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108 years old which go out, 103 years old, 102 year old…Tokyo senior citizen, successively the whereabouts unclear detection ★3


  • ((((((((;..゚)))))))爱,库卡库卡库卡゙゙゙゙゙゙鹰鹰卢卡卢卡゙゙゙拉夫塔夫゙゙゙库卡胡夫权

    • 451 60岁以上,但太多,不得罕见明治,大正应调查所有学生 451 But the being popular too much in 60 years old or more as for the Meiji Taisho origin the shelf which it should investigate entirely
      • 超过20000人居住100年无法确认呻 vimeo com 13850992 Cannot verify existence 100 years old or more which 20 000 http vimeo com 13850992

    • 464父母,亲戚看什么?或谁在注视着! 你住,而且也不知道原来每天和他们教 464 That parent and the kindred see because Or someone sees It is from the wa to do you do not teach whether gt originally usually it lives somewhere
      • 该组织从那里纪念品的父母。山德林说,他们邀请追悼会,并没有大的左手 It is personal effects rearrangement from there the parent Causing Assuming that it is the memorial service the cod large doing to labor assistant it does not remain

    • 54:32编号:r4pjWOzy0见破将保存来自不同青年至20年 54 32 ID r4pjWOzy0 When also 20 years retain it is young because is different it probably will be penetrated
      • 666:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 08 01(星期日)03:54:32编号:r4pjWOzy0见破将保存来自不同青年至20年 666 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 08 01 day 03 54 32 ID r4pjWOzy0 When also 20 years retain it is young because is different it probably will be penetrated

    • 64 60岁,国家退休金计划成员不是没等开始支付,60岁以下的残疾抚恤金,即使你有一个领取养老金的家庭,60岁以上,300万900 4领取养老金,由于绝对认为那0.0亿多过度
      In 60 - 64 years old, as for the national pension member, being the case that provision has not started, Obstacle annuity under 60 years old, the gratuitous indemnity receipt person is doing, 60 years old or more, 3, with 9,000,000 person, annuitant 4, as for 10,000 person You think that it is too multi, but it is

      • 859顺便说一下,上述申请后,除1亿日元的遗产,继承人,妻子+两个孩子一宗三,继承税如下:
        859 By the way, after the description above exception applying, inheritance 100,000,000 Yen, the successor, 3 wife + child 2 total When is, inheritance tax is as mentioned below

        • Etara这是考虑,我不喜欢,我在死后火化也?如果只从行或火葬场的记录是否仍将谁我真的死了 When this tsu te you think death it is coming out it means cremation not melting don t you think If it went the crematory whether or not someone died as expected because it probably will remain in record
          • 最多可以有847数千数万外表和日元的形式坚持火化 847 If you do not adhere to type and the world body for several tens of thousands of Yen it is possible to cremation

        • NULL yareyare Therefore Ω Therefore REPT It does the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
          • 东京东京和我知道 东京东京是的的确出丸之内东京 东京 东京 每日井东京 值得质量东京 它 地狱 Warazu东京,因为相变什么东京Yareyare 选择,因为东京 东京汤反正 。和 ,和 东京这样 东京汤井 东京正常 (·ω·) 在东京,日常生活 东京 东京 ,所以搭售 。 ヽ u003d u003d 今天 在东京,东京或者他们迎接光 yareyare Therefore AND AND Ω Therefore REPT It does the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
          • 如何疯狂的头部再次 东京毕竟 东京的确 疯狂的头部是 出丸之内东京 Daily (·ω·) 在东京,每天 真棒东京风景 东京 ,所以。 ヽ u003d u003d 疯狂的头上又挨光今天在东京重 yareyare Therefore Ω Therefore REPT It does the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

        • TRICK3养老院类似的故事,是不朽的高岛
          Story of the high 嶋 of TRICK3 being similar, the [ru] Hurou immortal nursing home

          • ü家伙的脑袋是用来铭记不愉快的气味证明,身体处置利用一切手段,不,我这样做的远 The head as for the person who is used with smell and evidence as an air with all expedients the corpse dealing… well to here the wa which is possible to be
            • 此外,他们死后可以处理相同的,如果你没有看到尸体沉船一年 In addition the boat sinking when the corpse is not found with 1 year lapse it can make in the same way death treatment

