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76 years and older, study ... to suspend the 1233 million people without pensions Reply


  • 没有记录派递,这答辩,你坏!没有一个工作机构将远离你的客户用钳子和汇报局板

    • 1233研究在超过76万 ★已知问题与塞plate养老金的老人没有回答,卫生部长明永妻在一个基于对新闻发布会保健系统在内阁会议后4月27日,医疗卫生的老旧通过审查机构审查的情况下,如果您没有收到养老金支票上的下落,并宣布将关闭至少要到明年2月份养老金的差距和晚 If 12 330 000 person of 76 years old or more investigation… reply it is not to the annuity prohibiting Senior citizen unclear concerning problem as for long wife Akira public welfare work phase in Cabinet conference postscript person interview of 27 days The latter term senior citizen medical system you inspect the receiving 診 circumstance to the medical institution on the basis of location verifies In addition to being possible when annuity is received also the late to February of next year annuity It announced that provision is prohibited

      • 18名民主党候选人的票上院在2010年,老450岁的人口超过12岁,76 140票,330,000
        2010 House of Councillors selection proportional Ku The number of Democratic party polls 18, 450 and 140 votes Population of latter-term senior citizen of 76 years old or more 12, 330 and 000 people

        • 63货币储备的,我并不是完全无效的政策另一部分作其他费用津贴,例如增加对儿童的数量
          63 Being at the point where the buried deposit money comes out, because it is applied to another wasteful policy such as child treatment increase amount, at all there is no meaning

          • Shidaro即使我回到三欺诈倍自报从现在怎么回三次,以自我评估,例如接收196失业保险欺诈?这是甜蜜的,但我从没有对人的生命魔法,更不用说假 196 For example oneself declaring illegality receipt with unemployment insurance saying that 3 times it returned and therefore what illegality it did after so long a time in self return the ro which is 3 time return Not to mention life of the person the error to demon is converted therefore it is it is sweet even with this
            • 很快,甚至是致命的5年时效固定依法返还3倍,因此,15多年来一直采取 Quickly make 3 time return lock legally Even at aging 5 year as for 15 years s amount way you take

          • Tomabeti秀利益的官员如何被洗脑成为常识,这是出于既得利益,这是很难理解 You are brainwashed in common sense Tomabeti English The public official how has been covered with acquired interests it is the book which you can understand well

            • [1]社会“,参与调查的忙在家庭”成员拒绝,日元在大阪养老金领取总额约25万付费后,该名男子死亡1
              1 “It is busy, is with” the relative after the investigation disturbing and the death the man of public welfare annuity receipt Provision sum total approximately 25,000,000 Yen Osaka

              • _NULL_

                • →下次选举只有一轮投资的邮局不知道该职位意义整洁的答复626→
                  626 Mail -> meaning of reply at all is from the [wa] The post office circle it gains, -> the next election measure

                  • 一个人的意见无法了解它的现实吧我得到的够老出去拉出所有的退休金Office如果你想让它致命的紧张退休金

                    • 一旦对偶像的月数增加2自动柜员机可爱会请一个较长时间的救护车是一个坏马铃薯逐步通过时间,即卧床不起街头市场
                      The ATM commuting of one time duration becomes long gradually in 2 months, Collapsing, the ambulance the frequency which is called increases, bedridden is ruling price

                      • 一旦收到邮件的意见书常规只有867自己在开玩笑,他们来接在日本于窗口邮件的收集和传递分支机构,而是一个

                        • 不要让市民直接参与的人拿起家伙是帮派绒毛说,它不只是在网上调查的原因是寄给 Making the direct taking come in this person It comes and the person who is not the re mailing those which clearly write the reason Just the person who with that this is not should have gone to investigation is

                          • 中药-牧师职位上发挥了七个龙珠查看详细程度和视频游戏183水下呼吸汤野附表句集合

                            • 也许你应该做它在全国各地,并采用特别调查员和政府的钱?而且你还可以减少社会保障开支和浪费的复苏将雇用临时

                              • 事实上,只是运行了运输成本和浪费的开支是不是强制Office一次年我访问退休金获取有关它那么多啊可以出去拉出来all办公室的养老金,如果你想让它致命的紧张在弹出的感觉

                                • 交换过程结束的身体是“做的医疗设施和热温泉水疗中心”,或者我说,我会拉你当你处理完乐

                                  • 他们不排队普查调查还活着,但我很可能是最准确的实地调查是利用字节厅办公室or family department的register Because in census the investigator has not gone to existence verification the family register charge post of the government office and the public office utilizing the byte However the locale the fact that you make investigate probably is most accurate what don t you think
                                    • 他们不排队普查调查还活着,但我很可能是最准确的实地调查是利用字节厅办公室or family department的register Because in census the investigator has not gone to existence verification the family register charge post of the government office and the public office utilizing the byte However the locale the fact that you make investigate probably is most accurate what don t you think

