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With the recall problem of Mayor Akune, to inhabitant poll execution…Necessary signature it gets together


  • -鹿儿岛-家庭经营的公司阿久根市市长下令建造的出价进行鹿儿岛县阿久根2月在全市的城市之一,占成交价为差异下令建造,土木工程公司信量运行市长的家庭竹原,凯塔已售出19左右的价格最低限价只是一个圆圈分钟

    • 151博客2010 08 21(星期六)我没有强迫签字的书面 NULL
      • 只有一个由公众舆论的力量签字不清楚谁签字 我就第3卷元 NULL
      • 因为我们是尽可能对选举结果的现实中来,并签署 NULL
      • 让我们回顾一下力量取得成功的唯一签署do m坦白不重要 NULL

    • 171政府官员和活动家可能不是我们,家庭是运行公务员竞选工作人员,在 事实上,它的权利活动家稳步下降,自副市长身着朦胧的惩罚?市长派反对,我就越觉得处罚是比较方便? NULL
      • 175公务员 事实上,它的权利活动家稳步下降,自副市长身着朦胧的惩罚?市长派反对,我就越觉得处罚是比较方便? NULL

    • 25,回收(召回选举),选举一(回收→选民是否 3召回必须签署超过)当需要制定召回需要一个→多数选民的如获批准什么是停止的状态,说我超过半数的选民,然后尝试猪排手流的选举前景也很少 25 Whether or not the recall dismissal claim is done gt Or more of the voter signature of 1 3 is needed Whether or not the recall dismissal claim it is formed gt Poll of majority of the poll person is needed In a word the or more of the half of the poll person stops at the point in time when the recall is formed It is in a state where you say it elects with this and the possibility that it can win is not left over
      • 29回收(召回选举),选举一(回收→选民是否 3召回必须签署超过)当需要制定召回需要一个→多数选民的如获批准什么是停止的状态,说我超过半数的选民,然后尝试猪排手流的选举前景也很少 29 Whether or not the recall dismissal claim it does gt Or more of the voter signature of 1 3 is needed Whether or not the recall dismissal claim it is formed gt Poll of majority of the poll person is needed In a word the or more of the half of the poll person stops at the point in time when the recall is formed It is in a state where you say it elects with this and the possibility that it can win is not left over
      • 672哦,这个词虽然脚,一回忆批准索赔 3和召回本身,而是一票多数 672 Well less than word the shelf and recall claim formation with 1 3 as for the recall itself the majority shelf of poll

    • 8420人签署了罢免市长阿久根115,728公投的名字:Shisan名无 你的腹部充分 115 Akune mayor recall signature 8420 person to inhabitant poll 728 Name Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
      • 276名: 名无Shisan你的腹部全 276 Name Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
      • 277名: 名无Shisan你的腹部全 277 Name Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
      • 656:10周年Shisan名无 :2010 08 21(星期六)20:07:43编号:HvElIsGe0(1 13)生活战斗 656 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 08 21 Saturday 20 07 43 ID HvElIsGe0 1 13 You quarrel it is
      • 728名: 名无Shisan你的腹部全 728 Name Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
      • 发布日期:2010 08 13(星期五)10:11:35编号:Xmc1vHiL 721 276:Shisan你的腹部充分名无 Contribution day 2010 08 13 gold 10 11 35 ID Xmc1vHiL 276 721 Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
      • 当我出来的许多名字981四七九瓦特存档搜索:Shisan周年名无 10 上 发布时间:2010 08 21(星期六)02:57:52编号:6Vp9ZDso0 22 26 近971 tive的收集不只有约320分钟的签名提交 479 When past the log it searches the varieties the wa w which comes out 981 Name Name it is not ten lap year Contribution day 2010 08 21 Saturday 02 57 52 ID 6Vp9ZDso0 22 26 971 Because submits the first day 320 people only signature is gathered

    • Demonai但我说我还没有接近市长辞职或政策变化881,我只有蛮力和有约束力的关于什么?这一数字只有65或15以上原因,如果他们继续他们的工作是正常的,我希望更多的人是没有工作过65年在叶山 881 The tsu te where presses for resignation or policy conversion in the mayor being the case that it is said regardless although it is not something it has tied coercively it is And why this number as for limitation of 15 year old or more of 65 or less as for the student normally it does not work and Although the human who works even in 65 years old or more quickly about the ma it is don t you think
      • Demonai我说我不能有881名市长,和我只是绑定到蛮力用什么?这一数字只有65或15以上原因,如果他们继续他们的工作是正常的,我希望更多的人是没有工作过65年在叶山 881 Being the case that the mayor says regardless although it is not something it has tied coercively it is And why this number as for limitation of 15 year old or more of 65 or less as for the student normally it does not work and Although the human who works even in 65 years old or more quickly about the ma it is don t you think