          • Yakoryaaaaaaaaa女巫是你的丈夫,和东京的官员
            It is [babaa], it is original Tokyo and the staff Something you are disgusted, the [ya] well well well well

            • →财产和死亡的秘密你需要保护,而不是5年或07年,显然这样的恶意岁继承税〇日元甚至埋在土豆→→几年以后在业主之间的分销协议?
              The death -> as for property the proprietor distribution -> the denseness 葬 -> several years later being discovered in regard to agreement, with aging inheritance tax 0 Yen Because there is a clear malice, the kana which is not 5 years and has the necessity to protect [te] 7 year secret?

              • 不久的将来,这种技术维持生命的治疗,如果避难,其中甚至有一个老人叫200岁的脑死亡 In the near future if prolongation of life remedy technology rises in brain death state 200 year old tsu te also the old person who is said It comes out

                • 不是个人数据系统,没有实现,因为民主党也反对与警方合作的儿童指导中心

                  • 临时,你继承的合法继承者分钟,2:1:1(5妻子,10万元,每两个孩子,5万美元)到200万:1:按比例100万的妻子,每个孩子50 100个月000内,结束该师历史文化,以及申报的法定份额继承,配偶,或600万,税务,人民的自由,因为高日元1000万,Merubeki上税的,每个子女的50万只 NULL

                    • 什么是安全,这样做安全,24岁男子,他是那里看着茹状态,但只有在国家招生老健护理 米一岁男子
                      Safety is not designated as the air and the [te] as for being all right, that old person 24 hours, when the person who is seen has stayed, Although the old person is old age health special nurturing, just a state where it has entered

                      • 从死亡的年龄率从0岁的人的数量已经生活在1岁2,在这个时代,许多人已经生活,生活中许多人年已经去世(谁的12数),计算 From 0 years old from the mortality rate up to 1 years old from the number of people who have lived at the point in time of 1 years old At the point in time of 2 years old the human no human and dies human has lived no person the number of people of life 12 years old who With it calculates
                        • 死亡率从0岁到1岁,1岁在那个时候,谁上来了很多学生,许多谁已经去世的人(人数1岁的生命)和计算 From 0 years old from the mortality rate up to 1 years old from the number of people who have lived at the point in time of 1 years old At the point in time of 2 years old the human no human and dies human has lived no person the number of people of life 12 years old who With it calculates

                      • 从黑帮“我会得到我的尸体都希望摆脱拿工资的百分之十的退休金”可能是说我Waretara Hoihoi人民充分钓鱼 If from the mob “one tenth of annuity which receives is paid the corpse body is disposed” when the tsu te it is said hoihoi the person who fishes it may be all the way

                        • 他说,我会一塌糊涂全员无习惯或公务员说,有太多Ttena绝缘体党和每个人都应该Kurase Kakae春耕现场步枪去一个地方,如西岁的美国人 Calling also the party of everyone to there or That government employee everyone lose the unreasonable oral ya saying as for the ru person going to the American western like place of former times the rifle holding the field plowing the saddle se it is good

                          • 但我在下次不欢迎婴儿潮一代的父母是在日本历史上最严重的道德
                            The parent of the nodule of lowest worst ethical view entering period one after another in the Japanese history, but [ru] reason

                            • 你刚才检查过100岁Shidashita下落吗?养老金领取结束,所有Idaro d调整意味着所有说不
                              Still, it just started doing the location verification of 100 years old or more it does, the [yo]? Targeting everyone if you do not inspect above the annuitant, the [ro] which is not meaning and is

                              • 例如,79年两年,他们将八十年岁了一年,或live或死(如果活着,yet death of年龄,如果死亡,死亡年龄为80岁),和百万80岁in临时如果人们,从80年1至79岁死亡率 百万溜溜球 For example last year 79 years old does the person who this year is 80 years old exists or die If you exist if death age undecided you die as for death age 80 years old with When 80 years old make 1 000 000 person temporarily from 79 years old the mortality rate of 80 years old 1 1 000 000 it rises and falls

