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Suspect Sanae Simomura who assumes that also the self was the neglect victim,…The father to deny the identity undertaking, reaching in this period, the home not reflecting upon ★2


  • 112 ヽ ,和 112 REPT It does A If lt it keeps feeding with welfare whether it is the do the yo How the se jail it enters when it is how it does whether it is even it is story the yo If conclusion is not written the insufficiency is as a theory the yo REPT no ¯
    • 112 ヽ ,和 112 REPT It does A If lt it keeps feeding with welfare whether it is the do the yo How the se jail it enters when it is how it does whether it is even it is story the yo If conclusion is not written the insufficiency is as a theory the yo REPT no ¯

  • 15:30地点:市民中心区樱花内容:高中学生代表Kozakura西中Kozakura樱舆论,释放学生的权利:人权对话“的人谁可以发光,”斯科特说,讲师大辅(日本四日市农业城市Rakubi高中教练)参加人数:各组(理事会由每一个)女孩口交一个家伙和贱人孙子的男子落入谁拒绝汝照顾两个孩子充满垃圾我尖叫,我住“在房间里有哭声,”谁是闪亮什么 15 30 Place Cherry tree area citizen center Contents The opinion announcement regarding the human rights of the child pupil Cherry tree small cherry tree stand pupil representation of medium of small cherry tree west high school As for the human rights lecture “person being whoever it can shine ” Lecturer Simomura large mediating helping Yokkaichi city agricultural high school Rugby section supervision Participant Various groups From each residents association 1 The daughter falls down to the manners girl in order to look at the trouble of two children and huerachio does chinko of the rubbish men The grandchildren have wailed at the room of the rubbish being lazy the time “As for the person being whoever it can shine” it is or …
    • (木原恭子)资料来源中日新闻社▽(CHUNICHI Web)2名:Shisan名无 10周年邮箱:发布:2010 09 05(星期日)00:57:06编号:0FFXF2s90只患精神病的人以及。法律和智力残疾。你可以打市政厅接受输入的发展障碍 Kihara growth child ▽ source Medium day newspaper CHUNICHI Web 2 Name Name it is not ten lap year Mail Contribution day 2010 09 05 Sunday 00 57 06 ID 0FFXF2s90 Not only the mentally handicapped person Legal intellectual handicapped person And Legal advancement handicapped person Accept

  • 2010年9月4日县医疗中心打开县草津刑事责任机构指定★疯狂医院,不被视为刑事法庭提出的问题的责任从文过滤问题严重,纵火谋杀作为“罪犯精神病患者,“该机构指定专门医院治疗,县精神卫生中心(嵩山草津市)在公开
    * To designated hospitalization system establishment of touching method mentally handicapped person In Kusatsu prefectural medical center 2010 September 4th The prefecture, while causing serious incident such as homicide and arson, was judged that you cannot question criminal responsibility from the courthouse, The designated hospitalization system which remedies the “touching method mentally handicapped person” specially, inside prefectural spiritual medical center (Kusatsu city sedge hat mountain) It establishes

    • 220混凝土,大久保清,宫崎勉,加藤智弘,沙林,三菱银行北畠支店强盗人质事件,炸死30人,津山小事件池田,宇都宫珠宝店纵火谋杀案
      220 The concrete, Ookubo it is clear, Miyazaki working hard, the Kato Satoshi large, sarin, Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. north 畠 branch office burglar hostage incident, Tsuyama 30 human murder, Ikeda small incident and Utsunomiya jewel store arson murder case

      • 287九州出口相关机关或富裕的唯一途径,朝鲜和中国在当地
        287 As for Kyushu even the land handle for the Chinese wealthy layer and North Korea does the internal organs export and others see?

        • 56是一个失散多年的亲生母亲和她的母亲离婚了,我还没有脱离
          56 As for the actual mother divorcing, correspondence impassability As for the mother-in-law it is not Because you divorced

          • 604父亲自杀,但她的妹妹做我结婚的前未婚夫?
            604 As for the father however it committed suicide, as for the younger sister the [tsu] [ke] which is the original fiancee and the marriage red sandal wood?

            • 681这不是一个甜美的女儿“女腹!”导读和女儿了重要的催促母亲离开我,我打我埋葬Bokasuka,定制枫木Hikkaesuru哪里他们采取18岁以下的青年人岁女儿683这是一个父亲,儿子,但我是嘶哑的排放做法侮辱父母,并认为这种关系将不得不把他与异性的侮辱了古出院 681 That is sweet In wife “woman stomach ” The tsu te abusing bokasuka beating expelling From daughter picking up important mother The one after another young pichipichi 18 year old wife the tsu apply the hi tsu apply it is the refuse father who is done 683 Although the shelf filth is spat in the parent being accustomed the ru child spits filth by its Being patient even with opposite sex you say that you associate and
              • 我有一个948的关系,这是老师,我觉得他们转向了,我觉得它不能返回尊重苏 948 However you have associated with the teacher in the same way Being able to respect now it should have reviewed memory becoming the ru

            • 691瓦特我一个傻瓜谁的生命,健康的人不遐房子我和孩子干净的湿重的垃圾量在漂亮的房子后,进入加拿大从我小时候有没有弹出二战打扫房子你,我可以只清理自己,如果你想 你是去一个家人生病抑郁瓦特塞在我的生命,其中一人的,我不是695啊瓦特它也驱动tTA臻离婚Arieru,早苗根据一个理论歩走外面玩,让她的父母泊马里阿尔卡蒂儿子的关系问题Dattarashii 691 aho or w The one of the healthy men it lives and how the ro ww where the inside of the house is with rubbish residence how a lot of and is Because the child joined there the tsu te ww which is not the reason which it starts cleaning If you think that the house where the child is clean is good if it should have cleaned by his just You Whether being the melancholia family w The ze the rubbish residence how so with one person living of the man so w 695 Can be that Also those where it reaches to divorce according to other version were Sanae s association problem it seems Being able to entrust the child to the parents of the husband walked a story that you played and you walk stay there is Quite your own father Rugby supervision with entirely will not It succeeds life style of the gambler entirely from the father 697 Is somewhere
              • 我早苗下村举行的第二次20年后,他的儿子或女儿结巴194 194 That child stuttering the kana which is the daughter If in Sanae second Simomura of 20 year later it should not have been but

            • 974“,”循环的虐待,“成年子女”,“做父母的伤害,”这是文学哇瓦特 974 The parent who becomes “the chain “” adult chill drain” “poison of abuse” It is and it is ya literature w
              • 我想我可能是允许的发言当然驱动tTA切断链父亲开始从粪便提请负 It started from the droppings father the negative chain Whether shutting off don t you think … However there are no times when it is permitted of course

