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All electrification apartment reduction by half and construction cost high


  • 已经成为日本政治的代名词,官僚主义,千代田区有可能成为日本的政治行政中心
    > And, the Japanese capital city function which begins three rights such as the National Diet Supreme Court prime minister official residence central ministry and board, > Center of national power such as principal political party to be intensive on this Ku, Nagatacho inside Ku, the place name such as Kasumigaseki already > Have become also Japanese politics and pronoun of the bureaucracy, you can call Chiyoda Ku the center of the political administration of Japan

    • 100%的热量原× 40 u003d热转换效率,但最终也多在这里←40热效率高的最后30%的原有的高热量×热转换效率u003d最后90热27
      Conversion efficiency 40% = final heat quantity 40 to originally heat quantity 100 × heat <- Conversion efficiency being low, this one finally is high Originally heat quantity Conversion efficiency 90% = final heat quantity 27 to 30 × heat

      • 131家在北海道,煤油炉和热水浴和丙烷就在厨房更换埃塔IH烹调加热器 131 As for the Hokkaido parents home the bath and hot water supply and the stove with the kerosene just the kitchen changed to the IH cooking heater from propane
        • 654变化后,丙烷气体进入的时间,但埃塔设备使用,它为S有趣的部分 654 When the inside from propane changes to city gas However you could use the part in it changes the equipment

      • 37位大麻不能相信任何事情你们我会说我伤害或不?你知道你,我,我决定让马祖成为大麻克罗克 37 It can trust WHO how what and is That there is no damage in the hemp saying the ze which is the ru party When the hemp how you do you become the disabled person being decided and the ro which is the ru

        • 504人谁的做法是“不从这里早期古古和美味的烹饪赶走电饭煲或罐体的污染,”我说我绝对给 504 Being accustomed as for the ru person “rather than the soiling of the rice cooker or the tank you chase and making this being quick tastiness it is and” the tsu te says it is don t you think
          • 当然我几乎看与否,你说话或驱赶基诺菜炒饭或罐体污染的呢? However sure you do not read well In addition the soiling of the chaofan or the tank you chase making speaking the ru

        • 536最近的全电性能加热器,水穿有能力追逐热点离开洗澡沸腾,你想用一个单一的IH烹调加热器,但明智之举,如果他们买了驼峰财产的,或选择不想要使用我 536 You chase the recent all electrification object even in the bath of the calorifier and make and whether function is attached and from the ru would like to use the IH cooking heater simply to use would not like it is the shopping whose it is wise to choose the object
          • 我觉得从水中分离加热器是进一步在536前博科创新的重要支柱,在公寓的阳台 536 Before the pillar of the apartment which comes out with the boko tsu of the veranda Furthermore because there is a calorifier the feeling which was divided does

        • 864 - 865原来,水电站和核电站(抽水蓄能电站:电池1 3贮要转换的潜在能量在夜间核电能源)应该是一组,一环保组织(笑)因为我反对水坝的深入和指导,我会认为你有提高了能源的浪费,而对环境的影响
          864 - 865 Originally, the nuclear power plant and the hydroelectric power plant (the pumped storage power plant: Nighttime electric power of atomic energy Converting to position energy, the battery we would like to see, energy save) Although it is expectation of one set, the protection of the environment group (laughing) obstinately dam constructive opposition Because it induces it rubbed, rather energy is made wasteful, the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] Because environmental load is raised, don't you think?…

          • 962是什么人,我猜是因为它没有能力始终备ERU或文文传紧急,一旦发生一年半载十年 962 Therefore human tsu te one time it happens to such no ten years lacks in the ability always to prepare for the state of emergency whether it does not happen of probably will be
            • ーー什么灾难灾难,紧急,甚至担心得从文文获得通过,一旦发生一年半载十年 Disaster disaster the tsu te one time happens to such no ten years the state of emergency whether it does not happen of you worry too much even

          • 97天锅卓越的温度控制在一定程度将
            97 As for the recent gas cookstove being excellent Temperature management of the 或 [ru] does

            • IH烹调加热器直到做法阻碍食谱照顾大多数,但只有当你有好的泽雷混合与铲,动摇锅最终将叉但这并不意味着我没有不适艾哈娜 Until it is accustomed to the IH cooking heater however there is a strange feeling After all the pot is shaken it is not to be if with the te chopstick either the spatula or it mixes just it is good in the tsu lever you become aware There is no hindrance in most cooking
              • 232哦,那么我可以理解过冷沸腾?我们希我觉得一个比一个更容易的症状天然气烧开 232 When the tsu and so it does you have understood also subcooled boiling Being thought that IH is easy to boil from the gas one of ru phenomena
              • 希这样一种方式,我来到了这个你看看,包括烹饪煮 When the boiling together cooking of IH was searched such a came out There is such method it is the shelf

            • NULL 256 But as for truth being left over from 10 years ago the ru it is Recently also especially business becoming bad exaggeratedly also some “is not enough” lever becoming unable to say you think that the ru it is From now 7 8 years ago as for gas company attack of abrupt all electrification 喰 And others tsu te bikubiku it has done it is Already until the hydrogen electric battery completes it was the like miserable circumstance which continues to be defeated After that gasupatsuchiyo doing somehow reviving the ru way however it is visible Actually all electrification levelling off it is feeling what which tilts naturally and gas But well the thought which we sees the electric power company the head is good how to do the true spread was perfect Actually however you think that mixed type of electricity and the gas is best don t you think when now it is dense
              • NULL 256 But as for truth being left over from 10 years ago the ru it is Recently also especially business becoming bad exaggeratedly also some “is not enough” lever becoming unable to say you think that the ru it is From now 7 8 years ago as for gas company attack of abrupt all electrification 喰 And others tsu te bikubiku it has done it is Already until the hydrogen electric battery completes it was the like miserable circumstance which continues to be defeated After that gasupatsuchiyo doing somehow reviving the ru way however it is visible Actually all electrification levelling off it is feeling what which tilts naturally and gas But well the thought which we sees the electric power company the head is good how to do the true spread was perfect Actually however you think that mixed type of electricity and the gas is best don t you think when now it is dense

