共有60人在这两个群体的DSP系统和旧社会党,老左派和数量基诺的巢穴 > Old Democratic Socialist Party system as for both group meter approximately 60 people of old Japan Socialist Party type,
Hideout shelf of the left winding…
251 Tsuka“我不是提前举行大选,首相小泽改为”如果你不能留言的唯一原因,我没有效力甚至不如什么借口:“如果我做他们的屁股选举从经济从喜爱“怎么样 251 The handle “although the prime minister alternated to Ozawa dispersion general election it is not done” tsu te one Considerably there are no righteousness obligations or justifiability When we assume that the only excuse it is possible “In ru case the extent where economy is and does and is not yaba empty election how”
民主党人呼吁,在此之前,没有合理的理由背后甚至Dzuke The Democratic party before saying there is no rational support or a justifiability
27日债券市场的交易量冉9月期货合约月份的心脏肿大材料 In the bond market of 27 days of September ones which are central contract month of the futures sales amount expanded
9月期货产品是在早晨,我把目光转向下到最后一个条目 As for any futures September things during morning it rose but entering into afternoon it changed to lowering
30年后,现在中国已成为第一中线,也可以走出叛国 And this time 30 years later when China becomes declining fortune is the result which treason is done how produced
中国启动一个卖国总理将不可避免地小泽 When Ozawa becomes the prime minister it is inevitable to begin treason in China
417吉见义明镇压托卡九州 _NULL_
624最终,简:我一直渴望前往医生,小泽是扣人心弦它会(小泽派)和反小泽派抓我出去驱赶,开始斗争,是干的,小泽派等待是不是一 624 After all 菅 Yearning to the doctor the ru becoming the party chief Ozawa who grasps that Ozawa group expelling counter Ozawa group grasping The reason where contention has started from the fact that Ozawa group was dried
624最终成为领导菅直人,小泽是扣人心弦它会(小泽派)和反小泽派抓我出去驱赶,而不必等待开始上学的斗争源于小泽 624 After all the 菅 becoming the party chief Ozawa who grasps that Ozawa group expelling counter Ozawa group grasping The reason where contention has started from the fact that Ozawa group was dried
其中自由民主党将胜出时,它溶解在关闭侃 Now when the 菅 disperses being cut off Our people democracy either one probably will win
即使考虑44,你知道你有一个直接的鸠山,简出卖首次 44 How thinking the ro which is Hatoyama where it begins and indicates the 菅 and betrays
小泽已成为总理和是否有点问题,总理应该考虑是否侃 That when you say whether the 菅 the prime minister is good it is unable to agree but Ozawa becoming the prime minister as for that you think how
小泽或邪恶,或简,哦无能,那是一只鸽子或阿尔茨河好吧,当姜不 Ozawa wickedness the 菅 disabled the pigeon applying arutsu what you say well assuming that there is no ginger
小泽的上半年和100,但绝望的解散菅,菅100晚30小泽 可能约50 When it is Ozawa when 100 first half it is 菅 self abandonment ku carding scattering 菅 100 latter half about Ozawa it probably is 30 50
我瓦特勤组,但这些,它们往往很可能是我 w The 菅 group tsu te such is is many the causing re well enough
简:缺乏知识和技术,只有医生,我渴望 菅 Yearning to the doctor the ru has been lacking medical technology and knowledge
菅留言“采取Ketara负的责任对自己的解散众议院的代表 The 菅 speaks a word When “by his is defeated typical game responsibility taking the House of Representatives it disperses
这不是坏事,如果你这样做,由菅相关权利,谁是做得很好,一些没有反因达给它 The reason where the 菅 is bad the chi classified by ya in regard to this or whoever doing there is no measure something it is
这场胜利把蛋糕简,面对与自民党和小泽一起反政府武装派别不信任动议 When the 菅 wins Ozawa group opposing structure cooperating with our people nonconfidence motion it is accustomed to being attached
那么,即使只是消极Dekitajan完全解散,我觉得简先生,但不是的,将留待感觉刷新 Well with 菅 good memory was possible it is Being defeated dispersing completely it does but it does but it forces feeling It probably will remain
924方,生,因为其中一个派别的前列反小泽,我帮 _NULL_
