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Shares plunge - even radical politics Prime Minister Kan summer continues strong yen, the residence is currently shut down


  • 03-0059-11影响护理保险在退休,或在,这样的,但没有
    Nursing insurance pay even with the pensioner, But with, as for such an effect nothing

    • 169 100年吞并日韩。你不是野蛮的历史话语
      169 Day Korea merger 100 years. Conversation is the atrocity which remains in history

      • 214来,进入一个实际的子女免税额 “大规模增税米儿童福利金(为)是一个白痴Rupizu远远即使瓦特
        214 It is and is, the truth enter Child treatment < child treatment It is what, (for substantial tax increase) As for [rupizu] saying to wherever, disabled shelf w

        • 488,伙计,我的时代已经到来不得不削减生产工人 488 To some extent either labor force adjustment of production the time has come it is
          • 488,伙计,我的时代已经到来不得不削减生产工人 488 To some extent either labor force adjustment of production the time has come it is

        • 619正常,确保退休,我应该站出来,退休储蓄促进普遍和溢洪道 619 If originally it lives old age mortgage Saving which is named reserve for old age in spitting out It is expectation what which contributes
          • 虽然没有647的理由申请,一种手段,将钱分发给非住宅储蓄开始履行老人来到我知道我不能 647 However there is no excuse other than after all the aged person starts spitting saving There is no expedient which circulates the gold on the country

        • 713日元近期反复出现的短语代理人“在对美元汇率是不是”只诿过于Doruga
          713 Normal 套 phrase of recent operative “It is not increase in yen value it is weak dollar” Just [doruga] Responsible conversion

          • 830〜所以它主张发挥假日托盘从任何一个字符通常我不这样做,环顾四周,是“没有做任何事情,”我和其他的 830 Therefore usually nothing has done that is useful therefore it is As for tray day off extent “nothing having done” resting
            • 即使住所,而不是一个法官或他们做我处理,你只是用来逃避现实我试图隐藏其余的都是萎蔫托盘 Being in the official residence because you do not understand whether if how it should have coped using the tray day off in the invisible cloak actuality it just has escaped to do the yo
            • 我的意思是,我不是致命的,但也支持,并会建议您取消假期附近居住 That with say or discontinue holiday in the aide and return to the official residence also the fact that you advise it is calling fatal

          • [国际]“韩国领土上的日本列岛,”说,韩国总统助理
            “The Korean specific territory Korean president advisor speaks the Japanese archipelago”

            • “你已经走得太快”,昨天上午在首相简,被称为义人仙石内阁官房长官,必和关切转达日元的迅速进步,金融市场已陷入了一种特殊的动态您Motomu或提交的一例报告
              “The movement is too urgent” As 菅 the prime minister 12th morning, uses the telephone on secretariat Director 仙 valley Yosito, conveys the anxiety to the thing where increase in yen value advances quickly, in the financial market the uniqueness When there is the movement, in order to report, it requested

              • ⊃) lt ⊃
                • F ヽ 布鲁诺ヽヽ ⊃) he REPT No REPT REPT lt lt lt lt REPT lt ⊃
                • ∨∨∨∨∨ fヽ 布鲁诺ヽヽ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ he REPT No REPT REPT

              • 不过,我应该音无支那龟井博士已非常暴力,或者是你在或接近准备武装起义? Large Mr Kamei of the expectation which has done to rage does quietness but what Having done secretly even with preparation of armament revolt

                • 什么是错的,如果你是一个目前的汇率应该继续狭间指责投机者是作者没有作出什么区别索诺
                  Current exchange level by mistake is, if is, makes the mistake very speculators of the source who It should impeach being, it does, the [yo

                  • 但是这个人,除了会员缴纳的薪金我从工作了学得到,因为我是卫生部长
                    After so this person, other than Assemblyman remuneration, the university coming out, the fact that salary you receive and work is ever since Minister of Health and Welfare don't you think?

