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特別帳戸 - 宰;成員逮捕“是他對日本”...主席的個人電腦和扣押,“日本會允許特權”,以研究組織


  • 强行阻挠商业和诽谤,违反了法律对这种暴力行为(集体财产的破坏)噢,我穿的如何成熟和审判律师
    > Punishment method violation such as power interference with business and honorable 棄 loss and use of violence (group container damage) The fool or the attorney it is to attach with be able to judge, it is the [wa

    • -特别永久居留身份(在日本永久居住也可以给后人外)到一个可用的文件名(日本隐藏在。收购权),一般办公室取消公务员就业

      • 14:49编号:AmgRKNoNP你会觉得很奇怪,我是464,原先的地方出现在光输出,相较于日本,日本在我前面的图片 14 49 ID AmgRKNoNP 464 We thinking strangely the splash of the ru it did not advance until recently putting out the Japanese VS resident tsu te diagram on the front the ru it is dense
        • 651:韩,日,韩友谊:2010 2007 28(星期三)00:41:22编号:HyjlPBFD可以工作的地位和特别账户 651 The Korea Japanese Chinese morning friendship 2010 07 28 water 00 41 22 ID HyjlPBFD It can cooperate with resident in special meeting
        • :2010 07 28(星期三)00:49:19编号:HyjlPBFD同意 2010 07 28 water 00 49 19 ID HyjlPBFD It agrees
        • :2010 07 28(星期三)00:50:35编号:HyjlPBFD慰安妇,没有一 2010 07 28 water 00 50 35 ID HyjlPBFD The military comfort woman how it does not exist
        • :2010 07 28(星期三)00:58:08编号:HyjlPBFD我想感谢日本 2010 07 28 water 00 58 08 ID HyjlPBFD I appreciate in Japan

      • 399 来,聘请律师或说得好K表Pantsuhasugoina以 399 gt That the attorney is employed The un k equipped pa it is as for it is enormous It is to come

        • 529严重和较差的北朝鲜人在日本是一个大致的两个断层3。不被递解出境的毒品走私团伙应该是好离开这个国家,特别是在年轻 529 When majiresu it does as for the resident privilege where the North Korean system is entwined large two 1 Being special long overseas stimulant illicit sale yakuza of the expectation which is possible to retreat overseas does not retreat
          • 418到那么严重,但不被驱逐出境的走私组织在日本的朝鲜人黑帮毒品 418 When majiresu it does resident yakuza of stimulant illicit sale organization of the North Korean system overseas does not retreat

        • 707名称:蛇毒◆vr7wMBGNJ2 [圣人]张贴于:2010 / 08 / 11(星期三)19:50:39编号:XRx3AggrO啊,“老太太说,梅”,是一条线,像我一样,最后我阪急

          • MIMO技术,但正是将成为刑事或江户时期的爱国者像驱逐的外国人
            The will loyal retainer of the 攘 barbarian of the last days of the shogunate it becomes like? You become the mere offender or, it is [mimo

            • [政治]总督桥本派“韩国...权利。学校的崇拜,或授权”...“杂项学校”所建议的审查认可- △桥本;国家将“学校做它的免费韩国!”大阪总督“的批准,学校重新考虑韩国!”[研究]直辖市税务部宣布免征城镇朝总联设施的30个城市
              Governor under bridge “The Korean school… right. The school of worship, being worthy of to approval?” suggesting approval and reexamination… as “vocational schools” <△ under bridge> Gratuitousness conversion of the national “Korean school you do! ” Approval of the Osaka prefecture governor “Korean school is taken a second look! ” As for the self-governing community which reduces or exempts the property tax of the Korean entire connected-related facility 30 city towns General affairs economical announcement

              • “制度索赔的右翼帝国的复兴,但这种日本民族的民族主义的主观和民族的成员是韩国,其实从不会聚合物,韩国,美国根据阶级地位说,皇帝制度,也是最90毕业生是歧视的受害者,应基本占了百分之最种姓 But “as for insistence of right wing emperor system revival and national refined subjectivity etc of the Japanese race Actually member national refined principle person Korea of incompatible expectation Korean In addition under the status class emperor system it is categorized by the lowest layer Most with the suffering discriminatory graduate person of the expectation which is the victim of the status system The 90 is occupied
                • 计算机前度过,是非常低。井也造成了排外运动,而不是一个对手,甚至谁也不会 Lower stratum neat a lot of pole Making a noise with exclusionism motion no one does the partner honestly

