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'Voice Manet of [rupan] three world' being similar to Yasuo Yamada with the animated picture sight too much, industry tremble!


  • 236多,但他的声音仍然会出现马奈国产软件!我的意思是,我在新的快! 236 With a lot of voice Manet it probably is possible with sohutouea but The tsu te you say or somewhere is new fast what
    • 在第1部分伊斯特伍德236,第2部分Janporuberumondo 236 Part time job 1 with yeast wood part time job 2 John pole bell world

  • 514我决定提请驱动tTA栗田的愤怒时,鲁宾的第二代板栗古河不如多一点我一直在那里进行了评估 514 We has appraised from that time The chestnut 貫 Furukawa rupan is considerably better than something When second generation is decided in Kurita it was angry
    • 卢平Nechikkoku色情从板栗,但一致的相似性语调有点不同的比我能想象 Being similar above imagining the ru The intonation just a little is different however Don t you think it is the chestnut 貫 the chi tsu being dense as for disagreeable rupan compared to whether it is good

  • 788不锈钢在主演一个男孩一样的地方,我长大读卢平
    788 Whether the [do] [tsu] such a SS you read The [rupan] young priest who grew being the leading part

    • 829如果不是让它融化时,列车站的比赛将在安全仍然小山力弥
      829 When being, let do to with also hill Rikiya dissolving The substitute of the small five 郎 compared to matches still

      • Budget m太痛苦唐较低水平,说明坏剧本96板栗康前的电视特别节目 96 Before the chestnut can Level of the script of television special decreasing too much balance Also drawing is terrible Just Don low is budget what
        • 首先,我从科洛爆裂改变一切像动画时间,我想每一个陌生的声音首脑会议 First drawing like each time the roller roller it has changed therefore it is although each time it should have changed also voice

      • S配音我住门市查尔顿赫斯顿在保龄球中的科伦拜恩只是现在
        With [bouringu] four [koronbain] living in gate city, [ru] [chiyaruton] [hesuton] Dubbing now is good exactly

        • ü差别只是在所有的声音,你不认为那些谁可以发挥自己冷静,因为他卢平向山田,我不想分裂出去 Even with the voice which is different at all from calling Yamada s way That person himself rupan is played in the person whom you can think that the parenthesis it is good it is not to be the te we want dividing
          • 411 D号,“卢平,我从一开始就知道,这Temee!”卢平说:“我将退出 411 Dimensional “ rupan from the te me e first becoming like this being understood the shelf ” rupan “stopping don t you think
          • 你不玩卢平,谁扮演山田先生,谁扮演卢平,我分裂出去 rupan is played it is not to be the te dividing playing Yamada who plays rupan the ru

        • Video foxjapan com fukikae pickup01的。html只是一个演员克林特伊斯特伍德元努山田雄修复晚了,配音是曜平仁多田野的一个问题 video foxjapan com fukikae pickup01 html Only kurinto isutoutsudo where Yasuo Yamada serves the fix dubbing artist Tadano heavenly body flat has served blowing substitution
          • 一些这样的仁多田野曜平TTP的: video foxjapan com fukikae interview02的。html Such person it is Tadano Heavenly body flat ttp video foxjapan com fukikae interview02 html

        • [家庭福马阴谋鲁邦三世是时候看看反馈伺山田雄是如此充满活力
          '[rupan] three world After looking at the conspiracy of the wind demon whole group' Opinion you ask At that time Yasuo Yamada was very vigorous

          • “人猿星球”,并确认为我的继任山田雄的打击也彻底改变了猴子性质克林特伊斯特伍德和科尼利厄斯
            [koneriasu] of protagonist monkey “of planet of monkey” When with also the blowing changing of [kurinto] [isutoutsudo] is possible, Yasuo's Yamada successor it will recognize

            • →更改→卡廖斯特罗第二条路线始于第一次,因为我倒下538(排放在任何时候在流行)也都在评估不同的,因为大众出卡廖斯特罗→苏→→重复很多次重播
              538 Because the one time eye it was hollow, route modification -> second start -> [kariosutoro] (at that time popularity not to come out) -> re-broadcast it repeats many degrees at all, -> popularity it comes out, -> you appraise also [kariosutoro] Therefore it is different completely

              • 三,第一部分544→不要普及观众不景气不适Ketsuago
                544 -> Or [ketsuago] of part III unpleasant impression of viewer popularity hovering

                • 不管是什么形象,并表示很s保罗贝尔蒙多在世界上卢平让你只是抱歉,我一直在伊斯特伍德 Even however how it is good if you mention rupan it represents with John pole berumondo the yo … With the world becoming the yeast wood is regrettable in just the ru

                  • 严重的是,跳过它真正的问题以及它看起来比很多电影-真人鲁邦三世- 』主演小栗旬,埃里卡泽尻“矿井Huziko”的角色?