                    • 你是一个愚蠢的骗子瓦特Janakerya货币发行权,不是吗?国家最重要的权利,不分年龄人人共享
                      If the large lie being attached there is no you, large w which is foolish As for monetary issue right the [ro] and the ancient and modern east west which are the right of the most importance of the country

                      • 你的干预,而只是说什么干预,我卖日圆买美元,“日元畅销干预”的销售市场,“圈”是不是我带来卡诺悟从何而来?为何?我没有我们的政府周五 You intervention and mediating helping entering however you say simply Selling circle you buy dollar when “circular sale intervention” is It sells in the market you know “circle” whether it has from somewhere There is no your such a money in government
                        • 你不打算使用成为普遍撒玫瑰金及现金储备,在没有干预的必要干预 Without intervening the necessary time naming intervention fund the buried deposit gold there is no intention of using in the rose spreading don t you think probably will be

                      • 发展一定会满足这一愿望因为我是联盟政府加快海外转移生产
                        Acceleration of overseas moving of development and production foothold It is the administration which the union member desired it is Surely it probably is satisfactory

                        • 周五,在没有获得我们的贸易,汇率一直在错误的驱动tTA赌博的钱,但大家为什么生气,不要责怪任何人投机者吗?日本银行政府没有谴责的想法不同,我认为只有愚蠢的人WWW的媒体 There is no money which is obtained with trade although the exchange level which you are wrong at fund of the te and the gambling is made everyone has been bothered With what speculators are not criticized from everyone The misjudgement government Bank of Japan are criticized the mass communications citizen just is foolish to do yo www

                          • 因为没有增加进口尼科穿着撕裂过比任何其他国家价格要进口美国商品在亚洲Bottaku WINDOWS或英特尔的CPU,韩国和其他商品都很在日本,而不是苹果滑稽不到一半的mobile韩国将被迫买什么东西,如果我要到正确的幻灯片从国家外汇岸手流的折扣率 The American product you wanted to import botsutakuri price attaching from other country the ro which is the ru Therefore import does not increase Unless CPU of WINDOWS and INTEL apple carrying is sold below half price it is strange Because in Japan it has discounted in botsutaku tsu te China and South Korea and other Asian countries it is not good it is Properly if it slides to exchange Korean something the expectation which what becomes unable to buy
                            • 荣格的CPU和操作系统进口政策,为何这样一个较弱赢得极高,如果他们伊坎古我要付出将无法要求日本道歉,谁应该无法进一步Ichamon If the Japanese does not bear OS and CPU which chiyon imports with something it is circumstance If this becomes high extreme won Ansei as for step although it is the expectation which becomes unable to come off Furthermore also ichiyamon and apology request become impossible

                          • 基本上,长期趋势,什么是不那么容易崩溃的传染性法氏囊病,因为货币的已很多,即使你放弃干预市场,他们不仅没有口惠而实不至适当干预 Basically as for long term trend is not something which deteriorates so simply and the market intervening The large sum throwing away the reason it finishes therefore the proboscis is no other choice but to intervene suitably
                            • 央行购买销售534美元和日元库务局的行为,将提高约100亿日圆今早收到直接 534 Direct making FB Bank of Japan receive about 100 000 000 000 000 Yen it supplies Circular sale dollar you buy with that
                            • 现在介入,即从中央银行借款,在“财政部”的问题退还给日本央行 At the time of intervention temporarily you borrow from Bank of Japan but issuing the “short term government securities” afterwards it pays back to Bank of Japan
                            • 现在介入,即从中央银行借款,在“财政部”的问题退还给日本央行 At the time of intervention temporarily you borrow from Bank of Japan but issuing the “short term government securities” afterwards it pays back to Bank of Japan
                            • 现在介入,即从中央银行借款,在“财政部”的问题退还给日本央行 At the time of intervention temporarily you borrow from Bank of Japan but issuing the “short term government securities” afterwards it pays back to Bank of Japan
                            • 由于外汇干预可以使他的手只有央行通过发行债券购买约一零零零零零零零零零零零零零零日元是一个很好的非零利率 Because exchange intervention is not possible about 100 000 000 000 000 Yen issuing zero interest government bonds only the extent which you make buy to Bank of Japan as for the hand the non calling

