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菅 camp “this is Seinan war what. Ozawa is crushed”


  • “我不是长州成为探险...”他们在低声交谈,并
    > Also “when it becomes Tiyousiyuu subjugation, it is not good,…” [hisohiso] subjects came up

    • 是不是好,我的头西南战争吗?
      > This is Seinan war what Head all right?

      • 379日本首相和部长,寻求世界各地的官员都知道?政治家和官僚狗屎现在日本政治家和官僚的无能,我也许可以驶入日本人民的优秀政治敏感性不是这么好已经证明了一个辉煌的过去20年来,在所有的协议 379 Japanese prime minister and the Cabinet minister collecting the bureaucracy from the entire world how The causing re where the excellent human of the sensitivity which is not rushes in to the Japanese political world are in the current kuso politician and the public official Therefore the Japanese politician and the public official being disabled past 20 years beautifully proof end Completely in this agreement
        • 无论您是干净的,或不950,不能委托伊坎叛国我在政府的无能 950 It probably is clean but it probably will not be but in the reason which entrusts administration to the treason of disabled circumstance

      • 685好了,这个家伙来失控的可能除外简古多尔的高线生产线,只有消极的力量,但令人惊讶的我不仅负 685 Well would like to come out the person who was already present and as for that compared to Ozawa being defeated keeps coming out the one which Possibility is high As for the 菅 being defeated coming out as for the extent power which keeps you saw that it is not
        • 价格是正确的青山茂春树!简比小泽,真的还是发生了什么事? Aoyama complex clear decisively Ozawa vs 菅 as for truth having something

      • 918顺便说一句,内阁官房长官平原松下电器鸠山政权。从工会
        918 By the way, the plain of secretariat director of Hatoyama administration era Matsushita electricity. Graduate of labor union

        • ü解放军战地指挥官说这样的事情,在得到他们的工作不仅仅是无能,最终摆脱艾滋病
          The People's Liberation Army Army in the field commander who says like thing is to finish simply the disabled hard-worker compared to in fact of the matter

          • “中国经济官方”和“解放军军阀”的一对事物不同的思维方式 How mono to think is different from the “Chinese economic bureaucrat” and “the militarists of the People s Liberation Army”

            • “我向我合管理骨干的谈话”手机是主要的鸠山 “You don t discuss the framework of administration ” The main thing of the telephone was Hatoyama
              • 有没有办法来解释这些事情的鸠山都罗,或者它只是说ー Unless so the ma just that explanation of that tsura of Hatoyama is attached there is a variety but

            • ゙我 。 “ 我彻底 ゙ i ¯ r ゙ v ┴ i ゙ i i ゙ ゙ i na mi ≡ a ゙ he and ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ f tsun ni “The Soviet If you have me say don t you think Nikkei average is made to the party of the e and the Democratic party chaotic it is ゙ f r mi tr 7 tr lt Don t you think thorough
              • 。 “ 我彻底 ¯ r ゙ v ┴ i ゙ i i ゙ ゙ i na mi ≡ a ゙ he and ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ f tsun ni “The Soviet If you have me say don t you think Nikkei average is made to the party of the e and the Democratic party chaotic it is ゙ f r mi tr 7 tr lt Don t you think thorough

            • 上述意见,如果你没有异议。先生,你的原则,我Dearimasu具体措施将提交给普通预算和其他有关朝鲜遣返 The opinion as in description above the honor approval principlly if is I am something which submits budget and the other concrete measure regarding the home country return of the Korean

              • 不称职的政府,我并不是说我们不是不可能的实践,从683? 米老虎覆盖的儿童 683 Because business is not divided being called disabled administration the ru it is it is not It is tiger what of the Hari children

                • 不过,菅直人,如果我的设备有一所公立学校,“恢复权力是必要的明治西乡高森,明治政府有严重的萨摩叛乱”,这是我从来没有说过我们没有去,但一 But if 菅 Naoto is to have dressed up citizen group The power of Saigo prosperity was necessary “in the Meiji restoration but there being a Seinan war real Meiji government was possible ” How speech with as absolute it could not go but it is
                  • 如果你联想到现代的位置,看看小泽西南战争“Kachiai子弹”请讲重现像疯了似的枪管,提高了我的身体是否合 If this is defined Seinan war because today “the chi meeting bullet” would like to see Ozawa and the tube facing the machine gun firing away it reappears

