You can sympathize “merger 100 year conversation”. There is a voice which criticizes this, but being shallow, the viewpoint of the misjudgement. Err with courage and humbleness should reflect
*侵犯人权和在广袤的左翼,如中国和朝鲜独裁政权的战争。宪法的错误,让魔术爱好者 * Support 那 and the game which left flank fascism system enormous human rights violation such as North Korea is. Love constitution we assume that error demon conversion so,
- 为了防止他们在时代的持不同政见者参与执行李对我更加残酷曾在朝鲜总督 Japanese plum the execution morning for the participation person of anti-Establishment movement of age, exceeding the Korean governor-general era much, is cruel
100年被吞并,日本永远做群众的废物当我离开我一直忽略了Manakattarou话语瓦特原小组还顾精选在发言不担心诉讼 100 year tsu te until now from merger as for the Japanese mass rubbish although you ignore directly Conversation was made with is this w Fearing lawsuit when there is no announcement of conversation the wax which either special edition does not unite individually
的决定标志着希望合并是在韩国进行的是,日本吞并朝鲜 gt Day Korea merger it was executed by the desire of the Korean side As for determining merger the Japanese side
Asahi m只是饲料沿相反的效果立即从火浇油的,疾病和会做什么我就煽解决方案 If in only the news item which pours the oil to the fire illness it is it is empty counter result what Asahi probably will be understanding the te fanning the ru is but
四郎反映战争期间最阳光,就在我们的战争煽驱动tTA Asahi most reflection margin During wartime war it fanned the ro which is you
Bookweb kinokuniya co jp 客户 cgi bin目录 wshosea cgi?的W 书号 u003d 4901331132的话是很强大,情感,在残酷的。但我们相信这个词,的力量。声明记者。 bookweb kinokuniya co jp guest cgi bin wshosea cgi W ISBN 4901331132 Word being feeling being cruel is helpless the time Even then we believe chikara of word Journalist declaration
NULL Prefecture governor under the bridge “if the Asahi newspaper becomes quick it becomes because of society” “it is and now should discontinue also factual misconception” In Tokyo in press corps 2 The governor under the bridge “when only insult of the person is said as in the Asahi newspaper which the adult increases Japan becomes useless” gt Asahi “gist obscurity” 6 Whether Hatoyama method phase the leprosy pulling out the tongue of the Asahi newspaper which discharges lie in the citizen probably will be Product sutra newspaper The “Nanjing holocaust” “victory girl” and so on every one does historical problem fabrication… of the Asahi newspaper read the Asahi newspaper with this Mountain occasion Sumio author 2 01 21 Prime Minister Abe “in a manner of speaking whether it is not the terrorism due to speech that you think” In weekly Asahi reporting As for chief editor index of part announcement apology If the book where the Japanese has courage and self confidence reporting the Asahi newspaper is corrected it becomes bright ttp bookweb kinokuniya co jp guest cgi bin wshosea cgi W ISBN 4901331132 Word being feeling being cruel is helpless the time Even then we believe chikara of word Journalist declaration
Kattara被批评的批评中国是韩国,日本团体批评,我只评价政府的话语和朝日简万维网 When China you apply to be criticized criticized from Korea be criticized from the resident group In the conversation which just Asahi and the 菅 Cabinet appraise shank www
给我一个很好的传播在12日Kattara湿重,许多人不喜欢白痴,Ku ll继续不断地想这个东西! ? 12 When it is good spreading don t you think ww Unless somehow the fool and resident the ze where such a thing continues meanderingly
“发言,对”如果将已“如果在这些韩国要求日本并吞谦虚你的”勇气和与它甚至不能正确反映 “It errs” when we assume that the Korean who asks merger to Japan it probably is With “courage and humbleness” securely reflection margin