            • 988燃烧的全功率只有391骗子,与她的两个“我用过的创伤存款流感的孩子,”当然有Suretai,在什么早苗不觉得我是壊有机为时已接受无论是直接的,起数和你越来越大,我都认为这是神秘的,这些人这么好,我有一点经验的梁带接收爱在青春期体面的家“的经验之一,”像否( u003d爱),我会征询驱动tTA人们从难“,而最 391 It is lie attaching hurubotsuko destruction by fire 988 With 2 “because the child depended on in full keeping ” with Sanae tsu te the trauma receiving too much already the vessel being broken qualitatively the air the ru way does sure which is suretai which is said Whether or not it can recover you think that it is doubtful In the first place important growth period almost there is no experience which receives honest love to adolescence with home therefore it is Such person “saw by his experiencing ” it is not because love it was troubled with the person consulting” It is difficult with without either one probably will be
              • 他们之所以说写他的父亲穿着现代周刊,早苗是当“我把存款”流感的孩子或发送联系,存款是从结束,然后从早苗,“你父亲的垃圾我想不会再打电话 The father writing excuse weekly today the ru at the time of a certain Sanae “because the child depended on in full keeping ” with communication crossing over it did not keep after all but after that Therefore from Sanae “like in the father it becomes annoyance you do not communicate anymore
              • 我391,我是早苗不论是直接,起数,我觉得我正在壊有机为时已接受创伤性增长的重要,我都认为它是神秘的家,在青春期这些谁我有一点经验和接受爱的一个体面的光束,“不是我的经验( u003d爱)给人们说:”没有更多的困难,他们猜测 391 As for we the trauma receiving too much already the vessel being broken qualitatively the air the ru way does Sanae tsu te Whether or not it can recover you think that it is doubtful In the first place important growth period almost there is no experience which receives honest love to adolescence with home therefore it is As for such person “by his has not experienced love lifting to the person” It is difficult with without either one probably will be
              • 我不知道更多的信息924志位情况,“这是困难的儿童需要咨询的蛋糕,”是啊,是不是想驱动tTA感觉早苗说,我说这Tasou 924 As for detailed circumstance however it is from the wa “when it is troubled with thing of the child consulting ” like thing can t help the kind of air which was said to Sanae do The u it is you say so is

            • 9月18日大阪号现代周刊呻/ online.wgen.jp / 在2个孩子“释放。”杀手马克下村,大辅的父亲是第一次事件,“我的女儿,为什么恶魔母亲早苗我必须与我们交谈。“
              Weekly today September 18th number http: //online.wgen.jp/ the Osaka 2 young child “releasing. Homicide” incident The actual father reveals for the first time The Simomura large mediating/helping “our daughter and Sanae why became such an ogre mother, we speak”

              • NULL 331 So it is one element of the growth environment “motto of the father “other than pleasant thing Some kind of influence is exerted with some strength “The father being consistent growth environment was controlled” therefore it is “the father 8 tenths” is 8 tenths Having as for the nature which is borne 2 tenths In the teenager of the quantity which would like to presume detaching from the mother it is new lively Because it stopped wanting to have sex DV doing in Sanae s mother expulsion Therefore young high soldier finishing perhaps threatening the stupid wife you took parental authority You do not permit either the fact that it presumes the care person in charge of 2 younger sisters basting By your after being younger than Sanae the wives the tsu apply the hi tsu apply setsukuru doing the ze which hurts
                • 的“座右铭这个父那里不是所有的,它必须容易为”1。老妻子腹是在方式及其工作人员枫木枫木18岁的女儿走“女!”拳打脚踢我出来驱赶和柏然后,一个新的动画Moderuchenji结婚了! 2。三,没有清洗的。04幼儿不能逸斋。玛丽塔女孩只是想从生产到挨骂,而是一个儿子,五个非喷射不要触摸任何钱。好比橄榄球大重点 Motto of this father “it does not do other than pleasant thing altogether” 1 The wife of 18 years old the tsu apply the hi tsu apply In the old wife who becomes the disturbance “the woman stomach ” With abusing you beat you kick Doing expelling in the new lively wife moderuchienji 2 It does not clean altogether 3 It does not do either childcare altogether 4 Although we wanted the boy because just the girl was born Other than producing the money all no touch 5 It devotes favorite to Rugby

              • NULL 336 As for you the ro which is main person of the father Although the kudzu the father is protected too desperation to be Grounds of 8 tenths are written on scientific essay You inspecting by your read teaching chiyan gt How it influenced it is not expressed completely In the teenager of the quantity which would like to presume detaching from the mother it is new lively Because it stopped wanting to have sex DV doing in Sanae s mother expulsion Therefore young high soldier finishing perhaps threatening the stupid wife you took parental authority You do not permit either the fact that it presumes the care person in charge of 2 younger sisters basting By your after being younger than Sanae the wives the tsu apply the hi tsu apply setsukuru doing the ze which hurts This way whether it influenced you express completely and the re te are but Something Strong Reject W which is Whether English the kitchen which is not understood reject is verb what The ro which after the strong it is adjective connect with reject the re ru cannot boil with verb and is Don t you think it is being disqualified decision
                • 从他的母亲和失散的甜蜜僵尸帮助青少年教育工作者和家长会已经清除了一个大的大前(早苗母亲你想了一个生动性与新DV到驱赶)甜峨Oshitsuke的牧羊人我的两个姐妹,我也采取了明确的立场,许是年轻的第二任妻子早苗他们Sekkuru枫枫的工作人员采取了他们的?他甚至抗议Yoritsukanai早苗,以确定其含义当然还有朱达罗“,只有帮助,”有时候你说什么来作为家长道歉是最不甜,让废弃的s If omae educator and parent large being disqualified shelf In the teenager of the quantity which would like to presume detaching from the mother it is new lively Because it stopped wanting to have sex DV doing in Sanae s mother it expelled You do not permit either the fact that it presumes the care person in charge of 2 younger sisters basting By your after being younger than Sanae the wives the tsu apply the hi tsu apply setsukuru doing the ze which hurts Sanae repelling as for not being attached depending upon the house the ro which is proper If even then never “helping” mind the tsu te it was sometimes making presume Doing the ro which is sign of the apology as a thing kudzu parent at least Rugby player in wife after young pichipichi Only being desperate In the essential daughter the parent thing no one which seems in the habit which is not done
                • 他们之所以说这是很方便我Bakkari的早苗舌父亲,我374的东西,“他有一个好妻子下村郁花邪恶”,也就是所谓的 374 Something the word tsu temporary excuse where Sanae s father tsu te mouth are convenient by your with the skilled person doing “The wife is bad Simomura director is not bad” the tsu te coming to the point of saying so

              • NULL When there probably are some details that even if it was reluctant assuming The daughter kept stepping into society already with his own foot it is When it appears in society saying nothing you bearing by your just the ru As for the person and the public agency coming to help you do not give Homicide the extent which is done being cornered if the ru it becomes and shakes and does not care by your own power Help to requiring should go to anywhere it is If you did with the dying thing deviation lawfully the child and the edge there was a method of cutting This person saying nothing the te as for having the obligation where the parent extends the hand while the child is small just With consequence of proverb parent help That the ability to seek was not attached to the body assuming It will self destruct with that but the hand will be dyed to crime but no one takes responsibility