            • SOI和天然气305 vsIH m真的炸,但总有退出的自由贸易协定被认为合会觉得他的实际能力古煤气烹饪烹调鱼,肉多烤
              305 When it becomes story of the accompanying and gas vsIH cooking By all means being put out to the inquiry but is fried rice what As for truth you think that the meat or the fish burning is feature showing of gas cooking,

              • _NULL_
                Regional information : Ranking search result Land average value (residential quarter) Object: 806 demes * It reflects on house rent _ 1 rank Tokyo Chiyoda Ku 2,247,500 Yen/m2 Turn town malt town Kioi Cho Hirakawa Cho _ 2 rank Tokyo Minato-ku 1,278,750 Yen/m2 Azabu it is long hill town & original Azabu south Azabu (the hillock) west Azabu south Aoyama Roppongi (the Torii hill the) platinum (the Sanko hill) Takanawa _ 3 rank Tokyo Shibuya Ku 951,500 Yen/m2 Pine 濤 Kamiyama Cho Nanpei stand town 鶯 valley town (Evergreen Park Homes) Hiroo Yoyogi Oyama Cho Nishihara Uehara _ 4 rank Tokyo Bunkyo Ku 790,286 Yen/m2 West one this Komagome (Yamato home village) Obinata thousand inferior wood (forest town) _ 5 rank Tokyo Chuo Ku 705,000 Yen/m2 Tsukishima victory [do] coming Akashi Cho _ 6 rank Tokyo Meguro Ku 648,667 Yen/m2 Greenery stand (hillock) Komaba upper Meguro (Suwa mountain wooden hill Himonya freedom of) medium Meguro Yakumo persimmon hill green hill _ 7 rank Tokyo The Shinagawa Ku 600,857 Yen/m2 East five counter rice fields (Ikeda mountain Shimazu mountain) upper Osaki (millionaire circular cluster mountain) north Shinagawa (palace mountain stand of) flag (Senzoku) hill _ 8 rank Tokyo The Taito Ku 600,500 Yen/m2 The Ueno cherry tree wood _ 9 rank Tokyo Shinjuku Ku 578,500 Yen/m2 Ititani sand Haramachi Wakamiya Cho four valley new leaves payment one town sack town palisade town depreciation combination (Japanese white-eye Imperial Guards Cho) west Ochiai 10 rank Tokyo Setagaya Ku 526,727 Yen/m2 Tamagawa rural Chofu tail mountain stand Todoroki Ueno hair shoal rice field Okamoto Fukazawa generation 沢 red embankment fulling block Seijo upper ancestor/founder teacher valley 11 rank Tokyo Toshima Ku 497,000 Yen/m2 Japanese white-eye (Tokugawa village) 12 rank Tokyo Nakano Ku 487,727 Yen/m2 Nakano 13 rank Tokyo Suginami Ku 453,640 Yen/m2 Eifuku Izumi Hamada mountain Kuga mountain reed 窪 south reed 窪 virtue luck temple 14 rank Tokyo Ota Ku 448,563 Yen/m2 Rural Chofu south thousand bundles Hisashi field mountain king. Ridge town west ridge town 15 rank Tokyo Musashi Noichi 414,125 Yen/m2 Kitiziyouzi south town & palace mountain 16 rank Tokyo The Arakawa Ku 410,500 Yen/m2 West Higure village 17 rank Tokyo North Ku 407,000 Yen/m2 West field 18 rank Tokyo Itabasi Ku 366,867 Yen/m2 Tokiwadai 19 rank Tokyo Koto Ku 363,200 Yen/m2 Yutaka state Tomioka 20 rank Tokyo Mitaka city 347,923 Yen/m2 Head of well The source origin National traffic economical “metropolis and districts price of land investigation” 2009

                • _NULL_
                  Tokyo metro CM - TOKYO HEART “major town” volume - Tokyo it is close. Comparison of private railway corporation freight * Part excerpt Corporation subway (Tokyo metro) Nakano - West Funabashi 30.8 km 300 Yen The Tokyu electric railway Shibuya - Central camp 31.5 km 330 Yen The Odakyu electric railway Shinjuku - Sagami Ono 32.3 km 360 Yen Announcement! The town & the route ranking which would like to live Kanto route compilation | SUUMO ([sumo]) * Part sparing November 25th of 09 1 rank Head line of Keio well 2 rank JR entire military affairs line (Shinjuku - Chiba) 3 rank The Tokyu east horizontal line 4 rank Tokyo metro east west line 5 rank JR Yamate line 8 rank Tsukuba express 9 rank JR Musashino line 11 rank The Tokyu garden city line 15 rank Tokyo metro Chiyoda line JR Tokiwa line (north thousand residences - knob) 17 rank The Odakyu line 19 rank The Tokyu Meguro line Tama river line

                  • 一旦所有的电户,电力公司将被排斥,这是日后如果供应商选择的天然气,煤油,电力率可以从任何操作数 When it becomes all the household all electrification it becomes monopoly of the electric power company and the supply company of the gas kerosene being selected If after that because it can operate electric charges with a lot of don t you think
                    • 使用的气体为500元,你可以很容易地调整输出电令人吃惊 500 It is the original gas user but That it electrifies it can make the adjustment of the extent output which is surprised simple

                  • 事实上,使用的设备,在建筑电气设备的工作只是,没有管道煤气和煤油古Narukara,然后建造成本增加了这么多,我想我做人未
                    Actually, because as for equipment work with only electric wiring of the building, piping work of the gas and the kerosene is gone with the instrument as another, So, up it does with you cannot think construction expense, it is,

