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Section meeting of the gratuitous conversion Democratic party of the Korean school, “you do not question quality of education”, that acknowledging the standard plan which is done


  • 11月8日举行2007年赞助民团“投票外国居民及早落实,地方基层普选!”参加国会会议,尽管国家团结和投诉排减单位, “我不能让另一 It was held on 2007 November 8th people group sponsors “early of local denizenship of permanent residence foreign local denizenship legislative conversion ” With In spite also during the National Diet session it can participate in the nationwide rising to action conference which it appeals “cannot leave anymore
    • 小泽 政治 “民主的,在韩国的外国人地方选举权缅因州我第一次认识到我 Democracy Ozawa “Local denizenship of the foreigner most recognizing even in Korea of main the ru

  • 3)37万日元的联盟在这个“补贴”已作为一个Ntsukyouso 3 37 000 000 Yen among these was delivered to Nitukiyou group as a “grant” from combination
    • 3)其余1亿日元Ntsukyouso上半身,“协会”捐赠 3 Remaining 100 000 000 Yen was contributed to the superior body “combination” of Nitukiyou group
    • ü愚蠢的人使用税,如果其他的反日教育日本哦,推翻民主政府遵守 NULL

  • 537然后,你不喜欢的国家,例如在日本学校。即使如此,教育和支持,我承认我吗?如果可以,只是请求权,乞丐 537 If is for example the Japanese school is hateful in your country Educating recognizing it helps it is the shelf It is not possible if just right you insist the beggar
    • 我是来自理工学院作性别,养老援助 Because we the sex technical professional school it makes help the ro

  • 5)这对经验给予被用来帮助儿童在学校里,我主要是通过韩国工作
    5) This grant was used in work support to the child whom it is passing mainly to the Korean school

    • NULL mjk ac g55PdN ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┯ ━ ━ ━ ┯ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ country │ tuition │ foreign school ┃ ┃ │ │ ┃ The ┃ United States │ non │ ┃ ┃ England │ non │ ┃ ┃ Canada │ non │ ┃ ┃ Italy │ collection symbol │ ┃ ┃ Australia │ non │ ┃ ┃ Germany │ non │ ┃ ┃ France │ non │ ┃ ┃ Sweden │ non │ ┃ ┃ New Zealand │ non │ ┃ ┃ Austria │ non │ ┃ ┃ Belgium │ non │ ┃ ┃ Denmark │ non │ ┃ ┃ Finland │ non │ ┃ ┃ Holland │ non │ ┃ ┃ Mexico │ non │ ┃ ┃ Spain │ non │ ┃ ┃ Portugal │ collection symbol │ ┃ ┃ Korea │ collection symbol │ ┃ ┃ Japan │ non │ non ┃ lt attention ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┷ ━ ━ ━ ┷ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ Non Collection Collection symbol Collection Not yet investigation
      • 即使媒体没有报道?呻 mjk ac g55PdN││非美国┃┃││┃┃││费用外国学校┃┓━━━━━┯━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━┏ ?英语││┃┃非?加拿大││┃┃非?││意大利┃┃特点?澳大利亚││┃┃非?│德国│非┃┃?法国││┃┃非?││非瑞典┃┃?新西兰非││┃┃?奥地利││┃┃非?┃ It does not report either the mass communications http mjk ac g55PdN ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┯ ━ ━ ━ ┯ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ country │ tuition │ foreign school ┃ ┃ │ │ ┃ The ┃ United States │ non │ ┃ ┃ England │ non │ ┃ ┃ Canada │ non │ ┃ ┃ Italy │ collection symbol │ ┃ ┃ Australia │ non │ ┃ ┃ Germany │ non │ ┃ ┃ France │ non │ ┃ ┃ Sweden │ non │ ┃ ┃ New Zealand │ non │ ┃ ┃ Austria │ non │ ┃ ┃ Belgium │ non │ ┃ ┃ Denmark │ non │ ┃ ┃ Finland │ non │ ┃ ┃ Holland │ non │ ┃ ┃ Mexico │ non │ ┃ ┃ Spain │ non │ ┃ ┃ Portugal │ collection symbol │ ┃ ┃ Korea │ collection symbol │ ┃ ┃ Japan │ non │ non ┃ lt attention ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┷ ━ ━ ━ ┷ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ Non Collection Collection symbol Collection Not yet investigation

