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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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Paid as for 1 rank of the country which is consumed as for France and Japan it is least significant


  • -不是预期的品种足并声称坚持的是布拉,觉得自私Uchimakuru

    • 08非经常(。合同模拟)加班费,有薪Idaro没有理由
      8 Non formality (. The [ro] which disguise contract) overtime work generation, is not the meaning which has paid and is

      • 442嘎嘎,或想试试小周的罢工和前瓦特垃圾羽田孜和分配关系,甚至是各种植物 442 Temporarily JR and 1 week Haneda front strikes it tries doing or w Circulation concerns and rubbish collection various factories with
        • 448嘎嘎,或想试试小周的罢工和前瓦特垃圾羽田孜和分配关系,甚至是各种植物 448 Temporarily JR and 1 week Haneda front strikes it tries doing or w Circulation concerns and rubbish collection various factories with

      • 560工人。最近连续的猴子,现在疼痛萘乙酸萘乙酸班邦IBM m解雇患病因为我抓了墨付我们在最高法院。是不是过分的继承逃避反潜作战狙驱动tTA

        • 583僵化的法律,社会有一个合同,但他们有一些可怕瓦特
          583 Law contract society of the spoon ruler as for that however there are enormous ones with that, w

          • 692第39条处罚违反有关労基法离开我已付出了自由贸易协定知觉处理少于6个月监禁,罚款30万日元以下或

            • 710生产部:这只是一个小忙,我也采取了一天的工作计划无法支付生产的需要采取的薪酬与蛋糕,把你的脚拉回来这是明显的同事 710 Producing department When paid you take number work of paid taking in the production plan which cannot be handled single day just becomes busy to put out the foot of the colleague is pulled clearly
              • 调整生产在1月或710,我也付出了2天不可能性别 710 Adjustment of production with the unreasonable spear possession of month 1 2 days granting it is also

            • 785好了,有一个关于这个国家的国球就像当我罢工CPE的介绍,世界的马拉文对拥挤四大法国骚乱

              • NULL Europe Per one person GDP 4 500 000 every year 3 increase 1200 Yen in minimum wage Every year 3 increase Government employee wages 3 500 000 Member of the Diet annual income 9 000 000 Birthrate 1 8 2 1 Medical care education and nursing nursery no charge Year work hour 1400 1600 hours Holland 1390 Germany 1430 Japan Per one person GDP 4 200 000 every year 2 decrease 618 Yen in minimum wage Almost deferment gt As for eating out where the taxi and the rust remainder are many approximately 350 Yen Government employee annual income 7 800 000 retirement lump sum grant 28 000 000 large amount annuity Welfare 3LDK 20 000 Yen and the like Member of the Diet annual income 21 000 000 document fare 12 000 000 Yen Assemblyman annuity lt Greatest in the world high giving Public service corporation the German method director even 20 000 000 retirement lump sum grant 20 000 000 every 2 years The Bank of Japan president 38 000 000 retirement lump sum grant 302 000 000 annuity 7 500 000 By the way annual income 17 000 000 of bananki Birthrate 1 3 Medical care 1 3 percentage burden Education charge as for school expenses of national university greatest in the world large amount Work hour 1800 hour service overtime work Substantial 2500 hour Birthrate and suicide ratio economic growth and working environment debt of country Entirely the advanced nation worst The politician and the government employee of this country it probably works
                • 510 伊坎最坏的所有发达国家 510 gt Birthrate and suicide ratio economic growth and working environment debt of country gt All advanced nation worst Circumstance

              • TTP的:/ / homepage2。nifty.com / tsbrousai / TTP的:/ / d.hatena.ne.jp / fox0113 /模拟了这个营地
                ttp: //homepage2. nifty.com/tsbrousai/ ttp: //d.hatena.ne.jp/fox0113/ This internment camp faked of what

                • 。Ÿ 〜 ,ヾ。现在给你自己ヽヽ一年 i One time transferring to the partner already the cod DREPT The Soviet DREPT REPT REPT Don t you think this time by his transfers it is
                  • 我°〜 !彡 乔来吧布鲁诺之一,其优势来,我,。 哦, 〜〜 ヾ,, 这里是这些优惠最终会大大别怀疑 i ¯ 彡 No When one time you transfer you attach and are densely it being possible i HKRPT DREPT This directly 譲 and others it becomes can predicament

                • 不过,我把一个年轻的家庭是不能比的婚姻或南玻它的更好,因为我包括我本人贮钱,这回您的家庭服务,儿童和孙子,我采取的有薪假期 But therefore some bo mashi it puts out the fact that it can have the family in comparison with the young person who cannot get married entraps also the gold and the ru is The possession 休 taking the family service in the child and the grandchild and the lady

                  • 买上一个假期看,基本上是相当危险的操作不依赖658只因为你有两年以前一些未使用的休假,我被禁止?