                                  • 他已坏的家庭,死亡的权利,在W甚至家庭逃税与税务,回报将进一步恶化,如果发现非法监禁或罚款,如果唯一的好井田 The ro w which as for the person whom the family has received illegitimately having died the family does and is Tax evasion and being simultaneous when illegality is detected if viciousness return and the penal servitude punishment or fine If it does just it is good

                                    • 任何谁已严重改变比尼线老地方在一段时间(例如,奶奶的孙子郭于2月玛丽塔在那里的生活),如果没有考虑 For example the serious senior citizen who changes address into the time when it is it was born About February the grandmother who goes to play to there is no consideration in the place of the grandchild

                                      • 你必须适应它,因为不是所有的退休公务员1950年以前出生罕见的,而我76岁,但为何

                                        • 全省社会劳动者已退休的专业人士谁是你很难会责怪我认为,如果社会工作者不足以解释的情况下,他们不听

                                          • 公务员,我死了严重的是,模糊! !人民群众是没有争取更多的公务员,更生气好驱动tTA The government employee dies being maji becoming dim As for the citizen the person who gets angry more vis a vis the government employee is good
                                            • 我认真开始削减公务员,U型线的工作人员需要增加,如果我们看到更多业务 In the first place the government employee it reduces and from the tsu te ru which if is sown verification business joins The necessity to increase the staff who does that occurs

                                          • 其实可以看到一个定期由梨山居民生活在我们周围,但我也觉得我来到文挡板和我回答说我不知道,而difference现实生活中没有退休金的人唤醒老人我知道我会死燕子埃泰迅速增加老人Ikanakya我会做一个系统 On the other hand true the old person of one person living it is from the wake wa with without replying the annuity prohibiting It does also the air the tsu lever may rise and but it is It seems that periodically really can verify residence existence by the officer If the system it makes and is not in the future the old person of birth death obscurity increasing steadily the chi ya u combining

                                            • 养老保险待遇的非反应老人生活在893没有可能是故意欺诈卡兹井就收到一个系统上运行后,他们采取了饥饿,杀害老人响亮和大型轧辊编入政府新闻淘汰计划在一年内茂木↓
                                              After the system executing it is expected After 893 where it has made in connection with the illegality receipt to the old person of survival without replying purposely makes annuity non- receipt, being starved to death, The mass communications involving, that government killed the old person, agitation ↓ In one year system abolition

                                              • 写字楼自己在古借调到他们始终是老,如果我把孩子抚养爱,但它已经开始直线生活非常艰苦,幸运的汽车埃泰市政厅广场有没有拥抱孩子 和孙子无损检测,我会 As for going to the public office with sled ya a own power however very it probably is serious Living honestly love having if it is the old person who rears child The grandchild and the child holding taking on to the car it carries to the public office

                                                • 别墅,每家注册忽然从调查等成群结队的外国居民的退休金欺诈总帐。我幻灯片从周边的灰尘质量问题

                                                  • 可以有,人们从开始到伪造和它的位置,如果医生的措施,因为有大师,医生“不知道他们是好的,如果医生的停牌大师,而是”对负责提请科库 Because can be also producing the person of forging and substituting In the measure Because can be doctor and guru In the doctor “if you did not know OK but it is guru license stop extent of the doctor” Responsibility is given
                                                    • 包括我在内的收费更具体的个别访问,其中一个研究分支机构在提出议案是卡努证明犯罪的,携带和维护的论点,即伪造 Individual squeeze the object which is visited with the crime forgery to do the yo tsu in order to pull Investigation of a stone two bird that you can obtain the evidence which does not move

                                                  • 嗯,你说是邮差峨... 该职位,我说他们会迸发出的总记录派递
                                                    As for being able to say obtaining - with, as the postal house…… > Mail With what is said, they are all simple registered mail coming out inhaling, is thing, don't you think?