    • Nosabari安理会继续有专家出来是什么值得它不再佩戴尽管广大的无权竹原的说法是正确的共识

      • NULL 2007 balancing of accounts Aku Neiti government office staff mayor and secondary mayor superintendent of education proper staff labor cost Fire fighting is excluded Staff name Giving The term end such as treatment overtime duties diligence treatment Annual income Mutual aid expense Expense total 9 4 897 200 822 600 555 469 2 144 681 8 419 950 1 429 323 9 849 273 10 5 395 200 599 400 0 2 381 429 8 376 029 1 576 532 9 952 561 11 5 108 400 528 000 407 082 2 246 523 8 290 005 1 492 104 9 782 109 100 4 572 000 663 500 80 238 2 087 376 7 403 114 1 346 896 8 750 010 101 5 192 400 87 000 0 2 120 447 7 399 847 1 493 625 8 893 472 102 5 108 400 123 000 70 860 2 086 143 7 388 403 1 469 634 8 858 037 103 5 150 400 132 000 0 2 103 294 7 385 694 1 481 629 8 867 323
        • NULL 2007 balancing of accounts Aku Neiti government office staff mayor and secondary mayor superintendent of education proper staff labor cost Fire fighting is excluded Staff name Giving The term end such as treatment overtime duties diligence treatment Annual income Mutual aid expense Expense total 9 4 897 200 822 600 555 469 2 144 681 8 419 950 1 429 323 9 849 273 10 5 395 200 599 400 0 2 381 429 8 376 029 1 576 532 9 952 561 11 5 108 400 528 000 407 082 2 246 523 8 290 005 1 492 104 9 782 109 100 4 572 000 663 500 80 238 2 087 376 7 403 114 1 346 896 8 750 010 101 5 192 400 87 000 0 2 120 447 7 399 847 1 493 625 8 893 472 102 5 108 400 123 000 70 860 2 086 143 7 388 403 1 469 634 8 858 037 103 5 150 400 132 000 0 2 103 294 7 385 694 1 481 629 8 867 323
        • 包括现在在她30出头预期至500各种津贴。我租s With 30 generation first half women now with treatments included 500 Being able to receive the ru
        • 哦,我是想ー签署亭(读条),并签署了“真正的”人花阿久根是什么呢?假阿久根公民自治提请在我的期望90%以上的订单。我们的政府官员 To signature got together it is straight reading So while signing “the true” Akune citizen was no person kana My expectation… autonomy of the false Akune citizen where 9 tenths get together in order of minsu Government employee
        • 哦,我是想ー签署亭(读条),并签署了“真正的”人花阿久根是什么呢?假阿久根公民自治提请在我的期望90%以上的订单。我们的政府官员 To signature got together it is straight reading So while signing “the true” Akune citizen was no person kana My expectation… autonomy of the false Akune citizen where 9 tenths get together in order of minsu Government employee
        • 圣人 张贴于:2010 03 18(周四)11:32:57编号:???2004※阿久根市市长过去的表现再次当选市长阿久根市市长斋藤Youzou 2000年和无投票选举(31 09年5月31日表决)8449繁赫米蒂奇新独立的独立竹原信三田中Yuuiti阿久根市长选举票7887票(2008年8月31日票)5547 5040新的新的独立的非党派投票竹原信三新的4401山田稔独立投票表决。羽田孜诚新的独立138票 sage Contribution day 2010 03 18 wood 11 32 57 ID Result of past Akune mayor selection Ocean three Mayors Saito re elect 2000 and 2004 with non poll Akune mayor election 2009 May 31st poll Takehara Shinichi Non post Origin 8 449 votes Tanaka Isamu one Non post New 7 887 votes Akune mayor election 2008 August 31st poll Takehara Shinichi Non post New 5547 votes Hermitage It is heavy the person Non post New 5040 votes Yamada Truth Non post New 4401 votes Field Truth Non post New 138 votes