    • [政治]外国学校,执政党或不容许学校在未经批准的资金(新公明党)在国际学校的学生后阶段立即买不起学费的经济衰退准备法案药理学,宪法第98条政府这个问题已经表现出不情愿的新资金,以支持外国学校,自民党和新公明党议会委员会“成员支持儿童的外国人学校和外国的教育”(社长河村) 52天,以便让资金“外国学校援助法案”(暂名)编制一个粗略的草稿
      Even in the foreign school and the non approved school it will make furtherance possible it isn't? Ruling party (our public) discussion ream bill preparation Cannot handle school expenses in depression while the child pupil of the foreign school which follows one another, government constitution 89 provision in building to the foreign school With the problem which has shown disapproval in financial support, the Assemblyman union “foreign school of our people fair both parties and education of the foreign children The meeting of the Assemblyman whom it supports” (Chairman Takeo Kawamura) on the 25th, makes financial support possible, the “foreign school support bill” (tentative name) Draft was collected

      • [日本]免学费到韩国学校的,百分之96是“不合理” -我想说产经新闻[9月9日] [韩国]学校问题的自由,“这是不公开进行Shirasa被“西冈说忠大阪。商会摘要[9月9日]
        Tuition gratuitous conversion and the 96% to the Korean school “it is not proper”, - product sutra I would like to say, [09/09] “It makes the citizen and others do Nishioka where thing is advanced” Osaka Masa. Forum lecture gist [09/09

        • [韩国]学校领导的自由民主党的政治,那么是什么标准部“确认”(1 / 2页),它有效地把学校的韩国形式显示,从细节上决定,教育部这是民主党政策委员会辩论时采取高学费免费,毕竟,“省着思想的”批准只是
          Political main leadership the well which enters to it makes densemakes dense As for the Democratic party standard of literature course ministry “confirmation” (Page 1/2) In fact, in the form which picks up balance from the education scientific ministry, in the argument which is related to the high school tuition gratuitous conversion to the Korean school power The [ri] it was the policy committee of the Democratic party which is put out, but after all, thought of literature course economical side “just was confirmed”,

          • _NULL_
            “It does to become the Japanese increasing, use the telephone of gratuitous conversion request on the literature course ministry! ” The Korean entire ream, you indicate to the parents of the Korean school pupil * 5 Japanese members of the Diet, “the Korean school gratuitous conversion, fighting, you probably will gain! ” Also… Nitukiyou groups and JR entire ream persevering, 500,000 human signature achievement * 2 High school gratuitous conversion the pupil of the Korean high school representation of… entire countries gives the signature equivalent to 110,000 to the literature course ministry even in the Korean school [07/27] Before the education scientific ministry gold father and son “glorification” seal The Korean entire ream removes “the class alteration” indication and historical class from the curriculum of inspection day to the Korean school, [08/05] In order in to insert “the gratuitous conversion” hand, When inspecting of the Korean school and literature course ministry “Kim Jong-Il's glorification” and so on in indication of seal… Korean entire ream class alteration * 2 You observe also Korea The Korean school to gratuitousness conversion, “to last judgment the circumstance - Korean media which does not permit prediction” [08/05] It presents also scholarship? In Japan return is necessary, but “loan type” subject, presentation type (= repayment obligation there is no either scholarship in the Korean school) examination [08/25

            • “最左边和韩国鼓拉弦落后,阿伊努人受到歧视的利益在想出了令人印象深刻的频道樱利益歧视,”阿伊努真理的“不仅仅是谷歌,他们看电影 ” Beautiful discriminatory right was completed by extreme left and the Korean who pull the thread with the reverse side The Ainu type has been disclosed discriminatory right with the channel cherry tree The gugu tsu te you look at animated picture with “Ainu s truth”
              • 这是一个漫长的脉脉四年,特别是围绕大声利润,立即执行。我们,因为它不是嘈杂昆虫 NULL