                • 中国普天间的军事军阀搬迁问题“5”数字的“诱惑”将有一 “It tempts” with the number which is called to the militarists of the Chinese troop “5” with Futenma base moving problem
                  • 来吧,我的5位中国军阀引起严重后果将很严重 When in the Chinese militarists it invites with 5 how numbers being serious perhaps it becomes the serious result

                • 什么也不做,我不这样做,对进料管,绝大多数是更自由
                  Idle lack of policy, thing 勿 [re], tube our people of advance shipment preponderant majority group

                  • 从首都科技高中,因为奶奶是从什么苍白山口先生简Tteta只是觉得它从东京毫无疑问

                    • 他们是从普天间迁移问题在美国愤怒不能指望以牵制日本政治Ekohiiki美国 Because America could be upset with Futenma base moving problem America cannot expect either political ekohiiki which uses discretion to Japan

                      • 他说,新的反舰导弹,军舰,海军陆战队指出,权力可能要恢复到80英里的点离海岸土地 As for same director because it is cautious the new model anti warship missile as for the vessels which place the marine soldier from the seashore which lands You must back up to the position which above maximum of 100 kilometers leaves it pointed out also the possibility

                        • 他说:“明治维新的权力是必要的西乡高森,明治政府有严重的萨摩叛乱”,而驱动tTA字
                          “The power of Saigo prosperity was necessary in the Meiji restoration, but there being a Seinan war, real Meiji government was possible,” you said

                          • 但在183日龄具体分工国家的181人被困,抛弃部分湿重为自民党嘿伙计们,明白只有一个黄金Dzuruttekotoga湿重 181 So as for separating actually the trap Liberal Democratic Party 183 The puppy state shelf ww which is thrown away Don t you think as for it is dense your own abnormal play you are being able to understand with the gold zu ru tsu lever the e it is ww
                            • 没有不满者不和谐分裂其余六七五顷不仅什么科诺儿子 675 There is no fire kind which it separates As for the disaffected person about only Kono s son it remains

                          • 分离或总理的代表,我明白了,小泽先生是肯定是否是病 Representation and the separation of the prime minister don t you think the extent which becomes in Ozawa the certain chronic disease oh the seed

                            • 匍匐陛下,其实我们可以成为首相小泽
                              When Ozawa becomes the prime minister, very that is not unable to kneel on the ground to the majesty

                              • 北方和南方(韩国),他们争议的朱达罗领导出卖日本同情者同情者南北战争
                                North and south (Korea) the [ro] which is war The Japanese treason leadership dispute of north sympathizer and south sympathizer

                                • 只有形成了,因为有一个新的线程,请有资格 Because you cannot write anymore please raise the new thread is

                                  • 嗯,我看,私营部门之间的差距殴打梁和泡沫文职政府雇员治疗一年后,一直持续到2009年每提升416型号200,通过增加了,如果你只喜欢一个地方官员在办公室经过10年引进欧洲风格的食物我did t我,这是不可能的税Mirya不过我多少税你必须采取的,我可能更多的东西,现在也许税收百分之五 416 The government employee treatment which was continued to increase to 2009 After the bubble become impoverished don t you think the gap of the people which Well what people see like the local government employee of the public office only it seems but Annual income 200 increasing if the ru How much taking tax with that as a model case whether the ru although it tries putting out the ri ya is good The ze consumer tax 10 which is unreasonable how When the how European type which is not put on the food it introduces perhaps current regardless 5 percent There was a tax revenue how it is not unable to become
                                    • 嗯,我看,私营部门之间的差距殴打梁和泡沫文职政府雇员治疗一年后,一直持续到2009年每446电梯模型由200个增加了,如果你只喜欢一个地方官员在办公室食品引进欧洲风格我不给你10我将这种税是不可能有好的汤Mirya或多少税你必须采取的,我可能更多的东西,现在也许税收百分之五 446 The government employee treatment which was continued to increase to 2009 After the bubble become impoverished don t you think the gap of the people which Well what people see like the local government employee of the public office only it seems but Annual income 200 increasing if the ru How much taking tax with that as a model case whether the ru although it tries putting out the ri ya is good The ze consumer tax 10 which is unreasonable how When the how European type which is not put on the food it introduces perhaps current regardless 5 percent There was a tax revenue how it is not unable to become

                                  • 在岩手县,仙台族(氏族或一关),南的一半盛冈域北半部
                                    As for south half of Iwate prefecture the Sendai feudal clan (or the Ichinoseki feudal clan) with north half calls the Morioka feudal clan