                • NULL Your own child the person who does not abuse probably will be difficult for the person who receives neglect Because it probably is the parenting experience which abuse receives from the only parent The person who receives neglect the person who abuses produces the child normally On the other hand if you do not abuse “it is great ” With praising re ru level Conversely by his has not experienced you experience love making the child As for the ze which you think that it is difficult creation activity without either the way If even the father the person who is different because this kind of monster daughter was not born In father right Lowering severe punishment two degrees you do not raise this kind of monster We would like to receive the way 510 gt In human murder as for correction unnecessary Same we should die
                  • 不要责怪父母! !即使我发生了许多事情,我得到一个体面的生活! !这次调整是不是要杀死509人? !它即死Nubeki NULL

                • Reyo回医院精神科病房里我常早日推行结构古788乙
                  788 Caring, self introduction quaintness of [chiyan] Return to the psychiatry ward ahead being hospitalized quickly

                  • Shiidaro第三任妻子离婚,我是776的3倍几乎分离,但现在我不抱着它与一个新的生活中
                    776 In fact, the [ro] which 3 times has divorced and it is equal is While living separately, now in [pichipichi] and living together which are new it probably will put out there is no third wife?

                    • Shisan名无 10周年邮箱:鼠尾草新增:2010 09 07(星期二)17(周二)09:01:27编号:vStUYCUQ0诚实的老师可以做,使学生的规定,已婚25岁,不能结婚,或了解有关该解雇我的学生或居民,我认为最好的东西做一个绑定?那么,什么也没有不被禁止,是不是在目前的趋势自然增加教师把学生他妈的愚蠢 Name it is not ten lap year Mail sage Contribution day 2010 09 07 fire 17 fire 09 01 27 ID vStUYCUQ0 Honesty the teacher makes the stipulation that gets married doing you cannot get married with the pupil or it is not possible to 25 years old that Isn t being associated with the pupil bare cod reprimand layoff something the method which makes binding is to call When the sled ya nothing is prohibited it appears of the hand to the pupil and the ro whose also it is proper for aho teacher of the stripe chestnut to increase
                      • 226名: 名无Shisan 10周年邮箱:圣人发布日期:2010 09 07(周二)09:01:27编号:vStUYCUQ0诚实,教师可以提供学生或婚姻和婚姻, 25岁,能,纪律处分或解雇了解,学生的租户,我喜欢,我觉得最好的东西做一个绑定?那么,什么也没有不被禁止,是不是在目前的趋势自然增加教师把学生他妈的愚蠢 226 Name Name it is not ten lap year Mail sage Contribution day 2010 09 07 fire 09 01 27 ID vStUYCUQ0 Honesty the teacher makes the stipulation that gets married doing you cannot get married with the pupil or it is not possible to 25 years old that Isn t being associated with the pupil bare cod reprimand layoff something the method which makes binding is to call When the sled ya nothing is prohibited it appears of the hand to the pupil and the ro whose also it is proper for aho teacher of the stripe chestnut to increase

                    • Sーー美国746从旧时代存在着利益在一定数目的层,把我们的眼睛接受通过管理,这种情况下,该片段是存放在家庭中的浴缸时我哟听说将是灾难性的你说什么东西或其他人将 746 Obtaining amerika Somehow the layer which accepts the adopted child with treatment aim one constant existing from the former times tsu the tsu te which means miserable thing you heard the case which is deposited to such home The basin it turns what even natural what
                      • Sーー美国746从旧时代存在着利益在一定数目的层,把我们的眼睛接受通过管理,家庭子女的片段这些存款是我曾经听说过哟槽将是灾难性的因此,这是什么东西或之前 746 Obtaining amerika Somehow the layer which accepts the adopted child with treatment aim one constant existing from the former times tsu the tsu te which means miserable thing you heard the case which is deposited to such home The basin it turns what even natural what
                      • 通过严厉批评他们的孩子,我觉得你是被用来保护间隙或不交易?孩子们可以只手和释放存款的设施可 Because the adopted child utilizes in buying and selling it is protected harshly with to do the yo There as for criticizing it doesn t slip As for the child depositing to the facility it can release

                    • “热烈”,今天我一定要使用瓦特的话,我想谁ü人:瓦特
                      “Lively” the person who nowadays uses the word which is said is, it is shelf w Whether old boy w

                      • 一书的作家在“养育和教育我不会,看是包含在投资茂木”Muyounamonoda不愉快教学的海中游泳的孩子认为,有一个通道的贺阳,实在是早苗从这个意义上讲,我认为这是一个遗憾,我们只需要它排除在弹出他们的生活我还是我的选项包括含 The fact that “it does not train in the book of a certain writer and it does not educate without teaching swimming is kind of something which throws in the child of the sea” As with been one paragraph which is said you think but it is Sanae just this You think that in such sense it is pitiful but including that after all you are your own life what It is necessary to sneak away from there

                        • 一些共和国大阪的大阪杀死邪恶按国家共和国之间的日常会话的人已梳黑暗邪恶的世代血液的土地,然后生出邪恶是邪恶的,是不是我的结构,这种令人发指我住在三重大阪府在日本的外国人应该被驱逐出境到大阪共和国检查工作签证问题
                          As for Osaka people country the land where badness bears badness In that way, it is the country of the wickedness which makes the blood of generation after generation badness dense Separately the Osaka person the murder does not care the fact that it meets, in people country as a daily conversation, but Such a brutal resident Osaka national person living in Mie prefecture, as for [ru] problem Verifying the work visa, it should force to Osaka people country repatriate

                          • 一般的关机涌代理人上午,“在日本生育率下降,”我做的工作瓦特指令
                            The rare [chiyon] operative who is Whether from morning “the Japanese little child conversion” construction order of General w

                            • 下村先生的人格,我们说,父亲是受忽视,国家似乎忽视了后一随后逮捕
                              It is said to the formation of personality of suspect Simomura, that noninterference of the father influenced, but After the arresting noninterference state seems that is continued

                              • 下村先生的父亲不能再看到有人进入家庭顾业务教学高中橄榄球
                                As for the father of suspect Simomura to insert in the Rugby section guidance of high school ahead working There was no room which reflects upon home

                                • 为什么歧视歧视和对我们的孩子在那里,为什么,说的工作,其他的孩子我的年龄和我的儿子(中,学生负责),或只是难以照顾 Why discriminating our child to there treating coldly Why work say the other child of the same age as our child charge The pupils only taking care enthusiastically
                                  • 甚至不回家的感觉,逾期Suneru要照顾学生的“什么是一种态度,我要熊照顾已故的学生每天都在热情地 Returning home becoming slow with care of the pupil it is the sune ru ” tsu te attitude On the one hand in the pupils taking care passionately to every day late