            • 一方给予外国学校(新公明党),药理学,提出制造业环境改善(Nikkei Net的)日经NET中说,工作的外国劳工在支持,执政党的“外国儿童在学校和外国教育委员会成员,以支持“(社长河村),”学校支持外国“(暂定)学校提交立法(明年),只有这样,国际总结了建议,以改善教育环境
              In foreign school grant The ruling party (our public) discussion ream, proposing environmental improvement (NIKKEI NET) NIKKEI According to NET, for the guest worker support which works with the manufacturing industry and the like, “The foreign school and the meeting of the Assemblyman who supports the education of the foreign children” of the ruling party (Chairman Takeo Kawamura), “Foreign school support method” (tentative name) legislation of house members submitting (next year) directing, You say that proposition of educational environment improvement of the foreign school was collected,

              • 专家们对朝总联的人得到报酬贿赂,勾结叛乱的只是执行
                The rebellion for the citizen Adhering with entire ream, bribe receiving, the [ru] intellectual person only it is the operative,

                • 丸也被认为是一个“成员”韩国自由私营决定学校的专家韩国神秘的幕后政治“未发表的”[日本]学校的学费和自由,高中
                  Secret closed room politics by the intellectual person of puzzle The Korean school gratuitous conversion The examination member it is decided “non publication” The “Korean school” to gratuitousness conversion, high school tuition

                  • 什么是高民族自豪感,,,,自己做吧 It probably is pride high race what but being personally owned do
                    • 你傻瓜朱达罗551 wwwwww 551 You the ro wwwwww which is foolish
                    • 你知道你是一个很高的民族自豪感,,,,我自己做它 The ro which is pride high race what being personally owned do
                    • 其他多种族国家551 ×○ 551 × Other race ○ multi races
                    • 韩国将台湾人民,将与 It probably is the Korean race but it probably is the Taiwan race but simultaneous

                  • 从高中免费的,我用这些钱的学校
                    From high school gratuitous conversion, the gold use to small school junior high school,…

                    • 像物理同化政策和我们的国家或清除周围的人
                      [ma] - and others purgation of country and Physical assimilation policy likely

                      • 公明党国会议员的新汉奸? ★党校减免审批标准,外国的“会议的成员,以帮助”建立自民党,公明党国会议员执政志愿“教育委员会成员的支持和在外国及外国儿童学校”(会长河村建夫,自民党)星期一举行的一个办公会在他,成立了第一次的众议员,武顾问神崎新公明党总裁,担任领导利子四津滩,副总统Sakaguti勉顾问,被选为书记Eiiti一般众议院议员国会议员山下
                        As for our public Assemblyman traitor? * Foreign school Relief of criteria for validation The ruling party “the meeting establishment of the Assemblyman who is supported” It depends on our people and ruling party volunteer Assemblyman of fairness, “the foreign school and the meeting of the Assemblyman who supports the education of the foreign children” (The Kawamura Takeo chairman = Liberal Democratic Party) on the 21st, at the House of Representatives 1st Members' Office Building opening establishment general meeting, The Komeito Kanzaki Takenori permanent advisor, beach four Tsu Tosiko representation vicarious execution and Sakaguchi power secondary representation the advisor, Councilor glory one Yamashita was elected to the Secretary General

                        • 公立学校,我会为日本的教育是一个人的比赛占据了大多数日本1 3
                          Therefore as for the public school, the education system for the Japanese race which is one race which occupies the Japanese large number don't you think?

                          • 嘿,你怎么了,你说同样的事情如果恐怖主义训练,是否反日教育 Whether it is and is whether or not anti Japanese education terrorism educating in the past the te the same thing it can say that
                            • 手流东洋Tteta ll也说的立场上采取了一个为期半天的培训,并说,他们看到 After seeing half day education taking the stance which is declared the ru also you say

                          • 在殖民↓,发展为现代化め
                            ↓ To colony while being converted, it can advance modernization

                            • 外部专家的研究结果委员会,由私人研究[8月3日]忽略压制批评言论的自由[6★高中-免费调整该部政策的韩国
                              The secret research committee by the intellectual person outside Due to the result of the examination [08/03] * 6 Speech force-out criticism disregard Also the Korean school adjusts to gratuitousness conversion as a literature course economical policy

