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In 菅 conversation the Korean political world “insufficiency” “sincerity it doubts”, you apologize “with the problem of the forcing taking and victory girl and compensation” “to North Korea”


    • F十ヽ 布鲁诺ヽヽ :: he REPT No REPT REPT
    • Hajimata玛塔 马塔Hajmatal REPT 92 92 nini 92 mata hajimata Mata Hajmatal

  • Hayo你以为你自己的370和我不介意道歉和赔偿,但你不希望任何赔偿或道歉,我觉得你只是希望别人做的 370 As for you there is no air which it compensates and apologizes and you think that it is The way however by his and would like to compensate apologize or is not done it does with harboring something which can be let do to others the yo
    • 您将永远继续损害它永久wwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww Compensation continues eternally wwwwwwww Don t you think permanently wwwwwwwwwww

  • Korean m不能忘记屈辱我不小心被被支配的湿重,我承认,它在日本的支流梅罗 As for the South Korean being controlled reaching you cannot forget humiliation it is ww To some extent recognize the fact that Japan it is tributary
    • 我不再突出在朝鲜没有作出这种噪声mite m时间是日本的支流,就像那些我承认我从自祖 Don t you think another such a thing making a noise still at ru point in time Korea when Japan it is tributary recognizing from our zu those the ru way

  • NULL m9 д pugiya ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ Prime minister And 仙 Secretariat director Digging the ear Should hear the � ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Because one as for the Korean there is no concept that you form equal relationship way the fact that it is the standpoint where always we predominate is made to recognize the heart per seat ru
    • 更多798。M9公路( Д )━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Pugya。森和首相。内阁官房长官━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Hojikutsu耳朵听到Kubeshiー。■↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 日本在吞并时间通知政府对朝鲜总督〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜1●中,我最欣赏的韩国人决定干脆每天和 798 Continuation m9 д pugiya ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ Prime minister And 仙 Secretariat director Digging the ear Should hear the � ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ One it reprimands daily in the Korean and never praise
    • 甲●,在做业务是与韩国建立合法的贸易,我们应该首先我期待 One the case where the Korean and trade transaction are done the transaction which becomes legitimate should be prepared that it is formed first

  • RDD项目也是一个固定的电话系统(我年幼座机合同呢?宽)是一种有限的各种问题,模糊神经网络是做多Zuttomashi RDD system the fixing telephone nowadays young layer fixing telephoning and making a contract w There are various problems with limitation but the method of FNN compared to directly increase
    • 富士625(模糊神经网络)只听说东京约1000人穿着他们周围 625 huji FNN at Tokyo neighborhood it is heard in only 1000 people

  • S等 - 乐烧!业务方案 - Utauyo!DORAKUE × [k]的龙
    <[do] and others [ku] obtaining! ! OP> Utauyo! ! DORAKUE

    • TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d 3pivJzPPpvw
      ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 3pivJzPPpvw

      • Www nhk or jp korekara nk31 型NK enq html(思考我的)第3季度,越南战争时,韩国对越南的暴行驱动tTA线(包括慰安妇问题)我向你道歉不为任何人,日本,用来指出他们只需要类似的问题道歉分钟标准匠1 3双 www nhk or jp korekara nk31 nk enq html My thought At the time of Q3 and the Vietnam War vis a vis the atrocity victory girl problem and the like where Korea keeps confronting Vietnamese although you do not apologize altogether Vis a vis Japan the point which uses properly the double standard that skillfully main point it requests apology with similar problem
        • “勇于面对历史事实”是必要的家伙,在针对这些谎言的“慰安妇”是日本朝日新闻社更以创造一个骚动 As for “the courage which looks straight the fact of history” being necessary in their lies Acting in concert the Asahi newspaper which creates “victory girl” disturbance it is
        • 在军事官员提供证词,军事,但只有1到4,“第五种子供应,”在收到订单,一个公司“的○八小时06天限制安慰谁被分配“的内容和一些妇女 As for the stores of the troop although to only 4th it is from 1st there to be receipt order “of the 5th kind stores” in testimony of the troop authorized personnel in one troop “daytime 8 hours 6 victory girls applied with restriction” that there are also those of the contents which are done
        • 对不断恶化的考虑是什么呢?问题5,东亚的发展,将日本和韩国,你认为他们应该建立这样一个关系呢?通过https: www nhk or jp korekara nk31 型NK enq html(思考我的)第3季度,越南战争时,韩国对越南的暴行驱动tTA线(即慰安妇问题等等),但不道歉的话,和日本,用来指出,不仅匠分钟的双重标准,寻求加强类似问题道歉 How you think concerning this In the development of Q5 and east Asia in the future Japan and Korea keep building what kind of relationship it should you think that is https www nhk or jp korekara nk31 nk enq html My thought At the time of Q3 and the Vietnam War the atrocity where Korea keeps confronting Vietnamese vis a vis victory girl problem and the like although you do not apologize altogether Vis a vis Japan the point which uses properly the double standard that skillfully it requests apology with similar problem
        • 正如有人认为,韩国媒体,但他们会声称竹岛拥有主权,称为日本海的问题,我会更Muchana妇女要求赔偿的舒适性问题 As the Korean is mass communications insist They in the future bamboo island possession right insistence the Sea of Japan naming and compensation etc of victory girl problem muchiyana thing is required so far above