              • 不要歧视! “与”恐吓“和那些不披露叛国罪”是梅塔负责确认自豪地说,美国的权利,对日本“不抱怨,即使是演习种族灭绝和我说意志不 It discriminates ” With “you threaten” These atrocities being discovered furthermore “there is a responsibility in the American who recognizes right in the Japanese” that boldly saying if you do not hesitate … Genocide being done you probably cannot call complaint
                • 他们中有些人,“我将不得不把昭和天皇废物午餐相扑”不可能有临时相扑协会说,该州有威胁的野生菌 In” inserting excretory ones in the lunch with the heaven viewing sumo wrestling ” that the threat ji there being also some which were seen Also sumo wrestling association temporarily says that it became turgescence

              • 东京检察官以及董事会,将有生命剥削作为一种手段,消除了政治家的是危险的
                From the first, Tokyo inquest of prosecution meeting, as the expedient which erases the political life of the politician When it reaches the point where it is abused, very much it is dangerous

                • 事实上,重复这个词的歧视埋葬,当我拍摄现场的暴力和集体,我获得了新的狙增加,使互联网浏览 In fact it repeats discriminatory abusive language it photographs the scene which is assaulted with the group the time tries to be able to peruse with Internet You aim for the increase of the new participant

                  • 从来没有免费的高中,这个笑话Janaitsuー,而不是一种特权,在日本的人,我免税
                    High school gratuitous conversion how, joke when -, with resident privilege, tax it exempts that race, it is

                    • 传播★★★★★传播的蔓延★★★★★★传播的蔓延★★★★★★传播的蔓延★★★★★★传播的蔓延★★★★★★传播的蔓延★★★
                      * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread * * Spread *

                      • 你完全刑事京都警察滥用只有一个你现在逮捕的权力

                        • 你胖家伙做一些有代表性的约瓦特特别帐户,是站在秋叶,youtube m不来,关系就视频或相关视频 Resident in special meeting te something debu of that akiba type doing representation it does with the ru person yo w Generally although the animated picture of youtube with there is no relationship with related animated picture it comes coming out it is

                          • 即使在他们所有的利益)(如产品安全Kunaru,Kunaru或降低税收我会回来吗?如果在日本?日本頑張更多! ! ! Even how the se your own profit the product become cheap when when tax becomes cheap Becoming it returns being it does the yo If Japan make The Japanese more persevering
                            • 凯塔创新地诚购买日本的产品! !我高兴地对自己的任何一件事情,如果想峨 The buying tsu it was good solving the Japanese product With if it is one to be able to think it is delightful don t you think

                          • 即使是做好任何威胁的理由有350个为小学
                            350 Well there being whatever kind of righteousness obligations, doing, as for [ru] thing intimidation to the elementary school student

                            • 和折叠吞并朝鲜,或战争或经济将是,所有权利的主任负责 Korea it merges goes to war public finance fails Entirely the ro which is responsibility of official

                              • 在我们以前的问题,特权日本,韩国的学校发出的自由,在外国人问题的选举权,但购买境内土地“对马对马,因为它强迫朝鲜居民纳税,在日本没有物业税如果 So you resident privilege problem the Korean school gratuitous conversion problem and foreign carrot administration problem Although the land was purchased in Tsushima therefore “as for Tsushima Korean territory in Japan property tax and inhabitant tax There is no obligation which you pay

                                • 在日本的朝鲜人在战后战胜国,“韩国军队的职业”出现在各主要城市进行武装不断咆哮和30000人声称 As for the postwar resident Korean when it is the victory citizen the “Korean occupation force” you are identified the armament group which as many as 30 000 nationwide principal The tsu where it appears in the city and rages and sows it is
                                  • 茹钟留在日本,100%,我想三国人对外国人的胜利 NULL

                                • 在竹岛,日本在1965年被绑架人质的渔民捕获的非法占领,梅萨提出了在韩国永久承认基本条约 With illegality occupation of the bamboo island you capture and the fisherman of the Japanese whom kidnap permanent residence was made to recognize to the hostage at the time of the 1965 and day Korea basic treaty conclusion
                                  • 2002年世界杯足球赛在韩国,国籍,“韩国唤醒”到“韩国”改为覆盖 Collection of data of the 2002 and day Korea world cup in opportunity nationality was modified in “the Korean” empty “Korea”

