S传输普及昨天你的声音,平野绫(平假名在绫)是 Gutannubo(富士电视台)』愤怒的球迷举起文章发现爱的旗帜出现在梁的顶部,你会覧 With the case which the popularity dubbing artist whom yesterday we convey the plain twill the leash of the hi and others gutannubo Fuji Telecasting Co performs and rescinds love bana The fan you probably can view the article which rages
也许我想我是出于纯绿色光的先进技术也可以认为是平野绫 Perhaps thinking that entertainment technique can go also the plain twill Go ahead it put out to the plain it is the kana which is not
事件似乎扇一天纷纷勇敢的人,终于“噢,我不是对所有的”魔鬼当然没有哭出来,我突然离开平野绫 Even in the next day which divides with the man performing to the fan event in the health air lastly “without abandoning everyone me ” the plain twill which the tsu te suddenly starts crying demon there is no reason
初步试验成功,已清楚表明,振动的情况下被称为生命线将成为一个善良的人,尊重和爱谈论的意见书列表晚夜间表演主演Gutannubo关于此案平野绫富士 Plain life line incident Alias HLL incident Summary � Fuji Telecasting Co late program The plain twill performs to gutannubo You talk concerning romantic love experience and the like Speech summary The man who has been respected it becomes favorite It has been shaken
平野绫堀北真木川岛海上货运 Kawasima sea load Moat north Maki Plain twill
平野绫,健康“太薄”,并担心呼吸出你身体对我说反正我们 As for plain twill with physical checkup “ And the se it passes ” The tsu te being said from the ru Temporarily physical strength Breath it isn t cut off Worried shelf
(范)的Ku博客的评论通过努力风扇折扣平野绫平野古疯狂的OTA停止亚历克斯:听起来好词,握手会议木津 或写信给我讨厌不喜欢Twitter的死心塌地 Handshake meeting with good finishing in the fan when it is said it pulls � plain ota madness � plain twill At burogu directing to the fan you comment That gt die being tsuitsuta that it became hateful you write stopping
(范)的Ku博客的评论通过努力风扇折扣平野绫平野古疯狂的OTA停止亚历克斯:听起来好词,握手会议木津 或写信给我讨厌不喜欢Twitter的死心塌地 Handshake meeting with good finishing in the fan when it is said it pulls � plain ota madness � plain twill At burogu directing to the fan you comment That gt die being tsuitsuta that it became hateful you write stopping
13.0 21个最佳的电视收视率百分之年04月在8月04的最低收视率在来宾演播室嘉宾和平野绫假名位置藏品播出,这是一次藏品卡纳 As for the highest audience rating with 13.0% of April 21st broadcast as for lowest audience rating were broadcast on August 4th plain twill and warehouse course [kana] which location
The studio guest is the time of warehouse course [kana] with the guest
140好了,我想,如果从一般公众,并与女子潮来,他们没有听到,说到是动画界,“如果我基莫!”你会得到进一步避免通过 140 When the sled ya a it does from generality world the woman who does not have either the fact that you hear it puts out If it comes with the relationship of animation “the heart tsu ” With furthermore avoiding it probably will pass and
1井,我想,如果从一般公众,它是不是没有听到两个女人潮来,它是未来和动漫有关,“如果我基莫!”你将得到进一步避免通过 1 When the sled ya a it does from generality world the woman who does not have either the fact that you hear it puts out If it comes with the relationship of animation “the heart tsu ” With furthermore avoiding it probably will pass and
Kimo ll希望世界Aniota套房(笑)女人,往往不是一面倒的男性恰拉 The world aniota heart ru suitsu laughing the woman being the case that chiyara man is many preponderantly
