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As for “circular you of day generation” to school personnel forcing oppose to the constitution which guarantees the freedom of idea principle…Jiro Nobel Prize benefit river person and Akagawa and others approval ★4


  • 1 涌源红旗●在日本报纸。粉尘的暴徒,让非法占领,日本的革命斗争进行研究。 。 〜党宝岛特权“居民”(Takarajimasha,第89页),商业韩国在日本,韩国商会会长大阪20世纪80年代事务摘自元。 。秉(Kirubyon二)这个词是驱动tTA 1 gt Source The grommet bu it is the akahata Resident chiyon Japan which mob conversion makes the dust occupy illegally utilizes in revolution fight Party Separate treasure island “ The resident privilege ” Treasure island corporation page 89 From excerpt The resident Korean who serves Korean Osaka commercial chairman in the eighties 炳 i kirubiyon Like this you talked
    • 1 涌源红旗●在日本报纸。粉尘的暴徒,让非法占领,日本的革命斗争进行研究。 。 〜党宝岛特权“居民”(Takarajimasha,第89页),商业韩国在日本,韩国商会会长大阪20世纪80年代事务摘自元。 。秉(Kirubyon二)这个词是驱动tTA 1 gt Source The grommet bu it is the akahata Resident chiyon Japan which mob conversion makes the dust occupy illegally utilizes in revolution fight Party Separate treasure island “ The resident privilege ” Treasure island corporation page 89 From excerpt The resident Korean who serves Korean Osaka commercial chairman in the eighties 炳 i kirubiyon Like this you talked

  • 104 什么是“一个爱国者,我想我只是一个命令,学校的老师呢?我不介意没有解除假日整天看成为一个老师 104 gt In the habit where in holiday either the circle of day does not put out at the house gt Acquiring order to the teacher of the school it probably is ru patriot tsu te no what The teacher or the circle of day is not fried in holiday and the te are good is
    • 爱国者的任何内容),过度反应(Waranai准确客观地看看小夜奇)是基 Regardless it is not even in patriotism The excessive reaction seeing objectively from sayo it is not different it has caused completely

  • 1945年8月6日是广岛爆炸,伤亡的军事许多在非公有制

    • 194总之,知识的宪法,因为诺贝尔科学奖获得者余种。那么,你Tsuka不到什么我可以,我还没有达到大学水平 194 When it summarizes therefore the Nobel physics prize prize winner of science as for knowledge of constitution second class me Not yet being full thing Well so probably will be it does not reach to handle university level
      • 194总之,宪法知识的诺贝尔科学奖获得者中,因为我很平庸。那么,你Tsuka不到什么我可以,我还没有达到大学水平 194 When it summarizes therefore the Nobel Prize prize winner of science as for knowledge of constitution second class me Not yet being full thing Well so probably will be it does not reach to handle university level

    • 1952年初早晨6月25日,这一天的名称聚集了数千武装分子命令的早晨,我把瓶子和木质防火木板,吹田,收费在韩国的军事基地,美国的铁路运输对院子 - ...

      • 35:01编号:FCKROiXD0读书人是不是倾斜的许多人在左边?我想大概有一半数量和一半的人说来,站在人民不仅是思想保守,如不从左边第一个孩子像一个白痴和尖叫大声翼 35 01 ID FCKROiXD0 With something as for person of scholar skin To left tilt the person who is converted is many Perhaps when you say at number you think that half and half it is extent but as for the person of conservative thought Because gaki like foolishly likely left flank you do not scream with yell it rubbed just it is not conspicuous
        • 214:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 08 13(星期五)14:35:01编号:FCKROiXD0读书人是不是倾斜的许多人在左边?我认为这是大约一半,另一半说数字很可能发生的蛋糕,人们的思维,不仅站在第一保守派不喊你,就像一个傻瓜出左外野 214 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 08 13 gold 14 35 01 ID FCKROiXD0 With something as for person of scholar skin To left tilt the person who is converted is many Perhaps when you say at number you think that half and half it is extent but as for the person of conservative thought Because foolishly likely left flank you do not scream with yell just it is not conspicuous

      • 578“第9条应秀”整个会议期间及 国旗第07期从红色似乎抱怨大汗益川濑户先生的这个人,一个共产党员如何?凯塔,但如果我们很好,我可以教这个人是共产党瑞典 578 “Constitution 9 provision it probably will protect ” that at every place meeting the Setouchi benefit river appeal Because it appears haphazardly in the akahata this person the kana which is communist 党員 If teaching that it is this human communist 党員 even in Sweden although it was good
        • “我们的旗帜是”期末,德川,内陆海将默默地波,或 隅田川及江户,每圈的白色船帆为红色。有Wegakarete NULL

      • 669抱歉,“宪政学者”W的什么宪法宗教自由和信仰所发出的,它不是埃泰是只画出路线是什么?他们有书面保证做某些事情的自由只是极? “父辈的旗帜”,“国歌”完全无用,只是不知道为什么,大象的人。这将国会通过的法律 669 Because gomen it is not “constitution scholar” w teaching As for free tsu te of the idea principle which is decided in constitution Being drawing of what object limitation Quite when have guaranteed the freedom only of those of specification it is written “National flag” “national anthem” just the reason which becomes useless is not recognized Properly the elephant of public opinion Becoming also the law which passes through the national assembly it is ru and
        • 669抱歉,“宪政学者”W的什么宪法宗教自由和信仰所发出的,它不是埃泰是只画出路线是什么?他们有书面保证做某些事情的自由只是极? “父辈的旗帜”,“国歌”完全无用,只是不知道为什么,大象的人。这将国会通过的法律 669 Because gomen it is not “constitution scholar” w teaching As for free tsu te of the idea principle which is decided in constitution Being drawing of what object limitation Quite when have guaranteed the freedom only of those of specification it is written “National flag” “national anthem” just the reason which becomes useless is not recognized Properly the elephant of public opinion Becoming also the law which passes through the national assembly it is ru and
        • 国家公职人员在该国,但该标志395,但是。日本是一个国家,甚至立即认真讨论专利拒绝了,即使有似乎摧毁日本的自由 395 But although being public and private matters of that country that national flag country After being permitted denial there is a country which even argument does that seriously Japan seems like whether even freedom of the Japan destruction it is of