                    • 什么是全电式公寓瓦特呢? 40瓦或公寓的平均约我?初学者Sumaso

                      • 他们让夏天在没有空气的进入阁楼,如果我仍然有这个窗口打开克惹古相当热
                        The inside summer considerably becomes hot with the making which is not the attic, but If even then the window you open, the wind it enters

                        • 传输损耗低只是因为我的工作因此而损失的电力传输中的某一个点,而是否可以飞苏电力的地点之一,全国647 647 When from one place it throws electricity to entire country transmission of electricity loss catches rather but because electricity is made at a certain fixed place just you say that result transmission of electricity loss decreases

                          • 但是,丙烷比我住在至少法案是否辜较低遥 Simply it lives at least with propane the time compared to became much fuel and light expenses cheap
                            • 丙烷气太高? (# Д )10预测 The propane too high to be д convex 10

                          • 但是,我们越是全电式,也的确是炒饭日泰从便携式煤气炉时,我应该用鱿鱼炙 But inside all electrification because there is a cassette cookstove When serious chaofan making surume liking to roast coming to the point of using that the ru
                            • 隔壁的房子了,不仅一圆中也发生火灾燃烧电一个月后完成所有 The house of next door inside after all electrification completing while either 1 months do not pass In the fire it became total loss

                          • 但是,所有电家园,天然气天然气是从东京和大阪是不包括在多数认为我很愚蠢,做一些特殊和great服务和competitive fashion頑張瓦特希加热器如果我得到癌症,它是安全的需要超过20年的无害停电,现在你有症状的基础上发展尚未 But all electrified home Persevering in the Tokyo Gas Co Ltd and the Osaka Gas Co Ltd competing service fashion Something special enormous ones being convinced because ru aho was large portion w The IH heater becomes the cancer if is because 20 years or more it is required for power failure It is safe is harmless it designates that still it does not emerge as basis
                            • 15全电式的房子,所以,我还得买一个电加热器断电备埃泰 15 Because also the house is all electrification the electric heater it is bought making provision for power failure
                            • 停止购买天然气如果您想发布自己的全电式只有我绝对希 We probably would like to make by any means all electrification After the purchasing by your stopping the gas it should have made IH just
                            • 凯塔,但良好的天然气,煤气炉时,我是一个停电的准备兴建的全电 However the gas was good building houses for sale was all electrification because… When it has a power failure the gas cookstove shelf
                            • 如果你把所有的电,买一炉的大桶说,停电蜂窝备埃泰 It makes all electrification if is making provision for power failure Buying the portable cookstove it was called place
                            • 它可能会生气地说,这个凌晨店和天然气,另外在气体Naijan短缺是不苦?没关系,如果你问它来减少頑張 当地雇员店更多的电力故障,使 However perhaps you get angry to such a thing word tsu chi ya gas house being at the point where the gas is gone there are no times when it is troubled separately it is Therefore in the electric appliances store more it should have had persevering in power failure shortening it is
                            • 它的费用几乎相同的时间与洗脱交接气体在家里,我们其实是所有电 Actually it changed into all electrification even with the pad but the same as cost most gas time of combination usage Is
                            • 我在云中了许多方便的全电驱动tTA极化喜欢谈论点应力原理的科技研究 In techno stress like story It is various inconvenient at all electrification tsu te unexpected place which is inclined to point principle don t you think
                            • 我是个傻子,因为它包括了大多数认为他们是一个了不起的时尚的东西特别全电加热器是安全无害的肿瘤从瓦特希获得,但它需要超过20年,现在仍然是发展中国家理由是没有 All electrification fashion Something special enormous ones being convinced therefore ru aho large portion w Because the IH heater is applied although it becomes the cancer 20 years or more It is safe is harmless it designates that still it does not emerge as basis
                            • 曼森Kuranai全新的鼻子气气我无法从全电辅助Mansonmeka的全部建设费用,东京 As for new construction Munson the Tokyo Gas Co Ltd assisting payment in full construction expense at the Munson manufacturer Because all electrification is obstructed as for the gas there is no saddle
                            • 濒死体验,我认为不知道鳕鱼生活在大都市地区,郊区和地区,还是让我再不能说电子主流 Living in the metropolitan area you think that the cod you do not understand but In suburb and the district it is good saying that already electrification has become main current
                            • 经过初期的成本是相当高的〜〜〜我不知道,我觉得我没有采取全电Aezu Whether after early cost is high rather it fails immediately to all electrification The wa which the air which it does

                          • 你可以在洗我喜欢电热水器首页゚格子?我不喜欢像脏水哇你不能
                            Electric calorifier [tsu] [te] [ho] ゚ [tsuto] in you can wash likely? It is not possible, if being the enormous impure water like, it is hateful

                            • 你的故事是我出来的答案是675不是没有意义的废话效率见Nakya跨越 675 Answering coming out seed Your story is meaningless As for efficiency tsu te if you do not see altogether there is no meaning
                              • 你的故事是我出来的答案是675不是没有意义的废话效率见Nakya跨越 675 Answering coming out seed Your story is meaningless As for efficiency tsu te if you do not see altogether there is no meaning

                            • 北海道但新建全电,电费8000日元的地位在夏季,冬季发生30,000
                              New construction of all electrification But Hokkaido summer season electric generation 8000 Yen rank, in winter 30,000 rank

                              • 区或生长不认为我会从煤气管拉薄弱,无论是热泵锅炉是高呢?但它似乎也没有邪恶的古污物便宜的全电加热会得到更接近垃圾焚化厂 Because the gas pipe it does not pull that it becomes cheap you think and start and the boiler of the heating pump is high kana The rubbish incineration place being soon being similar is the thermal abnormal play you can receive if but also all electrification to be bad shortage so