[那家伙我没想到这么多。』Dinginess本同床的菅直人戸野,裕子女士的话 'It is that much dirty man with you did not think,' 菅 the immoral partner of Naoto's,
It is the word of miss Yuuko door Nomoto
_NULL_ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐
│ generally known Military comfort woman problem, under participation of the troop of that time, reputation and dignity of the many women is deep |
The │ [ku] it was the problem which is damaged
“韩国驻日实戈球,”李万。马奎斯关注的问题和朝鲜之间的和解。“ ”
The Korean ambassador plenipotentiary Japanese plum forming ball “Japanese plum finishing. Mind and day Korea harmony of marquis”
│┐───────────────────────┌悠耀西-白天。07组织-野田毅││││││││Japan -中国协会町村信孝,日本和中国友好议会联邦高村正彦││││丰田佳能中国经济协会。| Tsuzii隆,日本,中国文化交流协会│││(堤小泽征)协会河野洋平对日本│促进国际贸易│││河野洋平。野中广务村山富市Japan -中国友好协会││││。|│ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐
│ generally known Military comfort woman problem, under participation of the troop of that time, reputation and dignity of the many women is deep |
The │ [ku] it was the problem which is damaged
●历史。一些地方报纸也非常反苏反复洗脑“北家报纸说,”可爱的偶像御制及帝国的狩猎●您的姓名,帝国,诏书,美雪,亲拝,卫冕一词残疾人 - History. Even in the anti-Japanese local paper which repeats brainwashing the exceptional “northern country newspaper”
- The word hunt which reaches to also the Imperial Family
Make, name, 勅 use, 勅 language, visitation and parent worshiping, with respect to now… use prohibition terminology
“哦,哦峨゙监察甚至用汉字”,也因为它是,中国人民的名字?“的发现。更名(笑)”这不是我一直在 Also “even Chinese character nita ゙ which can be used well it probably is a ” tsu te and name something in everyone Chinese style “creation New name laughing ” being done it is ru reason
゚( Д #)O或可读由产经新闻我! ! ! !从布鲁诺Ø 资源゙゙Lihi熙!)ヽ ((⌒⌒))━®゙Fahi升 所有 升图标━! (⌒ 我∧∧:⊂(228,他们来时,你把自由朝日新闻媒体∧!(⌒。⊂,ヽ# Д )·゚ ゚ д O The product sutra how you can read O no 从 92 hi ゙ rihi ゙ ri REPT 92 ⌒ ⌒ huahi ゙ yo ━ l l l l ━ n ⌒ ∧ ∧ ⊂ 228 ∧ Have the progressive media Asahi newspaper ⌒ ⊂ д ゚
゚( Д #)O或可读由产经新闻我! ! ! !从布鲁诺Ø 资源゙゙Lihi熙!)ヽ ((⌒⌒))━®゙Fahi升 所有 升图标━! (⌒ ∧ ,他们来时,你把自由朝日新闻媒体∧!(⌒。⊂,ヽ# Д )·゚ ゚ д O The product sutra how you can read O no 从 92 hi ゙ rihi ゙ ri REPT 92 ⌒ ⌒ huahi ゙ yo ━ l l l l ━ n ⌒ ∧ ∧ ⊂ 228 ∧ Have the progressive media Asahi newspaper ⌒ ⊂ д ゚
,ヾ(━®゙Fahi⌒升 所有 升图标━!⌒)))的结构奈达我为什么⌒! (噢⌒(⌒∧∧花瓶ヾ⌒) ,,((⌒ 丶( (噢⌒ (∩⌒# Д 布鲁诺丿 DREPT ⌒ huahi ゙ yo ━ l l l l ━ n ⌒ ⌒ nida which it does not care with something 92 ⌒ HKRPT ⌒ DREPT ∧ 壺 ∧ ⌒ ⌒ 丶 ⌒ HKRPT ⌒ ∩ д ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ REPT 朴 uyo No ⌒ ⌒ HKDRT ⌒ ⌒ ─ hu No ─ ⌒ ⌒ no No ⌒ ≡ ─ person 从 re 从 human ─ ≡ ⌒ 丿 丿 no
一个很大的声音时,触觉和左翼朝日新闻社,“哦,我想用错位的愤怒身体什么样的魔鬼涉嫌虚假意识 … sayoku is agitated when such as Asahi newspaper well what the suspicion which has remembering the body “ we assume that error demon conversion so with opposite gire it is the shelf
为了证明朝鲜吞并,但没有,一年后的1911年吞并朝鲜,韩国(明治44)年,从教育的执法条例由总督,第一,初中,高中(学校1894年),我们的日本赚钱,韩国,日本学生一样,韩文(埃塔在学校教学朝鲜王朝从1911年到1935年的韩文年龄是被禁止的 Completely there is no intention of justifying the Korean merger but The Korean education to be enforced 1911 1911 from year of next year of day Korea merger by the governor general prefecture the beginning in the high school 1894 schools make with your Japanese money without distinction of the pupil of the Korean and the Japanese The Hangul which is prohibited the Hangul by Japanese plum morning from 1911 to Showa 10th was taught in the school
