ll凯塔愚蠢的自身利益,以权力来的东西向党 Administration in the political party whose news item is abundant in my interest selfish desire of the mass communications which we would like to transfer
The fact that the foolish citizen rides is administration alternation what
实际経法大已委任议员在8也客座教授 _NULL_
105然而,面试和J 南官方对机关申请,“我们没有使用一点点的政治组织”,证明了这种潜在的和实际居住支出 105 On the one hand the authorized personnel of the administration of justice scrivener office “was almost not used vis a vis collection of data as a political organization” that and so on we testify There is a possibility of the expenditure which you apply and leaves the actual condition
两人告诉朝日新闻社,有,由办公室官员“有时收到的邮件相关的一个政治组织,书记是关于人来接受了”一个会谈,并 Vis a vis the collection of data of the Asahi newspaper as for the authorized personnel of the administration of justice scrivener office “it is related to the political organization the mails which occasionally to reach the person of the private secretary It comes to the receipt was” that and so on you spoke
此外,福岛瑞穗等在一家律师事务所工作的人的下属 In addition Fukushima Mizuho and others is in the subordinate of the law office which has belonged
2010年3月1日战国国家战略阶段,本能地Porori“重建局议员护士。我的间谍。” _NULL_
489。驱动tTA政府认为我受够了。对于泄漏或东西,停下来擦某人的学校小泽wwwww 489 As for administration you thought that already it is useless Being leak because someone of groups snuzzles in Ozawa wwwww
我说的好,即使通货膨胀小泽489? 489 If it becomes inflation speaking well even with Ozawa thing
[3职位要求选 - 民主党,“与战国指出,”小泽说哑了决定,与总理选举通讯可爱的偶像对抗 3 post requests, “the 仙 valley you remove and” decide with the misfire Confrontation Ozawa and with the prime minister it chooses Current events communication
[战国儿子的政治资金]关于谷歌66结果,700雅虎2,约000条没有直接的模式 _NULL_
“我会请从组建联合政府总理的那样,”票价是要否定或他人渡边吉见义明 “Because making the prime minister it contracts an illicit intimacy and” it is natural Watanabe happy beauty to deny and to show
“战国义人先生内阁官房长官是有可能看到此评论 ”
As for secretariat Director 仙 valley Yosito
Such it may comment, is
一个公共选择共产主义的联合政府实体。我自己的政府保持一个一党政权的幸福?晚了10分钟瓦特 The choices which remain
Communist active coalition government
Public. Single-party government
Happy new party single-party government
It is it is? Final period sufficiently w
一名男子从他的脖子暂停垃圾粉碎,直到自来水质量 _NULL_
一幢战国战役和小泽小泽注册一个家庭和办公室租金,整体,人们的生活,可以不在乎,没有政变是一场政变,因为它看起来像梁过程中的薄弱是战国驱动贪婪事实上,民主党和整体收入将整个古战国一个人的消费主要是小泽自慰,战国实现国家政治的政治家,日本为主导的框我输入猪我闭嘴,在视线的古远望着从官僚控制 The 仙 valley which as for Ozawa and the 仙 valley the office registering the parents home house rent Ozawa s fight how is not in the eye such as after all place and national life is driven to desire set up It is cheap the tsu po it is therefore the coup Well rather than calling the coup it is masturbation If 仙 valley one person is turned off it probably will be settled roundly And the Democratic party Ozawa being center actualizes politics for the citizen of politician main leadership As for Sengoku entering into the prison watching the form which Japan keeps breaking away from bureaucratic control the ro
什么如果自民党公用事业收费,以支付租金的注册办公室和家庭,“是否Tteta用作办公室真的吗?”当我点击战国,他竟然公司注册为这是一个Tteta翻译从更多的恶意不支付租金的儿子,他的办公室 In case of the Liberal Democratic Party the office registering the parents home house rent fuel and light expenses paying “Really you use as the office ” The tsu te it is hit In case of the 仙 valley even the register it is not done as an office Therefore you pay the house rent of the office of the son meaning viciousness
城市做他的工作时,他的儿子石原慎太郎已经战国打入袋是看挂在每一天的体面的无线电信号,更长的粪便粪便,如果在所有通过的奥秘,我将努力这是没有一个更好的覆盖希望 Sintarou Ishihara in the son work of capital when letting do Droppings radio wave to hang every day has made the sack hitting The 仙 valley working whether the ru although it is doubtful completely through Already droppings radio wave matomo the person who expects reporting the wasteful shelf