G是错误的做法一些时间,因为小早川社会主义制度是委托给战国赤松亲工具,支持小泽小泽是一个地方,我想说的是,说的是支持动态Kudarou小早川小泽会,但它已被机会主义该系统将Minsya川端Ğ本来是正确的管道,即使在大的影响仍然不能自由地干涉有多大的灰尘质量,笑到最后囊小泽(德川家康) As for Kohayakawa we would like to call injustice G but Leaving Ozawa support construction to Akamatsu of the Ozawa approaching Therefore the 仙 valley Japan Socialist Party system some time probably will be required but it probably will move to Ozawa support If you mention Kohayakawa opportunistic now is it probably is Kawahata G of the people corporation affiliation which has been done As for here originally being attached to the right group even then the tubeside there is no great influence The mass rubbish how probably will disturb but as for laughing lastly Ozawa Ieyasu
小泽小泽组提交该系统时,脚的选举和自由,我老了514小泽已多次要求我们围绕80个新成员,可以很容易地运行 514 Ozawa it runs requests therefore new member Assemblyman whom 80 When it adds aide Assemblyman old free party system and Ozawa of plural time election The ro which as for the Ozawa group as for about that sufficiently is and is
■市场声音:太来晨星期待小泽先生魅力,Ootani雅之日本证券研究中心主任的信息传递和大谷49分钟13■日本的证券 步行,骶。在内阁会议后举行的记者,内阁官房长官,据报道,以配合部长方向喷射日元发言反对命中尽快 Voice of market The direction which is expected to Ozawa who has charisma characteristic bond Japan Motoya 13 49 transmissions Morning the star Bond Japan Tadayuki investigation Assistant Chief for Intelligence Motoya with foot 仙 You say that secretariat director in press conference of after the Cabinet conference sets forth increase in yen value measure urgently That the Cabinet minister agreed with directivity it was reported
■市场声音:太来晨星期待小泽先生魅力,Ootani雅之日本证券研究中心主任的信息传递和大谷49分钟13■日本的证券 步行,骶。在内阁会议后举行的记者,内阁官房长官,据报道,以配合部长方向喷射日元发言反对命中尽快 Voice of market The direction which is expected to Ozawa who has charisma characteristic bond Japan Motoya 13 49 transmissions Morning the star Bond Japan Tadayuki investigation Assistant Chief for Intelligence Motoya with foot 仙 You say that secretariat director in press conference of after the Cabinet conference sets forth increase in yen value measure urgently That the Cabinet minister agreed with directivity it was reported
语音市场:让太期待小泽先生的魅力,Ootani雅之日本证券研究和信息主任发表49分钟的13晨星日本的证券和大谷 在脚,骶。内阁秘书在记者招待会后,内阁会议长,据报道,以配合部长方向喷射日元发言反对命中尽快 Voice of market The direction which is expected to Ozawa who has charisma characteristic bond Japan Motoya 13 49 transmissions Morning the star Bond Japan Tadayuki investigation Assistant Chief for Intelligence Motoya with foot 仙 Secretariat director after the Cabinet conference in press conference That the Cabinet minister agreed with the directivity that it sets forth increase in yen value measure urgently it was reported
不是所有的地方我可能会被轧管接近选举恩戴管子从我对第一编入溶解或采取君秋我不会打破小泽说,这是我所说的双重或另一种方式在地狱我要去新的摄取 If to that Ozawa fairness taking in ahead dispersing however there is a possibility where it can extend Because the tube it unites nowhere while how the se being close general election However double you will say dispersing saying and saying the tube and the new member probably to take in it has been about Absolutely excessiveness
党的代表改为夏雄山口太田昭宏 gt Komeito representation Yamaguchi 那 alternated to the Tsu man from Akihiro Ota
二楼。派出计划,社公民(社会党和公明党+ + DSP)来实现2010年线是享受了午餐疑惑 Second floor. Supporting conception, corporation public citizen (Japan Socialist Party + Komeito + Democratic Socialist Party) route
Being 2010, it actualizes -
会津上杉看起来像一个肯定是否相关或测试个月的原始(听力选择),唯一的其他会小泽),以德川家康从张力(不仅是西方的光恩戴军事行动,是江户时代,德川家康在赤坂部长们还批评小泽Tatte ll站在印放在马。县长楼。弹劾是简一样森辉元,但三星是战国时,枝野小西,前原诚司是一个地方,我宇喜多 Sekigahara Being similar certainly the ru Because Uesugi Aizu inspection making clear it does not stick you probably will not obtain Ieyasu Ozawa unless Edo it can move The west troop stepped on but the tsu te where Ieyasu s horse sign stands in Akasaka densely probably will be Ozawa criticism of Cabinet minister House of magistrate The same as impeachment it puts out As for the 菅 the Mouri shine origin as for Sengoku three forming as for the branch field Konishi as for Maehara the Ukita tsu te it is dense kana
