当地雇员Parakaraberonberonno早上睡懒觉县议会的成员,朝酒,留在家里睡觉(笑) The tongue it is the tongue it is from the morning [tsu] [pa] and others prefectural assemblyman
Late rising, morning liquor, at assembly hall drowse (laughing)
*也有实际的方式建设列车模拟器围绕在他的房间土豆自己的模型铁路是地铁约束力的分离是唯一的房子从主站有1家专线(10分钟东京巨蛋)保存一个动态系统,是在花园里零 There is a private railroad station in the home
The main building leaving is tied on the private subway
Our the genuine railroad simulator are many stands in the room
Railroad model private there is a building, (Tokyo dome equivalent of 10)
0 systems movement are retained in the garden
-但是,姐妹,宠物猫有一个坏的关系(Buritisshushotohea)暴力 But beauty the sisters, relations are bad
The cat of the pet ([buriteitsushiyushiyotohea]) is atrocious
309后,所有个人电脑耗材,我认为他峨类型简直让我觉得宏基选择可爱的偶像 309
As for PC as for the person of the type which the consumable, the [tsu] [te] is thought after all
The air which chooses ACER does
578只是不知道它的味道?我不喜欢喝咖啡或茶,他们不使用瓶装水的只有几分钟 578 If only as for that taste it is not understood … Unless with the coffee and the black tea the mineral water you use properly It is not tasty
该决定遭到了“茶小时的时间,我们每天,”将会有一个房子是手工制作的薄饼和美味的茶具 There being “a time of the tea” in the time when everyday it is decided Your tasty black tea and the house which is produced the handmade crepe
NULL 2 2 rank The house is large 88 1 8 5 rank The many cars stopping in the house the ru 57 5 7 7 rank There is a gland piano and a violin 49 4 9 9 rank The rest room are several places 31 3 1 11 rank There is a guest room 26 2 6 15 rank The stairway there is no one place 19 1 9 16 rank The sibling the sisters is polite 19 1 9 18 rank The rest room is wide 17 1 7 19 rank The bath is wide 16 1 6 24 rank The picture is decorated 11 1 1 25 rank It was said that “keep staying” 11 1 1 27 rank The garden is wide 9 0 9 29 rank The difficult book is many 5 0 5 30 rank The strange tea was produced 5 0 5 14
NULL 2 2 rank The house is large 88 8 8 5 rank The many cars stopping in the house the ru 57 5 7 7 rank There is a gland piano and a violin 49 4 9 9 rank The rest room are several places 31 3 1 11 rank There is a guest room 26 2 6 15 rank The stairway there is no one place 19 1 9 16 rank The sibling the sisters is polite 19 1 9 18 rank The rest room is wide 17 1 7 19 rank The bath is wide 16 1 6 24 rank The picture is decorated 11 1 1 25 rank It was said that “keep staying” 11 1 1 27 rank The garden is wide 9 0 9 29 rank The difficult book is many 5 0 5 30 rank The strange tea was produced 5 0 5 14
我几乎从咖啡罐在本教程中,我要去想那么远,为什么Tteta瓦特 The inside thinks however was the can coffee in tutor with something it was completed to there depending w
Teramoto co jp 页 清扫 slink htm丰富真的说英语,而我认为,企业经常来 teramoto co jp pages seisou slink htm Being serious when it is the rich person you think that it makes the trader come periodically but
“我所有的型号品种的家用视频游戏机”,“Mac Pro有”“一单台PC以上的环境监测三个”“他把大英百科全书”。 “The game machine for home has been even all type”
“Mac There is Pro”
“In one PC the environment monitor three or more”
“The Encyclopaedia Britanica encyclopedia is placed”
★280亿日元的遗产继承税税逃税没有报告约590亿日元的父亲的遗产,他拥有一家房地产租金和唱片公司,约280亿元作为大阪日元的继承逃税,周三检察官对违反继承税(逃税),他们怀疑,韩国总统的大女儿房地产租赁公司。初枝(64)u003d Nakagawanishi生野区,大阪妇女总统房地产租赁公司和4个。良子(55)u003d桃谷病房的两名嫌疑人被捕 * Tax evasion inheritance tax 2,800,000,000 Yen With inheritance tax past the highest