2010 08 06(星期五)10:35:43编号:pJcPp cb0生命线平原爱称为初步试验成功的情况下谈论尊重意见和名单深夜显示主演Gutannubo关于此案平野绫富士你有没有良好的人谁来到被振荡 2010 08 06 gold 10 35 43 ID pJcPp cb0 Plain life line incident Alias HLL incident Summary � Fuji Telecasting Co late program The plain twill performs to gutannubo You talk concerning romantic love experience and the like Speech summary The man who has been respected it becomes favorite It has been shaken
圣人 张贴于:2010 08 05(周四)10:13:04编号:567 Jq2UDlMj0包含饮料我是不是就是驱动tTA电饭煲松脆的东西呕吐,他们从直接施Yamojidegohanwo吃反正吃: 名无Shisan你的腹部全 sage Contribution day 2010 08 05 wood 10 13 04 ID Jq2UDlMj0 Temporarily something 喰 concave From the rice cooker directly the plain gauze the boiled rice 喰 and others the tsu it is with the ji Something the ri the ri doing you cannot swallow 567 Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
张贴于:2010 08 05(星期四)09:20:30编号:Jq2UDlMj0大米被命名为喉咙Tooranee 470:Shisan 您的全名无腹 Contribution day 2010 08 05 wood 09 20 30 ID Jq2UDlMj0 The rice is distant in the throat and others well 470 Name Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
326 绫扬平原人们想出了彩虹的真正声音一次有关多个性wwwww _NULL_
342 我没有被人遗忘的好方法 342 gt gt As for the plain although only the same voice it can put out the voice which is different to vague trying probably to put out Because gt gt you forget midway but useless what
342 我没有被人遗忘的好方法 342 gt gt As for the plain although only the same voice it can put out the voice which is different to vague trying probably to put out Because gt gt you forget midway but useless what
什么是公共平原从一般演员包括从Garitakatta断开的抱负是使球迷感兴趣Tarezu垫后的你已 Because the plain had ambition will want to rise suddenly in the world to the actor but From the general people the interest not having as for the fan after already separating prosperously
平原不好,但我忘了道路,但空气中的差异,可能不会说出自己的ü一样的声音 As for the plain although only the same voice it can put out the voice which is different to vague trying probably to put out Because you forget midway but useless what
普通的人,他们知道我Nantoka平原嘿!而且,你知道,如果一个形象出现在这么短的哥里古坏消息,甚至 Don t you think as for general people plain nantoka how knowledge and others e When to that such gori to push you perform to period shortly the ro where also image becomes bad and is
410 作为一个文化概念,而不是思想错误在所有这些自以为是的神秘传染给后代照顾,这只是自我 410 gt As a culture we would like to convey that to future Such self righteousness conception original mistake Becoming aware to the thing which is ego such conception
卡兹Gunoka猜他看着从不同的方向Kamiatsu Toran 403,获得流行什么,考虑的方向最相似的错误不说, 403 Because the directivity which you see is different you bite and oh with it probably is viewing Whether that person how makes how obtaining popularity If with you think with the direction which is said the mistake you cannot say
594名:@◆四马与我合作舔黑色○欢迎夏天Wg12u2MAZU [圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 07 / 22(周四)20:51:23编号:Mu6iCwTa 592的夏天!这加仑! ●许马是黑色的!我还年轻,只有拥抱的野心! 689名:@◆四马与我舔黑色合作○欢迎夏天Wg12u2MAZU [圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 07 / 22(星期四)21:53:47编号:Mu6iCwTa欲望,我并不需要额外的椅子663。 。下面,名称977 re机会苏干居民疯狂:Yondaime @◆它需要民主党人更超过半数,但一个坏Wg12u2MAZU [圣人]发布日期:2010 / 05 / 15(星期六)14:53:45编号:k7xBNzxU井968你喜欢皮革梅库拉 594 Name: Very fourth generation @ summer black [ma] ○ [ko] licking and * Wg12u2MAZU [sage] Contribution day: 2010/07/22 (wood) 20: 51: 23 ID: Mu6iCwTa
Summer is! It is the gal! Black [ma] - It is [ko]! Is
Youth holding ambition!