      • 758因此,社会就不能失配的祭祀仪式,甚至什么公务员讲话梅罗

        • NULL As for some improvement and any alternate plan how things With something more excellent state must be proven in comparison Nation as for sense of value as a group The sense of value of freedom of idea principle of the individual compared to we should take precedence National value is succeeded and because it stabilizes and it prospers the citizen must respect this Organization that for to be the education system maintaining of nation Because of prosperity In children The existence reason of the nation you make the history of efficient group activity understand Value of the nation and greatness it shares It seems that holds respect and respect in the nation Educates is very necessary such
          • 这是在任何国家一样,民族,精神发育迟滞,但它有效地将工作组 As for this with which kind of nation the same Nation it can do activity efficiently by the fact that it becomes the group
          • 这是该组织在任何相同,组织,精神发育迟滞,但它会在一个工作组效率 As for this with which kind of organization the same Organization it can do activity efficiently by the fact that it becomes the group

        • 义务教育应该消除对信仰自由的反意识形态的税应取消反和信仰,思想自由

          • 什么将它加重暴力惩罚,如果我没有914的基础秩序的处罚违反

            • 从你的国家表明,教育问题的则有他们停止强制教育的war无意志国歌是不是该most important网站塞plate ve了一appeal有人

              • 他们说,强迫,甚至开始Metara国歌,将采取任何行动没有什么统一的游客争取到日本

                • 任何事情,包括宪法,而我还没有立法步骤臻我要保护the基地无论如何,但我已经觉得is proof是the崩溃了 Including also constitution if legislation it does not do reaching to the stage which it cannot maintain Already as for which being full base however you think that it is the proof which has begun to deteriorate don t you think

                  • 但他找到了工作或者,在日本是日本勾结伪装成一个汉奸的日本统治阶层的精英,他们做他们的愚蠢狙他说,日本工人。我知道,他们可以饲养禽畜 But as for him instead of finding work the Japanese dominant class With the traitor who conspires with the resident which the elites disguise in the Japanese as for their aims Japanese foolish labor When it is to make the domestic animal you know
                    • 但他找到了工作或者,在日本是日本勾结伪装成一个汉奸的日本统治阶层的精英,他们做他们的愚蠢狙他说,日本工人。我知道,他们可以饲养禽畜 But as for him instead of finding work the Japanese dominant class With the traitor who conspires with the resident which the elites disguise in the Japanese as for their aims Japanese foolish labor When it is to make the domestic animal you know

                  • 但我真的很生气一切愚蠢的标志公告由于公立学校的老师,这我会说的。协会至今没有一个国家的国歌从more ll说我做这个学校的一些原因,我有责任向公众没有短缺,“老师知道了”什么是什么,我也没有老师

                    • 但是教学日。附表爱国主义教育的进展和恨这个)的国家,我们不跑对最近极端廃仏毁釈土豆和想(在塔利班所以要小心 So Nitukiyou When 憎 it does and with advances patriotism education This country runs to unexpected extreme direction such as waste French 毀 explanation releasing because tariban conversion Note is needed
                      • 四郎尖叫你道歉,韩国可爱的偶像882。教师和群很愚蠢的,当我加入了这个组织Ntsukyouso 882 Apology margin you shout in Korea Group Nitukiyou group At the point in time when it has joined to such a group with considerable foolish teacher and

                    • 但是,即使政府雇员表达自由的调节从同样的事,我作为一个漫画家282我有水果,这是非常传遍极权尼默勒诗我会说我是 Don t you think there is a freedom of expression in even the government employee It is the same as the cartoonist 282 It is the same Regulation spreads from such place and the end reaches to fascism Knee Moller poem is meaning the just the ru is
                      • 282儿童色情表达自由以及表达我当然是不容许限制儿童权利的侵犯人权 282 Freedom of expression is not recognized to either the child pornography The kind of expression which infringes the human rights of the child how being regulated the proper
                      • 但是,即使政府雇员表达自由的调节从同样的事,我作为一个漫画家282我有水果,这是非常传遍极权尼默勒诗我会说我是 Don t you think there is a freedom of expression in even the government employee It is the same as the cartoonist 282 It is the same Regulation spreads from such place and the end reaches to fascism Knee Moller poem is meaning the just the ru is

                    • 公务员会被赋予的权利的意见评论的主题之一,以履行职责与义务,并在同一时间,是没有保证的缺点,这种反馈 Also recommendation right is given to the government employee simultaneously with the obligation which you follow duty and It is guaranteed that it does not have the fact that disadvantage is worn with the opinion

                      • 公报还知道你没有说,如果一整天放假回家,我想我唯一的老师与学校的爱国者,以1?在他的天轮,你也公民和公众人士,并“强迫”一些人反对 If it is the house in holiday In the habit where either the circle of day does not put out Acquiring order to the teacher of the school it probably is ru patriot tsu te no what To that the circle of day and the people where you oppose to “forcing” the generation it is even in the citizen of Tokyo and the citizen
                        • 因为任何东西词典数量抱负的教师,他们想聘请他们认真处理梅萨附表迅速 Or teacher desire what because it is even with the saddle Making stop quickly we want employing the person whom it tackles seriously
                        • 日本学校教育让他觉得峨埃泰教学中培养学生正确的历史感到自豪和整个一天如果你在日本举行的教师!查看详细前缀ü之前,我说如果你不喜欢抱怨 If the Japanese school it is Japanese teacher The circle of day you teaching the history of generation properly the education which you can think that the pupil is proud margin If hate before saying complaint stopping

