Concerning the housewife, it is different to the how to think the unmarried man and woman and the man “wants working” 63.0%, the woman “we would like to become the housewife”, 53.8%
220天,直到结婚和生育是常识与其说想全职家庭主妇是Iteta我想穿的身体?全日制的学生家长,其子女也继续是罕见的,很可能在永久迁移,甚至在神奇的配偶双方,但真正的帮助你靠近后我不与奶奶生活 220 Recently until you get married give birth because you think that works with the regular member the housewife is many As for common sense being attached to the body the ru it is the kana which is not The child being born the regular member to continue the ji ji however living together staying is saved truth closely Also the married couple there is transference with the regular member and is very so does not go don t you think
284艾蛤南你丑陋,肮脏的妻子的,但毫无疑问,我不知道家庭面临获得的年收入为800万,但弹出一个人的手,但考虑这样做一整行或女儿想要做的是收支平衡恩戴臭如此糟糕垃圾败类像你以为她很好,我永远也不会很快死 284 You are scurvy also the face is certainly dirty however it is probably will be But as for the wife inside annual income 8 000 000 the ze is the bu wife does Hateful what it probably will put out the fact that the man produces the hand is Because we would like to do you do it is with loss and gain thinking saying The rubbish woman of your like kudzu thought quickly it should have died
日本人竹勤于世界上没有丑陋的工作如果只有一个负任何地方去 NULL
350事实上,古有一高概率高收入更爱女人,女性低于300万美元的年度收入是太糟糕了我会说一个女人结婚,或不能够满足的活动或由于这种爱? 350 Actually the woman the one whose annual income is high the probability where the sweetheart is high The woman of annual income 3 000 000 or less cannot make either the sweetheart satisfactory because it seems 婚 life saying as for the ru woman being terrible excessively the consequence
我在做什么文化,但当地官员年龄三七瓦特700万美元的年薪,她不会让任何人来我附近wwwwwwww We of 37 year old local government employee annual income 7 000 000 Although raising w Wwwwwwww where no one woman as for approaches to we
441〜零和坐火车去,以增加公众的恐惧程度有所Ikarana Ttena有些人认为生活在被发现约苏壊Tsuka爱诬告 441 a 痴 Chinese false charge… Because life of the fellows others the extent which smashes it is not thought at all The shelf where degree of fear of the streetcar may to keep increasing…
不坏斯塔尔克类型诬告30000女性专用车自杀 When suicide people 30 000 it is woman private vehicle 痴 Chinese false charge hateful type stoker…
4人能够学会从家庭外包看到比自己低年级靖艾希 Rather than 4 people ordering also home study, the one which to grade you saw low by your is cheaper and
580事实上,我认为现实是不关闭而不希望孩子的女人,只有很短的时间全部分时间一分钟的时间魔法几个部分是我渴望得到一个男人显示时间details如果你看made全? 580 Actually if the child it tries being possible the man who full time desires side business how Few things understand Desiring the brief it is close only principal occupation without part housewife there is no actuality
ll总以为你有话要说生活太苛刻西西 gt As the reason which would like to become the housewife “because we would like to concentrate on the housekeeping and childcare” the 55 2 “We would like to ram down to your own hobby because” the 25 5 “you do not like work because” the 15 0 ratio was high Most women thinking “we would not like to work ” that it is ru tsu te thing Life moratorium w too harshness it is directly w
NULL 773 But you call woman dislike too much At least in comparison with former times at the point that you see as opposite sex to be considerable the trap which has fallen Therefore kind what in order in the first place body for the woman to bear mechanism It probably will fight similarly in the world of the man who is the wage earner the original mistake However it is and the tsu chi ya is bad as for the woman deterioration is fast strangely in comparison with the man don t you think Being fast if with 25 it passes also 30 it is not the woman Already biologically it is the year when it is possible to finish function As for the man activity period because it is necessary for the descendant who remains to work as a living thing is long life Being defeated the ru w As for the child whose now is young starting getting wise sore with instinct the ru it is the kana which is not