                    • 主要景点是电影的山田Yasuo m不使用模拟,而只是低音和高音分钟,你可以模仿的方式,低音好?如果你听到了一个锄头 But the treble and bass you use properly Yasuo s Yamada charm Mono Manet as for the main thing of the animated picture which has been done being able to imitate also bass properly the ru It being possible if it is the ru the wa which is heard
                      • 请问您有没有订出一致的色彩也从他们的板栗?它是什么,甚至那些彻,可以说与模仿 Also the chestnut 貫 being allowed to put out your own color from the orator it is it is not With Being said you have persisted in mono also the fact that Manet probably is such thing what

                    • 书中有许多“试图模仿这种”鲁邦三世之声,而是希望更多的语音紧张局势主的,在紧张的时候想,在一个固定的时间,而不是悲伤,怀旧当我的感觉,请尝试表达这样的情况 The varieties you wrote but “it tried doing voice Manet of this rupan three world” to the main thing of voice When it is not at the point where tension rises when tension going down being normal When being sad when feeling nostalgia please try expressing such scene

                      • 从古河的时候我很生气,和野泽先生和他的广河,我想那些我认为没有性能差异驱动tTA的抵抗力 Rage the Furukawa time the empty Hirokawa and Nozawa by his You think how with the performance which is different it makes the thing that it does not withstand

                        • 他们成熟的年龄来的,而不是推我了一个熟悉的声音,但我是有这样的事啊,我和每个人都赢74 74 To such a thing met it is So overcoming there unless it keeps making another dubbing artist adapt Although win everyone year edge which approaches is
                          • 是谁我已经做了74声短笛卢平 74 rupan it could let do to the person of voice of the piccolo it is the tsu ke which is

                        • 你已经死与Jijibaba声音的情况下声音的硬币,并寻找更多的非双子卢平 Search the dubbing artist of unique child than rupan and sen shape It begins to die already and it is voice of jijibaba
                          • 藤子年龄第一,第二代不二子在417 年龄 417 Age in the first unique child lt lt lt age in second generation unique child

                        • 你是第一个也是戏院上映的导演押井守746卢平卵白蛋白实实在在的情节虽然不同,但我想数字是不Oshii规划开始...我不是什么字?
                          746 Also theater release being done, there is no [ru] First however OVA plan of pushing newt supervision you stood up, there was a variety But [rupan] something of pushing well plotting to tell the truth it was not, it is depending, as for… How it is what?

                          • 你选择了我喜欢的人,因为迪斯尼的声音很?卢平的团伙在这里可以找到工作,因为有这样的卢平! Even deizuni choosing the person where voice quality is similar the ru it is the ro which is Even rupan such it is possible to be it is With this rupan work like

                            • 保证声音更为昂贵,甚至比它长约现在卢平卢平朱达罗后烧蚀Gitete峨现在只要这个好克惹巴尼库塔严重头部像一对 1 Being similar too much with maji the te head ate pani If just this is good the ro which the post of current rupan you can take and is From the dubbing artist where that has been attached to the post of current rupan with large amount guaranty
                              • 所以,现在,你看看呼吁在试音任悟出来,可能相当有趣的老演员是“嘿”什么可以更好 In this way from now on becomes advanced age change appeal of the dubbing artist who Know it is whether it comes coming out Searching in the audition “being similar don t you think whether becoming the e ” tsu te rather than it is good

                            • 先生戈罗纳亚聪方面的作用督察Zenigata小林先生清作用大辅80岁先生真树夫井上的闸门作用的d v石川县77年富士高峰年龄为69先生江威子小时候益山作为会找青蛙后,认真即将74岁最好
                              Paying/inserting valley Sato of sen shape police inspector part 郎 80 years old As for Kobayashi Kiyoshi will of the next Motohiro mediating/helping part 77 years old As for Makio Inoue of Ishikawa five [e] gate part 69 years old As for increase mountain Eiko of peak unique child actor 74 years old The person who gradually searches the replacement with [maji] is good

