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The cartoon which is only in the school unless “it puts out and gene” writer Nakazawa, “gets angry more…War responsible permission which is caused scared the [te]”


  • 11月5日,第1节和纪念原子弹轰炸博士,博士和棒束鲜花在一个无声的纪念碑记忆
    Atomic bomb memorial stone monument and the mourning poem of doctor 1 November 5th, the doctor the 献 flower doing in the atomic bomb memorial stone monument, lifted up the silent 祷

    • 1995年正式赤脚根GENPRODUCTION Angurasaito
      It puts out, the gene official underground sight 1995 GENPRODUCTION

      • 1998年大爆炸(放松金融管制),后来,日本金融机构,国际金融资本和销售酒类美国陷入金融危机
        98 annuity molten big vans (financial flexible regulation) later, as for the financial institution of Japan, pouring sale of American type international finance capital It falls to financial crisis

        • 314 · · · · · ·首先,我想我是好布莱恩这样做的情况并没有与美国发生冲突的历史 314 …… In the first place the scenario tsu te of the kind of history which is not collided with America the ri ya which how is done it was good it is probably will be

          • 449“每封邮件,不干净,但我没有给他们更多的愤怒 449 Unless “there is no message every of clean and the te must get angry more it is
            • 1 “每封邮件,不干净,但我没有给他们更多的愤怒 1 Unless gt “there is no message every of clean and the te must get angry more it is

          • Fabyori Netouyo给出一点点批评日本帝国行,然后他们证明一切,他们帝国线
            [netouyo] justifies the action of Jipango regardless When the [so] is with the action of Jipango even just a little is criticized, the [huabiyo] [ri] it puts out

            • Ttena石川线被称为一次作为嘉宾出席典礼492炸弹,战争和战争的欺骗和抱怨战争的手返回教师和媒体和政客的时候,日本和韩国人的压迫在鄂如手掌军事问题的骗局,GQH压制言论自由,深角度和工作很多左冷元

              • ü现在也将被迫也认为这场战争是做以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的战争 In addition you think that war you do it becomes the circumstance which is not obtained Now Israel and Palestine have gone to war
                • 嵌入的我要赶走为美国,但Kosazaru奇,奇是日本负责越好。 In order it does not cause not to obtain but as for driving America as for the responsibility which is caused there is Japan

              • W让我们的公民运动在第9条,是不是谴责邻国部署核武器
                The citizen the [ze] w which will exercise Before the constitution 9 provision, nuclear disposition of peripheral countries will be impeached, it isn't?

                • “当你安田皮克林,谁是最适合的存储和负责任的御真影通讯部重型局负责
                  “Preservation rice field you at the time of [pika], were the storage patsy of the true shadow whose responsibility is heaviest with communications bureau Administration Division duty

                  • “战争的责任,不能让文紧张。朱佩说,我会允许”行!“ That “the war which cannot be permitted the criticism which is caused Permission scared Japanese “ Comprehension ”
                    • 文紧张的战争责任。我将让朱佩先生,“行!” gt War the criticism which is caused Permission scared Japanese “ Comprehension ”

                  • 一个伤口是你自豪的。“广岛和平运动”,另一个是奥运标志的工业强国显示东京

                    • 三岛由纪夫,“我在广岛 评原子弹”从 “ hiroshima of Yukio Mishima from in me in day of atomic bomb se te ”
                      • 三岛由纪夫,“我在广岛 评原子弹”从 “ hiroshima of Yukio Mishima from in me in day of atomic bomb se te ”

                    • 下一步备,战争并不反对,如果我觉得我永远不会说的东西我从来没有将ñ无辜两位数负好东西约古战争对战争是没有我好。Rubeki文的战争仍在激烈更多下一位或消极的,对不对?埃泰为什么我转达对儿童的成年人的责任,因为这将是重要的讨论如何赢? After all we should get angry more To concerning without being the thing which causes war and being defeated to war don t you think War what being gone how it is not no matter what therefore it is war opposition how saying in ru case it is not the te Making provision why it was defeated for next as for the next even the intention which is discussed how it wins being important the ro where the fact that it conveys to the children is duty of the adult
                      • 我认为肯尼迪,我愿意薄水果Tasou只需要政治承诺和 However there is no Kennedy only request making politics the intention which it tries probably to carry out duty is thin don t you think