                          • 大部分的715驴,来自美国,我没有权利在日元兑美元 715 As for the majority of causes there is America therefore it is there is no increase in yen value te being weak dollar don t you think correct answer
                            • 日本经济现在是873,你必须考虑到日元升值很难 NULL

                          • 奇滤网,并将其设置恩戴小泽制造事端当我是616名来自法案的通过一项法案,邮政人质
                            616 The postal services bill for the hostage from the [ru] When the bill it passes, uniting with Ozawa, one disturbance it may cause

                            • 如果日元真的激进“,”你已经走得太快,“我只是想看看每天酒吧吕奥下一轮乏味业余我的意思是什么,Dakejan出师不利并没有真正关闭的高日元暴涨 If truth “increase in yen value rapid progress” movement is too urgent” tsu te amateur exposure rather than … The day foot seeing ri ya going down lazily with just the ru there is no reason where circle jumps Just it got near to the highest value it is
                              • “激进日元升值的”,“祢太快速移动的”我只是想看看每天在酒吧吕奥沉闷业余完善了我的意思,Dakejan出师不利并没有真正关闭的高日元暴涨 ““Increase in yen value rapid progress” movement is too urgent” tsu te amateur exposure rather than … The day foot seeing ri ya going down lazily with just the ru there is no reason where circle jumps Just it got near to the highest value it is
                              • 这是一个奇怪的情况下,我没有能够取得进展的强烈日圆进一步不好,因为它是衡量美国昨晚凯塔 Because the American of last night index was bad If it is not that furthermore increase in yen value advancing it was strange circumstance

                            • 它要容易得多加税277 -政治/民主的税制改革-而放弃30暂缴税及取消汽油税,11年的全球变暖(环境税)就开始讨论,旨在介绍
                              277 Instead of it becomes easy, it is tax increase Although abolition of provisional tariff of the Democratic party and gasoline etc is given up terrestrial warming measure tax of 11 (environmental tax) you aim toward introduction, on the 30th start of argument

                              • 宇野说,市场价格形成Netouyo抱怨说,小泉的主要是基督教和市场原教旨主义是错误的Neoribe
                                Centers the Koizumi believer of the [neoribe] market supreme principle person [netouyo] which It is strange to say complaint to formation of price of the market,

                                • 实现了世界上第一个双足步行机器人,但也有一些典型

                                  • 就业形势将严重逃避国内厂商出口越来越多的海外不再容忍强势日元
                                    Well, if increase in yen value admission the benefit 々 export manufacturing industry Escaping to the foreign country, domestic employment situation becomes harsh

                                    • 市场原教旨主义是一种习惯,毕竟我所能,从小泉的行为处理涌瓦特说,我需要你的帮助管理的形势不容你将永远不会卖掉民主伞瓦特
                                      After all in the habit which Koizumi [chiyon] is handled by himself most being market mechanism principle w From such a thing, how, to do the circumstance where the Democratic party does not sell that umbrella at all, w

                                      • 希望到上海后,日元Kukara亿博之马塞罗对假日托盘!
                                        About the tray make go to bed Because rear Shanghai international exposition it goes, increase in yen value [saiko]!

