“As for son 40 generations. If this year marriage useless,” with parent and child which abandons company group corresponding meeting of 婚 life… 400 human participation
...我想离开这个驱动tTA破坏生活在一个坏的基因或没有时间在好得皆婚自然选择421 421
Because it is weeded out naturally, there is no good thing?
Be able to make everyone 婚 age, because the bad gene survived, the [ro] which is this disastrous state what
40处女female m没有很好的良好截拳道(゚д 我),我想说的是什么分心Dosakusa As for 40 generation virgins of the woman assuming that it is good To be good well д ゚ me Being mistaken in dosakusa something saying and the ru
468这是一个故事,不只是因为瓦特家伙从茹Kimoi和从来没有见过这样的地方是它自己,任何人都 468 Therefore because as for that you see therefore the kimoi man tsu te story with reason w In the first place when in any man that it is such a place itself it does not come and
我不知道他和许多古基莫,但可怕的代谢症候群 But heart man and metabo etc are many enormously don t you think it is probably will be
617障碍和设置自己的,我期望的利益命运想到我喜欢的东西 617 Personally while sets the hurdle having expected to destiny there is an interest to romantic love you think that it is
学校如“什么是美好的我爱”如果我的理论,“不要鼓吹 In the school and the like “the romantic love tsu te it is splendid” when how you explain “you preach
618 我就已经喝醉的悲剧,我那幺因达发生了什么事没有责任 618 gt Becoming drunk from tragedy because there is a ru place blaming there is no meaning it is
我就喝了悲剧的618,我那幺因达发生了什么事没有责任 618 Becoming drunk from tragedy because there is a ru place blaming there is no meaning it is
81想让他们穿着萨拉 81 We would like dressing the sailor suit
383它,俺1瓦特 383 That we it is w
摆在我们面前,我想? You et al how you think
NULL As for this in the simplicity calculation as for the man approximately 1 000 000 or more “as for the recent woman you look at the man to active 50 generation In the phenomenon which is called there free romantic love making the man be left over excessively applying stimulation The 2 000 000 3 000 000 person close man from this unites to motenai layer and is this te ru possibility The lowest being 1 000 000 person close man the probability which loneliness stops dying is very high Furthermore endeavoring vis a vis some romantic love there is also a possibility nothing entering into the hand becoming wasteful effort The ro where and evolution of medical technology this man applies stimulation excessively and is now to But the man it is left over worldwide this keeps expanding in each case the world giant remainder It is not unable to rush in times When this it is of becoming wasteful effort the possibility is spent to the hobby of the individual the one which Still perhaps happiness
这是简单的算术题,以50多岁的男子活跃在超过1亿至2 0亿加快无关的事情,使他们多一个近300万男男性过多的现象,自由恋爱的现在何处男人不近1亿人,至少你能找到它一双层Motenai甚至没有试图给他们一些爱死亡的概率非常高的孤单,他们不把你什么也得不到和医疗技术的发展可能是徒劳,不是吗?加速踢他挂了,现在要 As for this in the simplicity calculation as for the man approximately 1 000 000 or more “as for the recent woman you look at the man to active 50 generation In the phenomenon which is called there free romantic love making the man be left over excessively applying stimulation The 2 000 000 3 000 000 person close man from this unites to motenai layer and is this te ru possibility The lowest being 1 000 000 person close man the probability which loneliness stops dying is very high Furthermore endeavoring vis a vis some romantic love there is also a possibility nothing entering into the hand becoming wasteful effort The ro where and evolution of medical technology this man applies stimulation excessively and is now to But the man it is left over worldwide this keeps expanding in each case the world giant remainder It is not unable to rush in times When this it is of becoming wasteful effort the possibility is spent to the hobby of the individual the one which Still perhaps happiness
♂♀30岁,已婚40岁的常识是错误的或传统的智慧 40 years old XXFEM 30 years old XXMAL with as for marriage generality world is unpalatable sensibly, is?