                              • 其结果如下:“我听到配音退房!”是指当然希望龟
                                As for the result, inquiring “about the blowing substitution under, CHECK! ” With we want verifying by all means

                                • 卢平→生活在好莱坞,好莱坞电影导演硬币→脂肪,脂肪好莱坞Ð→全国步枪协会,Supikuraku
                                  Hollywood [rupan] -> survival and movie supervision The Hollywood sen type -> fat, All-American rifle associations The Hollywood dimension -> fat and speaking lark

                                  • 卢平是你亲自SMAP的中井,Kimutaku尺寸,如果你有一个新的开始藤原藤子在藤原纪香很可能是真实的
                                    As for [rupan] the relations of SMAP it stays privately, you, dimension [kimutaku], the unique child with Fujiwara period fragrance If it restarts, once upon a time you think that it becomes the real thing,

                                    • 卢平的教育电视收看,但驱动tTA代(从红色版)最近,我已经看到有各种事情卢平的电影,除了不再卡廖斯特罗感兴趣的是由宫崎没有太悲伤 Looking at TV of rupan but the generation who was brought up from red version Recently the varieties you tried looking at movie ones of rupan but it is other than Miyazaki kariosutoro Every one is possible and is too terrible Already there is no interest

                                      • 卢平神秘和你居住的一些研究。滚动! 〜〜第11卷 - 微笑生活
                                        It is in the midst of live program With mystery of a certain lupine. Picture scroll! - 11th volume - - Smile live program

                                        • 即使面性科伯恩发挥演员詹姆斯,但相同的图像放在他们自己的 But the role which James koban plays as for dimension the identical dubbing artist Image of these people wears
                                          • 凯塔很多人都认为,即使面性的角色扮演詹姆斯科伯恩 But the role which James koban plays as for dimension the identical dubbing artist Image of these people wears

                                        • 如果他去世时,山田先生感到失望,因为我们不喜欢康板栗驱动tTA我想,如果他们想通过在川村先生 When Yamada dies you thought that we want succeeding in Kawamura but it is tsu chi ya tsu te gatsukari it did in the chestnut can which is not similar

                                          • 如果他改组了它受欢迎的演员,但现在?藤子轮钉宫
                                            Now to renovate conversely with the dubbing artist of popularity, the [chi] [ya] [tsu] cod how? Around unique child = Kugimiya

                                            • 如果你在这里-水平竹ー荫山Itirou Combattler五]我[主题曲] [荫山Itirou报复-我把我的歌和大
                                              This one level fungus - Theme of [kon] butler V it tried singing I tried singing [guretomajinga] and

                                              • 它有东西在这一切都Tokka敷衍的电影版本62或更高,因为它太不得人心谈,但留下了一个奇怪的声音峨 62 Whether it is and the tsu pe it is movie edition kana is all with tsu apply there being a thing which is done because that excessively is disreputable After that the subject which changes the dubbing artist stopped coming up

                                                • 小的声音在大( )?但有足够的康板栗( )?是不是 A little at the place of big voice the However it is about the chestnut can the So it is not
                                                  • 我是愚蠢的,现在被告康板栗· · ·了,如果我生病了 As for the fool whom whom the chestnut can it is critical after so long a time already it is not… When it is the trap which is the sick person

                                                • 山田雄朱达罗即使我不喜欢40,而不是一半甚至完全改变了石丸博也Naa m吹Jakkichichen山田雄不算太坏和克林特伊斯特伍德的吹完全变了?演员可以是另一个20年至30年,我Wattara不奇怪的声音,像成龙不找人把模拟声音很快
                                                  That the blowing changing of [kurintoisutoutsudo] there is no Yasuo Yamada, it is hateful what, That the blowing changing of [jiyatsukichichien] there is no stone circular Hironari, it is hateful The [ro] where also Yasuo Yamada is 40 generation middle? Also 20 year 30 year after the dubbing artist is not possible probably will be and, unless the person of vocal chord copying is searched gradually When voice of [jiyatsuki] changes, it is hateful