                                                    • 嗯,反对在2009年政权更替,因此我不认为我能看到胚囊的反馈和建设性的建议的国家利益是没有什么 Well until administration it alternates in 2009 because the opinion where necessarily opposition party either did not propose serves to constructive national interest So thinking there is no excessiveness but
                                                      • 嗯,这在2009年反对政权的变化,使我没有想到能看到胚囊任何建设性的意见建议,是不是国家利益 Well until administration it alternates in 2009 because the opinion where necessarily opposition party either did not propose serves to constructive national interest So thinking there is no excessiveness but

                                                    • 嘿,我是真实的,但失踪或死亡的,真实的生活做什么,他们觉得我有很多可怕的租金养老金辜?我已经得出这样的部署 Being and being to tell the truth whereabouts obscurity dying and although the ru annuity receiving the party who lives is to tell the truth to be enormous the multitude it is it isn t It became such development
                                                      • 然而,居民基本(本地)和退休金(国家)或一个问题分开管理的居民信息 Simply the residence basis the district with annuity the country with manage inhabitant information separately Problem kana

                                                    • 回复此明信片原本606家“研究后”非常低本身是一种可能性 606 The possibility itself “investigation of future” entering into the home which has the reply of in the first place this postcard is very low

                                                      • 回复聘请措施,以增加本地就业代理业务和青年团体采取了资金从日本的未来税务切除。志位津津有味

                                                        • 因为如果你不答复活着97,收到的滥用。家庭将只响应苏等人暮瓦特自满,它没有考虑黑暗照顾瓦特 97 Therefore when it does not reply existence verification Illegality receiving For the family replying in addition just it lives lightheartedly w In the darkness the reason shelf w which does not start
                                                          • 合格逮诈骗。什么峨欢迎的结果不能再福利金生计→付款→ With illegality receipt 逮 Repayment gt not be able to repay furthermore life pain gt welfare What kind of conclusion is received
                                                          • 因为如果你不答复活着97,收到的滥用。回复家属,苏等人,不自满暮w在黑暗中,不得拖延瓦特 97 Therefore when it does not reply existence verification Illegality receiving For the family replying in addition just it lives lightheartedly w In the darkness the reason shelf w which does not start

                                                        • 在他妻子的反对s长559分钟没有减少我知道你想要我Tteta舛添说,整个挨家挨户访问万维网关闭时你是秃头,但我做什么,我说我做wwwwwww

                                                          • 埃塔在养老金问题,因为所有的消费,储蓄银行帐户来处理林谷芳用户,提供护理,如果说发生了什么 In the first place goes out even the annuity problem which the member the deposits and savings bankbook When it paid attention the story which did not occur it puts out as though it handles but

                                                            • 好像最近所做的社会工作者,社会工作者先后太多的期望终会被买走
                                                              Moving aside excessive expectation to the social worker, but [ru] like the social worker who is purchased probably is successive appearance

                                                              • 如果自民党216“状态宣言”真正知道,我是多么不弹出老人的健康挂在一次医院,我不是要去击败缠绕包裹媒体 216 The fact that the Liberal Democratic Party says the “present condition declaration” how Furthermore the health which is not put on the hospital it provides to the aged person when how you say The ru where the media hits and winds it is it is not

                                                                • 如果超过一定年龄的人,人们不使用长期医疗保险和承担更少的人采取前景谁是退休,我没有医疗洗出来的安全验证“状态通知”已提交

                                                                  • 它不是当前国家税收的回报,但也应对目前的100个国家的税收返回,一来调查,失控prison所行奇在于得非常清楚的,with more谎言刚 Is not on that and the present condition declaration it puts out and the present condition declaration the place where it replies in 100 people as for 1 people when investigating lie is discovered the jail going Unless with known fact it does that you say and solves the liar just is increased
                                                                    • 这不是一个状态状态通知和声明不喜欢他们的姓名和地址簿给予罚款和公正要做的事情· · ·报告 Furthermore is not the present condition report and it seems that the present condition declaration it puts out simply writes name and address and sends When it is not the thing it makes declare minutely …

                                                                  • 它也应迅速进行审查下工作的志愿者厅城市同一系统,但据称会使用便捷的伐丽流社工谁

                                                                    • 家庭的社会工作者来“昨天,”我去一起?做鞋子刷牙,服装,时装似乎模仿苏生活的残余气味像尿布 The social worker coming the family “it was to yesterday” don t you think with OK The shelf where the disguise which leaves toothbrush shoes clothes paper omutsu or nioi which lives may be popular

                                                                      • 对领取养老金总额的47人失踪,可以调查现有的部委和地方政府,邮寄申报下周
                                                                        Already the annuitant who assumes that there is the possibility of whereabouts obscurity in investigation of the thick labor ministry and the self-governing community, Vis-a-vis total 47, even next week mailing the declaration