我希望晋太郎稻草管和一个甜蜜的,如果父母巴卡利 Sweet parent bakari And Sintarou With it is good Tube With it is good Straw
战国自己离开枝野Warazu趋势小泽就如何苏格 The branch field and the 仙 valley do not relate 菅 Ozawa s trend how leaving margin
一项建议将退休或赎回本喜欢你的人小泽渡边浩三 _NULL_
今晚我从会议上发言的是手打的借口战国泄漏关闭边现在,你侃瓦特 It does with leak of the 菅 side the yo Now because the excuse which cuts the 仙 valley was possible it is the hand striking in conversation of tonight w
从早上07 711 717 8月的采访过程中与他的儿子,我逃跑的意思梁梁在Dzui接收范围 711 717 Because Asahi it gathered information from the son extending through 7 August Collection of data suspecting at the point in time when it receives it escapes the seed
(将继续)来源朝日▽(asahi com)▽图片 It continues ▽ source Asahi newspaper asahi com ▽ picture
他们普天间搬迁问题在美国的愤怒不能指望以牵制日本政治Ekohiiki美国 Because America could be upset with Futenma base moving problem America cannot expect either political ekohiiki which uses discretion to Japan
以下是枝野,由小宫山之后,因此,下一个,它留下您解决根 As for next with branch field, that as for the next Komiyama, with that as for the next, living in peace or 玄 leaf Shelf
以泡沫已经成为自民党干事长小泽一郎的情况时说20年的经验被丢失,更不用说30年 Instead of 20 years when the bubble collapses the time where Ozawa becomes Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General is lost 30 years it is the kind of circumstance which is said
不要让它们腐烂与自民党,小泽和公明党,自民党,我用得到所有联盟溃疡 Ozawa rotting the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito coalescing using all hands it crushed the Liberal Democratic Party
严重的是,它可能使小泽,驱蚊虫flying ll也打击自由民主党也 Ozawa being serious if it becomes matter of concern which discloses our people and democracy blow off
即使是由自民党,所以我很高兴,如果一个像样的政党将尽 If separately there is a party which honest politics does also the te not to be our people it is to call is with that
甚至不能说什么坏事自民党,自民党不再,它Bakkari Regardless biting our people are bad already there are no our people if it curves tsu temporary
但人,德岛,德岛,战国严重尴尬恩戴我想很快沉 _NULL_
但是,股票价格上升的日元大萧条“看”唯一的民主 _NULL_
像183什么东西从舛添一聊天, _NULL_
前 橡木地板,而不是教他们战国大学教授本身,清悟吴基地,“亚洲研究”,属于 gt Spy doubt is whispered from the time before even from Education Ministry can be a problem in management operation” that becoming why the professor of the university which is pointed out gt The barrel floor as for 仙 valley and others professor not to be the professor of the university itself the Kure clearly base “ The Asian laboratory ” You have belonged
前 橡木地板,而不是教他们战国大学教授本身,清悟吴基地,“亚洲研究”,属于 gt Spy doubt is whispered from the time before even from Education Ministry can be a problem in management operation” that becoming why the professor of the university which is pointed out gt The barrel floor as for 仙 valley and others professor not to be the professor of the university itself the Kure clearly base “ The Asian laboratory ” You have belonged
芒斯月,从西,新桥,业主中,约有60万日元的租金每一个房间里, 律师事务所的办公室和J 南战国,分租三组 komonzu from the owner of the west Shinbashi building leases this one room at month amount approximately 600 000 Yen gt Law office of administration of justice scrivener office and 仙 valley person in 3 groups sublease
芒斯月,从西,新桥,大厦业主,约60万日元租用一个房间,律师事务所的办公室和J 南战国,分租三组 komonzu from the owner of the west Shinbashi building leases this one room at month amount approximately 600 000 Yen gt Law office of administration of justice scrivener office and 仙 valley person in 3 groups sublease
芒斯月,从西,新桥,大厦业主,约60万日元租用一个房间,律师事务所的办公室和J 南战国,分租三组 komonzu from the owner of the west Shinbashi building leases this one room at month amount approximately 600 000 Yen gt Law office of administration of justice scrivener office and 仙 valley person in 3 groups sublease
即使平原和松野鸠山集团已为145奶奶小泽紧握一个决定性的一票已被组织和运行了,现在也并非支持。小泽的政治生活变得更为收藏家施塔特哈勒我 145 It is not Calling the Hatoyama group already the plain and Matsuno have started running with Ozawa support and Being settled it is not in a kind of state where you can grasp the casting vote Now to that coming out When it becomes the cancellation in Ozawa s political life collar lie frame