                              • 如果是通过学校免费的民族,我们将和所有大图伦大学完整的免费法律上限发现严重经济面瓦特Owaru If race school gratuitous conversion passes the Chinese noodles university ya legal consistency is to come off in the eaves common gratuitous conversion se trap w Japanese economic owaru with maji
                                • 807首先,一个奇怪的,远Waranai m仍然可以自由地化无 807 In the first place there is no gratuitousness conversion with it does not change so far it is
                                • 什么严重的问题我得到了我没有驾驶学校的教育内容的自由 The quality of education question trap saying … the intention combining which being serious does automobile school gratuitous conversion
                                • 他们否认这一切,他可以与滚装Tteta为什么没有说,我应该成为一个自由的弓弦沿余万元的教育内容,例如滨崎步 1 000 000 step transferring if quality of education parallels to be possible to convert gratuitously it is well Whether you say the people also easily all denial
                                • 如果他们成为更好的地毯式轰炸后,这个饱受蹂躏的国家和朝鲜的自由 The carpet bombing the North Korean home country after being destroyed if it is good converting gratuitously
                                • 如果你不想成为的瓜口填充了免费晃 If meddling hate the gratuitous conversion Akira melon
                                • 如果我不怀疑教育的内容,这甚至不是在所有的机构负责 If quality of education is not questioned the private school in everyone gratuitous conversion margin
                                • 如果是通过学校免费的民族,我们将和所有的经济大图伦完整的Owaru私人法律上限免费尝试它看得太重瓦特 If race school gratuitous conversion passes the private school ya legal consistency is to come off in the eaves common gratuitous conversion se trap w Japanese economic owaru with maji
                                • 封盖,它也是免费的私人学校的目标,现在都是由 The tsu my private school which right wing has managed with this in the gratuitous conversion object the shank
                                • 我不怀疑教育的内容,它甚至不能自由大学拉面 Quality of education you do not question when it is the Chinese noodles university gratuitous conversion margin
                                • 我不知道大学也将成为自由的面条?每一天,我刚吃拉面峨 Also the Chinese noodles university converts gratuitously kana Everyday the Chinese noodles you can eat simply
                                • 我受不了,我说,美组成的致密的逻辑本身必须失去自由的机会 Gratuitous if it does not convert the tsu te which loses the opportunity the logic itself which is said it does not consist however
                                • 我必须停止当你来到这个学校摆脱 When it comes to here high school gratuitous conversion itself only is stopped

                              • 它主宰着这个国家的反日情绪,不要说,如果他们认为这样一个狭小的国家共识的细节,我们扭转老人 Because this anti Japanese feeling has predominated entire country if the speech where the old people oppose to such national consensus is done you think narrowly

                                • 寄生虫家庭周围,宫内厅官员杀蟑螂小和田家族古事记神社,右翼垃圾,但敏感的小政客时,作出了捐赠主要群体豁免税务的小组希望
                                  Around parasite whole group, cockroach Owada whole group kudzu Imperial Household Agency public official, The [kojiki] shrine, rubbish right wing, three flow political houses to crowd, tax The very important group which crowds in the money offering which does not catch does

                                  • 小泽一郎说,首尔大学发表演讲后,“日本的年轻人竟害虫已被父母同住的日本人和其他寄生虫寄生虫模糊”“没有想通 Ozawa speech of after the Seoul university lecture “It is the outrageous noxious insect where the young person of the Japanese lives upon to others vaguely and has lived as a parasite” “Parent of the Japanese has been unable to think straight also
                                    • 皇帝也寄生虫,只在手的名字和花园垃圾袋装饰党的官员,生存已成为绝望 Parasite emperor with pretext of garden party and decoration kudzu public official in the hand harboring and prolongation of life It has become desperate

                                  • 当我成为生活或现场燃烧时只有约837个,但我不返回他们的理由无 837 The life basis tsu te burning field it became After but although at all it is not why it did not return applying story
                                    • 当我成为生活或现场燃烧时只有约839人,但我不返回他们的理由无 839 The life basis tsu te burning field it became After but although at all it is not why it did not return applying story

                                  • 我不认为我用公众的钱从623学校?明白了吗? ?管理的目的应符合标准,实际上,我帮助的国家,所以我的颜色 623 Because there is no school the public money you do not use is It was understood If standard it fills up because color it is the country being helped the ru really
                                    • 我请求你的帮助,如果没有政府的民生839 839 If there is no life basis require the help to the Korean government