689 Name: Very fourth generation @ summer black [ma] ○ [ko] licking and * Wg12u2MAZU [sage] Contribution day: 2010/07/22 (wood) 21: 53: 47 ID: Mu6iCwTa
Excessive thing it does, it is, the chairman
淫. . Below, therefore chance what which deprives the job from the [kichigai] prefectural people
977 Name: However the fourth generation @ it is bad, the Democratic party takes majority * Wg12u2MAZU [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/15 (Saturday) 14: 53: 45 ID: k7xBNzxU
The extent which becomes
As for [mekura] like you the shelf which it should cause even with revolution
If it is visible similarly, with democracy being the same with anything, it will change and it does not glow probably will be
786家庭不采取给观众的是挂出藏品藏品费用,但,这是否意味着Hayo Kurashina m甚至没有谈论互联网 786 The family takes charge warehouse course But warehouse course coming out although the ru audience rating you do not take warehouse course even with the net does not become topic It is what thing what
786是不是采取了观众的心挂出藏品藏品费用,但,这是否意味着Hayo Kurashina m甚至没有谈论互联网 786 Warehouse course takes charge the chest But warehouse course coming out although the ru audience rating you do not take warehouse course even with the net does not become topic It is what thing what
853 纹甚至不知道你知道你的房子是不一样的,我认为wwwwwwwww蜡知识产权有关的细节讲不好的感觉,其他昆虫蟑螂螨湿重 853 gt The house either without knowing You know or such are wwwwwwwww Unless cockroach tick in addition the thing of the feeling bad insect you try probably to know in detail ww which is the same
Kimowota光盘层听起来销售排名来作评级,而只有采取茹搬起一个数的绝对购买力不総籍低, [kimowota] layer
Lightly there keeps being a purchasing power of the extent which with sound takes 1 with CD selling ranking
Because absolute numbers are few, audience rating is low generally, that
Kimowota唯一途径公众代表的工作我已经做了动画的配音演员会做,如果我沃塔是科凯它将完全漠不关心Tteta出售语音公共权利的人物被人称为汉堡?有人拉我在对面的古 The general people knowing the dubbing artist of kiyara the ru way doing the cod It probably will receive to the general people but The dubbing artist the representative work which was done for kimowota animation how Don t you think the general people probably are completely indifferent 媚 It sells in wota The person who the tsu te conversely is pulled it will be
如果孩子正在做663 Kimowota的声音,我其实我是从载入我想他们肯定知道我有我的爱好萌动漫,平野绫是对男朋友的思想的稀有和沃塔瓦特 663 As for kimowota The dubbing artist doing if the ru child there is understanding in your own sprouting animation hobby and recognizes The tsu te being convinced from the ru So really as for the plain twill wota is designated as his person how it cannot be With w which is thought
Www idolgazou com 家 图像 koikeeiko 065。jpg格式TTP的: www idolgazou com 家 图像 koikeeiko 069。jpg格式TTP的: www idolgazou com 卡 影像 koikeeiko 060。JPG的TTP的: www idolgazou com 家 图像 koikeeiko 020。JPG的TTP的: skm vip2ch com 平目 hirame107154。JPG是最高等级的广播星期二,4月21日4月21日,13 0%的入住方式的位置也将提出上诉栄子小池荣子花的祖父或可怕 www idolgazou com ka images koikeeiko 065 jpg ttp www idolgazou com ka images koikeeiko 069 jpg ttp www idolgazou com ka images koikeeiko 060 jpg ttp www idolgazou com ka images koikeeiko 020 jpg ttp skm vip2ch com hirame hirame107154 jpg As for the highest audience rating 13 0 of April 21st broadcast By the way as for April 21st as for the location guest Eiko Koike Eiko s charm is tremendous after all
_NULL_ 190 Name: Fan club member number 774 [sage] Contribution day: 2010/08/04 (water) 23: 52: 24 ID: mVatWSwx [14/20]
When it is the virgin, when it is inside the woman, because it makes foolish
In order desperately to be man experience abundant, the [ma] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] which is shaken
191 Name: Fan club member number 774 [sage] Contribution day: 2010/08/04 (water) 23: 53: 14 ID: mVatWSwx [15/20]
Don't you think? it is lovely
Girl cartoon reading, it probably is the study red sandal wood, w
192 Name: Fan club member number 774 [sage] Contribution day: 2010/08/04 (water) 23: 54: 11 ID: mVatWSwx [16/20]
When the virgin it is discovered, the sweat scratching in the [tsu] [te] hand which how will be done, the [ru] it is the [ro] which is
302 : Below, there is no name changing, VIP sends: 2010/08/05 (wood) 01: 02: 35.12 ID: ePByQoaw0
Don't you think? the person who has been made serious it is many?
