The [tsu] which “menace dying the car hits in the patrol car which is fired and” sows it is in the stimulant man and the officer to be fired, -> it compensates claims to the lower half body paralysis Supreme Court rejection
1时,横滨地方法院的审判是“前进行鸣枪警告,”希望把不同的刀刀在日本扎西不会带来法官把空气枪1 > 1 making clear Yokohama district court doing “we should demoralizing fire before the firing”, that
The gun giving in this lunatic judge Being accustomed to cutting with the Japanese sword, like
584然而,许多过度判处仪内太奇怪?我不知道为什么我做的新闻 584 To so or excessively strange decision is not too multi Therefore very it becomes news however it is probably will be
584然而,许多过度判处仪内太奇怪?我不知道为什么我做的新闻 584 To so or excessively strange decision is not too multi Therefore very it becomes news however it is probably will be
765 415408 - 8 30mm的复仇者轰炸机被称为最疯狂我的意思是枪或A -甚至拔出发现一薄背心,如果我10名的产品的 765
GAU - With 8 alias [avuenjiya] 30mm machine guns shank
The semantic most mania attack plane A which whether of is - it is famous by the fact that it is stacked in 10
If the thin surface it pierces also the tank when
NAA的一宗杀死韩国官员说,警察自杀袭击尖叫像刀子,但我带来了一个小鸡加拉苏大象被打死颜射ーーー一种罪过,我不能无视警告射击, Although it was menaced was shot ignoring although it does not become crime The bu tsu you kill while u and others a shouting There was an incident where the Korean who special attack is done is pipped in the policeman with the kitchen knife
NAA的一宗杀死韩国官员说,警察自杀袭击尖叫像刀子我带来了一个颜射鸡加拉ーーー一个由苏大象死亡忽视鸣枪示警,但 Although it was menaced was shot ignoring The bu tsu you kill while u and others a shouting There was an incident where the Korean who special attack is done is pipped in the policeman with the kitchen knife
必要的消防警告杆领先一“高音调是浮夸的法官我们独特的知识,现场说冉葛根 First it was necessary demoralizing fire” that it pointed out Actual place exaggerated high word shelf only of intellectual viewing kudzu judge
自卫队可作为警务人员相同的规则,我在汝意译火灾和打击恐怖分子的警告 As the officer warning there is no either Self Defense Official where the same rule is adapted vis a vis the terrorist with with the meaning which can do shooting the shank
“咦?哦,真的吗?”,看到一张脸感到惊讶的警察,驱动tTA获胜!而且它会觉得我不是?但实际情况是“你应该去与法院任意Shitakya”你只是被装饰 “ a Well so is ” the te observing at that with feeling the officer is designated as the amazed look It won With thinking the ru it is it is not Realistically “The ro the coming ya which is judged it should have made selfish and is” it just is treated
“难道不能成为瘫痪的诡辩威胁”的争论一直是智慧和出什么律师,我将用它太麻烦盲目头律师 “Because it was not menaced also the philosophism quibble that it became the lower half body paralysis” probably is suggestion what of the attorneys but The attorney or to do with special care head using in the yo u without being the ru
但我的肋骨网站什么影响,但在近距离驱动tTA肩膀狙一米?管理的目的是与一个坏警察的手臂把枪吗? But although you aimed for the shoulder at close range of 1 meters the impact position is side stomach tsu te no what The handgun being able to give to the officer where such an arm is bad the te being good
支付诉讼费给予绝对的罪魁祸首?我要付ü周五截瘫男子做锈的感觉? Someone pays this judgment cost just it is The sense consequence medicine you do the gold which is paid to the man of the paralysis of one half of the body how being
横滨男子靠在一个警察在袭击截瘫枪(32)案例名称这是愚蠢的漂白 gt In the policeman shooting with the handgun the man of Yokohama city which becomes the lower half body paralysis 32 The name of this fool bleach
※Nyususure原审[]“是恐吓射击无×”警察枪杀一人有一辆警车投掷毒品多次,根据法院命令赔偿2★→1150万,2004年部分瘫痪在神奈川县上周四,8月25日在横须贺警署,他们的警长,我试图接近一个停泊的横须贺市警方讯问男子,该名男子逃离汽车将剥离出 * Original [niyususure]
“Without menace as for firing Ô In the stimulant man who the car throws many degrees in the patrol car in officer firing and the paralysis of one half of the body -> in Kanagawa prefecture 11,500,000 compensation order * 2
According to decision, 2004 August 25 day and night, the patrol car of Sergeant of the Yokosuka station, is in the midst of parking in Yokosuka city
That duty it will ask a question to the man, when it got near, the man fled making the car start rapidly,