)一年后,1911年教育条例吞并朝鲜(明治44)年,由总督颁布了总韩国,首先,中,高学校(1894所)你的钱让日本人在日本,韩国,学生无论韩文(埃塔基督教学校11年至35年的年龄是朝鲜王朝禁止韩文 The Korean education to be enforced 1911 1911 from year of next year of day Korea merger by the governor general prefecture the beginning in the high school 1894 schools make with your Japanese money without distinction of the pupil of the Korean and the Japanese The Hangul which is prohibited the Hangul by Japanese plum morning from 1911 to Showa 10th was taught in the school
人民人人人人人人人人人人∩_人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人∩/ \ / \ 未来感到清凉 ∩ _ ∩ People people people people people people people people people people people people people people people
/ \ /\ < Enormous one future inclination is felt
仅仅进展应该阅读这场战争中的一篇文章发表在朝日新闻,但我努力了眼泪Gumashiimadeno现代化日本,韩国,常来的峰值传输 If you read the article of the pre world war 2 Asahi newspaper which is published to this book and advance Until it is pitiful because Japan modernizes Korea whether you endeavored It is transmitted well
没有能力改变生活的现代化成为不可能的,“希望是不在这里,但内线驱动tTA” � Not be able to ride in the reform of modernization although life stops impossible “is not desired it went to the interior of a country”
从发现第一任主席张宇人在冈崎儿童朝鲜民主主义人民共和国上议院高中非法捐款 Councilor Democratic party Okazaki [tomi] child The illegality donation from high-class school chief director in the Korean beginning is detected
你和我们的国家,机箱,敏锐地意识到道德责任都没有选择,在光线的发言歉意和悔恨,重视直接向history,表达后人这properly,violence Renaki说我们必须思考和积极解决的问题涉及到的荣誉和尊严的妇女和 Our country Doing as for this case while feeling keenly moral responsibility on the basis of the wa bi and the feeling of reflection past history direct As apparent it does conveys this to future just you do not say in reputation and dignity of the woman such as violence the Seki wa You must keep tackling either ru problems positively we think that
你和我们的国家,而敏锐地意识到道德责任是没有选择的情况,在讲感情的反省和道歉,重视直接向历史,向后代传递这个好,妇女和暴力Renaki说我们必须思考和积极解决的问题涉及到的荣誉和尊严 Our country Doing while feeling keenly moral responsibility on the basis of the wa bi and the feeling of reflection past history direct As apparent it does conveys this to future just you do not say in reputation and dignity of the woman such as violence the Seki wa You must keep tackling either ru problems positively we think that
所谓慰安妇│┐────────────────────────────────────┌,当时的军事参与下了深刻的荣誉和尊严,许多妇女 问题穿着迷人的伤口古│ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ generally known Military comfort woman problem under participation of the troop of that time reputation and dignity of the many women is deep The │ ku it was the problem which is damaged
: !: ゙ ヽ, 92 92 i ┬ ゙ l ゙ l DREPT ku 92 gt l ゙ l 92 The Soviet Union 92 у l r and ゚ No ゙ REPT
另一个大错误是一个罪犯反弹到什么是朝日新闻社,A级战争是古公认的真正的人谁出来努力,贫穷和凯塔梅萨 One more as for big error with backlash to Asahi newspaper ones as for A class war crime as for truth badly It means that the people whom it tries to make the fact that recognize you apply are present
只有头脑冷静悬崖行为少缴深周到,可以建立一个面向未来的关系 1 The calm speech and behavior which is based on deep consideration the heart per seat lever so relationship of future inclination can be constructed
只有冷静的行为深悬崖周到少缴,您可以构建一个面向未来的关系 The calm speech and behavior which is based on deep consideration the heart per seat lever so relationship of future inclination can be constructed
只有冷静的行为深悬崖周到少缴,您可以构建一个面向未来的关系 The calm speech and behavior which is based on deep consideration the heart per seat lever so relationship of future inclination can be constructed
可爱的偶像御制及话帝国狩猎●您的姓名,帝国,诏书,美雪,亲拝,卫冕一词残疾人 - The word hunt which reaches to also the Imperial Family
Make, name, 勅 use, 勅 language, visitation and parent worshiping, with respect to now… use prohibition terminology