                                                  • 山田靖猴子冲855。 当地雇员完全改变Oshii或P是所有演员中后期发生后道歉Tteta Bitaito云中有我不是说铃木 855 Monkey punch Yamada healthy To posthumous Saying that we would like to apologize the shelf As for the cast all the taking tsu changing as for those where you propose it was Suzuki P it was the pushing well
                                                    • 山田靖猴子冲855。 当地雇员完全改变Oshii或P是所有演员中后期发生后道歉Tteta Bitaito云中有我不是说铃木 855 Monkey punch Yamada healthy To posthumous Saying that we would like to apologize the shelf As for the cast all the taking tsu changing as for those where you propose it was Suzuki P it was the pushing well

                                                  • 广川Itirou Hutoshi谁做了试点的声音,在过去的卢平(原)那智野泽(大小不同,如果飞行员)山田雄(电视系列)小川俊雄(卵白蛋白·剧院后)浪速Keiiti(卡通视频打击替换期)康板栗(电影及电视特别卵子)Rahmens片桐(最近新卢平卵白蛋白·)
                                                    The person who past did the dubbing artist of [rupan] Hirokawa it is thick Ichiro (the first pilot edition) Nozawa 那 Satoshi (pilot edition size difference) Yasuo Yamada (television & series) Tosio Furukawa (on the OVA rear theater release) Wreck Keiichi (cartoon animated picture blowing changing) Chestnut can (television special & movie & OVA) Men's Katagiri Ra (up-to-date OVA new life [rupan])

                                                    • 康板栗954以上的道路上,但同意他们说诺斯特拉在第一部影片的配音版本,我也只是看到山田久志,在什么诺斯特拉也是为什么我只是突然另一个声音卢平,表现 我被命名为,我觉得模仿是不可避免的投手栗康继续来,即使是严格的代表,诚实的,所以到现在,我自己的卢平,止动板应该已经Datsu Dedoara例如,我 954 You call on from the chestnut can agreement But production midway Yamada just notice has postrecorded die Don t you think in infrequent theater edition just rupan suddenly another voice tsu te … Therefore with nosutora performance lt mono Manet tsu te choosing a person as for we you feel that it is helpless When and the chestnut can continues and although to the last it was representation continuation throwing reaches soon with that You think that honesty as for we rupan itself and you stop with dedoara and should solve
                                                      • 同意的方式,但他们在可怕的诺斯特拉954,第一次在电影中,我很配音和田山田也只是通知,在特拉如此突然 和其他声音的只有我卢平,署理 “当地雇员模拟我觉得没有理由提名的连续性和栗康继续出现,即使是严格的代表,诚实的,所以到现在,我自己的卢平,我觉得应该已经Dedoara塞板 954 Enormous agreement But production midway Yamada just notice has postrecorded die Don t you think in infrequent theater edition just rupan suddenly another voice tsu te … Therefore with nosutora performance lt mono Manet tsu te choosing a person as for we you feel that it is helpless When and the chestnut can continues and although to the last it was representation continuation throwing reaches soon with that You think that honesty as for we rupan itself and you stop with dedoara and should solve

                                                    • 康板栗不仅善于模仿声音,但我无法抓住雄听到相似的功能表演由山田
                                                      The chestnut can there is no harboring the voice imitation well, the [te], merit of Yasuo's Yamada performance grasping, from the [ru] Being similar, the [ru] way it is audible, it is

                                                      • 康瓦兰和chestnut ll模仿滑稽模仿单调,但这种人相似

                                                        • 当然,我微笑着宣传不愉快的经历笪哦!四郎剥夺按上限!
                                                          Well - it is without being disgusted, whether advertisement [sure] of smile! Cap deprivation margin of reporter!

                                                          • 感觉不到的光环后表现,我们知道这一点按摩语音语调或不 Don t you think the intonation just a little Because performance you do not know that you cannot feel the massage aura in rear voice
                                                            • 你喜欢做瓦特罚款语调差异牛奴才不喜欢这么一个字 The te it is different the small intonation and w You express with it is not similar so in one word

                                                          • 愤怒城堡卡廖斯特罗录音大冢雄859,山田,神经宫崎教练指导作用:“我虞塞啊!服务器电源〜瓦特?”喘过气欣喜若狂看攀登
                                                            859 Yasuo Otsuka With recording the castle of [kariosutoro], in Miyazaki of supervision performance guidance Yamada “[u] [tsu] [se] [e] -! [ba] - mosquito w? ” Observing at that it hangs, anger climbed in ecstasy, it seems