      • [总理]韩国的话语,没有根深蒂固的种族优越感不合理的“道歉的比赛。”
        Korea, inveterate race superiority complex The limit it is not “the apology game”

        • ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Eniwoyokose相同奈达 。彡⌒英里。 #。 Д ( 1( Ÿ ) ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Cross over in the ji e nida 彡 ⌒ mi д Y
          • 除非被返回该国的殖民统治艾福奈达最终我从酱踢继续抱怨,即使是好的东西我离开Tokya After all if nida country colony controls irubon and does not return Doing whatever it continues to droop complaint therefore it is to leave the time the ya It was good it is

        • 一非法强迫吞并条约,强迫的东西军队或招募慰安妇日本是无根谢事实!阿呆! !首先,不明白他们没有说谎的工作对国家的这一道歉,否则他们也不会谢为什么
          1 Illegal characteristic of forced merger treaty, forcing taking of the victory girl by the former Japanese Army, such a factual non root you can apologize to thing? Fool! ! In the first place, there is no either one such as the fact that you apologize to such a lie spitting race If it is appreciated and very the [re] which is done, why it does not apologize, it is habit

          • 不过,韩国现在安静,韩国和日本的军事携服务,相对于这一思想路线在中国和美国,真正的战国简是愚蠢的 Nevetheless Korea becomes placid with this Day Korea carrying the military service in resident it probably will keep facing with China and the United States that being serious you think As for 菅 Sengoku fool
            • 不过,韩国现在安静,手携韩国,相对于这个愚蠢的路线和美国在中国,真正战国简的思想是 Nevetheless Korea becomes placid with this Day Korea carrying the military service in resident it probably will keep facing with China and the United States that being serious you think As for 菅 Sengoku fool

          • 中共现在是733现有的技术,Niko的日本企业正在采取board ll被中国大陆吸收技术
            733 Also during now Nikkei enterprise of existing technology and the technology which also the inside absorbed being taken over, the [ru] it is the [ze] which is

            • 例如,美国对日本,“臻没有抗体提高到一个轰炸迅速结束战争的,但肯定的是,关于道歉的损害的情况下向平民到表”,并尝试,并表示 For example America in Japan You have been convinced the fact that war early reaches to conclusion “due to atomic bomb dropping but we would like to display the case of apology in regard to the damage to the civilian” We will assume that with you stated
              • 例如,美国对日本“的结论,没有战争的迅速增加抗体,以一臻原子弹确信,对于表中的平民受害者道歉”,并尝试,并表示 For example America in Japan You have been convinced the fact that war early reaches to conclusion “due to atomic bomb dropping but we would like to display the case of apology in regard to the damage to the civilian” We will assume that with you stated

            • 其时吞并的,但我想她只是普通的日本人民的信息是吞并韩国从殖民地好,歌曲甚至不知道对方的性质,通过现在不狡猾这不是一个结果,只能喷出的学员受益 Concerning the merger of that time you say that than colonization how to merge probably will be very better to Korea Just there was a Japanese feeling and started and was however it is probably will be Not understanding the essence of the partner well only the disadvantage which already it is the empty leads soon the reason shelf which becomes the result which is produced
              • 外交事务,在这两个,但我从来没有真正最坏的总理和政府不仅不利于学生找人出 Only disadvantage how internal affair diplomatic relations in the both vis a vis the citizen truly is not produced lowest prime minister and with administration something the shank

            • 北京-中国报纸报道新京报日期批评时事的11,总理菅直人的韩国话语约100年吞并“的韩国,日本重视伤口规则的殖民地,不仅
              The Beijing current events> As for 11 date Chinese papers new capital information with criticism, about 菅 the Naoto prime minister conversation of day Korea merger 100 years, “Those where it is damaged with the Japanese colony control are not just Korea