Real estate lease the inside approximately 5,900,000,000 Yen of inheritance of father who manages the company and the like is not declared,
Costing inheritance tax approximately 2,800,000,000 Yen that it evaded taxation, as for the Osaka area inspection special 捜 section on the 11th, inheritance tax method violation (tax evasion)
In doubt, in eldest daughter real estate lease company president of the Korean register. First branch (64) = Osaka city Ikuno Ku Nakagawa west =
Real estate lease company president of four women. Arresting both suspects of 淑 child (55) = same Ku pink valley =
ヾ)古,,Ⅴ类,下 〜f与 :: DREPT ku v it is Three ni l ⌒ Y l HKRPT ≡ three i ゙ m HKDRT he
NULL ─ ─ ─ REPT 92 REPT i a a 彡 he REPT “ ha i l │ lt No two ─ ─ a REPT nini 222 DREPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ 彳 o to ¯ REPT o shi DREPT i REPT Mosquito ru pi su ha ─ i REPT l REPT REPT i It is dense It is So It does REPT No REPT 92 ゙ ゙ re REPT ゙ ¯ ¯ 92 ─ 92 ┤ ゙ 92 l r ─ ゙ REPT │ ゙
三,在工作时间和小吃有一天当她皮诺阿尔瓦租赁一箱,“哦,一个盒子,而不是一个粮食?”已被直接问 When some days ago 1 boxes receiving PINO at the workplace as a snack of three o clock “there are no huh 1 grains the te 1 box ” With it did again to hear
不可以,但一个人的任何亲属嘿,名人和富人仍然会出现分歧 Distantly - it is with any person and 1 human rank, the personage metallurgy having is in the kindred, probably will be
个别或91福布斯一堤义明,世界上最富有的人在1990年和1991年,你为什么不成为首位东西Janeedaro鸠山瓦特2周 91 Whether in Tsutsumi Yoshiaki or the private base 90 year in Forbes millionaire official ranking lists in professional sumo and 91 the world it reached 1 and 2 rank well w Hatoyama something the eye well the ro w which is
(旧的故事),所以采取公布名单的亿万富翁地方议会,年销售电话是真的来临到 Because story of former times but it rides in the millionaire official ranking list in professional sumo of city hall announcement of local end Every year the telephone of sales comes enormously in that time
中兴保全家门口的我没有家张印章总统的,他们通常是中兴保全住户与我 The seal of SECOM has stretched on the entrance of the home
Well, the home of the president who has association is mostly SECOM
为什么你认为需要的蛋糕,只是如何逃税和人剥削的交付报纸老板一个地方一time瓦特我的父母from有线电话的每一个room家用电话,对讲机with Iterurashii not只 The [do] just it is from the delivery member exploiting, when you think that it has evaded taxation is, w which is the owner of the local paper
As for the parents' home in general home the wire telephone from the age 1, there is no just telephone in each room and the interphone is attached and the [ru] seems
举例来说是一个贫穷的家庭,或者说是说服留在家庭中的果汁饮料Ranai查看详细资料,甚至知道我什么薄水卡尔皮斯驱动tTA线纹1 3 Dilutes Calpis with the water even the tsu te thing which not knowing it is the undiluted solution while drinks the home which If anything as for being poor home agreement went it rubbed
人们他们轹奔驰,从业人员可以鹰难以粉碎20000000乞丐轹 The person 轢 being with Benz, 轢 in the beggar who grows hoarse 20,000,000 hawk and others [re] [ru]
Medical practitioner [tsu] [te] serious
但卡尔皮斯我单独住在恶劣的水1:4原液:这是冰5 Even with poor we of one person living as for Calpis water 1 Undiluted solution 4 Ice 5 the wa which is
453将独自生活,如果我恨她一个奇怪的错误 453 When one person it lives and can point and the strange insect is attached to the daughter it is hateful