                                • 坦率地说,这个公园的文章已被弃置在至少10个月后,经历了一个报告 Speaking clearly even this time the goods of the park after receiving information 10 months or more It was left
                                  • 那么从老虎机行业首个降落伞转播警察,什么是我忽略了哪些报告 Therefore well as for pachinko industry ahead order exerted from above of police OB it informs and passes and is ignored it is the ro which is

                                • 外国 正领取社会福利10 000打破在大阪市第一个职业,在“保护 生活简单,没有威胁采取”最 日本大阪 大阪家庭领取公共援助,这是朝鲜居民经常在日本最新一代10000时间超过获得外商的首个“非退休金”老龄化 06 14 The foreigner who receives welfare in Osaka city first 10 000 human breakthrough “In specialist welfare to ride easily simply it can point ” Welfare receipt household nationwide most numerous Osaka city foreign receipt person first 10 000 human breakthrough With aging “of non annuity generation” of the most resident Korean Korean 06 14
                                  • 外国 正领取社会福利10 000打破在大阪市第一个职业,在“保护 生活简单,没有威胁采取”最 日本大阪 大阪家庭领取公共援助,这是朝鲜居民经常在日本最新一代10000时间超过获得外商的首个“非退休金”老龄化 06 14 The foreigner who receives welfare in Osaka city first 10 000 human breakthrough “In specialist welfare to ride easily simply it can point ” Welfare receipt household nationwide most numerous Osaka city foreign receipt person first 10 000 human breakthrough With aging “of non annuity generation” of the most resident Korean Korean 06 14

                                • 如果你的工作只是871脱节,人民起义在中国的长野冬奥会的TOP命令朝总联在绑架我想我已经逮捕了一名
                                  871 Indifferent, if just it works, in the riot of the Nagano Olympics the support 那 person, You think that the Korean entire ream TOP is arrested long ago in the kidnapping of the Korean entire ream,

                                  • 如果党的大部分韩国人的民主生活数额大撒金钱为学校和韩国高中免费甚至没有一文章中,我认为我的学校

                                    • 如果您没有气味太愚蠢太琐碎了此随便一个扩音器唤358哈日哈亚目标,右翼春是我娘362模拟如果你想狙朝总联,Chonkasu一个统一的行政首长协会创价学会

                                      • 如果每个新闻博客新闻疼痛在W 2通道系统一般通过一起做准备什么 NULL
                                        • 成员“脱节只在日本!间谍小子”说,我们正在通过 Keep coming out “of Japan of the member As for child” speech of spy whether through

                                      • 如果这不是一个问题,但驱动tTA逮捕或暴力浪潮激发了约388人的犯罪分子和犯罪Tenaijan?即使你威胁扩音器,艾达只是噪音,让我觉得一个片刻,即使弥散 388 Being excited unintentionally violence it shook if it is but problem Arrest was done but crime is not committed separately Threatening even when drinking driving with the loudspeaker it is permitted when Thinking it just made a noise a little
                                        • 即使你威胁孩子扩音器说了,Itan我想我可以被允许酒后驾驶 If with you say threatening the child even when drinking driving with the loudspeaker it is permitted when Thinking hurting the shank

                                      • 学校-韩国,数十万日元的赠款援助,朝鲜今年家长在学校支持(全额,不论收入),没有人检查私立学校从公共和资格考试的高中毕业生
                                        Korean subsidy help (regardless of to income payment in full assistance) of annual several 100,000 Yen to guardian of school and the Korean school Race school non examination public and private matters high school entrance examination qualification grant of graduate

                                        • 寒风的威胁,我们终于洗澡的嘘声尽可能的情况不能↓逃避

                                          • 我Maero捕捉他们的“孩子”瓦特 儿童和艾滋病的儿童瓦特认为只是 Catch that “child” w gt 567 gt Child The becoming frightened basin the ro which was bitten gt chiyon the good can is such a counter result gt As for the child there is no relationship But the child think it is w
                                            • 544儿童。一旦你伊坎朱达罗s胆小?钟侃儿童有一个良好的效果相反的是做这个无关 544 Child The becoming frightened basin the ro which was bitten chiyon the good can is such a counter result As for the child there is no relationship

                                          • 我不知道被捕的威胁,349儿童当孩子没有威胁→?您应该不会说谎的韩国人!
                                            349 The child intimidation -> is arrested Every child was intimidated kana? Lie is useless, the Korean!

