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Democracy Ozawa super with shopping popular group appeal?


  • 599小泽而且不舒服,山冈?印象,密切合作,我把塞在他面临的最Kimochiwarui

    • Premier oops jp 博客 档案 cat25 cat27 index html的,如果你看到这是菅直人,神奇的一刻你会经常动用首相后如何昂贵的商店 premier oops jp blog archives cat25 cat27 index html If you look at this you understand well 菅 Naoto after the prime minister inaugurating is soaked how entering the high class store
      • 总理的晚餐』TTP的: premier oops jp 博客 档案 cat25 cat27 index html的,如果你看到这是菅直人,那将是存储浸入后,他出任总理有多高Magical m非常分钟 The dinner of prime minister ttp premier oops jp blog archives cat25 cat27 index html If you look at this you understand well 菅 Naoto after the prime minister inaugurating is soaked how entering the high class store

    • Tohogu特别勇敢的人实在(以及他们的职责是什么,然后再采取

      • Uchiwa蚊香中的阳台上,一方面和466头猪,而旧的黑色电话,我想这将是不合时宜的十大兄弟或指示,我的心会热古 466 At veranda in mosquito taking incense stick and uchiwa one hand of pig former times by black telephone The friendship indication it has put out probably is becoming when you think the chest becomes hot

        • _NULL_

          • “我是超级斯塔特利涅访问金正日,”发现,只有在数字不能

            • ヽヽ ::: ヽ : )( 我ヽ⌒ u003d · u003d u003d · 小泽在您的个人事务,我用五彩灯会 REPT REPT REPT i ⌒ REPT The Ozawa chi it is with personal the money you do not use
              • 被使用过它恶心做这么多的钱,如果它 If the extent which such a thing is done the gold use Because the mu it is attached

            • ヽヽ ::: ヽ : )(。 我ヽ⌒ 当地雇员上诉亲!ヽ∧ Yukokokokoyu 。 Ninininisoヽヽ ヽ。─── NULL
              • 小泽的言论,“什么是地狱人吃了这些东西,Sundaro”味道再见? NULL

            • 一个场景背后的知识蜡胡萝卜东京中央电视台瓦特克朗彻

              • 万维网Kusowarota污染流为一个较为稔杆谁假装上诉,我认为这是适得其反朱达罗

                • 从学校Shinee人将居民或警察巡逻车停朝总联和我一样,我在WWW的房子前面几十年来,我就问这个,我只是你的邻居塞板,坦诚WWW的恩戴

                  • 他只是没有真正的学徒,他们愚弄的278标准,在不出来

                    • 代表们谁选择吧,岩手县和枥木等人,你是谁,特别是很好的解释我斗士

                      • 令人惊叹的620人人什么?我的Sagifesuto鸠山是小泽?有什么了不起的事情,我只是谎言?瓦特 620 Someone of somewhere how is enormous sagihuesuto those where it made are Ozawa Hatoyama but As for just lie enormous thing w

                        • 但马的人在学校的傻瓜。无损检测読感层的人已经解决分歧当然你无法否认居住茹不是至关重要的方便面阿苏恩戴及螨亲属在50年代后期不担心这个,请做“魔法分钟,而不是做人民群众的感觉谁”我也惊讶地说出来,说,我的母亲(50年代后期)是由已故的50年代鼓吹在这里,说这是为什么是CON组派,当心 NULL
                          • 不同的人现在正在购买冲绳沓和轻井泽的土地。甲子园球场约3人,我不能把自己的土地 相当于1瓦特因子8 The tsu to which the populace the land buys sows with Okinawa and it is in ri Karuizawa difference It owns Because the land where the Koshien ball park approximately is suitable to 3 8 times it has the ri it does not do w
                          • 做它,真的老百姓,老百姓不应该狙古线将出售在午夜一包便宜的寿司。为舔查看详情! ! ! If true popular group the pack of the sushi which in nighttime becomes bargain sale it is the expectation which goes to the aim The populace It licks