      • NULL But with also Takehara national the villain the villain Neiti s Aku public finance From the past peak time to 2007 before Mayor Takehara inaugurates to comparison Fiscal scale 14 000 000 000 H11 gt 10 700 000 000 Yen The number of staffs 344 people H10 gt 244 people H20 4 1 Labor cost 3 000 000 000 H10 gt 2 200 000 000 Agriculture and forestry marine products expense 1 800 000 000 H11 gt 700 000 000 Engineering works expense 1 300 000 000 H12 gt 700 000 000 Notional debt service expenditure 2 400 000 000 H11 gt 1 500 000 000 New debt 1 800 000 000 H11 gt 800 000 000 Substantial income and outgo 1 500 000 000 H10 gt 3 300 000 000 10 years or more black ink balance continuation Primary balance 3 300 000 000 H13 gt 10 700 000 000 10 years or more black ink balance continuation Ku Amount H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 City Bond Remainder High 13 579 13 259 13 512 13 428 13 451 13 303 12 999 12 531 12 029 11 231 As for these everything and Takehara become the mayor “ Before ” It is the result
        • 674竹原,和其他support m竞争愈趋激烈,不信任投票表决罢免可能会很高,可能下降,而他的对手的球,不会,他是出于直接选举和竹原获胜的机会相当高 674 Because Takehara support the other than of that has competed with the recall poll which becomes vote of non confidence The possibility of being dropped probably will be high but tama of anti candidacy will not be and With coming again election the possibility Takehara winning is rather high
        • NULL Neiti s ○ Aku public finance From the past peak time to 2007 before Mayor Takehara inaugurates to comparison Fiscal scale 14 000 000 000 H11 gt 10 700 000 000 Yen The number of staffs 344 people H10 gt 244 people H20 4 1 Labor cost 3 000 000 000 H10 gt 2 200 000 000 Agriculture and forestry marine products expense 1 800 000 000 H11 gt 700 000 000 Engineering works expense 1 300 000 000 H12 gt 700 000 000 Notional debt service expenditure 2 400 000 000 H11 gt 1 500 000 000 New debt 1 800 000 000 H11 gt 800 000 000 Substantial income and outgo 1 500 000 000 H10 gt 3 300 000 000 10 years or more black ink balance continuation Primary balance 3 300 000 000 H13 gt 10 700 000 000 10 years or more black ink balance continuation Ku Amount H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 City Bond Remainder High 13 579 13 259 13 512 13 428 13 451 13 303 12 999 12 531 12 029 11 231 As for these everything and Takehara become the mayor “ Before ” It is the result
        • NULL Neiti s ○ Aku public finance From the past peak time to 2007 before Mayor Takehara inaugurates to comparison Fiscal scale 14 000 000 000 H11 gt 10 700 000 000 Yen The number of staffs 344 people H10 gt 244 people H20 4 1 Labor cost 3 000 000 000 H10 gt 2 200 000 000 Agriculture and forestry marine products expense 1 800 000 000 H11 gt 700 000 000 Engineering works expense 1 300 000 000 H12 gt 700 000 000 Notional debt service expenditure 2 400 000 000 H11 gt 1 500 000 000 New debt 1 800 000 000 H11 gt 800 000 000 Substantial income and outgo 1 500 000 000 H10 gt 3 300 000 000 10 years or more black ink balance continuation Primary balance 3 300 000 000 H13 gt 10 700 000 000 10 years or more black ink balance continuation Ku Amount H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 City Bond Remainder High 13 579 13 259 13 512 13 428 13 451 13 303 12 999 12 531 12 029 11 231 As for these everything and Takehara become the mayor “ Before ” It is the result
        • 竹原,但在全国范围内的坏人,我还会有坏人的一部分阿久根 Because as for Takehara nationwide the villain but there is a part of the villain even with Akune don t you think

      • _NULL_

        • ↓阿久根肯定的是,因为很多居民带来什么样的想法,阿久根市议会,不要安理会本身在下降?补偿支付给飞至适当的服务 Therefore as for ↓ Akune sure the inhabitant who has such thought large number the Aku Neiti national assembly there are no times when the city hall itself has atrophied Pay the appropriate compensation to service
          • 692所以,现在,你是愚蠢的阿久根带你不再适用,你很可能在别处 692 Therefore now to be in Akune it is low the brain which does not pass with another place tsu kana it is the ro which is
          • ↓阿久根当然你可能不感兴趣漂白胡散臭不麻烦之一就是这样一个痛苦,从我Yaran ↓ Akune sure such suspicious people just When you bleach one by one it is funny however probably will be because it is troublesome it is the wa
          • 我没有问题,我有多少打工仔,是摆在首位阿久根恩戴 Is with in the first place Akune the employment income earner just which being applying it is the case that it is problem
          • 由于许多居民带来什么样的想法,是不是这个城市本身已经下降阿久根?补偿支付给飞至适当的服务 Therefore the inhabitant who has such thought large number there are no times when Neiti itself Aku has atrophied Pay the appropriate compensation to service
          • 阿久根市议会,市政厅本身是很愚蠢的,政治上的自治是不可能的,即使 Because the Aku Neiti national assembly the city hall itself is aho politics the grommet autonomy how it is unreasonable