                                            • 我不这么认为驱动tTA活动家说,根据466鱿鱼?我的意思是,整个远离恼人的呼喊追赶在发言者的,因为它越过Gireba诚实,或其他人 466 You call town declaration to be in order to say and not to be even it depends it is it is not Therefore as for ru the te saying or yelling sowing with the speaker and honest annoyance If it goes too far it is natural to be caught

                                              • 我会改变现状的肖像雷纳租金议会通过政府总理任命是我战胜一个country m 65领先的民主党政治家从竞选一 65 Therefore democracy national what running as a candidate as a politician winning typical game Prime minister designation receiving becoming the prime minister don t you think it changes present condition via parliamentary government and the re is discovered and is to call
                                                • 顺便说一句,理想Netouyo对纳粹德国或朝鲜式的插科打诨极权主义国家 By the way ideal of netouyo control of free speech fascism nation of the North Korean or Nazis German type

                                              • 我是敌对的安全人员认为奥姆真理教邪教特征瓦特敌视公共安全和Gyazo抓获了我有理由赶走左派箔同级邪教瓦特Netouyo≒≒当他们来到一逮捕抑制电路和思维〜如龙这种单细胞相同的“想成为一个仁慈person成为well known for站在accounts钱包special?他曾否有Eru ll名称的组织的past我必须找一个人?瓦特Netouyo世界是荒谬的常识 Also oumu regards with hostility public peace w Cult ≒ extreme left ≒ netouyo majikichi of the same level When you are cornered regarding with hostility public peace is a special feature w of the cult It is oppression When it is arrested the foil is attached yakuza and thought circuit the monad of the same Now “the praiseworthy person who would like to become the wallet of resident in special meeting became famous Or w where the person who remembers the name of the right wing group which past is thrust to the building with the track truck is The person who searches the name of the group being w As for common sense of netouyo senselessness of world
                                                • 424法庭指定的律师说,流氓不说出那样rich m试图从穷人做同样的事情提高与习惯的帮派 424 The public defender being prosecuted when it becomes judgment you attach to the pauper whom the attorney cannot employ it is As for the rich person like the mob at the point in time when it is arrested you paying the money by your employing the attorney Even in order a little to lighten punishment it comes out of the prison even a little quickly the re ru way it builds Therefore as for resident in special meeting the fool in kuse of the pauper it has been about to do the same thing as the mob with fund raising
                                                • 仁慈的人民代表大会常务委员会和特别帐户,他们希望钱包那么什么是机智,但一旦遇到麻烦与警方保持认为未来像疯了似的咆哮履行的,他们只是将自来水网和大宣传布莱恩好我,他们可自由我捐的帐户打入特殊克祖站得屁股擦嘴巴难道我只是瓦特老板 But well no shelf As for the praiseworthy person who would like to become the wallet of resident in special meeting however you think that the ri ya which is made free it is good Town declaration and the net that much the large amount hitting the tsu te which filth it spits and sows putting When it becomes police instructions either ketsu without wiping with your own admirableness contribution the tsu te which rides Or resident in special meeting just the mouth is the school gang leader w
                                                • 我是敌对的安全人员认为奥姆真理教邪教特征w是敌对的公众安全和被Gyazo抓获了我有理由赶走左派箔同级邪教瓦特Netouyo≒≒当他们来到一逮捕抑制电路和思维〜如龙这占立式单细胞的“特殊”方面成名?什么人有Eru ll建设一卡车做,过去,他瓦特找到该组的名称?常识的荒谬公共Netouyo瓦特 Also oumu regards with hostility public peace w Cult ≒ extreme left ≒ netouyo majikichi of the same level When you are cornered regarding with hostility public peace is a special feature w of the cult It is oppression When it is arrested the foil is attached yakuza and thought circuit the monad of the same Now “the praiseworthy person who would like to become the wallet of resident in special meeting became famous Or w where the person who remembers the name of the right wing group which past is thrust to the building with the track truck is The person who searches the name of the group being w As for common sense of netouyo senselessness of world
                                                • 朝总联的最大威胁大坝右一为Japan m公共安全右翼人民的权利也没有,她是一个公众安全的暴力行为的特别帐户的部分机器站在这让他把他们的优势左公众安全 Largest threat and being right wing in people for the Korean entire ream without but public peace what For Japan therefore as for first right wing public peace what this resident in special meeting leaves the violence part to public peace in the machine and is good utilization margin