偷税数额的继承税,他们永远排除在大阪前总统的士团体 Tax evasion amount of inheritance tax
Doing, pulling out Osaka taxi group former chairman, past the highest
入口的大小和豪华,最准确的决策厕所排名 Space of entryway and gorgeousness, ranking the toilet of rest room the most accurate judgment material
卡尔皮斯的集中采摘我恩戴的手指,见证你最不尼亚是古时候的数额的浓度真的“真棒瓦特咬湿重”Asorehasateoki或者说,卡尔皮斯房子家庭的朋友德布:那么果汁不太氖?富人已经过去良好的全部,这部分程度上,我想我会尽量不味道? As for we Calpis being dense with the ma ji the quantity being many reason Mostly the ya saw being the finger picking “ sugoi w the ww tsu te which can be pinched” you say Well it sets aside that Calpis of the house of the friend of the debu family is very dense Don t you think undiluted solution With about you think So particularly it is not the rich person Don t you think taste of taste
我买果汁Bakkari驱动tTA卡尔皮斯超市说发生了什么惊人的500毫升至572只左右,并明确随着我对薄3升,5倍,更接近600日元压倒性1 5升或以上的瓶装饮料他们不仅可以转让卡尔皮斯牛奶是安全的获得豪华做一个小 572 Accidentally super with Calpis you bought but tsu temporary what 500ml does nearly 600 Yen don t you think is Diluting in 5 times if in only the mu and about 3 liters it is Speaking clearly 1 5 liters being the case that the pet bottle beverage is cheaper preponderantly So just the Calpis milk dividing the bamboo grass and being kana luxurious you do
即使它不是由机械化耕作,农业季节是来自我的妻子和孩子阿姨要求通过杆常吕 Because the farmer it was not mechanized, it is close in the busy farming season
Also the old lady and the child of the place have come to the indoor helping the empty
可口可乐饮料612就像我一直说好吃卡尔皮斯Anbasa环境不是,我是一个成年男子及饮料斯卡特家伙,我被炒了明治 612 The Calpis like beverage which is not the tastiness ku which anbasa how is said it was in Coca Cola and Don t you think also the sukatsuto tsu te person whom Meiji has put out was such a beverage
后来,富裕的家庭经典时尚的发言(图片)户主:保持你的套装典雅黑胡子的嘴,手拄着拐杖,她抽一口烟:钱包是和服随便大量黄金的罚款或接穗手袋:她的孩子的头发挂西装裤,白色的紧身衣 After, fashion (image) of conventional rich family
This main thing: Oral mustache is grown in the elegant dark suit, the stick in the hand, the pipe is done the [ku] [yu] and others
Lady: In the fine kimono the purse or second bag which uses the gold thread generously without the [ri] [ge]
Son: The tights which it hangs in the boy cutting and the semi- pants suit and are white
后院的小树林中的有毒蘑菇,竹阴湿的平房周围是素数,但很容易取得一致的房子来吧老的朋友 When it goes into the house of the former times friend
Although it is super first-class area, the rag it is, the flat house
Back court [ji] [me] [ji] rice it is with bamboo bush gaudy mushroom in here and there…
因此,742人notwithstanding m刮我们! ! !在我讲我讲我们丰富的,而不是一氧化氮NO的身高摆在我们面前的一个客观的标准值! 742 Therefore as for the 其 re it is also inside and it is the populace You it is the chi rich shelf NO Your back is high NO Reference level objective
作为一个成年人,当我再次看到人的名字据说其驱动tTA或出租任何奖章 Becoming the adult when looking at the name of the person of the 其 again Somehow it was reporting that received the decoration which is said
在官员的住房省长或刚填写谷底of ll环,甚至有色我区驻地军官学校的道路上你的表出来,除了豪宅department商店big蓬松一步一点点 If it appears to the chart other than the mansion, school zone how color being attached to the road, it reaches, the cavity whether the wheel [tsu] of being attached all the way, reaching
The policeman being permanently stationed before the capital governor official house, if the [te] you walk a little, the huge department store