                      • 加藤智弘)由于经济危机失业(罗迪事务所是一个古Harowa,要求业务线

                        • 升旗仪式在学校工作,我希望他不会弹出他们,如果他们开始说就信仰自由或以为我失去了我的工作中学教师在一次公开,我知道,国家的国歌

                          • 即使只是一块布,甚至一首歌曲或音乐,使Tsukata意味着该国的国旗焚烧,日本以外的其他可能意味着你有一个它的模仿当我不能更好的例子,它通过审查 It have does that high being one cloth you burn the national flag of that country what meaning High being music of one tune to parody does converting that have what meaning When it tries inspecting even with example other than Japan perhaps it is good
                            • 谢谢大家,这次讨论吗?天回合,抛和国旗建议下约1替代国歌走出困境的日本以最少的成本,如果你不喜欢 You argue with still such a thing If the circle of day you generation hate keep coming out of Japan About the national flag and national anthem of the lowest being substitution obtaining proposition margin

                          • 吉尔沉默,当我回答我会尽力回答是否有什么关系没宪法和172粒

                            • 回合的一天,不然你会有何歌曲,我想不明白那些人旗Dekine反对,本身就是一种消极的天轮你的地方吗?诚然,日本国旗礼仪和礼貌,但峨查看详细国歌的国家发出消极的东西基督教承认的?即使好或发出,我不应该说公开提出? (为了什么,那么,国旗,国歌,但我认为瓦特)美国说,国家的消极和日本? The circle of day you sing generation opposes to the national flag the idea which with Imai chi understanding the stamp Such human tsu te the circle of in the first place day and you being negative in generation itself That being a reason however it recognizes Teaching courtesy and the manner the national flag of Japan being negative in deciding national anthem Or as for deciding assuming that it is good you say that it should announce it is not at the public place When it becomes so the national flag because some it is national anthem also w which is thought Or being negative in the country Japan
                              • 863它不是一个点或地方,你会唱歌也是很重要的教学方式和礼节,但鄂如附表承认,我们不能因为你长大旗经得起国家在细节的是扭转反对唯一反对的是听到一个会期不超过 863 That being a reason however it recognizes Also it probably is important to teach courtesy and the manner When you sing and generation stand up in the national flag you are brought up in the human who cannot oppose to the nation It is audible in only refutation for refuting but
                              • 天回合的,不明白什么是你的人认为Dekine反对该法案,该法案本身是阴性,而你今天的第一轮?日本国旗或国歌发出的负面的东西?即使好或发出,我不应该说公开提出? (为了什么,那么,国旗,国歌,但我认为瓦特)美国说,国家的消极和日本? The circle of day you oppose to generation the idea where with Imai chi understanding the stamp Such human tsu te the circle of in the first place day and you being negative in generation itself Or the national flag of Japan being negative in deciding national anthem Or as for deciding assuming that it is good you say that it should announce it is not at the public place When it becomes so national flag because some it is national anthem also w which is thought Or being negative in the country Japan

                            • 因此,如果居民只有公开义务教育在东京,不要让学校来保护他们的子女(或不相关哇)向当地政府目前的趋势都在抱怨,认为其他硬玺 Therefore resident person inside capital When it limits to public compulsory education attending school the children whom by your protect It is not or had not related what the other self governing community is appealed difficulty You think as forcing

                              • 国旗和国歌,他们说,没有谬误谬误聚合物信仰和言论自由和思想,战争只存在于不满者宣传左翼后 As for the error error that e g the national flag and national anthem idea principle and are incompatible with the freedom of expression It exists only in propaganda of the postwar left flank disaffected person
                                • 30 的百货公司店员,“别人会低着头对我的信仰1 3 30 gt The salesman of the department store “as for apologizing to others opposes to my principle

                              • 在国家的孩子,我来了是光荣的一天!曾经是我们的方式,以及如何努力的士兵和国旗涂运载血涂血隆起暴君的旗帜,但我听到这方面的蠕动超越?色调以减少头部的妻子和孩子 是那些家伙们来参加我们的原始!我相信他们的武器,以推进自己的情况下,我组织了一次公民军队向前进!我们在以下领域,以使由血液染色及饮料浇水包括!法国于1792年组成的国歌 The children of the homeland day of glory did Facing toward us it could put out the color where the tyrant is smeared with blood It could put out the color which is smeared with blood Are the cruel soldiers audible having wriggled with the field In order the tsu to cut the neck of the child and the wives The people you have done to our origins The weapon be able to come off the citizens It organizes the troop of the self It will advance it will advance In our Tabata in order making the blood swallow which becomes dirty The French national anthem of 1792 composition By the way 1792 the European large invasion of France which is started revolution war it mastered the acid nose but In France rejoicing national anthem still with everyone singing it increases
                                • 提示愚弄法国国歌诸兄小夜“俄祖全怪他们”(即在1792年歌曲作曲家),法语歌曲而尚未侵入西班牙黑历史 In bakasayo Moroe bean knowledge The French national anthem “consequence you obtain and others roundly the zu ” war song of 1792 composition While singing this as for French Spain there is a black history which invades