                    • 为什么美国反向日本这种方式只有在战争过程中的宠物从约6个月,如果我建议的谈判结束的时间表根据赫尔说明 Facing hull note and the Japanese proposition conversely about half year negotiating the cod Does America war set up from the ji re te other side

                      • 也许美国人民,如果罗斯福的批评从高Mattarou Kakawaritakunakatta重大战争 Perhaps because the American citizen did not want to relate to war If such a thing it does as for criticism to Roosevelt suitable the wax which increases
                        • 我给了罗斯福去世前的战争称之为一个真正的神风 The fact that Roosevelt dies in just before termination of war very this was Kamikaze truly

                      • 仪式或和平,或联合或任何公共追悼会一直没有没区别军事或现役或死谁死在爆炸中
                        The peaceful ceremony, somehow association… The general people Kuyo have done without the being bombed deceased or the battlefield decease soldier or distinction

                        • 原因是明治开始围绕提请幕府消失了,全国各地,不论高贵领主和狭间Tomoyo商人,在Con的形式正在出现,他们采取的旁边也不买土地,农业用地集中于商业资本 As for the reason the shogunate disappears and the time where Meiji starts At all parts of the country the lord and the nobility of ignorant of the world in the form where is swindled in the new merchant The land was bought in two bundle three sentences the farmland concentrated on commercial capital
                          • 为了克服这种状况,市场需求,土地和资源,以及亚洲和满洲 In order to break the state seeking the market and the farmland and the resource it advanced to Manchuria and Asia

                        • 参加在亚洲的唯一独立的国家,以实现日本的明治维新垂死在第一次世界大战
                          Japan achieves the Meiji restoration before the fall sun/size and participates to the first next great war as Asian only independency

                          • 可能是由日本殖民战争爆发前的形式直接,但会不会(在第二次世界大战前日本首先与提高军队,必然导致我figure现代化),并可以提醒though如果你不知道会发生什么事 As for the possibility pre world war 2 Japan turning to colony in a plain way however probably will be Pre world war 2 Japan reinforces armament that because in the first place the reason which assures modernization puts out If with say it is careless you did not know how it becomes

                            • 和30万人民的屠杀,包括假冒的照片,这些资料是错误的驱动tTA柏迪没有诚信,可靠的毛刺和数以千计的照片一样,没有虚假,错误信息如驱动tTA “日本人民不应该这么做”,“他们没有合理的理由屠杀”的观念,即认为甜 There is no authenticity such in the information which such as slaughter number of people 300 000 person you are wrong and false photograph but Simply there is no authenticity such in the information which such as tens of thousands people you are wrong and false photograph but “As for the Japanese the expectation which such a thing is not done” as for the thought “there is no rational reason which slaughters” you think that it is sweet
                              • 只是它是种族灭绝,日本我很感谢美国是不寻常的,如果从其他国家看到 That much large being slaughtered as for the Japanese who appreciates in America If you see from the foreign country it is abnormal
                              • 或什么的,炸死570人,但成千上万的数万思想,它是不可能的理智 570 Simply tens of thousands people as for kind of slaughtering thinking sensibly the unreasonable shelf
                              • 该城被抓获的外国人,并根据战前要占领更多的对农业生产不认为s The city where it was occupied in the foreign country person it rises from before the occupying with you cannot think agricultural productivity under wartime
                              • 这是和平的天空是238比其他国家的日本,远离其他国家的长期和平 238 Japan when you compare to the foreign country is peace peace age are longer than the foreign country decisively

                            • 和平民,然而,紧张的20万人群的骚乱文谴责埃泰他饿了,他们攻击的情况魔法收款180 000正规军比较排除 ,什么合理 』是指你是否需要,但残酷的,地方单位,思维必须 The civilian say being hungry the crowd 200 000 dissatisfaction explodes causing the riot The situation which attacks to proper soldier 180 000 is avoided beforehand Whether some kind of rational expedient is necessary but cruelty the unit of the locale must think
                              • 他们必须减少到一个合理的理由文职人员控制数量 You must decrease to civilian control possible number of people the rational reason

                            • 国家和地区的131列。成为一个殖民地,一旦你有危机感,拥抱dat ll版本将留在该国认为他们可以杀死原日本相扑权力的理由
                              131 Peripheral country line. Becoming colony, without holding the crisis atmosphere, shooting, if it leaves, Remains Japan is utilized kills as thinking the powers country