如果你做任何事情我的家庭,并听取了报纸的回答是德国车恩戴同方在我的生活在东京大学的高层公寓,商店和 At Tokyo university living in the high apartment the German car riding when parents home what you do with you hear in the ru classmate Answering that newspaper house
如果我有一台家用电脑700 2通道没有证据表明这样做有点丰富的感觉 700 Although there is a personal computer doing 2ch as for the house which does not have the ru traces you feel the rich person
700仍然是一个很好的703更加丰富奇诺 700 Even then it is good 703 Rich one
如果没有抗体的增加是与直升机和塞斯纳平方,预计要写信给他在这里。需要? With the person who has written in here The helicopter and Cessna it has ridden It needs
有一个家伙,我不是在地下生活,没有电梯的关键叮咬 Unless the key must be stuck with the elevator living in the floor the ru person was
如果门是窄的房子设计Tta ll切割出真正的入口公寓作为浪费的空间Utoki买房子,当人们不肯手流发展 When the populace builds the house when buying the apartment But the design figure which shaves the entryway first as a wasteful space The entryway narrow house does not develop
它似乎也房子,我真的很喜欢有中央供暖和空调的家庭中央空调和私人管家和女仆不在家 Actually you have not seen but in the home the steward and the house and central the heating private where made is And so on there is also a house which is centralized air conditioning equipment it seems
捆包愚蠢的房子,房子我会打开空调是没有多少,他们邀请走廊 The house the fool being huge when it keeps being caused what corridor air conditioning entering there was a ru house
客户保留在家里的屋顶游泳池按摩浴缸分开建设工地上热什么,我的家人来一个好品种,他是多么的水热温泉度假别墅与公寓草津温泉的房子在伊豆登录3家别墅 In house pool
In roof jug Gee bus
Inside site separate building guesthouse
As for leaving villa residence three
In Kusatsu hot spring equipped log house
In Izu hot spring equipped resort apartment
Water hot spring equipped villa residence
The [do] just it is family being even, it is hot spring lover what
小学同学对双胞胎,但每个“学习”和“我认为他的一个同学Tteta舒适的学习,我在科学或惊奇地听到一个冲击,采取了所有副本 But classmate of small school Thinks the classmate of that time that with the twins each one either one it is study with “study” and “science was surprised taking one volume at a time everyone impact the ru hearing
我觉得他的同学Tteta一个科学或舒适或舒适的学习收到确认所有冲击 Thinks the classmate of that time received everyone impact that either one either one it is study with science
小时候,我打电话给朋友的房子 什么是○○?如果你听到我 女孩』是像』知道他们错过了就住在家里我这样说是相当的经验去被启,以及母公司拥有Tteta我,手转我真的感到很奇怪,有些事情我灵 Time of gaki telephoning to the house of the friend 0 it is When the tsu te you hear The girl going out like it is absent thing it was said Well enough having lived in the dekai house the parent the company as for tsu te having managed however you have known the wa which is surprised to house maid how existence being in actuality
“帕克,我需要你”“是的,小姐,如”我觉得我 “Parker doing it is the chi yo u to be” “It is the girl” Don t you think the tsu te you feel
建筑物(平房)领域,支柱高度的基础上,屋顶瓦片,地板之间,花园手条件输入,输入条件都是一样的手古园林池塘,麸皮鲤鱼垫许多不同类型的如果你正在寻找这方面的丰富分钟发言幻化艺术+朱达罗条件↑手转入 The building (the flat house) height of the area and the foundation, the pillar between the tile and the floor, care condition of the garden trees, similarly care condition of the pond of the garden, several types of carp
Type care condition of fusuma tatami mat
If here of the ↑ you see, the [ro] where degree of rich + degree of culture understands and is
当地政要叔叔我们有专门的驱动程序 The private driver whom you attach is
