米和尚宇航员更多坚忍顽强,这162吉尔 162
Because it withstands that, it is astronaut what
From trainee monk Stoic
1680年每百万人口543 GNI9人,在拉美的主要出口400是不是腐败甚至是,大多数政治铜钼材在最近几年一直是分钟提示的是通过锂盐 543
Per population 16,800,000 name one person GNI9,400 dollar
It assumes that at South American region politics most it does not become corrupted,
As for principal transportation exhibition copper, molybdenum and lumber
Recently, it has understood that it can take lithium with the salt field,
18:53编号:RqZJHD1a0(3 3) 电脑 它太流行摆在首位的733的区别是不可能的数目 18 53 ID RqZJHD1a0 3 3 PC 733 Because there is too much a difference in the original spread quantity first it is not that
757 1:10周年Shisan名无 :2010 09 01(星期三)01:33:14编号:RqZJHD1a0(3 3) 电脑 这不是737 757 1 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 09 01 water 01 33 14 ID RqZJHD1a0 3 3 PC 737 Saying
编号:KU1O5yTP0 u003d编号:knN1t0b5P ID KU1O5yTP0 ID knN1t0b5P
219地面供水,证书可以洗澡和Birukotoga 219 With water supply from the ground possibility it is written that the shower is poured
355最近,该行采取的蛋糕阿姨是在医院,她的轮椅,在一个80平方米的驱动tTA老妇将超过你的PSP工作 355 It does not come is when it keeps accompanying in the old lady hospital As for 80 where it rode in the wheelchair the grandmother exceeding does PSP
手持花花公子,我认真地可以卖日本产品瓦特PSP可跟一个发言的机会 Whether the te tsu maji it is good w Following to PSP the Japanese commodity the chance which is sold
543 America m人在南教育的高标准生活 543
In the South America it is the one whose education level and standard of living are high
;。塌陷事故无法生存下去 - 在隧道食物和氧气供应未来堵塞小的方式送第28号作出的回应现代南极绝望的坚强意志特殊需要2★ <. Cave-in accident> Answer strong demand and not be plugged with the halfway small-sized tunnel which sends the state of the art special South Pole 28, the food and oxygen supply ahead this become impossible, as for existence despair apparent * 2
PSP的小屏幕是不是is re父亲老花热,发射天线,我从香港易渗漏。通知Kudaro垂Rashitara下来同轴电缆电台 The picture where PSP is small is harsh in the father of the presbyopia the phone sending from that very easily As for antenna 漏 When the coaxial cable is dropped to under the ro which radio wave reaches and is
首先需要接受咀嚼397俱乐部从全国新闻信息 397 First it discharges from reporter s club and receives information
〜31和207天来睡觉时如超过32度,我会成为他们痛苦的呼吸石窟不仅热,或Ku像这样继续下去了4个月 207 When the night sleeping when 31 32 degrees it exceeds just it is hot it is not the te Becoming stifling however you wrapped such a state 4 months continuing …
13 471倍,我要超过90%的湿度?不要愚蠢的,我会找到你 让她的老公一个10分钟的哭泣 471 The 30 degree super humidity 90 super it is huge The fool you say the te me to obtain what crying enters in 10 minutes
一个月后,部队的463名矿工的“旧生活了,我不回来,我只是想反正方便,舒适”,“我叹了口气,看看他的妻子的脸。” 463 Several months later It cannot return anymore the miner “in life of the origin it is what you bit saying being comfortable it was pleasant it is” “ a the face of the wife we would not like to see”
一个月后,4名矿工“给我的生活我并没有回来,我只是想反正舒适,方便”,“我叹了口气,看看他的妻子的脸。” 4 months later It cannot return anymore the miner “in life of the origin it is what you bit saying being comfortable it was pleasant it is” “ a the face of the wife we would not like to see”
不过,我希望索尼Koranakere担心战斗和谋杀奇锅Shisou及工人不利,因为残忍残酷 So therefore as for SONY the cruelty cruelty adverse effect it may cause to the operator being you worry However quarrel and murder case should not have happened
不过,我希望索尼Koranakere残忍担心打斗和谋杀奇锅Shisou及工人不利,因为残忍 So therefore as for SONY the cruelty cruelty adverse effect it may cause to the operator being you worry However quarrel and murder case should not have happened
也许不是因为我不会在PSP和DS玩家,也可以安装管理软件,Wazurawashikunai? Probably there is no either gema tsu te meaning and There is no DS as for being te PSP being able to install because software management is not troublesome
水,食品,制药,PSP的,· · ·到PC 什么是错的,是不喜欢卡拉OK? The water the food and the medical supply PSP … as for PC which the net it is possible the kana which is useless Karaoke
也许山猫雅达利637 637
The Lynx causing [re] of [atari] it is