Normally, when you think, however the performance [tsu] [po] to be,… playing once puts out work what,
Attitude white 々 did from something and applied
The usual twill properly it is different delicately, you applied
“我一直在做日本NHK在上午驱动这个声音,你正在做一个普通的”我叫,是,难道是令人吃惊的程度,但也关注 “Also the dubbing artist doing, however the [ru], the regular doing with the NHK morning gong, it increased”
With you say, when it is, however the [ro] whose also degree of attention is skyrocketing -
三维女子(即血肉所谓的女人)或我的,比如有说是一个浪漫的体验,这并不意味着从在端午和疯狂的疯狂爆炸“婊子”的理念 Three dimensional woman (the woman of the generally known raw body) how how when, if you say that there is romantic love experience, when that equal “[bitsuchi]” is, because you become insane with [kichigai] idea explosion
上野是Mac 540,我看到了演员高峰在谈话他们真正想要什么,如果你娶这 540 If we with the Ueno Mack makes marrying this voice being superior Rising in conversation you have looked at the ru party
363你必须真正了解他们?在这永远不会做任何事情,甚至看到你们在街上收集tive人 363 Actually the ro which you do not know and is The person gathering with the street even the ru party you have not seen it is how it will do it is not
不要告诉我只有瓦特德塔平野绫这是她的方式?我认为男性的OTA女声支持者的轴?分钟,工作做得很好章程 Or it is the plain twill it is, w
For this [tsu] [te] woman there is no program?
Bearing stratum [tsu] [te] man [ota] of the woman dubbing artist there is no axis?
Plan of production side does not understand well
不过,我是冲击中出,质地,不Purupurushita结块松散黄色果冻魔鬼在墙上 So, ringing the medium putting out texture and others [re] [te] [ru] and,
The [pu] [ru] [pu] [ru] loose jelly condition yellow in the inner wall the demon which is done has stuck
为什么你不看它呢?平野绫,换洗的衣服在电影业务枕头泳装埃泰 Temporarily, when you try seeing even with this?
The plain twill, changing clothes in the swimming wear, pillow business animated picture
产品名称219:◆历史推广教育组OFACtauI4s [亚洲虎韩国]张贴于:2009 / 08 / 22(星期六)23:00:我01.13我不吃狗屎 219 Name: Historical education propulsion person in charge * OFACtauI4s [Tiger Republic of Korea of Asia] Contribution day: 2009/08/22 (Saturday) 23: 00: 01.13
The [u] it is how you do not eat densely
京都动画阿尼现在钾!在TBS的那个时候开始在被视为已被广泛系列动画片播出原关键的第BS - I(现在的第BS - TBS电视台)播出学位 As for animation of capital [ani] now densely inguinal it is! ! Because it broadcasts with TBS system, you saw widely and became the [re] [ru] way but
At that time Key original animation was broadcast BS-i (reality BS-TBS) with
作为现有的社会危害同样谴责。这是不可能阻止他们对社会的贡献和未来 Being the same as the condemned criminal, for society dangerous existence. At the same time in the future contributing to society the nil party
你知道吗我冉过去数天前,以改变航线446办公室,而不是推出平原品种?富士做这种Ronbu HEY3录像机显示它看到俱知安贝鲁(?)我很敏感,滚动视频网站如纯铸倍 446 The office route modification does in ahead the yo However something intellectual viewing there is no ri where here several days the plain comes out and sows the variety ronbu doing with HEY3 or huji the ru VTR seeing ku tsu chi ya be ru program But ri what where the plain performance time rises to the animated picture sight and sows
爱的旗帜,但死亡沃塔声音,或改变路线或办事处,愿意吗?这只是闲置深色衣物,沃塔美妙的声音,但并不认为这些都是很好的凯塔壊 Love bana doing however dubbing artist wota has died Is the office route modification kana being the air which is done Therefore color thing idle what as for fantasy of dubbing artist wota however you think that the one which is not broken was better
前一个词是什么你的能力你会认识到,它不仅不是我自己的能力,只有人类可以卖呢?我自己,我承认三大部分男人之苦 387目前的趋势在思想上有一个角色也来自我到U所有差异,并认为在正常的人 You saying as for ru capability tsu te with just thing of the human who is sold Thing of capability of this person saying you cannot become aware especially 387 The majority you recognizing by your when the ru it does it does also the role which is different completely to that and 寅 is from the ru As for thinking thought of the normal human