名古屋的9 14年的“经营费用”日元的名义支付了39万元,成本已改行其他总统和宴会销售,主要是“社会开支”应视为该 In addition the Nagoya head office 9 in 14 39 000 000 Yen which is expended with pretext of “sale expense” We are diverted by the one for acquaintanceship fee of sale chiefs and the like originally we process as “expense account spending” It assumed that it should do
名古屋的9 14年的“经营费用”日元的名义支付了39万元,成本已改行其他总统和宴会销售,主要是“社会开支”应视为该 In addition the Nagoya head office 9 in 14 39 000 000 Yen which is expended with pretext of “sale expense” We are diverted by the one for acquaintanceship fee of sale chiefs and the like originally we process as “expense account spending” It assumed that it should do
国税局作为伪装,费用为3000万日元的罚款,同时对包括选择含有税总重加算 Each national tax bureau expense assuming that it had been disguised includes addition tax heavily and collecting in addition meter approximately 30 000 000 Yen Taxation
国税局作为伪装,费用为3000万日元的罚款,同时对包括选择含有税总重加算 Each national tax bureau expense assuming that it had been disguised includes addition tax heavily and collecting in addition meter approximately 30 000 000 Yen Taxation
国际法,至少日韩合并条约是一项正式的外交照会和帝国签订了一项协议,密封根据韩国与帝国 At least with respect to of international law
Day Korea merger treaty is the formal diplomatic note which under agreement of Jipango and the Korean Airlines empire you sign & is sealed
在战争期间,日本发动战争的军事侵略,而不是,麦克阿瑟承认,反战争),包括动机和我去飞行在战争中,主要是因为爱国(安全)是 As for the toward China war of Japan It was not military invasion war as for anti communist war and MaARTHUR you recognized The motive which keeps jumping in war most because of protection country security is to be
在战争期间对日本侵略的战争,而不是,麦克阿瑟承认,反战争),包括动机和我去飞行在战争中,主要是因为爱国(安全)是 The toward China war of Japan was not invasion war as for anti communist war and MaARTHUR you recognized The motive which keeps jumping in war most because of protection country security is to be
在正确的未来发展将突出会计努力,税收待遇“,这出现在公众的意见和 In the future proper accounting in tax processing You endeavor” that comment of the public information section is published
在正确的未来发展将突出会计努力,税收待遇“,这出现在公众的意见和 In the future proper accounting in tax processing You endeavor” that comment of the public information section is published
如果选择清代恩戴若闪烁咬青,Kottarou在韩国发生更多的大混乱 When the Empire of China is chosen it is clear falling into ruin immediately the wax where a bigger confusion happens to the Korean Peninsula
我不认为把整个案件阿卡结束前两个世界的战争中,员工行为的所有的生命去补偿阿卡白痴回馈 Thing everything which [akahi] did to secondary great war end remember, the foolish guy
Salary payment in full returning, it is the action which it should make up for with life of [akahi] employee everyone
我支持率控制在恐怖Zenkyoutou媒体无论如何,我收回这句话 It recovered the support ratio of the non-sect non-political students group terrorists who temporarily control the mass communications in this conversation
我是亲中,而不是朝日,Biteiru在中国科凯“,但我认为他们是卖弄风情,这科凯古有媒体写在了中国的外交将告知卡,将凯塔犯罪越来越大 As for me as for Asahi rather than calling in the parent You have flattered to China you think that it is the � in the 媚 but as for the media in this 媚 writing diplomacy The crime which informs about the fact that China it becomes the card is to be large
“朝日新闻母鸡被发现出来,中共”是密不可分了“注进你的新闻”的做法被称为一 ” Those where the Asahi newspaper invents the Chinese Communist Party and became the one flesh � “the information journalism” With it was the technique which is called
捉的选择和耻辱是忘记感谢他们的祖先,是耻辱的因素,“日本的邪恶”,只要按照规定,如果没有和友谊永远 Forgetting appreciation if selection of the ancestors it seeks the primary factor of disgrace as the considering and disgrace from “Japan of badness” There is no friendship and the like eternally