Personage of local end
… Uncle inside
我Botigado有罪,在日本警察都应该做你的武装为什么不禁忌 [boteigado] in Japan has armed the expectation of taboo properly, but the finding fault of the police why serving
我可以说是相当广泛,从一个朋友“什么是不优雅的湿重于一切WWW的玻璃wwwww” 彩色玻璃,然后我说伐丽流 After becoming large calling to the friend however “you obtain and ww glass block www at all you are called wwwww which is not the high class impression” … Rear stain dog lath
我宁愿火车通勤,更敏感的权利安上1周独居发言的丰富,我会买它,如果我峨给予曼森? Rather than Shinkansen attending school how on the other hand being able to point to 1 human living the ro w which is cheapness The rich person buys gives even with Munson and don t you think it is
我通常有火车列车434学校,而是通过当地的Burgers的子弹 434 As for Shinkansen attending school the Shinkansen passing when it is ru district normally it is
我家有2 · · · · ·撕裂近379家在练马的方式· 379 The ma it is there is a house of the ma in neighborhood of the parents home but it is …… By the way Nerima Ku
我想我我的亲戚(40年代后期)时调用来便餐你的房子周围丰富的野小学同学,“红色短粗”像“香肠”哦男孩。好吧觉得说出来很惊讶Tteta如果输出 So well my kindred 40 generation latter halves time of the small school When in the house of the rich classmate being called in the meal There is no and red uinna ” ““the sausage” came out and was surprised The te you say you remembered
乐趣和同学来到只有单一的,“你晚上吃的苦饭线?” 我已交付的寿司 In the sufficient classmate who simply comes to play “The late boiled rice it keeps eating being it does the yo ”… and Front of the coming out of the sushi is taken
我感觉完全像在家里瓦特或有亲戚在这里和家里的电话有松涛,甚至消防设备已经在1975年部署 W where the house of the kindred of the pine 濤 just is such feeling
The extinguishment instrument being disposed by 1975 age already, reaching
The extension is in here and there, with
我是来自贫民区我有一个梦想486 476无 _NULL_
我认为,人根本没有减少一百二十七瓦特你知道你邀请你Haitsu成恭报纸 127
Simply inducement you think w that it is the person who cannot be refused Also the saintly teaching newspaper entering, the [ru] it is the [ro] which is
收入的检查和调查,“我们一直”与他的父亲,that自己的钱,包括rare并表示拒绝was the property the所有权继承 Vis-a-vis the inspection investigation of the same national tax bureau, we have worked “in the father and simultaneous, also your your own money are included”
You say that you had denied and so on with, concerning the reversion of inheritance
文物父亲约75亿日元,藏匿6000万日元13000万日元总共59000000000日元而不是只有约共16个报告了,如果涉嫌逃避税收8.0亿遗产 Approximately 7,500,000,000 Yen there was a inheritance of the father, but only meter approximately 1,600,000,000 Yen declaring 5,930,000,000 Yen total
Hiding and inheritance tax 2,860,000,000 Yen the doubt which evades taxation
李已被隐藏,把纸板箱现金及约五八○○○○○○○○日元在家壁橱 Li suspect conceals also approximately 5,800,000,000 Yen inserting the cash in the cardboard box and the like in the home storeroom and the like,
注:如果玻璃反过来了不少花式冰驱动tTA 360 或饮料而慢慢融化的冰 360 Pouring to the glass which the large quantity of the ice entered and is witty while melting the ice You drink slowly
灵或手或传输瓦特卡尔皮斯我觉得这是什么水平,40年前 Calpis or house maid or w You think that it is level before this tsu te 40 year
玲是响应您的需求与几年前通过对讲机告诉我们说20你在家驱动tTA初中同学 When saying to classmate s house of junior high school age before 20 years above story First responding by the interphone is the house maid