我终于得到了一个数,我觉得我只能在这里您正在玩一个坦途到当前的时间,但它完全打破了固定在324字符 324 Role to be locked completely the chi ya tsu seed So the place where it is possible to only kingcraft part putting out current time therefore number the one which was done profit does the air
另外,我有一个梦想成为名人,一个普遍的认识接近零是正常的,这只是第二Hekiru椎名,一个地区,只有缺乏认识 In addition however entertainment popularity it has done to take general degree of acknowledgment is close to zero and Therefore to 2nd Shiina what which finishes also recognition around that has been lacking
否则,嗯,我不会对任何人做愚蠢的wwww Unless so it is the a and in foolish anyone it does not make the partner wwww
否则,嗯,我不会对任何人做愚蠢的wwww Unless so it is the a and in foolish anyone it does not make the partner wwww
和论据的Kikomori Kimowotadebu,我可以不在乎北罗减少他们和吴某在开始之前瓦特wwww第一,然后是洗澡理发瓦特入Reyo,时尚的小东西看上去干净衬衣在黑还买了和休闲裤,滚装身体成为一个整体 As for kimowotadebu and the pulling being confined although from first the a and saying in the eye w When it comes with you wwww First the bath to insert w Then giving a haircut with clo and with what from calling Small the cleanliness which is witty so purchasing even with the shirt and the slacks dress Arrange
作弊或者只是一个声音Kimowota金牌,她成为一个人才或作客串 Just does the dubbing artist designate kimowota as gold zuru It changes over in the talent which produces the face
和论据的Kikomori Kimowotadebu,我可以不在乎北罗减少他们和吴某在开始之前瓦特wwww第一,然后是洗澡理发瓦特入Reyo,时尚的小东西看上去干净衬衣在黑还买了和休闲裤,滚装身体成为一个整体 As for kimowotadebu and the pulling being confined although from first the a and saying in the eye w When it comes with you wwww First the bath to insert w Then giving a haircut with clo and with what from calling Small the cleanliness which is witty so purchasing even with the shirt and the slacks dress Arrange
在最严重的后果评价Dattarashii他们的客户,而坏评级凯塔是什么?你是空气在凯塔我们许多客人在这个女孩? It was the result which bring the worst appraisal to your own customer it seems but the fact that audience rating is bad is with something Before the televising this daughter aim customer was many it is the ro which is
爱横幅或评级(笑),但我可以做因达,驱动tTA胃有站笑了奥赛罗藏品卡纳女士化妆 But audience rating or love bana laughing the do with it is to be the Othello make up you ridicule warehouse course kana you became angry
坦率地说只有一个,但我很高兴我未格式化的纯黑色的头发... 1
The [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke], it was possible to be the plain of the black hair before the fairing, but it is…
大多嘿,我想你说你和体面了厚厚的动漫产业驳回 Don t you think generally the tsu te where the e industry rejects honest animation and solves and says what you think
大多嘿,我想你说你和体面了厚厚的动漫产业驳回 Don t you think generally the tsu te where the e industry rejects honest animation and solves and says what you think
如果一个被认为是从一般公众,或者说我Anikyarawota Aniwota沃塔或声音,这是不可能的,必须恢复疯狂 1 If you see from the general people to call aniwota or anikiyarawota or dubbing artist wota how the regeneration impossibility puts out necessary with kichigai
×已被视为公众,或者说我Anikyarawota Aniwota沃塔或声音,这是不可能的,必须恢复疯狂 Ã If you see from the general people to call aniwota or anikiyarawota or dubbing artist wota how the regeneration impossibility puts out necessary with kichigai
什么是沃塔切Ritakatta从,我认为这只是清楚地写在博客 Because you will want to cut wota you think that you should have written clearly even with burogu
它被认为是来自公众,或者说我Anikyarawota Aniwota沃塔或声音,这是不可能的,必须恢复疯狂 If you see from the general people to call aniwota or anikiyarawota or dubbing artist wota how the regeneration impossibility puts out necessary with kichigai
宫泽贤治的一些梵高人才就是凡,我想知道你说你很可能会进行评估后,才死的话做的一贯贫穷?编号:1OQoVRHM0是 Osamu's Ken van Gogh and Miyazawa way
As for those which is capability carrying out honest poverty
So if it does, it is appraised to postmortem
So, we would like to say, it is the [ro] which is?