日元在谈到朝日新闻社,发行约50万4月由资金提供消费金融公司的周薪朝日下降至30%的时间在箱岛先生真一,接收和处理的3个月内数字只 If you mention the Asahi Shimbun approximately 50 000 000 Yen money offer from the consumer finance company with weekly Asahi The April this year with problem President box island Shinichi of that time the remuneration reduction 30 company internal dealing such that it makes 3 months It just received
日元在谈到朝日新闻社,发行约50万4月由资金提供消费金融公司的周薪朝日下降至30%的时间在箱岛先生真一,接收和处理的3个月内数字只 If you mention the Asahi Shimbun approximately 50 000 000 Yen money offer from the consumer finance company with weekly Asahi The April this year with problem President box island Shinichi of that time the remuneration reduction 30 company internal dealing such that it makes 3 months It just received
日本反,反日本媒体报道中国大陆,但他们有良好的权力,权力,这是违反日本 The anti-Japanese Japanese, as for the anti-Japanese mass communications as for also the inside becoming the great power it is good, but it is opposite for Japan to become the great power,
日本根据有关协定和约束我在1965年与韩国基本条约韩国,已经放弃了与对方财产索赔 Day Korea both countries have abandoned property claim right mutually on the basis of the related agreement which ties at the time of the day Korea basic treaty conclusion of 65 years,
日本的磨擦,就是要克服这些暂时的狗仇恨和本国人民的敌人是持久 Opposition of the Japanese is the temporary [so] [me],
Very hatred to hostile country race and that dog, it is lasting
朝日新闻社3月31日上午版“部分税务机关和不同的意见,得到光束可以泄漏出的声明是令人遗憾的,我们真诚地接受熊 “As for the part where opinion differs with national tax bureau it was in the Asahi newspaper morning edition of 31 days but a declaration leak Being regrettable you catch the fact that indication is received in the true 摯
朝日新闻社3月31日上午版“部分税务机关和不同的意见,得到光束可以泄漏出的声明是令人遗憾的,我们真诚地接受熊 “As for the part where opinion differs with national tax bureau it was in the Asahi newspaper morning edition of 31 days but a declaration leak Being regrettable you catch the fact that indication is received in the true 摯
此外,关于文化,即使你不回来,在韩国的谈判,森陆奥和对各临床,但日本一直保持在总督办公室的 Furthermore in regard to the cultural assets Return It does with it has not done in spite as for the Korean side by way of the governor general prefecture in Japan It is the intention of facing to return negotiation those which are kept vis a vis entirely
此致,2001(2001)外交部日本首相小泉纯一郎, Satoshi tool 2001 2001 year Prime Minister Japan Junichiro Koizumi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
例如,A型是首相参拜靖国神社引起的运动是试图体现甲级战犯 For example the movement that is model combination will make A class war crime worship to the Yasukuni Shrine 祀 in Prime Minister
民主党政策犯有反日是日本有罪!广告立即反日朝鲜人在日本的朝鲜人在政策 The Democratic party as for the principal of anti-Japanese policy, is the resident Korean! !
In principal resident Korean of anti-Japanese policy announcement [gu
秒352 Netou说。 。 。请安息流浪略 l i REPT hu 7 hu 7 to l ゙ ゙ l l l l l DREPT ¯ HKRPT ゙ 92 No rl to and ゙ 352 neto u good quality it is Perplexity please pass away
。 秒352 Netou说。 。 。请安息流浪略 丶 i i ∧ REPT l l i REPT hu 7 hu 7 to l ゙ ゙ l l l l l DREPT ¯ HKRPT ゙ 92 No rl to and ゙ 352 neto u good quality it is Perplexity please pass away
积分282河野谈话是最的问题是,梅塔曾公开承认,它正在努力管理世界妇女寻找安慰,主要是政府和军队 282 In Kono conversation most as for the place where it becomes problem government and the troop becoming subject the victory girl It collected and directing the fact that it has managed in the world it recognized publicly
39此外,内阁官房长官河野洋平“383被迫承认慰安妇”,并表示道歉 Furthermore in 93 secretariat Director Youhei Kono “the fact that you force take the victory girl is recognized” that apology It did