                                    • 地方组织,官僚选举之间的排斥,因为现在的神轿Keburi菅直人找到的,像苏格骨marrow m感叹,因为他受到死亡
                                      As for local organization, 菅 with the consequence the way of the stupidity which becomes the portable shrine of Naoto's bureaucracy With the consequence which does the hardship with House of Councillors selection may die, You grudge in the 菅 and it seems like the marrow

                                      • 块魂的弄虚作假是恶意背叛信仰做
                                        As for doing with two tongues which betray faith the Kata Mali of trickery

                                        • 如果是363是令人失望的,什么117人在232到自由民主党,除非以某种方式的想法,有人在参院民主党在这次复出的,我下降到上述地址沿,那么政府了。 ↑朱达罗冲突的话,我觉得没有希望去直接面对崩溃 To that 363 That is this mind if you say 232 So 117 Therefore in our people moxa tsu te that abolition House of Councillors reviving at this time moxa to democracy It becomes how if there is no conception that If description above it is viewing less already government Without either expectation in form The collapse ma tsu it does and you think that it is the gu and others It contradicts in ↑ speech the ro which is
                                          • 如果没有这个想法,有人以任何方式 肖像下党的民主,因为上面的地址沿 It becomes if it places moxa in the Democratic party how if there is no conception that Because description above it is viewing less

                                        • 小泽-西乡(法庭敌人的)干山形前原诚司,野田县长和7个反小泽总队剑
                                          Ozawa = Saigo (morning enemy) 菅 = Yamagata Maehara, the counter Ozawa seven magistrate = Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department draw sword party of Noda's et. al

                                          • 小泽125个有趣的小管Waranai集会者起义113

                                            • 小泽1877年粉碎“叛乱的萨摩是西乡的好处超过了恢复
                                              Ozawa is crushed” In the Seinan war 1877 Saigo of the meritorious person of the restoration was defeated

                                              • 小泽在议会,采取Etarashii在与来自勤人员的上院党团主席舆石东会议审议蜡主动承诺

                                                • 小泽是我想说在未来的首相菅伊藤诚也将作出回应,如果没有获胜的机会须贺 Therefore as for Ozawa you say it is that in the future it is good being the 菅 prime minister if there is no victory calculation it probably will not respond either the 菅

                                                  • 小泽派“,因为反对派逆转的,”首先,鸠山先生六合“政府帮助”小泽和小泽结束时,桥本支持所有党派和川村和

                                                    • 小泽粉碎“给了他们的名字,他们的气味谎言
                                                      Ozawa is crushed” Actual name put out, lie smell

                                                      • 小泽,但这是在萨摩藩叛乱萨摩藩叛乱什么我岩手
                                                        Seinan war Although is, as for Ozawa Iwate? This which is Seinan war what with something

                                                        • 尽管不称职的NaA自己管,但缺乏知识型经济是有能力,我认为,我很奇怪,之后进入经济resources m感兴趣 As for tube Although by his is disabled you think that it is competent and Although economic knowledge is nil it calls economy that it has interest The ze which is talent what which changes

                                                          • 布什工会活动゙我〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜图标(^。)゚Yasantouruttou゙Kyasshihe珥〜〜
                                                            [suhe] ゚ [nto] ゙ [me] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [n] (^. ^) [kiyatsushihe] ゙ [nhi] ゚ [yasantourutsutou] ~ ~

                                                            • 布鲁诺゙转 ゙ ー¯┘ No r ゙ ゙ ¯ HKRPT 7 ゙ No l ¯ ゙ i On ∩ i ゙ tsu ゙ i Upper ni HKRPT ゙ A REPT f r ゙ ¯ 92 do three ゙ f ゙ V i ┘ REPT a ─ … ¯ Ability three r ゙ and ichi i i i i ゙ i three i 92 92 nini ゙ no ゙ Three ゙ i r ゙ ¯ ┘
                                                              • Fヽ 布鲁诺ヽヽ 微笑 :: he REPT No REPT REPT niyari
                                                              • Fヽ 布鲁诺ヽヽ :: he REPT No REPT REPT
                                                              • NULL ┴ 92 92 ” f ゙ no and gt ─ f i to and ¯ No r ゙ ゙ ¯ HKRPT 7 ゙ No l ¯ ゙ i On ∩ i ゙ tsu ゙ i Upper ni HKRPT ゙ A REPT f r ゙ ¯ 92 do three ゙ f ゙ V i ┘ REPT a ─ … ¯ Ability three r ゙ and ichi i i i i ゙ i three i 92 92 nini ゙ no ゙ Three ゙ i r ゙ ¯ ┘
                                                              • ° ¯ ¯ ¯ 。 ° ○ ヽ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 92 92 MARU ○ REPT
                                                              • °::: :,男,, , · · u003d :: MARU he
                                                              • 布鲁诺ヽヽ No REPT REPT
                                                              • 网络 , ,γ ,,, ゙我,我゙ヽヽヾ⌒Ž ¬车)L时, ku he ゙ ゙ i and he HKRPT 92 ¯ f ¯ ─ mi and i ゙ i ⌒ z ¬ ゙ REPT i to DREPT i L