                                                                        • 居民家庭的849,我们只发现了移动的社会工作者,一种担心多余的,因为我查一下丈夫只是尚未答复,并妨碍工作和方式来确认,而伊坎之前,这些问题应在回复邮件位于支票将是不够的 849 Because the social worker moved to such household it was detected just to put out Furthermore therefore the sufficient check tsu te ru husband who replies In such unnecessary worry obstructing forward verification job circumstance On the other hand it should you make point It probably means with the mail with reply being insufficient in location verification
                                                                          • 849这些家庭的关心是没有因为丈夫的Burgers专员线,确认了这种方式阻碍了伊坎的工作,而之前,由主管足够的问题,并回答检查邮件它会叫 849 Therefore in such household the social worker doing the ru husband In such unnecessary worry obstructing forward verification job circumstance On the other hand it should you make point It probably means with the mail with reply being insufficient in location verification

                                                                        • 市政府编制的问题,把老人争取到↓330消息称,卫生部,采用新的无害环境技术信息的使用保健服务,62亿美元的预算请求中提取养老金业务我包括帮助日元 330 In related news this insert and ↓ With location unclear problem of the senior citizen as for the public welfare Ministry of Labor making use of the information of utilization of medical insurance As the new business which extracts the annuitant of location obscurity in estimate request 2 600 000 000 Yen It included
                                                                          • 质疑是否·国民· · 330办公室人员和退休金那么多,因为人们需要看到,所以预算要求 330 Whether or not that much the person is in the annuity office doubt… Therefore for verifying the person necessity with it may the staff be estimated and required

                                                                        • 当某些事或未能支付租金的公屋重建计划,并访问他,但没有多少黑人社会抱怨,也许就像一只鹦鹉和刑事案件,我得十分顺利,并支持在同一官员访问
                                                                          At the time of land readjustment and although public housing project house rent default something, the person of the darkness society which persists is many You visit and, the criminal incident like [oumu] even with, the same public official securely One case one case visiting and corresponding it is,

                                                                          • 当然,有些要成本的,但是,如果没有良好的识别和严格的证据,只需要领取养老金
                                                                            Of course, some cost rises, but as for this human verification just the annuitant If strict ones which require evidence it is good

                                                                            • 志位的相当困难,还有在信浓峨不管它支付的罚款会说在一个无用的东西我不会再发生什么有用的思维方式,我认为它 Being the place where it punishes there is also the problem whether or not you can pay that of and It is the difficult place with you think If you do not think of effective methodological tsu te that it does not recur useless tsu te thing
                                                                              • 但可能不会受到惩罚不会使我觉得他们豁免权,从申请的事实有误报 Simply because it is not the case that fact of untrue statement application with that becomes escape As for the possibility of being punished you think that it is

                                                                            • 我会说我是你的朋友,但我可以理解你的保险记录的邻居听到雅包括不返回响应欺诈和谎言621的答复 621 As a correspondence to the fraud which it does not reply and is not sent back and of lie You can elucidate with the interview and insurance record of neighborhood Your tsu te your companion saying however the ru it is
                                                                              • 在这种情况下,它甚至不要求他们出或证书应附医院,因为我生活在文件完成,至少在返回的 In this case assuming that it finishes with document sending back is Become existence certificate issue with the lowest being medical institution those which having putting out attachment margin

                                                                            • 我可能不是那种做特定发件人的证书后,才收到各类弹出此事移交给自己确定这包括如果您计划来解决,交货和窗户,但我不知道Eraberu If to present address grasp the intention of including the certificate is provided to the sender after this human limited receipt Because do the tsu te it is it probably is the type which is not with specific item transmission type however delivery and the window gill be ru it is probably will be
                                                                              • 转让的具体类型将弹出发件人无论从窗户后接收和证书包含这个人知道你的计划来解决,交货,但我不知道Eraberu If to present address grasp the intention of including the certificate is provided to the sender after this human limited receipt Because do the tsu te it is it probably is the type which is not with specific item transmission type however delivery and the window gill be ru it is probably will be

                                                                            • 我忘记了通知,身穿861“通知穿着他们!”屉优我也采取和瑞作为有形证明陆续交付的或旧的一说:“绝对没有来,说:”芮梯优并与“塞板被强行政府养老金”和我预想的只留下苦涩 861 Reaching although the ru forgetting “it does not reach Way” with the aged person successive appearance which persists discernibly Certified mail taking “it did not come no matter what” that you probably will persist And “annuity you stopped selfishly in government ” when just tsu te grudge remains
                                                                              • 2然而,在她的“我应该是比自己幸运的老人独自是”成为无鞋,很多 Although is with 2 “it is the expectation where the person who with the single body has become the aged person is happy” that you say the less is attached mainly