                                • 噢,气体报警“Pikopiko”酷我浮动的全电式租赁费用

                                  • 在严格的温度控制,可在触摸如果122希,古气动态温度控制传感器-放大器只是一些噱头为W

                                    • 复苏是不是太快时,它第一次灾难的同时,使供电和用电Oshaka也是如此灾难恢复Oshaka在同一时间,但我觉得它是天然气和电力压倒性537 一次,它通常是人民代表大会常务委员会便携式煤气炉,如果我生活在家庭电 537 When it is the kind of catastrophe which becomes simultaneously with the gas oshiyaka when electric being the kind of catastrophe where restoration electricity becomes simultaneously oshiyaka as for 1st restoration being quick you think that it was electricity preponderantly but… Once living in the electrified home if the ru person cassette cookstove provision is normal die
                                      • 我很快就痊愈,电力是一个重大的灾害,例如,天然气和电力的同时Oshaka 537 537 When it is the kind of catastrophe where the gas and electricity become simultaneously oshiyaka electric restoration is quick
                                      • 缔约方会议是一个流浪儿,因此,即使停在停止信号或电力和整个邻里不到2小时瓦特复苏 Neighborhood electricity stopping entirely Because stopping it waited also the signal the officer has done the semaphore w To restoration the kana which is 2 hours or less

                                    • 天然气:电动贫穷:拥有它的瞥见 如图像和丰富的瓦特,但这些谁没有选择好,如果你身体的所有电力和天然气来了现在,郊区和农村电气化,不仅绝大多数丙烷因此,良好的房屋 Gas Poor layer Electrification Wealthy layer The article shelf w like image may be attached Temporarily the city gas coming if the ru if electricity and favorite one it chooses however it is good If suburb and the district which is only the propane the wa where the electrified home is good preponderantly

                                      • 如果你一直在罐头Jipporaita,在右侧底部加热罐加热在某个时候?
                                        If the base of the canned goods has been heated directly with [jitsuporaita], also the side of the pot is sooner or later heated the [ro] which is?

                                        • 如果我没事的家伙没有更大容量的热水出来很多最近与一个问题,也似乎他们使用太多 There is also a problem that the hot water is not produced with using too much it seems but Largely well the cord and others of recent capacity at all it is all right
                                          • 976基本上,如果你只是很温暖的水,一个问题会很多人,我Irashii 976 If basically it warms and distantly the hot water wa can crush because the person who is not problem seems is many don t you think

                                        • 它能够将取代电茹发电机断电期间我532呢? 。不移动的灯光,水泵和发电机热水器站在租一台发电机在停电since m可以正常生活恩戴
                                          532 At the time of all electrification [tsu] [te] power failure power source probably can be substituted with the generator? . When having a power failure the generator borrowing, moving the boiler feed pump and the hot water supply vessel, other than illuminating Normally it could live, is with the generator ever since that is provided

                                          • 室内电源插座,一旦鹰也有点危险,因为没有一个传输的DC -自由。要求在一段时间内驱动tTA

                                            • 居民承担的费用你的嘴和如何做一个回扣联合地主和丙烷折旧公司(后)的居民也知道应如何 With means of collusion of expert and propane trader How doing cost after in the moving person burden repayment the kick back it can point Also the moving person knows it should
                                              • 我不能确定分钟一居民公司,业主踢回和得到良好擅自定价 The amount where the moving person cannot decide the trader fee setting favorite selfishly In expert kick back
                                              • 更坚实的基础,我们把房子瓦特大屋,因为运行的成本优势是一个孤立的恩戴居民的问题是无关紧要的,因为 Therefore inside solitary house in land betta putting w Therefore it is with as for predominance of running cost being problem of the moving person irrelevance to Oya

                                            • 当你离开现在是一个孩子,但不再过夜热古瓦特我们真正的地方,只有一 When the child one evening producing it keeps doing however the hot water it was gone as expected w Now when very 1 just shelves
                                              • 我还没有到晚上离开安全的空调在其他时间只与空气中后,正式 Assuming that after it keeps attaching the air conditioner it did temporarily other than the nighttime time zone It is cheap after all it is

                                            • 当太阳能发电的成本突然不再是现在一半的电流输出,2 5倍,大小的两倍半,一半现在,我不知道的是,我原来的程序,因为这需要超过15年,但如果任何人的家采取07年前,甚至更小的表面会被同一名高阳台上的冷凝器 Solar optical generation of electricity already when suddenly Half price of price current half price Two times the output current times Area current half half Because about does not understand research is advanced whether it becomes Although the current origin is taken 15 years or more being required If it reaches the point where the origin can be taken within 7 years In with anyone s house and in the veranda among those it reaches the point where the small sized advanced light condensing device is attached probably will be
                                              • 太阳能住宅或适当的维修面板,您呢?茹看看你家附近驱动tTA肩小组将只关心他人的人在家里只适用于确定的位置和外观方面,当一天不维修 The door building solar optical generation of electricity panel everyone mente it has done properly When the panel of neighborhood you look at the house which is shouldered without considering the thing at the time of mente per day and with only appearance With only the house which decides the installation features other personal affairs it becomes worry

                                            • 我一直在建筑和住房五一二瓦特一个蓬勃发展的天然气版本店铺及旅行社的
                                              512 The operative of the gas house taking a business trip from construction residential edition, large w which is prosperous

                                              • 我们说北海道是相反的诞生地原全电式,全电式建筑和装修曼森在新是十分常见的新房为百分之五或以下的是这样的事 It is called area of originator all electrification appearance As for Hokkaido as for all electrification being common sense with new construction or reconstruction of the Ichinohe building With new construction Munson it is at all to be opposite to below the 5

                                                • 我住在偏远地区停电瓦特他们发言之前,我不是10年的经验
                                                  The power failure no lever the [wa] which 10 years does not experience densely You have lived is on the remote region of your somewhere, w

                                                  • 我公司拥有员工490名的全电力推进欺诈或者是一个愚蠢的话,你看到WWW的我应该站出来与低沸点w m不?
                                                    490 When we ID you see, employee www of the fraud all electrification propulsion company But as for foolish word expectation what which does not come out w Such a boiling point it is low with something, it is

