“The Japanese hears the English interview of valley President optimistic Miki with simultaneous interpretation…“Employee of [batsuka] like” gesture use”…Gene die/di ★2
20世纪60年代出版的书,我读了很久以前世界语“,志位难经津说:”我不能,但我认为这是 Book of Esperanto language of 1965 age publication
Former times you read, only the thought that, but “the [hu] - it is difficult”, it comes out
260 Mikitani指的是完全一样的情况下从一个极端本土,因为我讲英语乞丐“乞丐”也能说流利的日语或? 260
As > very that the Miki valley said, if it argues thoroughly, as for the native the beggar
Even English is talked, therefore it is
As for that “beggar” also Japanese being flimsy?
427 关于它,我从来没有见过一个人穿的工作是不是写在不同的时代 427 gt With you say but while being in Japan English being possible with the ru person gt The human tsu te which cannot do work you have not seen Writing on another time concerning that the ru
这些谁不付款时使用这种照顾的是英语,或漠不关心的人的手弹出一个傻瓜我将使用 As for the one which is utilized As for the person who is paid Being unconcerned using the ru fool the hand produces to English becoming
553嗯,我觉得彰Toshii 550?我也说,中国与中国的谈判,很多合同的情况下绝缘子英语 553 Well 550 You think that it is correct Calling the Chinese China it talks business as for the contract the English case is many and
Ubu的外国人和467,有好生意,如果我是鸭降低我的日本磕头 467 ubu the foreigner apologizing pekopeko with awkward Japanese When it comes to business talk it is the good duck
NHK的灵感说:“...你是做什么的模拟高清晰度电视?朱达罗认为Etara数字经济 As for NHK muse
“You obtain. With something hi-vision you do with analog? When economical efficiency you think, the [ro] which is digital
Zjr ° ヽ升 ヽヽŸ⌒ V ° ヽ升 ∧。 ヽ。 ∨¯ ヽ 升(ヽ ヽ │ z j r z ri REPT ¯ ¯ chi he l REPT 厶 Generation to i With optimism 92 i gt i V l The thing the fool who is bought REPT j REPT Face like “ REPT 92 l r lt 92 92 REPT ¯ l REPT y ⌒ REPT 92 92 V ¯ l ∧ REPT 92 92 ∨ ¯ REPT l REPT 92 92 REPT │
∨ (::(:ヾヾ 布鲁诺 布鲁诺 ヽ,升 ° ¯ ¯ヾヾ,升,升 :: :::: ー ∨ DREPT DREPT No No REPT l ¯ ¯ ¯ DREPT DREPT l l Three i l ¯ REPT REPT l i b ¯ ¯ oo REPT ⌒ REPT REPT no No Ray r ┐ REPT ni i no to DREPT eight human re lt gt 92
“日本的加拉帕戈斯”钠,仍然是相当的词,但在日本流行的是消失,褪色 NULL
┐( )┌ ┐ (' - `; ) ┌ [aiamuzapanizu] ┐ (' - `; ) ┌
ヽNinini搜索引擎优化。L :: REPT ninini The Soviet Union l ⌒ V vV vVW VV person 从 l ┻ ━ ┻ l lt
NULL ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ 92 REPT No ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ REPT REPT 92 i No No Hello aiamu a Mickey REPT to ni a 92 nini ⌒ REPT ┻ ━ ┻ ⌒ REPT i REPT REPT No REPT ゙ i ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ 92 REPT No ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ REPT human 从 ∧ 从 person 从 92 human 从 ∧ 从 person REPT 92 i No REPT lt lt gt gt lt lt gt gt No No lt Speak in your English bokeeee REPT eeee i REPT 92 l l r li No REPT ninini The Soviet Union l ⌒ V vV vVW VV person 从 l ┻ ━ ┻ l lt
一个较小的店,我在乐天参与互动呢?究竟是什么让英语?我要去猜测最讲话迫你这样做,如果他是一个智力水平相对较低 It exchanges with the small shop where it participates in optimism how it is Coercing English When such a thing is coerced to them whose intelligence level is low relatively it will stop mostly and the chi ma probably will be boiled
一些低接近别人谁需要立即不是英语和日语是做不好的日语English ll不够 English and Japanese in addition to the fact that approximate characteristic is low,
Other than of the necessary person of part suffices with Japanese and English is possible from the [chi] [ya] [u] and is bad
不会讲英语,文化在促进人才流出 You cannot speak English, the company's tradition that becomes outflow of the excellent talent = you cannot be promoted,
不可能谈论任何和人权机构的结构,英语和日语,我可以看看自然运动或梳风 English without being ready in the same way as Japanese at all the human whom you can speak moves the body naturally and expression It is rich
不可能谈什么,在人的身体结构,如日语和英语,我可以看看自然运动或梳风 English without being ready in the same way as Japanese at all the human whom you can speak moves the body naturally and expression It is rich
最高的443“第一”一个傻瓜,不会讲英文书写正确古 443 You probably cannot speak either English foolishly “1 flows” writes the top rank honestly
不过,我一直在课余时间提供了360的内部,口袋学费(新闻来自日本NHK)我不想裁员的真正目的和结构调整的? 360
The company internal school is opened at off duty hours
However, as for audit charge our stomach (From NHK news)
As for true purpose there is no restructuring and labor cost reduction?