              • 即使听到这样的评论,或战国简“是一个很好的不快:”我很Horuhoru是什么意思?请采取更加远离日本 Inquiring about such comment 菅 as for the 仙 valley “Well good thing was done” tsu te horuhoru it has done it is Already it keeps coming out of Japan

                • 后来从,这不是谋杀,攻击性战略富人是一个日本人的侵略代理的韩国“壮举”我会说,我是说,国资委谎言我是芭蕾舞巴里 After being afterwards the Japanese where that is not homicide is the stooge of invasion as maneuvers of resistance of the Korean The wealthy person was attacked “justice raising holding” how saying the ru is lie is barebare what
                  • 日本和韩国的侵略事件,任何未来和回顾过去的工作是通过直接在甚至不应该宣布任何间接 Next reflecting past invasion In the future whatever situation occurring in the Korean Peninsula Japan does not do the direct and indirect every approach With it should declare

                • 四郎向朝鲜道歉尼达!奈达赔偿四郎!中国人道歉!铝补偿!他妈的邻居Bakkari Even in North Korea apology margin nida Compensating margin nida Al who apologizes to also China Al whom it compensates kuso neighboring country tsu temporary
                  • 我会说我站起来的黑木和补偿未来涌 When the rose firewood it compensates to chiyon even from now on speaking indirectly the ru tsu lever
                  • 我给你带来一份特殊的感情连接仅仅是因为他们不只是邻居 Simply therefore the neighboring country with does not have to touch in just the reason which is said with special feeling
                  • 我让他完全驱动tTA的赔偿金从日本收到了我们面前采取的,甚至朝鲜 Compensation doing properly with the gold which you receive from Japan even in North Korea
                  • 日本政府关于朝鲜半岛左侧个人财产的补偿,已被日本政府已经让位给浇水,所以我接受了梁青 Because the Japanese government being able to clarify increases the private compensation regarding the property where the Japanese who already takes over from the Korean government leaves to the peninsula

                • 在自民党总务会用“邮票在他的老诚诚奥野,一野中广务,我渴望改变自己的名字伤口朝鲜”可能句话挂在梁麻生太郎
                  The seal as for being attached Makoto Akira Okuno At one time in the Liberal Democratic Party Executive Council, Hiromu Nonaka, “the Korean desired creation person new name”, that Taro Aso which spoke Hanging it has lifted

                  • 奥莱奥莱,这个家伙被套牢在单一单击WWW鸭和民主,但我没有学习 My me being caught with one click the person www who makes the duck But there is no democracy tsu te ability to learn

                    • 如果是过于坚持,它屠宰,蟑螂我们韩国人! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The remainder persistent way if it is destroying cockroach Korean
                      • 韩国人是非常个人主义,并与他们不要来吧合 再一个就是这样讨厌的家伙 Therefore as for Korean super individualism discriminatory principle what When it associates with such people useless

                    • 容易妥协显然是执政党总统生下他们的已知历史武马苏
                      Easy concession bears growing impudent Ruling party party chief does not know either history, it seems

                      • 强制招募慰安妇的日本帝国军队?你只是想要一个韩国军方对卖淫?我自愿Karukara利润
                        Forcing taking of the victory girl by the former Japanese Army? The South Korean just is prostituted in the troop partner the [ro]? Because it makes a profit, the [tsu] [te] voluntarily

                        • 强迫妇女招募舒适的日军性奴隶元收集证据,迫使日本军队是不是妓女
                          Forcing taking of the victory girl by the former Japanese Army Victory girl = prostitute There is no evidence which the Japanese military gathered mandatorily

                          • 当时,韩国的最贫穷国家制定法律,以维护公众健康和公共安全,使韩国的伙伴关系,发展农业,林业和采矿业,商业和工业过滤文,让国内生产总值翻一番
                            At that time, you serviced law in Korea of the most seriously affected countries, maintained public health and public order, afforested, made the business union of the Korean, developed the primary industries related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries and mining, caused the commercial industry and redoubled GDP shortly at period

                            • 当时,韩国的最贫穷国家的发展规律,以维持公众健康和公共安全,种植,并以韩国的伙伴关系,通过制定在短期内文过滤农业和林业,矿业,商业和工业生产总值让一倍
                              At that time, you serviced law in Korea of the most seriously affected countries, maintained public health and public order, afforested, made the business union of the Korean, developed the primary industries related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries and mining, caused the commercial industry and redoubled GDP shortly at period

                              • 彰隆三桥“真正的经济涂料的书”我,滑稽
                                Mitsuhashi your discernment “as for truth the [yabai] Korean economic” [tsu] [te] book, being funny