                                              • 我说,你不用担心404事实吗?我做了初步报告 404 To such a fact without being calling all right To inform once because it solved

                                                • 战争结束后,韩国进行核查的名称和骨头和数以百计的生命的尸体被强行送往下降
                                                  After the war, being forced being taken, you dropped life, collation with the Korean name was done from the many bone and the corpse

                                                  • 战后被解除武装的“军占领朝鲜的”朝总联总部今日(规划)
                                                    After the war it is armed is cancelled of that time “the Korean occupation force” present Korean entire connected headquarters (p)

                                                    • 所以,你不知道有关人士和组织认为他们不知道在网络上?我在同一个网 Therefore the ro which being the net does not keep being attached to the person and the group which do not know well with ease is It is the same thing what even with the net
                                                      • 所以这是不应该随意对组织捐赠的东西,他们不知道在网络上 Therefore it is with ease the contribution no oak chi ya useless vis a vis the group which does not know well being the net

                                                    • 所有常设和特别账户彻梨华的情况,警方通过出售积极tive收集数据的韩国从日本和峨星驱逐· · ·韩国人
                                                      Gathering the data of the Japanese who positively advocates Korean rejection, you sell to the Korean police According to scenario of all resident in special meetings…

                                                      • 手警方对其他漂亮的公园是几年前附近的居民打电话报了警,日本警方逮捕,并在这方面和氖样的事情我累了 gt With one side as for prefecture police policing As for the park nearby inhabitant although from before it has informed many years to the police that the Japanese arrest die with such The police does not move it is the shelf
                                                        • 琦玉县警方,京都112,警察,神奈川,大阪府警察纷纷先生是不是 112 In the Kyoto headquarters of police The Saitama prefectural police the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and Kanagawa prefectural police the Osaka prefecture police policing continues it is the kana which is not

                                                      • 据京都府警察的“常设帐户”special,其中有成员和收集tive和出版internet视频the并且录下自己的活动时,视频证据的背后的charges这与time的警察是它获得通过,成为 According to the Kyoto headquarters of police as for “resident in special meeting” record of activity of the self Internet Doing doing you gather the member e g on it releases with animated picture but this animated picture this time As the evidence where the police supports suspicion it means that it was adopted

                                                        • 最长的寿命:无效养老金待遇,但美好的国家→预测长寿的老人后立即阶段
                                                          Longevity country the greatest in the world: Annuity illegitimate receipt, location obscurity of the senior citizen who follows one another -> it is splendid longevity nation

                                                          • 朝青龙“所以我说,嘿,你是什么?这泡菜混蛋!”没有关系,就是一个例子正确的人“泡菜”从组先后听取了有争议的言论在5月初,一些右翼奈良次和丢弃纷纷“起义是” Therefore the morning blue dragon “ don t you think huh the te you say the ro which is This kim chee guy ” Well relationship of right wing from the May first third when” kim chee guy” speech of example caused scandal If the group of right wing groups to ignore this the ji one after another” rising to action”
                                                            • 没有180的潜力,之间的右翼团体更担心,因为在比现有右翼 180 Well as for relationship of right wing than the existing right wing group we fear latent right wing it is even

                                                          • 樱井诚的特别帐户的地位,视频)私刑暴徒残疾人(excluded. -樱井诚战斗!]村山富市日东比宣传站1989年9月1日20服装中心终身学习的视频指南-名古屋南多;宰,新鲜特别帐户袭击音像店
                                                            Sakurai sincerity and others of resident in special meeting and handicapped person group bullying (removal. Animated picture) vs Nagoya Itiminami life-long study center director Animated picture that 1 Town declaration before 2008 September 1 Nitto Murayama station Clothes store attack animated picture Resident in special meeting, new wind