                    • 于ーー什么地方,尽管该系统甚至没有萘乙酸支付从不要紧所有支付给小企业或劳动标准附表日本占了大多数工人的劳动是好的。继续在教练的办公室

                      • 会谈是339听说过我349是太多工作 补偿(如果我先在说,适当的补偿和债务或)青年男女,他们显然
                        339 349 In the story which we is heard, Work excess > change of occupation > the death > the family suit > labor disaster recognition > compensates to the front company at the rest room ahead switching jobs > Front company bankruptcy (the debt collector indemnity which is from the origin called cause) The young woman where with you say was, it seems

                        • 但进入决赛后,采取有偿工作?支付给我做什么用?工作,但都好于其他?因此告别 现在在这里 However paid we would like to take Work it ended Paid something using what it does But as for the other person everyone going to work You waive lt now here

                          • 作为监管机构,如德国,该国的严格监管和监督,以公司为加强义务public只,如果你想工作的管理制度和日本的惩罚国务院苏不能说是否有更多早生我认为你可以采取消化系统及其他有薪工作沿着标准法 The German way the supervision obligation and the tightening for supervision supervision and enterprise and the citizen whom the country is thorough If furthermore we want also Japan making the national management kind of system which the penal regulations which either presence are not made to say inflicts You think that the work system which begins the paid digestion which parallels to Labor Standard Law it comes off
                            • 日本公司坚持以鳃阻力劳基法是目前和消灭行小企业从反正我不认为我能够这么严重,但还是不要说 How because as for enterprise kind of Japan which withstands Labor Standard Law strict observance under se present conditions you think that so it is not However to small and medium sized business total destruction you do not say whether considerably it becomes serious situation don t you think

                          • 你可以利用早生333的CEO薪假期,你会使用公共官员感叹早生我觉得我不是同事间使用是好玩的东西,我没有胡尔 333 The manager does not make use the possession 休 the atmosphere which is made to use between the colleagues saying while sighing using the ru government employee permit saying something is humorous
                            • 茹214 错误的公司,但破坏假日荡妇不只是一个工作的妇女在不影响其余部分的它是荒谬的气体Dzukanai 214 Influence only the work which does not go to bed the woman who has not been done When one person goes to bed although it is strange for influence to appear in the company it is humorous not to become aware to that

                          • 其他行政主管部门:尽快得到报酬是否接受一个人的头部上方的水平,参考水平的经理立即意向 In addition management section As for yes or no of paid acquisition as soon as by your to above department manager class you to receive as for the intention of the section chief of belonging directly reference
                            • 财务部:第一个完整的贮备见附表埃泰如果从茹期初在加时赛结束地狱反转条件 Accounting section Because the overtime work hell you see the term end and with front end the eye it saves all the way physical condition making provision for when it destroys

                          • 其余的都可以Ittsuー月1瓦Getara假日广告那里没有托盘只有4天,在这些服务器中,约有20人(混合国籍),所有一起,聊天,同时写出真正拥挤我 The tsu which less than 1 months goes to bed w When only 4 days you inform the fact that it is not the tray day off About the person and 20 people who are in the server the nationality varieties simultaneously the ho it is with you wrote to the kyat simultaneously

                            • 再来,“来来日本的外国人,而是工作是”做不大 In addition we would like to come” that however you say The foreigner who comes to function in Japan is not good doing “very
                              • 我真的很怪异的正常工作,产品和服务应提供完整的 As for we however we would like to work suitably as for the commodity and the service which are offered being perfect proper

                            • 即使在医院的费用,并支付了所有青年死亡的古...首先,要计算员工定期的计算方法,支付什么?我付了两天,但往往是第一年新员工?