                              • 在学校升旗典礼,行我们是国歌,应采取无抗体学校线增加一分钟,任何人

                                • 大部分回收通缉的美国经济是战争也是如此,真正做到在日本做了好事,所以我不在乎,我只是觉得Shitakatsu陷入原子1波中的实验或试图下降 Though the fact that we want America is the business recovery with war Japanese something the ho it is with how being good To be fact in how good reason the impression it rode simply in the Chinese rear end horse because and it experimented also the atomic bomb you applied you dropped

                                  • 奇怪在当今时代,而发达国家普遍的宗教,西方18世纪人文主义理想的国家,因为招牌的自由,国家Noshikakari基本法,它打破了,为此, Winai是允许自由

                                    • 如果只禁止侵略战争的国家,有很多的是,日本应规定销毁核武器的核,而是什么菲律宾宪法学徒

                                      • 如果没有,我想看到它切断未经登记的家庭,免费在可能的情况好生活,属或家庭,没有家庭观念一直以来,加入,并显示尊重,分享我们的价值观什么是你之前 Well if intuition this it has doing the family register pulls out freely should have lived Above belonging to the family to participate according to the sense of value of the family showing respect It is natural to share sense of value
                                        • 不过,因为有一个风险,说我用战争,共享负,该值的有效质量,or批评或不要浪费时间 But because there is a possibility of being utilized in war saying There are no times when you criticize the joint ownership conversion of sense of value of that efficient group deny make wasteful

                                      • 如果老师使用的术语[国旗,尊重我们的国家,公共人就像一弓可以唱那么你应该点击?

                                        • 学生想了自己的信仰宪法保障个人自由的信仰高于一切反对的是还认为,强迫学生和教师反对的情况下您将一次性毕业的日子round没有人不用说,你是

                                          • 宪法和公务员都有义务遵守宪法公务员或公务员do不尊重日本民族的团结傻瓜因此发出的象征,作为一个皇帝皇帝,是义务correct惩罚违反了 Above being the government employee There is a constitution observance obligation And constitution decides the emperor as a symbol of the Japanese national integration As for the aho government employee who does not revere the emperor in reason it is correct to reprimand with breach of duty
                                            • 它是所有被解雇,在超过514但茂木,纪律Manugarenai(谴责或减薪)是没有资格,因为这些老师教孩子排减单位,是班主任老师应该绝对没有 514 Completely the shelf But the disciplinary dismissal being popular too much it does not escape reprimand reprimand or reduction of pay Because there is no qualification which teaches the child in such teacher class teacher should not make absolute

                                          • 对所有入境者如果违反了所有的思想和信仰的自由,“效忠国旗,”菲律宾和美国是违反宪法和全国陷阱

                                            • 并在私法的工作,所以不要让一个在学校活动升国旗国歌

                                              • 当然994之前 天皇裕仁去世(死亡)为11年后!在1999年之前,你的号码是不计的10年内死亡 Front sure 994 gt As for national flag national anthem method 1999 at 1999 After gt Emperor Showa being done demise the death also 11 years afterwards As for you either number not counting 1999 demise is 10 years later
                                                • 我会说这种事情只有一些日本人吗?不过我一直和世界杯国歌在奥运这个W m一个良好的印象总是由日本国立W杯歌我很自豪地小学晴Rashikatta Being such as for ru just the Japanese of part When I produce national anthem lover and being the Olympics and the W cup it is impressed always The Japanese representation of the latest W cup singing proudly the te was splendid

                                              • 形成视图状态的自由和信条,外国的思想将是否认,但should tax日本的公共私人未经permission from what我get paid到teachers only如果你讨厌在日本so out的多行不,但问题是,但如果你换工作或学校古线? As for freedom of idea principle and formation of national view completely there is no relationship So if hate although it should have kept coming out of Japan Salary receiving from teacher tsu te tax of public institution therefore the ru it is if Japan is denied it becomes private selfishly If it goes even in the foreign school or switches jobs

                                                • 思想自由和信仰,而是老师的事,不要相信他们这一代对立的那一天你圆?日。我也唱,你不会成为一个理由来否认他们的宗教信仰?是什么问题? 米不是日本人自己,我想说的歌唱国歌,韩国和中国滚装早生? However you call freedom of idea principle The reason which that teacher has believed and circular you of mono day is generation and the counter electrode Day Singing the ro which is not the meaning which denies the religion appearance which by his believes and is Something is problem what Because by your there is no Japanese the meaning which we would like to say that make Korea and the Chinese national anthem sing
                                                  • 对不起。 Ntsukyouso巢穴的儿童性犯罪者,可以一直跟这个家伙,也保证信仰自由卡霍德国的想法,但你说的思主体思想 That Also hideout Nitukiyou group of the child characteristic offender freedom and the like of idea principle not to be guaranteed Germany and koitsu in second word mention chiyuchie idea however it is the tsu it does

                                                • 惊奇?第一次士兵-政治-韩国emergency ll进行的权力,韩国海军的海上自卫队宙斯盾驱逐舰! ...紧急派遣自卫队运输部队在国外是一场灾难...我怕时间在1000年第一...