一个类似于他们来参加配对按摩是我不认为具有讽刺意味的通勤我觉得很难有理想的人不高的父母或主要音频恩丑陋的丑陋的女人,但我恨自己,我希望你瓦特更为自信,我想你最好寻找利基市场 Sarcasm rubbing because the kind of person who participates in corresponding meeting this person or the parent the te ideal is high so not to be thought Very you think that it is serious This person so thinking when as for u although by himself is busaiku busaiku as for the woman when it is hateful w Considerably if there is a self confidence it is good but don t you think you think that the one which is searched in the niche market is better
具有讽刺意味的,良好的游戏场景,有一个问题,提升游戏的提出呕吐,我想提升的游戏组是在20世纪90年代浪漫远远强元素 When there is the question that sarcasm list the game whose scenario is good especially and the game which is impressed but as for being arrested game group what where the romantic love element of nineties is strong preponderantly
一代,也一直是学生的铁路优惠,他们得到了完美的851 851 Having pulling the perfect rail it is the generation who lives
不但不听尴尬的嘴,甚至是那些只走谁 You cannot walk also will not in person being the case that you cannot hear the mouth
你不仅英俊的情侣不获通过 Just ikemen will not be a reason where the couple is formed and
不能爱的人,因为生活是如何告诉rather than the成年人正确“明确了该机构of工作崇高的浪漫元素,make it and bring到play professional technology驱动tTA “但我不出来 If it does from the human who does not fall in love on the other hand the adult you say because it did the how to live is correct very “romantic love it is splendid but the reason where professional how ones which had the technology which makes the works which sublimate and that plays” come out
人们无法爱,而不是因为我现在的生活变得更加正确地说,而一个成年人 If it does from the human who does not fall in love on the other hand the adult you say because it did the how to live is correct very “romantic love it is splendid but the reason where professional how ones which had the technology which makes the works which sublimate and that plays” come out
不过,童婚和葡萄采摘我说我可爱,每个人都喜欢,但我不认为他们会举行一次或年轻比较 But it is lovely in everyone If the tsu te the child and the kind of marriage which are said have done like while being young from party only persevere You think that it is not
81( Д ) 81 д
909古同等效力 909 Similarly the excessiveness
但是,如果你想嫁给我亲爱的孩子葡萄采摘人说,但我不认为他们会举行一次或年轻比较 But it is lovely in everyone If the tsu te the child and the kind of marriage which are said have done like while being young from party only persevere You think that it is not
你应该没有结婚220 220 You think that you do not get married and the te are good
因此,如果你想结婚,但有孩子,他们认为更多的好 If we want the child as for marriage the one which is done is good however it is distant another
因此,所有我想结婚?我把你的风险我看到一个男人结婚 Everyone we would like to getting married so When you see from the man marriage how risk the tsu the ze which is
地址是多少似乎交换 But about address exchange has done like …
婚姻?它没有这样的时间增多了 Marriage Already there are no such age it does yo w
峨布萨只会增加孩子即使我离开了一个类似的物种已经结婚无论如何 How the se getting married leaving kind The busa child who is similar to we just increases
忘了401,而不必I型 401 Formula how it does not do and the te calling is
我们甚至会说这样的difficulties ll进一步已婚和有子女 Getting married after so long a time that the child make being said the difficulty tsu chi ya u ze
我们甚至会说这样的difficulties ll进一步已婚和有子女 Getting married after so long a time that the child make being said the difficulty tsu chi ya u ze
交易所目前的趋势是说,他们支持卖淫和约会一样 When prostitution is rephrased help association, it is the same
人口更糟,它会导致金融崩溃 The movement of population which deteriorates becomes to cause public finance failure