                                • 我只有结束敌人的,这事无论如何我的租金已经返回或竹岛可爱的偶像是哪首闪烁 After all it becomes the enemy therefore it is the oak serving to which either one collapses first Temporarily the bamboo island returning receive
                                  • 战争结束后,竹岛是日本领土,是由韩国,日本,韩国主张武装势力,掠夺应 After the war Korea the Japanese territory bamboo island which is plundered with military force Korea should be released in Japan

                                • 我圆了氧化在原子坝目前的政策主要不适?它的政策研究委员会主席! ! !这句话是在菅直人采取了领导作用,是战国驱动tTA
                                  The [ge] of Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council is the [pa] is unpleasant impression exposure in reality? Is Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council? ? ? As for speaking 菅 as for taking leading with Naoto the 仙 valley

                                  • 我抱歉的是,它甚至没有发生这种情况剖腹侃Dakeyan越来越多的障碍将于外观万我说什么“信仰在良好的通过观看日本首相哈拉滴”我一次,会谈论 There is no this ya of the word cup Steadily the hurdle just it is lifted and it is Like this when it becomes The 菅 cutting the stomach apology margin “Japanese prime minister showed sincerity with harakiri ” The tsu te once it becomes topic
                                    • 我会让它匍匐Baiin甚至在汉城的南大门阚前烤?我觉得还不够说奈达瓦特 The 菅 burns before Seoul Nandaimon and should have done even with kneeling on the ground don t you think it is However you think that even then the insufficient nida tsu te you say w

                                  • 我记得驼峰,谎言被称为朝鲜人民清楚地记得,就像昨天的殖民统治?如果这样做,我应该已经摆脱殖民统治的实质Chousenhitomodoki The Korean citizen who like thing of yesterday remembers colony control clearly Calling lie memory If such a thing to colony converting truly it exterminates chiyousenhitomodoki it should was

                                    • 我高兴日本到世界各地黑人的历史和经验,被视为妓女说U是由韩国主导的营销队伍,在日本的更加伟大的,我是坚强我知道我有凯塔权力所附丽的东西盲目中国到韩国,日本,而且我也不赢没有抗体增加贫困国家里,我他妈的这是国家占主导地位的美国,我可以推动资讯科技 NULL
                                      • ●一个人,朝鲜人觉得有没有债务,债务不能认为制片厂迁移信息只是为了抛弃收款 One as for the Korean because there are no times when you are moved by obligation as for favor you think as term and do not move feeling
                                      • 我是韩国人谈论了过去的人员在整顿期间更好的教育,谈判将是不可能的 Because former times mashi which receives education to merger age the talent was however the Korean and conversation was possible When now is negotiation probably is impossible

                                    • 战后,日本光荣或损坏的金钱使韩国外交部承办领导介和儿玉耀西大户它,一般一堆大 NULL
                                      • 战后,日本光荣或损坏的金钱使韩国外交部承办领导介和儿玉耀西大户它,一般一堆大 NULL
                                      • 战后,日本光荣或损坏的金钱使韩国外交部承办领导介和儿玉耀西大户它,一般一堆大 NULL

                                    • 战后,日本光荣损坏或使韩国的钱,外交部领导介和儿玉耀西大户它 NULL
                                      • 战后,日本光荣损坏或使韩国的钱,外交部领导介和儿玉耀西大户它 NULL
                                      • 战后,日本光荣损坏或使韩国的钱,外交部领导介和儿玉耀西大户它 NULL

                                    • 战国竹一方面,他们说,下一个喷射马岛韩国领土吞并朝鲜
                                      The following Sengoku's move As for bamboo island Korean territory Tsushima Korean territory With you propose

                                      • 日本也将这个“办法我Hazime马里阿尔卡蒂文化更如”过的文化遗产仪内,以证明我是善意的,大多数居民通过快速返回和蟹soup ll说樟脑自由和更美好的未来交流 The expectation which is the times when it is possible more to Japan The other side “the cultural assets it is no more than a start” the tsu te calling the ru it is to put out It should show largest sincerity by the fact that resident is returned rapidly Next when in the future you lose also cultural exchange better
                                        • 我要求这个数字带有什么回报的文化力量和赔偿更重要的是,我决定通过媒体包括所有附表 Steadily from now on riding in the figure it asks the return of the compensation and the cultural assets So the mass communications presume through altogether

                                      • 日本吞并朝鲜和美国同样的轰炸917“日本”的道歉,韩国作为一个道歉,如果同样的,我们当然是不值得 917 The American atomic bomb dropping and the Japanese Korean merger as the “same thing” As for Japan apologizing to Korea when it is proper If the same thing as for apology without doing the proper