也许比234硫磺岛的日本士兵在 234
It probably is [mashi] from the Japanese military of the sulphur island,…
他们听到的消息是活着的受害者的家庭,但我有蝴蝶在移动视频,电视仍是目前 The family of the victim inquiring about the information of existence The image which has been talked by the portable telephone was flowing even with the television
他妈的淘金的手流了一些灵活的重量为156 wwwww地下wwwwwwwwww 156
Sigeki moving at the ground nadir, don't you think? the [ru] wwwwwwwwww which is [e] or wwwww room
任天堂认为介于744资本只是赌他们没有一家公司未来的显然是能够保持投资公司吉尔蓄10年的红色 744 Simply difference of capital Whether the do tsu you saw but as for Nintendo Co the capital which can maintain the company of 10 year or more even in deficit operation state is stored seems It is not necessary to bet future of the company
任天堂在全球的宣传工作将只发送机的游戏只是几十分钟不知道我可能需要更多的 Although the game machine equivalent to several dozen it passes you just send it becomes the advertisement in the world perhaps Nintendo Co already useless don t you think
关于谷歌或苹果朱达罗如果有一个潜在的竞争力在任天堂游戏 If we assume that there is a latent power which can be opposed to Nintendo Co with the game the ro which is about apple or guguru
关于谷歌或苹果朱达罗如果有一个潜在的竞争力在任天堂游戏 If we assume that there is a latent power which can be opposed to Nintendo Co with the game the ro which is about apple or guguru
峨不会说,但他回到Ttetara相当痛苦惊吓任天堂和索尼 Nintendo Co and SONY returning the hi tsu chestnut you can say that it is the cod suitable painful person however probably will be
发电及手头手电筒Handoruguruguru倍。你已发送 [handoruguruguru] turning by the hand, the pocket electricity which generates electricity. You should have sent
发送电影“大决战”和“核心”我希望我是进入拓谷 In the movie which you send “Armageddon” and “THE CORE” you insert and should have solved
吸湿性名称输入个人杯,食品,牙膏粉,洗发水,内衣出色,淋浴装置的PSP,数码音乐播放器,投影机,你不能使用电动☆ One by one the name entering cup the food The tooth polishing powder the underwear and the shower installation which are superior in the shampoo and hygroscopicity PSP digital music player projector As for electricity using at will
23:1 05网:少买Gitanode 00便利店的食品在肚子太 23 05 Net 1 00 Because was hungry too much even in remainder the food is bought to konbini
和朱达罗矿工要求700米50厘米 The [ro] where the mineworker as for 50cm is hard and is… furthermore 700m
嗯没关系哪家公司提供的会议从92个国家矿业部长的新闻 92
Therefore interview of mining phase
Being something which national side prepares, there is no enterprise relationship, don't you think? it is
嗯,我做的是转差加上或爱,我将不再回来,也可能被救出的大脑 Love plus doing to insert Well being rescued however perhaps the brain stops returning
嘿!另外你应该先顾好爱我 包括5辗转反侧我有是有区别的 It is Doing to insert love plus quickly If 5 units you throw probably there is no problem
嗯,我是在一个山洞里GAMEOVER The [wa] which is good, with cave-in becomes GAMEOVER…
在热,我觉得两个弹出一个濒临死亡的人没有,它变得更加传染性法氏囊病 That with heat while being close 1 human 2 people it starts dying however you think So when it becomes another end
不热,没有黑暗的,但不知道什么时候我不能闻出 It is hot it is dark smell Furthermore you do not understand when it comes out
如果输入的差异,但是,我想绝对或桃,或铁或Dokapon大家玩炸弹人贝鲁 If it does to insert you can play with everyone Whether Bonn bar man or pink iron or dokaponto you think that it is good it is
Daro d更好地做到这一点是关于时间的差异,甚至把图标○○○Ø缺 The ro where the one inserting also the o ○ na ○ n ○ is better and is gradually
世纪之交的差异在游戏中,而不是可能被杀死在地下室被Dokapon合铁或桃子 When the game which it inserted is pink iron or dokapon The shelf which at the underground may become the murder being agreeable
对锂的需求增加峨看到了有世界级的保护理念 Demand increases, on the one hand lithium that is seen whether it is not to have the worldwide prominent reserves
尼亚spelunker或投给了一天,“哇,我死了,如此虚弱!”“我已经被宠坏悟任可能orz”这将 The ya “the u wa in addition it died in superanka or the day when it is let do weakness it passes ” “Know it is… whether already we useless the shelf which may become the orz” te