ID: As for 1OQoVRHM0,
富士喜欢我在那里就像我带来了一定意义上被上级或平原或一个更好的一个作为竞争对手平原水树605,我觉得他们拒绝治疗 605 The plain of the plain the rival apparent with being the water tree certainly or your own one being superior ru like Because there is kind of hushi which has consciousness it denies such treatment it is the combining which is not
平原或附属办事处,以确保462个不同的地方是鄂如传闻出来,我喜欢这个词可能是坏运气 462 As for the office which the plain belongs certainly from the place where variety rumors are made Perhaps such place you can say that it is unfortunate
尽管在自己的知识到底是什么在燃烧一个蛊惑博乌伊卡洛斯在天空飞翔 Just that you will not know about the body probably will fly through the sky the squid loss shelf which is burnt
null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
平野绫] [艺术:绘画已经成为一个裸体模特 - 图片提供 - Plain twill: It had become the nude model of the picture
惠子766户田浴Bitandazo提供早点的注意,电视上的第一个主要是超过40瓦发言被称为运气,并把男孩进入第二阶段小心三谷雪吉做诚实 766
Keiko Heda 40 passing, attention poured for the first time with the television, it is, w
The stage doing that steadily, it is the owner of luck and the capability where it is liked in Mitani happiness happiness and pass and say
我Kimowota编号:1OQoVRHM0刚才狗屎?我有点磨 [kimowota] [tsu] [te] ID: 1OQoVRHM0 Like person [tsu] kana?
The [wa] which just a little is pulled…
我会被截断,以支付Kimowota金开创了新的风扇!达罗这个评价计划应避免活动瓦特Kashiku耻辱,另一个演员瓦特 The gold truncating [kimowota] which is paid, developing the new fan! Schedule this audience rating w
Being shy already, the [ro] w which is dubbing artist activity self-control ones
我希望球迷们上瘾或雅,以满意的配音演员与Tteru Tteru谁扮演的角色以及住户在它看起来像一对女演员我喜欢担心? With the actress and playing with the dubbing artist if is fixed to ru part sufficiently but satisfactory what Associating it designates the fan as the ru or the ya tsu te ru or the air it is being
我绝对不会成功找到什么章反拉回来,甚至工作的声音和动画树见于水来马上 As for not succeeding no matter what discernibly the ru With even the water tree the fan pulling from dubbing artist activity and animation although the ru
我想我会在那里有我要求他们削减Kimowota低评级? Audience rating it is low…
[kimowota] cutting, thinking, that there is a demand somewhere, the [ru] it is probably will be?