                                • 健康保险是医疗机构要698和昂贵的医疗费用可予支付费用,费用从你的退休金或其中的某些部分分钟的限制,在时机成熟的变化
                                  698 Calling to the health insurance system the large amount medical treatment system, the upper limit being decided in individual payment amount, the [ru] Paying medical expense from annuity, hanging comes with room

                                  • 傲慢与无能是精英主义不仅是因为较高的人口,我们完全可以说是文文Kirubeku As for just elitism and pride with favor of high disabled group In order that it occurs doing even the incident which occurred you can say

                                    • 养老保险欺诈是他们的组织得到的气味在刑事地下外国国家给予妇女选举权运动虽然他摆脱了中国户籍一些民主党人保护非法移民的生活得到了明显的好我最近也许你与有组织犯罪联系 Annuity fraud does smell of crime of foreign organization With underground organization Those which you can receive hit receiving the ma huh the te Recently entering illegally welfare the Chinese who is received it is The Democratic party loses the family register however it is exercising It grants to foreign carrot administration The causing re which is criminal syndicate and the being connected it is
                                      • 这不能表决失踪老人问题?缺席的更换或相当茂日苏まし并打开?财产或家庭登记或安全吗? This the senior citizen of whereabouts obscurity has gone the ri does not do in poll Increase and the inserting substituting which do to become it does not stay Family register or property all right

                                    • 嗯,从我出去茹由于新生儿死亡率平均寿命低,但可以改变一个年龄寿命第20条
                                      Well, because average life appears low with influence of the newborn baby death, it is possible to change into the average life of 20 years old or more, but

                                      • 嘿,这可能是社会工作者颁发了一个机会,我足立区

                                        • 在今年的政府工作人员协会和公民有义务每采访,我可以马上解决的问题,如果我招了发言养老金支付,并拒绝把蛋糕 Every year requiring the national welfare member and the surface talks of the government office it discontinues the provision of denial tsu cod annuity and the like the tsu te If it does it is the problem which can be solved in the swift attack
                                          • 达罗或无法检查我的猜测是,它瓦特手无寸铁,我们付出什么,而不是商品除外 With the circular waist verification the ro w which is unreasonable If that the excessiveness there is no gold in te goods provision margin

                                        • 在老年护理,但嘿你能教别人方法切除左工程痴呆养老金81年的女巫有智 During old person nursing but annuity leaving babaa of 81 year old acknowledgment symptoms inside the method of turning off to be good Someone you do not teach

                                          • 地方政府,这是可取的强制力给予居民对活着
                                            The local self-governing body, granting the forced investigation right for the existence verification of the inhabitant It is desirable, probably will be

                                            • 失踪了不坐了一两天或三天到两个事件不是在流浪老人痴呆症,尤其是如果怕
                                              Especially if the old person of the acknowledgment symptom because we fear incident accident with loitering, in two days or three days search the trap which it starts asking

                                              • 如果你的钱包或驾驶执照办公室合里诺塞托莫我,银行卡,证明人居住在没有快乐合采取一切消失茹鉴定是由连火车走在发言带来Itetara做的是把所有的信用需要去发出身份证明文件,而且对居住 The license place inserting the bank card and the credit card entirely in we acquaintance or the wallet carrying about the cod By even the streetcar main person of the re te can be verified those which all disappearance It tried it will not be able to scramble with inhabitant vote and to do this human proof but Because inhabitant vote the document of this human verification is necessary it cannot have issuing
                                                • 户籍制度,或居民,或者我是一个很奇怪的说法 The family register inhabitant vote the system saying rather doubtfully it is thing

                                              • 如果欺诈行为,而不是“尸体”是如何解决?爱,权力゙库卡(((不适用; ))η焕Kakowaiwaa゙
                                                Rather than with… saying If illegality it did “The corpse” disposed how doing? Mosquito ゙ [kuka] ゙ [ku] (((n; `д `)) Η [nanta] ゙ [kakowaiwaa