                                                    • 我改变了合同埃塔电五十安培,根据该法案,我惊讶每月数千日元,或反向 As for electricity however it changed into 50 ampere contract as for fuel and light expenses per month also several thousand Yen going down conversely you are surprised
                                                      • 如果太阳能发电到了,他们喜欢自由的能源成本相比,他们的天空与丙烷挣扎 If there is to solar optical generation of electricity when you compared to the party who agonizes with propane fuel and light expenses like it rubbed simply

                                                    • 我给你写在Miatta“豪宅”你可以说Suretai空间意图坦克能力和严格的热水器或地板上 However entry it was in direction above when “the apartment” is the installation space of the calorifier Tank capacity saying harshly the ro where thing is gist of suretai
                                                      • 481名:南方。 ◆学院ULzeEom5Pip0 发布时间:2010 08 14(星期六)01:25:12编号:uqCO3BMb0 35分之30通过 S 477是困扰热水器 481 Name South Institute ULzeEom5Pip0 Contribution day 2010 08 14 Saturday 01 25 12 ID uqCO3BMb0 30 35 477 The calorifier still the wa

                                                    • 我觉得我现在不便恩戴公寓发生5年来生活在电动全是访问从派克烤蛋糕,并敦促炉古怪,有时无法驱动 From all electrification apartment in the midst of access 5 years living now it is with you have not been moved densely by inconveniently but Sometimes with the gas cookstove the rice cake and it is driven in the impulse which the saury we would like to burn

                                                      • 打井或水停电措施,只有坦克足以让雨水或水和热水储存生活用水的水箱
                                                        Measure of suspension of the water supply digs the well, or utilizes the water inside the storing hot water tank in the life service water when There is only an extent which installs the rainwater tank

                                                        • 接触到的能力拥有一个电动车电池不使用,需要在实践中多一百千瓦时 Actually to do in the electric automobile which is usable as for battery capacity 100kwh it probably becomes necessary

                                                          • 提供给每个家庭用电和余热发电的单位和生物质乙醇或氢区域供应 Supplying the ethanol or hydrogen of biomath it generates electricity at the regional unit and supplies electricity and exhaust heat to each home

                                                            • 改善对煤气炉...咖啡。妻子说:“心律失常是”起诉及三洋电机
                                                              When it makes the gas cookstove, improvement… tea drinking. The married couple, “it became the arrhythmia”, that suing the Sanyo Electric

                                                              • 整整两个国家70 973 974。两层楼高的房子,是不密封

                                                                • 是不是我IH是说了盆栽metal m坏人我会那么多热量或锅Waranai传热端?
                                                                  Something as for IH that heat is not transmitted on the side of the pot saying, the [ru] person So it being possible with the metal whose conduction of heat is bad [ru] pot how certain?

                                                                  • 是啊真的50,看看在销售方面的节能星期一酱我看到的那种形象带来了恶劣的电话或者即使你谈谈太阳能热水器,以及一个更为有效的比光伏和隆河内,但也因为成本和系统的可靠性也很简单 50 Don t you think the ho it is with so is Now the solar thermal hot water supply vessel doing to speak door to door sales type ru is recognized is with bad image When you see with the viewpoint of the energy conservation simply from solar optical generation of electricity Considerably there is an effect therefore and the system the simplicity also cost and reliability are high but is …
                                                                    • 什么是第一台全电式的折扣,如果你删除一个燃气热水器?我得到一个好价格,即使这个问题 If the gas hot water supply vessel is removed the tsu ke which is one discount with all electrification However it reaches fee it seems even this way good way …

                                                                  • 更重要的是不利于蒸汽和天然气产品也可以解除看事物447炒饭?清蒸油炸货物中转导电材料的热是好的更弱火力来自于小部分油从油的热解礼来看待事物一样专注于起重,如果不是不可能的,尤其是很大一部分是弱者和我有一个很长时间煮沸的水,他们认为这是一 447 It steams the fried rice and the fried food and the thing the gas the advantage isn t Fried rice Because IH the thermal power is weaker the excessiveness Especially if the quantity is many many extent Fried food Because heat concentrates on one part oil ones with the little oil are weak The possibility of igniting Steaming ones Because the thermal power is weak until the water boils time is long With as for we you think
                                                                    • 福娃在没有抗体迫击炮增加鸡蛋不仅用于气体希爱我的家人我要如何让外面的固体意味着酝酿等待在短短的煎蛋卷? Only the gas you have used but As for we hu wa and ro omuraisu in family favorable comment Just the outer part of the IH tsu te becoming firm the inside doing slowly the omelette tsu te how it makes it is

                                                                  • 有些事只有一个机构在开放式厨房浴室中转s嘿我常说我可爱的环保锅炉,我将分享它的天然气用于商店随机得到的估计 Inside just kitchen with IH as for bathroom something gas shelf Using at the store it is common to the ru boiler and Don t you think with say or echo cute how use the e Does random does to estimate business of the agency
                                                                    • 如果你得到一个独立的感觉,因为我买了一个可爱的奈良男生态折扣实际一点,我觉得这是一个全新的生态 Therefore echo point tsu te substantial echo cute discount of new construction Ichinohe you build and if as for the good bargain impression you think that it is

                                                                  • 有什么可以持续对流对流加热,因为它是一面从没有任何意义,我从等候在热端热含量176 简而言之,扩展温度或部分的内容它不产生掉以轻心,我不是很容易成为这种情况继续踢继续对流供暖方面,而不仅仅是我的底部 176 The side being warmed with conduction of heat from contents ones there is no meaning it is don t you think Because it is heated from the side very the convection the tsu lever which is continued Convection speaking simply contents ones being warmed expanding becoming light being the case that it rises Becoming the circumstance which the convection is easy to continue by the fact that it is not just the base and continues to warm also the te side ru reason