                                                            • 正是399!首先我说,他们Tteta问题热心警察和逮捕,最后捐赠什么?公司对一些依赖!现在,让我看到讨厌的拍摄结束了自己的物业投资吧!一个问题,总统朱达罗?一个常设特别帐户主席真的吗?然而令人尴尬的是混蛋!我觉得 NULL
                                                              • 2。该公司表示,第一类,它不能使他成为一个在公众安全问题的工作时,通过合 2 Because the enterprise which is called the top rank inquires to public peace the case of adoption you cannot be employed
                                                              • 噢,等一下,我算帐没有特殊的社会群体参与像反使信息快速津宇新的存在?我不是一个笑话,甚至电子邮件地址来注册?地址成员和同情者被逮捕的安全与行动ü线在此,移动电子邮件地址,以获取公众全面 Never the information kind of two which comes to new speed resident in special meeting like It does not relate to the counter social group Mel addition is not registered even with joke With the residence search which accompanies the latest arrest address of the member and the sympathizer carrying and mel addition completely As for public peace procurement

                                                            • 民团削减倒塌,唯一的方法,统一命题,“一个幻觉,我动摇对普选的外国人”,并下令该公司反对给予外国居民选举权正在寻求的

                                                              • 没有473,我不得不为私人公司工作,或政府官员或普通法官是他被捕 473 Well with the person who is arrested you become the judge Being employed to the government employee or general enterprise normally it increases
                                                                • 我打呼噜,你看他们或成为它的公务员逮捕记录508 508 With the person who is arrest record you become the judge You become the government employee and or rumblingly are

                                                              • 浙六)⌒(!R ° ヽ升 ヽŸヽ⌒ V ° ヽ升 ∧。 ヽ。 ∨¯ ヽ 升(ヽ ヽ │ zj f ⌒ r z ri REPT chi he l REPT 厶 Generation to i As for present top of public peace with tax the Korean terrorist 92 i gt i V l The man who is made national guest treatment REPT j REPT The man who can murder the wife with woman habit “ REPT 92 l r lt 92 92 REPT ¯ l REPT y ⌒ REPT 92 92 V ¯ l ∧ REPT 92 92 ∨ ¯ REPT l REPT 92 92 REPT │
                                                                • 我想了解更多的信息和伊宁ーーー473〜小夜会不会调查你也许?荣格是他们知道我很抱歉〜〜在中国我不Shinashina瓦特比德您的电话,如果你正常的生活,来自公众的安全与否 473 Don t you think manner it is it is detailed Perhaps doing being investigated it is ru sayo As for the support 那 as for chiyon it is not calling in the Chinese China w Normally if you have lived because public peace you do not know Being regrettable the shank

                                                              • 濑户宏之(基于极右从福岛县翼组的成员),前副党的新鲜恢复
                                                                Seto Hiro happiness (the extreme right type right wing group member of Fukushima prefecture graduate) Restoration political party new wind original secondary representation