尼亚spelunker或投给了一天,“哇,我死了,如此虚弱!”“我已经被宠坏悟任可能orz”这将 The ya “the u wa in addition it died in superanka or the day when it is let do weakness it passes ” “Know it is… whether already we useless the shelf which may become the orz” te
工人“PSP屏幕旁边的小恩戴我就飞古不是滚装船ー降约50英寸的电视节目吗?通过他们没有漏洞?Yaiijan思坏踢它瓦特没有得到广泛的电缆井忘记噢感谢ー?“ Operator “PSP the picture it is small is with the next the television about of 50 types lowering is the ku it is Obtaining The hole it does not pass The expanding ri ya calling it is w It may a the connector cable forgetting chi ya useless tsu it does ”
我到达的PSP? ?安娜 我猜是多少? It can transfer PSP it is The ro which is analog what how much
当你来到了地面,他们认为这符合我们的人民和Telesdon黑社会 When appearing in the ground, you become the ground nadir person and it probably is to attend [teresudon
当然 欠 萃取: 塌陷事故在智利 以心的方式进入:2★之间PSP的标签纪念:提取的莱斯4为什么是0! ! Object sure In recreation PSP insertion 2 Keyword Pounding memorial 4 Extraction less number 0 Why is
洞穴,在智利 2★通过进入不同的思想方式魔芋事故 In recreation arum root insertion 2
您已被起诉的公司行847 Kimatsu国度 NULL
我不只是崩溃,因为我真的很是数十公尺,我希望这不是我的,直到它倒塌下来的杆洞熊手流,我做我的,为什么地球来吧这些工具和经验,我认为这将是一个很大 Deteriorating therefore as for the ru place middle several dozen meter what to the vicinity where it has caved in Getting off although you should have dug to the point of not deteriorating when why you dig from the ground how is All the way you try there probably to be an instrument and an experience person
我不只是崩溃,因为我真正在数万米,我希望这不是我的,直到它倒塌下来的杆洞熊手流,我不知道为什么我会来挖地面 Deteriorating therefore as for the ru place middle several dozen meter what to the vicinity where it has caved in Getting off although you should have dug to the point of not deteriorating when why you dig from the ground how is All the way you try there probably to be an instrument and an experience person
我会做它,我发出了很多时间Tsubuseru所有版权和陀斯妥耶夫斯基Kyougoku夏彦 If sending all literary work of Natuhiko and [dosutoehusuki] Kyogoku, the [ze] which you think that time it can crush fairly well,
我挖了一个洞461名矿工的工作 461
The hole those where you dig are the coal mine husband of work
我是一个干燥的固体二氧化碳188 188
But as for dry ice solid what of carbon dioxide
我的LSD档案馆代表日本停止捐赠 We contributing L.S.D of [akaibusu] as the Japanese representation, and it is
我看了你会喜欢的卡通过去在海洋上降落的空间载体162,我的身体得到自由恋爱的形式在我们的宇航员。实验完成 162
From the outer space where former times you read it lands in the ocean inattentive mother and with the cartoon the [chi] [ya] [u] way, in a free romantic love [tsu] [te] way of the aviators the internal receiving. Experiment you do
我要去给它做比担心狗屎 unko worries from that How it processes don t you think it is probably will be
我不知道从哪里Risuru晚上睡觉的姿势已获得释放 Don t you think sleeping it probably is in the position where it is left naturally from the place where you stay
我觉得这个人是不喜欢我的话超过6个月拿下1373室 1373 Half year or more being confined in the room you think that it does not mean that the person the ru way says
373航行局(点)或33! 373 ANB good place known to few people 33
也许是637 637 This it causes the re is
或已在进出的线孔谁一直是差分输入 There being a hole where the person who goes to the insertion is entered and left
他们想进入佛经也赞赏我从印度带来的差异有 We want inserting also your grateful sutra where it had from the heaven 竺
所不同的是不是这个项目?我不知道他们的生活是辣椒卡诺悟,PSP的再见 我不好吧,如果做法肯定是便携式有趣的游戏,他们得 There is no insertion of the book However you do not know the Chilean life what kind of PSP how you have not done it is… If the sled ya it is accustomed absolutely as for the portable game however it is funny
我想这是与它的音乐,把一些不同的耳机,视频游戏和是否有轻微的转向,世界将是一 Earphone what was inserted together it is probably will be If that and there is music an animated picture and a game you probably will insert some in the alone world and
挖掘机挖一个洞的过程中我想我有一个完美的转,不是吗? Proper dig Doug inserting, it is probably will be
In the excavation craftsman the [ro] which is most suitable
无论这是多么困难正式住房的触发定时器阿榜我的网址○在纽约 Being temporarily the frame how strong
The [a] [bo] it is it does with, S ○ NY timer motion however it is, don't you think?