NULL 773 But you call woman dislike too much At least in comparison with former times at the point that you see as opposite sex to be considerable the trap which has fallen Therefore kind what in order in the first place body for the woman to bear mechanism It probably will fight similarly in the world of the man who is the wage earner the original mistake However it is and the tsu chi ya is bad as for the woman deterioration is fast strangely in comparison with the man don t you think Being fast if with 25 it passes also 30 it is not the woman Already biologically it is the year when it is possible to finish function As for the man activity period because it is necessary for the descendant who remains to work as a living thing is long life Being defeated the ru w As for the child whose now is young starting getting wise sore with instinct the ru it is the kana which is not
“家庭主妇和微波?午餐音频名叫感情津贴500日元,如果我的家庭餐馆的?茂木是一个坏丈夫,因为苦涩的生活Shikerya卡兹?一个纳门!”阿 The chin doing “in the range the housewife As for lunch huamiresu my allowance 500 Yen Life consequence of danna where the painful storm ri ya income is bad It is to lick ” With feeling of the man who is said
常识,不是吗?四舍五入犹豫,开始在部分工作从那里全时间到一个关于火灾中照顾孩子的父母 Normally the child principal occupation doing to about the board in fire fighting from there nursing the parent to the extent which starts the ro which is the feeling which works with the part
U不说的事情我做一个体面的教育和长一点,如果这 Now if already a little education honesty there are no times when you call but it is
忘掉你的工作结束683 683 Work it should have stopped it is
我浪费了一些事情,我会跟148合 148 Discussing there are also times when it becomes wasteful
第一个原因是,如果你这样做,说宇野得Nakya钱,但好工作 With say well working if the gold profit it is not viewing first with a certain meaning…
不要到正常工作的655责任,很容易做家务,我回来早古,工作家庭收入在这样或丈夫我想培养更多遥家庭主妇they工作认真上隆艾希 655 Suitably thing of responsibility doing the work which is not said returning quickly the method which does the housekeeping puts out ease Household annual income working seriously it is to become the housewife saying rather than raising the husband is much high with the way of such work die
Bitaidakedarouna发挥你的丈夫的钱,我想成为一名家庭主妇 You want to become the housewife saying wasting the money of the husband we just would like to play probably
你怎么能说只有一半正确的,因为我想成为家庭主妇 The ro which only the reason tsu te half which would like to become the housewife true thing is said and is
并建立一个家庭主妇和他结婚,就相当于350 × × ×万元,作为一个有2马力的夫妇均可支配收入 The accompanying Tsuga getting married when you raise the housewife the married couple and the disposable income like 3 500 000 Ã 2 horsepower become equal
不过,我认为这只是大部分的门牌号码不工作太来,×不认为我认为,近2 Simply working too much it has almost not returned to the house because it seems à 2 is close whether it is it is not that You think but
一名男子身穿他们的工作,但不会放弃工作时,这位女病人 Unless the man it works when the woman becoming work hateful it becomes unable to stop probably will be but
如果他们真的希望他们的工作使工作能在产后工作 If the workplace where it can keep also after the childbirth working if it is possible we would like to have working
我是一个工作的母亲,那必将使孩子们在附近的皱纹 The mother working shifting the strain goes the ru and to the child by any means