                                                  • 我不唱校歌的654学校发言从一个坏的感觉,我现在在同一个国家

                                                    • 我不希望有任何国家的国旗和国歌?看到标示为较小或其他来自北卜迪哈希不会成为孩子意识到善恶有唱国歌的东西,即使没有增加一个特殊的抗体可以活动我一般日本人并不觉得特别讨厌如果没有那么多意识到这一点,但还没有解决? With something national flag national anthem is hateful what to there From small time the natural way as for the national flag seeing causing You sang also national anthem with event something When special we like if there is no either thing which you are conscious Either you have not thought that it is special hateful If the normal Japanese only consciousness of that extent it is done it is well
                                                      • u有一个态度,他们顶礼膜拜的行处理职责的国家国旗和国歌仪式在U公职人员,违反了信仰自由的我还以为是什么工作秩序? National flag national anthem is handled in the public ceremony which the government employee does with duty the attitude which pays respect to that is taken With the duty order which is said how infringes the freedom of idea principle it is

                                                    • 我不认为爱国主义香椎可惜,但我教孩子们种植经济战争的目的与唯一踢想法是没有用的起草螨不仅迫使该学院与种植其中自然增长 Yet although it conscripts you do not think combining that convenient idea just is planted in the child economy having done intended wartime education is shy Those which do not plant patriotism compulsorily in school days and the te are brought up naturally
                                                      • 他们邀请公众的强烈反对,JTU的懦弱者谁不说哦,挂了一个暗示的爱国教育,加快推广 By the fact that the mean method which Nitukiyou group says well is done Causing the terrific repulsion of the general citizen stimulation bet on patriotism education promotion
                                                      • 我不认为爱国主义香椎可惜,但我教孩子们种植经济战争的目的与唯一踢想法是没有用的起草螨不仅迫使该学院与种植其中自然增长 Yet although it conscripts you do not think combining that convenient idea just is planted in the child economy having done intended wartime education is shy Those which do not plant patriotism compulsorily in school days and the te are brought up naturally

                                                    • 我从没有任何人有罪,我没有独立的国歌在今年的新生,而是什么是钓鱼,但谁是10年公立学校的教师!

                                                      • 我们已经建立,目前的恶意软件核心的学校或学校皮革,导致了红军,“自卫队”的核心,拿起武器的工厂和农村地区的人民,组织对革命斗争的地下室,并确定

                                                        • 我在毕业典礼上唱感谢国旗国歌,无论是任何压迫的信条吗?为什么会是任何压制言论自由吗?元素,如信仰和思想的自由表达抑制,而不是首先是任何地方 With graduation ceremony doing gratitude in the national flag by the fact that you sing national anthem one what idea principle being oppressed Just the notion that where freedom of some expression is oppressed It is from first everywhere and such as idea principle and element of the oppression of freedom of expression does not do
                                                          • Q伐丽流强行阻挠,如果你的业务仪式干扰破坏的货物,并拒绝解除一个响亮的声音,表达对国旗国歌的尊重和 Increasing yell for respect statement denial to national flag national anthem and or destroying the goods If the ceremony is disturbed it is questioned to power interference with business

                                                        • 我来了,我已经几乎到了法律限制儿童色情已在自民党和释放的结果领域308

                                                          • 我深感责任意识是712对是宪法的工作,因为所有的雇员利益for市民公民遵守,遵循和及他们的指导,监事的法律和职责普通的非公正我们承诺重创,公正党的职务行为

                                                            • 我玩的毕业仪式上国歌在日本,因为我很只在375,中国和韩国,我觉得没有这样的教育

                                                              • 我的立场,说我的歌曲听起来像囊从我98,但支付的税款可能能有一个点,周围地方一天你在一个私人巴里Bari那么他们的孩子(我的头这么差,学校教师等我希望可以在),其中线路绝缘子Kaseta很快做更多,更好的教育,如果不在家 98 Supplying tax therefore the ru it is standing sing and the causing brick which is reason But then your own child circular you of the Bali Bali day of private would like to be modest generation teacher tsu te head badness of such school so as for we Doing the one which it makes the ru place do is quick if and you educate with home be good
                                                                • 没有歌曲听起来就像我站在税款付给我104简单的事情 104 Supplying tax therefore the ru it is standing sing and Well simpler thing

                                                              • 我认为,在特定时刻的小学教师精神失常的人,不是我能站起来在二战国歌

                                                                • 我这样说是因为这是民族的爱国主义往往是沉重和屠杀印第安人346,学习怎样做屠杀阿富汗,日本将在旗说,我认为他们没有 346 Indian slaughtering because patriotism is respected with the nation which it is possible saying Japan learning to that as for the necessity to do slaughter with Afghan to put out the national flag you think that it is not but
                                                                  • 事实上,唱国歌不是日本人,但我说这不是大规模生产的日本人知道他们的常识和美国在国际支付向国旗致敬仪式 Actually the Japanese who cannot sing national anthem Although the tsu te where with such as international Yosinori does not know common sense which pays respect the Japanese who is in large quantities produced to the national flag you say
                                                                  • 毕竟,该国国旗。说他们在几分钟内赞成“,并遵守所有的规则这只是略微慌乱说:”我就是我 After all national flag country As for opinion of affirmative group “Therefore rule what without saying shakily protect ” just the tsu te is what don t you think

                                                                • 所谓的镜像神经元,人类的同情,我将自闭症患者的脑细胞的缺乏社会责任

                                                                  • 打败民族宗教问题,斧头案件无知测试工程师广泛,他们的文化传统的政治意图是占领基本面的力量绝头,但你现在很明显,这个日本来到灵魂离开的关键问题

                                                                    • 政府官员都不愿唱国歌392为什么?做一个细微的问题,但是,这些人“仇恨的国歌,”而不是“说国歌的反对喜欢在”不积极的方式驱动tTA?