即使平原和松野鸠山集团已为145奶奶小泽紧握一个决定性的一票已被组织和运行了,现在也并非支持。小泽的政治生活变得更为收藏家施塔特哈勒我 145 It is not Calling the Hatoyama group already the plain and Matsuno have started running with Ozawa support and Being settled it is not in a kind of state where you can grasp the casting vote Now to that coming out When it becomes the cancellation in Ozawa s political life collar lie frame
即使是最干净的小泽324民主党人,如果不是完全错误的 324 Ozawa most even the cleanliness as for necessarily there is no mistake at the Democratic party
小泽先生正在做清理的法律问题 Ozawa has cleared legal problem
即使饱受民族和国家生活,卖国业务(包括媒体)可能追求的利益 With the nation and national life as ragged treason financial world the mass communications it includes the shelf which may pursue just the profit
即使饱受民族和国家生活,商业(包括媒体)可能追求的利益 With the nation and national life as ragged treason financial world the mass communications it includes the shelf which may pursue just the profit
同时,面试和J 南官方对机关申请,“我们没有使用一点点的政治组织”,证明了这种潜在的和实际居住支出 On the one hand the authorized personnel of the administration of justice scrivener office “was almost not used vis a vis collection of data as a political organization” that and so on we testify There is a possibility of the expenditure which you apply and leaves the actual condition
“与实际使用分钟已接收的故事,例如 There is the use actual condition of the amount which has received” that and so on You speak
嘿,三重县知事谁道歉,但本项 _NULL_
在1968年通过律师资格考试,而学生,也退了东京 It passes to administration of justice test in 1968 is in the midst of attending, leaving Tokyo University
如果反对党希望民主党的下降,目前古德福深受早于 Well after so long a time separately the shelf We want the Democratic party falling down to the opposition party more quickly than that
小泽我是一个学生的教育政策通过茹多少,他在那里,但我希望不是政策wonk但茹尔,他有多少期望小泽?小泽胜利后进行的选举中叛逃,但很多人不是因为他的美德缺乏,严重的鸠山的政治为什么我 The person who has been expected to Ozawa stays but Although Ozawa is not just whichever policy the person who has been expected stays but Did Ozawa how much policy raise the pupil Aren t many were estranged with consequence of shortage of that natural virtue Ozawa directing after winning big with general election harshness of that Hatoyama politics why being
可能导致权力,但不是唯一的一个愿望小泽政策wonk Although Ozawa is not policy just isn t power the result which is desired
小泽正在调查党的千年民主党拨款159 最接近首相侃28日,2006年是小泽一郎,书记09年的总代表前,“组织的支出,”确定为成员的政治资本密集这个问题已经分配,就是要澄清的研究,我进入 Financial distribution of Ozawa typical that time investigation… 菅 side The Democratic party staff where is close to the prime minister on the 28th front Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa problem apparent did that has distributed political fund intensively in specific Assemblyman typical at that time of 2006 09 years as a “organizational measure expense” made that it has entered into investigation clear
就在他们自己的CEO gt According to the eldest son and the authorized personnel the eldest son March of 07 receiving the investment of the 25 from the 仙 valley person establishing real estate agent “ komonzu ” gt Was engaged to the self Chief Executive Officer
2007年3月在长子,25%的人表示战国接受房地产公司投资于“公”成立,总统有自己的就 The eldest son March of 07 receiving the investment of the 25 from the 仙 valley person establishing real estate agent “ komonzu ” Was engaged to the Chief Executive Officer personally
你瓦特我的儿子是在做私人合同的工作,而且还会阿里,前税款要战国 Or it is business trust in the son w Doing privately if the ru however that probably is the ant The origin of the gold of the 仙 valley probably is tax
据官员透露,和大儿子,他的大儿子2007年3月,25%的人说战国接受一家房地产投资公司,“共享”成立,总统有自己的就 According to the eldest son and the authorized personnel the eldest son March of 07 receiving the investment of the 25 from the 仙 valley person establishing real estate agent “ komonzu ” Was engaged to the Chief Executive Officer personally