                                                                            • 我接受的家庭收到过故意坏,我已经得到了大约一个字母组成,而是故意,“对不起,我是真实的德塔我的祖父去世我说:”我永远不会出现 Until now illegality receipt has received the family came the letter 1 directly intentionally as for not to be the te intend “It is not completed there is no reason which to tell the truth the grandfather inside it has died it is and” how appears
                                                                              • 作者:您认为它会接受他们的生活通常会在完成坏人肖像送回来?伐丽流只是觉得浪费使用税航运 If this you think normally the people who have been received illegitimately being yourself entering it returns it is Wasteful tax just is used in the postage the air
                                                                              • 如果是这样,我没有违例者立场是不小心,我行会收到故意欺诈的证据 So if it became is not the standpoint that and did not perceive to illegality receipt the te intend It becomes the evidence which does illegality receipt
                                                                              • 我想给绝对,我错了,不仅收到此通知被发送到龟背选票老辜福祉,而且我绝对多数人Yararashiteru You think but it is the vote which is not just this tsu te illegitimate receipt and the te reaches in the non existence old person address The game te the ya and others and others the people tsu te which have been done without fail it is in the ho
                                                                              • 我接受的家庭收到过故意弄虚作假,对不起,我已经获得了信约“,我是真实的德塔我的祖父去世我说:”我永远不会出现 Until now illegality receipt has received the family came the letter 1 directly intentionally as for not to be the te intend “It is not completed there is no reason which to tell the truth the grandfather inside it has died it is and” how appears

                                                                            • 或当局的公营房屋租金征收,对女巫,老伙计,他们担心我Goneru重建是一些部门负责

                                                                              • 政治 76 岁,没有调查的12 330亿人的医疗护理依赖 甚至每年一次的计划没有答复板之间的塞子 Also 1 times being required for the medical institution in 1 years of 76 years old or more If 12 330 000 person who is not investigation… reply it is not to the annuity prohibiting
                                                                                • 470不行,我不认为我有超过12 33亿人民医院依靠76岁甚至没有一年一次? 470 Never it is not thought that one annual one time and 76 years old or more which are not depended on the medical institution is 12 330 000

                                                                              • 无损检测预计削减开支,但我能跑得更快,降低劳动成本,政府官员迅速作出反应,如果你来了与政府
                                                                                Reduction of expenditure anticipating, if it can correspond government it is quickly to here Although if it should have executed also the labor cost reduction to the government employee quickly

                                                                                • 无死亡报道犯罪塞板的被动行为无退休金,隆艾希积极进攻的心理障碍比研磨出泰尤假身份证,还订罪行的Yasuidaro和U The death it does not start delivering you do not stop the receipt of annuity from the passive crime behavior that It comes out of main human verification of lie and inhales and the active crime behavior which is said the psychological hurdle is higher and Stand case of crime behavior by any chance it probably is inhaling
                                                                                  • 如果没有人可以授权看到the person只有约,保险除了在这个年龄段,病历,医疗记录just浸泡它,甚至医院和基层医疗检查,你可以决定是否校长或模仿 When it is this age other than the license book about only insurance proof this person because there are no any which can be verified Using that unintentionally institute record and remedy record and it is accustomed to catching the hospital etc verifying It can judge whether this person whether disguise

                                                                                • 是不是塞板 之间的报告有何不同?我会还采取了家庭仍然是必要的制止腐败,你知道他们是一个痛苦不是一般的蜘蛛,原本瓦特 There is no prohibiting information For illegality as for the ru family you do not stop and therefore originally that normally what be painful the ro w which is
                                                                                  • 是不是塞板 之间的报告有何不同?他还非法决定,我将继续是必要的停止,你知道他们是一个痛苦不是一般的蜘蛛,原本瓦特 There is no prohibiting information For illegality as for the ru family you do not stop and therefore originally that normally what be painful the ro w which is

                                                                                • 是的10%,让他们失望,如果更好的养老金金额为W埋在错误的

                                                                                  • 有499银行退出,如果你没有人知道谁可能被不明,下落的,几乎百分之百的错误接受 499 There is a thing which was pulled out from the bank and it is if not to be able to grasp the possibility at the same time of becoming the location unclear person of this person Almost it is 100 illegitimate receipt
                                                                                    • 也许百分之三十至百分之二十,谁能够一直下落不明或已过世,非常高 Perhaps 3 tenths have died from 2 tenths or they become the location unclear person the possibility where It is high very

                                                                                  • 有多少罪犯健康老人没有医疗保险九九瓦特我也使用放置一个孩子,我不能停留太久,严重 99 Whether the healthy aged person who does not use medical insurance the offender no person it is w When the child even to it makes densemakes dense don t you think it falls and also falls and it stays in the long term and others there is a re
                                                                                    • 犯罪是“有多少犯罪分子这样做,因为我不会发表任何回应议题是什么 Therefore the reason which crime was and” states tsu te with reply Whether the offender who such a thing is done no person it is tsu te is doubt