                        • 作品对我来说,我认为我是傻瓜的小泽市民来说,是可以接受的人或团体的表现,耀目和人民的真正具有良好的好学校 Real popular group and good Ozawa popular group you are affected in the good performance Being thought that this passes you think that it is to make the ru tsu te citizen foolish but It passes it is
                          • 副总统拜登和我是真正的人的小组发言 If you mention real popular group but baiden vice president what
                          • 常识wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Popular feeling wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                          • 我们并不像穷人呼吁湿重 It is dense furthermore it is poor popular appeal well ww
                          • 我喜欢很多人认为小泽的观众在本报告 In such reporting Ozawa the viewer et al whom you think that it is the populace it probably will exist
                          • 我想我可以应用于人们,我是一个傻瓜,是表现在这朴实无华的好视为亲班的人,我希望小泽,简 菅 With good Ozawa popular group you are affected in the good performance Being thought that this passes you think that it is to make the ru tsu te citizen foolish but It passes it is
                          • 把在同一所学校作为普通收入认真地生活,人们要上诉 If popular group we would like to appeal with maji the same earnings same life as the populace margin
                          • 的东西,即使人决定在超市购买,因为他们带给我不十亿美元的房地产 Because the real estate which many 1 000 000 000 do it has super with shopping Never it is not the populace
                          • 线或在学校里,我呼吁人民之间“浪费时间”浪费税 The national eye line or popular group appeal how at “wasteful time” tax waste
                          • 这并不是说人民要求政治人物到底是谁呢?不管它甚至不能工作了 Just someone in the politician the populace the reason which is sought How from calling work margin

                        • 你在看什么小泽在本赛季古线576您或其他人?如果我说什么或进入朝总联总部瓦特

                          • 你开店不明白错? “秘书” 申请訳Gozaimasen You that the store it is not good doing ” There is no the salesman “… excuse

                            • 你必须有一个整体工资并没有被捆绑到587人总理该国黄金 587 The prime minister of the country being bound popularly in the gold the ro which te working hard employment roundly is not reason and is
                              • 委员会或从山上收到600万房子的土地,但它是一个真正的普通平民 Don t you think 600 000 000 apartment which is received from land mountain meeting normally it is commoner it is

                            • 关于他们所购买的东西在超市,我不是一个经常性的基础上?但是,在收银机付款,但局长ü About super with shopping has done from usually it is it is not The private secretary pays with the register but the place where that
                              • 1 如果在购买商品的现金支付登记已经成熟书记 1 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了一个在现金支付登记书记 1 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register
                              • 尖端的他们已经买了现金支付登记局局长 gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register

                            • 只是“洛杉矶Hahatsu娃”是完美的一机管局万维网

                              • 可爱的偶像突然普通客户,我们开始按附表损伤健壮男子黑色

                                • 吻,当人们说你将支付秘书瓦特Dzukenai也懒得做 是这样的人只注重从性能螺母,但这是一种浪费,因为这个词是葡萄采摘 NULL
                                  • ü追小泽一郎对记者说,这个故事Sanakatta一个词,媒体意识到,可能已被狙视为一条他们呼吁学校人 You did not speak either one word to the press corps which chases Ozawa but you are conscious of the media That the direction which you see whether it is not to have the aim of appealing popular group
                                  • “(你的是,他们将这些东西吃穷了瓦特第一次世界大战刚刚出了口茹伊坎伊坎 “ The populace it is eating such ru or w pitiful shelf ww is was about to appear in the circumstance circumstance mouth
                                  • 人们怎能准备结束了数百万存款大幅学校 You call some hundred million the enormous gold in some ma the popular group which can be prepared
                                  • 你怎么这样快,一般人在这空间 It means the extent which does such a thing suddenly without being popular

                                • 周围500米到超市买牛奶,可惜一嘿我来到桌前宣誓这么多麻烦,它提醒了这么长时间封闭

                                  • 在世界上裤子,如果我们购买了鄂如1000三百九十七日元,而且我还修复之一 397 If it puts out also 1000 Yen tsu te one by one repairing with the society which can buy the pants
                                    • 顾我的旧衣服,我不是从基利安但它本身修复古脆性纤维 The clothes tsu te which becomes old the fiber itself becoming brittle repairing from the ru there is no paulownia

                                  • 在古代中国,但被严重Metarashii优秀恭维了不称职的外国使者,它是它的现代版

                                    • 如果一个人捕鱼驱动tTA迦巴钱买房地产十亿美元的现实,来马上被用于没有采取过分的守财奴编织成的丰富我试着浮动的费用生活,所以不买东西,超级市场等 The sen force guy who bought several 1 000 000 000 real estate and searched shopping the do with stingily super It has been about probably to save cost of living When the gold it has is accumulate and not have been packed and use