                                                                    • 有什么好的关于什么是它从一个丙烷气体不是更安全,因为我也是全电托哥当选?烤鳝鱼是美味,但天然气在这口锅里发言说,他们写Beshobesho厌恶? Because also your own toko all electrification are cheaper than the reason tsu te propane which is chosen it is what don t you think The city gas tsu te it is good so As for the eel which with the tastiness grommet bo is burnt with the gas distasteful saying with beshiyobeshiyo however it was written
                                                                      • 他们只是拉气体厨房,其余部分为色情的电子住房建设什么人说宗教埃泰! Just the kitchen pulling the gas then the electrified home tsu te it is built Teaching ero it is the person
                                                                      • 有什么关于什么是好是丙烷气体,为什么我没有选低于全电式的呢?烤鳝鱼是美味,但天然气在这口锅里发言说,他们写Beshobesho厌恶? Because by his all electrification is cheaper than the reason tsu te propane which is chosen it is what don t you think The city gas tsu te it is good so As for the eel which with the tastiness grommet bo is burnt with the gas distasteful saying with beshiyobeshiyo however it was written
                                                                      • 电动低于全驱动tTA认为,当我检查了厨房正如预期购买Tawaman觉得太不方便我想我的 Tower man having purchased and inspecting the time rather than all electrification thinking by your you felt that it is little And the tsu pa kitchen probably is inconvenient what

                                                                    • 有时天然气,但31至敦促烤鲭鱼和辣妈辣妹鄂如使用任何锅饼炉上的使用将被赶回家的任何“不方便,不仅蛋糕和烤秋刀鱼是”带我和诚实的承认 31 Sometimes although it is the gas with the cookstove for home which can be used in any pot the rice cake and it is driven in the impulse which the saury we would like to burn “The rice cake and the saury do not burn and are moved by te inconveniently” that recognize gently
                                                                      • 但它是一种气体,但如果你使用任何锅炉鄂如家庭,我想我失去了诚实对照 Although that is the gas if the cookstove for home which can be used in any pot we waited suge and the thought tsu chi gently
                                                                      • 蛋糕和烤鲭鱼与燃气灶脉冲驱动器31家,有时怪异的“不方便,不仅蛋糕和烤秋刀鱼是”带我和诚实的承认 31 Sometimes with the gas cookstove the rice cake and it is driven in the impulse which the saury we would like to burn “The rice cake and the saury do not burn and are moved by te inconveniently” that recognize gently

                                                                    • 有没有怀孕期间的辐射效应?从2007年6月18日的报纸中日新闻社世界卫生组织齐藤茂智弘,国家儿童健康与发展中心,谁出席国际会议。首席流行病学研究“是最好的怀孕妇女可避免使用电磁炉踢”,或诸如此类的,严肃认真的谈话与苏 审讯 电磁炉,或健康 Is the electromagnetic wave while becoming pregnant probably to be influence Medium day newspaper From 2007 June 18th newspaper article Friend Hiroshi Saito of the national growth medical center which attends the international conference of WHO forming Epidemiology laboratory leader “As for the pregnant woman it probably will be desirable to avoid the use of the electromagnetic cooking device ” it probably will melt you say riding maji you speak With IH cooking device healthy damage
                                                                      • 我的资料。我听到了古,风险不好或团体波之类的事情,如果我只穿着起搏器或坏,这个故事是真的吗?或市传奇系列?有人谁色情,并教 We feeling However you hear with preparedness the electromagnetic wave is bad to the body when the pacemaker attaching cod useless it probably will melt you say riding maji story Or city legendary system ero it is the person teaching who
                                                                      • 肯定的是坦率地说,一有笑声,但很多店铺气弹簧伊手拼命 ,贝鲁和信息比较弱电磁前前的10年。阿大大减少驱动tTA厨房 In this sure the desperate gas house growing Sawayama the te the which can be laughed But when you compare before generation before electromagnetism of feeling weakness The 厨 decreased rather

                                                                    • 正如有人独居,气率(基准利率为主)只是因为他们采取的越多,有两个,我认为他们是敏感安上 As a body of single living That gas bill basic fee does not catch mainly you just say Rather than there being a both you think that cheapness… is

                                                                      • 此外 已聚集了庞大的公司总部和主要生产和贸易公司领导
                                                                        > Furthermore, among circles and major town, as for Hibiya city bank (Mega bank) beginning newspaper publishing company of main office and national newspaper, > Head office of big business such as major manufacturing industry and major general trading firm has collected

                                                                        • 生活本身已经变得非常方便的电子产品,唯一真正的新设备,从这些天也许只是一个方便的天然气 Life itself considerably became convenient to an electrification but simply the equipment is new consist of just To tell the truth recently the causing re which also the gas is convenient it is to do
                                                                          • 你知道为什么我介绍了很有趣的人做597全电动?因为它很方便 597 What… strange thing… You know all electrification people why introduce that Because it is convenient

                                                                        • 由于电力公司从不同行业进入电力部门已经离开公司成为绝望,以促进全电式消费需求的发展

                                                                          • 电力煤气热转换效率为80%→56→热效率的热转换效率为29%的传输效率损失→→→电机功率转换至56%天然气燃烧热→→%

                                                                            • 电热水器现在是全电铃色素铃声,但我真的只能说我需要干净的饮用水,或从老之间的差异,我不脏?
                                                                              Because the door-to-door sales member of all electrification as for the current calorifier does not become dirty different from former times, also cleaning necessity or the [tsu] [te] which can be made the drinking water you called, but it is, it is with?