                                                                                  • 有没有人离开,使老人的超过100岁的老妇和收件人被控欺诈我错了

                                                                                    • 有自我责任的权力被忽视至今。我想听到你的诡辩绞纱Netosapo反正可以很容易地解释如何污渍猪

                                                                                      • 未经收件人的养老金给予答复,检查安全严惩腐败和停止征收
                                                                                        If there is no reply, naturally annuity provision stop And verifying safety, you assign severe punishment in the illegitimate receipt person

                                                                                        • 正因如此,人们不得不放弃继续马洗身体和艾滋病采取了明确的退休金也站出来认为是死亡报告 Without making either the death report annuity continuing to receive abandons the corpse the kind of person who The large quantity it is with think it is so
                                                                                          • 也许山川和大海我和埋在地里,身体也已被抛弃,我认为有很多 Perhaps it buries in the land and or in the mountain and the river and the sea abandoning the corpse it thinks that there is Sawayama

                                                                                        • 毫无疑问的只是金钱,也是一个不错的695,还是特殊的免息宽限期为网站返回其前通知他们只
                                                                                          695 But ignoring return just Before the notification grace period providing, especially it is possible to be interest-free just concerning at that time when

                                                                                          • 汉堡和促进家庭的数字地面一次道歉和邮政工人于包装,也从今年的普查,我会在每个家庭访问或什么意外?

                                                                                            • 法“与民主党直到几年前,这是一个合理的石窟很少被送往明信片来活着的一个体面的回报,并签名 gt To the Democratic party unusually the proper corresponding shelf Securely the postcard in order to do existence verification no year being sent to before Autograph doing it does not send back
                                                                                              • 它杀了自己,如果你正在领取养老金,家庭是隐藏坏它会返回当前状态的报告,并接受不正确的人 Although this person has died concealing that when the family has received annuity illegitimately the human whom you have received illegitimately sends back the present condition declaration

                                                                                            • 法瑟姆直到纳鲁,现在,一些答案不能马虎个人身份或该医院或养老院 Until now when you ask the hospital it is when In nursing home or random reply When this human verification is not possible it is
                                                                                              • 纳鲁和不断捉摸,无法通过身份验证与不小心回答该医院或疗养院或 Until now when you ask the hospital it is when In nursing home or random reply When this human verification is not possible it is

                                                                                            • 税金及利息成为仆人让世界各国的犹太人金融资本的奴隶的Goimu世界“埃达土地。摘下政府官员和公务员退休金的公务员是30,1 ü尼克租赁500,000人。Goimu他们的奴隶全国保险进入“我对五○○○○个月鳄鱼现在每次我付出了40年的完整,86岁的半老女人衰老鳄鱼就是为什么尽管在40000英尺,约70岁鳄鱼的越野基地我不租鳄鱼万元,2月的母亲

                                                                                              • 老实说有“已收到的坏账压力,”有人支付给做一个没有人的弱点一老化打破承认的投降如果你一直 When gently “it is not completed receiving illegitimately it increased” that you surrender Considering the weakness of the human aging it is not with payment in full repayment pardoning
                                                                                                • 第一诫被逮捕,让他知道,看看,使投降通知,这家伙我最交出维维 It notifies in order to surrender it is the ro which is In warning the first person were arrested and most people the bibi tsu te surrender with this

                                                                                              • 自由官员和教师的妻子在滴水滴水,我的确是20年的首席医疗调查尚未结束的不能做任何事情瓦特

                                                                                                • 舍弃如果你吻一点点拆开,然后冷藏491,我会的仍然是一个自由的辜? DV或痴呆的老人在这么NetA的茹话剧,我很可能已经死亡,约 491 Refrigerating disassembling if just a little at a time you throw away the corpse in each case is gone don t you think it is Becoming dim the kind of pop who comes out even with DV drama news item some person being killed either the te is not strange
                                                                                                  • 舍弃如果你吻一点点拆开,然后冷藏491,我会的仍然是一个自由的辜?这个痴呆的老人或一个DV,我很可能已经死亡,约 491 Refrigerating disassembling if just a little at a time you throw away the corpse in each case is gone don t you think it is Becoming dim the kind of pop who comes out even with DV drama news item some person being killed either the te is not strange

                                                                                                • 虽然该部许多地区发现了行踪不明的老人,通过检查和退休10岁以上的命运如此数百对阵,退休养老金欺诈缺席记录的信息,并与市已调整的可能性并没有任何和所有检查或使用保险信息使用者的健康
                                                                                                  The same ministry while location obscurity of the senior citizen is detected at every place, so far the annuity of 110 year old or more Safety of the receipt person is inspected, collating the record of absentee information and the annuity receipt which municipalities have, We to inspect whether there is no possibility of illegality receipt, information of the user of medical insurance It cannot utilize or it examined