                                                                      • 更不用说301,“老师”不过 我把原来的宽容精神,我认为,日本的美德,反对外国势力的反日意图,有一个极其脆弱的一面,他们 301 Increasing “the teacher” it puts out … As for the magnanimous mind which the Japanese has originally you think that it is virtue but Quite there is a brittle side vis a vis the foreign power which has anti Japanese intention

                                                                        • 最好是迫使人们受虐狂的捏造史实的历史观点,但我认为目前一个信仰自由的侵犯更多

                                                                          • 根据宣誓及声明在韩国儿童背诵被迫国旗致敬。他们发誓的话,“我坚持到了身体和心灵,以寻找国家的永恒的荣耀前,国旗和民族自豪感,并宣誓效忠樟脑用尽了坚实的古

                                                                            • 根据这一点,除非他们在玩国家的国旗敬礼时,你要背诵的承诺声明

                                                                              • 毕业仪式的成员参拜靖国神社的工作Kishinakere分钟扣除应每日或毕业仪式,接受访问的成员的职位如低于标准相同的方式,如果不是全部

                                                                                • 然后继续525如果峨投诉是因为教育委员会有管辖权的直接,如果义务教育学校的孩子是为了保护自己(起诉是在一个处方或),因此,市民局,教育学院的司法管辖区的东京义务教育(沃德24)在各区案件,该市否则。该单位应 525 Continuation Then when it appeals therefore the board of education which is governed directly obligation In case of education the children whom by their protects attend school or prosecution aging Because it had done it is board of education of jurisdiction of the school inside with public compulsory education When Tokyo 24 Ku is the Ku unit other than that city Expectation of unit
                                                                                  • 然后继续525如果峨投诉是因为教育委员会有管辖权的直接,如果义务教育学校的孩子是为了保护自己(起诉是在一个处方或),因此,市民局,教育学院的司法管辖区的东京义务教育(沃德24)在各区案件,该市否则。该单位应 525 Continuation Then when it appeals therefore the board of education which is governed directly obligation In case of education the children whom by their protects attend school or prosecution aging Because it had done it is board of education of jurisdiction of the school inside with public compulsory education When Tokyo 24 Ku is the Ku unit other than that city Expectation of unit

                                                                                • 然后,615名公务员被用于公共现在我对自由表达调控在儿童色情物品

                                                                                  • 然而,教育人员从一个事实,即教师的都道府县议会的管辖之下,人事变动来到我的本地教师抱怨谜(和起诉是在一个处方或)他们峨抱怨当然你可以 Board of education of the metropolis and districts has governed simply as for personal affairs of the teacher really The empty the teacher who would like to appeal came to his own self governing community in the personnel change or prosecution It was and others it is possible inside aging to appeal naturally probably is

                                                                                    • 独裁者和专制,以保持它,种族灭绝和大规模处决“是不可避免的,”我们将

                                                                                      • 田母神是“天空出的东西阐述政府的观点,”如果是这样的原因,你也可能丸“是日本国旗日”还向天空教师说,政府的看法是不同的保证 Tamogami the notion that where “you expressed that it is different from the opinion of government” was made the reason but If the teacher who expresses that it is different from the government opinion that “the circle of day is the Japanese national flag” to a neck the proper
                                                                                        • 在旗所有(或者说日本人?),虽然没有不愉快,我想租的就业厚圆瓦特偏执和平日掌握,即地狱种不照顾你峨Narukatsu线性与我死在国 In the first place the national flag with you say or Japan Although we dislike employing in the circle of boss day w which probably is the tsu te paranoia which you receive Normally as for such type dying it becomes something applying to the care of the country you think it is it is not

                                                                                      • 皇帝“战争责任和崇拜神→我不爆裂尚未最终决定。 自我。日军准备谋杀帝国大屠杀的日军和南京有一群疯狂的 只适用于该限制并非没有抗体增加 Emperor “ It has not ended the war responsibility of God and worship yet gt Our As for troop of Jipango of preparedness homicide group of insanity Slaughter of the Jipango military does not mean that it limits to just Nanjing
                                                                                        • 假想的军事帝国皇帝的崇拜。教唆,因为士兵们不必担心我会死的战斗,这是不容易 For the empire military Emptiness of emperor worship With instigation because the soldier front without fearing the thing which dies fighting probably there is no such a easy thing
                                                                                        • 日本帝国陆军部队和时差我主要国家的,皇帝“来崇拜上帝和绝对忠诚”的假想国。已被煽动,“集体精神异常”,我是预先对他们陷入 As for the troop of Jipango being different from the troop of major power of that time Emperor “ God to worship absolute loyalty “ Doing from the country emptiness Being instigated “ Group abnormal state of mind “ Falling and others being done The game wa it was done at front

                                                                                      • 系统使用同一个连接在北部的居民每年的教师不是洗脑青年,其实我会神奈川Ntsukyouso动摇归涌反Ntsukyouso,老师在日本统治朝鲜北方我们认为他们是真正的日本左翼归春 Was brainwashed young resident with connection of north type yearly to be adopted by the teacher in Kanagawa prefecture North Korean type resident teacher has controlled Nitukiyou group in fact Counter Nituki conversion chiyon Nitukiyou group Giyuuzi tsu te ru fact… Being thought as left flank of the Japanese as for the ru party to tell the truth naturalized chiyon
                                                                                        • 访问保持赞成小泉参拜靖国神社的,说你Ntsukyouso虐待的妇女谁是政治中立,并已对被不一致 Approving Koizumi s Yasukuni worshipping The people whom political hit stand how like this says vis a vis Nitukiyou group have contradicted

                                                                                      • 美国公民的宗旨,因为我尊重星条旗,美国联邦政府的官员都必须服务于人民和政府

                                                                                        • 美国国旗对他在1980年,美国领导人并不部长由总理说,他们保证所有的国旗敬礼的人。该部门后来被背诵的宝座,现在又没有证明如何进行投诉和韩国国旗,对国旗宣誓的规定的有关总统法令 As for the person who opposes to the American national flag with the American it is not In 1980 salute to the national flag you swear in all citizen with the guidance of state affair prime minister word It reaches the point where you can assign bright singing stating Presently you say that complaint and execution method of the oath which opposes to the national flag the president with the stipulation regarding the Republic of Korea national flag are shown
                                                                                          • “在1980年,总理,部长领导,说他们保证所有的国旗敬礼的人。该部门后来被背诵的宝座,现在又没有证明如何进行投诉,并承诺向朝鲜国旗总统令的有关国旗的规定 ” In 1980 salute to the national flag you swear in all citizen with the guidance of state affair prime minister word It reaches the point where you can assign bright singing stating Presently you say that complaint and execution method of the oath for the national flag the president with the stipulation regarding the Republic of Korea national flag are shown