↓下面是区法院和Katawagomikasu Busayo,墨西哥的毒品下污渍与西洛杉矶ZETAS照片容易贩运组织的亲密盟友 From ↓ here [busayo] district court and alliance friend of [katawagomikasu], the Mexican drug organization LOS Please enjoy with the picture of ZETAS
三菱森站在废人时,它没有像灾害应立即去拍摄和直接的罪犯被警告1杆猎枪打死了两名警察在火灾 The Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. raising basket at the time of [ri] incident during officer 2 menace firing in the criminal it was pipped with the hunting gun
Immediately if it pipped and solved it did not become such a catastrophe
不怕工作,因为你说,谁没有硝烟刚有点想狡辩wound ll看,这种情况下,只有警察谁Inashita正常工作,甚至如果出的白痴方式阻碍了茹更腐 It does not work well it seems that you say That with quibble it wound in the smoke but as for the one which was done thinking ru like therefore as for the police with the fool as a partner the disturbance of work just it lived suitably As for such a case there is an extent which rots
不怕工作,因为你说 这种情况下,只有警察谁Inashita工作正常进行的方式,即使你是愚蠢茹足够反对腐 It does not work well it seems that you say That with quibble it wound in the smoke but as for the one which was done thinking ru like therefore as for the police with the fool as a partner the disturbance of work just it lived suitably As for such a case there is an extent which rots
东京高等法院在两年徒刑,该国的司法Karida不适用于这样的人甚至暴徒碰杯军队后备最后4年缓刑 Penal servitude 2 year, stay of execution 4 year decided in Tokyo high court
It is the [tsu] temporary in administration of justice of this country which even jail sentence cannot be applied to such a man of the brutal offense extra troop
也许只会行到脊椎,腰部瘫痪的权利只打了驾驶员侧一起移动 Common running doing from driver's seat side, it just hit to the right side stomach
If it goes to the vertebra, whether it becomes the paralysis of one half of the body, don't you think?
他是敌视他奇怪的是,没有人反法律和道德本身就是一个家伙,我很unwilling ll遵守法律 It is thing what which the person tsu te which strangely regards with hostility the person who opposes accompanying as for itself well well in law therefore calls also that law and ethics the ru
这是多么不寻常的家伙,他对自己怀有敌意的法律是一个人,我很unwilling ll遵守法律 It is thing what which the person tsu te which strangely regards with hostility the person who opposes accompanying as for itself well well in law therefore calls law the ru
但是,人们在这里,有一个更聪明的方法,挥舞长矛或摆动相同的法律理论?我只是想让它不可能找到一个目标秒使用新鲜知识转化为,说你会 Simply the people who are here shake and do the same legal theory the za There was smarter method because When you remember knowledge of building just only want to try using simply and It is not visible that saying call the ru
作为一个先决条件警察什么横滨地方法院的裁决,认为是隐藏的,你花s ve甚至看到了伤害通勤 Format of the Yokohama district court being decided
As a prerequisite
As for the policeman the [tsu] which is possible to do the wound [u]
It seems that appears and disappears
你是什么意思呢? →→高级法院驳回了高法院驳回了地区法院应赔偿→矫饰告诉我,更多的信息,在法院确定的赔偿? This what meaning The detailed person being able to do District court gt compensation decision High court gt Rejection High court gt Rejection With as for the notion that where you say being decision with compensation of the district court
区820“警察自己的补偿,”高等法院的裁决,“嘿再见痴呆法院每次我睡觉瓦特言言撤消法院的裁决,警察乐队的胜利,”最高法院提出上诉的一名男子药物恩戴“违反法律规定的或嗯,嗯我决定离开啊登尼亚高等法院在Den我西西“警察的男子赢得药物失败 820 Don t you think as for the district court “as for the police compensation margin” decision the high court “each time sleep talk calls the dementia courthouse with victory of e w district court decision cancellation and the police oke ” Is with the Supreme Court “contravention to the law or with while it is the decision of the high court to be able to obtain the appeal of stimulant man side wa w it is with ya a w” Victory Police Defeat Stimulant man
横滨地方法院在日本已经成为一个宪政国家,不承认我,如果我的水平这种愚蠢的,他们可以要求弹劾横滨地方法院,这是在没有增加抗体Neyou损失计划显着公众利益,应该被弹劾 The level which is possible to impeach this Yokohama district court Such a aho claim recognizing cod Japan it becomes not to be constitutional government nation The Yokohama district court should impeach that the public profit will considerably be impaired by the fact that it plans