                                                                • 濒死体验我会读的523呢?这只是自然的,我很荣幸将专户阿瓦萨网站宰“我们认为它吗? 特别待遇,韩国,日本的朝鲜人这也是事实,有一个默契的社会 Once more 523 You read It was adjusted to the sight of resident in special meeting therefore it is Privilege how the proper” with it is thought gt On the basis of past erroneous historical recognition “the victim of the day emperor” gt In the Japanese society where the delusion “pitiful resident” has not eradicated yet gt Also the fact that the social tacit comprehension which handles the resident South Korean Korean especially exists is fact
                                                                  • 在日本传播的特权?我多次说过,即使这样做了,“这只是自然的韩国人的特权,因为他们看到她残忍的日本战犯阿瓦萨”我们认为它会是什么? 凡是在历史的进程,但你会这么多Yareyo能力 Known fact of resident privilege You call many degrees but just that doing “The Korean prior to world war 2 was adjusted to the terrible eye in the Japanese therefore it is Privilege how the proper” with it is thought If gt with lecture of history and so there is an ability with anything you do
                                                                  • 有什么不同?什么你是社会的话语通过真雁死者端午管? 特别待遇,韩国,日本的朝鲜人这也是事实,有一个默契的社会 How it is different Murayama conversation is being tube conversation it is the society which goes unchallenged gt On the basis of past erroneous historical recognition “the victim of the day emperor” gt In the Japanese society where the delusion “pitiful resident” has not eradicated yet gt Also the fact that the social tacit comprehension which handles the resident South Korean Korean especially exists is fact
                                                                  • 没有,为什么? ,可以提供根据居民的不正确的历史认识的特权 在日本这也是事实,有一个不言而喻的社会特殊处理ü韩国韩国 Well therefore As for giving privilege to resident gt On the basis of past erroneous historical recognition “the victim of the day emperor” gt In the Japanese society where the delusion “pitiful resident” has not eradicated yet gt Also the fact that the social tacit comprehension which handles the resident South Korean Korean especially exists is fact
                                                                  • 濒死体验我会读的523呢?站在账户现场特别 韩国这也是事实,有一个不言而喻的社会特殊处理朝鲜ü Once more 523 You read It was adjusted to the sight of resident in special meeting therefore it is Privilege how the proper” with it is thought gt On the basis of past erroneous historical recognition “the victim of the day emperor” gt In the Japanese society where the delusion “pitiful resident” has not eradicated yet gt Also the fact that the social tacit comprehension which handles the resident South Korean Korean especially exists is fact
                                                                  • 特别待遇,韩国,日本的朝鲜人这也是事实,有一个默契的社会 gt On the basis of past erroneous historical recognition “the victim of the day emperor” gt In the Japanese society where the delusion “pitiful resident” has not eradicated yet gt Also the fact that the social tacit comprehension which handles the resident South Korean Korean especially exists is fact
                                                                  • 达罗只有特权,抱怨没有任何意义? 特别待遇,韩国,日本的朝鲜人这也是事实,有一个默契的社会 The ro where just privilege protests and passes and is not the ginger and is gt On the basis of past erroneous historical recognition “the victim of the day emperor” gt In the Japanese society where the delusion “pitiful resident” has not eradicated yet gt Also the fact that the social tacit comprehension which handles the resident South Korean Korean especially exists is fact
                                                                  • 达罗曾写信给前不要让他笑? 特别待遇,韩国,日本的朝鲜人这也是事实,有一个默契的社会 It can amuse is The ro which is written on the top page and is gt On the basis of past erroneous historical recognition “the victim of the day emperor” gt In the Japanese society where the delusion “pitiful resident” has not eradicated yet gt Also the fact that the social tacit comprehension which handles the resident South Korean Korean especially exists is fact

                                                                • 特别帐户的安全站立时06敌视公开? !站立时,对公众安全的敌意特别帐户? !站立时,对公众安全的敌意特别帐户? !

                                                                  • 特别是,根据合法性原则,假定无罪的原则,严格遵守的原则和无刑事案件物证已被一检查,控方随宫主观因素包括一个真正的民意这次会议还必须认识到法院公司在危险的地方,成为引发所谓的人

                                                                    • 相应的假设,即868警察3人组负责安全部新闻?行政部?
                                                                      868 Supposing, that public Abe of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department took charge, as for corresponding 3 sections? Administration Division?

                                                                      • 种族仇恨罪(仇恨罪)煽 将有一个参与者,但“正义行为”或木材还没有听到这个词,和自我债券。卫Hazime(大阪学院院国际公共政策)塞板』日文版的纳粹罪行的第二次攻略(南非)· Schutzstaffel(SS)的蛊惑人心的刑法典,以防止出生的[德国是必需的,如牙齿认为伐丽流
                                                                        Race discrimination [heitokuraimu] (hatred crime) as for the participant who has been fanned, this to having warned “the conduct of justice” and oneself Wood. Defense one (the Osaka university graduate school international public policy postgraduate course teacher) Because second Japanese edition Nazis charge party (SA the) Nazis bodyguards (SS) it is not born, It is thought that the brake 'populace instigation crime' like the German criminal law is necessary

                                                                        • 茹发了信仰的飞跃远不如讲废话的战争没有什么基础,什么我872瓦特878场比赛?日本投降后,但我不知道来到日本进入前从红亨特在韩国战争 872 The giving which does not have many bases story can be blindly believed thickly well to there w 878 It is tsu te no war in game After the Japanese surrendering it has entered to Japan probably will be from aka hunt to the Korean War conclusion but
                                                                          • 914 ,但我不知道来到日本进入前从红亨特在韩国战争 NULL