                                                • 如果该办事处努力学习在90岁以上的老人,如果你问达萨忘记明信片健康体检中心1岁的孩子喜欢 If the government office investigates serious in the senior citizen of 90 years old or more one year old child medical examination likely The postcard it should have made hygienic center put out it is
                                                  • 和他们的亲属都超过100岁,其实是由这句话,没有看到of the怀疑or obviously more强烈的eyes Actually 100 years old or more and the flesh fell it is clear to be looked more strongly of doubt by this speech
                                                  • 和他们的亲属都超过100岁,其实是由这句话,没有看到of the怀疑or obviously more强烈的eyes Actually 100 years old or more and the flesh fell it is clear to be looked more strongly of doubt by this speech

                                                • 居民普查登记车牌725 所见即所得的分钟识别号码有意义的例子,这个车 725 License plate of inhabitant vote car Family register body number Whether this proverb is easy to understand that…

                                                  • 平均预期寿命养老金直到后来还是没有支付存款尊重老年人喜庆相同金额,黄金还没有证实,高龄严格的假期,但是,不喜欢
                                                    To average life as for annuity provision and after that respect for the aged celebration gold provision of the same amount, However unless as for the respect for the aged celebration gold there is strict verification, does

                                                    • 当然,我是赛车圈m9m9性别Shineyo柏青哥! M9m9m9我们的官方狗屎
                                                      Naturally, it is horse racing pachinko manners concentration, m9m9 [shineyo]! Droppings public official m9m9m9

                                                      • 我不想税驯服小丑我用后方的人!该孙子必须依靠曾孙Kitakere活跃!
                                                        The [ji] [ji] of others in the reservoir tax the [wa] which how we would not like to use! Life we probably would like to come Grandchild Depend on the great-grandchild!

                                                        • 我从来没有看过电影,我喝不死仙丹?
                                                          The Hurou immortal secret medicine was taken, it is The movie you have not seen?

                                                          • 我们收取一个固定的预算,并确保未来的识别临时增加人员20000
                                                            From now on 20,000 increasing temporary staffs for this human verification, because you verify Correction budget is claimed

                                                            • 我可怜的自我利益,因为在偏远地区,他们将支付所有新井保护公共援助资金,并希望把我们的税收只笨公共官员不要只对100岁现在是响亮Giyagatte学徒之行政傻瓜 After so long a time becoming the noise and the tsu te There are no just 100 years old or more Foolish government employee Only tax taking and tsu te Public support financial protection treatment Start washing entirely Therefore the party of my interest selfish desire it is careless what Learn the administration of sparsely populated area Fool
                                                              • 这是很不合适的,我没有改变过去,爆裂,就是我可以做同样的终端麻烦PM5官僚自身利益,但不能离开,直到他们有理由寻求干预不能说所谓 NULL

                                                            • 我是一个老男人当日本公民已经死了,你来通过邮寄选票券每个选举
                                                              Dying already, when the [ru] old person is the Japanese nationality, At each time it is election the exchange ticket of the vote being mailed, [ru]?

                                                              • 我有成千上万的人的,是超过40 000百岁老人,可能是唯一真正的问题是有20 000名老说,政府官僚,没有答案来得不称职公务员 100 years old or more coming to the point of over 40 000 thousand people being the ru really probably is about 20 000 As for this problem because is said government and the bureaucracy the government employee is too disabled from former times You did not do at all
                                                                • 重机外,养老金混乱 政客,官僚,公务员,他们是如何工作之前,你挂了?或自我毁灭为一个模糊的国家的人民的利益挂出 As for residence basis disjointed national pension setting chi ya oral ya … The politician the bureaucracy the government employee you it works Destruction me you have rendered service for the citizen or the becoming dim

                                                              • 有870从今年的普查,反对派拒绝接受调查我会回答你的纳鲁时间增加了一倍,我认识到战略的重要性,以确定我的行踪,还是应该坚持 我去看的居民我们的立场狙不禁它是一个很大的吸引力动议居民并非如此 870 Because this year there is census they are the maneuvers which make the importance of location verification acknowledge Whenever the time is repeated reply denial increasing don t you think from the ru Investigation group of objectors insists that you should have looked at inhabitant vote is with that in part as for stand the case which does not move inhabitant vote Appealing extensively is the aim
                                                                • 有870从今年的普查,反对派拒绝接受调查我会回答你的纳鲁时间增加了一倍,我认识到战略的重要性,以确定我的行踪,还是应该坚持 我去看的居民,狙是不是在一个大的上诉案件,是没有用的 870 Because this year there is census they are the maneuvers which make the importance of location verification acknowledge Whenever the time is repeated reply denial increasing don t you think from the ru Investigation group of objectors insists that you should have looked at inhabitant vote is with that in part as for stand the case which does not move inhabitant vote Appealing extensively is the aim