                                                                              • 若气体是从外面包裹加热包括Muyouni整锅,热的东西会全面梅塔包括锅热希皮肤案件从,只有锅的底部,产生的热量从那里仅100和加热整个地区的100个火的,当加热功率80区40区热我是一家不热,那么我们可以采取两种加热到一个地区的热量从强火我有我的一部分会感到,许多 In case of the gas in order to wrap the whole pot because it heats it reaches the comprehensive heat quantity which includes pot skin what In case of IH because just the base of the pot becomes feverish heat occurs from just there When the thermal power of � 100 heats the area of 100 to the whole it is heat of te 1 not to confront the area of 1 don t you think When the thermal power of � 80 heats the area of 40 it means that heat of 2 catches vis a vis the area of 1 When it does many heat depending on part as for the thermal power of the � the strong way you are moved from the ru
                                                                                • 只是一个问题的味道不是调味品287纹,权利,奇怪的食谱交流?正如咸鱼咸鱼 木炭 咸鱼一样的味道 希 烧烤微波炉,如果只用气格栅只作为咸鱼但是,没有有趣的味道会交流 287 The ro there is no problem just of taste tsu te seasoning with cooking method changes and rubs The salt just is shaken in the fish charcoal fire The salt just is shaken in the fish the grille of the gas The salt just is shaken in the fish the grille IH The salt just is shaken in the fish in the microwave oven the chin If as for seasoning being the same as for taste it probably will completely change but
                                                                                • 若气体是从外面包裹加热包括Muyouni整锅,热的东西会全面梅塔包括锅案件希皮肤从一盘热的底部,其中只有100只产生热量和加热整个地区的100个火的,当加热功率80区40热一热,我到该地区的人可以利用一热的两个面积为热量从强火我有我的一部分会感到,许多 In case of the gas in order to wrap the whole pot because it heats it reaches the comprehensive heat quantity which includes pot skin what In case of IH because just the base of the pot becomes feverish heat occurs from just there When the thermal power of � 100 heats the area of 100 to the whole it is heat of te 1 not to confront the area of 1 don t you think When the thermal power of � 80 heats the area of 40 it means that heat of 2 catches vis a vis the area of 1 When it does many heat depending on part as for the thermal power of the � the strong way you are moved from the ru

                                                                              • 被占领的家庭合1 3马拉在2007财年,新建6比上年房屋的整体百分比。增加了46分。 2%
                                                                                On the one hand, the ratio which number of houses in the whole new construction of 07 adjust the multiple dwelling house is occupied preceding year ratio 6. 1 point increases 46. It was the 2%

                                                                                • 见Terya偏远,右花费很多想象停止工作,如果停电?家庭占所有电担心任何停电,以检查这些事情在选择仪器设机不同生活时,你或更新或新建筑,如果你喜欢踢避免郊区,东京是很自然的 Remote control seeing when the ri ya it has a power failure The ro which about operating stopping the imagination is attached easily and is Being worried about the thing when having a power failure if as for ratio of all electrified home when it is Tokyo the kind of person who avoids suburb When new construction or reform doing the case of selection of the various residence facilities equipment As for such place checking the proper
                                                                                  • 见Terya偏远,右花费很多想象停止工作,如果停电?在选择这些文书的各项房屋设机或新建或翻修时,将人踢避免全电停电担心是自然的检查 Remote control seeing when the ri ya it has a power failure The ro which about operating stopping the imagination is attached easily and is Being worried about the thing when having a power failure if as for ratio of all electrified home when it is Tokyo the kind of person who avoids suburb When new construction or reform doing the case of selection of the various residence facilities equipment As for such place checking the proper

                                                                                • 该呼吁问:请问我用一场火灾中一氧化碳中毒关闭425 s我了?
                                                                                  425 Finishing to close at the house, when you use the fire, the [tsu] [te] which becomes carbon monoxide poisoning it is it appeals?

                                                                                  • 该客户端的初始成本的气体从商店支付的费用如煤气管道和设备并不便宜
                                                                                    Because the gas the gas house bears cost such as equipment and piping work Initial cost of the client is cheap

                                                                                    • 该管道通过蔌裤线天然气输送到每个房间和楼上的长度,你知道比较差的独立数字一
                                                                                      As for length of the piping which passes through the gas to each room when it goes to the higher stratum of society floor, the [ro] which is the beam difference in comparison with the Ichinohe building

                                                                                      • 谢谢姐姐(烹饪,阿姨的午餐)最终会烹饪水凉 你想要一个长期和一个小时间做饭比天然气订购(从即将推出中转房屋建筑商的权力后的烹调加热器,壊不远处是刚),因为目前的设备,并希望降低温度的细节上的音频显示只是把锅碗瓢盆,做饭,并知道怎样的方式获得的,气体和时间意义上,古物凄一个由不同厚度的东西鼻子和设备,但它声称恼火 With favor as for the younger sister licensed cook school lunch 伯母 san in the setting which cooks in the kitchen with the cool water…… Immediately after from builder of electric power can do IH cooking heater because it introduces is not broken directly that way therefore the instrument whose cooking time is a little long that and in comparison with the gas when the just a little pot and the frying pan are raised because temperature goes down immediately Secret is necessary in manner of cooking that is tremendous time The tsu te thing which is different from the gas instrument sensuously it will be nervous one by one concerning the nose It seems
                                                                                        • 希古抛出煮热或清洗好很多嵌入式煮食容易,烹调时间长相比略有气体或没有,但我已与烤鱼或限制同一时间在3个地方若气体净化焙烤食品我炸的东西,但好东西是烹调油和少量的夏季它的时候,我有好有坏,是为地狱 IH cleaning being easy while cooking is not particularly hot and it boils together and cooking the pride when however they are 3 place simultaneous or fish burning combined use is restriction it is the tsu ke which is Cooking time is a little long that and in comparison with the gas But as for the gas as for any ceramics frying things the pride as for cleaning a little as for oil mono cooking in time putting out summer season the hell The trap which is merit demerits in both