                              • 在今天的美帝国主义能够消灭全人类茹核,航天侦察卫星,GPS卫星定位系统为主,这也主宰了全球范围的信息谷歌微软间谍网

                                • 在日本光纤到家庭的普及率是世界,世界各地可以建立在这个基础设施 Diffusion rate of the optical fiber to the Japanese home the greatest in the world can construct also this below in the world
                                  • 这使我能提供技术和财政能力建设作出了卓越的世界茹环保基础设施 And echo it has also the technical financial ability which can construct below it is superior to the world

                                • 在这个从上个世纪的世纪,世界上最强大的帝国在历史上出现,结合了最糟糕的美国军事和国防工业和石油业和国际金融资本
                                  From front century now extending through century, international finance capital and demand for military supplies industry and oil business and the worst American empire in the worldwide strongest history which the troop unites appeared

                                  • 如果战争的许多士兵和资源从840的武器在很大的数字,只是因为我没有赢得政治 840 Game disputing therefore as for politics When the resource is many simply because the weapon and the soldier are many It cannot win
                                    • 木付碰撞也是一个武器,但实际上是被杀害,电视“这是和平,”和平的说法example m我 Being accustomed to piercing the weapon even when really being killed if the television “it is peace” the tsu te you say it is peaceful what

                                  • 它是用来弥补损失的美国和国际金融和资本的美军基地维修美帝国主义战争和世界继续我们的销售欺诈
                                    This is used in the assistant 填 of financial fraud commodity sale loss of war continuation of the American emperor and the US military base maintenance and American type international finance capital of the world

                                    • 对于那些谁遭受了可怕的幸福真的,我想这个原则是没有左,右 Actually meeting by damage there is no right or the left of principle for the person who is in the terrible eye it is probably will be
                                      • 为了将它添加到第二次世界大战的转折点,Okotsuta逆转的受害者和肇事者在世界 Adding passing the second next great war in the turning point worldwide reversal of the victim and the assailant is secret

                                    • 小学,我的同学们都回家的Burgers最喜欢的书品种齐全,是喜欢这个家伙
                                      At the time of the small school, this treasured edition like person being even, the whole volume there was a house of the [ru] classmate

                                      • 尽管我真的接受损害,如果情报人员和紧急韩国人,因达,更容易支持我的天哪什么鬼我糖果?

                                        • 形成公众舆论,国家从来没有对满洲击败新浪和战争中扩大规模后,梁不假思索地在所有快乐,我自己的军队自己不再说一些国家在鄂如操纵和言论自由的自由具有讽刺意味的是,他们的梦想更多的功能或类似盖世太保的爱国妇女和退伍军人协会或迷信整个逃避现实的感觉,我觉得为国家管抓住控制
                                          As for the citizen who forms public opinion, never the home country is defeated without completely thinking Concerning the front enlargement from now on China and Manchuria with information operation and control of speech the thing it has become not to be in a state where you can say Military itself control of the large kerchief which itself expands is the handle becoming the [ku], the national entire actual escape [tsu] [te] feeling The sarcasm that 妄 trust patriotic lady meeting or vet meeting or such party were functional than the gestapo,

                                          • 我不只是核Doukatsu火警对方。我靠在背部和钱包和卫队的保护,不要以为ü

                                            • 我不知道,可能是日本入侵)表示,他们会说,他们无视第9条,第9战争的真正经济,超过两次发言,Ki和应变不得不认真考虑在怀疑是否是S However perhaps it is invaded Japan That ignoring economy 9 provision 9 provisions saying as for the ru people Truly two degrees error War does not have to be caused unless Being serious thinking Greatly it is doubt
                                              • 中国的利益,获得与美国敌对的国家开始发展起来的日本帝国一直想把中国入侵日本让步 After invading Japan it had been about to get the Chinese right but Japan into Jipango evolution America it reached the point where it is hostile and became unable to obtain the Chinese right

                                            • 我也觉得这个故事的后半部分不深,但认为该作者的个人政治不工作不会那么好 The latter half of the story however it does also the air whose private political idea of the writer is dense well probably is the good work