                                        • 得到的印象是他们经营,对日元汇率和日本白根森谷野田抱歉NHK的银行工作
                                          NHK which does the impression operation 菅 仙 valley Noda and the Bank of Japan Shirakawa moving to increase in yen value measure, is pitiful

                                          • 总理的“强势经济”,“强大的财力”,“强大的社会安全”被反复强调,实现利润在迅速恶化日元,出口商打破现状作为政府的“强消息“我们不说出来,打 The prime minister “strong economy” “strong public finance” repeatedly emphasizes “strong social security” but while deteriorating the profit with the increase in yen value whose export enterprise is sudden Present condition is broken down does not set forth “strong message” as an administration
                                            • 总理的“强势经济”,“强大的财力”,“社会保障强劲,”我多次强调了这一点,这些夫妇过着幸福快乐的苏战争人类创造的所有世界免费 The prime minister “strong economy” “strong public finance” repeatedly emphasizes “strong social security” but while deteriorating the profit with the increase in yen value whose export enterprise is sudden Present condition is broken down does not set forth “strong message” as an administration

                                          • 总理的一天,当这些高日元7年前的经济衰退“的强势货币的国家,有什么问题呢?系杆一做一些不是邪恶(聪明)的”有什么决定性的支持马伊拉我们(不远处眼) Recession period increase in yen value of 7 years ago The currency of certain prime minister “home country of that time being strong being some problem Bad thing something there is no no one kiritsu ” Will not and others firmly the tsu ke which is support the distant eye
                                            • 黄金时段时,一些部长在高日元衰退七年前“,以强烈的货币,或者有什么问题呢?做)的东西绑在坏的!(威风”怎么马伊拉瓦特决定性支持我们 Recession period increase in yen value of 7 years ago The currency of certain prime minister “home country of that time being strong being some problem Bad thing something there is no no one kiritsu ” Will not and others firmly the tsu ke which is support the distant eye

                                          • 总理,我没有做任何加班工资,假期观察周围的蛋托,我说慌乱咆哮
                                            Prime Minister dies and is also allowance for overtime work, the [ru] is, tray day off extent of the cartridge, you call shakily becoming?

                                            • 我不知道我是否可以控制的范围内通胀和外汇,日元持续的压力,如果是在踢不immediately attack日本人狙古severe美国和欧洲迄今为止坦率地说,我想你try too small hands Inflation and exchange can be controlled to somewhere but doubt America and Europe If terribly it continues to apply the increase in yen value pressure which shoots Japan to here if small scale and the tsu Whether the te seeing the hand you can think
                                              • 我说清楚,日本政府对日元汇率则没有太大的打击,我很 Speaking clearly vis a vis increase in yen value step is not left over in the Japanese government it is
                                              • 通过https: form dpj or jp 联系方式 发送您的意见和everyone ll我想对日元ME的 https form dpj or jp contact Also increase in yen value measure margin tsu te everyone sends opinion
                                              • ( 人 ) 日元?你会观察的过程中,巧妙 human Increase in yen value It watches over kiritsu which is proper

                                            • 我会比昨天更没有钱,但对于因为他们在购买债券,百分之经营法案今年我进入547,一百分之一利息债券已经没有中央银行的干预,我会削减到相同的瓦特552嘿那么我和中央银行的货币政策和政府财政都显而易见,但我绝对没有谈论 NULL

                                              • 我只要你可以命令财政部长提供瓦特一百万亿日元日元,日元的疲软趋势梳石,以确保它是收集来自于美元,甚至一杀两鸟是超越市场供应
                                                If financial affairs phase orders, it is to be possible immediately don't you think? w Circle to be supplied also 100,000,000,000,000 Yen, because dollar is collected It tilts securely weak yen and, also city passing being supplied, a stone two bird is

                                                • 我已经阅读和暴风雨损失秃头在下周的前景时,855提高现金支付到期债务,以便每月27日
                                                  855 Because 27th of every month is the payment time limit of debt The baldness where aim of cash supply after the next week does not pass read the storm of the loss cutting

                                                  • 我的意思是,当松是手足口病是这样,所以这是因为即使阪神大地震时,村山富市
                                                    Even, Akamatsu at the time of foot and mouth disease was such because and, also Murayama at the time of the Kobe Earthquake was such

                                                    • 所以这就是为什么我的意思是当前财政部长408瓦特,我喜欢吃水果,很少有您们在民主 408 Therefore present financial affairs minister of state such w With to say or the human tsu kind of te which the Cabinet minister it is possible at the Democratic party to tell the truth almost without being it does the yo