内阁官房副长官石原信夫后来平林博首席外交事务的辩论,作证说,天空将证人描述单方面奴隶称为韩国的性别 Nobuo Ishihara secretariat secondary director the Hiroshi Hirabayasi foreign policies deliberation room monitor names the victory girl afterwards The effect which the Korean side witness expresses unilaterally is testified
朝日19年来,“慰安妇(Teishin)出来的慰安妇被强行作为一个团队”,并广泛报道 As for Asahi 91 year “volunteer the te it was and the victory girl who it is forced is taken the grommet as a party was present” that it reports extensively It did
第二个千年,研究委员会会议上野田Eizirou测试(前驻印度)已经发现,这项工作已被取消资格扶桑社教科书 In two 〇 〇 〇 years, Noda English Jiro member of official approval investigation conference
In order (the original Indian ambassador) to designate the textbook of the Fuso corporation as disqualification, building has been detected
箱岛的董事会主席辞职上周27日,秋季。 。人事聘用太郎行政晋升为总裁 Last week box island president to retire in the board of directors 27th fall Taro routine work in president The personal affairs which it is promoted informally decide
箱岛的董事会主席辞职上周27日,秋季。 。人事聘用太郎行政晋升为总裁 Last week box island president to retire in the board of directors 27th fall Taro routine work in president The personal affairs which it is promoted informally decide
而日本国旗。 。旗(韩国国旗南)已经平行和垂直的,日本人是如此快乐 _NULL_
背叛是不必要的“话语”的发表,“内阁官房长官河野洋平发表的声明有关妇女的调查结果之间的关系的舒适度。 给总理的信在亚洲妇女基金项目 。ヽ│ ∧∧ ∧ヽ ∧(ヽ⌒。 ヽ(ヽ⌒。布鲁诺氖∪ ∪s卢武铉ヽヽ│ )) 。 的ヽ l 布鲁诺英里 。 ∧ヽ ヽ彡∧∧│∧(ヽ⌒。 (ü∪ヽ布鲁诺布鲁诺宓津彡∧│∧∪ヽ⌒ ))(⌒ヽ Being unnecessary treason by the fact that “conversation” is published “the Kono Chief Cabinet Secretary conversation regarding military comfort woman related findings from announcement The letter of Prime Minister it encounters to the Asian woman fund business execution │ REPT 92 ∧ ∧ REPT ∧ 92 ∧ ⌒ REPT REPT ⌒ REPT ∪ ne No │ REPT ∪ No REPT REPT It does the l no mi REPT ∧ ∧ │ ∧ ∧ 彡 ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ∪ tsu No mi ∧ │ ∧ 彡 ∪ u No REPT ⌒ REPT It does the l no ∪ to No REPT
内阁官房长官河野洋平发表的声明中发现有关卖淫的关系。 给总理的信在亚洲妇女基金项目 。ヽ│ ∧∧ ∧ヽ ∧(ヽ⌒。 ヽ(ヽ⌒。布鲁诺氖∪ ∪s卢武铉ヽヽ│ )) 。 的ヽ l ヽ布鲁诺布鲁诺车∪)) The Kono Chief Cabinet Secretary conversation regarding victory girl related findings from announcement The letter of Prime Minister it encounters to the Asian woman fund business execution │ REPT 92 ∧ ∧ REPT ∧ 92 ∧ ⌒ REPT REPT ⌒ REPT ∪ ne No │ REPT ∪ No REPT REPT It does the l no mi REPT ∧ ∧ │ ∧ ∧ 彡 ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ∪ tsu No mi ∧ │ ∧ 彡 ∪ u No REPT ⌒ REPT It does the l no ∪ to No REPT
角田义和群马民主党(在北原副委员长,众议院有经验的会议员,前社会党成员),并有权获得朝总联捐赠,朝总联志位和家长的关系 As for the Democratic party Gunma e.g., Tsunoda justice one (the former House of Councillors vice-chair, original social 党員, visiting morning experience to be) receives contribution from the Korean entire ream,
Entire ream intimate relationship is maintained
警视厅说,护照法,8月份前死囚犯人taken ll逮捕令,并涉嫌违反 As for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department about the same original condemned criminal
Is taken arrest warrant with such as the August this year and passport method violation suspicion
该应用程序甚至怀疑投票站在保存有关的公平性,而恶心。它排在表内指出,现在通过空气流行文化 NULL
这意味着,他们是他的“驱动tTA法治公平的决定”,也就是无法理解它是什么 “The fair judgment to which this is plugged therefore them conforms to rule” understanding those which become the impossibility it is to be
这个声明,其中提到了强迫吞并朝鲜本身当然不是, The latest conversation proper thing is not something which refers the forced characteristic of day Korea merger itself
这份文件,文件朝日出土大量战前的文章,广泛阅读,“日韩合并”是接近现实的企图 This book, it excavates the enormous article data of the pre-world war 2 Asahi newspaper, the 渉 hunting does,