                                        • 日本大使馆,外国组织是不是一个巨大的反常现象,因为领事馆
                                          As for being enormous foreign organization other than the embassy and the consular mansion in Japan Therefore abnormality

                                          • 日韩基本条约的国家之间的友好和良好的补偿,而进入决赛后,今天上午。您可以返回的书籍,“语言的被殖民线,将有抗 〜”,并输入一个包含库页岛,我发现,即使在韩国人生活在光的非法吞并韩国,支持(没有在日本的责任),并触摸你,我也发誓要继续弹出的政策或资金明显 As for day Korea basic treaty as for compensation between nations the question which is ended when with friendship Morning “With the colony control where it returned the books opposed to the intention and was done ” and so on with illegal characteristic of the day Korea merger which is said To insert the kind of wording which is depressed the South Korean support of the Sakhalin residence on Japanese responsibility also being whatever It touches and or with clearly it declares in the future and that the policy which produces the money is done it is
                                            • 日韩基本条约的国家之间的有效覆盖和良好而进入决赛后,今天上午。您可以返回的书籍,“语言的被殖民线,将有抗 〜”,并输入一个包含库页岛,我发现,即使在韩国人生活在光的非法吞并韩国,支持(没有在日本的责任),并触摸你,我也发誓要继续弹出的政策或资金明显 As for day Korea basic treaty being effective compensation between nations when the question which is ended Morning “With the colony control where it returned the books opposed to the intention and was done ” and so on with illegal characteristic of the day Korea merger which is said To insert the kind of wording which is depressed the South Korean support of the Sakhalin residence on Japanese responsibility also being whatever It touches and or with clearly it declares in the future and that the policy which produces the money is done it is
                                            • 韩国于1910年吞并朝鲜有13万人口的占领。 1942年年底,已翻了一番,达到25 50亿,而工业生产比6倍 Day Korea in 1910 is merged 13 000 000 as for the Korean population which is occupying In 1942 of final period It redoubled in 25 500 000 person at this time industrial production reached 6 times or more

                                          • 日韩基本条约,在驱动tTA汉江奇迹,尽管用来做驱动tTA分钟,并支付赔偿向北沿日
                                            In day Korea basic treaty, Japan in the habit which in miracle of the Chinese river used the indemnity which amount north is paid together

                                            • 有163个墓葬列表名称不无参拜寺庙从第一个埋葬如果你不
                                              163 There is a name in the roster, but there is no paying/inserting bone In the first place because as for Yasukuni there is no temple, it does not do the paying/inserting bone

                                              • 朝鲜是一个国家的殖民地,694将是您超支强两位数因为国家力量薄弱争端日本的负面,当然 694 The ro because Korea turning to colony was defeated to the power dispute with Japan As for being devastated to the country whose weak country is strong the proper
                                                • 不,这是唯一的负面溢出他的国家开始对来自日本的强大,韩国从他们没有权力斗争 Being defeated to the country which also Japan are stronger by your it was devastated It is different from first Korea has not done the power dispute

                                              • 朝鲜(韩国)是与事实不舒服驱动tTA认为我屈辱永远(500年)发现,人们继续争斗 Korea the Korean by his being unpleasant the fact which is thought in humiliation It is the citizen who 500 years is continued to grudge forever
                                                • 在所有外交空前分钟,只给穷人的东西在我里面,我可以舔和对外关系 When you transfer unskillfully with the foreign relations it just is licked Outside intersecting the thing it is not understood completely
                                                • 这是一个体面的外交关系与人没有足够的交谈,以及对韩国,但它不道歉 The citizen where honest conversation is not formed with the foreign relations it puts out Vis a vis the Korean don t you think you apologize and it is the chi ya useless

                                              • 板垣退助理论征服朝鲜,桂太郎首相在日本吞并朝鲜,同化政策,政治家试图愚弄日本韩国 Prime Minister Taisuke Itagaki of conquering Korea theory and Keitarou of day Korea merger The foolish politician whom with assimilation policy it tries to designate the Korean as the Japanese
                                                • 板垣退助理论征服朝鲜,桂太郎首相在日本吞并朝鲜,同化政策,政治家试图愚弄日本韩国 Prime Minister Taisuke Itagaki of conquering Korea theory and Keitarou of day Korea merger The foolish politician whom with assimilation policy it tries to designate the Korean as the Japanese
                                                • 板垣退助理论征服朝鲜,桂太郎首相在日本吞并朝鲜,同化政策,政治家试图愚弄日本韩国 Prime Minister Taisuke Itagaki of conquering Korea theory and Keitarou of day Korea merger The foolish politician whom with assimilation policy it tries to designate the Korean as the Japanese
                                                • 苏愈合他们似乎必须在脸颊Pechipechi一叠有关韩国头脑自来水是伤口 It is necessary the pe chi pe chi hitting the cheek with the bundle of notes to heal the heart of the Korean who has been hurt it seems