东西400多单词和257的数目需要在准确,作为一种Mikitani手段已经爆破极端的情况下从1 500个本地,因为我讲英语乞丐 257
At the very most end truly with 400 - 500 necessary vocabulary something to the number of words
As very that the Miki valley said, if it argues thoroughly, as for the native the beggar
Even English is talked, therefore it is
中国是一个中文学校,我周围的孔子文化霸权的世界而努力 China makes the Chinese school, because of cultural leadership Confucius institute in the world
丰田是965级别的儿子从谢谢你,但氖陈花马氏口说克如不程远 965 Thank you
But increase than as for the Toyota son…
[ne] it is far to the level which can be persuaded
乐天是多少新的东西毕业,这是要去Tsukana WWW的社交礼仪 When something optimism it enters with the new graduate,
The social sensible handle the shelf www which probably will be formed
乐天继续增长,但不是我的技术水平保持新兵训练室the number新的和双出生率下降,while的新员工能不能expect日本 In order for optimism to continue growth the reason which maintains the number and ability level of recruiting people and but the oral ya is not good With multiple punching of little child conversion and elbowroom education you cannot expect to the recruiting person of the Japanese for a while
一些东西,可能会导致类似的宽松教育,印迹杂交音乐音乐 Something it may become the result which is similar to elbowroom education being it enjoys the pleasure
也就是说,房子的官方语言英语,英语语言技能,“补偿”,在那些与我的能力有直接的相关关系退化英语和日语的思维,造成 As for the notion that where English is designated as company internal public terminology English operational ability and correlation “of compensation” direct by making the thing the Japanese That it occurred me you think the deterioration of English operational ability
目前的英语技能和“赔偿”这些能力我与一个退化的直接相关性的英语和日语的思维,造成 In reality English operational ability and correlation “of compensation” direct by making the thing the Japanese That it occurred me you think the deterioration of English operational ability
也许现在,将近一半的日本大学生甚至不知道我在中学带来足够的语法 Presently, the university entrance raw half vicinity of Japan does not have even grammatical knowledge two years of junior high schools perhaps
什么是企业的希望6麦克说哦,我太习惯了整? Mikitani比你们是唯一的路线,你会 6 That tsu te Mac use huh the te it seems that is said in all business and the ze which is rubbed From you as for the Miki valley doing ahead just the ru
但是,如何在未经允许的房子,都实现即使在任何国家的附属,我越来越擅长英语,所以我舔了日本人民对外界乐天我很讲租户只有它甚至不是英语 How you probably will do inside the company but the selfishness the how Japanese tsu te where also the public person is attached to the practice of the English conversation of optimism and can be brought together being licked the ru So if the favorite English overseas affiliated firm making in the country of wherever in just all English margin
和TBS的电视都用英文撰写的,现在是一个成功的购买鳕鱼 The purchase of TBS succeeding cod now also television broadcasting it has become entirely in English the ri
但索尼在退休后抹布斯特林格,戈恩在日产并不可怕,而是走了“对外国凯塔没有束缚,”我会坚强的我?基米的溃疡子公司与老朋友们一起来到了40年呢?你想办法,以协助首次?溃疡是不坏的公司,日本有同样的表决,但我就是没有来过的朋友和 However as for SONY after the alternating ragged as for NISSAN it did not mean that gon is enormous in strike Ringer and the te as for gon “there was no fetter with the foreigner” don t you think tsu te from is forcing The company of simultaneous series it can crush you with the classmate of the university which 40 years or more is done together First the method of helping is groped being it does the yo Unless it crushes the useless company there was a section but the same Japanese the friend who is done together just it was not cut off it is what