我的意思是,08%这个数字是相当低的或没有?我猜电视是1%或1000万或100万人口?如果我不是你看够了,8万?你知道你甚至不关心老百姓让它不是很清楚艾希卡诺积极根据您能以某种方式找出是什么?这样的数字 As for the number which with you say or 8 tsu te you say being low The kana which is 1 000 000 person with television tsu te or 1 is 10 000 000 person it is the ro which is 8 000 000 person being seen if the ru it is sufficiently there is no something Very being produced the number whether what it is correct to make standard to be good it is from the wa Generally the general people make the air it is not rubbed it is the ro which is As for such a number
它不象已经在我所认识的舆论写陈二≠154所有 154 There are no entry several â public opinions of 2 it is Such already general people everyone being understood the ru
我被任命为公众普及沃塔下陷,使他们唯一的主流,但我已经有了一个抽筋,现在占主导地位或他人在ORICON阿尼森Wakeneedaro看到搅拌方向 Now [anison] [orikon] complete invasion the [tsu] [te] which is hung
But natural the main stream just is sunk ground
Such a [wota] popularity you appoint and pass and the reason which the general people see and face well the [ro] which is
我认为真正的人民表达了一次彩虹多重性格有关,但当然清楚,这不是坏 Multiplex personality applying, voice of extent seven color you think that the person who can be put out is the real thing however of course the plain there is no useless [tsu] [te] reason
我还没有从朱达罗即使在干燥的平静和智慧的爱人是总裁堀江松田艺术 Horie and the carrying which are the lover of President Matsuda of the arts young even being, therefore it is not dried and comes out even now and the [ru] is the [ro] which is unconcerned
斜视和贫困总公司在钱包,但我会Kimowota处女吃饭异常 The rice eating in the wallet of ephebe [kimowota], although the [ru]
Trick of the head of the strabismus and the office is abnormal
朱家桥Yankoto陪Janizuraifurain一些您的追随者→→约翰尼我可能会留在该行业从JLL朱家桥→AKBLL信徒在这里,现在的生活,朱家桥→ AKB the ya it is being thing simultaneous because some person probably will keep remaining in industry jiyanizu believer gt jiyanizuraihurain gt JLL AKB believer gt AKB life line gt AKBLL � now here
→→Janizuraifurain例如JLL朱家桥→约翰尼基督教信徒在这里,现在AKBLL朱家桥→生命线 Example jiyanizu believer gt jiyanizuraihurain gt JLL AKB believer gt AKB life line gt AKBLL � now here
→→Janizuraifurain例如JLL朱家桥→约翰尼基督教信徒在这里,现在AKBLL朱家桥→生命线 Example jiyanizu believer gt jiyanizuraihurain gt JLL AKB believer gt AKB life line gt AKBLL � now here
现在有180“业务”它是“艺术”这不是“艺术残余”的驱动tTA s是越南的一代和时代“的优秀”or什么都同意我们也with ,演员和歌手会发现“不是艺术”的是像对自己的思想,动画是好事,因为基达“艺人”,“艺术家”他妈的你是一个声音说话的埃泰连续在时代什么是越南我想你想 180 The fact that there is there is not “trading” being “art” Now it is as for “art” remaining exceeding the generation and tendency of the times “It is superior” that therefore those which are recognized The ma the dubbing artist and singer what “there is no art” that if you think Like the is Therefore by your the favorite animation very very as “the entertainer” and “the artist” Exceeding tendency of the times in the dubbing artist however we would like you to hand down
没有居住点是219等级,如果它只是一个“生意”你离开了表演艺术的作品,又是什么词爆裂一代很奇怪 219 If it is not appraised to lifetime there is no meaning that if you say As for that mere “trading” shelf The generation changing the work and the performance which talk are left and the ro which is the art of the lever
糸井把它放在,我想我明白这是什么东西在演唱技巧附表Kaz和歌唱能力只是他个人呢?还取决于作曲的歌曲本身,而是思维,CD销售影响电梯变化令人印象深刻的照片将用于Warukara The position it is and solves that it has understood the fact that it is not any which can be made simply with song power something of the individuals of song power and the like Thinking with tune itself writing the lyric composition even to it to be possible if it influences and CD because impression it changes even with the jacket photograph It has an influence on the sale
我只是把权力平衡,重要的是办公室和歌唱能力和个人能力的单 Simply capability of the individual such as song power and ability either one of the office the pair of scales just you apply the importance
经过5年的Kakanakya Hekiru贪婪路线蜡可以直接利用沃塔 To the route straight line shelf which finishes
In the wax where if it is not, 5 years after can exploit desire from [wota
编号:1OQoVRHM0不同的风格,但我逐渐感到了基莫 ID: The style of 1OQoVRHM0, gradually becoming the heart [ku], the [ru] it is, but
美元上涨了880电视在做前线或主题的东西在哪里手流Moriguti谈到黑人历史是高达 880
Rose dollar you do as for time even Moriguchi like the Gundam subject song which is black history is designated as the foundation it is in the front line of TV?