        • 不满和954 TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E3展%83%AB公司%E3展%82%B5的%E3展%83%B3的%E3展%83%81%E3展%83%9E条E3展%83% %B3的正是这种真的是这样非常有利于市长当然

          • 不能指望一个只记得真正的目的是不可能做到的东西时,我们的目标实现的签名看这样的目标,我记得,不记得是建立一个请求 Being formed recall claim there is no purpose and being formed the te recall therefore intended what expedient is the eye To mark converting when unreasonable doing signature something it can point the recall which is true purpose just stops being formed
            • 记得请求Irujan 681代表 681 The recall claim representative is

          • 两人告诉读卖新闻,城市内部事务署“已指示,不要采取下一步市长的新闻报道”的故事, The Yomiuri Shimbun Company Vis a vis collection of data the city Administration Division is indicated that collection of data of the mass communications is not transmitted “from the mayor ” With you spoke
            • 两人告诉读卖新闻,城市内部事务署“已指示,不要采取下一步市长的新闻报道”的故事, The Yomiuri Shimbun Company Vis a vis collection of data the city Administration Division is indicated that collection of data of the mass communications is not transmitted “from the mayor ” With you spoke

          • 也可以由投票率的影响,天气冲突。有一种可能性,我不知道会发生洪水或重新当选为浑水摸鱼

            • 人口下降,下降,游客在紧张的情况下阶层市民的增加人口老化的速度,更高的减少市政债券基金,基金结余增加,以改善财务能力,形成了随看当前帐户余额的比例提高

              • 你以为是竹原,tive的竹原市长竹原搜集反对罢免公职人员,不仅违背了Zitirou左派市长反驳说,导致日本在被召回商会的(自民党的系统)竹原,鹿儿岛县议会自民党占多数附表广大,“一致”的接受一项决议,谴责

                • 你是阿久根市的代表贪婪的350多名政府代表其他地方

                  • 例如35,如果你正在管理一个商店,甚至拥抱你爱竹原市长,甚至拥抱赞成派新市长Chitara下降主席同美国总统当地镇附近一个地方签名书签名切应该与您的随志摩的要求,并成为受到抵制,将不愿意签署 35 For example you having managed the store that held favor in Mayor Takehara assuming when the chairman inside local town fell that you held favor in Siniti long group candidacy assuming the chairman inside local town the signature book With when signature is requested coming if it refuses when it becomes the boycott object it means to sign astringently astringently
                    • Tsuka 279 Dekirujan新市长要求警察当局,不管你是他们的行动或市长不同于新一滴Chitara竹原 279 When the handle and Takehara fall length Siniti is separately therefore it is you can ask the police with Siniti long authority the duty understudy regardless of it is
                    • 你成为一个失败的,如果我有相反的效果签署生效 If you signed it is coercively with the counter result It becomes the failure being it does the yo
                    • 例如35,如果你正在管理的书,董事长签署的这个镇当地一,市长与竹原商店甚至拥抱你爱的是削减来随志摩的签名要求,成为您的受抵制将不愿意签署 35 For example you having managed the store that held favor in Mayor Takehara assuming when the chairman inside local town fell that you held favor in Siniti long group candidacy assuming the chairman inside local town the signature book With when signature is requested coming if it refuses when it becomes the boycott object it means to sign astringently astringently
                    • 如果你还记得多少赞成130原,签名是不容否认 130 Originally if recall approval large number it is difficult to sign and deny
                    • 如果反围绕竹原,我一直在接触,他们可能甚至不介意在上面签名 If around counter Takehara it is open therefore it is there probably are also times when you sign unwillingly
                    • 对回收的困难,如果原号码登录 Originally if recall opposition large number it is difficult to sign
                    • 我被强迫签署的游说,它是自然的摊位的规定 NULL
                    • 或反竹原,思想好,那么您知道这 That it is good with whichever whether you think whether counter Takehara the ro which is about that
                    • 桥本还没有愚蠢到223,已证实踢竹原负我不知道 223 Because either under the bridge the fool it is not it is not attached to Takehara where it has decided that it is defeated
                    • 绝对数量的仙境 的竹原市长选票没有记得签名 At absolute value the number of recall signatures gt there is no wonder separately even at the number of mayor selection Takehara polls
                    • 这是不是从腿快出票反对,但在看到竹原信任投票 When it is poll the legs and loins being hard because it does not come out you saw as the Takehara disadvantage even with confidence poll
                    • 那么,谁不符合反学校同意市长候选人并不意味着我主张的是竹原 Well however there is no human Takehara supporter tsu te reason which cannot be approved to counter mayor group candidacy