林谷芳办公室☆,其空间间仕切Riari There is a between divider in the space of each one as though it is the office
林谷芳办公室☆,其空间间仕切Riari There is a between divider in the space of each one as though it is the office
淋浴,卫生间,无线网络已经成为我有用的东西,似乎在某些环境 The shower and the rest room the like shelf which is also wi fi environment Something it has become convenient
你有煤气泄漏“,”和我正在做我的 The gas leaking the ru ” “With doing any ru are I
游戏Uizadorii建议,对石太,主席,钻床,Gussunoyoyo复活 The nomination game… revival, Mr, [dorira] and the [gu] [tsu] of [uizadorii] and [ishita] it does, it is,
游戏“它有一个庞大的英雄的习惯,然后进入一个完全不同的此类骚扰Wasseda瓦特 The game is the coming will not “in habit of the hero that when it inserts it harasses shelf w
我有一个庞大的英雄的习惯,然后进入一个完全不同的此类骚扰Wasseda瓦特 … It is the coming will not in habit of the hero that when it inserts it harasses shelf w
滕加是把更多的健康和更好的滕加他们现在已经不在人世了,现在让出使用普通猴子Ttetara出动 Rather than TENGA sending, it is to be good being healthy
TENGA sending, you used in like the cod monkey and perhaps the [tsu] [te] deceased which it sows had come out,
滕加输入和它甚至不是区别色情书籍 TENGA insertion margin
[ero] book
的东西,一个没有温度的冷气面积℃35四畳半在我的房间我不知道我是否可以发送回一台机器一样的洞,通过现场看起来是一个漫长寒冷的空气软管。从公正的环境去体验生活,他们的总和是一个地方,我想看起来就像热和蒸汽浴室 Because something being the spot cold air machine like it is the long hose like from the hole Sending to the inner part it is not possible kana… Air temperature 35 ℃ the air conditioner it is not at four tatami mat half of we room area Saying from experience of environmental life In any case it steams and we would like alleviating even just the heat like the bath but
由于大多数天主教徒,没有信仰无疑是整个更高Raretara出安全 Therefore the majority the Catholic believer when safety it comes out belief heart is not furthermore increases difference
真棒痛,我这个月瓦特下降任天堂Wii或只有一次我没有出来软?万维网以下扬GameCube游戏机 Nintendo Co. decline [tsu] [pu] [ri] [yabee] w
This month the software of how Wii only 1 it came out, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is? www
Below the game cube it is
索尼“的PSP请观看和矿工”小分心从他们的鹰“UMD格式画师犹豫虞塞声,扔负荷是啊,CFW的四郎的”索尼“う,是啊”CFW的官方 Even a little the air confusingly the [te] with SONY “PSP”
The shear shear sound [u] [tsu] [se] [e] of coal mine husband “UMD to do, the load throwing [e], in CFW margin”
The SONY “[u], the [u] it is”
CFW official recognition
索尼公司的PlayStation 2至736,因为当你放下来充实自我的光芒被认为是最近突然出现在极度兴奋和任天堂覧事务,但我现在将超过瞬间闪光的任天堂我倒下 736
Although even SONY has surpassed Nintendo Co. up to [puresute] 2, now state of viewing
Nintendo Co. recently pride sporadically being visible The [ru] it does and when falling, it falls at instant
纳木错博物馆卷0.1软件,包括挖游戏“挖挖”你一个选择的瓦特 As for software [namukomiyujiamu] The excavation game “dig Doug” one 択 shelf w which is recorded in Vol .1
绝对609,这些家伙,也许我夸大了当地的局势和我们的想象力比新闻,我认为它会大分舒服吗?你以前多么愚蠢 609 Without fail and others it is dense circumstance is exaggerated… Perhaps the underground we compared to imagining and reporting the ze which you think that considerably it is comfortable Whether you fool
它是什么很舒服瓦特449瓦特 449 The ma ji it is huge w comfortable shelf w
统一企业认为,谁住在这样的地下将它玛丽塔 Conceivably, the ground nadir person probably is born like this doing,
舒什这个问题根据这一线索狗屎↓219寻找解决早已超过5当然,来到淋浴使用准备 甚至我的 新的智利塌陷事故。在两个月内可能拯救计划 219 The u it is densely as for pee problem 5 sure or more ago long ago the solution being completed According to sure of the ↓ even the shower it came to active state New digging With plan in 2 months possibility of rescue
舒什这个问题根据这一线索狗屎↓219寻找解决早已超过5当然,来到淋浴使用准备 甚至我的 新的智利塌陷事故。在两个月内可能拯救计划 219 The u it is densely as for pee problem 5 sure or more ago long ago the solution being completed According to sure of the ↓ even the shower it came to active state New digging With plan in 2 months possibility of rescue
航天器“隼”引擎引入到返回地球Nanora力保美达Ð Space probe “it is quick [bu]”, as for the motive force which was led to terrestrial return
[ripobitan] D field
让我说一个情况,在这10件好事,,被风吹瓦特 10 Be that someone is good in this circumstance when W which you blow
不,它很有趣朱达罗wwwwwww 2★ Well this The ro wwwwwww which 2 tsu te is strange and is
谈到在系统,或周围罗德朗纳挖洞 If the hole you mention the system which is dug, per load runner?