                              • 受伤人员已被逮捕我每长的时间生产率由值班经理和劳动努力提高效率和劳动的人均消费,我们已经失去了机会享受服务,甚至 Per one person depends on the manager who neglects the effort improvement of labor productivity and improvement of efficiency of work The worker consumer even the opportunity which enjoys the service is lost by long haul restraint
                                • 如果人均劳动生产率和低工作时间太久,因为你是有这么多的竞争对手?如果你足够努力加油了。石窟日益激烈的竞争,在日本的生活 The ro because per one person as for labor productivity being low competitive other companies being too multi employment time is too long If it perseveres extent and the passing which persevere Japan where more and more life becomes painful with competition

                              • 嘿,什么是坏的580点,但仍然在欧洲和美洲,努力戒除老板底部的精英,你自己是非常良好的状态没有主力卡诺花

                                • 四郎日本英国Zutto较多或在一点点压力,‥不丰富,易“什么才能实现,如果病人:”你的意思是,思维方式必须停止从日本更推断 Margin Japan compared to the zu also the tsu and stress are little in England and it is pleasant with rich If “you are patient just does what can be achieved” The tsu te Japan it probably will rub the how to think of saying if you must stop it does the yo

                                  • 在不太严重的526个,劳动法我没有多大的意义在我读我三劳动法是,积累判例对大多数劳动关系调整法和工会法Originally我买了它的所谓的法情况下,是否集体纪律的劳资关系和劳工刚才去细读项目基准法

                                    • 在日本的低劳动生产率如果我责怪我会回来不称职的管理服务和新闻読Funzori民事 As for the Japanese labor productivity being low The government employee and the newspaper reading the droppings the ri returning it is consequence of ru disabled administrative position
                                      • 日本生产力的管理不善是因为不称职的我会回来我闻読Funzori公务员和新 As for the Japanese productivity being bad The government employee and the newspaper reading the droppings the ri returning it is consequence of ru disabled administrative position

                                    • 如果我的规则873劳动基准法労基法,员工工作规则,工作人员加班,因为我很熟悉的专业,完成规定的工资,以确保我把分之一
                                      873 In case of we therefore from labor fundamental law Labor Standard Law enforcement rule and employee work rule, to wages stipulation the professional employee who has been mastered completely Overtime attaching securely at 1 minute units, the [ru

                                      • 如果日本的低劳动生产率和监视要求过多的服务,你就不会从蜡或作出一个更完美的无缺陷的产品?花那么一点,以减少大量的工作负 As for Japan being low in regard to labor productivity It needs excessive service compared to it tries probably to make the perfect commodity which does not have the inferior goods Because it does probably will be In other words great labor is spent in order to decrease little 0
                                        • 如果日本的低劳动生产率和监视要求过多的服务,你就不会从蜡或作出一个更完美的无缺陷的产品?花那么一点,以减少大量的工作负 As for Japan being low in regard to labor productivity It needs excessive service compared to it tries probably to make the perfect commodity which does not have the inferior goods Because it does probably will be In other words great labor is spent in order to decrease little 0

                                      • 就业服务机构后,谁的蛋糕辞职是因为梅塔讲话“对非付费”我没有要处理的自愿,不强迫退休的需要说什么 After when stopping “it is not paid” the tsu te you call to the job cheaply person in the unemployment reason However there are no self circumstances and made retirement treatment of te company circumstances