                                                            • 当地英国。西乡高森的嘲弄,是岂有此理!我作为一个团队的镇压九州侃竞选连任。
                                                              England of native place. Saigo prosperity is bantered, absurdity! Kyushu becoming assemblage, crushes the re-election of the 菅

                                                              • 当我死简吉尔政治问题,丑陋的例子,一个党现在稍微恢复废弃大师,鸠山,小泽,枝野,玄叶,谷垣祯一和麻生太郎,福田,大岛,激流传野,石破茂,渡边,埃达福岛,舛添,恢复和伟人都没有呢?龟井还狂妄的败类使你比较?

                                                                • 忘记的越多,这是一个日本自卫队的最高指挥官
                                                                  Already forgetting that it is the supreme commander of Self Defense Force the [ru

                                                                  • 我会自行传播较好的古壹岐,万维网是明显反弹起义喜欢那些让你醒来不是演员揭示了它的区别和Ozawa

                                                                    • 我关心的只是日本经济果酱小泽是民主党,我不是唯一的败类,但最坏日语以前的雇佣关系 Just the bean jam becoming Ozawa s care the Japanese economy only Japan and the Democratic party tsu te kudzu which employment past are worst it is it is the shelf
                                                                      • 小泽一郎,简我原本要照顾它作为垃圾堵塞是一个彻头彻尾 Although just the bean jam had become care of the 菅 As for Ozawa the finish kudzu shelf
                                                                      • 顺便提一句,日本经济,民主党人,我不是唯一的败类,但最坏日语以前的雇佣关系 The tsu te or the Japanese economy only Japan and the Democratic party tsu te kudzu which employment past are worst it is it is the shelf

                                                                    • 我斗争,他们的安全,至少868人参加了“体面”,我觉得这个词不可能瓦特 868 Participates at least in security struggle the party the way w which you think that “honesty” you cannot say
                                                                      • 来自亚洲的立法者将归我想提出了特殊的双边安全带来严重的 The special sub empty the Assemblymen who are naturalized being serious we probably would like to turn off Japan U S Security Arrangements

                                                                    • 所以,如果你更换他们的幕府将军,你甚至不自由民主党也恢复了,是不是没有争议委员
                                                                      Therefore [ro] democracy and our people who as for you is not restoration side and are Don't you think? General succession and councilor dispute of the shogunate side -?

                                                                      • 政治权力和能力,胜任能力完全不同的政治中心 As for the ability to be able to go to the center of politics and the ability to do competent politics completely the different thing
                                                                        • 664 Terun天分的球员,我不能到现在这个位置 664 As for the competent person it reaching the point where it does not come to this position the ru it is

                                                                      • 无论如何,我只是赢得了小泽很可能会迅速溶解自杀管道破裂,但小泽也因此我Shibuto萘乙酸,及管或两个选定小泽吃醋,它没有惩罚游戏瓦特 Well temporarily Ozawa just wins pardon If the tube but it may to self destroy directly and disperse therefore Ozawa stubbornly so But well there are only two 択 of Ozawa and the tube unless it is what kind of punishment game w

                                                                        • 每隔三分钟停在普天间的搬迁问题,只是一个时间点的改变时间表,东京站下车,一骑
                                                                          Futenma base moving problem At 3 minute interval you park and time in the time table of one station of Tokyo which get on and off is modified 1 places which pass

                                                                          • 毕竟,正如我说没有,甚至对公司或更改佩佩僵尸,随着成熟的改革顶端如何 After all that pepe would like to change the company saying In order not to make the partner viewing it can reform to the top and is