                                                      • 按货币看着他们弱小的国家在世界上指出,包括美国政府的出口增加一倍血清。 -下经济措施的重要支柱,国外需求增加
                                                        The countries of the world plans the key currency cheaply including the American administration which puts out export redoubling, It placed outside demand enlargement in the pillar of countercyclical measures

                                                        • 收入日本银行总督白河年度是日元无力ーー你刚刚从3500万的方式,总统将被要求确定的工作水平,我没有复杂的瓦特够了整个公务员队伍,努周围那将留下一个良好的薪水现在我不知道 As for disabled Shirakawa which by the way is Bank of Japan president annual income 35 000 000 Yen You just a little be able to work Because high level judgment is requested the president probably is high giving what As it is now working hard employment it is round sufficiently with the government employee of there level w
                                                          • 也许我会觉得841是一个高工资或干脆看着,而在高档餐厅用餐,有时睡觉或放松我留信心赢得选举 841 After winning grandly with typical selection While to drowse freely and easily and or have a meal at the high class restaurant That occasionally it just watches over you can receive high giving thinking whether the ru

                                                        • 新浪和877朝鲜,韩国,俄罗斯和航空自卫队海上自卫队对渔业资源,聘请了板栗的生活津贴,让我们应该更小的约10倍 877 Centering on North and South Korea and China Russia and the fishing resource Maritime Self Defense Force Air Self Defense Force the chestnut putting out sea preservation about 10 times it should fight on a small scale The ze which it will do

                                                          • 日本央行可以摆脱通货紧缩Ne m愚蠢的狗屎,所以花20年
                                                            20 years being required with what, the stamp - it is with deflation suppression As for droppings foolish Bank of Japan

                                                            • 民主党人,我知道你应该在CON组苏好?去年,你知道在Manyufusuto驱动tTA采取梦幻大量选票 As for the Democratic party the ro which is the expectation which are skillful to swindle The ro which last year took many votes with maniyuhusuto like dream and is
                                                              • 最重要的是你愚弄我不必过激 NULL

                                                            • 现在处于危险的明显升高民主继续不走了,在20万亿美元。手流加藤的思想,巩固财政,而加税瓦特朱达罗?有瓦特以及语无伦次
                                                              As for current democracy 20,000,000,000,000 already does not come coming out with consent raising/holding of manifest continuation. Tax increase thought Obtaining, the [ru] and umbrella w The [ro] which on the one hand is restoration of sound government finance? W which is extent even inconsistently

                                                              • 白川副省长候选人。京都大学教授(原中央银行的董事)已同意,东京大学教授(1私有成员会)伊藤隆敏须提交的一项决定对 Vice President candidacy Shirakawa Kyoto University professor original Bank of Japan director you approved Tokyo University graduate school Professor Satoshi Takashi Itoh economic public finance inquiry meeting private Assemblyman you decided also that it opposes
                                                                • 白川副省长候选人。京都大学教授(原中央银行的董事)已同意,东京大学教授(1私有成员会)伊藤隆敏须提交的一项决定对 Vice President candidacy Shirakawa Kyoto University professor original Bank of Japan director you approved Tokyo University graduate school Professor Satoshi Takashi Itoh economic public finance inquiry meeting private Assemblyman you decided also that it opposes

                                                              • 简愚蠢享受无忧无虑的假期,发现尽管15年来最高水平,
                                                                Even in high price level after 15 years relation The fool who has enough the day off easefully 菅

                                                                • 绊倒它不应该担心的一个借口,以使在宫崎县的社会动荡口病后期是什么阶段,现正手和脚,我想拼命证明自己Nichiginga也许Shirakawaga,Zenseikenga,Yatouga Being the same as Miyazaki foot and mouth disease already finally at the hand late tsu te stage the seriousness of situation becoming aware Is not measure and it makes desperate efforts to the alibi making and self justification it is probably will be perhaps nichiginga shirakawaga zenseikenga and yatouga
                                                                  • 成为一大灾难“Jiminga” “Nichiginga”,他们留下一句话:“独立委员会(如果你笑)”你是开始编号,以验证该升降机 After becoming the catastrophe “ jiminga ” “ nichiginga ” proposing “Third party commission laughing ” starting you verify it is the ro which is