                                      • 学校与食品一半的截止时间,我说没有目标,没有足够的人

                                        • 学校只是没有足够的人来买它从普通的秘书也希望顾客一人两个色拉油出售一边向秘书与众不同恩戴和商店不能“也仅仅得到了一个普通的土豆?“小泽,我听到他说:”我没有说一票,从出店“,并没有多少 Salad oil one person 1 these limits of sale at a special price Because 2 we want also the private secretary lining up unless there is an extent which is bought it does not leave to popular group And coming out of the store 1 times which probably will be entwined lining up in the salesman “ The customer also the tsu coming you lining up it increased don t you think ” tsu te Being heard Ozawa “ Because we came out of 1 stores it is no count Unless” with there is an extent which is said
                                          • SP和周围的人的秘书或者至少你在与他们的业绩或拉程远,我行了酒吧,“人”,他们会付给你喝够了,也来喝酒聊天,并完成人们会觉得,如果杨伐丽流听不到的意见不坦诚直言 The case where private secretary or SP it pulls around and accompanies and at ru point in time the populace is far At least going to the bar “The populace” With drinking even with the liquor the extent which does story doing when it is dense When non modesty of the drunkard you inquire about the opinion which does not have reserve popular feeling probably will be raised and
                                          • 我从来没有在我买了氦氖瓦特在冲绳人民生活水平在内地的土地 Living in main island don t you think as for the ru populace the land how buying wa of Okinawa w

                                        • 小泽在短期内出现的制药公司总裁

                                          • 小泽没有补贴政策,只有党的要求和秘书处的秘密资金

                                            • 尝试当地电视台很惊讶我没有出生在德岛县,岛根前市长是什么种族战国我们不喜欢这样

                                              • 岩手县冷专业的面条是特别高的智商,岩手%E3展%80%80&u003d f的阿Q

                                                • 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i After so long a time the populace the person who is hobby the weekly magazine with such warosu www human 92 92
                                                  • 886我的意思缮,什么就长在表面,和人民带来金钱,但他们说小泽是一个更为明显的是吧? 886 Being the place where with you say or on the surface how repair Ozawa the populace extent as for being the distant rich person the ro which is clear
                                                  • 人们谁以来对日或在每周或该文章一爱好 Always the empty populace the person who is hobby does the weekly magazine with such article is the ri
                                                  • 嗨,嗨,秘书群众wwwwwwwww wwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWW的湿重瓦特 hi hi private secretary wwwwwwwww The populace wwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww www ww w
                                                  • 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i After so long a time the populace the person who is hobby the weekly magazine with such warosu www human 92 92

                                                • 库萨愚蠢或指的是我要达到一群人 There is some meaning in popular group appeal it is aho it is ill smelling
                                                  • 如果一个组的人员和货物在超市购买的,为什么? When super with it shops with something being popular group

                                                • 康康小泽,连同303屈曲到这是否属实,我不真的有只鸽子信息 303 If that truth the can is simultaneous submitted to Ozawa The can is more wretched than the pigeon

                                                  • 戏剧作为首相,但我是打坐一打开电视摄像机对向山顶别墅一样都下

                                                    • 我不买东西的人有最酷的时间与存款余额瓦特0

                                                      • 我不想责怪秘书甚至不能买自己来背心不单单没有人说你买秘书与 If you say that it is the populace the private secretary not accompanying come to buying alone Buying the camisole because it cannot make responsibility of the private secretary hate

                                                        • 我将让价格便宜鸡胸肉讯

                                                          • 我带来这一变化的习惯,比他们小团体呼吁明智志位吝啬的人喜欢什么线到帝国饭店酒吧成员井的津贴,但只有那些手流Asou倾斜玻璃默默总理我理应 The change in the habit which it has such a stingy popular group from the small Ken forcing party who is appealed You going to the member system bar of the Imperial Hotel Ltd with your own allowance The glass being able to tilt gently don t you think ru Aso one was suitable in the prime minister
                                                            • 每孔雀会?最近的超市给绝对,不认为瓦特孔雀很多人在猜测,至少我的价格,而不是生活 It probably is per peacock You think that excessively there is no populace at the point in time super peacock of the vicinity but it is w At least there is no the price and a life don t you think it is probably will be

                                                          • 我并不需要他,我给你保存丰富的家伙是个愚蠢的使用它查看详情 The gold having the ru person saves it is Having the ru person uses more foolish shelf…
                                                            • 我讲一个坏的感觉你Ttetara行晚餐食物杯是丰富的音频 The rich person going and or eating the fixed food house the cup Chinese noodles cod feeling the bad wa