                  • 公务员与民间的竹原苏死亡死亡官员的抵制的口号后光泽

                    • 公民投票(秘密投票)回忆说,当大多数的确定,我们将不竞选连任的可能性

                      • 到目前为止,总督桥本持怀疑态度的决策反复苏市长竹原处理

                        • 古塔是泪水的眼睛欺骗酵母扎马甲1 wwwwwwwwww wwww

                          • 周二和信心跳进发挥了竹原市长,连任几乎没有在第一Hidokunakatta疯狂现在那么,目前的195个街区的地方 之前多数会支持的市长或1ー“我市长防组是“你不能说,如果对附近居民的绝对前面的I 195 The way of kichigai about now with even terrible previous election Mayor Takehara which carries out very limit re election Sparking as for the self confidence appearing from somewhere … If mayor support majority group “is forward my counter mayor group” the neighborhood forward the association of the how neighborhood which The ro which the ze tsu you want you cannot say and is
                            • 刚刚返回到原来的政府赶出厕所竹原波顿 Banishing Takehara it just returns to original botsuton toilet administration
                            • 的信心,起到了连任市长竹原对上次选举现在几乎没有足够的首195 Hidokunakatta或疯狂 现在摆在附近的地方多数会支持的市长或1ー“我反市长学校是“你不能说,如果对附近居民的绝对前面的I 195 The way of kichigai about now with even terrible previous election Mayor Takehara which carries out very limit re election Sparking as for the self confidence appearing from somewhere … If mayor support majority group “is forward my counter mayor group” the neighborhood forward the association of the how neighborhood which The ro which the ze tsu you want you cannot say and is

                          • 哈纳阿久根市的公务员,但官员们的自我Bakkari白痴西西阿久根

                            • 哦,我能赢得我们的寄生虫公务员呢?

                              • 因为我是愚蠢的阿久根公民只能认为,艾滋病将发挥湿重恩戴了几十年停滞不前市 As for the Akune citizen the fool is it is ww Several years being stagnant city government when you play only think it is
                                • 阿久根696人这么笨,政治自治是不可能的,即使 696 Because the Akune citizen is aho politics the grommet autonomy how it is unreasonable

                              • 在此之前,短的布莱恩向法院从新市长承认,在审判结束立即交换

                                • 地方 鹿儿岛市市长阿久根,彻底改变了配套建设确定托儿所。但周四早些时候拒绝了城市公司“的市长批准,拒绝给予县恩戴提交申请文件,”传播与埃塔 area Mayor Akune nursery school rebuilding assistance decision Denial But this month 3rd as for city “the mayor refuses the final decision of the subsidy application document which is submitted to the prefecture in corporate body” With it conveyed
                                  • 371?然后,盈余好像说Tteta大阪总督桥本是不是这是什么原因?阿久根市,同样的数目,但它不是以前黑大阪长 NULL
                                  • 地方 鹿儿岛市市长阿久根,彻底改变了配套建设确定托儿所。但周四早些时候拒绝了城市公司“的市长批准,拒绝给予县恩戴提交申请文件,”传播与埃塔 NULL
                                  • 驱动tTA职労众议员的腐傀。阿久根市的东西比罗任意闪烁W“的格局 NULL

                                • 埃泰批准市长应该考虑到儿童在“苏交谈 As for the mayor thinking of the thing of the children Final decision we should do” you say
                                  • 你们的独裁者,我总是受到伤害的人谈论 Only as for and others you domineer the populace receiving being well good you say
                                  • 埃泰批准市长应该考虑到儿童在“苏交谈 As for the mayor thinking of the thing of the children Final decision we should do” you say

                                • 多少次可以来Raretara 1井,返回到兰花或马上Waretara敢说它也多次听到一惯的乒乓球朱达罗照顾签署,因为它是这个国家古书面瓦特 When the sled ya 1 day many times come you sign from the difficult habit obtaining the ro which is Many times try becoming the body which the ping pong is done Until you sign when returning viewing it is said you write w It becomes like this in countryside reason
                                  • 什么Zitirou m 586分庭的法官? 586 The commercial meeting member is autonomous labor what with something
                                  • 他们签署一份Zitirou自己? Autonomous labor signed personally

                                • 大阪总督桥本是一个因素,而且成为政府补贴克祖盈余获得赠款?