                                                            • 我会说我提的时候他们采取行动,和演技的仿制imitation ll赞扬上升到一个像样的声音在一定程度上的平衡,如果只是模仿违反就业辅导组只仿制发言被认为是赞美,毕竟忘记,是要成为一个专业做面条
                                                              When performance power you attach, commenting saying, however the [ru], as for mono Manet skill and performance power in a manner of speaking those which are contrary If you imitate just, because it is ten pre- it is, it is with approximately voice quality circumstance, the economized [ya] [u] As for the praise to mono Manet that you do not have to forget after all is the praise to of mono only Manet, In a word the professional it is to lick becoming, it is thing

                                                              • 我想我喜欢它更好地与木糖醇若本影片
                                                                Is young with [kishiritorugamu] animated picture of the book Being similar well, you think as the [ru]

                                                                • 我是一个小栗而我想我只能模仿卢平太一致的板栗。这不完全一样,但我确实不喜欢车的味道 However the chestnut 貫 tsu te to be only Manet of tend rupan you thought Well on the other hand the just a little chestnut It was hateful with flavor But Manet it is not it is don t you think
                                                                  • 凯塔先生一致,但在早期的薄弱栗子喜欢我害怕,在做这些天我应该是他的,但我是一个很好的基达 The chestnut 貫 first stage while being sorry however you do with feeling it was weak Recently you becoming your own ones but from the ru as for we the favorite
                                                                  • 如果你喜欢戏剧,而是应该认真球探,我该做的板栗康 But the play it is similar if the scout dies with maji and should go if this it is possible to be the chestnut can

                                                                • 我没有被软74阴谋福马族?事实上,有一个声音重田Ittetsu硬币明星利亚代理萨比萨比五右卫门藤子吉伦Ð库贝马凯西登卢平
                                                                  74 The shade of the wind demon whole group planning, to software the [tsu] [ke] which is not converted? Certain, as for voice [rupan] [kai] [shiden] Dimension [giren] [zabi] Five Uemon [ma] [kube] Unique child [kishiria] [zabi] Sen shape Star obstinateness That was, [omota

                                                                  • 我的水平,以170公里的击球荷马毕竟模仿,但他们很可能 However perhaps it is good after all mono Manet The level which at batting center designates 170 kilometers as home run
                                                                    • 我觉得相当不错,在今年凯塔从模拟1级水平,1一五六瓦特 156 Because it was 1 level in 1 years you think that it was good even at mono Manet level w

                                                                  • 我给他买了一个限量版的驱动tTA旧的190(其中电视DVD规格武官的Burgers安)污渍容易尝试把自由时间看 190 Because the person of the limited edition which former times is issued you bought in attache case specification in DVD of the television entering the ru spare time it tries finding that is the pleasure
                                                                    • 387“卢平的种子”,虽然它很可能是一个不 387 “ rupan The SEED” the tsu chi ya it may be is but

                                                                  • 我要工作,几乎每年Animerupan我的意思是,如果有需求,但想工作的声音,我认为他们已经可以山田雄塞板 With saying or like every year making as for ru animerupan to be possible already to stop whether it is it is not that If the Yamada Yasuo tsu po it is and it is active as a voice there is a demand however probably will be
                                                                    • 我要的声音,你最好停止通勤』话语由山田雄 We would like to become the dubbing artist if the u it stops and the one which is solved is good by Yasuo Yamada

                                                                  • 我觉得对比尺寸449除以前特别,藤子五右卫门已回到年龄感到硬币从一个漂亮的声音再也没有蝴蝶的声音卢平卢平是不是免费的,但山田性能问题是类似于大气层时,他们绝大多数年轻人通过,这声音是你不喜欢做的,如果没有一个好的模仿山田卢平 449 The air where the light and darkness is recognized with previous special does Dimension five Uemon were resetting voice rather The unique child feels the year from voice Sen type was not talked anymore As for rupan however it is not Yamada rupan there is no problem in performance If Yamada rupan is good voice has done this mono Manet it is not similar through doing The time where atmosphere is young has been similar preponderantly
                                                                    • 栗田更接近他们山田通过大气和青年的良好性质,时间不一样,我很喜欢我讨厌听到好玩的邪恶超越模仿 Being similar the ru it is not similar through doing Being close to Yamada of the time where atmosphere is young it is possible to be natural Because Kurita badness is audible in mono Manet who acts playfully it is ear what