他不能娶他们的父母是不相关的Konakerya爱 _NULL_
但他们知道我不是这样的价格纹,或我不想要一个高点25000? 5日至6000日元左右伸了个懒腰 Such it is you do not know quotation tsu te but it is 25 000 Yen tsu te it isn t high Sensuously about 5 6000 Yen
但在女子妇女原谅,我是同情优秀石窟遭受每个Betara听到男人总是其中介绍了“像一个女孩”,“娘娘腔”与人葬 As for the woman being the woman however magnanimously to be kind being effective with sympathy As for the man when trouble is always expressed “it is effeminate” that this person abuses “to the habit of the man”
男人觉得女性以及获得绝对的门槛,但我们受到任何轻微的环境 The man with ease woman similar makes be effective with any trivial trouble the environment without fail is
但是,由于菲律宾人在日本最近发现有点意思Komoti大家看到现在是我不能想到一个未婚已婚离婚Komoti奇诺菲律宾 But because what the Philippine person who to Japan is calls everyone child having was recently found When now with the Philippine person of the batsu child having you could get married that is you think and have searched
你可以自由安排,如果我们对一个非营利组织(看?)的城市,它就像 If you search, being free, the NPO corporate body which you mediate (? If) like the urban district well enough it is
你如果只是想离婚的遣散费,即使我结婚狙迫使瓦特 Overstraining, marriage how doing, mature age of the retirement lump sum grant aim it just is divorced, the [ro] w
你看起来像这样的名校爱498国进学校学习,都会造成干扰,如 498 The entrance into a school school or the distinguished school of countryside the shelf which probably will be melted Romantic love becomes the disturbance of study like
498“○○成为阻碍学习理论”我就像一个破碎的一天晒黑 498 “0 destruction is does like it becomes the disturbance of study” theory once upon a time it is
你还没有被允许,还是这样一个愚蠢的国家 When it is countryside such senselessness being allowed it reaches it is the shelf
家庭,甚至是不可能的,因为整个村庄疯狂 The extent where the whole group and the whole village are not possible is senselessly
其实,说有更大的敏感性是失去了这样的 Actually a story that it is large for such sensitivity to be lost
失去的是这样的故事,是更大的敏感性 A story that so it is large for such sensitivity to be lost
化学而不是怀疑from m女性的垃圾恩戴遗传质量 Affinity how like this is not, the female refuses with quality of the gene, therefore it is
在你这么多,不是吗?,图标,甚至是鲨鱼和人民赋予我゙Kimomenfu额定啊附加了丧亲后的婚姻和抽筋,他们可以采取拉东西寡妇Komoti音频 Because the ro which is this with the human who is appraised applies in you When kimomenhu ゙ samen is Rear attachment huh hanging the marriage partner and classified by death it did pulling child having widow what and taking and others being done
如果没有对野人或阅读Menakatsu色调和空气基莫 There is no to mania and the air cannot read either the te and or heart applies
她无历史年龄(25),并处女,市政府的工作,如何更好地好,他们开始Konkatsu元开发外记独居孤独死亡...所以这仍然是一个处女和 Her it is not, history = age (25) and, the ephebe, with city hall duty and intense [devu] one person living
婚 life the one which is begun is good the kana… where
When this way is, loneliness it may die with the ephebe
如果不是愚蠢立即自重 The fool it is not
The [gu] die thickly
如果年轻人看到他们不可能辜受益不希望把一个更好的新闻 Because the merit pushing for wound better ku te by your is not visible the young person it does not wish to be popular
如果我有一老一集体相称的tive收集是收集和战争的退伍军人遗孀和女儿嫁给了错过川原,焚烧场,只 Former times burn and get married with the demobilized soldier in the field and Kawahara the [so] [bi] [re] are the daughter and the war widow
Just you gather gathering, the group it corresponded it rubbed
婚姻业务的财政困难,因为,我很好只是要求代理人把一个常设的肯定吗?需要选择适当的泵 Because marriage business is management difficulty, [sure] it raises, requesting
Don't you think? the operative just is thrown?