                                  • 如何成熟,我将签署一项支持市长,但他决心生半想我会喊的国会议员在国会一再受制于市长 Although stopping by the mayor frequently at the national assembly although at the national assembly kind of those the Assemblyman to yell are mayor support group The raw half preparedness you can sign and are
                                    • 你必须在一组临时任命我反市长结构在一定程度上 The ro which counter mayor group is does not care even with provisional choosing a person and is
                                    • 市长亲称,假设它是积极的,占人均收入2亿日元 Mayor group insists per one person you suppose income 2 000 000 Yen that it is correct
                                    • 市长亲称,假设它是积极的,占人均收入2亿日元 Mayor group insists per one person you suppose income 2 000 000 Yen that it is correct
                                    • 我会市长亲936?我猜昨天Ideta噪音 936 Don t you think mayor group It has made a noise like to put out also yesterday
                                    • 这不是容易的,但如果你能记得在国会市长 If the mayor the recall is done at the national assembly although it is simple it does not do that
                                    • 这只是一个完全无法无天,这让市长办公室不辞职继续即使记得是我想要做的建立 Already therefore complete illegal state what the recall being formed without resigning thing of the extent which continues mayor job we would like to have being popular

                                  • 如果全民投票之间的差额,并签署了生产嗯,我不知道会发生什么事,以不记名或无记名

                                    • 已到决策的手段来制止这种国会的暴政使头部权

                                      • 市议会谴责前800(2月)31 09年5月31日3月22日市长选举阿久根31日,2009年当选为市议会市长安理会再次谴责阿久根市议会选举后的→→→市长,市市议会选举→解散w如果不是久藏的好公民还清楚地记得

                                        • 市长与竹原驱动tTA去“我驱动tTA去”“你赢驱动tTA的”公仆“公开的,这是专横有点poller I不错 ”“议会议员,家庭主妇和日库屉优武私利和肥胖 poller I嗯 “”的斗争中生存,因此,他们是我吗?“” 怎么是你现在在哪里做竹原说。“ And Mayor Takehara went away … Don t you think “you went away” Don t you think “it won” Don t you think “the government employee it is the me tsu chi ya haughty they are… tax thieves don t you think …” “City discussion my stomach fattening fertilizing and doing you are proud and ill smelling it is the tsu te … tax thief don t you think …” “Me life it is painful so with something ” “… Takehara now why somewhere ru kana…”

                                          • 德鲁召回数量收集签名的法律在,但在那之前拒绝辞职,辞职,再次跑

                                            • 我会说是一件好事,因为任意他人14瓦特[鹿儿岛]阿久根市市长在家庭经营的订单申办城市建设的是2月举行的阿久根市,鹿儿岛县,卖了一至百分之建筑订单城市,竹原建筑公司经营由市长的家人,真一不,我有19分钟以一个成功的成交价是1轻微绕圈最低限价

                                              • 我将关闭它时再次发射阿久根市,我相信市民是不是阿久根

                                                • 我很尴尬的香椎958瓦特“你也支持竹原信三?微笑:”我取笑瓦特 958 It is shy don t you think w “Also anata has supported Shinichi Takehara it is niyaniya ” W which how is teased

                                                  • 我很舒适的全民投票的结果点差距和选票!湿重

                                                    • 我是白痴官员痴呆通过金钱和权力下放Tteta我觉得原来是不可能的,我想我会成为很好的先例是阿久根 We thinks that originally decentralization of power how it is unreasonable When the gold and authority are given to the foolish public official of dementia it becomes the Akune way Before being good thinking that example was possible the ru
                                                      • 你说你的睡眠和早生在当地政府和权力下放不应该是这样 It does not have to make the sleep talk be which was called to such local administration decentralization of power and the like

                                                    • 我有眼距621 WWW的阿久根不公投wwwwww NULL
                                                      • 他们甚至不笑或排减湿重卷全民公决没有8400 NULL

                                                    • 我相信我包括一个妄想一味互相矛盾,一些562潮来,我听到它很危险的条件 562 Obstinate what having faith in the delusion which contradicts mutually as for ru tsu te However you have heard that it is rather dangerous condition
                                                      • 195摆在我们面前,我行不符合第二行第三 195 You 2nd line and 3rd line has contradicted
                                                      • 562你畜生想觉得自己像一个矛盾沿627 627 Way you become aware in such contradiction if 562 In like thing viewing

                                                    • 我记得一出闹剧我会重新选举市长的w3杂交朱达罗更容易为我我是市长回顾wwwww连续一年再次发生? Being the ru in with the wa w3 year continual mayor selection which is recall how farce ro tsu te is the pleasure The mayor re elects when it becomes wwwww so and the recall
                                                      • 我记得一出闹剧我会重新选举市长的w3印迹wwwww连续两年,选举是很简单,我记得是这样? Being the ru in with the wa w3 year continual mayor selection which is recall how farce ro tsu te is the pleasure The mayor re elects when it becomes wwwww so and the recall
                                                      • 竹原也被观察到记得我记得,市长对不对?Daro m了吗? Being dismissed with the recall as for Takehara the ro where ro tsu te the fact that already it is the ru in with one time mayor selection is observation