知识丰富的发言,我的生活中,我可以在家里玩Tteta比你行,我行即会车运行驱动tTA总统的父亲,但很快在附近的某个地方?如果我没有听到,我感到惊讶的是手指的墙壁之间的地方,你就会车之间旅行1分钟,一边点上 While we knowing until now most the rich person when into the house it has gone the father the president tsu te going in play is running by the car But with gradually neighborhood of the house When the tsu te you hear when here it is pointing the wall side Although about 1 minutes the place where it is running was pointed by the car you were surprised
我说话,我在生活中丰富知道,当我们驱车Tta ll送我回家路线,但不久在附近的某个地方?如果我没有听到,我感到惊讶的是手指的墙壁之间的地方,你就会车之间旅行1分钟,一边点上 While we knowing until now most the rich person when into the house it has gone the father the president tsu te going in play is running by the car But with gradually neighborhood of the house When the tsu te you hear when here it is pointing the wall side Although about 1 minutes the place where it is running was pointed by the car you were surprised
童年的家了他和我噢志位美味小吃,他们拥有很好的产品有妈妈是一个大钢琴,一个孩子的驱动tTA我想我说你有钱,家伙我的房子里面去进入房子旁边的大“啊可以说,”驱动tTA哦,我想我是穷苦的驱动tTA Time of the child accompanying there being a big piano in the house the mother where the item is good being it produced the tasty snack Well there being a rich shelf you thought Time of the child accompanying kept going in the shed which is in next door of the big house “at present ” with said Well there being a poor no shelf you thought
盛家出奶油杯玻璃碗冰,而不仅仅是富人认证的音频 The cup there is no ice cream that way the te Piling up by the vessel of the glass the rich person it recognizes the house which comes out
索尼,富士通,NEC,东芝电脑,苹果如果我用的是美好。 cerelon差甚至使用一台PC我 When sony, Fujitsu and NEC, the Toshiba personal computer, you use apple, OK.
Using the personal computer of cerelon, it is the pauper
索泰,华硕,但我是穷人做浸泡台湾PC sotec and asus, When the personal computer of the Taiwan type is used, it is the pauper
约自汝来认股权证收于1月百货公司讲出来时,丰富的比萨饼和茶什么路径表达式,时间62生活在比萨和可乐汁,但由于绝对认为,如果酒精啤酒 When the gt black tea and the pizza come out Because the rich business department store comes to adjustment at month one always with face pass Regardless if as for the country which you can live in the pizza the juice and the cola alcohol you think that it is the beer but it is
五六二日元通常是有钱的值一件好事凯时 562 Normally about gold holding it is small in the ¥ and the thing is made important
我发财了我在你家附近居住或说出我带给农民公寓建设,以无为而到东京,我节俭生活 NULL
我把它周围的单位解决驼背通过对汝来看看今年1月在小便丰富的百货公司权证音频我给你带来什么好东西来 Because lump flat is with the rich business department store comes to adjustment densely at month one always with face pass Regardless when it is good having forcing
该国生活在细节显示为市中心讲富国日本主要是约411 411 As for the country where in major power the rich person can live in the city center about Japan the shelf
编号:漫画家QT5kU0390中恼人的是更多更有趣的是,毕竟,那帐户站在特殊的背景?但我的兰花你托莫 ID: QT5kU0390 is the [u] [za],
The cartoonist is funnier
So, after all, with identity of resident in special meeting how being? Like we but it is intellectual viewing
说话像杂志报纸上处于劣势的任何一个信息丰富的化石年龄是一个125的电脑,不待人这样峨 125 The newspaper no magazine having the information weak tsu po of fossil age it is With the rich person PC the human who can be handled such this year or
这仅仅是一个疯狂的家伙,他们刚刚得到了脏脏的衣服什么的孩子,他的儿子茅野丰富的会议驱动tTA Time of [gaki] the rich son [tsu] [te] which meets wearing the clothes which become dirty
Being wild, the vulgar person mule [tsu] was, it is,