In a word match pump
家长:“你想结婚,成为”儿童“是 Parent Because “you it came to the point of getting married ” Child “As for…… ”
我认为这是他一生幸运的婚姻 As for marriage you think that life maximum it is happy
就像在没有更好的Nareyashinai已婚体面招标的幸福是不可能在性别年 The unreasonable spear getting married at that year, it seems that the world body merely just becomes good and very happily to be accustomed is not the palm…
已婚妇女在这一年,但不太可能说大多为40岁以上的儿童 Gitara和梦想。 Kitty与该名男子,他们认为一般人是没有一个人的问题瓦特的,我想你嫁给了一个正常的,除非家长陪同的前40瓦,而离开我远,DQN率,我瓦特高 As for the woman when 40 it passes although you say that also the child it becomes difficult possible almost Getting married at that year with you dream The wa w which you think that also it is the kitty If the normal person who human is not problem you think that without parent company you have gotten married normally 40 ago w Doing to here DQN ratio it is high enormously to remain w
爱心老板烤,烤酸做护理消失 Also the care burning superior and the care burning old lady so doing it disappeared
想不妥协,直到结婚不是一个缺点,老单的暴发,特别是由一个单一的力量,然后我刚刚拿到我的一代谁也是单身的朋友或周围的东西之间的那种释然,难怪差异我们不认为单身老人世代从现在是一个困难的和迅速变化的环境不 Because especially there is no inconvenience with while it is celibacy separately Until compromising unreasonably don t you think it is proper to stop wanting to get married Type friend kana is oak viewing also around celibacy the tsu it puts out Because we generation is not wrong celibacy old person mass occurrence Also environment changing suddenly celibacy of the current old person generation That much you think that it does not trouble
茹我Kottaro取自低收入,是不太可能会原谅我的打扰丰富代基纳776?排减单位,增加或结婚或人为的,但有一个或多余的巨大压力对那些谁不能把 776 The sled ya a gold having if the te it does not do anyhow It is possible and improbable the tsu lever tsu which is taken low from the income earner it is the ro But the person who cannot be turned to the pressure place or excessive may occur in large quantities Or marriage just of shape increases when
我不容许它在几乎42♂... XXMAL But 42 but room,…
我也爱可以永远来自这样一个人在40多岁由家长陪同冷血 Therefore the kind of man who with 40 generations comes being unconcerned with parent company either romantic love was not possible until now don t you think it is probably will be
我以为你知道你爱自己的信息收集和网络tive即将被禁止海砂丽卡 It will be prohibited from around but if gathering information and connections with own power the tsu te prerequisite which falls in love it is understood
我似乎正在成长的一代否认放弃社会边缘 Abandoning social characteristic from the edge, it is appearance of the generation who denies growth
我可以向你保证,696是有点太短头骨 696
So, you who can be asserted are in attendance, but it is not enough a little
我喜欢现在除了624,这不是一个好女人,我说的四郎 624 We would like to fall in love after so long a time is you do not call that it is good woman introduction margin
我是624 但是,为什么要启动防御形势附表自我并已履行不 624 … But it is when the circumstance which is not filled up continues it starts acquiring the reason for self defense
我有,为什么要为起点自卫的情况显示细节,它已不能满足 … But it is when the circumstance which is not filled up continues it starts acquiring the reason for self defense
我是一个百万富翁求婚584女服务员国际什么真实的故事NetA的失业与扫 584 The large magnate doing to shake inoccupation in the waitress true story of marriage proposal tsu te overseas news item oh the seed
我画一个自由恋爱的狂欢从692型改变战后进入北美后 692
Because after the war to paint it changed to the North American type free romantic love at a stroke,