                                • 为精神病患者附表在社会研究的入住率很可能成功的美国很明显,高比非成功
                                  As for the ratio which [saikopasu] occupies in the social success person By comparison with the non success person, clearly is high the American research which So it is certain

                                  • 他们本能的training m上移动本身就是这117怀疑早苗那么,他们得到的原始本能他们不直接接受抚养的婴儿往往是顽固的本能,即使不打开,当然我敢肯定,一个妇女和一定阶级的男性是不可能没有一个正确的生活基鲁
                                    117 Therefore it is moving to while suspect itself this Sanae is instinct is With training while it is the instinct which is not repaired living, as for the [ru] person it is many Doing of course, obstinate what it does not accept training the young child period and the man and woman who lives while it is instinct is Reform impossible category is by all means one constant, it is

                                    • 伊特错误的开始,我感觉深刻的书面,小林薰杀手的母亲,我会帮你点亮了这座城市与他的儿子回家...
                                      And others and others writing, the [te] you became aware, but it is don't you think? as for Kaoru Kobayashi and optical city mother and child murder offense the [wa] which together is father and son home…

                                      • 会见政府官员被逮捕和人力资源专业人士有机会能够采访防御...“,第一是假”,“假定无罪”或部分,逮捕,法律,不受所以我被解雇
                                        The government employee and the surface talks where the personal person in charge is arrested to do, opportunity… of justification Until it reaches the point where you can interview, “temporary retirement treatment” “Presumption innocence” being, arrest, rule, disciplinary dismissal How, because it is not

                                        • 但最终我做老师Tteta下村,通过过去的第一个时间?被解雇?现在的科学。我来农业?
                                          However former times one time it is passing, the Simomura teacher [tsu] [te] after all how something? Neck? Now study. Agricultural technology it has come?

                                          • 你是一个公立学校的教师是“逮捕前辞职,”但他们说很多情况下,私营公司,甚至整个故事,可能不知道从统计数据,例如不只是个人的感觉 As for you as for public school teacher “before the arresting case of retirement at one s own request” You say that it is more than private enterprise but probably there are no statistics and the like and Being because it probably cannot grasp whole aspect in only private feeling You cannot say

                                            • 全国家庭最终,住在大阪府附表他的父亲,祖父,我的纪律,推动下村先生“(即涡流)的父亲,第一个事件被发现,但根据访谈后学校也没有工作,没有回应该报专访 Relative representation after all Your own father who lives in Osaka Hunai in other words you pushed to the grandfather of suspect Simomura” same As for the father of the whirlpool incident detection at the beginning although it had responded to collection of data after that you do not go to work even to the school It has not responded to either the collection of data of this paper
                                              • 什么是代表联络,或亲戚没有,我所以我们知道瓦特三重县和大阪,但认为只是距离卡约 The relative typical communication window it is it is the shelf and intellectual viewing w which is applied You think that triple and Osaka well enough there is at also just a distance but it is …

                                            • 刮音频从富人有能力以不同的表现,暴力犯罪是出于运行会减少填充赶走,但如果你讲一个无情的丰富的教育环境,例如,作为人性的丑恶恐惧我有一些有 The rich person is a various room because and there is a world body being cornered The motive which it runs to brutal crime it probably will be little but it compares even with the rich person with coldhearted environment If you are brought up there are times when it has fearful ones as a humanity
                                              • 如果无情的父母在抚养然而,无情的人容易受到丰富,但例如事实说话 Even then in origin of coldhearted parent If you are brought up as for it compares and even with the rich person is easy becoming the coldhearted human fact
                                              • 首先,“我们没有理由,人们喜欢做在短期内这种令人发指的罪行”,这对这些罪犯可以Ikareta多年来 In the first place “ it is there is no meaning which becomes the kind of human who such a brutal crime is done shortly at period” Long time spending such ikareta brutal offender is possible

                                            • 包括试图赶走了他的母亲离婚的母亲冲“和踢不时配合,因为我知道合郁手流没有能力保管的几乎为零, Sekkuru枫树编织成的员工在家里拉或采取高中学生s That mother is beaten you kick doing the mother who is not the ability to drive to divorce and “to raise Therefore after knowing each other until it associates time almost zero woman Takao the tsu apply the fact that by his would like to take parental authority the hi tsu apply in the house Pulling being packed setsukuru it did
                                              • 你是日泰仰考虑的结果是,家长和儿童 和受害者,而不是性行为出彰鲁米,那你 As for you would like to saying are the victim the child and the parent who is thing and the like of record Considering it does with the notion that where it does not put out ero behavior to light the yo
                                              • 我所采取的新娘s Hikkaeshi任何人,时间,以满足学生与妻子,因为我知道合零的日期,因为它应该合理地导致婚姻视为 Many people have done the wife the tsu apply the hi tsu apply but Therefore the wife the pupil after knowing each other until it associates time almost as zero considering If the extent which reaches to marriage even date the expectation which is made that appearance

                                            • 咦?当失业的人,谁是“吃早生”谁是“国内”是什么意思?所以我通常的家务和照顾孩子成为必要的长期关心谁是孩子的父亲与子女的家庭chores m以不治之症和癌症的一个孩子自由成长和 It is When the man becomes unemployed someone “喰 wa se te ” someone “the housekeeping it does” the tsu te The wife becoming incurable disease and the cancer gun when long term medical treatment becomes necessary someone does childcare and the housekeeping it is Therefore with father and son home as for the child you are brought up normally selfishly and the child does the housekeeping it is
                                              • 儿童保健和housework m一个孩子谁成为长期护理需要的癌症是不治之症,自由和女儿长大 The wife becoming incurable disease and the cancer gun when long term medical treatment becomes necessary someone does childcare and the housekeeping it is The child is brought up selfishly
                                              • 因此,正常的生活,所以672情报妇女末期,我在家的时候谁在养育孩子时,他的儿子离婚是允许孩子我还得做家务,孩子不长大 When you divorce someone does childcare it is Woman 672 Because it is the life body which has high level intelligence Therefore with father and son home as for the child you are brought up normally selfishly and the child does the housekeeping it is

                                            • 哇290 ...( )是最大也没有办法胡散臭...我觉得如果我打的救恩yakuman
                                              290 [u] [wa] -… (' A `) Suspicion it is ill-smelling, rescuing it will be with MAX, but… part full direct it is not shooting, you feel?