但索尼斯特林格退休后血清。衰尼桑车针我要强调的抹布 However as for SONY after the alternating ragged as for NISSAN it did not mean that gon is enormous in strike Ringer and the te as for gon “there was no fetter with the foreigner” don t you think tsu te from is forcing The company of simultaneous series it can crush you with the classmate of the university which 40 years or more is done together First the method of helping is groped being it does the yo Unless it crushes the useless company there was a section but the same Japanese the friend who is done together just it was not cut off it is what
你最好不要,否则我一定要在环境或使用英语的意思嘿合作与增加外国或外国工人 Don't you think? meaning [e]
When the guest worker it increases the foreign capital and cooperation of labor it does when with, unless English must be used, the one which environment it makes and melted is good
你萘乙酸949,你怎么那么不要说一点点不好?还创建一个文档,阅读英文Munomo文件 949 You the extent which can be talked little bit the ze which is useless what Drawing up the document and reading the document English
伯尔只是不好英语的,往往714书面流动你只要把它轻轻 714 Because English dislike is many just you wrote lightly to let flow solving
日本人民能够用英语191,翻译不会导致国外 191 With the Japanese talking with English it is not the meaning which leads in the foreign country
其目的是谷美纪,英国公众的努力,传达给每个人都可以理解尽可能少得多什么,已经说明,最低的呼吸和日本如果而言,我认为将改变 The Miki valley intending this, when it is Japanese, those which are finished with breath of explanation and inspiration and expiration of the minimum
It is possible, if as understood by anyone, in order to try to endeavor intention understanding English public terminology
It did, if is, you think that it becomes large reform,
即使在今天,日本643,但我不知道任何有关的任何问题 643 Even Japanese present time as for trouble however altogether it is not concerned don t you think
国家协会在维护勾结加拉帕戈斯,博雅精英只是利用科学的工作是什么,但这些社会垃圾 Maintaining Galapagos consultation society in the country, the sufficient you exploit the function of such science
The literature elite, only it is the bulky refuse of society,
在中国,其中“显示,我家伙的家伙一三竿日亚是能操流利粤语,”我不知道我会说葡萄采摘 Chinese, among those “[aitsu] the fluent Guangdong language working and [tsu] [te] [kiza] is [yaro]”, the [tsu] [te] as said, it becomes kana
在当时的精英或家伙说我能英吾,所以是学习英语朱达罗前10年毕业,但我常常魔法分钟的英语水平低,日本,当然我们真实的故事使之成为我英语careless ll谈论什么 The person who is to obtain it is possible the elite at the point in time when you say Lowness of English of the Japanese level understands well The ro which is English how simply word You learn also 10 years to university graduation therefore it is Truth being able to speak naturally is what About English the ze which probably reaches the point where you can speak Random
你会不会愚弄日本232全错的?真是一个傻瓜和大学毕业生大量朱达罗说英语 232 Therefore Japanese everyone fool don t you think mistake The university graduating English you cannot talk riding the suitable ro which is foolish
在目前的趋势更名为乐天HappyHeaven WhatTime? So, as for changing the company name of optimism into HappyHeaven WhatTime?
外籍员工应找到好这个会跟我乐天,从今居茹(除英语外)与高能力的日本企业认为艾滋病 Optimistic what the favorite liking, the foreign employee who enters is, () ability other than English is higher than the Japanese employee who now stays also thinks
大和Transport m垫,我自己也是第一次世界大战自行车行李中英文导游,另一方面我很幸运 The Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. no [za], the baggage carrying with the bicycle, however the [ru]
In the sightseer partner also guidepost with English, it is, ww
如果你不能要求一个小册子,我毕业顶部乐天优衣库 _NULL_
如果您按下的东西就很多了,以学习他们的母语能力,是目前甚至患上了抛光可能在真诚不这样做愚蠢 In order that native language ability is designated as those above present condition, when it is approached necessary to study the multi it does,
At this point in time unless you do sincerely, there is even a possibility polishing depending on the fool
如果我买东西回来驱动tTA投球线...我不知道总统Wattara一代? ? Although shopping it went, as for the [bo] [so] [bo] [so]…
When the president it substitutes, it returns kana? ?