我们现在认为的最佳方案。我想这难得的解散联盟包括团体也赶走了乔木在叛逃→→小泽派赢了?相反,最糟糕的感觉,我会看到他们的人做任何胜利希望在公众联合组→渣→侃,前原诚司,野田小泽 The highest scenario tsu te which now is thought Victory gt Ozawa group secession gt also somewhere without uniting alliance it is driven dispersion tsu te place As for being worst conversely Ozawa victory gt 菅 Maehara Noda group remaining behind gt we would like to do with people public alliance at will tsu te feeling How becoming…
但忽略任何这个过程,这一次一,around really稳定经济增长加快了包括税收和福利社会,学校一级的小学like政策日记只是一个easy幻想,而是试图以某种方式向Osaeyou,失控 But such process all disregard this time consumer tax rise Welfare society You call stable growth quite picture diary level of the elementary school student just of easy delusion Although being serious it is about policy that surroundings will hold down somehow it drove recklessly
但明年这个时候,一次消费税的法案,今年你知道是真的是这样做的执行,但你不能even think it驱动tTA But this time the bill of consumer tax is collected during this year execution and being serious in next year We assumed and the tsu te as for this that it had been about probably to do we thought that without fail it is useless
区与我宁愿听到676,我认为有可能成为另一名警员的案件吸收和随后 676 So when you hear rather it makes after the fact In order for there to be a possibility of trying probably to take in official the thought te it came
即使在自由民主党以及人力(人事)和自由!我想消失,自由民主党分裂!其中获胜弟弟,Warazu改变什么! Democracy at our people similar there is no person talent Both the democracy our people separating you ask the fact that it disappears When either one probably will win what the change
鸠山内阁肖像考虑采取曲折,但也不受欢迎小泽朱达罗和解散感谢的部门,哪一个是只负赢,山冈,置石,我怎么会支持吗? Either one probably will win but it will be defeated but separating the ro which is dispersion But Ozawa unpopularity if to surround you think when Hatoyama Yamaoka and the position stone how does in the Cabinet minister it is supported it is
原○一百七十九个月相关要说的是。茹或不忠实来此露营? 15000已经小早川(鸠山组60)驱动tTA模式也背叛 179 ○ As for Sekigahara The traitor coming out of the camp gt The pattern which Kohayakawa 15 000 60 Hatoyama groups is already betrayed
撤军?小泽原谅。更民主的政治生活将继续留在垃圾,但我还有勇气,我们把这样一种阵营是不是最后的好后进入 When it is secession If Ozawa anyhow Such a courage it can leap in the camp The rubbish being handled in a similar way it probably will remain in democracy Already but it ended political life similarity
原案件肖像有关个月,我流浪在同一时间稍微兵团小早川背叛和战争,他们还将负责国家和主要力量来自德川家康 If it compares to Sekigahara Kohayakawa party is not perplexed simultaneously with the opening of the hostilities and betrays it is in a state where also the Ieyasu main body charges
小早川年初我首期! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Kohayakawa it comes quickly
发布或风筝展览和威胁,自民党资深政治时代 _NULL_
启动跌出谴责议案,2 预算相关法案是不是支持率尽管通过使用现在准备投票3太低,甚至解散须交付赶走一条死胡同,集体辞职 And you put out question criticism resolution start of collapse Because you cannot use 2 3 resolutions the budget related bill not passing It is driven to the cul de sac support ratio being too low either dispersion not to be possible general resignation
他们做梦甜重获民心,成为首相三年小泽 Ozawa becoming the prime minister when support ratio is recovered in 3 years you look at sweet dream
民主党小泽率下降无关赢得→ Ozawa wins gt Being the Democratic party support ratio nil it atrophies
达罗的知名度,并希望你打算冈田取代前原诚司在选举前夕 Immediately before the electing the ro which the ri ya and the support ratio which alternate to Maehara or Okada rises and is
咦?这是什么意思,没有插图外长冈田 _NULL_
因为它是701,并接受当地投入的需要 701 Because that accepted the demand of the district the shelf
在两个词看起来好咖喱,咖喱味等口味狗屎不是狗屎 Calais of unko taste and unko of the Calais taste As for 2 people where this word matches this much it is not