                                        • 就像,“你不是被排除或人不仅驳回了责任和德国让我感到吃惊,”但我说和hear beyond,paid 权利和提出,是国家认为to from workers that峨那么,“所有的休息,但合法的,因为它仅认为只有懒惰的人,为什么呢?”我想我 Quite when “it is the German tsu te unexpected and the idle fellow Unless there is a neck as it has omitted shelf” it is audible but Being given by the paid worker and from the point of view of the country which right with you say and think Although “it is the legitimate day off being lazy with something the ru way the reason which you think You think that” it becomes the tsu te
                                          • 152公司,只要给我绝对相信志位困难的时候这样做,他们不拿报酬就是为了和大家一起工作 152 When the enterprise umbrella everyone takes paid if work that has tried does not turn you think that it is difficult it is don t you think
                                          • 678“支付”,它将成为假日算作工作时间,时间对我 678 It probably is the tsu te thing which it calculates with the break “paid” as working hours
                                          • 70%的有薪假期消化比我不要修正我更适合管理的目的是 Paid digestion compared to holiday method amendment 70 you aim the one which It has served to reason but it is
                                          • “的DAA得到报酬?什么是什么不是二期的神经!”经理说,将 The a which “paid you take and is Don t you think ii courage it has done ” With calls to the department manager but…
                                          • 像“懒惰,我只是惊讶我是德国人”,但正如我所说,听到以后,提交权利工资的工人,从国家认为排减单位“这是所有法定节假日,认为只有懒惰的人,因为它仅为什么?“我想我 Quite when “it is the German tsu te unexpected and the idle fellow Unless there is a neck as it has omitted shelf” it is audible but Being given by the paid worker and from the point of view of the country which right with you say and think Although “it is the legitimate day off being lazy with something the ru way the reason which you think You think that” it becomes the tsu te
                                          • 公司做生意了一个随和,但很稳定,我是发射萘乙酸等来吧是否可用于支付充分,特别是无原因,但 But inside it is as for the company the enterprise which is done freely and easily in super stability When even among such you use paid in full without either the especially reason The ro which is neck what with you think
                                          • 区自来水将在这样一个大嘴巴,一公司支付使用!例如说,我希望我的老板 If the huge mouth it hits at such place because paid you use at the company Although should have said to the tsu te superior
                                          • 因此,像日本,我就放有薪假病假,没有概念,我很 Therefore Japan likely sickness When passing there is no thought probably of taking paid for the sake of it is
                                          • 如果客户不知道的东西是在抗体增加收入微薄采取“太多只设置”价格小切也可以附加或Ichamon When unskillfully paid something in user you can know the fact that you take “to provide too much is ” that ichiyamon being attached and price small it is cut
                                          • 它的100%支付一圆从公司获得的用于支付未抓住,未使用税是不是好,如果采取税收 When it is paid not yet digestion because it is circular profit for the enterprise which is not used not yet digestion paid the 100 If tax is taken with taxation it is good
                                          • 感到被排斥,甚至挂出或社会能消化什么驱动tTA疯狂,待遇 Unless well something can digest paid in the society which deviates it has omitted even feeling
                                          • 我一直说,唯一的办法降低成本比实际支付的天数(日少5→10)我有一个黑色的公司 Being paid that there are only days when it is less than fact it does expense reduction 10 day gt 5 days there is a black company
                                          • 我得到有趣的家伙住皇帝支付的国家ー自我毁灭的缘故之一的 Gung ho His Majesty the Emperor hurray The person who paid how is taken is strange
                                          • 我想他有你646之前,我可以设定年薪支付给获得假设瓦特不知它的行 646 Because your like person will be annual allowing paid acquisition and setting to prerequisite w If this that you think whether it is good well
                                          • 我没有采取这种不寻常的,通常不加班或采取有薪假期 Unless in order to take paid usually you work overtime above unless you take it is abnormal what don t you think
                                          • 日本是不是非常不支付采取了许多假期,说u有一个正常的假日和显示细节印象 Because as for Japan celebration national holiday is many at random the paid not taking te there is an impression that you rest normally
                                          • 星期六2至20个工作在12月支付租金支付的长篇报告 u003d 61 ×不在这里说,他们都失去24日 61 Informing paid being the place where you receive Paid 20 days Therefore the reason which Saturday this loses in going to work 2 × December 24 days you could not call
                                          • 有没有意义,它支付看其对我们的迅速消失在两年287 287 Because steadily paid it keeps going out in 2 years accumulating the te there is no meaning
                                          • 虚假转换577 ×○ 有薪薪假期 577 Error conversion… × Paid ○ possession 休
                                          • 起诉书声称,伐丽流使用来吧,Naijan有理由得到武藤敏郎发射峨薪假期多次使用 When you use complaint it is said and When many times you go to bed because it becomes the neck Paid there is no meaning which can be used it is

                                        • 带薪假期的年轻人是一个加班的宝库,因此它是在休息,其余恩戴我成熟
                                          Because the possession 休 of others it is the mountain of the treasure, overtime work generation, the young person would like to put out 休, but is, middle to advanced age does not go to bed

                                          • 平均率低于百分之五十的增强,我公司获得有薪假期或公司税和罚款作为
                                            From company under possession 休 acquisition ratio average 50 percent The income tax extra do as a penalty

                                            • 当记者为解决品牌个月的时间不足的编号是有试用期502。在某些方面相当严重的,可以很容易
                                              502 Probation being several months When the brand of unsuitable it is pushed, during period solution. It can make simple Well enough there is also a severe aspect