                                                                  • 我认为最近修复宇野,大冢明夫桑德拉西格尔,尼古拉斯工杰夫高布伦哥斯达黎加松本大冢忠薰乔治螨正史清洗,杰克布鲁斯谁可以Denjigurin u003d 24 u003d班德拉斯Utita森田直哉管理(金八数学教师)和我这样做呢? Being recent as for thinking that it has fixed Akio segaru Otsuka Rika sun gong block Matsumoto Masashi nikorasukeiji Ebara jiehugorudoburamu Otsuka 芳 loyalty Person of jack of George cleaner 24 Naoya blues virus denjigurin thing Uchida banderasu Morita somehow mathematical teacher of gold eight Now the kana which is good
                                                                    • 我认为最近修复宇野,大冢明夫桑德拉西格尔,尼古拉斯工杰夫高布伦哥斯达黎加松本大冢忠薰乔治螨正史清洗,杰克布鲁斯谁可以Denjigurin u003d 24 u003d班德拉斯Utita森田直哉管理(金八数学教师)和我这样做呢? Being recent as for thinking that it has fixed Akio segaru Otsuka Rika sun gong block Matsumoto Masashi nikorasukeiji Ebara jiehugorudoburamu Otsuka 芳 loyalty Person of jack of George cleaner 24 Naoya blues virus denjigurin thing Uchida banderasu Morita somehow mathematical teacher of gold eight Now the kana which is good
                                                                    • 穆什卡是最强的人可以生活在金属齿轮格雷福克斯的声音是一个即时,即马奈忠大冢薰的气氛,即使他们这样做没有重大 Although either large doing Otsuka 芳 loyalty Manet is possible promptly with atmosphere The real condition of the metal gear the person who is done is strongest with voice of the Gray fox Also musuka is possible

                                                                  • 支原体s:安wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Ueu人们有今天的发言^ ^你中Daratsu wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww保安局支原体支原体s超耶wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                    On wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [u] with respect to above When current one it dies, being, the wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ^ ^ obtaining ^ it can obtain, on wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the upper obtaining [u] on the [u

                                                                    • 有我们的原始模型,类似于分钟时间表根据设定的那样,那是不是出于害怕行事使我们的声音和关闭了仍然会出现新的住所,但有些人真的很喜欢他们是嗯,我判断这一切的恭维,作为一个“让乔治做的这个人说:”我没有看到那么多古川卢平瓦特 There being an your original model combining you imitate as long as you imitate also the re ru person stays however probably will be Actually that voice of the new work apply when it becomes unless you must create with performance consist of Well understanding entirely the te as a praising word “can let do to this person ” however it probably is what w When as for rear Furukawa rupan you want to see more

                                                                      • 此外,也有谈论比较瓦特它具有专业知识的专业领域的环境和一名文职人员体面的设备和中小
                                                                        That and, the equipment of that appearance and the staff of special field of occupation the professional actual place environment which is arranged Comparing with that of one general people, whether talking that w

                                                                        • 注册世界顶级的会他会吵Guhehe 907
                                                                          907 To [guhehe] In ecstasy Noboru [tsu] [chi] [ma] [u] [ze] -

                                                                          • 现在最想分为Janakatta原因很光滑的舌头邪恶是最舒服的硬币行动之前,我的声音富特最后,但也有吝啬或帮助它,我把少代人才?
                                                                            Performance power attaching, how like this stinginess however there is the [ru] less Whether the [hu] the [hu] the [ho] the [ho] [tsu] [te] sliding tongue badness immediately before the voice how performing of the sen type of the special before this the [te] meaning [wa], it was not?

                                                                            • 相似康乐峨瓦特栗子栗子如果是严重Warota类似的声音从低音什么的,不看时间一严重 Being similar ru w warotashiriasu If voice quality has been similar it exceeds the chestnut can Because as for the chestnut at the time of serious bass it is not similar at all
                                                                              • 康乐峨瓦特相似听起来像板栗栗子如果是严重Warota不严重的低音在所有类似的时间从1 Being similar ru w warotashiriasu If voice has been similar it exceeds the chestnut can Because as for the chestnut at the time of serious bass it is not similar at all