如果我没有这样想英语日本雇员的蝴蝶这个ー617或聘用外国人,但我只是没有屏障,是要日本 617 This there is no reason where wants talking English to the Japanese employee separately the te In order to employ the foreigner just it has been about probably to lose the barrier Japanese it is what
当明治时期,森林有礼基地。萨摩人,日本是无用有害的语言,应穿着和理论的废物官方语言的英语语言和文化的 Meiji time the base forest possession gratitude Satsuma person Because Japanese is the harmful language where is not useful Explaining that it abolishes this and it should designate English which is civilization language as public terminology the ru
官方语言是日语,但难以聘请外国人在日本的发言 When public terminology is Japanese to employ the foreigner who Japanese cannot talk from the zu leprosy
总司令部试图原因,但日本和罗马字写在取消卓越网,决定妥协的字符数限制的情况下,简化日本专家的阻力 But as for GHQ abolishing usual Chinese character the meaning which the alphabetical character it tries to make Japanese inscribe There being resistance of the Japanese intellectual person it came to the point of compromising with restriction of simplification and number of Chinese character
总司令部试图原因,但书面日语字符为罗马字符淘汰,你必须妥协和专家的人数限制,简化汉字在日本的案件阻力 But as for GHQ abolishing Chinese character the meaning which the alphabetical character it tries to make Japanese inscribe There being resistance of the Japanese intellectual person it came to the point of compromising with restriction of simplification and number of Chinese character
我是英语,来自英格兰,但几年后,日本在日本,如果没有问题时,你正在处理中英文的外国人,把一个公司的老板谁津东专制管理,而不是利用这些我也是因此,我希望能在指挥?我知道你是缺乏对日本人民的感 As for we when several years it is in England as for empty English however there is no problem When in Japan designating the person of Japanese and the foreign country as the partner English with you do not use When it has such dictatorial manager and the superior Direction inside the company it goes down don t you think it is Don t you think it probably means that Japanese tsu te consciousness has missed
他们将在内部英语和写作,他们将要阅读的资料,我可以必日本外交 Company internal word and the tsu lever which designates composition as English With the tsu lever which the foreigner can read the information of the Japanese the shank
我是英语,从英国几年,但如果有问题,我想是公司领导的一个,我将带我的老板都刀这些独裁管理,我不使用日本日语吗?我知道你是缺乏对日本人民的感 As for we when several years it is in England as for empty English however there is no problem When in Japan designating the person of Japanese and the foreign country as the partner English with you do not use When it has such dictatorial manager and the superior Direction inside the company it goes down don t you think it is Don t you think it probably means that Japanese tsu te consciousness has missed
我有轻微的权力和其他国家的侵略是不能接受的工作,几乎不会说英语 The place where invasion of the foreign country is received and unless you can speak English, you cannot be employed young country well
我真的没有做这事情,我喜欢英语傻瓜,问题乐天他们已经听到英语文章今天所做的是英语,财报是人无外(即客户)员工的问题我认为他们完全忽略给予 But we being foolish English quite how useless As for the problematical point of the optimism which in the article of today is heard with English not to be to do balancing of accounts announcement with English the te The imitation person it is plugged and the customer the employee ignores question and passes and you think that it is thing but it is
苏哈里在英国的回报,但他们听到外面在英国手中的脸,让他听英语电动磨在日本产生了我吧 In the imitation looks hand being heard with English but there are times when it returns with English Being heard with Japanese returning inhaling with English it stops the fact that you say
我认为我离开现场,也可以用U Zainato想也许更多,但直到目前而言东北不希望所有的天使们已经两个简单 But until now already the za to be although thinking when perhaps it does there is also a scene which you use the origin thinks and it has left is Already two degrees everyone would not like to use optimism temporarily don t you think it is with
乐天反正大家(笑)他们买东西,我看到这一切会知道事实 Temporarily if everyone does not shop optimism laughing with actuality is realized probably will be
如果我给您ipad公司应用程序,乐天排名(第)我可以尝试下载并使用 IPad having if the ru the application optimistic ranking no charge downloading using it should have tried