                                              • 唯一的家园,我塞进我的女儿是懒惰的,并没有在所有问题,现在我不是不突出的问题,而不是你父亲的662,我是如此可爱 The daughter being the idle fellow the home the rubbish residence how on the other hand the father is lovely so 662 The problematical point now closing up with ru reason Well at all is not the problematical point but it is
                                                • 唯一的家园,我塞进我的女儿是懒惰的,并没有在所有问题,现在我不是不突出的问题,而不是你父亲的662,我是如此可爱 The daughter being the idle fellow the home the rubbish residence how on the other hand the father is lovely so 662 The problematical point now closing up with ru reason Well at all is not the problematical point but it is

                                              • 嗯,她女儿父亲的女人,我写了403来照顾,但我不能让人们照顾三个孩子,但也有一个问题,母亲前往一个失散多年的 403 As for the father of this woman although trouble is not seen 3 also children making in the eldest daughter trouble making see Well becoming correspondence impassability however there is a problem even in the ru mother
                                                • 你怎么能甚至触摸媒体是什么?我会说我是脱节的,我现在在哪里魔法分钟 The ro where either the mass communications are not touched and are Correspondence impassability how saying however the ru about address you understand directly it is

                                              • 因此,631从来不是寄养我觉得他们非常好,建立一个互助小组,以协助组织损伤帮助它成为重要的出行,我们正在做橄榄球运动员甚至从现在我就是一个例子,老师在它的唯一的女儿,我觉得好儿子,但如果没有良好的早苗或者Hikitotsu一金做的DV早苗都麻Shitarashii小学主任本丽卡父亲的熟人在东京,并非是要赶走当女儿Tetarashii真正的教育作为一个真正的男人在工作中很快早苗 631 For that don t you think help around becomes important You think that also it is good to establish the cooperative group which is helped organizationally But the village parent system how the one example what Therefore even this time the original Rugby players daughter what of the super teachers filial devotion Thinking although it pulls Sanae to substituting and if taking it is good DV doing it expelled it seems it isn t In other words Tokyo of this father acquaintance director taking part primary Sanae Truly like the actual daughter you raised that time it seems but promptly Sanae becoming pregnant the man of the workplace crime ahead gets married and the chi ya tsu te stands alone Was it is it does not hurry marriage already a little long home of the acquaintance director When it was it was good the regrettable shelf
                                                • 301葛根什么,你是孩子的第一任妻子孕早熟教(即母亲早苗),以下青年朱达罗约太快高中毕业后,我高中从教孩子Dattarashii早苗我还是个孩子,想教Sekkuru不要干涉他的第一任妻子是不是梨华都麻Shitarashii的DV了这个父亲和驱赶他们教的孩子,今年年轻父母对释放头绪我的工作只是一个Iikurume狙,它的淫性的父亲已经采取Sekkuru枫枫及其工作人员 301 What kudzu made the disciple be filled it is the ro which is The first wife it was plugged and Sanae s mother it was the disciple of high school it seems Bearing Sanae graduating high school the ro which immediately is extent Because following young disciple and setsukuru it stopped wanting to do in the first wife who becomes the disturbance DV doing it expelled it seems it isn t In other words as for this father about the parent and child year leaves aiming for only the ignorant young disciple Call well and wrap that the tsu apply the hi tsu apply it is the metamorphosis ero father who setsukuru has been done
                                                • 这个父亲,我实现了零的父亲从他的父亲作为朱达罗Toriagero保管,古已经完全改变或结婚的年轻人和他们住好于534进入我们的设施,早苗Tsuka,养育子女的情况下或追求 如果平原邪恶尚未获得进一步上升的教练,他的声誉作为一个橄榄球名称 As for this father as a father the ro which is consciousness zero Pick up the parental authority from the father The ro where the person who inserted handle Sanae in the facility is mashi 534 Although it is young exchanging the wife the ku parenting non participation dream of the man it pursues too much gt lt Furthermore because you obtained to reputation as a name coach of Rugby furthermore character is bad

                                              • 在被捕后遭解雇100%(如果现任是时候被捕,即使不是出于其辞职请求后,被辞退的拒绝。) When it is arrested if hundred disciplinary dismissal at the point in time when it is arrested the incumbent After that making the request letter of resignation being dismissed disciplinary dismissal
                                                • 我知道我的情况(在书中是个聋子。教职)驳回请假到6个月甚至 The case where I have known You wrote before 痴 After the teacher about half year temporarily retiring disciplinary dismissal

                                              • 如果儿童犯罪是家长负责什么意见或父母更漂白谋杀案件,促进母亲Kusogaki城市之光
                                                If as for crime of the child the [tsu] [te] purport which is responsibility in the parent, the parent who raises [kusogaki] of optical city mother and child murder incident Bleach more

                                                • 如果卫生部门批准的,治疗组和每一个恩戴护士的专业团队和职业治疗师和精神科医生的社会工作者,除了“来得到一个弱智残疾人抽样总体心理健康”(县精神卫生中心)的解释
                                                  If the public welfare Ministry of Labor approves, in addition to the doctor and the nursing teacher special team such as occupational therapist and spiritual hygienic welfare loyal retainer Uniting, at the time of remedy, “it becomes also sample of spiritual medical care of the general mentally handicapped person”, (prefectural spiritual medical center) with it has explained

                                                  • 如果受害人是儿童Daijina我们,我说,没有提到人质,进行向教育,投诉委员会将很快成为校长,你不必议案,在逮捕的方向 Is to be if the ji the child has become the victim hostage commenting speaking Directly unless appeal to the principal either board of education and or come out move with the direction which is made to arrest It is not good
                                                    • 但她的儿子是一个很好的倾听只有几分钟,即使我的母亲听到“没事”,“平静”是,我总是说 So the daughter hears enormously and with the child whose dividing is good The mother hearing “is to be you called stoutness” “unconcern” always

                                                  • 如果我可以做垃圾它的目的和战术的物质优势,峨审判感谢对我的父亲
                                                    The father the rubbish with favor judgment the material which it can fight profitably it to be possible, the seed Doing purposely, the cod step loyal retainer shelf

                                                    • 如果最近的衰退中驱动tTA恩戴富有的人把钱花在移植器官衰退,为了抑制鄂如折旧成本较高如果U购买儿童器官来自中国,日本和杀害妇女和我偷器官 Recently in depression in organ transplants the gold the human who can be put out decreased it is with If wealthy layer of the Chinese because the internal organs of the Chinese are cheaper in order to hold down the expense which is bought killing the woman offering accompanying of the Japanese stealing the internal organs the ru
                                                      • 排减单位,必须从中国购买移植ü出抑制器官恩戴驱动tTA钱降低成本与抑郁症的人,我偷的机关,杀害妇女和儿童日语 Recently in depression in organ transplants the gold the human who can be put out decreased it is with If wealthy layer of the Chinese because the internal organs of the Chinese are cheaper in order to hold down the expense which is bought killing the woman offering accompanying of the Japanese stealing the internal organs the ru

                                                    • 如谋杀或强奸女学生这样,冲绳,名古屋百或混凝土或三岛女子短大生焼杀事件?
                                                      Concrete or the Nagoya couple or Mishima woman junior college half-cooked shooting incident or Okinawa woman junior high school student rape murder incident?