                                                                • 经济或股票价格上涨白痴萘乙酸马阿在许多凯塔在选举后和其他经济学家说Kunaru Tteta好事是我真的只是无知和无能和不负责任 E g it becomes good stock price as for rise or business that says after the House of Representatives selection as for the economist was many … Well being foolish being ignorant being irresponsible but disabled tsu te thing what

                                                                  • 编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0是愚蠢的编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0愚蠢编号:UtNMCbPG0是愚蠢的
                                                                    ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: UtNMCbPG0 is foolish ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: UtNMCbPG0 is foolish ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: As for UtNMCbPG0 fool ID: UtNMCbPG0 is foolish

                                                                    • 而218正是前常驻,也不短期经济措施,头脑中讨论未来的财政压力 218 Furthermore therefore as for former permanent ones it becomes the future public finance pressure primary factor It is not something which discusses countercyclical measures of short term to mind
                                                                      • 经济措施四百八十八瓦特政府需要提出和不期望 488 In a word in current government as for countercyclical measures unless you have expected w

                                                                    • 艾达分钟的进展Mundakara日元帮助“出口商对日元疲软出口Ketara外国卡兹,”我的思想矛盾 When export enterprise is helped the foreign currency the amount increase in yen value which is made advances therefore it is “for export enterprise the weak yen” tsu te Thought itself has contradicted

                                                                      • 西水浸对国家的701来上班昨天,中国发生时,一说就是钱立即弹出。民主党人认为这项工程的政权并没有对日本的意图 701 In the afternoon going to work in day of west Japanese domestic torrential rains damage You say that the story which right away produces the money was done in the Chinese torrential rains damage … In other words As for the system Democratic party as for the air which works because of Japan it is not smooth
                                                                        • 这一天会在日本工作的洪水在昨天,中国发生时,一说就是钱立即弹出。民主党人认为这项工程的政权并没有对日本的意图 In the afternoon going to work in day of the Japanese domestic torrential rains damage You say that the story which right away produces the money was done in the Chinese torrential rains damage … In other words As for the system Democratic party as for the air which works because of Japan it is not smooth

                                                                      • 谢御用闻文想征求民团的科索背后例如在做什么,说。并发表声明,同一人或Ku我谈论朝鲜进展隐藏侧面免费学校和态度,使大约只有Fusawashikaranu一个国家的总理 Doing if you mention ru thing very koso consulting with the shade the business hearing of people group to like Thanking apologizing Announcing conversation hiding similarly in the citizen gratuitousness conversion of kosokoso and the Korean school Story is not advanced and or with only the makeshift attitude where does not drive to the prime minister of an approximately country suitablly
                                                                        • 谢御用闻文想征求民团的科索背后例如在做什么,说。并发表声明,同一人或Ku我谈论朝鲜进展隐藏侧面免费学校和态度,使大约只有Fusawashikaranu一个国家的总理 Doing if you mention ru thing very koso consulting with the shade the business hearing of people group to like Thanking apologizing Announcing conversation hiding similarly in the citizen gratuitousness conversion of kosokoso and the Korean school Story is not advanced and or with only the makeshift attitude where does not drive to the prime minister of an approximately country suitablly

                                                                      • 谴责炒家再性交,现在从115刷后的钱!因此,本无能!
                                                                        115 Therefore because speculators are impeached afterwards, now print the gold swiftly! This disabled [tsu]!