                                              • 我如何良好,日本在战争期间罕见包括伤口说,在世界上流通呢? In the flow of the world Japan the involvement calling to war in those age if how it should have done it is
                                                • 我是一个战争857是为新闻报道,该解决方案与朝日 857 War it could point the Asahi newspaper because of the Soviet Union it is
                                                • 纳鲁朱达罗死亡来保护你的家人?所以我一岁的日本游戏驱动tTA人 The family in order to protect if the ro which can die and is Therefore the Japanese of former times fought being everyone it is

                                              • 我已经把我的学校,他们也百宝箱Atagoal凤凰和黑杰克和不幸
                                                Regrettable also the bird and the blackjack and the [atagooru] treasured casket of the fire were put, we small school

                                                • 我知道杜鲁门是一个未来的威胁和欺骗下降的原子弹和苏联哈希索诺,决心设法结束战争的日本在美国手中的国家与前苏联入侵

                                                  • 或大阪美苏在日本西部的美国官员也说,那是我的解决办法,但我却觉得那么东部你进入一个侧面以及舒适说它好或最好不被分割凯塔日本那我和我给我一福冈打破国家或广岛, But well It was not divided Japan in the United States and Soviet Union and the te was good Well if anything it does also the air which would like to enter to east Japanese side but So when it does Soviet side tsu te Whether saying Osaka or the Hiroshima Fukuoka with simultaneous how on west Japanese American side You pardon and state put out
                                                    • 甚至没有说我在日本踢了156分钟,苏划分为美?德国被击中,但实际 156 Dividing Japan the tsu ke which does not have either the how story which divides in the United States and Soviet Union But actually being done is Germany

                                                  • 战争结束后,他死于营养不良是一个小妹妹,和Ru仍然看到孩子,或者他们不停止眼泪,我记得苏,“Hazime Mitsuzi”没有这本书的青年作家,如果年轻人我们也许永远不会知道原子弹,“奥吉安娜一平”我在我的学校“,它显然世代Rashii律师隆忠泽 After the war the younger sister dying with malnutrition even now When you look at the young child the memory reviving unless the tear stops ” When there is no young “this book of one Kouzi of the writer as for the young people perhaps you do not know the atomic bomb ” Read Ogi Itsuhira analog “I in the school” Also the Osawa filial piety conquering of the attorney seems somehow that generation

                                                    • 新研制的炸弹的敌人在战争期间(u003d炸弹苏)和下降一定程度上是自然Kotojan
                                                      In war the bomb (= atomic bomb) of new development as for dropping a certain semantic proper thing it is in the hostile country

                                                      • 日本抨击俄罗斯人犯罪,打击是一个日本人和美国人,告诉韩国和中国有大把的萘乙酸我想冒出来 As for the Japanese insult although you say with a lot of The Chinese and Korean and American and the Russian It becomes silent in the crime for the Japanese it is It is strange

                                                        • 日本拥有的权力,以防止非核武器国家持有保留核武器和暴力成为既得利益国家领导人利益
                                                          Japan becomes the leader and prevents the acquired interests and violence of nuclear weapon retention country by power of the number of denuclearization weapon retention countries

                                                          • 日本的经济实力和被拉美后院的实际经验,并说美国帝国是一个有点奇怪Waranai
                                                            As for economic power Japan Central and South America countries and the substance which were called the back court of the American emperor do not change excessively

                                                            • 是的,只要艾希支那是越来越世界的和平,彻底消除了大英帝国和犹太人血统
                                                              If Judea and ancestry of Daiei empire is not done the eradication completely, a world peace etc there is and profit is

                                                              • 武器和四郎两倍AUSTRALIA ,武器装备有核武器,使他无法和国外两次Semekoma In order two degrees not to be defeated expansion of armamants margin being armed with nuclear weapons Two degrees the foreign false me in order not to can be troubled margin

                                                                • 江户日本殖民侵略的亚洲大部分是外国列强的最后堡垒
                                                                  The Edo final period, the European-American powers invaded Asia and the majority was converted to colony and Japan was the last stronghold

                                                                  • 注铿锵:“核保护伞”或幻想?中国的“核威胁”如果他们来到了日本,美国的“核保护伞”是依靠什么? Reference Common Sense As for “umbrella of nucleus” fantasy When China “intimidation of the nucleus” is made on Japan Being able to depend “the umbrella of the American on nucleus”
                                                                    • 日本没有一个核心,无法对付中国外交的威胁,我们必须吞下请求Mazaru Because as for Japan which does not have the nucleus it is not possible to oppose to Chinese intimidation diplomacy request does not obtain is not drunk