这次访问“是滑稽至500日圆,”因为你有钱买一栋房子赎回口香糖,说:“哦忘记糖果已被”骗了我和整个瓦特 母亲改嫁,后来总裁笑他们是这样的故事已经相当淡化富裕了自己,然后如果是合资 In the excursion it was called “strangely to 500 Yen” but because gum one the money which is bought became the house “the candy you forgot the a ” that you cheated … Entirely me the mother remarrying with the president after w by his succeeding after because in that appearance it became affluent it is completed with funny story
我雇了房子,真正通过您的要求,但不是将无法再聘请一个富裕的家庭大致 Actually there probably is a house which employs the house maid but unless the house is large furthermore affluence It probably cannot employ
通过我们的要求(未经审查及川奈央)我不是出卡尔皮斯集中在资产阶级 With helping (Nao Oikawa of non correction) producing dense Calpis, as for [ru] we the bourgeois shelf
阿土地195每月收入在冲绳的基地业主做好信贷万美元的9000 Rashii三分之二 195
Land 2/3 of the Okinawa US military base lending, monthly income 90,000,000 of the [ru] landlord it seems
音频262是一个丰富的实际,而不是一些商店用品店外部门租户电动牛经销商查看详细的建议,已经在汽车 编辑 出汤或家电,买衣服和杂物,如 262 The true rich person entrusts to the home appliance item or the electric appliances store of entrance and exit to produce The car there is association the fact that the dealer recommends is bought and It completes the miscellaneous goods item or the clothes etc with the foreign merchant of the department store
通行证或看起来像他们所购买的东西外国Risuru进入和离开,而不是某一个水平 When the foreign merchant enters and leaves with shopping face pass there is no such a level
音频可能觉得当他们看到生活在日本rich已经能够做印刷天哪万的房间they成为恼人的分散,活出我们的家园目前的趋势博罗五瓦特 You live in the rag house and gold number obtain becoming difficult ten thousand issues dispersing in the room when looking at the resident which does the life the ru way whether you feel the rich person w
音频可能觉得当他们看到生活在日本rich已经能够做印刷天哪万的房间they成为恼人的分散,活出我们的家园目前的趋势博罗五瓦特 You live in the rag house and gold number obtain becoming difficult ten thousand issues dispersing in the room when looking at the resident which does the life the ru way whether you feel the rich person w
高2米,今天出现在东京,我搞砸了,20多厘米厚,2 10毫米的大门口,人们进入开放embrasures是没有石头把我板沙龙的座位的观众,并为业主有一个安全的私人军队释放在花园里的24杜宾已经弯曲也立即就在中间宽的走廊,通过其中一人要来跳我有防弹玻璃的厚度10发酵 Height of the today when we saw inside me chi ya oral ya capital 2 meters or more as for thickness 2 griddles of 10mm has entered 20 centimeters or more and in the port is and opening does with the stone When it enters from the entryway with the corridor of width of the extent which human one person can pass it has been crooked midway Doberman is released in the garden and my soldier of 24 hour patrols is The bulletproof glass of the thickness 10 � which rises instantaneously is trained to the seat for the master of the living room and between the seats
围栏高2米,厚20厘米以上,铁10毫米宽的两个中的一个走廊,中间有一人已通过进入前门漏洞拓地我进入了一沙龙的座位的观众和业主有一个安全的私人军队释放在花园里的24杜宾已发酵弯曲的是我想要的防弹玻璃的厚度10迅速反弹 Height of the fence 2 meters or more thickness 2 griddles of 10mm has entered 20 centimeters or more and in the port opens When it enters from the entryway with the corridor of width of the extent which human one person can pass it has been crooked midway Doberman is released in the garden and my soldier of 24 hour patrols is The bulletproof glass of the thickness 10 � which rises instantaneously is trained to the seat for the master of the living room and between the seats