                                                                        • 这也是好得看到古“明星”的东西击中手,日元大幅贬值,是出的意见“,”第二次,击中驱动tTA的手“”什么?“”昨晚英仙座流星雨一群生活在繁忙?“”嗯“,”我不是你的要求全面 Don t you think also the star is visible well” “Sudden weak yen something should take the move with with the opinion which is said has emerged but” “It took already the move” “Huh ” “Last night the ro which is peak of the Perseids ” “ a ” “We asked all the way

                                                                          • 这只是抗日政党在这里希望日本最终销毁没有坐下来看当然什么的,不是吗?
                                                                            Therefore the Japanese destruction last intended anti-Japanese political party what As for here without doing at all and watching over thoroughly the [ro] which is proper

                                                                            • 这意味着什么Karimasu分钟? “民主党有一个很好的报价如冷冻西装裤 Does this meaning understand ” To the Democratic party freezer way dictum matches well
                                                                              • 不幸的是,民主党和人类认识能力的人是一点都没有,见当塔拉 Regrettable as for ability for that and the human who is connections it is not found completely in the Democratic party

                                                                            • 这是一个政党的党,即使这样的候选人投票支持我做这样一个良好的人才危机冲击日本奥林匹克295瓦特而现在,你是瓦特候选人的政治信念Itan以为特色在某处? 295 It is the Japanese crisis it is good Olympic athlete talent Because such is votes because also the political party makes such candidacy also the political party how is w Whether this time the do tsu the candidacy which with political principle becomes the eyeball it was or it is w
                                                                              • 党也失去了对这些候选人中,只有那些政治投票这样的人才不相关的奥运 The Olympic athlete the talent which is not relationship in politics Because such it is you vote also the political party stops producing only such candidacy

                                                                            • 这是一个故事,讲的香味被给予投票权峨的295傻瓜!选举应该是一个被剥夺权利的限制应是这样的教育从学校毕业的高,
                                                                              295 In other words to the foolish person election right is given the [tsu] [chi] [yu] - is story It is like the! Therefore it should deprive election right from below high soldier/finishing The shelf which it should make the restriction election with educational background

                                                                              • 这是第一次 我们只是侮辱我最好的球,到目前为止,“民主党,”我会允许她说,日本人我们!我们慢慢折磨和杀死!“民主派”是一个术语,我们仍已经三年了 It is unprecedented … to here as for the fool designates me as the moss who” The Democratic party “ ze tsu you want permission the Japanese The way of it makes gradually the murder ” The Democratic party “we still have left 3 years in tenure

                                                                                • 通用汽车公司自2004年第二季度净收入13亿美元的最高,丰田配件是我在日元和作品瓦特通用汽车的复苏,日本政府不能单独做任何卖国
                                                                                  2nd quarter of GM Sumitosi benefit 1,300,000,000 dollar, the highest ever since 04 Toyota to be inserted, with increase in yen value GM revival w The Japanese government which cannot do with just the piece and treason to what

                                                                                  • 金融业的面貌双重打击的恶化和消费税也是在那个时候。支线飞机坠毁
                                                                                    That time multiple punching of consumer tax rise and public finance deterioration Scene. Stimulation of fall was applied

                                                                                    • 阪神大地震时,双柜“ 2★日本报纸采访 政治 总理菅直人在白天的工作,是在失败之后不 几乎骶公共服务。内阁官房长官,“一切给定的时间峨认为”“动首相 也许这是将要讨论的”政治 总理大臣菅直人,快速反应基鲁文灾难中国检查,对18岐阜4★ 的洪水 中国 泥石流总理侃,“重建Risuru如果你祈祷,每天早 The Cabinet at the time of the Kobe Earthquake it doubles” … Japanese intabiyu newspaper 2 Going to work to noon After the 菅 prime minister wipeout the official business it does not almost do … 仙 Secretariat director “the time when you think giving ” about it becomes “in prime minister movements… argument problem ” 4 菅 Gifu prefecture of prime minister and torrential rains damage inspection on the 18th So disaster occurs in China with quick correspondence 菅 We pray the revival whose also prime minister “one day is quick
                                                                                      • 根森为总理。做什么用智慧是可怕的一击进入或反而觉得五木也热火上浇油矛头强势日元,内阁官房长官股市暴跌 菅 Prime minister 仙 In secretariat director head direction of increase in yen value stock price slump execution and others re te You call to the fire the oil or do what with the idea suggestion it is fearful