横滨地方法院的一审是“进行了一次鸣枪示警之前,”命令作为一个县的约11 5万日元的赔偿 1 making clear Yokohama district court doing “we should demoralizing fire before the firing” that in the prefecture approximately 11 500 000 Yen Compensation was ordered but 2 making clear Tokyo high court assuming that “demoralizing fire stopped resistance and flight with To be difficult to think illegality you cannot call firing ” that doing it rejected claim
即使他们是晚,我后悔我敢说你攻击的家伙,而他们牦牛轹把我逼疯是合议庭 _NULL_
厚颜无耻的犯罪正处于利益Uhauha弱?我想我驱动tTA“赔 这个当地雇员一样。乞丐帮助制定使我无法接受的先例滋扰”为假,所以在人权律师,另一剑蕨为没有任何一瓦特现在,未来附表神社和饲料我求在茂木担转到人权乞丐!我 This thief as for fierce offender, from this with weak right [uhauha]?
Whether however you thought,
“This hand 賠. The not being useful where the beggar passed and said and therefore front example made”
For false human rights group attorney, already business it is not as a mere nuisance shelf w
News item of the portable shrine to shoulder with the [a] and the next human rights beggar seeking, GO! Is
嗯,我现在住有残疾,可33个税?我祝你身体凯塔锤头大米会说几句话 33 So with the handicapped person living with tax don t you think the ru it is How if the se although you shot in the head and included and were good…
此外,巴士各种残疾免费服务(如)和08日元,永远会发给接受软银移动 In addition various handicapped person supports the bus and the like is free can be received and 8 Yen it puts out also carrying the software bank eternally
因此,我做我的装备猎枪在日本警察巡逻车?我不需要被警告一旦你加载一个非致命性弹药射击 When even in the Japanese police the shot cancer gun should have been equipped in the patrol car don t you think it is If the non lethal bullet is loaded either demoralizing fire probably will not need and
我什么火灾警告枪杀任何时候都保持在我的车,武装人员假装干得不错朱达罗 The officer who was done well The ro which is in the first place car tsu te dangerous weapon That swinging it becomes demoralizing fire how what
有什么我法院威胁时疯狂打击并非来自一辆警车确实击中了汽车使用S The car is thrown there is spare time something which has been menaced in the kichigai kind of partner who in the patrol car The ho it is with you cannot use the district court
在对妨碍司法地址,职业不明天堂生活行为的人员。 。犯罪嫌疑人(26)我希望你多少,你为什么不杀这些退休金无法支付 As for office member with flagrant delict of official business execution disturbance address and occupation unknown raw heaven Suspect 26 If to such the extent which obstacle annuity is paid although the murder chi ya you obtained and were good
天原职业不明。 。犯罪嫌疑人(26)我希望你多少,你为什么不杀这些退休金无法支付 gt Occupation unknown raw heaven Suspect 26 If to such the extent which obstacle annuity is paid although the murder chi ya you obtained and were good
在有关的死亡时间后进入住宅鳄鱼是毒害人的抑制剂会发现这个世界的可靠意识“不应该鳄鱼被任命为联邦储备委员会很多的比赛我ü我犯罪分子扬子鳄资本-金融世界犹太奴隶Goimu奴役统治者与和平。什么是经营规模鳄鱼 Sense consequence medicine what from the alligator which is the poison which designates the human securely as the disabled person
It relates at the point in time when capital punishment” it should do the alligator which
As for this world worldwide alligator of FRB Judean financial type capital slave [goimu]
By the fact that the offender is made and disputes the large quantity
The dominant people feeling at rest, the slave. The [tsu] [te] size alligator which you can work
地索诺雇主雇员的教育,听他的名字和工作地址,或S,让我成为司法警察逮捕了阻街即使要么我的口头警告和307这是怎么回事 307
If when I am that officer
It arrests by official business execution disturbance
Or it accompanies, inquiring about ahead name and duty
The duty first as for employee education, how becoming, when the [ru] it is
Oral, whether you note
如果我没有遇到一个警察射击距离是不是有一个初步的说法没有这个司法毒品在车上我的驱动器,阻塞会杀了一个人,除了违反兴奋剂药品管理法,谋杀你有可能不只是欣赏 Car driving how it is not on this of dangerous thing with the stimulant
Temporarily without being fired fleeing to the officer there, the cod, someone it pulls and probably has killed
In addition to official business execution disturbance and stimulant control method violation, murder just was not attached gratefully should think
当然,不起诉费,但驳回了索赔或拒绝,这是事件,导致过度使用的严格的枪支 Of course, but as for prosecution as for non-prosecution and claim dismissal or rejection the incident which becomes the opportunity where use of the handgun is exactly converted excessively don't you think?