购买奥卡分支阀阀三明治NEET的胶水我醒来的时间为12(),而他们吃午饭净值13 2(检查双叶议员)净14 00(自慰队)在网15(畜生在午夜Flash游戏和听录音室),并在第17届酒馆5 00面条一晚上喝一浴和初中在18回的床在26,27 We neat age 12 o clock wake up With hoka valve branch purchase paste valve sandwich and the like 13 o clock While eating the lunch the net 2 the cover check 14 o clock Net masturbation 15 o clock While the net inquiring about the foolish power of nighttime and the sound recording of the broadcasting room the flash game 17 o clock Bath 18 o clock At junior and pub late serving wine 26 o clock 27 o clock Chinese noodles 5 o clock Going to bed We would like to return to that time
(ü吃午餐,你的茶了,早上吃面包的):1 7 20网:09我是00一些新鲜的东西:疲劳是:眼睛1 3 00 1800床感慢慢9 00 10 30自慰又过被褥souveneir Mendoi失业者由于文基鲁,睡眠和 The lunch and the tea and is eaten in morning the pan etc which are eaten temporarily 1 20 Net 7 00 Some refuse does but it forces the morning shelf 9 00 Gradually you became tired 9 30 Masturbation 10 00 Going to bed 1800 Because the eye is awakens occurring the me the do to be you pass with the futon which is the u which is the u in addition sleep
达罗也不想一个穷人的生活,因为它是地下 That way, becoming the ground nadir person, the [ro] whose either it is not bad and is to live,
这143连接到无线局域网附近,一个无线网络布兹PSP到因特网,他们全部下跌境界隧道深,我需要休息我会局域网 143 That bouzu To do Internet with PSP it was connected to the net to the close place The wireless LAN is necessary what Deterioration probably is there to be deep a wireless LAN of the drift which falls
这样一个巨大的成功在世界上领先的金融实力和任天堂三维动画收据峨也从索尼的游戏部门,所以很多不同的承诺是绝望评为身体吸收过量的债务 With Nintendo Co and the debt excess which kind of 3DS where large hit is promised by worldwide prominent abundant financial affairs power you refrain the substance the SONY game kind of section which is absorbed case is different desperately
这样一个巨大的成功在世界上领先的金融实力和任天堂三维动画收据峨也从索尼的游戏部门,所以很多不同的承诺是绝望评为身体吸收过量的债务 With Nintendo Co and the debt excess which kind of 3DS where large hit is promised by worldwide prominent abundant financial affairs power you refrain the substance the SONY game kind of section which is absorbed case is different desperately
陀斯妥耶夫斯基,一处罚中篇小说的长度约我还可以卡拉马佐夫犯罪 [dosutoehusuki], crime and punishment and Karamazov
It is length about of the medium compilation,
鸥0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi newsplus 1283337603 社会 “日本是世界著名的蜕变” “秋叶原和销售女性内衣和冷”与中国事件在台湾议题 kamome 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1283337603 ““As for the Japanese being metamorphosis worldwide cooling the underwear of famous”… Akihabara woman it sells” the event which in is China and Taiwan in topic
我就知道它是240的情况下,在这个“香椎耻”要求,不是问题,我提出的问题很简单,卫生 240 That knowing the ru in this case “is shy” that it is not the problem which is said Extremely hygienic problem is raised simply
( )问做的是把一个城市的绝望□ _NULL_
,终于站出来说话仁拨打他在公厕王立小便池 So, benevolence king doing to stand finally in the urinal of the public rest room, it appears to the [yaru] person