null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
多数人不同意总理说,发生这种情况,如果你进入法庭接受 As for many people as for the prime minister you say that this is not agreed but when judgment is accepted how it becomes
小早川瓦特Warota的说明与图片1我是谁 In picture of diagram [warota] w
So as for Kohayakawa who
小早川秀明平成 ー ⌒ ⌒ ⌒Ø布鲁诺b 丿Ø 8 8 和 布鲁诺( 卢武铉 ) ) 布鲁诺 。 。 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 小泽 简 Kohayakawa 秀 fall of Heisei 92 92 8 丶 92 no ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ o i no 92 丿 o 8 8 It does No no 92 no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Ozawa 菅
布鲁诺 · 我 布鲁诺Ø ( 人) ) No ⌒ REPT ○ Î ⌒ REPT O ⌒ ⌒ 92 0 oi ⌒ ⌒ REPT o 丶 i no o human
小泽一郎赢得大选,我代表小泽小泽很可能会成为一个素恩戴结合与反民主派,自民党是一个生意,你离开我会做总理和菅直人?如果发生这种情况,我的乐趣 Ozawa winning representation election when Ozawa may become the prime minister becomes The Liberal Democratic Party uniting with the counter Ozawa group of the Democratic party the tsu te leaving industry where designates the 菅 as the prime minister the kana which is not done So when it becomes it is funny but it is
濒死体验在民主党的选举故障,提请关注高财政扩张 Being entwined to the typical selection of the Democratic party anxiety to public finance enlargement increased
小泽先生,“现在,这个预算设置了无损检测,龟井先生,你没事吧”我说 Ozawa “now uniting such budget or Kamei it is all right” that because you say the shank
“我Saboremasen议会担任总理,”一个话语可以停止,即使你说服小泽 When “becomes the prime minister you cannot shirk the National Diet ” If with it persuades also Ozawa stops and questions and cannot know high although
为什么不呢?如果首相小泽一郎,日本市场的反应是什么的意思,我们 Why If Ozawa becomes the prime minister as for Japan the stripe saying the tsu lever where the market has reacted
从现在开始两个星期,目前在电视上现场或各省的支持者包围在小泽 From now on 2 weeks in the district Ozawa surrounds in the supporter the scene where It flows with the television
小泽一郎小泽一郎后说,263不会改变 263 After alternating to Ozawa when it is Ozawa will not do
小泽太多570多人偏离了 持有 570 The human who leaves from Ozawa it is many
我要背叛田中指示我采取手足小泽需要的蛋糕,因为它说857 857 When it is that even Ozawa the hand taking pace betraying Tanaka who is guided the ru
达罗我不知道任何人试图做政府小泽502 502 Whether it has been about that Ozawa probably will do what in the national government the ro which the wa is entwined in how who
小泽进步的卖国梅东洋盲目中国,或中国是当你打算做秋天 _NULL_
小泽钱(政党的补贴手帕,弄脏)给税 _NULL_
帕纳奇民主党人在玩,今天是我的平安瓦特德川幕府武士后 _NULL_
当小泽支持团体Minsya,并失去了选民可能狂欢右亲瓦特支持 _NULL_
当小泽的管理暂定为大会选举产生的代表在全国“金钱政治”是的,有可能没有好的或Ku线管理的问题再次出现饮食 When temporarily Ozawa is elected to representation at the time of the National Diet managing “politics and the gold” Problem re surfaces and may be also a possibility the National Diet management stopping going well
当小泽当选为国民议会代表暂定管理“金钱政治”是的,有可能没有好的或Ku线管理的问题再次出现饮食 When temporarily Ozawa is elected to representation at the time of the National Diet managing “politics and the gold” Problem re surfaces and may be also a possibility the National Diet management stopping going well
当小泽的管理暂定为大会选举产生的代表在全国“金钱政治”是的,有可能没有好的或Ku线管理的问题再次出现饮食 When temporarily Ozawa is elected to representation at the time of the National Diet managing “politics and the gold” Problem re surfaces and may be also a possibility the National Diet management stopping going well
当然 欠 提取: 民主 总统选举,“平成原来关个月,”为主的早期阶段 战争掠夺小泽150小早川:新成员(有插图)的关键词:提取莱斯大多数37到鸠山莱斯小早川是怎么回事 Object sure “Heisei Sekigahara” opening Ozawa dominant… new member Assemblyman 150 plundering battles there is diagram Keyword Kohayakawa Extraction less number 37 Almost becoming all the less Kohayakawa Hatoyama the ru
一哦,图片说明是完全正确的日本“争夺”我不写 1 With well in the diagram picture properly correct Japanese “scramble” the wa which is written
彰地待观察后,今天大多数民主党政权更替 After the administration alternating current Democratic party Assemblyman shining, most it is visible