怎么一鸣枪警告。 They m瓦特拳头几个饼干失去了根基。我想排除拍摄是一个原因,我当它被排除瓦特索诺狭间会被打,如果我做了一件我已经排除了枪鸣枪警告萨科瓦特是必要的 Generally the menace morphism shooting one It is a lot of what w Such it is the fist Because there is a reason which is shot at the point in time when it pulled out it probably pulls out but w Being approached necessary although it pulled out the gun demoralizing fire something doing at that of the cod time it probably will be done but w
镜头对我w警告我什么拳头饼干失去了根基。我想排除拍摄是一个原因,我当它被排除瓦特索诺狭间会被打,如果我做了一件我已经排除了枪鸣枪警告萨科瓦特是必要的 Generally the menace morphism shooting it is what w Such it is the fist Because there is a reason which is shot at the point in time when it pulled out it probably pulls out but w Being approached necessary although it pulled out the gun demoralizing fire something doing at that of the cod time it probably will be done but w
总结评估人员有关的法官任命与当前国家的法官法官的第二评价,这是有关的基本信息一度1年,区法院和高等法院专员及 完成工作的头就属于一个家庭法院法官,报告已送交最高法院 2nd General condition of the judge personal affairs which it is related with the present condition of personal appraisal of the judge Presently becoming the basic information regarding the personal appraisal of the judge every year 1 times High court director and district court leader Family Court leader concerning the judge of post the work Forming it is the report which has been sent to the Supreme Court
这一案件的先例今日(高等法院)我看,一个问题吗?精益侧翼攻击“外伤性胸脊髓损伤”,而我站出来要求赔偿的35414246万日元 However now judicial precedent high court of at this incident you see There is question Being shot the side stomach it becomes the “external wound characteristic chest medulla damage” You insist that damage of 142 463 541 Yen came out
我不是一个法院?法院指令来你,问:请给我尽量重复愚蠢的决定,因为如果需要拉善? Area cutting being thing what Pull judgment as much as possible and in order to extend the decision which acts playfully put out that with has order come
陪审团制度最终可能是我太傻区域法院法官 After all as for the judgment member system being possible Because the judge of the district court is too foolish The tsu lever it is what
我发现一个地方20年Sugidaro Dokeyo包括甜,2年来首次在地方监狱,缓刑4年 The stay of execution 4 year te to be too sweet in the first place penal servitude 2 year the ro which is 20 year rank spots 込 it is the do ke
我在一个肮脏live额外的237警察officers from线to have东西的最高法院法庭指控的谋杀驱动tTA律师和人权就会遭到杀害的人也不能判断是对我讲话,1年约10至for律师在审判结束我们会继续杀人,并说 237 When in the real condition everyone it pips calling human rights group attorney accusing with murder because it has done to the Supreme Court it is excessively troublesome As for the officer unless it stops it stops being able to go and until judgment ends about 10 years Continues to call to the attorney the human murder
我住在和他们告诉人们,扣押的穷人摆脱戳伤平民井时,就像当24名警察被祝大家一杆 Because to be good police 24 it is o clock like when unskillfulness it does how to escape the civilian the involvement saddle u way the person who has been done it is don t you think In the real condition you desire everyone gundown
旧的东西都来了最高法院和驱动tTA行是一个人权律师被控谋杀一名警察枪杀刑事所谓的手枪连续射击 Former times pips continual pistol gundown offense the officer who generally known human rights group attorney Accusing with murder because it has done to the Supreme Court
这是令人忧虑的是额外的警察被控谋杀和判断,你会杀死237前缀的人权律师不是我,我们会继续杀人和律师说,大约10年,直到审判结束 237 When you kill because calling human rights group attorney accuses with murder it is excessively troublesome As for the officer unless it stops it stops being able to go and until judgment ends about 10 years Continues to call to the attorney the human murder
我太有时间接受汽车威胁消防和警察打警察,因为我还没有想s Because it does from the policeman receiving firing e g the car is thrown to the patrol car In order for there to be a spare time when menace how it has done you cannot think but it is