                                                              • 毕竟,钱人元收集人死亡或新鲜恩戴我会觉得学生来的人谁的生活是你要Tteta我想我死了我 After all living the te person whom you think as the ru has died the ri The gold which was gathered from the citizen in the citizen dying as the ru thinks the person living the ro which is ru tsu te thing
                                                                • 钱人元收集533,你只是回到公众 533 Returning the money which was gathered from the citizen to the citizen just the ru

                                                              • 毯的整个民族have巡查汽车,每two年,作为片段获得医学检查,统一国民健康保险停止of course such insurance由该公司,往往是红色now公务员公务员(和),办公uniform我该怎么办由分摊缴纳保费收入 Way there is inspection every of 2 years even by the automobile national entire evenness physical checkup It tries to be received insurance union and the like every of company where now the deficit is many Stopping national health insurance unification also the government employee to do of course window burden of evenness If it makes the premium which is assessed from annual income how probably will be
                                                                • Yaiidakejan下一年度之做运动的习惯单调乏味的“运动办公室提出了寻找真正站出来当所有的人”升 It comes from the difficult habit obtaining and just the campaign doing ya calling is seniority half “The national everyone do the face put out to one time government office always densely always campaign” l

                                                              • 没有采取电话从明年年初,不过分开支票邮寄个人识别信息(年度扣除的其他费用),日本决心打破明年下半年,我
                                                                Those which come and seniority half communication they do not take from private information individual verification than the mail telephone (However commission from annuity other things advance deduction), Again half under next year Japanese decision

                                                                • 甚至 这种情况,我想我将有一个信念的花圃race塔卡里要收取你的大脑潜力欺诈或他们noise m look喜欢party不rich elderly福利万维网 ma even in this circumstance completeness of old people s welfare Making a noise when you happen to see the ru political party the race party Www which you probably will think that takari of your flower garden inside the brain or possibility of fraud of convinced offense is high

                                                                  • 第二,在DNA指纹和血液在医疗检查time被迫live玛丽塔一半that be almost时间将强制每两年超过20 Gitara person决策系统,指纹or脱氧核糖核酸identification in同步的registration该支票我们不?没办法人排队的血液或头发其中ε
                                                                    At the point in time when already, it is born making the system of main human register of fingerprint and DNA When 20 years old it passes, the half it makes diagnose mandatorily healthily in every 2 years, The half to donate blood mandatorily that time, this person verifying with DNA whether simultaneously the fingerprint It should have gone because? As for blood donation unreasonable person with mucous membrane of hair or [hoo

                                                                    • 继承了一个较小的值(住宅与病故者同住的家庭,在减少80%评定为20%),人寿保险million评估振振有词至少500的x人数是继承人数量有限的5亿美元,继承人,妻子+两个孩子,如果一个人总有三-一百万的评估
                                                                      The small-scale housing site which the bereaved family who lives together with the deceased inherits becomes assessed amount 8 percentage reduction (2 comparatively) You appraise life insurance, with the amount which pulled the number of 5,000,000 x successors Being lowest, if - 5,000,000, the successor is, 3 wife + child 2 total, - 1, 5,000,000 So you appraise

                                                                      • 而且你不能有一个医生对筛查流行驱动tTA认为通过观看496瓦特498,一个位置,是难以确定的迁移和长期留在国外 496 The ro w which also the te about medical examination is possible not to be the doctor who has popularity separately and is 498 Seeing you thought but When it is foreign immigration and long stay location verification the difficult shelf
                                                                        • 打破我的工作人员2008年8月访问了,不知道它的下落仍然 Changing to August of 08 the staff visited but After all as for location you say that it was not understood
                                                                        • 艾希库拉有点陌生,甚至包括一些30000预测今年的死亡无关的事情,但不告诉任何人,我不会 Including also the fact that you do not understand it is who Because unrelated death is as many as annual 30 000 Location obscurity being extent a little Probably will not be strange