严重-这些家伙嘉四郎有些政客一些低能儿部官员对性别平等局性别平等委员会 Man and woman joint participation meeting
Man and woman joint participation bureau
Thick labor imbecile public official of portion of ministry
Politician of part
And others it is dense with [maji] somehow margin
希望从一开始所有专业的人。顺便说一句不揉我,我说好起来或者说谢谢 From first when the man is principal occupation desire all Having trouble saying on the other hand arigatou you make say
今天,没有人因此决心为妻子和子女努力不会因过度劳累 Nowadays, the man who with overwork dead preparedness perseveres for the wife and children how so it is not
从893驱动tTA耶洗脑的一个受虐狂鉴于历史教学的教育 893
Because you were brought up with brainwashing education of sled [ya] our 虐 view of history
从这么多的人都知道,他们合国,甚至不是说事情都变得清晰和崇高的官员 When it is countryside to know each other because the fellow is many to nobility converting to the public official mono you cannot say clearly
从这么多的人都知道,他们合国,事情绝不是说对了官方 When it is countryside to know each other because the fellow is many to nobility converting to the public official mono you cannot say clearly
你对得出的结论是性别平等的社会,妇女 As for opposing to man and woman joint participation society the conclusion, woman came out
你看神奇的鳕鱼分钟阿久根许多公立学校和其他基础设施的官员 Public official public teacher below In addition multitude
Akune seeing, the cod you understand being, it does, the [yo
兼职家庭主妇和兼职家庭主妇男子有重大罚款 The principal occupation househusband and the part timer side business househusband of the man, greatly well enough
卡兹立即致力于那些男人,诚河内有效,如果你更好地集中在一个粗略看看教育和儿童抚养 确保你能不能让家里的妇女 The man makes it devotes to the one which the woman protects the house and devotes to rearing and educating the child the one which If you see roughly it is certain for efficiency to be good
有些人很幸运,但我当然可以专心抚养子女 Of course being able to devote to parenting being happy inhaling however the person it is
即使在所有这些调查的419大部分发掘Iteta性别△支那思加他们只是一点点,然后再以人的呼吸和费米 或者我去瓦特“我只是一个家庭主妇〜懒人”,有效期为流量前他们将这么多的随便嗫 419 Even this anke after all breath of huemi catching probably is just the ru and But hit the man and woman joint △ to just a little front the most people whether it goes to somewhere that w “The housewife being lazy the ru ” with it just whispers so to be let flow chi ya u as for you
即使在法律本身,性别,获得,但一旦有机会消失 _NULL_
即使旧时代是一个很大的收入,成本相对较低,直到设备和服务,同时增加家庭可支配不是伴随着经济快速增长,商业女性,我是多么综述从早晨到晚上辛勤工作 Former times saying age are various but when disposable income of general home increases attendant upon high level economic growth simultaneously Until the home appliance and service convert to price relatively low when you called the housewife industry in general heavily it was work from morning to evening
县接受这个行业协会的要求于7月42修正 The prefecture received this, last month requested correction to the economic organization on 24th
吴认为,她可能是一个家庭主妇· · · 32 0%的人希望成为一个家庭主妇硬汉· ° 37%,我希望我不是一个谁许多家庭主妇仍 The woman whom you think that it is accustomed to the housewife … 32 0 The man who wants becoming the housewife … 37 0 Still housewife desired one is many don t you think it is
他们可以变得更加受过高等教育的孩子 只有更好家庭主妇 There is many also a thing where simply the housewife the child becomes high educational background
吴认为,她可能是一个家庭主妇· · · 32 0%的人希望一个硬汉· ·家庭主妇是37 0%,我不是一个家庭主妇,还是有很多男人都喜欢 The woman whom you think that it is accustomed to the housewife … 32 0 The man who wants becoming the housewife … 37 0 Still housewife desired one is many don t you think it is
围绕着他的儿子德国弓[DNA的鉴定。人们拥挤的禁令Wasemashita』 _NULL_
在恶劣的健康,如果他们结婚,我一个人的口袋工作会议在我丈夫从卡兹查看详细资料我其他职等字节 The master meeting with the man while working if allowance you receive and or the byte do in human wife health it can make from unskillful OL therefore it is