我站在帮助丽卡FF11钓鱼做Konkatsu Fishing or FF11 doing, the [wa] which it uses in 婚 life
我说这是40岁的单身无疑 即总是不错的,拉断』讲的是愉快的眼睛 In other words when it is celibacy in 40 years old That you say it is looked it does feeling bad thing always and accomplishes difference is not
我也绝对,我会成为一个40s的 We securely keeps becoming 40 generation celibacies it is probably will be
本机不仅可以利用布萨是无论如何卡兹井税 When it is which being full [busa], tax making, it is accustomed to only the machine which is exploited or
查看详细资料包括抑郁症击败日本NHK特别 NHK special Japan is hammered to the 鬱
没有其他的爱人,也莫出去了这个两维的,它的自然放牧制度,还需要我爱伪冉冉 There is no interest such as romantic love two dimensions and the sprouting and main point viewing false romantic love main point viewing tsu te ones are original herbivorous system
爱加或一个怪胎,作为一个伪爱像朱家桥的Burgers哈马 Or love plus and the mania the hammer tsu te ru way in the false romantic love like AKB
经过单和30多岁,我热爱生活的人们是幸福的,这是极少数 With celibacy after 30, happily life the human who is glorified how, it is extremely small amount
编号:XfKSqY110人穿着他们或米娜听到耀西做些事情,你Kimoi _NULL_
而且只有当行会在情感上的压力燮樱桃 The cherry becoming the mental heavy load, if the [ru] go even with [sopu] and
联系与官僚主义。大娱乐,有些人说什么或赎回精灵,守Hazime对本国防部次卿共同点,唯一的一个婴儿潮一代,但财政部官员驱动tTA的婴儿潮是轮奸线 At bureaucracy connection. The person and the Moriya former assistant secretary of the latest defensive ministry such as demon God or hospitable Daio just the baby boom generation simply one produces the common section, group rape the bureaucracy of the financial affairs ministry which does is the nodule junior
蚂蚁的生殖行为和社会生活的蚂蚁,我们一直在没有任何工作 The [ro] where life reproduction behavior the unrelated worker ant is even in society of the ant and is
达罗不可能是没有急于对二手车埃约现场的婚姻枷锁的封赌男性和女性谁出席 The lottery [bi] doing to come with the man and woman who attends the seal point to the report of marriage at that place the [chi] [ya] to obtain,
About the force unless it is, the [ro] which is unreasonable
这很容易做饭,使用411或百货公司的地下室,很容易使用洗衣机洗涤例如,Y型衬衫或我们应该怎样使在清洁和嘿我不是一个女人,即使他们的贫穷 411 If the depa underground utilizing simplicity it puts out cooking and the washer uses also the laundry simplicity it puts out It should have carried the Y shirt to cleaning and the woman is not and it does not trouble either the te is
这很容易做饭,使用418或百货公司的地下室,很容易使用洗衣机洗涤例如,Y型衬衫或我们应该怎样使在清洁和嘿我不是一个女人,即使他们的贫穷 418 If the depa underground utilizing simplicity it puts out cooking and the washer uses also the laundry simplicity it puts out It should have carried the Y shirt to cleaning and the woman is not and it does not trouble either the te is
部分为中谁是你的更年期站的人都离开Kyariu The person in question to carry Woo bureau converting, with the change of life obstacle is abandoned to everyone
长山洋子最近200(42)外国总统(43),我制作了一个健康的男性之间的第一个孩子 200
Recently long mountain Youko (42) with foreign presidents (43)
That the vigorous child boy was borne,
顽强的医生,神奈川县一名男子。卡亚柯其站于7月31日,1丁目,藤泽市鹄沼海岸,齐藤悦子岁的嫌疑人(51)跟踪和法律拘捕涉嫌违反反,并宣布 Assuming that it hung on in the man of the medical practitioner, Kanagawa prefecture. Saw grass as for promontory station on the 31st, Fujisawa city 鵠 swamp coastal 1 Chome,
Suspect Etsuko jobless Saito (51) it arrested with stoker regulation method violation suspicion, announced
驱动tTA认为是爱的必要元素,这意味着通常一样 As for thinking as for normal romantic love and the necessary element the same Say
谁是那些优秀的故事尊重没有这样的元素 Without such element the story which is superior the one which can be made is respected