该动画数目的青年人数众多老兵从不能保证目前每年1000个的安全是没有理由古平原线没有什么我不平原关心10高万美元的年度收入没有保证,少数除非销售队伍写歌防止这种水树万卡兹 Because the young man guaranty it is cheap for quantity of animation to be many Because as for the veteran numbers being few guaranty is high The plain how how struggling annual income 10 000 000 there is no meaning which how goes For the plain of present condition to make annual income 10 000 000 writing composing unless about the water tree it can sell the excessiveness
但我希望,如果该母狗平原反感沃塔再次确认这声音说话 When the plain is bitsuchi however also the angular arm is good this time you could verify the feeling trick of voice wota freshly
这些家伙真是预订这439 P思维十大什么?大仓科或思考 平原和谁连?你太低朱达罗』对人口状况 439 It is dense truly P tsu te what which butsukingu is done you think is How thinking the plain and large milk warehouse course who The ro which is The degree of distinction for viewer layer is too low the ro which is
大仓科平原或用一个声音帧 第一个地方?他们不会从头开始』到目前为止,观众最关注的层朱达罗 In the first place this framework dubbing artist plain and large milk warehouse course who The ro which is It probably is the interest 2 person who is most distant from viewer layer but
这是309,我想出来,并迫使许多情况下,他们把我此行的主要流行的动画声音受欢迎的链接 309 That umbrella when it tries probably to carry the dubbing artist who because it can connect to the popularity of animation has popularity in the leading part The case where the excessiveness comes out it is many is don t you think
他是有魅力的声音或写报纸专栏拿铁,是啊,你会避免 The charisma dubbing artist it is written on the rate column of the newspaper to do the sled ya it is sidestepped being it does the yo
这?等待,不长井工作室的客人吗? That…?
As for the studio guest Nagai the [tsu] [ke]… which is not?
) 日本邮政 物资供应线和生命线是我的战场万维网WWW的生命线,因为周五wwww藤,平野绫扇和生命线这项活动将发给长度所谓名付事件是生命的油炸平原初步试验成功(HiranoLifeLine)的应用程序,大大衍生事件,广泛的生命线,我们的钱降信徒苏我们开始用的是1 3 gt It is dented as expected even with the strongest me the ¯ ▽ ¯ � Supply road of goods at battlefield and the like � chi yo www we life line www gold zu ru wwww After the � as for the fan of the plain twill in being called the life line At this occurrence of the � is named plain life line incident Because the � it is long HLL HiranoLifeLine incident it is omitted � use derives the word life line widely vis a vis the believer who drops the money starts being used
) 日本邮政 物资供应线和生命线是我的战场万维网WWW的生命线,因为周五wwww藤,平野绫扇和生命线这项活动将发给长度所谓名付事件是生命的油炸平原初步试验成功(HiranoLifeLine)的应用程序,大大衍生事件,广泛的生命线,我们的钱降信徒苏我们开始用的是1 3 gt It is dented as expected even with the strongest me the ¯ ▽ ¯ � Supply road of goods at battlefield and the like � chi yo www we life line www gold zu ru wwww After the � as for the fan of the plain twill in being called the life line At this occurrence of the � is named plain life line incident Because the � it is long HLL HiranoLifeLine incident it is omitted � use derives the word life line widely vis a vis the believer who drops the money starts being used
:2010 / 08 / 05(星期四)10:19:19编号:557 Jq2UDlMj0在膈肌痉挛或恶心太恶心了,但我不 : 2010/08/05 (wood) 10: 19: 19 ID: Jq2UDlMj0
The nausea it is not, but it is
The spasm of the diaphragm is terrible in any case