                                                                                        • 自然,日本是唯一的文件应当提交与日本的情况,日本是天然的,小的配置仆人劳动是不是一些野蛮的野蛮 Just the fact that you become the natural Japanese to be connection only road in the current Japanese that natural Japanese being some savage Being savage Thickly the te at all there is no structure
                                                                                          • 这仅仅是罚款。如果国家已经建立了优秀文化传统,但没有一个有点野蛮的,他们崩溃 Just this spirit If the race which establishes delicate cultural tradition some If there is no savage place it is ruined

                                                                                        • 自由主义也程度的奴役Girebatadano结束,似乎什么人之一否认日本的身份,提出了这个家伙的手手海绵,教育干预,公务员Surubeshi贬为不合格総祭 If goes too far also liberalism simply national ruin those which even one of identity of the Japanese race can be said are denied On education site should lay off the 輩 which the raising up 揚 disturbance is obtained by all conceivable means generally as government employee being disqualified
                                                                                          • 日本民族主义违反反歧视法应制定反日教育是一个自由的侵犯内第19条宪法元不变 It should enact anti Japanese education prohibition method Discrimination prohibition to the Japanese race As for patriotism infringement you violate to the constitution 19 provision which decides the freedom of the incenter

                                                                                        • 至少,可以在任何国家好“是一个国家的国歌升国旗和公立学校的糟糕的理由:”我看不提高
                                                                                          At least, unless passes “in the public school national flag raising up 揚 and the reason whose national anthem singing in unison is bad” is listed in any country, don't you think?

                                                                                          • 茹或只是看皇帝制度和习惯法,如自然法的角度是否有日本,那里的洗水讨论纪要

                                                                                            • 表示在国旗或国家组织和船舶,而且唱国歌,政府有必要在国家庆典和体育会议。这不是利用作为崇拜工具,寻求加强未成年人国歌的一部分公立学校教育的表达和尊重国旗,试图树立政治爱国主义。张贴在盲从种植风险意识 The national flag is put out in the national engine and the ship when national anthem is sung in the ceremony of nation and the international conference of sport With there is a inevitability in the notion that where you say government There are no times when it is abused in the instrument of worship but planning brewing the patriotism In the public school as for requesting the respect statement to national flag national anthem as a part of education to the minority Government There is danger which plants the consciousness of blind obedience
                                                                                              • 93啊,这个词已到了什么法律,我想我已经在驱动tTA啊唱国歌法 93 The a a law applying because it has put out to word That you thought national anthem whether song huh it does even with te law
                                                                                              • ü氖父母认为这是件好事,因为这种古508日在校儿童的认识“有权教国旗和国歌,”有 508 Therefore such consciousness if Japan is good and don t you think with thinks The parent in the child “makes national flag national anthem teach is a right” in the school
                                                                                              • 但是,“不唱国歌我会受到惩罚”如果Warere,说“什么是法律,这样,”我想说的是 But “those which do not sing national anthem punish” that if it is said “It is what this and the low row ” with it becomes to say
                                                                                              • 法国543,国歌烤三色(俄祖全怪他们)在德国的黑历史,西班牙,意大利入侵而他们唱(革命战争),兰花被称为娜Kusosayo我这里只是 543 While tricolor banners building national anthem and others consequence obtaining France roundly and the zu singing The black history which invades the Spanish Italian Germany revolution war it is but it is Intellectual viewing the ro where is just kusosayo
                                                                                              • 表示在国旗或国家组织和654艘,在唱国歌的公约的国家政府和体育的必要性仪式研究。作为崇拜利用作为一种工具,是不是在这里,有必要的话,那么它是不是被剥削,不只是和描述你在哪里,他们说我将要削减 654 The national flag is put out in the national engine and the ship when national anthem is sung in the ceremony of nation and the international conference of sport With there is a inevitability in the notion that where you say government There are no times when it is abused in the instrument of worship but Here it is the word inevitability there are no times when then it is abused that declaring the ru Just a little we want the explanation of the place
                                                                                              • 这从另一个国家的国家也可以国旗和国歌。豁免制度,如果我想在和平岛是匿名 This country already the name of a country and national flag national anthem the origin Abandoning also system If it becomes the nameless island although it becomes peace don t you think