                                              • 志位也虚,因为默认的路由不希望提高私营部门的税收上的薪金也告诉他,在没有嘴巴只出售real投诉或公务员自来水梳22 22 Because only actual government employee hitting there is the outlet of dissatisfaction Salary of the people lowering the reason where private rises or Therefore tax increase established route emptiness forcing

                                                • 总是在最后一刻削减劳工成本作为一种文化body做not Me ll想休息就有些不舒服,因此具有很高的服务和廉价的商品,他们是在支付较低的推移,这个国家tough也许?瓦特 Therefore a little sickness the kind of natural features which you do not rest are completed It shaves labor cost always lastly offers with high service and cheap article salary is cheap As for body kitsui This country goes somewhere kana w
                                                  • 445因此,气候是要采取一切编织成的伤口 445 Involving everyone it is to make the natural features which you take

                                                • 意识到公司支付工会消化好,渴望是提交一个时间表,以获得报酬,即使你的老板怎么有点忙,我们认为,从他或不能逆转或假日工作会想,一个公司或一个什么特别之处? Well as for the company whose union is enthusiastic to paid digestion how being busy That paid the schedule which is taken is submitted from the superior 催 being urged according to schedule Unless you go to bed because you think as the person who cannot do work conversely such a company tsu te The kana which is special
                                                  • Bishironainoni舒展,只想工作在同一销售增长绒毛!有偿甜飞!结果这家伙以为只是坚果忽视的生产力,但我已经筋疲力尽 Although there is no extension margin if just the same as growth period works sale rises As for paid presumption With as for the person who is thought the squid re te ru The result of ignoring productivity already you have become impoverished it is

                                                • 我Nenaku并采取假期照顾的环境中,带薪休假,并观察NAA的唯一犹豫的任何资源剥离从托盘你也没有采取,在长时间我从来没有看过小说...

                                                  • 我升降机,我欣赏他们吸收丰富的支付低收入的工作力量,这是什么意思180

                                                    • 我工作8小时,白古,你想取消该公司的25小时工作,他们百分之10的销售?你知道我想每差胶小时价值,这不是当低生产力 10 hours working you think the place where the white collar worker works 8 hours that the sale of the company raises 25 percent That difference of the amount which was not raised being connected to the lowness of productivity around 1 hours the ru it is
                                                      • 日本的生产率下降的无能,使如魔法加班一非营利机构 Because the system where disabled like overtime work generation makes a profit is made the Japanese productivity decreases

                                                    • 我开始休假侵犯,直到最后,你得来的,如果不是笑逐步

                                                      • 我的名字会自动采取孤立在某一天的加班时间的加班,即使加班,加班是没有进一步
                                                        Overtime work generation of 1 day fixed times being automatic with the pretext, regarding overtime work, however it is attached, Whatever time working overtime, above that is not overtime work generation

                                                        • 我看到你真正的日本民族本身PART43黑色
                                                          Don't you think? to tell the truth Japanese [tsu] [te] country itself black something PART43

                                                          • 我还会在这里说出来控股公司?增加就业,还是现在在你的愚蠢,不是吗? Even then this dying has and comes out and corporation preservation stops it is the ze which is Now employment increases that on the ro which is foolish

                                                            • 日本是黄金周假期已满,托盘,一些新年假期休息中美图

                                                              • 日本男人are ll珍惜珍惜我的妻子是在公司的管理可惜Redaro在家
                                                                Is at the company driving to the manager, at the house it is in the wife being driven, as for the Japanese man the [ro] which is pitiful

                                                                • 日本鬼子的家伙了。杂杂自豪的是,我开始Girundaga精神提请高过那些可怜无助由于我现在做的也许已经阅读写在你之前我很少有什么生活是否在日本工业机器人? In addition person of Japanese Pride started Doing triumphantly perhaps the Japanese it has written in but Reading if it does from ru one being pitiful yes 哀 thought it passes but it is The Japanese was born because some it is As for you being the Japanese industrial robot
                                                                  • 日本鬼子的家伙了。杂杂自豪的是,我开始Girundaga精神提请高过那些可怜无助由于我现在做的也许已经阅读写在你之前我很少有什么生活是否在日本工业机器人? In addition person of Japanese Pride started Doing triumphantly perhaps the Japanese it has written in but Reading if it does from ru one being pitiful yes 哀 thought it passes but it is The Japanese was born because some it is As for you being the Japanese industrial robot