                                                                                                  • 被捕时,家人对司法的阻街也承认梅罗put被迫出发人数的百分比,如果是违法的暴力使用的自我字节800日元,如果你说这甚至不能提的劳动力成本探访每门每门
                                                                                                    1 eaves 1 eaves visit margin If labor cost comment you say, the byte use at self-sustaining 800 Yen When illegality it discloses, rate attaching Recognize also the forcing entering When the family opposes, it arrests by official business execution disturbance

                                                                                                    • 诈骗养老金良好,但存在的问题,除了日本以及如何确定是否会转向或护理院是财政压力过很多老人 很明显,只是from m没有错)日本养老金上了车,他们生活在国外,对经济作出了贡献,所以毫无疑问,我停止支付,并应立法 So well as for annuity fraud problem as for Japan the nursing home entering verification method in ru case the old person being too multi public finance as for pressing is not wrong as another therefore it is If just it makes clear The Japanese annuity receiving living in the foreign country as for the ru person Because as for having contributed to the Japanese economy you are not wrong provision stop and legislation it should have done
                                                                                                      • (或者,如果你想澄清如何确定的养老院或you需要输入到),以获得日本pension时,他们是生活在国外,因为他们不促进经济,法律应该停止payment If nursing home entering verification method in ru case just it makes clear The Japanese annuity receiving living in the foreign country as for the ru person Because it does not contribute to the Japanese economy provision stop and legislation it should have done

                                                                                                    • 说到562,机构挪用,匹配误差校正,或已消失,我的问题很色之间的冬季

                                                                                                      • 请告知一个严肃的回答我! “我的反应和w辜检查↓与你的谎言,说是摆在护理之家191 企图赶到了什么,所以不要阻止我对这个↓确认炸弹是在办公室或家庭护理无论你 Please reply seriously ” With w which replies 191 When you are inserting in the nursing home lie it is attached ↓ So you are flurried with… where you will verify ↓ When verification will be disturbed vis a vis the nursing home and the government office bomb warning This extent you do it is it probably won t be

                                                                                                        • 读我通常会如你吻我指的思想水平应该不会太远Yannakya预算,以确保,如果所有577直音“,开始相信基本的回应:”没有? 577 It tries when to inspect honestly estimating guaranteeing and it is you must be it reaches level Thinking to there the re it has referred properly Normally if you read “when reply it comes the ro which the basis it believes and” is

                                                                                                          • 达罗暂时大约457百亿,不会向罪犯觉得虚弱,你会得到他们的信念溃疡统一负责下的伪造公文的人谁企图诈骗的养老金如果我们舒适的审判

                                                                                                            • 这也是非法的退休金,你不希望老人健康保险的税收漏洞late减少浪费,也是一个好地方,我发现哦屁话布莱恩朱达罗不reply the family依据医生定期到确认的will达罗日益拥挤的医院雷:嗯,阿不沿线 Being received annuity illegitimately the te the family the verification book the ro where it is the case that it is not ri ya a bare which replies The droppings basket it is and it is the cousin Wastefulness of tax If you do not want to be cut latter term senior citizen medical insurance In the future if periodically line is not in the doctor the ro which is hole viewing reason The hospital is delayed more and more
                                                                                                              • 什么你太保险可疑的老年人在公共办公室没有什么脚印Etara通常会考虑,以后再考试申请照顾老人也刮卧床 There is application of bedridden being nursing insurance and Doing also the latter term senior citizen medical examination the ru Normally when you think the senior citizen tsu te which many footprints is not in the government office it is doubtful the ro which passes and is

                                                                                                            • 这些家伙做接收385非法的,但这项研究不是很老的亲属与谎言还是刚刚兄弟,并介绍我想感谢那些接受非法的,因为它正确地进行调查表格会要求麻烦 385 Such Illegality receipt doing as for the ru person the kindred When in the sibling it is in the place but lie the reason which has been attached Therefore as for the latest investigation in order to investigate that just the thing Thinking that you receive illegitimately and question when it states it becomes the shape which digs the grave
                                                                                                              • 这385人,他们接受被滥用,有关调查,但不是很正确,或旧的谎言,只是你提到的兄弟或亲戚,我觉得非常感谢接受非法的,因为它的调查表格会要求麻烦 385 Such As for the person who has been received illegitimately the kindred When in the sibling it is in the place but lie the reason which has been attached Therefore as for the latest investigation in order to investigate that just the thing Thinking that you receive illegitimately and question when it states it becomes the shape which digs the grave