                                              • 极右翼组织,从外国势力离开驱动tTA傻瓜竞争只为维护和日本
                                                Therefore left flank the 騙 [tsu] it is just in order to oppose with the Japanese maintenance super right wing organization of foreign power

                                                • 此外,明和美国新罗家吗?远离厄运全国百济和高句丽锅
                                                  On that, as for Sinra who is combined with discernment the same family? Hundred end The high phrase 麗 was ruined, flying, it is race

                                                  • 毕竟,科诺和村山话语。它的问题是否很少目前包括日本声称合法的话语? 。如果该语句是罕见的,但似乎有点补充包含错误变成恶魔,如果没有任何有意义的话语都在自己, In the first place Kono conversation and Murayama conversation Legitimate insistence of the Japanese side was included in conversation to somewhere it is doubt In case of conversation but the error to demon it converts and supplementation a little is included and would like to hurt Conversation itself with that completely there is no meaning
                                                    • 为此,“谢。话语”停止闹剧,可能会同意,我们必须忘记 This lastly “thanking apologizing As for farce of conversation” stopping It doesn t mean that the agreement that is necessary you forget
                                                    • 从这个发言中,我得到一个“你有额外的喷射开朗,即使没有思维的后果是愚蠢的瓦特统一企业开始说什么,充其量,没有特别的 The fool without thinking in front of and behind because excessive conversation how it puts out w which becomes like this From first whatever you say doing at the very most “there is no especially at all

                                                  • 民主制度已吸引外来干扰,韩国的父母,我会谈谈中央部队或公明党的母公司韩国韩大师
                                                    Already becoming democracy administration of 患 attraction outside parent Korea, the founder Komeito or parent Korean power of the Korean going administration center, the [ru

                                                    • 民主劳动党发言人ç用户界面,“唯一的声明排除了空落全部超过1口惠而实不道歉,是仪内
                                                      “Content passes through the [u] [uiyon] reporting official of the democracy work party and in the conversation which falls, apology statement is no more than a lip service

                                                      • 民主社会主义党倒塌配置产妇崩溃Keiseikai 794 + + +社会主义者倒塌连残余的日本新党,社民断然否认绑架非道歉+没有Keiseikai黄金总部金丸信源的政治腐败+家居朝鲜是传闻社民连统治的残余的日本新党束枝野幸男公报的第一个目标,使自由民主党的最后一根稻草为一党,墙海江田,前原诚司,南新井,并河村隆
                                                        794 Constitution parent of the Democratic party Japan Socialist Party it deteriorates and + Keiseikai deteriorates and + corporation people ream deteriorates the remnant of the + Japanese new party Japan Socialist Party = kidnapping damage perfection denial + yet there is no apology As for resource of the gold ingot of the home of entire Motoyama + Kanamaru Makoto of Keiseikai = bribery politics the rumor, North Korea The fact that a party control of the corporation people connected = Liberal-Democratic Party can be finished was put out in first goal Remnant of the Japanese new party Branch field Yukio, Kaieda Wan Li, Seizi Maehara, Satoru Arai, Kawamura and so on it does high,

                                                        • 狙不是真正的访问将是道歉,陛下,我终于煽韩国舆论,因为他们在奥卡拉和战国狙
                                                          仙 valley and according to aim of [okara] Fanning the Korean public opinion, finally, visiting Korea being able to point to the majesty making apologize the true aim

                                                          • 猪排说服的“亚洲发展理论”(原则亚)...“与日本,中国和韩国”东亚共同体“的工作Rubeki!”福泽谕吉“(思想逃离亚洲”亚太原则的)...“如果中国和韩国文化从低标准的“东亚共同体”是不可能的!“的征文猪排说服科阿樽井Huziyoshi』的灵感来自于(1 SDP的祖先)是
                                                            � victory Kaishu's “Koa theory” (the Asianism)… “Japan with China and Korea, “also east Asia should make the same body”! ” Because “the deviation from sub- theory” of Yukichi's � Fukuzawa (deviation from Asianism)… “China and Korea standard of living are low, as for “also east Asia the same body” the impossibility! ” The fact that it is touched off in victory Kaishu's 'Koa theory' is barrel well Fuziyoshi (the ancestor of the corporation people party)

                                                            • 甲●,出示证据时,指责朝鲜,与一个大的轰鸣声宣告案件
                                                              - One, the case where the Korean is reprimanded it presents evidence, it affirms with 怒 voice large sound