                                                                            • 田中在同一制度,一般由弱不那么强大的秘书,只是一个消极的阴谋是什么,他们可以不损伤正常支付,短命政府的小泽一郎 Being the same as Tanaka Kakuei administration the Secretary General being powerless because it is weak If normal being defeated to the light conspiracy where it is not anything which you pay and is removed Ozawa Ichiro administration is short lived
                                                                              • 田中在同一制度,一般由弱不那么强大的秘书,只是一个消极的阴谋是什么,他们可以不损伤正常支付,短命政府的小泽一郎 Being the same as Tanaka Kakuei administration the Secretary General being powerless because it is weak If normal being defeated to the light conspiracy where it is not anything which you pay and is removed Ozawa Ichiro administration is short lived
                                                                              • 田中在同一制度,一般由弱不那么强大的秘书,只是一个消极的阴谋是什么,他们可以不损伤正常支付,短命政府的小泽一郎 Being the same as Tanaka Kakuei administration the Secretary General being powerless because it is weak If normal being defeated to the light conspiracy where it is not anything which you pay and is removed Ozawa Ichiro administration is short lived

                                                                            • 的时间内,准备做失去Zaeuwoenaittenohaarukedo
                                                                              With the time out, it is defeated with preparedness obtaining being the [za] obtaining [u], as for however it is

                                                                              • 盖茨部长是海军陆战队员被视为一个理由志野忠,战略传统降落在敌方领土从大海和恐惧,没有再接受因导弹扩散反舰,海军陆战队部署在阿富汗地区例如扩大内陆和伊拉克,而梁海拔更大的力量 As for getsu director as the reason of the second look from the sea land to the enemy country the traditional Marines which maneuvers the anti warship missile With spread of stopping passing is a possibility development area of thing and Marines which Afghanistan and Iraq It expanded to the do inland section it listed the fact that also the unit has enlarged

                                                                                • 简是一个叛徒,099#22;叛徒小泽与后面的非捐款。无论是有机肥积累财富
                                                                                  As for 菅 with traitor & #22099; Being attached As for Ozawa being the traitor, reverse side donation non-. Accumulation of wealth Which droppings

                                                                                  • 简的脸和声音,像A领主的庄园奖一江崎博士没有什么不同,但我觉得有点诺贝尔等效,我不能做球Doyashi官员电视任何缺陷在官方奇怪表现经过那些谁不有很多先考看转型后的家庭从他们就会怕 菅 How there is no face and a voice and not to be similar to Doctor Ezaki of the Nobel Prize it is not As for the area head however you think that suitable it is good strange performance in the ball 瑕 The do and it does the public official don t you think When with the television that you do because also the family of the public official sees the rear is serious Such in front of and behind we fear the person who is not thought

                                                                                    • 简还组别的7 473个人,而是认为这是最:3,6:4 Tteru侃认为获胜津东 473 Also the 菅 at the beginning the maximum considering that at each constituency 7 3 and 6 Thinking that the 菅 wins with 4 the ru
                                                                                      • 但是,如果看简古Ozawa m强硬,但甜蜜 But the 菅 is shrewd When we assume that Ozawa sees sweetly
                                                                                      • 在每一个选区的07也可以考虑,473:3,6:4 Tteru侃认为获胜津东 473 The maximum considering that at each constituency 7 3 and 6 Thinking that the 菅 wins with 4 the ru
                                                                                      • 我解散众议院是要勤秒,他们将支持良好 When the tsu te where the 菅 does the House of Representatives dispersion it is it is good supporting
                                                                                      • 简也有545行,所以我喜欢 545 Also the 菅 at the beginning OK doing with that the shelf which would like to hurt
                                                                                      • 简,“国民大会出价”和贾布小泽和抓取“你不能无论如何,”我,逃避 菅 With the “National Diet summons” jab bluff Ozawa “the ro tsu te which how the se it is not possible and is” escaping

                                                                                    • 简,政府军远远较弱,想当我Kusowarota西西
                                                                                      The preponderant inferior 菅 is affected the official troop w [kusowarota] [wa] w

                                                                                      • 自民党:自民党政策研究会副会长泰敏西村“有没有存在,阚副总理直人被任命为环的事
                                                                                        The Liberal Democratic Party: Governmental pitch secondary Chairman Yasutoshi Nishimura “With fanfare inaugurated 菅 there is no existence impression in the Vice-President

                                                                                        • 西乡高森,谁是汉奸反对叛乱的权力斗争?大久保利通吗?到时候将有不逊
                                                                                          With struggle for supremacy of national robber anti- national robber someone Saigo prosperity? Someone large Kubori? There probably is also about a disrespect