我会说我是658或国际比赛,但我认为你不部署在全国毕竟,乐天 658 International competition saying however the ru it does not develop it is after all in only the country with to do the yo as for optimism
我被放弃,但我认为ü还可以使用现场,但也许永远不会再认为Zainato,东北不希望再次天使音乐 But until now already the za to be although thinking when perhaps it does there is also a scene which you use the origin thinks and it has left is Already two degrees everyone would not like to use optimism temporarily don t you think it is with
日本正在争取特别是海外业务萎缩,因为在任何人的青年人口在减少下降 Japan with population decrease with decrease of especially young layer to peter out with any trading, because it is secure
Overseas advance is planned
日本没有蝴蝶,因为从根本上我对教育部完全错误的政策 Because as for the Japanese not being able to talk, the Education Ministry educational policy by mistake is completely from basis
日本的“加拉帕戈斯”你有没有什么问题?加拉帕戈斯或消失?日本或日本的语言,它是珍贵的世界遗产,肯定一 Japan doing the “Galapagos conversion” something it probably is to be problem Did Galapagos disappear Also the Japanese and Japanese are prized in each case as worldwide heritage certainly
最近,像鹰薄弱的公司需要日语和英语,被使用过,人们将工作茹 Recently for my like young enterprises necessity as for being able to use Japanese and English it probably is the human who can do work but
最近,它增加了我会说我用鹰一样的公司在英国舞台弱 Recently even at my like young enterprises If English the use wa it is not the viewing aspect increases
梅塔的决定,理由是如果世界的官方语言,因为它只是英文,但我可能会死恩戴高于该组织将认为驱动tTA It decided in the reason because so simply English is public terminology of the world if is above in the future thinking Organization keeps dying at speed don t you think probably will be
森有礼的手,英国的方式军火商的江户,在英国学习指南军火商,我已经被洗脑叛徒返回殖民地奴隶 By the way, forest possession gratitude becomes the stooge of the English weapon merchant in the last days of the shogunate period,
With guidance of the weapon merchant you study abroad in England,
Being brainwashed as the colony slave, the traitor who returns
正确待观察的是,它是完全荒谬的wwwww Gendai如此乐天 Wwwww where the gene die di is visible honestly That much optimism saying aho seems the thing shelf
现在,他们批评朱达罗选择中文或英文或Tsuka!你要我说的语言在中国的官方?我,我只是还没有阅读或空气吗? The ro which is the choices whether handle Chinese or English of As for the person whom it is critical here the margin tsu te calling public terminology to Chinese ru Or the air just it is not read
乐天给我使用,因为它没有多大风险肩茹乐天腐烂如果其他选项不会是这样的 If therefore the reason which is the extent where the choices other than optimism rot until risk shouldering optimism as for utilizing become the manner that it is not
由于与日本本土的ESL混合气的不喜欢稻草转移 Native ESL
Therefore existing together, Japanese with breath of inspiration and expiration it is not transmitted likely
相反,什么嘉代规格看不到这一点不会滚动在Nobu餐厅Nobu餐厅! Unless from that extending extending and the scroll it does aim ones are not found Specification somehow margin
97愚蠢的? 当地雇员对接只是始终运行得到了规范ー自私日 97 ahuo As for that the tsu which always it runs in the specification whose Japan is selfish just
约在同一水平出来Nakya萨克日本使用,运营效率将下降主权,因为沟通不足 Furthermore, when Japanese you use, if it does not do at the level about of the same,
Business efficiency falls and, intention understanding even the insufficiency
纽约人,自然英经理职位,而且美国人,英文我说清楚Kominyukeshontsuru低只是在银河 But with the New York residence Mgr and work naturally with the American English calling clearly It is to pass English how low level language mere kominiyukeshiyontsuru
啊,速度!速度!速度!也许?瓦特从两种语言平等的工作效率,不发送海外办事处,包括在我将 a a speed Speed Speed The tsu ke which is w From the person who can handle work efficiently with 2 languages it should have sent to the overseas branch office which has been planned
那么,为什么,那些谁可以选择使用的语言可爱的偶像,我不知道世界标准 … With something such the language which chooses the person who can be used will be designated as worldwide standard
英语学习者,但也有许多日本人,英语流利,成为一个真正的,少量的古只听到什么 As for the English learner of the Japanese however the large quantity it is, as for English being accustomed truly flimsily, just barely you hear
虽然奋力回答Tonchinkan汗水汗水让外行的美国人问局长,如果瓦特是一个解释,日本无法理解什么是外国人说,它的执行总裁的公司,但是重要的 Because also that American is outside the specialty while the sweat sweat to do the ton chin can in reply agonizing w However what essential president and the staff party the foreigner says without understanding with Japanese has heard in the private secretary of interpretation