                                                                                      • 轮候管会也决定了在夜间和核电细节用电率的发电设备,以便在他们入住展
                                                                                        Therefore Also discount is decided at ratio of the nuclear power plant which is occupied in entire generation of electricity of the respective company and nighttime electrical amount used the inside of pipe

                                                                                        • 达罗常识呢?当地学校和社区中心,使热电联产机组的高级保健设施,其特点是便利店和Gasusuta

                                                                                          • 达罗,它可以驱动114电话中转东京捍卫光。只有公司的代理和他或她的小喜章Uzeesure
                                                                                            114 [ro] that it cannot make the optical telephone and is Tokyo electricity of that IH protection. Small great-grandchild receiving company operative [uzeesure] shelf

                                                                                            • 这不是这么低的成本,或方便Enakya,因为原始的炉子,甚至感到厌恶着眼于阻燃鄂如不知道,在所有食物壁炉取暖,并继续生活,我煤油炉 Either one cost is low when convenience you do not understand at all but If the fire where cooking and heating burn discernibly because it is the dawn man whom you feel that it is the ear The gas cookstove continuing the life of the fireplace and the kerosene stove the ru wa
                                                                                              • 如果不增加抗体,但并不仅限于此,我不知道什么是永远没有错难有504票赞成该原始?我不会伤害到知道,但毫无疑问 504 Whether being that tsu te useless thing However it has not limited to this as for being thankful primitive thing forever… Knowing as for te loss as for without doing however you are not wrong

                                                                                            • 这些家伙看起来只有瓦特空调的空气不会像电在恐惧法案白天与您的假日托盘

                                                                                              • 这就是所谓的655晚的实际权力,他们往往会发言发言伊藤合意味着分钟范围从我妈的创收能力控制核能和水力发电芦苇,而我,我毫不犹豫地使用电力公司埃恩更好
                                                                                                655 The midnight power [tsu] [te] says the bee [i] and semantic being agreeable tend the [ku] [te] Actually to output adjust therefore the [zu] leprosy atomic energy and the generation of electricity quantitative base of hydraulic power Being settled in the range, on the other hand the one which electric power company is used it is to be able to obtain in [ru] amount

                                                                                                • 这意味着我们将使用一个425中转,常识,但我认为给予绝对密闭房屋,萨克我用木炭炉的房子不做这样的收紧,因为它具有较好的停止是的,愚蠢的湿重427 425 Using IH the ru tsu lever you think that sensibly it is the high airtight residence but it is Closing up at such residence therefore charcoal brazier something as for using senselessness the one which is stopped is good ww 427 The u it is
                                                                                                  • 316年前,那波说正是Tteta,姑母,希你有Shibaraku梳子,皮肤癌已被周围厚厚的大腿,行走时很难,虽然“你是什么意思?”认为驱动tTA 316 Several years ago the electromagnetic wave how says exactly time the kindred when makes IH for a while doing thickly the area of the thing becoming the skin cancer when becoming walking difficult “perhaps doing as expected ” You thought
                                                                                                  • 462 IH和Rajientohita(加热丝),不要混淆?由于较早 462 IH and rajientohita heating wire it is not confused Directly from the tsu coming
                                                                                                  • 这意味着我们将使用一个425中转,常识,我觉得房屋是不透气,萨克我用木炭炉的房子不做这样的收紧,因为它具有较好的停止是的,愚蠢的湿重427 425 Using IH the ru tsu lever you think that sensibly it is the high airtight residence but it is Closing up at such residence therefore charcoal brazier something as for using senselessness the one which is stopped is good ww 427 The u it is
                                                                                                  • 通过ーー嘿我没有收到它热550希否认自己 哪个更有效和我交谈,使用直接热损失和热 550 Is and others IH itself is denied separately it is not to be tsu te heat gt electricity gt the loss heat When heat is used directly either one efficient tsu te story

                                                                                                • 这是分为两个南部走廊像qqqqq名称501:的。 ◆学院ULzeEom5Pip0 []发布日期:2010 / 08 / 14(星期六)01:31:15编号:uqCO3BMb0 [32 / 35]是498,一个正常大小可以烧烤烧烤qqqqq两个可广泛这正是热水器数千公升的水或将要分离
                                                                                                  Qqqqq which becomes like the veranda was divided in two 501 Name: South. Institute * ULzeEom5Pip0 [] Contribution day: 2010/08/14 (Saturday) 01: 31: 15 ID: uqCO3BMb0 [32/35] 498 The [u] it is, the width qqqqq which can do BBQ normally Being wide, although BBQ it is possible, being divided in two? Just it is the calorifier of thousands liters

                                                                                                  • 这红外249 infrared m还听取谣言是假的,但瓦特的东西
                                                                                                    249 That is the infrared ray of infrared ray communication, w Something 捏 making, however you heard also rumor

                                                                                                    • 那么,到现在为止,公司没有权力古希如果补贴和奖励可以在热水设施,以及全电公寓开发公司只给它w Well if to now the subsidy and the subsidy which from the electric power company have appeared in IH and hot water supply equipment are gone The apartment development company as for all electrification tsu lever Toda who is stopped w
                                                                                                      • 全电式烹饪分钟我一般不会说一切都很清楚qqqqq As for all electrification speaking clearly as long as is cooked normally Qqqqq which is not problem at all

                                                                                                    • 鄂如东京电力公司树立大怀特韦伟大的工业大都市市区,是取得困难,但夜间的贴现因子
                                                                                                      Nighttime being able to discount Tokyo Electric Power which holds the large city & the large industrial district non- night castle national capital region and being difficult is the primary factor

                                                                                                      • 阪神大地震造成的火灾中,我一直在电力上,尽管...如果火花再飞,我想我是片面的厂房壊颜射
                                                                                                        But as for fire cause of the Kobe Earthquake electric what…… The house [bu] [tsu] being broken, although the [ru] unilaterally transmitting electricity reopening, the [tsu] which the spark throws and sows it is in habit

                                                                                                        研究 開発