我只是党成员和支持者群体排除在外,每李 党員 [sapotagurupu] around Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi coming out, the [ru
我祝大家我有一个死根羽易志位游戏,你想在混乱的时代嘿峨说,这个国家的危机 In age of the stupor which even this national difficulty can be said well… As liked the game it may is … Although everyone it should have died …
决定,而不是整个事情,但只有更加开放的时代结束了混乱 Rather than saying that something it is decided it is opening of age of the further stupor now
战国是一个真正的红会,我终于被清除 Deep-red Sengoku, finally being purged?-
新居国家战略阶段,并澄清的基本原则,宣布经济部长菅直人今天在总理措施,是在输入驱动tTA移动的方向日元的汇率贬值,他们购买和审查似乎 As for Arai national strategy phase 菅 The prime minister basic decision of economic measure it is announced even during today to make that clear exchange in weak yen direction From the fact that it moved it takes a second look and it seems that buying enters
新居国家战略阶段,并澄清的基本原则,宣布经济部长菅直人今天在总理措施,是在输入驱动tTA移动的方向日元的汇率贬值,他们购买和审查似乎 Arai national strategy phase 菅 the prime minister has made that basic decision of economic measure is announced even during today clear From the fact that exchange moved to weak yen direction it takes a second look and it seems that buying enters
新居国家战略阶段,并澄清的基本原则,宣布经济部长菅直人今天在总理措施,是在输入驱动tTA移动的方向日元的汇率贬值,他们购买和审查似乎 As for Arai national strategy phase 菅 The prime minister basic decision of economic measure it is announced even during today to make that clear exchange in weak yen direction From the fact that it moved it takes a second look and it seems that buying enters
日本或125大绵 125
暂定税率,必须是被当地的领导人,我们强烈反对取消对地方税收收入将是暂时的,因为 Because provisional tariff becomes the tax revenue of the district
The heads of the district opposed fiercely in provisional tariff abolition, it seems
未来将寻求与公明党,民主党附表,创价学会领导人决心从合作进展不利影响,“她说: _NULL_
本“选举小泽”,是启发,被称为 This became an opportunity which means with to be called “Ozawa of election”
经过一,总理的座位小泽就绝对不 Rear one Ozawa is to have to the seat of the prime minister without fail
此外,一组约共60个基于两个旧社会党民主社会主义党和旧系统,而不是一个时刻站在 In other things, old Democratic Socialist Party system as for both group meter approximately 60 people of old Japan Socialist Party type, at present time attitude clearly
It has not done
毕竟,财政赤字始终是大格局的税收收入下降的财政赤字一次大萧条,扩大了销售税划船 After all public finance it is dispatched expands the deficit at a stroke Applying consumer tax rise Great depression Public finance move Deficit enlargement Also the tax revenue decreases sharply With be sure to become the pattern which is said
因此,如果在税收,税收减免(食品和比方穿着增加),设置out早生合,合我need订出一的经济刺激计划尚未见it all削减驱动tTA Therefore very when consumer tax it raises for example tax reduction it is necessary to combine the economic stimulatory measure which still is resigned the food clothing with combining
然而,它会比父母更好看一点卖国到中国,无论是小泽诚河内我如何能得到平衡点的水果有扎西 Compared to as for that some treason doing China intimately so the method which does the face is better However as expected balance of the point over there is good being Ozawa s method whether or not is
美国继续与叛国,完全干透将一个小国,当时我伊塔日美国对中国的国家权力 When the American treason is continued at the point in time when Chinese Kuniriki exceeds America The Japanese how small country means to be dried completely
由于目前形势下,)团长,房子三好(鸠山简多伊,群众很少有三好(陆军主任李逍遥:Jane Doe的枝野,战国简多伊,简多伊前原诚司,,,)是,和福娃,松永简多伊(简多伊军事小泽)一个从事在这种情况下,然后一寺的游戏,显然是得到大多数设在 As a present aspect Miyoshi house this main Hatoyama no certain person Miyoshi several human group of people sides official no certain troop Branch field no certain person Sengoku no certain person and Maehara no certain person With becoming Fuwa the Matsunaga no certain person the Ozawa no certain troop it has supported in the circumstance that It seems that is becoming the fight which designates Higasioozi as the stage