                                                                • 有趣的我有同样的薪酬限制,势必地狱只有时间相同的才华的家伙,一个糟糕的家伙家伙家伙,而不是做你最好的 Persevering the ru person so are not the person competent person and the disabled person who Just the same being restrained the hell of restraint the same salary you receive time how it is strange
                                                                  • 有趣的家伙,我有同样糟糕的约束他的薪金为同一时间有天分的球员,而不是做你最好的家伙 Persevering the ru person so are not the person competent person and the disabled person who Just the same being restrained the hell of restraint the same salary you receive time how it is strange

                                                                • 柔性→坐的那一天就一天,只是如何让出检讨声中表现甚至不能生病或尚未氖瓦特

                                                                  • 没159组日本只是觉得我很满意,当人们不采取公务员承担,因为我从一开始支付高比例的民间 The possession granting man hour uniting with the prerequisite which from first you do not make take only the ru those which cannot be thought 159 Because Japan ratio of the government employee is high …

                                                                    • 没有充分的家伙是低效的资源和人力的工作流程效率不高或存在
                                                                      The person whom it is not possible produces existence itself non efficiency, Flow of personal affairs or workplace non efficiency being lazy

                                                                      • 法国公务员,或在观望,但真正Itenee工作,我一直怀疑这是为什么 If the French government employee you see with The ho it is with working although well whether why it becomes like this that You think always strangely
                                                                        • 我想说,说什么其他大公司不说,公务员获得 That when you say we would like to be what whether the government employee it enters other than big business say that is

                                                                      • 法国和德国入侵,以驱赶当你被我盟军敦刻尔克理由,因为没有电话总机胶在电话中断,因为一个顽固的女雇员,法国总部有一个故事是不再被排除在前面只之间的联系

                                                                        • 真正的691是“努力做一个长假,”也许这就是为什么我 691 To tell the truth the causing re where “we would not like to take long term holiday ” also the tsu te reason is it is
                                                                          • 也许他是想更好的教育工作也将完成下一个690 NULL

                                                                        • 礼貌的无偿加班191个,因为他无法采取老板返回通讯,或作出了
                                                                          191 As for working overtime in order for you to regain your own disabled, therefore unpaid is courtesy, or the lie [bu] [ku] superior

                                                                          • 编号:QT5kU0390是愚蠢的,也是不可能区分带薪休假和万维网WWW的可能是整洁
                                                                            ID: QT5kU0390 Paid vacation With distinction the serving fool www whom it has Perhaps neat shelf www

                                                                            • 至于1,以百分之六来自非洲和日本的14,我想也逐渐降低%Warota开放伊手
                                                                              From above in order gradually going down with 1 ~, 6% although the [ru] opening also 14% in Africa and Japan, [te] [warota

                                                                              • 警察行政等活动617井,首先你最好是从工人的报告至少从容易采取的一种,如果有一个线索一些,至少现在有腐败的工会只会讲复杂的,个别的劳工标准拓谷河野规则就业法和自己的工作(集体协议)to确保作为多工人之间的工资制度和它的619举办的假日你最好相信,工人和个人发展,其目的有机会刷新在什么改变

                                                                                • 设备或劳动力成本和低生产力为日本祈祷。是什么样子,包括任何费用或位置?
                                                                                  Japan riding productivity is low, labor cost or the equipment and material. Place generation It is included combining?

                                                                                  • 这个国家必须最终成为一个没有从我的工作的任何法律协议的精神一纸空文
                                                                                    After all because as for this country whatever kind of law making, there is no mind of contract in the citizen, to ruin be sure to convert

                                                                                    • 这个时候我还行“,日本”你行,他将有薪假期旅行Tatte“”咦Senee!尽管我们还没有这么多的忙!“ We this time probably will go” Japan “The fellow the tsu te which goes to travelling at paid vacation” Don t you think “permit the e Although you say that we is busy so much ”
                                                                                      • 我已不再只付了两天我在4月再次被指控 Paid you re charge already only 2 days it remains in April it is but…