据官员透露,和大儿子,他的大儿子2007年3月,25%的人说战国接受一家房地产投资公司,“共享”成立,总统有自己的就 According to the eldest son and the authorized personnel the eldest son March of 07 receiving the investment of the 25 from the 仙 valley person establishing real estate agent “ komonzu ” Was engaged to the Chief Executive Officer personally
布鲁诺 · 的I ( 人 ) 升⌒⌒ Putsu,头部公务员以及政治家,他们瓦特 人 No ⌒ REPT Î ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human 92 ⌒ l ⌒ 92 pu tsu chief putting out w of politician tsu te government employee Person 92
年龄显示田中附表不能打破即使是现在,它仍然是很好的凯塔是通货膨胀通货紧缩 Because Kakuei s Tanaka day were inflation even then it was good but Deflation becoming soon that it is not possible to change
我从迦巴冲击了我─一个儒事 Because the domestic violent affairs tsu lever u the information which is said appears ringing it is good w
这是真正的或迦巴493万维网 493 This real domestic violent affairs or www
我并不感到惊讶,因为民主党自诩从老百姓388瓦特盗窃是一条线裤愚蠢的方式超出了想象 388 Therefore the Democratic party however you are not surprised w The theft proud te from the ordinary man the foolish shelf which on far of the imagination goes
我没有什么问题的成本是指办公室正在做交易,但自民党时间什么狗屎 The office expense how chi it is and the ro whose problem how is good and is At the time of our people doing awfully meaning it was not and
你已经有美津由小泽暂时走出来让我做工作狗屎 Awful construction let do solving Because Ozawa was present Temporarily the business being completed tsu lever
我用这笔钱即将举行的选举是非法和信心郁花萨克好“时都提到说,并批评 Campaign spending is used illegitimately that being secret it is not good” to say that you expressed criticized
诉状是,异议期,这是至关重要的,认为古一再突破 It tears the fact that it appealed to opposition party age and the fact that it is critical entirely and has quibbled
我追逐自己远离杀戮,包括我负责水是采取减少,美术Hanayo任驱赶我彻底嵌入 You could take responsibility with the restoration water and drove to tsu te suicide therefore it is Drive the lotus 舫 thoroughly
战国时,战士戴维洛克菲勒,花旗集团,美国中央情报局代理 _NULL_
战国等Tarudoko敏,在大阪経法大教授朝总联的系列小说 [minsu] 仙 valley The barrel floor and others, as Korean entire connected type Osaka sutra method large overhead professor
战国简已被取消资格,并表现出迄今为止证明 _NULL_
挪用320万对无用的废话钱,孩子剔战国 The gold which the 仙 valley of the tick usurps in [gaki] of the kudzu 3,200,000
最近的总统选举中,自民党较温和,突然做更多的一触即发的稻叶 Recent years it paints to be, it is extreme do suddenly more than the Liberal Democratic Party president selection,
根据财政记录,费用分钟2007论坛“改革”的“办公室”为每个开支从2008年的3组和09中,“劳动成本”是从每个支出 According to the income and outgo report and the like 07 years s amount “office expense” empty respective expenditure of the “system reformation forum” “the labor cost” empty of 3 groups has expended 08 years and 09 years s amount respectively
根据财政记录,分论坛在2007年“改革”的“办公室支付的费用”出08和09年组织的价值三,“劳动成本”是从每个支出 According to the income and outgo report and the like 07 years s amount “office expense” empty respective expenditure of the “system reformation forum” “the labor cost” empty of 3 groups has expended 08 years and 09 years s amount respectively
森谷隼人破产债务重组和有,由林Pochitto Seare←东京法你咨询吗?战国?战国义人的政治筹款者是在同一个地方 As for debt rearrangement self bankruptcy leaving that Tokyo judicial affairs consultation lt pochitsuto Administration of justice scrivener 仙 valley Isao 仙 valley As for the 仙 valley Yosito s political financial group there is the same place
但是官员们说,南办公室j的电话,在这个房间里,没有特殊的空间或只使用一个政治组织,没有居民秘书 However according to the story of the administration of justice scrivener office authorized personnel the political organization uses for this one room Without either the private space and the private telephone you say that the private secretaries permanent station people it is not
在朋友的祖父是一位律师,并在那里他的父亲有,由更糟的律师朋友对他们的大儿子从一开始就采取目标明确的立场医生 The place of the acquaintance as for the grandfather as for the attorney and the father as for the acquaintance who is the administration of justice scrivener and that eldest son not to be accustomed to the attorney from first you did not aim that direction and became the doctor