                                                    • 收集的签名Tive和密封◇三分之一以上国会议员总人数的不断成员提出的议员赞成在一分钟或更多的索赔12,公民投票通过,投票的多数成员出席实施向市长请求 National assembly claim With the approval of the Assemblyman of 1 12 or more of Assemblyman constant the Assemblyman signature sealing of 1 3 or more of total number of the person who is proposed Gathering attendance Assemblyman It resolves with the approval of majority claims execution of inhabitant poll to the mayor
                                                      • 签名Tive收集和密封的资格三分之一以上的人数占投票人登记◇索赔清单的公民,该法案市长全民投票的执行情况 Citizen claim Signature sealing of 1 3 or more of total number of the person who is registered to the poll qualification person roster Gathering claims execution of inhabitant poll to the mayor

                                                    • 故意拒绝出来投票和计但就是我这样做会被否决或几个月的拖欠工资,市长被迫削减国会议员的第一时间决定梅塔拓地来了四个市长看到你晒黑?古工种的工艺我呼吁这样的自我利益,做什么众议员

                                                      • 效果不能接受国会的批准并没有影响(军工位置)总督苏伊藤回应临时国会一再要求处置的所谓法律决策过程指出,非法鹿儿岛大学教授Hamarazu平井我们的公民运动

                                                        • 无论哪种方式,我也转,但我毕竟不是其他人员不仅有趣的奇观,在金融方面 Tumbling to whichever after all only it is funny show There are no other personal affairs but it is in the point public finance

                                                          • 日本的民主,甚至这个城市它是一个伟大的耻辱,因为人们暴露花阿久根农村小康吗?

                                                            • 最后市长选举中,如果再次当选竹原德尔萘乙酸毁灭体面的候选人是从自我的一部分,田中手,但没有人没有 Because previous mayor election order exerted from above… had the part of Tanaka s self destruction With the honest candidate the re there is no Takehara re election but is … the talent is not
                                                              • 这是支持者热泪盈眶的眼睛Netouyo竹原,这当然 netouyo of Takehara support tear eye shelf as for this sure

                                                            • 机制,遏制腐败是模糊的,而不是立法委员选举投票

                                                              • 竹原市市长阿久根自卫队现在,前政府官员,公司管理人员,建筑承包商相对

                                                                • 竹原市长对手的比赛更接近投票确定8420年1月

                                                                  • 竹原总是亲616“,许多选民(市长选举捕捉),如果反向细节的!”我说我通过了召回,但塔瓦凯(解决方案在表决中多数的有效选票。青睐),但输出茹哦,这就是市长进行直接的数量或公众舆论的反他显然是一个大 616 As for Takehara support group always “many public opinion with the mayor who is chosen opposing But” the tsu te you say reason Recall formation with inhabitant poll majority of effective poll solution Although approval it did the tsu te which comes again and appears in mayor selection as for the fact that you say Opposing to many public opinion clearly the ru don t you think
                                                                    • 直到再次到达市长驳回了淘汰投票。我想这是一个漫长的故事 NULL

                                                                  • 竹原被采访市长,“考虑什么是真正的历史事件信息的排减单位,他们的感觉 As for Mayor Takehara in collection of data “as for historical phenomenon whether you think of which information as truth sense of that person
                                                                    • 竹原被采访市长,“考虑什么是真正的历史事件信息的排减单位,他们的感觉 As for Mayor Takehara in collection of data “as for historical phenomenon whether you think of which information as truth sense of that person

                                                                  • 第226条,关于选举,并在那里,而你可以解释的条款石窟冲突与某些年轻以下具体假设为395名议员候选人竹原,石窟研究所年轻的国家当地政府官员,国家石窟若干雇员的年轻军官对当地民族研究所,中央选举委员会青年石窟成员从事一般事务管理部的官员投票的全国选举委员会,选举委员会官员石窟年轻,选举管理人员和投票。石窟年轻的失败,使执行长,其职责是一个很好的理由故意总统选举分 395 Takehara which is the candidate as a hypothesis is contrary somewhere of the below mentioned provisions concretely if you may explain 226th provision In regard to election the government employee of the country or the municipal corporation the official of specific independent administrative corporate body or specific local independent administrative corporate body Or the staff the member of central election management meeting or the staff of the general affairs ministry which engages to the general affairs of central election management meeting Member or staff poll manager ballot counting manager or selection of electoral commission Length or election amount chairman It neglects the execution of the duty intentionally and or there is no legitimate reason and follows to the candidate or the election campaign person of the te public office Abusing the authority when disturbing the freedom of election it executes in imprisonment of 4 years less than e g it enters in that home or the election office
                                                                    • 843如果出现这种情况,“是威胁,政府官员和总统表决留在每个投票站的地方”或“操纵计票结果Zitirou”我不会说,或者弹出 843 So when it becomes “the staff and autonomous chairman staying in each polling station the poll person was threatened” that “autonomous labor operated the election returns” you think that you propose
                                                                    • NULL 410 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 08 25 water 21 23 56 ID ndmbXkqG0 395 Takehara which is the candidate as a hypothesis is contrary somewhere of the below mentioned provisions concretely if you may explain 226th provision In regard to election the government employee of the country or the municipal corporation the official of specific independent administrative corporate body or specific local independent administrative corporate body Or the staff the member of central election management meeting or the staff of the general affairs ministry which engages to the general affairs of central election management meeting Member or staff poll manager ballot counting manager or selection of electoral commission Length or election amount chairman It neglects the execution of the duty intentionally and or there is no legitimate reason and follows to the candidate or the election campaign person of the te public office Abusing the authority when disturbing the freedom of election it executes in imprisonment of 4 years less than e g it enters in that home or the election office