                                                              • 甲●,向朝鲜道歉,如果你失去兴趣,甚至证明合法措施,订定了一个复苏后看到这一切了帮派争斗。由于争端的习惯,恐吓司法机关和显示最近的公共机构密切相关,特别是警察 One you apologize to the Korean the measure which becomes legitimate being when it impairs interests you think in grudge and unite the future faction returning repeating Because there is a learning habit which dispute is done it shows the relationship which becomes close with the official public station especially police administration of justice of the vicinity and menace
                                                                • ●一个人,朝鲜人失去兴趣,即使证明合法的措施,预计恢复后设置为一个组时,他们觉得苦了。由于争端的习惯,恐吓司法机关和显示最近的公共机构密切相关,特别是警察 One the Korean the measure which becomes legitimate being when it impairs interests thinks in grudge and unites the future faction returning repeating Because there is a learning habit which dispute is done it shows the relationship which becomes close with the official public station especially police administration of justice of the vicinity and menace

                                                              • 甲●,意外弯曲罢工如果韩国不公平,因为辜有关的工作,不时向盟军进攻往往要详细注意每一个家庭的朋友 Because often one the Korean when it does not submit to unjust dispute assault works to affinity in the time when it is related until the relative acquaintance make note be thorough
                                                                • 和“教育”和“韩国媒体”在日本,我已作出裁决Busayo And controlling “education” and “the mass communications” is busayo and the resident Korean
                                                                • 和这么多响亮和美味的日本金融货币组织粘连,很可能是艰难的溃疡苏 The resident money being tasty adheres because the organization which is many crushing Seriously so is
                                                                • 如果没有和韩国人至少负责386中日战争和日俄战争,它是负责招聘的战争已经在太平洋战争 386 Also there is no responsibility in the Nisshin war and Russo Japanese War There is a war responsibility which conscripts the Korean to Greater East Asia War
                                                                • 我会拼命反对在日朝鲜人在二战期间还增加了一个祖父说Tteta塑料也能玩谭恩戴 In the great war the Japanese fighting desperately at the time of the ru as for the Korean fairing you play it is even The pop says
                                                                • 我可以教数学和科学创造韩文韩国教科书我没有字典和教育体系 Making the dictionary and the textbook in the Korean who is not the education system you taught the Hangul and the arithmetic science
                                                                • 我可以教数学和科学创造韩文韩国教科书我没有字典和教育体系 Making the dictionary and the textbook in the Korean who is not the education system you taught the Hangul and the arithmetic science
                                                                • 韩国人,唯一的谎言,我Tsukanai韩国人,但我就是不洗耳恭听古 The South Korean only Korean how lie it is attached therefore it is also the ear which is heard altogether is tsu chi ya useless what

                                                              • 甲●,获得归因于他们,他不知道在日本的韩国人明显对所有权的概念一无所知,许多人没有归还借款和其他个人财物它 One has them release in order the resident Korean is considerable concerning the concept of possession and being ignorant does not understand no permission borrows the private property of other person such as money and articles and the thing multi it returns does
                                                                • ●一个人,朝鲜人不明白的所有权的概念是非常无知,许多人没有归还借款和其他个人财物它 One the Korean is considerable concerning the concept of possession and being ignorant does not understand no permission borrows the private property of other person such as money and articles and the thing multi it returns does
                                                                • 日本政府是让他们回到他在日本的假释罪犯血清韩国。由于特殊权限 The Japanese government they are made to release in order releasing the offender of the resident Korean temporarily gave residency special permission

                                                              • 福泽谕吉的“逃离亚洲的想法,”韩国参与,所以我说,驱动tTA Yukichi Fukuzawa It relates to Korea with “deviation from sub theory” becoming although you said that much
                                                                • 福泽谕吉“理念摆脱亚洲”(1885 1885) Yukichi Fukuzawa “Deviation from sub theory” 1885 1885
                                                                • 福泽谕吉的“逃离亚洲的想法,”韩国参与,所以我说,驱动tTA Yukichi Fukuzawa relates to Korea with “deviation from sub theory” becoming although you said that much
                                                                • 福泽谕吉的“逃离亚洲的想法,”韩国参与,所以我说,驱动tTA Yukichi Fukuzawa relates to Korea with “deviation from sub theory” becoming although you said that much
                                                                • 福泽谕吉的“逃离亚洲的想法,”韩国参与,所以我说,驱动tTA Yukichi Fukuzawa relates to Korea with “deviation from sub theory” becoming although you said that much