                                                                                                            • 这位老人和一个庞大↓僵尸-在你的信第二个屏幕-命运的两个老男人被逮捕退还款项的资格...→停止退出懦夫罪犯在僵尸家族↓其余的僵尸和我的家人和恶意伪造健壮老人-活着-在第三个屏幕上,面对一个艰难的老人花了一个僵尸网络访问...无罪释放大部分地方,逮捕返回 - 停止付款

                                                                                                              • 这可能是从穷人访问时,将眼睛发出一个是不自然的一幢Ttena线医生1年,但写一样,如果不接受非法amanuensis坐下来和水平゙゙权力胡夫我觉得 If the write for it does however there is like entry Therefore how the unnatural which does not go to the doctor in 1 years the eye can be attached and When unskillfulness it does because perhaps you visit with mosquito ゙ Khufu ゙ ru doing to there you think that you do not receive illegitimately
                                                                                                                • 无良小偷看到一个诚实的人税四郎卡诺Hazime的东西部仍觉得Dzukanai增长驱动tTA Kukara排除这种穷人没有得到退休金,但能够很容易死亡茹如果孩子继续答复 When the child replies dying simply you can receive can continue it isn t Because it does lousy job furthermore densely it is in becoming poor thing the Ministry of Health and Welfare not becoming aware yet One by one steadily verification margin Tax thief me

                                                                                                              • 这是怎么重复3次,发送邮递呼吁,不必要的特殊养老金,这是值得的天空发送确认所有Ruhou领取养老金的比例,我们
                                                                                                                Don't you think? is to go back and forth special flight the wasteful mail which is said about 3 times is repeatedly sent, When you compare to that, the person who sends the verification book of annuitant everyone is significant

                                                                                                                • 这种技术官员30年前前总统在日本极有智说Tteta Tatte什么我使用这是一个愚蠢的老 The president among original yakuza using passing calls this skill from 30 years ago As for the public official the tsu te which is foolish from former times

                                                                                                                  • 这诈。 Amanuensis家庭家庭老人Utamaru抓取您明信片是在一个轻微的模糊瓦特的差异妻子死亡的退休金或板之间的塞子护理Kazuitsu Warota太长,他愚弄
                                                                                                                    Now 詐. As for family with family write for as for [u] as for [u] To become dim the tend old person annuity prohibiting death losing unnoticed, not to become aware in the postcard with reason shank w The long wife is the too fool [warota

                                                                                                                    • 通常情况下,老人的名单,是不是医疗保健,有权这样做回警察搜查了溃疡确认其下落?这是唯一的罪行是 If normal listing up the senior citizen who does not become care related to medical care Doing the location verification the ro where it backs up the police and others sees and does with crushing and is Therefore crime what
                                                                                                                      • 此外,至少75岁,老人是不相关的少数医院爆发的,我认为他们是比较好的顺序为他们的研究 Furthermore in 75 years old or more as for the senior citizen who has not related to the hospital Therefore minority group don t you think you think that the one which from over there consecutively it tries to inspect is good

                                                                                                                    • 遗属年金接受如此糟糕,如果发现自己从没有问题恩戴死我会想他们是怎么不多

                                                                                                                      • 错误的魔力,将返回到它的3倍,监禁,而不是对生活Kitsukeru约3个非领取养老金
                                                                                                                        Furthermore unless 3 times it returns the fact that we assume, that error demon conversion so, about annuity receipt failure of jail sentence and object 3 life size there is an extent which is accustomed to being attached

                                                                                                                        • 骨骼的好处发出接受其他非法手段国民年金法第111条就在于,至3年监禁或日元处以罚款1万元 National pension law 111 provision As for the person where it receives presentation the lie in addition with illegitimate expedient and does not come out and to skeleton it converts It executes penal servitude of three years less than or the fine of 1 000 000 Yen or less
                                                                                                                          • 在监狱里收到的数字三年或其他好处通过欺诈手段躺在111条国民年金是日元处以罚款1万元 National pension law 111 provision As for the person where it receives presentation the lie in addition with illegitimate expedient and does not come out and to skeleton it converts It executes penal servitude of three years less than or the fine of 1 000 000 Yen or less

                                                                                                                        • (因为不知道是我从死亡的时间,很可能是1年过去了大量of this看起来更better瓦特八十〇万日元人数of ×年),知识的人没有自己的牛think is nothing的研究刚刚相反该信息不会退出比赛将是变相和大型Piraniha我澄清的目的 NULL

                                                                                                                          • ,通过检查情况的医疗保健检查的老人一个制度的基础上,后者是什么?哪里是党做了什么是它反对旧的,旧的医疗制度?

                                                                                                                            研究 開発