                                                                      • 虽然有可能是故意骗取养老金的孩子,家庭不得不携带养老通过书籍和朋友约一个月from m也是一个黑暗的周五下落不明,但黑暗的养老钱将有一个案件,我们始终当前很多 There probably is also a case which the child has swindled annuity intend but Therefore household flesh fell what which holds the old person who transfers the annuity log to such as darkness gold also one month being the whereabouts unclear The case that there is about a mountain annuity is flowing directly in the darkness gold probably will be
                                                                        • 但你们,我被打在加拉老男人的钱,我会bring m失去了一些东西 You have attacked always With the gold the ru old person Something it does not exist it is
                                                                        • 那么,如果普通户说携带一个老人在没有丢失甚至一个月给我从一个相对 Well if normal therefore household flesh fell what which holds the old person the trap where not even one month whereabouts obscurity is left

                                                                      • 调查流量警方援引刑事立即右手住房的居民家庭已驳回了要求当地政府官员出向文家庭活着,所以没用到居民的麻烦和当地出生的畸形。司法隐私问题阻碍了警察在它的好处是不会拒绝一个相对
                                                                        Immediately, because the flow of the police makes the trouble cause which is needless to the inhabitant and the self-governing community Local government employee going Requesting existence verification to the family The inhabitant family denies Exercising forced investigation right then Residence. The relative refuses By official business execution disturbance in police with information Because there is no problem of private information, it is to call it is not

                                                                        • 豁免5 + 1零零零零零零零零零日元至少000万日元儿童X数量的继承人,06,000万元,继承人,如果妻子+ 2 3总,8,000000000
                                                                          As for basis deduction 5, 10,000 Yen + 1, the number of 10,000 Yen x successors Being lowest, if 6, 10,000, the successor is, 3 wife + child 2 total, 8, 10,000

                                                                          • 这个是每个年龄死亡率的积累,从而决定了整个寿命
                                                                            Now accumulation, to be mortality rate of each every age, average life is decided with that,

                                                                            • 这抓住了幸存者的人数可以不被确认的老人有没有家人早生合,纪念品等进行研究,我们在首天的使用健康状况或专题介绍当地耆英 At self governing community in busy condition etc of token presentation or health insurance of day of respect for the aged Going in investigation the senior citizen where you cannot verify existence e g the family does not adjust Number is grasped

                                                                              • 这证明是我行旅死的人,继续到我的退休金帐户,我们的孩子有权继承它 When that traveler death person is we if it is not proven in we account annuity Continuing to enter as for the child there is a right to inherit that

                                                                                • 配偶的份额继承,在继承或法律6万美元,免税高达○○○○○○○○○日元更多高
                                                                                  As for inheritance amount of the spouse, to the one whose legal inheritance amount or 100,000,006 and 10,000 Yen are high tax-free

                                                                                  • 鉴定,驾驶试验场,或者什么是公司的一张纸和卡只接受站财产损失的报告,并向警察
                                                                                    As for main human verification of operational research institute, with slip of paper of acceptance of loss report with police box and card of company Somehow, it was possible

                                                                                    • 高尾尘委员会(从前了 )热。二郎是“日本的预期寿命是150岁的解释”的意义上,顾正试图听到是不可信的,每个小组或其他 High considerably it is at commission of the dust before It is harsh Jiro somehow “the average life of Japan when it becomes 150 years old” We had assumed that it cannot trust each panelist but while inquiring about explanation you agree upon
                                                                                      • 高尾尘委员会(从前了 )热。二郎是“日本的预期寿命是150岁的解释”的意义上,顾正试图听到是不可信的,每个小组或其他 High considerably it is at commission of the dust before It is harsh Jiro somehow “the average life of Japan when it becomes 150 years old” We had assumed that it cannot trust each panelist but while inquiring about explanation you agree upon

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