It is the attempt which is approached to the thusness of “day Korea merger”
这可能是一个旺角鼓热线奠定了这么好一个合适的人后,敢在我陆地和海上边界 The mon shelf which is accustomed to the line which the border how human afterwards in the land and the sea spread suitably afterwards well well such hotly
这意味着没有极端残酷的刑罚,惩罚已写入睡不好觉with legal历史的中国最近,例如,affords损害或洞的头部,身体和日语向absolute crack斜体有 The cruelty not to become extreme concerning punishment for example damage is given and the hole is bored through the head in the punishment which is listed in the Chinese laws history the body tears and or there are some which language is been beyond with for the Japanese
这意味着没有极端残酷的刑罚,惩罚已经写入睡不好觉的中国法律史与近来,例如,或破洞在头部,身体和裂纹楷体字,这是绝对的日本语言 The cruelty not to become extreme concerning punishment the hole is bored through the head in the punishment which for example is listed in the Chinese laws history the body tears and or there are some which language is been beyond with for the Japanese
那么,日本是个人的已经取代我想我把中国的殖民吞并,但我知道,我也钦佩来到韩国,并没有什么严重的兴趣但我想指出一个组成 Well privately has replaced Japan probably will be now China putting in place colony merger area the ru is With knowing the te and the Korean abnormal play coming temporarily but ru reason what which excessively is not interest When you want to point out as composition
关于兼并之前,政府抓住权,以外交和日本还与一个傀儡皇帝取代一样,韩国已经在他们手中 Generally from before the merging it holds internal affair right and diplomacy right Also the emperor has replaced in the puppet Japan Already it has designated Korea as the hand with the same
关于兼并之前,政府抓住权,以外交和日本还与一个傀儡皇帝取代一样,韩国已经在他们手中 Generally from before the merging it holds internal affair right and diplomacy right Also the emperor has replaced in the puppet Japan Already it has designated Korea as the hand with the same
然而,这标志着100年把重点放在巩固,国家领导人谈论历史的认识,并再次表明,期望和梁计划未来有相当大的意义 Even then merger 100 years to focus on the turning point which is said the national leader to talk historical recognition directing in the future It is there is important meaning in showing expectation and policy freshly
赖和合并罕见酵母你低能儿,或谢天谢地,这是并合无安的居纳凯雷 Imbecile uyo … being asked merging appreciation margin or Cheaply if the equal root did not stay there is no merger was
赖和合并罕见酵母你低能儿,或谢天谢地,这是并合无安的居纳凯雷 Imbecile uyo … being asked merging appreciation margin or Cheaply if the equal root did not stay there is no merger was
附表按电厂共产党的种子在中国,现在我浇灌的努力,“反日暴徒,”什么是水果的结合 The Chinese Communist Party and power Kind was sown together the effort which did the water now bore fruit of the “anti Japanese mob”
在图片中,中国人只来是种植与反日情绪对他们ineradicability In this composition as for China It is to plant deep rooted anti Japanese feeling in the citizen
除日本外其他国家的部队,是一个风险,即尾翼与古草案被迫事宜的人都说慰安妇非正式避免任何 Excludes Japan in the troop of the foreign country which the tail fin of forcing taking The fact that it is attached is feared the matter regarding the victory girl avoids all declaration all informal
官方当时这样的军队的事情说,这是执政的自由民主党 Those where such a thing is declared formally in the troop at that time are the Liberal Democratic Party which is the administration ruling party
音频音频失真少,少虚伪和傲慢和做作来的充分依赖和模仿和失真 It has been full in ostentation and hypocrisy and distortion and arrogance, imitation and dependence and distortion are everything
驱逐舰鞍马上周四上午从她家的门司港佐世保港停泊港口是在事故发生后(佐世保,长崎县)的结果在 On the one hand, the escort ship saddle [ma] 9th morning, from the Moji port which anchored after the accident the Sasebo port of the home port (Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city) It results