                                                                                          • 走出去到美国国会通过的普天间迁移问题
                                                                                            It has become strange to the American national assembly depending upon Futenma base moving problem

                                                                                            • 达罗作为民主党?减少预算和熏制,你知道他们是在你在干什么?春天来了的茹为什么呢?相反出塔拉放在一边,我知道你会为民主党的预算设置负责?我不知道为什么这声音的媒体? The ro which is the same Democratic party The decrease and others inhaling budget the ro which you you did and is It gushes forth with something is When it gushes forth conversely the ro which becomes responsibility of the Democratic party which unites such budget is The mass communications it does with something don t you think it probably is what
                                                                                              • 这意味着,“关岛未分配项目预算 “Above this it does not allot the budget of the Guam construction

                                                                                            • 这么多的萨摩藩叛乱,人力资源是一个缺席或官僚大久保大久保 ? Also Seinan war is good but the Ookubo talent does not stay… The Ookubo bureaucracy

                                                                                              • 这些人是惯犯法律Dearimasu日本经济
                                                                                                They are the common practice violator of the Japanese economic law

                                                                                                • 这场胜利把蛋糕小泽分钟。解散。开除事件在社会和Ozawa小组解散,因为小泽分钟白痴也许我绝对消灭非基本I 小泽派会死在一杆当我威胁要成为党选举党 When Ozawa wins amount Dispersion Becoming the party and the Ozawa party when the ze tsu te which it will elect it threatens it probably will die being the Ozawa group how one shot Total destruction certainty Therefore off base imbecility whether you do not understand don t you think Ozawa group you banish from society with dispersion
                                                                                                  • 。陆军wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Troop wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                  • 这场胜利把蛋糕小泽分钟。解散。开除事件在社会和Ozawa小组解散,因为小泽分钟白痴也许我绝对消灭非基本I 小泽派会死在一杆当我威胁要成为党选举党 When Ozawa wins amount Dispersion Becoming the party and the Ozawa party when the ze tsu te which it will elect it threatens it probably will die being the Ozawa group how one shot Total destruction certainty Therefore off base imbecility whether you do not understand don t you think Ozawa group you banish from society with dispersion
                                                                                                  • 这场胜利把蛋糕小泽分钟。解散。开除事件在社会和Ozawa小组解散,因为小泽分钟白痴也许我绝对消灭非基本I 小泽派会死在一杆当我威胁要成为党选举党 When Ozawa wins amount Dispersion Becoming the party and the Ozawa party when the ze tsu te which it will elect it threatens it probably will die being the Ozawa group how one shot Total destruction certainty Therefore off base imbecility whether you do not understand don t you think Ozawa group you banish from society with dispersion

                                                                                                • 这是全民健康保险制度是非常强大的支持者,特别是在美国(委员会主席)
                                                                                                  Especially, it was quite strong propulsion group with the American people everyone health insurance system, (the chairman of commission)

                                                                                                  • 阅读旧的社会制度Mubeki空气,我没有能力实现溃疡
                                                                                                    There is no extent ability the air to should read old Japan Socialist Party system, to be able to crush therefore it is

                                                                                                    • 青山说,我回来了意外和寒冷,来吧,你要回答问候行联合小泽, According to Aoyama when Ozawa goes to greeting in combination Unexpected the cool reply returned that
                                                                                                      • 茹空气比较好,但不能小泽,我感觉我已要求小泽时代 As for the air which well appears in Ozawa whether it was not however age calling Ozawa there is the ru tsu te feeling

                                                                                                    • 顺便说一句,这个“阴谋”,我想我一咬我可以按 By the way whether in this “conspiracy” one 噛 it is with the ru it is there are no either mass communications

                                                                                                      • (2)在日朝鲜人想留下来,必须接受政府的许可 2 the Korean who desires the remaining behind to Japan must receive the permission of the Japanese government
                                                                                                        • 埃塔号码转往日本政府在2006年,计算其对美国自己的分析“5” The number which the US military individually analyzes calculates and in 2006 conveys to the Japanese government “5”

                                                                                                      • , , · · : 我现在还站在而且,公共媒体, y REPT REPT DREPT REPT No 92 ¯ two 92 92 “Lack of policy the monolog of prime minister” 92 But now the mass communications and public opinion we friend
                                                                                                        • ( Ÿ ー ー y

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