在诉讼县“,并警告前几次枪击事件,被迫停止行动”,声称 With lawsuit prefectural side “warned many degrees before the firing it stops it was the measure which is not obtained” that you insisted
警车将受到生天田目嫌疑人说,他们停止发射由于警告或 Suspects Nabatame had the car the patrol car collide warned but Because it does not stop you say that it fired
我希望我瓦特选择瓦特截瘫当场死亡,而不是随随便便沸腾生气,因为即使你删除新的疯狂,疯狂的小路被剥夺自由的情况并不好 Don t you think it is good w Instantaneous death compared to the lower half body paralysis was chosen w Exterminating kichigai therefore new kichigai just it boils those where freedom of kichigai is taken are good thing
我必须是真正愚蠢的想法也是这样的投诉,并与第一狙击手听证请求发言,在濑户内海劫持一艘没有获胜 Although there is no chance with the Setouchi sea jack, the sniper accusation and attaching making clear the fool who is claimed was such thought circuit, it is probably will be
我怀疑这个韩国人的败类绳之以法,甚至在日本的一个手投篮,或者是需要一个良好的通过这个疯狂的蛋糕,投诉的头部,幽默? When the appeal of such a kichigai passes the wa which in Japan has doubt conversely in administration of justice Such a kudzu being pipped the te is good The head of somewhere it is strange the Korean
附表原谅只有371拒绝逃生,许多韩国人在哪里,如何保持赛车在赛道上无法想象的,通常对一个警察呢? 371 Denying if just it escapes anyhow the car in the patrol car Throwing muchiya it can pursue unless It is Korean of somewhere
我想我会在世界上的孩子在一次客观知识埃塔371这样的学校,就没有苦?在任何课程质量工作熟练地阻止他们来达里语我们的身体,而且因为它是妨碍司法公正的良好颁布 371
Society turning with the knowledge which is remembered in such school, thinking as the [ru], as for [ru] [gaki] not being gone?
Job quality covering dashing being optional, the fellows course skillfully, therefore official business execution disturbing being formed the pride
我想我会成为一个痛苦的截瘫你知道你住在警察枪击死亡的人员,如果驱动tTA突击瓦特阿米利亚吉焦! If ame being pipped the ro which is the ru Living in the paralysis of one half of the body however ru one probably is balance w The officer GJ whom you shoot
我希望我被人开枪打死,并在日本拍摄死刑,美国是好的〜让 When it is America until it dies shooting pipping although the ru John who is possible to be Japan
所以,“我的意思,通常你会希望有耐心,我想我Zurushi”对他的愤怒和侵犯有趣的交流 Therefore “as for me usually although you have been patient as for you it does slyly and the tsu te ” changes to the anger for the person who violates
据警方说,外头自己做274绍布感觉更奇妙的警察,在你说,如果你现在使用的是服从,工作适当剂量的类固醇仇恨恨他,直到他们的僧侣长袍Kerya逃生相似的一个好故事刚Gezu转移质量的影响分析认为,警察被打死,但我没有枪,是我允许日本平民吉焦我很好,你知道,恐惧是枪乱茹。我需要,但他们是邪恶的凯塔和地点人员从我们这个警察。本身是合法的,因为 274 By your doing shiyabu off base officer ru That just is that officer abnormality current your speech to the monk 憎 ke ri ya Buddhist priest s stole 憎 to be with the person who is said If protecting use dosage properly you use the steroid without escaping with job quality it should have conveyed the effect sufficient story Because after Japan the handgun possession of the general people is not recognized don t you think Don t you think so the police who is not killed is GJ It is good don t you think the handgun is feared thoughtlessly However it needs Excluding the fact that the hitting place is bad the departure of this officer Therefore itself legitimacy
它已被警方打死572人被杀害,如果吉焦Youganaikarane我很好,你知道,我这样做,但不要使枪的使用和杀死警察。我没那么好 572 As for that being killed because there is no ginger don t you think Don t you think so the police who is not killed is GJ It is good don t you think how to use the handgun is the murder chi ya useless don t you think As for this police policing It is good it worked don t you think