                                                          • 我所做的这个愚蠢的,今年他将有一个狡猾的时候,我没有发言的立场多年后,为什么不黑

                                                            • 我有一个半心半意乌凯茹Kudaro wwww wwwww肯定见过这个女人或折扣和价格标签看到民主党 The ro wwwww which the vague place pulls and is the uke ru wwww securely this the housewife who was seen Therefore the Democratic party verifying the price tag and the like
                                                              • 我有一个半心半意乌凯茹wwww肯定见过这个女人或折扣Kudaro wwwww 价格标签,并检查 The ro wwwww which the vague place pulls and is the uke ru wwww securely this the housewife who was seen Therefore the Democratic party verifying the price tag and the like

                                                            • 我污垢常识...我的意思是这个人的遗迹

                                                              • 我知道的蔬菜价格不会因为反正他们是民主Neuyonito关键

                                                                • 我认为他们是出流是在东京的公共浴场回来州长候选人矶村瓦兰瓦特的时间和自民党干事长瓦特奇怪的感觉

                                                                  • 或威胁,压力或对这些荒谬的日本韩国的感觉

                                                                    • 摆在我们面前是真正不可能一wwwwwwwww wwww 1 wwwwwwwww As expected you excessiveness wwww

                                                                      • 有一天,管吃拉面店,下一阶段的民主Warazu改变不买Warazu东西在超市或小泽一郎,日本国家阶段的变化是CON组 Some days ago the tube eating at the Chinese noodles house as for the next Ozawa super with shopping As usual Democratic party So it is swindled as usual the Japanese citizen
                                                                        • 小泽先生,他在比赛中,或一些豆腐我舒什讲话?我会在风管对接附表包括 Does Ozawa increase at the time of running speech the tofu a lot of oak tsu te With the air which is thrust to the tube the shank

                                                                      • 朝风吕的故事后,我作出了一个真正的拳击迷书记到我的球迷吗?

                                                                        • 来一个,他们说并没有说超级小泽,靳拉面店 不要担心杀死苏WWW的人笑 1 It is and is calls the Chinese noodles house of the 菅 and Ozawa super with says… Air or www which laughs at the citizen and kills
                                                                          • 这一战略是1 3预览精神上包装赶走我去买根豆芽 kaiware keeping buying to the 菅 the maneuvers shelf which corners mentally Preliminary inspection for that

                                                                        • 水平,与一通电话,开始出售,如果冈田

                                                                          • 狙击步枪也是绑在手上的目标区间2级

                                                                            • 现在,它是不是在生菜高买Tteta电台说:“我只需要购买,使用给定的绝对没有!”我瓦特 Now you say with the radio Shoplifting it was not “Just the lettuce buying you use in something it is ” tsu te w
                                                                              • 埃塔和莴苣是更好的考虑和小吃) As for the lettuce and the like the one which was thought the snack is better

                                                                            • 甲九州口音Dakeyan萘乙酸吸盘你,但也不麻生太郎转肩,哪一年,什么是我们的文化不承认Hyouzun面你会特别优秀Rashii Touhogu人呢?

                                                                              • 管“你好你好”店员“你好欢迎光临!你喝酒上述敏感这里吗?”管“嗯?嗯,嗯,其中食品Bemasu”店员“你的快乐?”管“好,你说得对(约1分钟)的100日元的汉堡?靖伊根“师爷”是的,这将是汉堡和100日圆,“管”的汉堡包请联合航空 As for tube “and a today” The salesman “be and others the tsu plain gauze be today You ingest with this ” Tube “obtaining Well you eat here” You do to salesman “something ” The tube “huh with so the shelf… approximately one minute being 100 Yen hamburgers Don t you think it is cheap” When the salesman “it is it is hanbaga it reaches 100 Yen” The tube “the hanbaga of the a

                                                                                • 给自己买了自己的早熟,如果事情预先支付缴交登记书记瓦特 gt gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register Payment extent by your margin w
                                                                                  • 你买的食物驱动tTA?我带回来的秘书?你抛弃吗? The food do which you buy it does The private secretary having it returns You throw away
                                                                                  • 在他们购买的收银机,以支付已经成熟书记 gt gt Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register Payment extent by your margin w
                                                                                  • 如果在现金早熟预购商品登记支付秘书 Shopping the private secretary completed the payment with the register