森谷隼人破产债务重组和有,由林Pochitto Seare←东京法你咨询吗?战国?战国义人的政治筹款者是在同一个地方 As for debt rearrangement self bankruptcy leaving that Tokyo judicial affairs consultation lt pochitsuto Administration of justice scrivener 仙 valley Isao 仙 valley As for the 仙 valley Yosito s political financial group there is the same place
每周当代和反击有战国载Rurashii明天的Aera _NULL_
每隔三分钟停在普天间的搬迁问题,只是一个时间点的改变时间表,东京站下车,一骑 Futenma base moving problem
At 3 minute interval you park and time in the time table of one station of Tokyo which get on and off is modified 1 places which pass
民主党众议员大绵非法饲料我猜有很多战国 _NULL_
民主战国〜〜〜〜〜〜〜受托人大和市(人口干扰诈骗资助社会融合局的指导下假),卫冕的压力〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜,他花了消防安全大使,在此情况下受托人市大和追求很差FSA的石窟外记议会共产主义的做法,已体现在它是审判的文件,我承认中川昭一,民事行政责任的产业大臣赔偿的上诉被放弃,战国更多处罚已被证实,民主党早已以战国战国战国战国战国战国 As for 仙 valley of democracy Yamato city administration Dowa passing in financial affairs bureau the financial fraud group which disturbed guidance pressure of protection With the judgment document it has become clear to bet on financial agency At this Yamato city administration incident where by the way Japan Communist Party overtakes the awkwardness of financial agency extremely at the National Diet The Nakagawa Akira very important retainer to recognize administrative responsibility appeal abandonment of civil compensation It decides criminal punishment directly before In other words as for 仙 valley of the Democratic party as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley as for 仙 valley It is to protect the crime group which talks Dowa 1 500 000 000 compensation was paid with tax of the citizen Doing also the 仙 valley of democracy it increases it does to ask also the 仙 valley may we ask the 仙 valley of the Democratic party may
作为一个政治办公室我看过一篇文章,我觉得早晨的太阳已经破灭,而奇怪的说法来这里我只会考虑战国古儿子不附加任何政治实体的资金流量和泄漏我必须说,我帮助我的儿子暗示该公司不能拿钱维持s Don t you think it probably is leak Coming here don t you think you feel that speech of the 仙 valley changed rather The Asahi article was read but there is no substance as an office of the politician That political fund was let flow to the son only you cannot think When the money is required for office maintenance and has been saved also the son says die
简,内阁不是为日本的国家利益没有什么太叛徒Suruki The 菅 Cabinet passes the traitor and there is no either coming which necessarily nothing makes because of the Japanese national interest does
与对方有什么叛徒溃疡的人,我会非常奇妙 To crush with the traitor riding how it probably will be splendid
而人们认为,真正的天才束管的可能有负面小泽响亮而泄露自己的原因要问责局长由内阁官房长官是不容许在战国自豪与鸠山今天的会议室外分支苏卡拉小泽一郎的支持。它会加载并请你收回请求 That it was defeated to Ozawa because pride does not permit the fact that it is thought in the citizen Wanting the reason of the explanatory responsibility of secretariat director whether by yourself leak it does Because Sengoku branch field it does the tube in the conversation with present Hatoyama Ozawa support Please withdraw it probably is the intention of asking distantly
桑。小泽的认真只负我失去了自己响亮的贪婪和泄漏的原因是他将辞职恨战国,民主党要求他辞职的原因,被adversely m优惠,以得到你会说小泽小泽逃避管你应该做 仙 Wanting the reason of resignation the ro which are the leak red sandal wood by your It is defeated to Ozawa and passes and as for as for Sengoku it probably is hateful and Deviation from Ozawa calling also the tube although the ru when it concedes to Ozawa and passes and becomes in the Democratic party with adverse effect the ru When is it is good to make the resignation reason
桑。我不会告诉记者招待会或内阁官房长官问责制? 仙 The press conference ma of the explanatory responsibility of secretariat director is