                                                                                    • 难道我是让日元下跌,有时假装工作小提琴与利率或干预的表现,甚至上班或不 Doing you do not do and you do the performance where also the te intervenes Occasionally doing the inclination which fumbles the interest weak yen the ro which is the expectation which can be induced
                                                                                      • 68政府发行更多的钱,你说,日元疲软和通货膨胀目标的指导下增加财政收入 68 Reprinting the government currency it does in a story that public finance earnings increase and inflation induction you aim for weak yen the yo
                                                                                      • “改选连任竞选连任”,“弱弱弱日圆日圆”“”·“ “ Re election re election re election” “ Weak yen weak yen weak yen”” “……”
                                                                                      • 因此,他们不喜欢在一个外汇流失中的政府。您购买日本政府债券,日元的疲软是不是你 In order purchasing the Japanese government bond Chinese government in order not to wear exchange loss it does not make to weak yen is

                                                                                    • 零和中国不久,日元购买美元,如果你现在不是来自中国房地产泡沫,或者是韩国移动日元对美元汇率敏感的房地产投资是对美国和一滚,但我觉得soooo瓦特外汇你是否会一样吗?你看移动或穿呢? China and yabai it does gradually if Korea real estate bubble collapse the Chinese circle buying now it comes Rate of original dollar does not move but the ri shelf where circular dollar rises and sows And w which is investment in the American real estate It is the FX saiko tsu te feeling or Someone moving the ro which knows and is whether the ru
                                                                                      • 中国很快哦,它看起来像它是未来房地产泡沫韩国 China and yabai it does gradually if Korea real estate bubble collapse the Chinese circle buying now it comes Rate of original dollar does not move but the ri shelf where circular dollar rises and sows And w which is investment in the American real estate It is the FX saiko tsu te feeling or Someone moving the ro which knows and is whether the ru

                                                                                    • 高企业税,而不是日元塞板,每年二氧化碳排放量锄头脱节的日本公司是啊我很切回日本现在没有工作苦?失业率将力争100%万维网 Income tax is high increase in yen value does not stop as for CO2 discharge reduction margin The wa to which also sled ya enterprise keeps appearing of Japan The Japanese employment being gone around next year don t you think the ru it is Aim unemployment rate 100 www
                                                                                      • 噢,是普天间二氧化碳25%的像我误解可能发生在日本可以做或说一些世界消失了,我希望管撤回炮 Well when so 25 something of CO2 you can do or because the tsu chi it waited The world misunderstands Japanese latent faculties and the chi waits is… Futenma likely the tube withdraws and before the chi is to call is

                                                                                    • 鸠山内阁的内阁CON组,道政府民主· 2008家玩
                                                                                      Hatoyama Cabinet = The Democratic party fraud Cabinet Inside of pipe official building = Every way Cabinet

                                                                                      • 鹿是马总理不要紧评价您绍瑟批准,离开卡努,比奴科凯,米奴部
                                                                                        The good deer there is no support ratio how relationship in the prime minister, it does, the [yo] The [sauza] shelf, it does not retreat, you do not flatter, you do not reflect upon

                                                                                        • 麻生太郎在少数。 Iteta记者,他们只需轻按驱动tTA像疯驱动tTA的坟墓,是行
                                                                                          Aso several times. As to visit to a grave it just went deviated, hits the reporter party to somewhere

                                                                                          • ( )Ÿ 〜,不过我希望暑假,我唯一的地方挂出媒体在公布时,我已经必然而,如果我们留言说几句话 y However it is good even with summer vacation The mass communications are attached so going out to the place Then although it is if one word two word to be allowed to comment don t you think

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