                                                                                            • 要强制学校拜亲爱的领导人金正日,所以我希望他们有您的希望与教师工会北海道塞板的要求

                                                                                              • 该公司的新年,例如,一家公司,他们没有任何意外或受伤的工人,以及所谓的神道祭司,和公司员工的安全祈祷,该公司的是,他们认为他们听见,不年轻的孩子不久,我说麻烦,不愿意参加的,愚蠢的思想原因,“我不会参加不同的宗教”,或不喜欢麻烦,思维的麻烦或以上原因,该公司有员工的安全,我请求上帝为一种精神 For example in New Year s Day at company In order the company for it not to be the wound and accident of the office worker The flamen of shintoism is called that safety of the company is prayed we assume Does the employee of that company think inquiring about that how The recent young child saying that it is troublesome dislikes the fact that it participates in that The fool to think of the reason “because religion is different it does not participate” that In order not to do troublesome thing furthermore of the troublesome reason is thought but Because the company safety of the employee you have asked to God in the spiritual aspect In order it shows respect to that participates and to achieve the request of the safety As an employee endeavoring in order not to do accident and the wound tightening the air It is courtesy it probably is the proper form as one member of that company
                                                                                                • NULL For example in New Year s Day at house In order the father for it not to be the wound and accident of the family The monk of Soka academic society is called that safety of the family is prayed we assume Does the family think inquiring about that how The recent young child saying that it is troublesome dislikes the fact that it participates in that The fool to think of the reason “because religion is different it does not participate” that In order not to do troublesome thing furthermore of the troublesome reason is thought but Because the father safety of the family you have asked to God in the spiritual aspect In order it shows respect to that participates and to achieve the request of the safety As a family endeavoring in order not to do accident and the wound tightening the air It is courtesy it probably is the proper form as one member of the family

                                                                                              • 赤川次郎(香川次郎婴儿,1948年2月29日 )结节Gitemo垃圾桶超过60人,心理年龄,儿童 Akagawa Jiro scale wa ji wax 1948 February 29th Densely always the rubbish of the nodule 60 passing as for spiritual age the child
                                                                                                • 我不知道,但到现在为止,通过它来雁,年轻一代并不意味着它是婴儿潮一代将不可能有这么 But that until now going unchallenged wonder the nodule the so as for the fact that you say it is unreasonable in the young generation
                                                                                                • 赤川次郎(香川次郎婴儿,1948年2月29日 )结节Gitemo垃圾桶超过60人,心理年龄,儿童 Akagawa Jiro scale wa ji wax 1948 February 29th Densely always the rubbish of the nodule 60 passing as for spiritual age the child

                                                                                              • 这个例子,穿的也是摆在我们面前的选举中没有投票政党管理,党的家伙,他们投赞成票的裁决是说我喜欢你的明显歧视性的回应等于 When it fits as example of election as for you administration government Because you did not vote to the party the people who voted to the administration political party clearly Although it means kind of that discriminatory correspondence is done it is equal Is
                                                                                                • 噢,石原先生,媒体广泛报道的公然歧视性的言论▼变得有点痛不负责任的说话太多,而我是唯一的报纸 Sled ya a Ishihara a lot of what That so just a little it is too irresponsible word it becomes greatly plain discriminatory speech was reported largely The media was just this paper

                                                                                              • 这是一整天工作的老板,为什么?我犯了一个愚蠢的选择什么私人茹?自由,我会觉得我说这一切都通过免费的! Although it is the circle of boss day with something you were employed Me standing although selection is possible being aho If freedom the free tsu te you say thinking that it passes regardless the ru

                                                                                                • 这是不是美国军方投放原子弹,天皇制度和日本帝国统治的专政,军事帝国跑到战争责任,我尖叫一万元的死亡和垂死的光荣和狂热的支持都对日本人民在当时的责任

                                                                                                  • 这是什么仪式,一的立场一年一度的教师,但没有多少积极分子是不合时宜的,如果你认为孩子一生一次一个,我也没有问题即将野生 When such ceremony tsu te the child it does however there is many a thing which is the place of memory of one time in lifetime If tries making the teacher of the go getter year s regular functions it will become rough but how there is no with tsu lever
                                                                                                    • 你说了,他们会说了几分钟,甚至积极分子成为一个老师,如果你不想停止Naka ll它通过条纹瓦特手流会更好?瓦特 If that hate the teacher stopping the ze w which is also the opinion which you call to with also the go getter being accustomed Either one passing suji ru kana w

                                                                                                  • 适当的地点是礼貌,遵守纪律适度,适当的地点将允许范围内的自由权利和适当的纪律 At the suitable place suitable courtesy and discipline are obeyed At the suitable place right and freedom are permitted inside the suitable disciplined range
                                                                                                    • 适当的地点是礼貌,遵守纪律适度,适当的地点将允许范围内的自由权利和适当的纪律 At the suitable place suitable courtesy and discipline are obeyed At the suitable place right and freedom are permitted inside the suitable disciplined range

                                                                                                  • 通常情况下,升旗关于私立学校全校系统,但我想的话后,保证信仰自由,我想我不能说,那么,一定,那个地方是怎么说的无毛刺,自愿顶部是外观怪异的公告

                                                                                                    • 那么,教育领域本身已经是可笑的,但它被认为是反映个人,...家教河内市中强大的关系?我说有一个强大的师资反对

                                                                                                      • 闭嘴,也洒在韩国开设了一家餐馆抱怨古线或你讨厌学校湿重韩国

                                                                                                        • 除了制造业,这个国家目前的工业发展的支柱,制造业产出的健康和环境的旅游就业

                                                                                                          • 顺便说一下,天轮,你的年龄,皇帝和老师联系,我会疯狂的战争中,甚至没有被所有临时的他们来说,战争将可能Kaemashi方式打败Ej为 By the way the circle of day you generation as for the emperor and kichigai teacher making war link the ru Assuming that temporarily there was no everything of that become war perhaps defeat face in the same way the better seed
                                                                                                            • 即使你这样做,因为二期战争或倾斜打败它从一,是认为,诸如此类的事情你是一个非常不雅的方式 Therefore war whatever doing it is ii when because you were defeated it is something which submits when As for such you think that very it is vulgar attitude

                                                                                                          • (保卫处)另一份文件还,当你在路上看到的景象汉堡的港口-春天的雪,在严峻的港口的船只是巨大的,整条道路-春天下雪天有Henpon午餐案件

                                                                                                            • (ლ ^ิ౪ ^ิ)ლ我崇拜那些谁Kichigayo因达基莫瓦特万维网

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