警察做了基地,这只是我自己不寻常的警察274绍布之前,你说你正在使用它服从,适当剂量的类固醇的工作,他们恨他恨到Kerya长袍剃其中相似的故事只是一个良好的移交后,为了逃避质量Gezu中,不想害怕民用枪胡乱我是允许有日本枪研究。我需要,但他们是邪恶的凯塔和地点人员从我们这个警察。本身是合法的,因为 274 By your doing shiyabu off base officer ru That just is that officer abnormality current your speech to the monk 憎 ke ri ya Buddhist priest s stole 憎 to be with the person who is said If protecting use dosage properly you use the steroid without escaping with job quality it should have conveyed the effect sufficient story Because after Japan the handgun possession of the general people is not recognized don t you think Don t you think so the police who is not killed is GJ It is good don t you think the handgun is feared thoughtlessly However it needs Excluding the fact that the hitting place is bad the departure of this officer Therefore itself legitimacy
接受较低的非警察发射体。我白天干六合诈骗被歹徒超级电动轮椅上周末喝醉了护理保险,以出租店福利接受者自行车赛车Dasou给我带回来一叠 Firing is received from the policeman the lower half body non Fraud yakuza is in the vicinity Daytime rides in the rental motor car chair with nursing insurance super to You drink the night with the bicycle to the house As for earth day the bundle of notes having to regatta The welfare receipt person it probably will put out
接受警方人员开枪wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww瘫痪了,腹痛T恤wwwwwww wwwwwwwwww Azamaa扎玛 Firing is received from the policeman lower half body paralysis wwwwwww stomachache te e wwwwwwwwww za well za well wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
新界南总四郎他是因为进入该国,高收入的纳税人,如中断给该部。“ Anyhow, because national tax agency, as for the fellow the large amount taxpayer therefore with, interruption is inserted, is the kind of country which in the Ministry of Health and Welfare,”
无论如何,如果塔利班和爱尔兰共和军,你必须接受再教育导师叫警察安全阿蒙恩戴 _NULL_
日本那里是不是要拍我,如果这些国家?歹徒喜欢它除了将最有可能的国家形象你我拍什么一个k It pips in such case and is somewhere other than the [chi] [ya] good national [tsu] [te] Japan?
When it is we image, but generally country as for such a brutal offense gundown k what
来吧,这个成本的修理警察或采取补偿由我付样的? Such riding, when the indemnity you take
Repair expense of the patrol car from among these you pay?
横滨地方法院的一审是“进行拍摄,然后再鸣枪警告,”责令赔偿约1150万日元到省法院审理的第二个东京高等法院“和反抗逃脱,开枪为戒停止,硬说是思想,而不是非法射击“,驳回了索赔 1 making clear Yokohama district court doing “we should demoralizing fire before the firing” that in the prefecture approximately 11 500 000 Yen Compensation was ordered but 2 making clear Tokyo high court assuming that “demoralizing fire stopped resistance and flight with To be difficult to think illegality you cannot call firing ” that doing it rejected claim
横滨地方法院我,B或不是发生在甲级战犯的地方让鳕鱼?我是在一个坏的国家,拥有一个暗示,日本NHK的骄傲 Yokohama area cutting it isn t the place where it recognizes no cod of B class war crime The country being bad NHK publicizing proudly the shelf
液泡和一个系统的威胁在未来起诉牺牲了SMG委员会将猎枪如果我早生合 _NULL_
确保警察的新鲜度带来了良好的反弹在568郁花无用的,和胜利余额的概念,有些人说在法院,最高法院和高级法院只是消极的,这是一个检讨,而精致我不能很好地 568 So because it is also how to think without being good to be able to give the rally which is needless to the police To win balance at the district court be defeated with the high court and the Supreme Court rather Whether it is good appraising as exquisite ones is
当工作在区法院,法院3名工人多年的苦学和人民与人民暂时还没有被证明是不可能 When you work in the district court as for 3 years with dispatch work Unless the world it studies judging the person was proven when it is unreasonable
移动到这一点,他们嘻哈或什至狙子弹脚,我什至听说,我还没有离开身体没有子弹通过渗透到 Aiming for the foot the bullet hopping the waist it hits because and there is no spray penetration You have heard that the bullet remains to internal and or does
第一个两杆从一开始他的头从3狙s:安狙胸部到腹股沟狙 _NULL_
第九司法地方法院法官在共同的意义世界,而不是在他们进入街头,因为我使用所有的大脑从记忆存储容量的是中线不法典只是废料泄漏 9
Because as for the judge of the district court in the administration of justice boundary only the kudzu of the drop out it is