                                                                            • 硬币子变成了婆婆的声音,陈嘿不二已经感到困难,和D可以五右卫门不过,我还是突发奇怪的声音 Don t you think sen type already is the kitsui feeling the e The unique child the tsu chi ya tsu it is in babaa voice to do Perhaps five Uemon and dimension still it can go but voice quality changing after all the ru
                                                                              • u003d D的 u003d u003d卢平藤子五右卫门Tottsu,果酱, rupan Dimension Five Uemon Unique child With tsu bean jam
                                                                              • 小山力弥维,五右卫门是大冢明夫(第二代家庭),在马道Totsutsan As for dimension as for hill Rikiya and five Uemon Akio Otsuka parent and child two generation with the tsu the a it is with madao

                                                                            • 科恩阿姨的祖父仅次于良好的倾听藤子五右卫门也可以投币式立体U也认为,目前迫切需要找到其他东西,而不是卢平的继任者,但鲁宾相似瓦特
                                                                              Being similar, however the [ru] you think that [rupan] compared to very excavation of the successor other than [rupan] is urgent business, Dimension and five Uemon and sen shape are to exceed the unique child listening in only the pop grandmother who probably will be rubbed w

                                                                              • 而不是动摇了板栗产业。 Shimattara觉得流行的高鳃声音改变,而你一直生活是一致的动摇板栗 Rather than calling industry tremble the chestnut Tremble The chestnut 貫 living the dubbing artist being changed between the ru when it becomes reputation high…
                                                                                • 栗田进入后发生的那些日子里,更模仿节目。就像我是某人,一把抓住栗田先生选举 Also that time when it substitutes to Kurita more with mono Manet program Being similar however the ru person it was As for being chosen Kurita

                                                                              • 肮脏的哈里和Lupin,我会踢它哭正如预期山田雄

                                                                                • 藤子五右卫门69 74 77 80 Ð硬币
                                                                                  Sen type 80 Dimension 77 The [hu] [ji] it is dense 74 Five Uemon 69

                                                                                  • 藤子或闭塞义齿在最近的转机。如果我想谈一谈远低于直径 The recent unique child inserted even with the denture kana Occlusion It is the kind of way of talking where diameter goes down rather
                                                                                    • 藤子或闭塞义齿在最近的转机。如果我想谈一谈远低于直径 The recent unique child inserted even with the denture kana Occlusion It is the kind of way of talking where diameter goes down rather

                                                                                  • 虚假卢平卢平比Ð主场迎战d比五右卫门五右卫门藤子藤子Tottsu虚假果酱相较比小芯片的04小时它一假,如果他们可以使这个特殊的酱虚假Tottsu rupan vs false rupan Dimension vs Dimension Vs false five Uemon five Uemon Unique child vs false unique child With tsu bean jam vs fake and tsu bean jam Now if 4 hour special it makes just a little you donate
                                                                                    • 五右卫门为17 ゚(。Д )· ·゚。 17 Five Uemon…… ゚ д ゚

                                                                                  • 那和学习节奏的话你个人最终获得一个不能模仿,当我觉得自己是什么人,因为我的演技 When performance power having tried to acquire it studies it becomes not be able to mimic As for the rhythm and between of the word which the individual had after all those of the original person

                                                                                    • 除了当前的时间混杂的小麦和稗子社会声音,声音有一个真正可怕的山田凯塔
                                                                                      Presently of boulder mixing it sets aside the dubbing artist boundary, as for the dubbing artist of the time where Yamada stays Truth it was enormous

                                                                                      • 首先,从井田D和我不喜欢五右卫门帕尧,第二,其后是涉及宫崎说是完全空立体五右卫门 Therefore dislike first payao tsu te dimension and five Uemon when Miyazaki relates after 2nd That dimensional five Uemon becomes the complete air you say…
                                                                                        • 我想我会说我已经开始计划或不弹出的凯塔藤子,第二帕尧这是第一次把所有的负面卢平 At the beginning that there was no schedule which produces the unique child saying about the ru to put out as for in the first place payao 2nd rupan all denial it puts out

                                                                                      • 驱动tTA觉得突然和D藤子,五右卫门,我Totsutsan的版权费,当我创造出以Vocaloid它能够一大桶家庭音频数据尽可能死亡
                                                                                        You thought suddenly, but Huziko and dimension and [goemon], with the [tsu] the [a] it is Making the [bokaroido] as much as possible voice data among now, the bucket Postmortem copyright charge enters into the family

                                                                                        • 鲁邦三世乙2的行什么新人
                                                                                          2 Newcomer quaintness [rupan] three world is OK what

                                                                                          研究 開発