                                                                                • 而他们的外表,而不是只考虑埃泰选举“呼吁一群人,”我只能采取行动 NULL

                                                                                  • 肮脏的沼泽他们更好地工作,如果有人将管理单元,因为我得到了高工资或贵族迫使人们不是一个政治家站在肚子,因为只有暮铭志位的政治智慧,是小虽然没有什么好政策工作 Because it is not necessary to be the populace Therefore you call noburesu oburijiyu or high giving have received if bishitsu it works it is good It is dirty therefore as for the 沢 the ro ku the small Ken forcing political house which is devoted to policy not making political strife you become angry

                                                                                    • 茶或您只对水稻与牡蛎垫一叠阿格拉Nagatanien?

                                                                                      • 许多房地产大米现金,即使是在十亿美元,它是正方形的树桩箱啤酒上,媒体和学校宣传人士,并会 With how many thing real estate many hundred million having the cash If it rides in the beer case in election speech because popular group you advertise the mass communications
                                                                                        • 来吧,说我做这种改变种上诉瓦特Warazu阶段,但不是唯一的家伙不是真的被捕获和人民生活 NULL

                                                                                      • 谁是在每次我想呼吁一群人最酷的效果呢?难道你让我意识到我还没有记住,我只是看滑稽不可能伟大的比赛,但我通常会做什么?政治家(笑)我 Each time you think but in popular group appeal tsu te someone the effect the bean jam Either the usual doing without doing doing it is visible only humorously but it is Even the head which becomes aware in the it does not have Politician laughing tsu te
                                                                                        • 你知道你太滑稽告诉我谁做 Someone indicates does the tsu te it is the ro which is It is too humorous

                                                                                      • 起诉书同等的社会地位,我不,他们不会挂下的性能

                                                                                        • 超:“你不是狭隘的”我盯着蔬菜的角落豆腐和:“群众食品的香椎怀抱”,并检查价格标签:“他们仍然讨价还价所有的时间呢?”综合“和峨现金收购的方式在土地 Super “It is narrow” View corner of vegetable and tofu etc “Bosom or food of the abortive grain populace” Price tag and the like verification “Having always done even with bargain ” Every land you can buy with comprehensive “cash
                                                                                          • 脏“的工作围绕保持了晚餐!我帮他了,”秘密“是一个遗憾的叹息,”小泽说超市的角落里盯着我和蔬菜及豆腐,并检查价格标签 It is dirty “about the supper outside duty margin It is the person who completely is not the ginger” Secret “ a it is not completed” Ozawa watches the corner of the super with vegetable and the tofu etc verifying the price tag and the like

                                                                                        • 辜也不必担心了蔬菜和一个塑料袋大约是从商店撤回进入 It is not in order to enter it inserts either the fact that in the polyethylene bag the top and bottom and the like of the vegetable is designated as the air and secedes from inside the store

                                                                                          • 这是该阶段的故事事件spelunker三宅金子啊肯齐山

                                                                                            • 这种政治的房地产大亨,甚至在积累财富的辩护这么好,没问题

                                                                                              • 通化,夹头瓦特第三方吉达罗做法比今年他不是一个人把一个关闭的观点或不见了 The u ro kore w which is past this year when it is not accustomed Someone as for the person whom you stop with third party point of view not staying

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                                                                                                  • 424 ヽヽ 1。 ,, 我 , (海外) : (海外) 东岸的同胞瞧。 哦 ( 3 )ヽ:: 啊 ー 机管局巴达里 (死亡) 424 92 REPT REPT 92 wa o o a a a a 92 Three REPT Well 92 a a … … patari death
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                                                                                                  • 布鲁诺( ヽ布鲁诺,3 布鲁诺((。)三(゚)∪ 。 ⌒( 人)布尔诺( 。 美国。 ⌒⌒⌒ 布鲁诺 Netouyo No 92 no Three REPT 92 No Three ゚ ∪ 92 ⌒ human No 92 u ⌒ No ⌒ ⌒ 92 netouyo
                                                                                                  • , ヽ 。 ::: 。)( 。 。 ) 。 布鲁诺( , ) 计时 。 Eeyuyu哦古 : ヽー : ::::(胃猪)由岩手 92 REPT 92 ⌒ i No No and 92 No 92 ku eeyuyu HKRPT 92 REPT 92 92 Stomach black pig Iwate product
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                                                                                                研究 開発