Because memory capacity of the brain you use entirely with Compendium of Laws memorization, world general common sense and the like it does not enter
绍布截瘫男子在一辆警车修理这个法案而我们支付适当的驱动tTA _NULL_
经过这些地方的影响穿过采取了明确的立场驱动tTA狙炸药减少,但很多人不 如果非 Gun powder without decreasing you aimed penetrates the place where the method which When there is no influence after is many but it is ……
我说,是通过像子弹空心点,我们可以不使用致命武力不强 Whether saying it does not do hollow point like penetration but it is not possible either to use the bullet whose killing and wounding power is strong and
而区法院的一个曾经因工作中的一个是确保最佳的新鲜奇怪犯罪分子带来希望的喜悦之后,我在区法院我狙Zamaa开始,一杆感,强烈看有些随机,但去掉了在高级法院对接绝缘体瓦特 As for the district court in the offender strange expectation because those where it can give are work Therefore Sometimes aiming from the one shot eye after rejoicing with district court decision it pierces with the high court and being dropped Seeing in the bystander te zamaa impression forcing and w
W 59逮捕即使它?古不影响拍摄拉里在他的Burgers火灾预警与药物 59 As for that when arresting the ro w which is And others there is no reason where menace firing is effective in the ri tsu te ru person with the medicine
如果威胁是非常高的迫切性,只要适合Utoki Hayo Hazama m所有款项从第一击是一件好事,因为他们正在拯救 If you should have menaced when being in time just When criticality is high it has meant to be possible to exclude Therefore it is 1st all ball cartridge what from shot
我很高兴,裁决地方法院的感觉,进来后,即使艾希工作是一个奇数确保最佳的新鲜度预计将罪犯Zamaa刚清楚地看到下降的W在高等法院对接 As for the district court in the offender strange expectation because those where it can give are work Therefore Sometimes aiming from the one shot eye after rejoicing with district court decision it pierces with the high court and being dropped Seeing in the bystander te zamaa impression forcing and w
横滨地方法院,“这是发射前进行警告射击,”正如所料区法院是不是疯了 gt The Yokohama district court should demoralizing fire “before the firing” And the tsu pa district court the head is strange
这样的法律,我所要做的就是执行鸣枪示警鸣枪示警,才甚至是免费的,我出了这样的决定,区法院? gt We should demoralizing fire before the firing You must menace you must shoot as for the law e g although it is not as for the district court such decision putting out with something the ru it is
自动售货机野蛮野蛮社会[],拘捕疑犯生天田目→重伤1人被开除...发射自动售货机破坏★神奈川,一人逃脱,在25日上午20:04左右在横须贺3月,日本神奈川县横须贺Iriyamazu街头镇车,在运行中,3名当地警察部门警长男两人横须贺自动贩卖机破坏,他相信(31)被激发,人的权利的一个侧面从驾驶员的座椅这只是 The atrocious vending machine it devastates, is fired -> Nabatame suspect arrest… Kanagawa of the serious injury
* Firing to vending machine devastating 1 people the serious injury and 1 human flights, Yokosuka
25th 4:20 AM around, with road surface of Kanagawa prefecture Yokosuka city non- entrance 斗 town, by the car
It is in the midst of fleeing, in the man 2 group which is seen as the dispenser devastating the Yokosuka station regional 3 sections
Sergeant man (31) fired, 1 departure hit against the right side stomach of the man of the driver's seat
警方声称截瘫撃去皮★,最大。横滨男子瘫痪在警察枪击人员解雇靠在(32),但没有开枪警告为非法,求赔偿诉讼的上诉神奈川元在法庭上,最高法院法官第一佩蒂(Shiraki.法官)的裁决是法院赞成东京高等法院驳回了第二次试验中,一要解雇人的上诉 * Shoots in the officer, in the lower half body paralysis claim, the highest. Rejection
In the policeman shooting with the handgun, the man of Yokohama city which becomes the lower half body paralysis (32), demoralizing fire
Do, as for firing assuming that it is illegal, with appeal making clear of the lawsuit which requested compensation for damage from Kanagawa prefecture,
Supreme Court 1st small court (plain wood. The President of the Court) 2 making clear Tokyo high court decision which rejects claim is supported,
The decision which rejects the appeal of the man was done