该学院毕业,至少今天早上,我们收到的关于我来吧TOEIC850需要采取多益970,你是唯一在它流利?我希望太紧张,说像我们这 In university graduation lowest being TOEIC850 when 970 you take with TOEIC which necessity how can be made to receive it does with just that flimsy something the yo With being said because it is expected excessively the wa which becomes tense
今天早上我收到需要我做的蛋糕,对托业970,你是唯一在它流利?我希望太紧张,说像我们这 We when 970 you take with TOEIC which how can be made to receive it does with just that flimsy something the yo With being said because it is expected excessively the wa which becomes tense
毕业至少TOEIC850我已经开始,我觉得他们认为必要的 In university graduation lowest being TOEIC850 when 970 you take with TOEIC which necessity how can be made to receive it does with just that flimsy something the yo With being said because it is expected excessively the wa which becomes tense
谷美纪消费者不明白的是,海外公司恩戴在你的成功,不是网站与零售雇员选择是否不是英语蝴蝶 As for the Miki valley it is not understood The consumer the employee can talk English whether or not with it is not the case that it chooses the mail order sight Your company advancing the foreign country it does not succeed
三木谷本英项目,所以我也无法穿透 As for this English project of the Miki valley such it does not permeate
当面试双方停止的驱动tTA时说,他们是日本三木谷公司我看超过222种二白 222 So if you say when the Japanese enterprise of the Miki valley it stops in both sides of interview The white being two watching over the seed
还有朱达罗,интеллигенция将Mikitanimanse m这里(笑)是,我穿的蝴蝶工作漂浮反对日本日常生活与英语课程 The ro which to that is mikitanimanse it has done here Calling интеллигенция laughing Naturally English talking to the Japanese partner at usual life and the workplace floating the ru it is
这个人与我是正常的,但它声称削减一半的日本外交人员的脖子,未来生活在美国Munjanaikana?我认为这是恼人的员工 The employee the half foreigner is done it seems Normally it is dismissal of the Japanese That and this person in the future you live in America it is the kana which is not The employee thinks that it is good annoyance
这是很好的,如果你使用英语和日语克惹分钟?我不知道是无用的,不是所有的英语 English and Japanese should have been used properly it is it is not Entirely unless there is English useless tsu te is not well recognized
我支持在英语乐天瓦特的第一个网站的所有英国赖无用世纪的中国 First it designates the home page of optimism as English and the chi ya is and is You ask also support entirely with English w
远东经济动物的本能,不同的是不是先进的英美口真似穷人放弃他们自己的话来说万维网 As for the economic animal of the Far East throwing away the word of the self, doing the unskillful oral imitation of the English and person
When it is advanced, www which is misunderstood
金融底线是17年的年销售。 4%,1641年九○八○○○○○○日元增加,营业收入20。 6%的优惠,增长28.2亿日元,4700万 As for essential balancing of accounts, as for gross sales anti- as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year 17. 164,108,000,000 Yen of 4% increase, operating profit 20. 6% increase
At 28,247,000,000 Yen favorableness
阿富汗★:基督教非政府组织工作者Badakushan阿富汗东北部(间谍)在第五届国家森林杀害了10名塔利班附表承认犯罪的,由基督教非政府组织“国际援助团”(IAM)解决10个男性和女性参加者接受塔利班袭击死亡 * Afghan: Christianity NGO work person (spy) 10 human gundowns The Taliban crime it recognizes
With forest region of Afghan north eastern [badakushiyan] state on the 5th, NGO “international support of Christianity system
10 authorized personnel men and women of the missions” (IAM) receiving the attack of the Taliban power, you died
顺便说一下,我认为这是劳动合同或将会发生什么?或只是一个美好的工作规则修订? By the way, this [tsu] [te] work contract how it becomes kana?
The kana where with just reform of work rule is OK?
首先,我倾向于忽视自己的母语,我说两种语言的优秀员工半途而废?官方语言是低效的内部,设置3年之久,我觉得逐渐转移更多 In the first place although also native language is tend to become negligent the combining where the employee who talks vague 2 languages is excellent Non efficiency as for company internal public terminology setting about ahead 3 years you think that the one which it shifts gradually is good
麻烦的是叔叔阿姨或安全的店铺成为所有英国公司 When inside the company entirely becomes English, the stand properly?
The old boy of patrol is troubled