                                                      • 学校体育俱乐部。 ü合有机会学习和教师所做的一些监督,个性和很多人凯塔驱动tTA这是明显的两极分化发言权范围 Sports department of school The teacher who does supervision there was an opportunity which knows each other more or less but When you refer to inside the range the person of the personality which is inclined clearly was many
                                                        • 学校体育俱乐部。 ü合有机会学习和教师所做的一些监督,个性和很多人凯塔驱动tTA这是明显的两极分化发言权范围 Sports department of school The teacher who does supervision there was an opportunity which knows each other more or less but When you refer to inside the range the person of the personality which is inclined clearly was many

                                                      • 孩子的未来45喜欢的东西,我觉得这些家伙必须首先生殖失败
                                                        45 The thing parent and child shelf which is similar For future, and others it is dense reproduction functional stop thinks as deciding beforehand

                                                        • 孩子的葬礼已经去世,骨灰将它?下村中的亲爷,甚至拒绝呢?
                                                          Funeral of the child who dies, the remains how probably are the red sandal wood? With Simomura's father, that denying?

                                                          • 它也伤害了学生和鳕鱼一样,学校的东西暴露在像不雅,因为我真正有影响力的,即使学生获得绝对邪恶Kunaku觉得不对劲立刻感觉到了什么谣言,较小的地区你将被带到游戏没有马祖鳕鱼捕获这个人?我觉得我不能这样做,如果你错过任何一场比赛时,泄漏今年,因为这些人 As expected because there is a capability the open wa it is inside the tsu te school the se faked the way doing the cod When adverse effect it provides to also the pupil and very that it is small area rumor what coming out immediately You think that it becomes awkward but it is When even the pupil is caught the te this person badly it becomes unable to take in the tournament don t you think Even this person doing such if when the te it leaks it becomes unable to appear in the tournament had and did not think kana…
                                                            • 它也伤害了学生和鳕鱼一样,学校的东西暴露在像不雅,因为我真正有影响力的,即使学生获得绝对邪恶Kunaku觉得不对劲立刻感到了规模较小的区域谣言都是一模一样你将错过一个游戏马祖鳕鱼捕获这个人?我觉得我不能这样做,如果你错过任何一场比赛时,泄漏今年,因为这些人 As expected because there is a capability the open wa it is inside the tsu te school the se faked the way doing the cod When adverse effect it provides to also the pupil and very that it is small area rumor what coming out immediately You think that it becomes awkward but it is When even the pupil is caught the te this person badly it becomes unable to take in the tournament don t you think Even this person doing such if when the te it leaks it becomes unable to appear in the tournament had and did not think kana…

                                                          • 戏后从他们的父母认为,他们成了解散的吸毒者在家庭中著名的积木852码的,一个错误的家庭非常糟糕的价值观瓦特Shibaraku梳一个小过道Nakarazu接受,伦理,这是不好的经济意义(反社会,非生产性)如何消灭或家庭历史,社会,不是吗?可以降低整体风险有所Nakarazu
                                                            852 The parent who with the building block destroying had become famous was remembered After the drama converting, doing for a while, it collapses truly with [shiyabu] and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is the useless family w Sense of value inside the family which is succeeded little, ethical view, economic conception If this useless (counter social, non-productive) makes the lineage eradicable, it can decrease social entire risk little the [ro] which is

                                                            • 我不知道梁母亲收到了他们的父母虐待,而且在报复谁体罚538
                                                              538 Although corporal punishment doing in retaliation Also that mother abuse received from the parent kana

                                                              • 我们。我们相信,被告类似协议呢? “收费监护人遗弃罪”对我应该放弃目前修订的法律监护人的更加紧密,单“作为一个父亲,兔和精子通过水平”像蝗虫甚至提出Terya金失败的应变恩戴我运行一个刑法橄榄球导演的儿童从他们的父亲DQN:押尾学夫石田Zyuniti本
                                                                . It isn't something which is similar to the defendant? Agreement! In order to become stricter, law it should amend “protective patsy abandonment crime” As for current protective patsy abandonment crime [tsu] [te], Simply “even the gold and the spermatozoon offering, as a [ri] [ya] father passing” like Therefore law of the locust and rabbit level the child being warped, it runs to crime, it is DQN fathers of disqualification: Junichi Ishida Osio study The latest Rugby supervision

                                                                • 我指的是典型的英式橄榄球大辅定型大阪领导下村一,良好的信誉界和解决在一些崇拜者的灵性,除了一个专业Kunakatta他们千农业彻底橄榄球!没有人归因于该交易所的下场!刚手流黑人也死,如果它确实感觉!兰花和腿的你准备死!这是明显的排列滑稽或父亲和女儿 With the spiritual principle which you call Rugby guidance tsu te typical Osaka popularity quality of Simomura large mediating helping or are thorough Excluding the worship person of part reputation it was not good even in the Rugby boundary Agricultural specialty thousand tackle and Until it ends everyone s one person returning If you do with the air which dies it can win also oruburatsukusu You dies the preparedness which foot viewing and The father daughter being even it is strange clearly
                                                                  • 323好了,你的面前,“如果妇女那样,” 如果我Ittanjan苏先生指出下村的女人“的女人,”我说我喜欢 323 Obtaining you “if the woman doing” the tsu te once it is… If it points to suspect Simomura who is the woman “this woman” saying

                                                                • 我的祖父是如此幸运日结婚这位小姐说,我必须参加庆应义塾是第一个男孩,我爱一战或收养的子女比以前的“家”,进入主的头脑集中恩戴简而言之,拉里尔“如果它是制造的,”这是一个核心家庭和日本通常试图通过婚介我,如果普通的血液“的”退出汉字不再害怕混合战后驱动tTA滥用合 As for the grandfather inside however it was the adopted child entering school of higher grade to Keio as an eldest son When it is good getting married with your this girl so it was happy Was “house” concern Japan prior to world war 2 from love if it is with it is liked ahead rendering service It requires “if it to be possible you avoid ” it was the adopted child tsu te corresponding commonly normal We fear the nuclear family and the how postwar to abuse the Japanese “lineage principle” to blend The can ji which is not the exit
                                                                  • 辱骂父母,但很多人说,他们已被滥用,孩子们认为他们是像你一样不想要什么,我不认为我看看吗?与父母不爱,我会说我不知道谁是你喜欢孩子吗? The parent who abuses says that there is many a thing which is abused but Point the same thinking as by yourself to the child you do not want with you do not think It is it probably is what Unless it is loved in the parent you say that the child one it is not recognized dearly but They probably are such ones

                                                                • 我知道,他的例子是学校老师被捕涉嫌猥亵公众,是在某些情况下被解雇
                                                                  With the example which by his has known, the public school teacher flagrant delict is arrested at the 痴 China, There is a case which has become disciplinary dismissal