                                                                  • 约10家,我觉得这只是他的所有信徒的追随者 You think that among around 10 those where it is the believer are everyone believer even by your

                                                                    • 约5200万日元的一般工作人员工资减少时说,约6亿日元,减少赔款成本会降低

                                                                      • 而不是面对面的签名,和舆论,它暴露了一个更公平的公民投票或无符号遥

                                                                        • 记得公投大量减少的税款补助金师→→→→竹原市长竞选连任反对通过(因为减税)→回收见tive收集签名→(苏多次),以 Inhabitant poll gt Recall formation gt Counter mayor camp separation gt Takehara re election gt Because delivery tax large reduction property tax is reduced taxes gt Recall signature gathering gt It repeats We would like to see
                                                                          • 公民投票的结果很容易吸干我想签书元力会听到从亲戚丽卡辜限制在所居住 If you hear from the kindred who has lived the like putting out inhabitant poll result which signature was gathered rather compulsorily is the pleasure

                                                                        • 该障碍通常小于221人投票你知道吗? “多数表决”指的投票率Warazu与发射有关的策略是有效的或没有理由抵制 221 Inhabitant poll the hurdle as for being low knowing At “majority of poll total number” neck It is counted poll regardless of ratio In other words the meaning where the boycott maneuvers are not effective
                                                                          • 我是来自47个地方多留法还竹原政府市长所保证的现状,回顾,申诉的程序规定由同一法律(公投)不要在踢 47 Also Takehara mayor barrel position being guaranteed with Local Government Act therefore the ru it is the recall procedure which is stipulated with the same method inhabitant poll complaint is acquired is
                                                                          • 没有,但我觉得“我反对公投,甚至”如果你说Warere不反对该协会的老板的邻居 That air applying “Opposition it is possible to scratch with inhabitant poll is” if something it is said in the influential man of block association It cannot oppose

                                                                        • 这几乎就像与一个自雇如果929通常会在两分钟内踢收入 929 If the family operated business almost with working together like ones it probably is normal income to divide with two people

                                                                          • 这真的关闭了这么多的活动时均超出了鲁莽处理收集Marudaro

                                                                            • 钓鱼针大于676鱼嘴真正的生活是我并不觉得挂卡约? 676 As expected as for the fish you think in the fishhook which is larger than the mouth that it does not catch but it is how it does it is combining
                                                                              • 428因为,你是一个钉床?嘿,我该怎么活 428 Even the needle on the other hand the ze which is How it does it is to be able to combine

                                                                            • 阿久根公民“是一个遗憾,阿久根”调查同意市长,但我说40和14滚装船,17人反对,09没有富士答复 The Akune citizen “it is Akune to force shame” saying simply the ro In 40 human questionnaires in mayor as for approval 14 as for opposition 17 non reply 9 by Fuji Telecasting Co
                                                                              • 本身将减少到如此荒谬的事情是做竹原阿久根朱达罗是不错 As for reduction itself doing also Akune separately simply the ro Because Takehara being unreasonable you did it means such a thing
                                                                              • 阿久根公民“是一个遗憾,阿久根说:”我富士同意市长说Tteta调查40和14对17,09,由没有答案 The Akune citizen “it is Akune to force shame” saying simply the ro In 40 human questionnaires in mayor as for approval 14 as for opposition 17 non reply 9 by Fuji Telecasting Co

                                                                            • 阿久根公民是你是否觉得,我们生活在价值将保持一个优雅的生活方式阿久根市的雇员呢?

                                                                              • 阿久根市财政的稳健的财政预算赤字下降到狂欢

                                                                                • 阿久根的土地通过九州新干线也华丽岛

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