                                                                  • 洛克菲勒在战争期间的结果,我开始了旧的方式辉与马祖(美国集团)与罗斯柴尔德(英国集团)TTP的:/ / inri.client.jp /六角/ floorA6F_he / a6fhe600的。html
                                                                    As for origination of the great war starting from directly old age, the [ru] it is Rockefeller (the American financial group) VS Rothschild (the English financial group) ttp: //inri.client.jp/hexagon/floorA6F_he/a6fhe600. html

                                                                    • 海事根徒跣足+ + Gunyaatsu Kakkakkatsu脾气Gagaga巴克! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ! !
                                                                      Gene + [kaiji] + [bakikatsukatsukatsukatsukatsu] of [hadashi] … [gagaga] [tsu]… [guniyaatsu]! Aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa! ! ! !

                                                                      • 漫画是令人印象深刻,但学校是一个凤凰,这是一个令人震惊的作品在中学时 As for those where it is impressive with the cartoon which is in the school the bird shelf of the fire as for that it was the shocking work in the junior high school student
                                                                        • 我走遍这是令人震惊地看到这个动画热休克在我校小学 This animation seeing at the time of we elementary school student Heat it came out with the shock About that it was shocking

                                                                      • 然而,战争结束,因为397没有爆裂,它是从最终交付Waranai只需推出他们和日本人不能参加和平,但现在显然有待观察 397 Because even yet ending or it does not end war Now however it is visible at first glance in peace now Japan it just does not participate In addition among those it is involved
                                                                        • 即使在战争中耳朵和抽烟,适当的时候将交付伤口?我不只是如何坏头 Keeping inhaling with the war ear the ro which is the times when it is involved The do just is the head is bad it is
                                                                        • 基塔拉什么你永远不会对奶牛正在进入他人战争攻击我!我已经杀死了数以万计我本人没有进入,因为日本在亚洲的许可袭击 When the war how foreign country attacks and enters the ro which only fights and is Even Japan attacked to Asia selfishly and entered and tens of thousands people killed it is
                                                                        • 日本无法逃避我只是战争的世界684倍 684 The inside of the world is age what which war is done Just Japan escaping saying

                                                                      • 现在,我放弃了原子弹和我其他国家,日本是一个真正的和平,我很紧张恐怖 However Japan was dropped the atomic bomb now it is true peace don t you think As for the foreign country although in terrorism the tsu te which piripiri has been done
                                                                        • 一位老师,你说公开茹胡萝卜和原材料愤怒爆落 1 If the teacher you get angry the atomic bomb ame which was dropped it should call being publicly it does the yo
                                                                        • 但现在,日本和其他国家投下炸弹,我不是一个真正的和平,恐怖主义,我紧张 Japan however you dropped the atomic bomb now is true peace don t you think As for the foreign country although in terrorism the tsu te which piripiri has been done
                                                                        • 你第一个原因是因为美国在日本翻译说,宇野和27个原爆落 27 Japan the atomic bomb there is no meaning which was dropped therefore it is First what you say to America does with reason the yo
                                                                        • 我最近一直强调的炸弹,它们通常乐趣发挥人类戏剧和雕塑群 However only the atomic bomb has closed up it is funny normally as a human drama and a group image play
                                                                        • 最后一行,“谢天谢地,炸弹,”我说出来也解决愚蠢 After all “in the atomic bomb appreciation margin” the fact of the matter where the fool who how is said is present

                                                                      • 百年战争和几年的金融恐慌过去的债券利息的废料数百世界上所有“奴隶行动中,联邦储备委员会尼克尼克鳄鱼我拉应变基罗斯柴尔德家族的犹太后裔,客观世界的贫困。Goimu鳄鱼为了使这个世界,壊斑等暮古仲良三代同堂在战争中一场比赛苏第一,格罗〜性别全球〜假装〜兴趣废纸和每一其他世界的首都“,并杀死在家庭早生竞争鳄鱼资本的创造世界开始从一个单独的