而人们认为,真正的天才束管的可能有负面小泽响亮而泄露自己的贪婪是没有秘书的原因,他辞去内阁允许分支领域的骄傲和自豪,苏战国今天在会议上与鸠山由小泽支持。它会加载并请你收回请求 That it was defeated to Ozawa because pride does not permit the fact that it is thought in the citizen Wanting the reason of the explanatory responsibility of secretariat director whether by yourself leak it does Because Sengoku branch field it does the tube in the conversation with present Hatoyama Ozawa support Please withdraw it probably is the intention of asking distantly
自由运动的位置由右至左付诸表决,并重新绽放古以巨大的政治资本的回报基本上是正确的官方立场举行 Enormous political fund the standpoint where it can move freely from the right to the left Again to return to the standpoint where official recognition right is grasped substantially because it is to bloom
这是一个在公众战斗瓦特泄漏欧麦尔 In leak battle as for general citizen [uma] shelf w
迦巴迦巴Kitakore表决时,我们的钱在我们的卖国瓦特 Inside [gebakitakore] w of sen force
When treason it separates
那么以后所有的媒体能不能帮助它会川濑众议院众议院的议员也有时间来驱赶战国苏叛国瓦特 Even when the House of Representatives being able to exchange because House of Councillors how it will do it is not After all w which means the media to chase the treason 仙 valley and to turn
阚内阁欺骗? Hukuyama哲夫的真名是内阁官房副长官。郎? :二阶堂点的COM The better Cabinet which does to become 菅! As for Tetsuro's Cabinet secretariat secondary director Fukuyama autonym. Tetsuro? : Nikaidou dot COM
韩国和中国民主党毕竟我以为所有的罪犯多数党谁失去了民族的归 The Democratic party after all how the Korean Peninsula person and the Chinese and the naturalized person the national ruin political party of majority group
Everyone offender thought
鸠山今天在战国小泽在鸠山鸠山内阁的前提下,鸠山的名称为接近上妥协,以管支持几乎降枝野滚装船票,在后组和会议选举管材管个人支持在管面临总统选举的胜利Dekiresu Present Hatoyama in tube conversation Under the conditions the tube lowering Sengoku and the branch field with formation of a cabinet after the typical selection in Hatoyama pressing for concession As for Hatoyama group with free poll substantial tube support Hatoyama private with pretext with Ozawa support The tube victory does typical selection Aspect of dekiresu …
大规模浪费金钱在政治和问题Hanee战国本人曾批评肮脏的沼泽和金钱政治的问题,只是我不知道什么区别,通过大部分的攻击和溪流污染问题 That much politics and with problem of the gold dirtily is critical in the 沢 main person of Sengoku who politics and problem of the gold well… So the mass rubbish almost through does this problem dirtily 沢 different from hitting it is probably will be
鸠山和简是“基金管理组织代表战国显示细节事务,”代表小泽论坛“改革”和“21世纪的改革研究组”,“21,我听说过,它是采取神秘的,但它我相信这是真的 Hatoyama and 菅 “as for 仙 valley Assemblyman The financial management group “system reformation forum” where Ozawa serves representation and “the 21st century reformation workshop” “21” it is attached riding you have heard that it is doubtful but it was true you could agree upon that it is
基金管理机构集团为代表的战国先生附表事务论坛“改革”和“21世纪的改革研究”,“21”,我听说过,它是采取神秘的,但相信这是真的是 gt The financial management group “system reformation forum” where the 仙 valley person serves representation and “the 21st century reformation workshop” “21” it is attached riding you have heard that it is doubtful but it was true you could agree upon that it is
小泽一郎,一个不伦不类的教堂!陈还希望对战国简秘密铲也快乐!超精加工基尔肯定,这架C 内达 We would like to teach to Ichiro Ozawa The strictly confidential information scoop where the 菅 and the 仙 valley tremble and rise If this is finished it is the news item ultra C securely
战国成员,即使他成为客座教授,为学生讲课,甚至从来没有谁一次 gt 仙 valley Assemblyman being inaugurated as honorary professor also one time even lecture has not made the student
战国的贪污的 Public money usurpation shelf 仙 valley
这是很好的战国凯塔!白天和黑夜是自民党,民主党,据报道自杀 Don t you think 仙 valley it was good At the Democratic party When it is the Liberal Democratic Party until every day every night it commits suicide it is reported
鸠山和简是“战国指出,”同意,并宣布成为民主党同意通过小泽和党秘书长融资党主席 Hatoyama and the 菅 “the 仙 valley you removed and” with agreed That it agreed by the fact that party Secretary General and party financial affairs chairman are transferred to Ozawa announces in Democratic party Assemblyman