德川家康,,,,小泽幸村,馆淀战国,,,,长宗我部鸠山,秀赖枝野 对调解结果或)威胁到德川家康寺淀菅,世界(丁power ll采取 Ieyasu Ozawa Happiness village Sengoku do lord Hatoyama Long sect our section branch field 秀 asking depending 菅 In Ieyasu the result and the public where the do lord is conciliated and or is intimidated the Democratic party it is taken over
相反这样做,权管和电视离开你有这样一个傻瓜,这只是一个遗憾,苏先生暴露战国 It is useless it puts out to such a foolish television the chi ya … Insect filter tube and Sengoku just expose shame and
相反的话,从来没有民主,这个作业是我希望我能获胜,因为我只有双方亦辨别力良好专制强加小泽政策辩论,更可能获得更多的精神stable比true黑gray ll The Democratic party how word contrarily policy dispute also the Ozawa camp there is only sense of mighty power motion therefore it is however whichever may win In this case gray compared to deep black the shelf which mental stability may be obtained
后来,政策辩论,发动一场运动,小泽,政府对你的情况是一 After as for setting up policy dispute to the Ozawa camp in case of official disadvantageous kana
老师选定朱达罗172 jk的小泽 172
The [ro] which is the Ozawa teacher one 択… JK
虽然他已完全破灭小泽,战国,枝野,我没有更多的政治战国分开来吧解决他们的发言赢得了脖子?重复的唯一决策,不明白Omoenai民主,我不觉得羞耻垃圾 Also Ozawa ending however the ru when Sengoku the branch field the neck of living in peace and others remains undefeated more well That Sengoku divides politics it is Unless democracy understands only you cannot think The rubbish which over again does not think decision making as shame
尽管他最终小泽哇,我没有更多的政治分开战国赢得到极点的是左勤发言?重复的唯一决策,不明白Omoenai民主,我不觉得羞耻垃圾 Also Ozawa ending however the ru when the 菅 remains undefeated more well That Sengoku divides politics it is Unless democracy understands only you cannot think The rubbish which over again does not think decision making as shame
表达了一个傻瓜而S堪笑一个说法生方,我将所有的方式,因为生活w是一个受欢迎的片山皋月,a m态度嘲笑他瓦特田原总一郎还预计,排减单位,并有机会发言几次生方,战国先生或模糊一点,我需要你的帮助人们在电视上更体面的,因为如果你要求 While withstanding laughing Ubukata speech therefore the expression which it has made foolish raw w which has been taken completely Katayama it is popularity of being attached but attitude what which makes that person foolish w Entire Ichiro as expected Tahara and many degrees give the speech opportunity to Ubukata with whether it became dim a little … Sengoku to ask and therefore to produce more honest person to the television…
该药物炼手抓住等待自由首相小泽 Prime Minister Ozawa Our people pulling the hand medicine 煉 it waits
后到一个职业球员,小底承担。爆炸在母亲的希望 Approaching it is attached and after without going down small With expectation blast age
这将是荒谬的,为什么民主党小泽紧迫?没有什么比你们更能赚钱!奥凯一看不清脸小泽组!它的黄金沙虱螨下降Iyashii It is outrageous it differs but why Democratic party Assemblyman pushing Ozawa There is no at all other than the money The ku seeing the personnel of the Ozawa group the bucket Well it forces and snuzzles in the gold… it is the tick louse
迦巴历史和历史的粗暴沃塔古污染小等 Such it is dirty petty domestic violent affairs History history in wota impoliteness
木壁,爱!而且还 Always in heart the force stick Furthermore with
那么它可能引发的政治重组“,这显示了预测和意义 _NULL_
那么,在一个陌生的简AEUG ž例子从目前的趋势我将握力和权力相似的是自民党的例子,一个是一个不可避免的会不会动摇早在轴鞋,这些家伙,你知道我想我会瓦特 But the ma administration grasping from the ru it compares the 菅 to eugo change Z if it compares it is helpless war potential The Liberal Democratic Party collapses quickly with akushizu and don t you think kana and others it is dense the tsu te thinks and the ro w which is the ru place
发出通知,只有在它之前执行侃有人柿子! Someone 菅 delivering the persimmon before the executing
闭嘴,如果政府不放弃半岛竞争力的泡菜 _NULL_
阚最后手段,只有大的事我试图改变食物豆芽 _NULL_
隐藏恒松永,或类似三好三人应仁之乱,但现在如果我是他只是一个单一的权力竞争 Hisashi rebellion or Miyoshi three group of people or Matsunaga of application/response benevolence 秀,
Simply power doing to dispute simply, increase passing, the people