达罗并不是一个丰富多彩卡兹好得多,如果你看看会找到工作津贴 What work searching about allowance the one which is made is complete various types the ro which is
在我的孩子是在公立小学838所学校,不仅去行Kaseta那么进入私人住户私人所有与我工作充分时间以及我是她妈妈穿着鸡子仪,家长教育,但现在已几乎都没有做不他的父亲来到了圣诞晚会,所有在NAA的渴望毕业典礼在课堂开学典礼在日间在平日运动在(甚至中年!) 838 As for the child inside after just the small school with public institution however private it made go entirely Well private association was the tie hen in that appearance In addition working full time the ru mother how it does not do almost well But the current parent is everyone education enthusiastic In class going participating view of weekday and in game and in entrance ceremony and in graduation ceremony and in Christmas meeting It comes to everyone father in high
试图解决任何在短短的849内盖?一天,当我的体育没想到驱动tTA NAA的纠正,但我想如果父亲来了,“周日”这是一个地方我酱 It tried looking back the less of 849 of the tsu coming but that Inside the father came to game while with thinking you tried to correct but don t you think “the weekday” tsu te densely it is point
奥巴议员hwabyeong埃纳嘿Ttenai乞丐在我感觉事物的方式,他们乞丐WWW的恳求 Don't you think? there is no [e] [oba] fire illness [tsu] [te]
The beggar seems the beggar,
It is the manner remembering of the beggar, www
如果家务劳动是最好的性教育我实话实说,我不能抱怨,我只能说收入 _NULL_
如果有一个更好的人羡的婚姻也使半茹40 _NULL_
它主张一个更男性瓦特 _NULL_
家务和照顾被遗弃的工作,“Kitakunai竹!”我会说一个女人,我想一个家庭主妇,一直受制于子女,没有真正的整洁squid ll Abandoning the housekeeping and childcare “without wanting to work it is ” The tsu te saying as for the ru housewife desired woman You do your own child in the hostage substantial neat it isn t
育儿555天各地儿童小,但非常广泛,将在一定程度上更容易,这是交给我做家务容易茹 555 But as for childcare of the time where the child is small serious when it is it becomes large it becomes easy and Nowadays to housekeeping how one hand the extent ease which it is possible
对于两性平等是太徒劳无用的政客和官僚 Concerning man and woman joint participation, the politician and the bureaucracy are useless too useless
左脑和右脑,左,右一半一半,因为男人和女人之间也是关系 The left brain and the right brain, the left one half of the body and the right one half of the body, related characteristic of man and woman the same as this
忘记你的人结婚,如果你想另一团伙的恩戴回家的爸爸,所以我不明白123 123 So you cannot agree upon if it should have divided it is When it is with you should have remarried with the principal occupation househusband desired man it is
我也觉仁的伊塔普遍赞誉我,如果他的机智海大山 If the ocean male mountain person know it is whether you praised the tact and praised
我发现Tteta蓬说,人们一个有趣的例子,陶瓷工作后,他们必须已进入可怕 After being soft says the person becoming necessary Seeing the example which changes to enormous function ones the ru
我只是要保护这些妇女的法律联系在一起的,作为电通有更多的钱我带来一个规范的女人从峨免费它们是很好的,鞭鞭 Binding with law just to protect the woman such as that it was necessary but it is The method which had the gold to which the woman serves freely as Dentsu to call because it rubbed It fans it fans
我可以应付的社会,它是这样,我不知道为什么他们抱怨为什么茹 When is the corporation which it can correspond in both meeting with thing Why whether complaint comes out it is from the wa
我可以应付的社会,它是这样,我不知道为什么他们抱怨为什么茹 When is the corporation which it can correspond in both meeting with thing Why whether complaint comes out it is from the wa
我的意思是,我有三个孩子,但罕见的1960年出生 _NULL_
我紧张的性别平等,性别平等我有一个坏的国家应变厄运 The man and woman equality which is warped, the man and woman joint participation which is warped ruins the country
我老了,当孩子的库萨脂肪比例迅速下降凯塔在高因为这些高婴儿死亡率婴儿死亡率 _NULL_
我说没有小町和沸腾的情绪,他们看起来好主妇我的母亲 _NULL_
所以,如果我的丈夫像奴隶,起到了很好的防锈尽管在长期通勤的剩余时间 _NULL_
接受 - 在这么多的好处,尽管和日本(男子)讨厌在脸上吐痰 In the habit which receives the benefit about of the mountain, Japan (the man) you hate and disregard
