting the body, there is no [tsu] [te] air which in the young person the workplace will be offered…
It is the large soldier/finishing raw employment ratio 60%,…
我认为,合理的许多人的所有工作人员?丰田是一名退休大学雇员的奖金“是一辆丰田,名古屋遣散费相当高,”多说话苏 Such it is You think that no person of all staff it is The large soldier finishing employee whom retirement age you retire Toyota “the bonus the Toyota one was on but Nagoya city as for the retirement lump sum grant is higher” says
敲门也认为2通道我们太多,我和不太严重的马,什么是你的书群达Majiresu嗯¯Д¯ u003d 3 Hitting too much mamajiresu to do too much is with 2ch Whether it is majiresu that you write such time it is the ¯ д ¯ which is 3 haa
你可以从我们非常自豪的胶粘剂没有这样做2通道( Pride makes stick it is You want because and the callous and it is not done it is 2ch
根据543查看详细资料我认为你必须pay m只是一个控制阀只有在经济衰退?你觉得这项修正案,如果声音是如此的细节完全显示公务员的薪金下降了约带领日本削减我吗?即使你的脖子的感觉是不好的一个中立,公正,不再愿意参选,使政治家改建,以适应现在(公务员,而且还抓人,但到颈部。) 543 As for certain just at the time of depression Therefore mere control valve what salary it lowers it is with to do the yo As for here one Japan cutting lead In order salary of the government employee the extent where sound of the gu u does not come out to lower if law you should have amended it is it is not Already the intention which neutrality fairly is managed being gone if it makes the neck it is good will appeal to the a politician But however the human who is made the arrest neck the government employee
泡沫不要紧一份官方Daroaru他是这样一个简单的控制阀只有在经济衰退时期的,不知觉的行为差异 The ro which is not bubble how relationship in the government employee and is As for certain just at the time of depression Therefore mere control valve what you misunderstand is
附表所以,我觉得你付出543下?你觉得这项修正案,如果声音是如此的细节完全显示公务员的薪金下降了约带领日本削减我吗?即使你的脖子的感觉是不好的一个中立,公正,不再愿意参选,使政治家改建,以适应现在(公务员,而且还抓人,但到颈部。) 543 Therefore salary it lowers it is with to do the yo As for here one Japan cutting lead In order salary of the government employee the extent where sound of the gu u does not come out to lower if law you should have amended it is it is not Already the intention which neutrality fairly is managed being gone if it makes the neck it is good will appeal to the a politician But however the human who is made the arrest neck the government employee
此外,日元支出六〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元,总金额为21万亿消费税每年只有当支付利息和偿还债务及赎回债券在1960年将是过去的垂直流动的,这一数额“六○○○○○○○○○○○○○日元“将会如何,作为最高国家六十〇万亿日元税国税日本历史税收收入同样的泡沫 When to that total tax expenditure annual approximately 21 000 000 000 000 Yen with just redemption and interest payment of the government bond of debt of 60 year repayment which past discharges It reaches the annual expenditure of sum total approximately 60 000 000 000 000 Yen this amount “60 000 000 000 000 Yen” bubble highest national tax revenue 60 000 000 000 000 Yen of the highest national tax revenue in the Japanese history almost becomes the same amount
海岸警卫队官员和警察消防船自卫是政府不承认或部分的所有三个部门,包括组织权劳工 As for defense ship policeman fire fighting official Maritime Safety Agency staff et. al
Right to organize beginning all labor's three primary rights is not recognized
然而,在正常工作时间和每家公司的工作规则发出,想成为一个广泛蔓延的势头,并缩短了5天工作周,这感觉不到工作的法律小时 But, each enterprise with work rule and the like The specified work hour which it decides, by the fact that spread opportunity of time saving with such as permeation of five-day-workweek system,
It has become short from this legal work hour
社会福利和公务员人事成本,日本案件564是很值得带走你没有受 564
Well, in case of Japan as for government employee labor cost and social welfare it is being, it does, the topic putting out value which cannot be separated the [yo
让它到皮肤科医生和削减公务员,我应该眼科麻醉科,外科,妇科,儿科医生也成为我,他会发现一个儿科医生是不会采取的几点由,我不在乎,即使你苦练和,要到哪儿睡民事服务委员会 The government employee decreasing, it increases the doctor,
Dermatology, the ophthalmologist it did not enter
Anesthesia course medicine, the surgeon, it becomes gynecologist and pediatrician,
Well, pediatrician what the person who becomes, it is little, but
Because score you do not take, beginning operating, it is hard, because
How calling and, here was the government employee board
You sleep already
踢我疯了害虫的公务员继续敏感降低税收低于未来只是一个提高,我非常保存完好的工资奖金?阿短缺“我让人们支付私人仲良古W”的是“默契已经被”你难道不好吗?我希望在肖像和诽谤捉投诉,即使是现在仍然是“宽1 3阶段” The tax revenue going down simply although the tsu te which in the future continues to go down as for the kichigai noxious insect government employee the ze where allowance and raise in salary and bonus are maintenance The shortage “don t you think it probably will chummily bear with the civilian w” te ones “already have become tacit comprehension” the ze which is However with grumble and you should have caught with slander slander “the stage which still is spread”
踢我疯了害虫的公务员继续敏感降低税收低于未来只是一个提高,我非常保存完好的工资奖金?阿短缺“我让人们支付私人仲良古W”的是“默契已经被”你难道不好吗?我希望在肖像和诽谤捉投诉,即使是现在仍然是“宽1 3阶段” The tax revenue going down simply although the tsu te which in the future continues to go down as for the kichigai noxious insect government employee the ze where allowance and raise in salary and bonus are maintenance The shortage “don t you think it probably will chummily bear with the civilian w” te ones “already have become tacit comprehension” the ze which is However with grumble and you should have caught with slander slander “the stage which still is spread”
退休金是漂浮在空气中,为死者退休金,雇员工资的政府在日本,我不工作在所有, The annuity which floats in space and the annuity for the deceased as for labor cost of the Japanese government employee Completely it does not work it is
政府雇员的薪金,○○%的税,如果它我很高兴我经常在 As for labor cost of government employee There should have been the tsu te rule of 0 within vis a vis the tax revenue it is
重组的私人 个人电脑,限位板ーヽ1990年22小时候,我登录远足世鸡明天运气 NULL
附表为自己的高容量到现在为止我一直在頑張研究呢? Until now in order to raise the ability of oneself, persevering, it studied?