                                                                        • 端午负责人说,美国在对伊拉克战争的紧张文离家出走,我从来不否认军事战争最布莱恩Yokattaro有朱达罗人耶日本,这样,我公开如独裁,该国赞成壊愚蠢的民主,因为人们之所以没有停滞不前,人民从来没有缺席的国家组成 War as for the responsibility which is caused there is America The ro which is the sled ya citizen The most citizen saying the war some oak the ri ya which is denied the good ro It is reckless driving of the military you say but as for making such Japan the citizen Even with proverb dictatorial nation unless the citizen stays the country with the meaning which how does not consist Even now therefore the citizen the fool you voted to democracy and broke the country
                                                                          • 负责文紧张的战争?端午说,离家出走我从来不否认军事战争布莱恩Yokattaro真正的多数国家的公共朱达罗,我做成了日本专政在公共例如,我弥补了人民和国家缺席壊国家是一个愚蠢的人从没有民主投票立场仍然翻译 War the responsibility which is caused The ro which is the sled ya citizen The most citizen saying the war some oak the ri ya which is denied the good ro It is reckless driving of the military you say but as for making such Japan the citizen Even with proverb dictatorial nation unless the citizen stays the country with the meaning which how does not consist Even now therefore the citizen the fool you voted to democracy and broke the country

                                                                        • 美国是所有邪恶的绝缘体,太糟糕了凯塔世界事务,战争有可能的意义,并能赢得这场战争的状态时失败的after its decisions很慢,那么,日本政府和军方的无能因为,如果我说我不能原因 In the first place America is bad because and also world situation is bad Oh you cannot know meaning high in the opening of the hostilities but After that as for quagmire conversion of game bureau and lag of judgment of defeat time The Japanese government of that time and disabled of the military with cause excuse is not possible don t you think
                                                                          • 也就是说,如果汇率同样奇怪的是去打仗,但文紧张的军事政变和恐怖分子的任何地方,所以它是不负责的时间,战争在日本,所有选民 NULL

                                                                        • 自己,它死的是一个爱国战争的借口,他已经越位主权。怪异的生活待遇 By your as for in the war dying because of patriotism the pardon shelf Being devastated sovereignty the person We would like to live even with treatment
                                                                          • 当然在最近的观察和交流长崎,“什么是如此爱国,”我想我会 When exchange with recent Nagasaki sure you see “something is the patriot” that the wa which is thought

                                                                        • 西方殖民列强国家对日本的期待效果非常糟糕已经争先恐后地把真理的力量的是它是一次“粗了苏我为他们的食物!”安 Actually as for the colony policy by European American powers countries The fact that Japan which acquires the power of that time is helpless with the eye affecting is fact “My feeding ground is devastated ” Mark
                                                                          • 西方列强不禁对日本当时非常糟糕的影响已经把真理的力量的是它是一个“粗了他们觅食苏我们?”安 Actually as for the European American powers The fact that Japan which acquires the power of that time is helpless with the eye affecting is fact “My feeding ground is devastated ” Mark

                                                                        • 让报纸报道大致在这个纪念馆和两起炸弹诗博士在内存中的,后来发展并跟广岛市长,博士明珠,谁是负责此滨井题词 Atomic bomb memorial stone monument and the mourning poem of doctor 2 This is large to the newspaper announcing Future it developed to the discussion with Hiroshima Mayor and pearl doctor Hamai who is this Hibun patsy
                                                                          • 博士明珠 发言,对反复Shimasenu』他们会写的题词,以取代 Error to reel in pearl doctor because the returning stripe you do we would like you to write Hibun which is substituted

                                                                        • 责任紧张文,文行动Kosanakattara日本的战争,你仍是一个殖民地?当然,日本人民是奴隶的奴隶,妇女被强奸,儿童被杀害了一名中年男子为已售出永远活基鲁 When war the responsible te which is caused that way conduct it does not cause Japan is turned to colony with to do the yo Naturally the Japanese citizen is raped the slave and the woman and the old person child kills The man is sold and lifetime lives as a slave