                                                                  • 据我所知退休(有经验的教师都和私人公众)为自愿性事先逮捕,同样的老师对私营部门
                                                                    If me you know, (there is a public teacher and private both experience) Before the arresting as for making retire independently, people and the teacher the same

                                                                    • 教育本身是没有被忽视驱动tTA意识到,这是一切我自己684,这意味着我们的孩子同样的事 Don t you think this is everything 684 By his being abandoned childcare don t you think the notion that there is no consciousness itself which was brought up did the same thing to also our child
                                                                      • 做自己不被意识到教育的疏忽照顾儿童驱动tTA 684这一切,这意味着我们的孩子同样的事 Don t you think this is everything 684 By his being abandoned childcare don t you think the notion that there is no consciousness itself which was brought up did the same thing to also our child
                                                                      • 我本身不知道的是我我是正当合理的,如果你能驱赶驱赶约341谋杀案做 341 Homicide the extent which is done being cornered if the ru Being cornered there is no ru consciousness itself it is
                                                                      • 教育而不知道自己疏忽照顾儿童驱动tTA 683,我做了同样的事情,我的孩子 683 By his being abandoned childcare don t you think the notion that there is no consciousness which was brought up did the same thing to also our child
                                                                      • 教育而不知道自己疏忽照顾儿童驱动tTA 684,我做了同样的事情,我的孩子 684 By his being abandoned childcare don t you think the notion that there is no consciousness which was brought up did the same thing to also our child

                                                                    • 无损检测编号:FaeNx7Vt0不认为是女人宽大的空间?
                                                                      It is with ID: As for FaeNx7Vt0 You think that there is a margin of feeling condition consideration in that woman?

                                                                      • 早苗怀疑,一些忽视和挖掘古父亲是明智的,散步,玩耍的两个孩子能生产茂木塞古门用胶带带来持久的音频附表死于饥饿的身体甚至没有成年
                                                                        That also the father neglected, hitting it is, but As for suspect Sanae becoming an adult, death by starvation it is not done Having the strong body where two also children can bear There is to an intelligence where it closes the door with the gummed cloth tape and plays and walks

                                                                        • 早苗是一个合理的处罚相称与他的父亲以及愚蠢的行为人的虐待儿童及受害者和犯罪者,因为在同一时间
                                                                          Sanae to be the assailant, because it is the victim simultaneously, Fit punishment to also the foolish father as a child abuse assailant is applied

                                                                          • 早苗是人类的下村,三重县,在刚刚抵达大阪霜冻之前没有虐待埃塔爱知后生活
                                                                            Sanae Simomura being the human of Mie prefecture, while it holds the life of abuse passing Aichi, just arrived to Osaka on just a little front

                                                                            • 法院早苗,但他们应得的,我的父亲会被毒死父亲批评我的父母说什么创作的我没我有道义上的责任,责任在成年人虐待或白痴当然新Biterudake人民种是暴力
                                                                              But as for Sanae being judged, the proper, the father probably is poison parent [tsu] [te] criticism, but Legal responsibility it is not, but the [tsu] [te] which has moral responsibility speaking to the father, although the [ru], When you become an adult, idiocy the people raging concerning self responsibility, abuse [sure] extending, just the [ru

                                                                              • 滚装船在比赛中找到了执法这个犹太人民。 W罪是错误的,回避法官的同情和杀死高,但我们一直在挑战自己,父母和我的基地不是免费的┐( ー )┌ The ho and others see w Now execution 猶 You are not wrong shelf w However the base is and becomes the parent and our is high killing the sympathy of the judgment member Crime although it is not is equal don t you think the ┐ the the ┌
                                                                                • 滚装船在比赛中找到了执法这个犹太人民。这是错误的瓦特回避罪恶和杀死我的孩子的父母是挑战 持有它的基础和即使没有┐( ー )┌ The ho and others see w Now execution 猶 You are not wrong shelf w However the base is and becomes the parent and our is high killing the sympathy of the judgment member Crime although it is not is equal don t you think the ┐ the the ┌

                                                                              • 神山Zyun儿科谁先生举办的研讨会上说,“我们倾向于谈道德而醒来早,睡觉,我想s的传输是重要的头部发育和儿童的身体在”如果你去问味下 As for Jun Kamiyama of the pediatrician which sponsors symposium When “you mention going to bed early early rising but to become moral story tend in the head of the children and advancement of the body We would like to keep conveying the fact that” it is important you said
                                                                                • 神山Zyun儿科谁先生举办的研讨会上说,“我们倾向于谈道德而醒来早,睡觉,我想s的传输是重要的头部发育和儿童的身体在”如果你去问味下 As for Jun Kamiyama of the pediatrician which sponsors symposium When “you mention going to bed early early rising but to become moral story tend in the head of the children and advancement of the body We would like to keep conveying the fact that” it is important you said
                                                                                • 神山Zyun儿科谁先生举办的研讨会上说,“我们倾向于谈道德而醒来早,睡觉,我想s的传输是重要的头部发育和儿童的身体在”如果你去问味下 As for Jun Kamiyama of the pediatrician which sponsors symposium When “you mention going to bed early early rising but to become moral story tend in the head of the children and advancement of the body We would like to keep conveying the fact that” it is important you said

                                                                              • 结婚走进古玻璃一踢,成为高水位的趋势,其他低级别Kunaru
                                                                                Goes in the glass as for the water which when it can tilt, as for one side water level It becomes high, already as for one side water level becomes low

                                                                                • 虐待致人死亡或受伤。签署请愿书和防止残酷对待社会努力建立及 - [签署请愿书,如果电视 -
                                                                                  Abuse lethal scar. Directing in enactment and abuse prevention society, petition signature - If you sign are active 'signature TV'

                                                                                  • 该公司报告的名称为:工作报告犯罪分子在私营部门的421工作,以垃圾量(包括销售人员)公司这样的制造商或如果脸-下,“上班族”的面貌就好像它是常见的东西除了暴力犯罪
                                                                                    421 As for the company name of the company where the criminal works at private company being reported when mass rubbish duty (the salesman it includes) is, kana When the manufacturer is, as for the company name [hu] [se] [te] “office worker” [tsu] [te] reporting is general Excluding considerable brutal crime

                                                                                    • 调整背景都添加了468小的情况下,我重新考虑如何在儿童咨询中心,〜是不是快的工作,如他们提出这样的悲剧,但每个孩子会认为你的需要。反映处罚严重性,使有关主体如果它想塞板 468 Just a little addition Inspecting the background of incident not to make the individual being in order such miserable child you endeavor As for taking a second look the ideal way of the child advisory board it probably is necessary with you think but it is quick Weight of punishment of this person We want stopping to add
                                                                                      • 调整背景都添加了468小的情况下,我重新考虑如何在儿童咨询中心,〜是不是快的工作,如他们提出这样的悲剧,但每个孩子会认为你的需要。反映处罚严重性,使有关主体如果它想塞板 468 Just a little addition Inspecting the background of incident not to make the individual being in order such miserable child you endeavor As for taking a second look the ideal way of the child advisory board it probably is necessary with you think but it is quick Weight of punishment of this person We want stopping to add