                                                                                    • 这是愚蠢的处置奴隶劳工的管理然而,在你 你帮助我们回家的约束或拥挤的火车,我会帮助爆裂,最后我想我会 The manager produces the foolish producing worker slave disposition There is no ginger it does yo … Full streetcar or homecoming rush Natural the ginger saying thinking at ru point in time Ending the ru
                                                                                      • 他已经成为一个通过这种精神奴役黑人的工作环境Hikinito真雁从“Kitakunai竹工作,” 重要爆炸 Because such slave black working environment goes unchallenged Mind the person who is fallen ill converting the toad neatly “Without wanting to work it reaches the point which is and” calls repeatedly it is

                                                                                    • 这显然违反労基法支付六百七十六瓦特解释,索诺Tamotsu它适用于该公司自己决定他们的。我们将永远不能工作规则定义的方 676 That clearly labor fundamental law violation w It means that the company has decided also paid interpretation selfishly and The possession There is no reason where it can place in work rule definition
                                                                                      • 他们不加班或指定的时间内产量报告给老板,你选择苏加苏加和辍学的加班费 As for the work which is not settled within overtime work stipulated time reporting to the superior You drop or put out overtime work generation or make choose

                                                                                    • 钟从日本就是有薪假期,以湿重湿重365孙敏感谢
                                                                                      Because 365 day paid vacation like it rubbed resident [chiyon], ww With favor of [minsu] ww

                                                                                      • 钟,全国黑人奴隶制,奴隶州农民古杂粪线进一步降低

                                                                                        • 销售:完成销售计划应该不是“工作”是只支付为零,我付了病伤 Business section As for “effort” to the sales planning which does not have the expectation where it can achieve only paid zero or for paid how sickness wound

                                                                                          • 阿法国06法国116将有一个假日假期,法国萨达哈希,每10天在家里每天6个小时,当我在工作中给予頑張效率在11〜5如果“时间差是从,它改变了固定的工作埃泰小时 116 In France vacation a 6 There is a vacation in France and French doing persevering and lifting fixed efficiency at of 10 o clock 11 o clock going to work when everyday it tries to return in one day 5 6 hours Because “working hard employment neglect is bad changing into fixing time duty don t you think
                                                                                            • 一旦计划,“疲劳是喜欢你!”我们将所有分散 When it became fixed time “it seemed the tired way ” With everyone keeps scattering
                                                                                            • 在您返回到10天,每天6小时,当我给頑張工作效率在11〜5〜,“这看起来不好照顾,它改变了固定的工作埃泰小时 So persevering efficiency lifting at of 10 o clock 11 o clock going to work when everyday it tries to return in one day 5 6 hours Because “working hard employment neglect is bad changing into fixing time duty don t you think

                                                                                          • 音频所帯持奴才正在彻底滥用它不会负责鳃 从不准再逃避 查看详情后下降 Because as for the te or household having escaping becomes unable to permit placing in the post which is responsibility the finish being the case that it is used hard …

                                                                                            • 首先,一个完整的非日,所以当你生病是天在another 20名病休假,休假annual,公司在IBD的the 5,我们讲中风查看详情爱好列入,out2个星期summer分成各个年度,冬季滑雪周,一年后至少20天年假采取适当的消化 First because other than complete Japan at the time of the sickness sick leave are 20 days separately as for the year 休 At 5 o clock it ends the company loads in hobby and summer vacation every year 2 weeks the winter with skiing 1 weeks After year 休 taking suitably as for lowest year 20 day digestion
                                                                                              • 既不特别稳定比665,也不是公司一直缓慢,因为有些人曾经是我离开发射的第二年,他加入了全年度 665 Especially at the company which is not super stability it is not the case that it has been done freely and easily From joining a company 2nd year using the year 休 in full because the human who does not become the neck it is
                                                                                              • 现在,5 IBD的公司,我们讲招附表列入爱好,总计2个星期,每年暑假,冬季滑雪周,一年后至少有20天年假采取适当的消化 Now At 5 o clock it ends the company loads in hobby and summer vacation every year 2 weeks the winter with skiing 1 weeks After year 休 taking suitably as for lowest year 20 day digestion
                                                                                              • 那么,忠诚和对暑假的结束,而是由一Soreto毛重有10个假期,21天年假 Well summer vacation and GW and end of year are 10 consecutive holidays but the year 休 are 21 days separately from that

                                                                                            • : (他』 他们是不同的 HKDRT 彡 彡 No So doing don t you think good thing it keeps turning however it is gt Those people It is different
                                                                                              • :: (他』 他们是不同 HKDRT 彡 彡 No So doing don t you think good thing it keeps turning however it is gt Those people It is different

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