是不是,如果你或其他人从父母双方生活离开?好妻子,没有让这些不负责任的休息的,或如与其他孩子发烧,你才会说 If it has lived separated from the both parents natural it is not that As you say the child produced heat when with there is no irresponsible kind of wife whom you rest naturally and the te was good
“你当然,我的工作坎塔拉时Untara哥哥〜”我说女儿现在一 “As for you the good wa don t you think if the work tsu te you say even what the u is the cod can cod ” With it reaching the point where the wife says
最“不,先生,我不需要做家务的要求通过,”如果你跟一对夫妇合元确定女人,我呼吁,要成为一个家庭主妇,“我听到你也感受到了血腥的,Hozai Though “does not help the housekeeping the master who it does not enter” that is said the woman who Discussing with the married couple if it is to decide we would like to become the housewife” that babbling when ru it is effective you feel murderous intent but don t you think
土豆将只使用体力劳动我在做什么家伙我的意思是家庭主妇 With you will say or the housewife does people what only unskilled labor using probably will become is and
我傻瓜,但我觉得我唯一的选择全职或兼职 Full time work or principal occupation applying thinking that there are only choices ru is aho
我可以说我的小路一女子爸爸在家工作让出一人,将是一个贫穷的国家,但国家本身是没有很好Dedara The man being the principal occupation househusband however the tsu te where the woman works also it is good to say well The country itself being poor it becomes slovenly country probably will be
更好的教育,只是一个关于它的人,拥抱一个家庭主妇峨 If the extent which holds the housewife The person who raises with just the man is better
最“不,先生,我不需要做家务的要求通过,”女人喊:“我想成为家庭主妇,”我听到你也感受到了血腥的,Hozai Though “does not help the housekeeping the master who it does not enter” that is said the woman who Discussing with the married couple if it is to decide we would like to become the housewife” that babbling when ru it is effective you feel murderous intent but don t you think
有些人(男)可能会成为一个更称职的家庭主妇,因此,如果连你可以很舒服,你的安全 Everyone man easy because relief one is good if it is possible when it is accustomed to the housewife If it is good separately
梅塔我决定,如果你跟你的配偶合735全时没问题 735 Discussing with the married couple if it is to decide there is no principal occupation problem
达罗是一个家庭主妇,她立即浪费约700万例如薪金卡兹 For example when about annual income 7 000 000 it is the woman who is made the ro which it makes the housewife and it is wasted is
最大的好处是他们结婚的时间越长,临时废物瓦特 As for the first merit w which the wife stops squandering
植木仁歌曲“整洁大绵自由生活,他的妻子讲长持强烈呼吁妇女(引用它)”出自本意的话 The gist which “being strong when it designates the woman who appeals durability as the wife being neat merely life owata yo with you say to the song of the garden plant and the like to that” The lyric comes out
植木仁歌曲“整洁大绵自由生活,他的妻子讲长持强烈呼吁妇女(引用它)”出自本意的话 The gist which “being strong when it designates the woman who appeals durability as the wife being neat merely life owata yo with you say to the song of the garden plant and the like to that” The lyric comes out
比从经济上挣扎的妇女要在社会的其他人 _NULL_
汝出了离婚申请,可丈夫认真对待它可能使她在工作中有许多情妇 Perhaps the husband who is various with work makes the lover and That becoming serious whether you request divorce
我听说,即使是孩子,如果没有一个女人离婚难 When the batsuichi woman has been the child there is no hardship it is even
我想我是一个离婚的妇女采取更阵列保管和离婚 Divorcing parental authority being taken the ru batsuichi woman tsu te considerably it probably is are what
排减单位是谁的女人离婚前一年,同时欢迎44岁以下无 It is the woman who enters 44 years old promptly 1 years ago you divorced
这是一个成人,你要自由,我觉得我能成为朋友,即使你离婚 The adult it will put out probably would like to do freely and divorcing the air where you can be the friend does
由于性别平等,女性管理人员或生恶玛丽塔名存实亡 With consequence of man and woman joint participation, only name the harmful influence where woman administrative position is born?