                                                                                    • 责任,如果没有犯罪,但光175,如果你有自己的生物信息学的孩子杀人罪,虽然说我有一个重大责任,以父母的孩子是40岁50岁是真正忽视父母虐待的效果,但继续鼓 175 If light crime but self responsibility Your own child say you committed homicide if is it is possible to say that there is a serious responsibility even in the parent and When it is neglect truly the child 40 years old becoming in 50 years old influence of abuse of the parent continues

                                                                                      • 赫枯工作,暴力犯罪作为一般的好:1。有)2缺陷的精神和智力(池塘一定程度的心理疾病。开始数,如果生活悲惨(破碎的家庭,包括虐待的经验),以及-持有许多本
                                                                                        Well as a outline brutal crime as for the person who works 1. There is a defect in intelligence and mind, (the swamp of fixed level, the psychosis) 2. Miserable background (broken family, abuse experience it includes) This is many,

                                                                                        • 身体毁灭证据的214件将是一个单一的“身体损害法”在日本唯一的光,他们几乎没有犯罪“滔天罪行”不被视为一个比较小
                                                                                          214 It is no more than a light crime, evidence as for being extinct, mere “corpse damage” to a disjointed corpse With the Japanese law “brutal crime” it is not regarded possibly On the other hand misdemeanor

                                                                                          • 这将是相当强的父亲影响,他照顾她的女儿凯塔交投萎缩,而仍然留手流近Etara郁认为,细心的父亲缺席,而且她的母亲 But the mother being absence when you think of that the father who raises the daughter carefully it is After all while staying in side the father where the interest for the daughter is thin influence is stronger don t you think probably will be
                                                                                            • 父亲,以及如何努力分开她的孙子,使消费者问题上的不 And the father the doubt does not go out whether it does the effort that it probably will detach the grandchild from the daughter

                                                                                          • 这次研讨会提出打开,和一批儿科医生,千代田区,东京,约100人参加场地和教育工作者 The group which is made with the doctor et al of pediatrics to open this symposium in Tokyo Chiyoda Ku meeting place Approximately 100 people such as education authorized personnel participated
                                                                                            • 这次研讨会提出打开,和一批儿科医生,千代田区,东京,约100人参加场地和教育工作者 The group which is made with the doctor et al of pediatrics to open this symposium in Tokyo Chiyoda Ku meeting place Approximately 100 people such as education authorized personnel participated
                                                                                            • 这次研讨会提出打开,和一批儿科医生,千代田区,东京,约100人参加场地和教育工作者 The group which is made with the doctor et al of pediatrics to open this symposium in Tokyo Chiyoda Ku meeting place Approximately 100 people such as education authorized personnel participated

                                                                                          • 这父亲“恋童癖罪犯”,我相信没有字的?仅仅16年,你甚至从你的手,教孩子们在日本结婚的女人,我以为我不应该得到家长的同意,如果16岁? (这当然不能捍卫我的父亲是不是。) The “ rorikon offender” you cannot call this father it is it isn t Assuming that the hand was provided to the disciple it does in the last 16 years old the yo in Japan If it became 16 years old you can get married it is there was no woman with approval prerequisite of the guardian There is no reason which of course can protect this father
                                                                                            • 关于过去,不应该有一个教练,甚至敌视和批评爆发吞它出现在表中认为,尽管痛苦,它也悄悄地主张政权更迭是 Although the coach the expectation which is putting out in regard to the section and until now thinking bitterly it did not appear in the chart Antipathy and criticism gushing and protection group becoming placid at a stroke it is administration alternation

                                                                                          • 那么今天我太严厉,私营部门,如果这个父亲的名声很大,如果私营部门,高呼“火”大约在进攻手机将不会被砍头

                                                                                            • 阅读及聆听债券,成为家长积极参与了大脑的情感,控制,它是儿童在最近的一份研究报告,帮助我们沟通 In addition read and tell in the parent very feeling You say that portion of the brain which it controls becomes active is useful to the communication of the child Recent research was reported
                                                                                              • 阅读及聆听债券,成为家长积极参与了大脑的情感,控制,它是儿童在最近的一份研究报告,帮助我们沟通 In addition read and tell in the parent very feeling You say that portion of the brain which it controls becomes active is useful to the communication of the child Recent research was reported
                                                                                              • 阅读及聆听债券,成为家长积极参与了大脑的情感,控制,它是儿童在最近的一份研究报告,帮助我们沟通 In addition read and tell in the parent very feeling You say that portion of the brain which it controls becomes active is useful to the communication of the child Recent research was reported

                                                                                            • 雅愚弄我们希望避免死刑的人权Sayomasugomi事实意味着什么,甚至不掩饰她的父亲的罪行,但为何只成年预测井 But well mere estimate Crime of the daughter who becomes an adult with whatever covering in the father what there is no either meaning fact As for the foolish sayomasugomi human rights house where we would like to evade capital punishment
                                                                                              • 比以前多一点空间公共处决令人震惊的事件在这里更好的100倍 At this incident than room open something of execution before this was 100 time shock

                                                                                            • 需要给予更多的照顾,因为父亲驱动tTA线出来,我恨他的父亲回家驱动tTA首先要说,我不离婚 Divorcing that first it returns to the house although the father said When that it is hateful because it kept coming out Trouble as for the necessity to see there is no father above that
                                                                                              • 不要认为过去是不热了 也许提出一个专门的父亲来自潜意识 Remembering the harsh past … It confronts the father who comes from latency consciousness whether to be accustomed to applying don t you think

                                                                                            • (严格的“事业”,是“刑罚不坏的人”或死亡是“”或无罪“,”怎么能说是好的“”不要作恶“”你得到的钱“”不“ 我不在乎它,它应该是Kimere判断别人对自己的意愿 To the last “cause” being “as for being bad This person” is and capital punishment ” “innocence ” “that being good ” “bad thing ” “It becomes the gold ” “it doesn t become ” such a thing is a how good thing Others either the judge or should have decided selfishly
                                                                                              • “或者”死亡“或有罪”,“怎样才能当好”“不要作恶”“你得到钱”“不要” 这是其他人甚至没有远程,未经允许将法官应该是Kimere “Capital punishment ” “innocence ” “that being good ” “bad thing ” “It becomes the gold ” “it doesn t become ” such a thing is a how good thing Others either the judge or should have decided selfishly
                                                                                              • 很可惜,我来倾听和同情,也不要很安静,反正死刑 Don t you think it was pitiful that don t you think and others you applied because pitying Temporarily to be placid with capital punishment it becomes easy and is

                                                                                            研究 開発