                                                                        • 警方分析检获近130个文件关联方突击搜查12个地点,组织研究显示详细的进展情况

                                                                          • 该公园占地Terya韩国人很快被警方逮捕此类事件Koranakatta文

                                                                            • 该系统兴奋剂和北朝鲜的社会制度因素强烈显示雅库扎细节背后的日本人被贩卖山谷周围,从而导致即使在电视覆盖面的影响,北系列前往 In addition because the North Korean type stimulant accompanies and yakuza is secretly sold on the center It becomes the element which strengthens the Korean system of the Japanese reverse side society As a result becoming also the cause reporting the television and the like being under influencing the North Korean system the ru
                                                                              • 该系统兴奋剂和北朝鲜的社会制度因素强烈显示雅库扎细节背后的日本人被贩卖山谷周围,从而导致即使在电视覆盖面的影响,北系列前往 In addition because the North Korean type stimulant accompanies and yakuza is secretly sold on the center It becomes the element which strengthens the Korean system of the Japanese reverse side society As a result becoming also the cause reporting the television and the like being under influencing the North Korean system the ru

                                                                            • 该警察庁传统的方法是什么您的组织公安,收集信息,轻罪进入了521,我知道你的安全家伙们Joshiki兴趣在一个小反政府抗议活动和公共 521 The umbrella doing to insert with minute crime gathering the organizational data as for traditional technique tsu te of the public peace National Police Agency when it is the person who has interest in just a little public peace and anti Establishment movement the ro which is jiyoshiki
                                                                              • 什么是安全警察的传统方法是收集资料,为未成年人订立的罪行,该组织521,我知道你的安全家伙们Joshiki兴趣在一个小反政府抗议活动和公共 521 The umbrella doing to insert with minute crime gathering the organizational data as for traditional technique tsu te of the public peace National Police Agency when it is the person who has interest in just a little public peace and anti Establishment movement the ro which is jiyoshiki

                                                                            • 辜一段较长的时间,如果您不是间谍的深渊,而且还包括苏深处向你和石窟』弗里德里希尼采
                                                                              You look the abyss long, if is, looks back also the abyss and at you equally,' [huridoritsuhi] Nietzsche

                                                                              • 过度诉诸学校作为仙台,韩国郡山,福岛县12岁的居民被动
                                                                                You pass Konaka high 12 years as the Korean school boarder of Fukushima prefecture Koriyama city and Miyagi prefecture Sendai city

                                                                                • 这一抓,抓证据证明的事实,卡努在动吮吸作为刑事和野蛮古较弱提供商,并尝试说服暴力解决媒体在放弃罢工,他们的荔枝Nettouyoku As for the latest simultaneous arrest ray cyst and netsutouyoku Abandoning the persuasion with speech it tries to solve with violence Being savage being weak being painful you say that it was the offender of rhinoceros t as a person Fact was proven is the evidence which does not move
                                                                                  • 第一,它没有控制从后面元素的娱乐工业出版社滤网也显示了污染 Becoming the element where 1 causes entertainment world pollution and controls speech from the reverse side the ru

                                                                                • 这是报应结果压倒一切的思想和图片瓦特,而这是个好词

                                                                                  • 问题的关键是“一个世代的转变提升”和“在日本的朝鲜人(民团)会崩溃,因为”两点
                                                                                    As for the point “promotion of alternation of generation” and 2 points that “break down main Republic of Korea of resident (people group)”,

                                                                                    • 阿Sugee,税务欺诈和非法移民不公平的(福利),他们这样做是否可以在任何谴责那些谁野生狮子在日本和释放被逮捕的权利人在想什么,我喜欢控制普选后通过的,日本贵族的白人居民。在最后和

                                                                                      • 阿韩先生周五★!谢谢!书,使之成为韩国的许多学校的恶行!该宿舍共性和高年级的弟妹林奇 NULL
                                                                                        • 阿韩先生周五★!谢谢!书,使之成为学校的韩国学生的不良行为了!该宿舍共性和高年级的弟妹林奇 NULL

                                                                                      • 韩国自由问题的学校,当彻签发外国人选举权星期一,这是一个问题的问题
                                                                                        The Korean school gratuitous conversion problem and foreign carrot administration problem When it is it passes such, it is problem of problem

                                                                                        • 顺便说一下,他们不回国,为什么韩国人?基鲁香椎羞辱我住的国家或寄生,等,你有一种感觉,如果我让人们自然 By the way it does not return to Korean te country with something Living upon to other country you live how it is shy when If such human there is no feeling which it has naturally kana
                                                                                          • 现在,兼职员工,同时继续踢寄生家庭,规格类似的复制和粘贴 伐丽流想你想我的一些谎言,它是 Presently while living upon to the house you say that it continues the free tar … where they are the specifications like kopipe … You think that also the person who is thought that it is lie comes but it is true

                                                                                        研究 開発