                                                                          • 责任驱动tTA臻那场战争的紧张文 我永远不会让先生“该作者的漫画我没有看过有关的人民战争的正确认识谁,在什么情况下?石油的禁令。罗斯福本人对无线电禁运之前对日本的“石油不要为了避免战争”,我说,这一,了解石油禁运和战争,禁运,通过。知道的内容联盟?谈判没有进入美国的8个月,1941年1月开始了提请网 The responsibility which causes that war gt Permission scared absolutely the te ” Cartoon of this writer is not read almost but it is the person who has understood the details which reach to the opening of the hostilities honestly Petroleum prohibition Before Roosevelt himself with radio “What petroleum prohibition it does not do is in Japan in order to avoid war outbreak ” that saying the te When petroleum prohibition it does after understanding the fact that it becomes war prohibition doing Sutra You have understood the contents of the encircling net How many ones which do not appear in during the Japanese American negotiating of the net 8 month which starts from 1941 January harsh request being made suddenly with hull note the person whom you have understood Approving the withdrawal from the French sign declaring that it is the preparation which ties the agreement where from the Chinese mainland the Mutumi troop withdraws with the time limit attachment War it has been about to evade garatsu being reversed knowing the ru From Pearl Harbor attack before to tell the truth as for the American soldier it attacks the Japanese military knowing thing the ru Is the war victim however it pities to the fact that with honest investigation examination location of responsibility it is made clear abandons the fact that the person who “The responsibility which causes that war absolutely permission” With saying it is who It becomes tsu te story
                                                                            • 更多的美国,ABCD的包装。使团队,日本的经济封锁,引起了我行对石油禁运已经注意到对接木付赫尔 Furthermore as for America ABCD package Position is made Japan economy is blockaded Going to petroleum prohibition after provoking it was accustomed to piercing hull note

                                                                          • 赤脚代人是在战争和紧张基达文不错(和),是不是每个人都已经死了,我多么希望你感觉好Jaanai It puts out the gene well enough the favorite shelf So war with being done as for the person who is caused already everyone death it is the tsu it is reason to put out already it is to call the kana which is not
                                                                            • 例如,我认为,赤脚根是20倍的回报看漫画我想我最阅读 NULL
                                                                            • 我们有“乔的明天”是鹰,“赤脚根”嗯Gigigi We are “the a did the jaw” As for me “it puts out the gene” gigigi …

                                                                          • 走出455美国所有地狱“里的故事决定了轰炸,”他们已去信
                                                                            455 Completely like the America made out of print, it is written on “the inside of atomic bomb dropping decision” entirely

                                                                            • 这个论点似乎Zutsu我想这还可以拉,不仅推动支那他们像手流我们知道一个外国词来丘吉尔229 229 That diplomacy is not known even in char chill being said the ru it does Running it could not pull it is probably will be Even now way it is dragging that but
                                                                              • 填补了我国政府制定的经济持续增长,暴露出来的任何外国政府的强大向心力,以维持高 The Chinese government where economy reaches the limits as for the possibility of appearing in strong foreign diplomacy for centripetal power maintenance of administration is high

                                                                            • 这也是为什么我认为国家的俄罗斯和中国的外交封锁日本,美国),以防止核扩散和核武器的威胁与核核武器和互相监督的核国家之间的新的非控股和人民的权力的数目我们认为
                                                                              You think that there is reason here where the United States disturbs Japanese and China & Russia diplomacy) You think that intimidation and nuclear proliferation of the nuclear weapon can be prevented with power of the number of denuclearization weapon retention countries and the mutual supervisory system whose between of nuclear powers is new,

                                                                              • 逃脱639,我只是得到了总部的命令中心,但是我真的开始收集
                                                                                639 As for that the headquarters escaped in just the headquarters and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te], collection stopped being attached, it is

                                                                                • 阐明了战争的根源,种族主义,我认为在文化上的差异被认为是自由贸易协定的后果
                                                                                  You think that weak meat such as cause of war conclusion it does strongly in the food, race discrimination and the difference of culture,

                                                                                  • 音频只能带来甚至被迫我可怜的话,它是人谁发言,并在道路上仍然是一个巨大的灾难卡欧一个轨迹

                                                                                    • 高速铁路,线性,水和污水处理工程,核电,火电,太阳能电池,电池,电网,下一代移动电话
                                                                                      Rapid-transit railway, linear, aqueduct & sewer business, nuclear plant and thermal power generation, solar array, storage battery and transmission network, the next generation portable telephone

                                                                                      • (略)在广岛“原子弹”当我被取消了学生在东京大学法律系

                                                                                        研究 開発