警方应该对人民开枪的暴行更Gokiburichonko,请消防这些暴徒是越来越多的牲畜新浪 The policeman to the atrocious person may fire very more
Steadily in [gokiburichiyonko] and the Chinese domesticated fowl and animals and others brutal offense and others
Please fire
警方逮捕了妨碍司法公正的一个严重的消极驱动tTA的人,还计划采取追ü一个人追求人逃离束脚 As with the police the man who owes the serious injury is arrested with flagrant delict of official business execution disturbance overtaking this man it is the policy the pace of the man who escapes of chasing
让我们冷静地考虑限制她吗?雇主或高级系统随着时间的推移,我们看到更少的钱?你知道你穿的行动之前,你按小时老人?注意到了这些老人得扬 The ze which will be thought calmly Ahead the byte of senior with time the money loss in weight being the system which it keeps doing As for your senior moving with hourly wage the ru it is the ro which is When was the one which time was required is profit of the senior
该名男子被控以违反正义和意识障碍的兴奋剂管制法,因为,东京高等法院2年徒刑,在2007年8月有四年,缓刑已被证实 As for man official business execution disturbance It was prosecuted with crime such as sense consequence medicine control method violation in August of 07 penal servitude 2 year stay of execution 4 year decided in Tokyo high court
这家伙是什么残疾人免费一流,生活福利上的古苏手厚暮关于残疾生活税1 It is dense lifetime came to the point of with living with tax as a handicapped person It is careful with welfare life Regardless simply in 1 class handicapped person logs
这家伙流氓谈论得象按摩和身体得到一个身子,不是一个word男子恐吓349 police outside一台像样的base所以我不think that包括一前药物滥用者幼稚知识这家伙是不寻常,因为我从来不承认任何外界的细节流氓显示,我们都应该有枪,我知道警方没有枪的问题与该音调控制 349 Therefore with the kind of person off base officer… there is no honest human and threatens suddenly in yakuza word and grasps the body Speaking it probably will peel therefore immature knowledge being convinced that it is in shiyabu on the basis of ru off base yakuza how it will do it is not It recognizes the fact that it is the accompanying Tsuga abnormal but therefore with saying as for police everyone should possess the handgun there is a problem in the purport that it is not regulation of the handgun
小林法官,必须承认元男子涉嫌一,“在我们的知识狙枪,如男子的头部或胸部,铅球应已特别谨慎 The Kobayashi judge recognized the necessity of man arrest but “as for the range which you could aim with the handgun with the head and the chest etc of the man in firing Especially being prudent it was proper
该规定不应有手枪,因为提高民警素质,这个故事完全是另一回事 Therefore as for should do not to be regulation of the handgun improvement of quality of the te and the policeman the latest story completely another problem
这种按摩和身体追赶歹徒的家伙说的话,但突然警察基地外的威胁,所以没有一个像样的349人的基础不包括我觉得我是个幼稚的知识前吸毒者这家伙是不寻常,因为我从来不承认任何外界的细节流氓显示,有一个问题,不应该有枪指警察全部评论 349 Therefore with the kind of person off base officer… there is no honest human and threatens suddenly in yakuza word and grasps the body Speaking it probably will peel therefore immature knowledge being convinced that it is in shiyabu on the basis of ru off base yakuza how it will do it is not It recognizes the fact that it is the accompanying Tsuga abnormal but therefore with saying as for police everyone should possess the handgun there is a problem in the purport that it is not regulation of the handgun
阿横须贺警务人员的上司很久以前,在台场的刀时,一名男子袭击,警方已经逃到wwwwwwwwwww台场是全家人笑了(笑) As for the Yokosuka policeman excellent shelf Considerably when before the edged tool man raged at the stand place as for the stand place policeman wwwwwwwwwww which was fleeing Large you burst into laughter with the whole family laughing
颈部,并于一方瘫痪狙击手击中嫌疑人顶礼膜拜的地方做?但系统本身 That to snipe at the place where it has knelt on the ground in the criminal, hitting to the neck, the paralysis of one half of the body? It became, however it seems