看来,如果说U是一个良好的地方大家喜欢我很快就结婚了妇女和男子 In the first place but also the man or the woman that so everyone is good as for to get married quickly from the chi ya tsu te ru
如果这看起来像蒙特男人没有听说具体的想法要结婚 When you hear in the man who does not think of marriage concretely the kana which is not such a mon
我真的认为婚姻牺牲事业 The marriage carrier is designated as sacrifice taking densely being serious you think
让我们不要忘记,他希望降低对已婚妇女的比例已经成为了这样一 Because became only such woman also the ratio which gets married goes down it is
肯定的是,“一些日本男人,但数以千万计的,”女人“,它谈论一切,如果一类 As for this sure “The Japanese man although several 10 000 000 people it is inserting in “the woman” and one category talks everything
有的663万,尽管日本数十人,“那人”谈论这一切,如果一类 663 The Japanese man although several 10 000 000 people it is inserting in “the man” and one category talks everything
苏周期倍,独自住在一个工人全被切断时,搬到东京的家是一个单独的房子或宿舍寄宿原谅,因为这是一个非常困难的选择往往是 If the parental roof going up to the capital anyhow as for full time the work which has become the single body person turning life cycle with single because quite it is difficult As for celibacy dormitory or lodging well certain choices
苏周期倍,独自住在一个工人全被切断时,搬到东京的家是一个单独的房子或宿舍寄宿原谅,因为这是一个非常困难的选择往往是 If the parental roof going up to the capital anyhow as for full time the work which has become the single body person turning life cycle with single because quite it is difficult As for celibacy dormitory or lodging well certain choices
虽然越来越多的妇女进行×○优惠政策跟进妇女“平等机会”和“结果平等”无法理解,因为日本的官僚政客和殴打, Social advance of the woman is advanced but à Favorable treatment policy of the woman is advanced but ○ Either you cannot understand “the equality of the opportunity” and “equality of the result” with consequence of the bureaucracy and the politician Japan is ragged
真正的性别平等和提高妇女的社会地位(笑)不能衡量一个女人,以保护家庭(但仍好主妇),以正确评价的地位 True man and woman equality does not mean assuring the social advance laughing of the woman The housewife who protects home it is good even with househusband but appraise the position securely
要制定出一个好的家庭主妇次逆境 At the time of prosperity… we would like to work at outside
The recession period… the housewife we would like to do
该公司已采取了一些育休产假,孩子的病情已经崩溃苏 _NULL_
超过10万个就业机会全职母亲的年收入计算(聪明) _NULL_
超过15万美元工资,他是我朋友的208,“可怜的家伙养分穿得像个女人不想之一,”我说瓦特Tteta嗯,还需要精神上的家务和育儿达罗想尝试有足够的物理 208 As for the person of annual income 15 000 000 over of we friend “woman one person we would not like to become the man where the kind of appearance which cannot be raised is bad” the tsu te saying shelf w Well housekeeping childcare the ro we would like to have mentally and physically having some amount to spare
剥夺了生命,他们质疑该名男子是一个相对收入,并弹出一个社会必须让孩子做所有的工作没有死没有人会考虑谁的工作埃塔 That relative taking the annual income and reason to live of the man Either the child not making until national everyone dies you must work creates society with someone probably thinks
跟上他们的野生离婚妇女已婚妇女从以前的制度卡滕董事会 _NULL_
这就是所谓的我和无用的讲话有一个空白,一旦恢复工作 _NULL_
这是真正解决,我认为一个好的,漫游世界的许多问题是一个多民族的歧视 You think that such hitting is the ho with is good As for the country whose discriminatory problem is many with multi races
,而由于性别平等,进步和仍然是必要的,该女子估计指定的首选性别平等 So, with consequence of man and woman joint participation, woman favorable treatment of the name, man and woman equality is implemented