                                                              • 福泽韩国的有薪工作种族主义排外写Ÿ Gokurousan农村Netouyo乞丐的热量仅训练哦籍ー湿重
                                                                Race discrimination principle person luck of Korean rejection 澤 to be trained in Y good fortune, the fungus - - beggar [netouyo] While being hot, entry job work extremely wax ww

                                                                • 老实说,它看起来更大量的骨我狗屎,殖民万后裔年
                                                                  The bottom of the heart, [kuso] you saw already to the core of the body the party shelf, as for the end 裔 of ten thousand year colony

                                                                  • 而反对派代表的口碑风格的韩国“道义上的合法性”,“道德优势”将动摇它向日本Kazasenaku
                                                                    And, “moral justifiability” “moral predominance” of the place as it is called in expression of the Korean system It shakes vis-a-vis Japan and it becomes without the [za] [se

                                                                    • 胜算必须被称为参拜靖国神社,因为人是幸存者,应该返回给韩国人你肯定参拜靖国神社埋葬140
                                                                      140 In certain Yasukuni Shrine the paying/inserting bone the expectation where the Korean who is done is Returning, therefore the bereaved family whom you say the person who is celebrated the [tsu] [te] the expectation where the Yasukuni Shrine which is said is opposition state

                                                                      • 自上一参议院预算委员会86。西田和战国民主素质。会知道,但你看,不仅道歉民主,愿意和能够支付的水平在个人赔偿ü
                                                                        86 At House of Councillors budget committee before this our. Nisida's and democracy Sengoku's quality. When you see, you understand, however probably will be, As for democracy there is no just apology, the indemnity of private level the air which is paid full

                                                                        • 菅菅井(实际上是战国),但韩国国会议员caddishness我畏缩
                                                                          But the 菅 菅 (accurately the 仙 valley), the vulgarity of Korean Assemblyman the [wa] which is nonplused

                                                                          • 虽然我放弃了对日索赔的资产,因为朝鲜已经放弃索赔有关的W Generally even abandonment of claim right Even the claim right for the Japanese property which is in Korea Although it has abandoned w
                                                                            • 我的一些自称是鬼在真诚,日方并不重要 As for claim right commenting there is no relationship in the fake and the Japanese side doing with good intention because…

                                                                          • 迈拉保持你傻瓜,我是反缠身的有关韩国敏喜欢的事 Will not because and others aho maintenance relates to Korean something Is minsu like counter day the ru it is
                                                                            • 迈拉保持你傻瓜,我是反缠身的有关韩国敏喜欢的事 Will not because and others aho maintenance relates to Korean something Is minsu like counter day the ru it is
                                                                            • 迈拉保持你傻瓜,我是反缠身的有关韩国敏喜欢的事 Will not because and others aho maintenance relates to Korean something Is minsu like counter day the ru it is
                                                                            • 迈拉保持你傻瓜,我是反缠身的有关韩国敏喜欢的事 Will not because and others aho maintenance relates to Korean something Is minsu like counter day the ru it is
                                                                            • 迈拉保持你傻瓜,我是反缠身的有关韩国敏喜欢的事 Will not because and others aho maintenance relates to Korean something Is minsu like counter day the ru it is
                                                                            • 迈拉保持你傻瓜,我是反缠身的有关韩国敏喜欢的事 Will not because and others aho maintenance relates to Korean something Is minsu like counter day the ru it is

                                                                          • 这将是占主导地位的国家占韩国对日本首相或多数为韩国国会议员
                                                                            Or member of the Diet of the Korean register occupies majority, in Prime Minister Japan of the Korean register It becomes the nation which is controlled

                                                                            • 道路和桥梁倒塌,经济逐分钟的侵略战争,这个时间在日本,韩国(经济)有什么要求我在发言赢得战争狙,我会作出赔偿决定马祖 The amount which is invaded the road and the bridge with the failure war economically this time Korea in Japan economy in the war the victory With you aim for the fact that you say therefore it is it makes compensate being decided it probably is the ru but
                                                                              • 并促进韩国的入侵,以改善道路和桥梁★“风水”的壊 As the road and the bridge are serviced in Korea and invasion is made easy the “wind water” was broken

                                                                            • 金钱至上附表幕后我在韩国或满洲儿玉耀西,或岸信介,其他影响商贩,创业
                                                                              Kodama who secretly maneuvers in Manchuria or Korea the tide, bank trust mediating/helping, In addition governmental trade, starting a business of sen supreme principle

                                                                              • 镇压和抗日的皇室成员 - 包括左右(排除不利的皇帝),权力剥夺国家,军队也被解散
                                                                                The anti- day oppression which includes the royal family with that and (it does inconvenient emperor and removal), the authority deprivation, troop dispersion of the country

                                                                                研究 開発