                                  • 我们需要倾听理由或古697瓦特? 697 You inquire about the reason with or w which is troubled
                                    • 和其他人说24? 24 When you mention other things
                                    • 这些东西是我,你已经决定洙很快(笑) It decides such quickly and the re ru is shelf minsu laughing

                                  • 我抢走他们的工作,对日本的意图无法理解接受外国工人将要 Until taking the job of the Japanese you cannot understand the intention which it tries to accept the guest worker
                                    • 思维的角度,是要帮助外国工人,以确保现场和制造担ü The guest worker who bears the actual place of the manufacturing industry and the like Guaranty it is the thought the side of liking to support

                                  • 我是一个很简单的故事? 671北部地区。 ü剥夺教育机会“的制裁为基础”的孩子是合理的?我不是被剥夺受教育的机会,它应该做的,如果他们是反日教育Yaritakere之前,你曾经被允许的,反日教育,但我用来做什么,他说,税收将允许日本,我会说,SUGIN或其他非常 Story is very simple what 671 North Korean country As for the basis which is justified taking the education opportunity of the children as “sanction” The education opportunity is not taken you probably would like to do anti Japanese education you should have done and You permitted that until now but anti Japanese education using the blood tax of the Japanese You call thing that you do not permit meaning extremely only too natural thing it is to pass the ru
                                    • 我是一个很简单的故事? 671北部地区。 ü剥夺教育机会“的制裁为基础”的孩子是合理的?即使孩子在儿童反民族主义的无政府主义,而是保证教育机会? Story is very simple what 671 North Korean country As for the basis which is justified taking the education opportunity of the children as “sanction” The education opportunity is not taken you probably would like to do anti Japanese education you should have done and You permitted that until now but anti Japanese education using the blood tax of the Japanese You call thing that you do not permit meaning extremely only too natural thing it is to pass the ru
                                    • 这意味着你应该容许有种族歧视政策,它的立场?民族歧视和民族歧视称之为驼峰制裁朝鲜应该容忍 In other words don t you think the standpoint you should admit race discriminatory policy The sanction for North Korea is called race discrimination if is As for race discrimination the shelf which it should admit

                                  • 抗日反对民主党,公明党,社会民主党,共产党民意转!
                                    The anti-Japanese political party Democratic party which directs the back to public opinion, Komeito and the corporation people party, Japan Communist Party!

                                    • 教育内容· · ·个案去解决问题,漂白陷阱面对成员的专家会议! As for quality of education the question trap saying … The face of the Assemblyman of ad hoc meeting bleach the address

                                      • 日本人民是无情信息只,与社会的人 加强 古塞里Itare发言法律奖学金欠款诉讼激增 “或贷款下降”看,以防止免费上学的问题 韩国 。“奖学金偿还地狱。“ ↓↓↓金贷奖学金基金会和前被切断瘦的年轻人 政治 韩国上学,没有考虑 教育部奖学金偿还的政治辩论的公共资金,不得 “回应家庭收入同年88000011七千六万○二十三日元〜“〜自由学校,韩国学校 Without mercy pardon reach to the Korean race the ri exhaust to the Japanese citizen the ri Legal measure strengthening… lawsuit increases rapidly in scholarship nonpayment prevent “the bad debt” “Scholarship repayment hell” The young people who are cut off The old education meeting which becomes the moneylender ↓ ↓ ↓ Even in the Korean school the scholarship examination… literature course ministry of repayment unnecessary without argument to state expenditure throwing “According to the earnings of household year 118 800 237 600 Yen” High school gratuitous conversion the Korean school to object It decides with standard of the special school Gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school Section meeting of the Democratic party “you do not question quality of education” that acknowledging the standard plan which is done lt New
                                        • 2010年8月15日19 13 在民主党政府 以前所未有的08 15 2010年8月16日03 11 没韩文学校在日本的历史书写好还是比韩国 2010年8月18日03 03埃塔基督教 2010年8月19日02 49 韩国免费学校没有怀疑的合宪 2010年8月22日06 43 伊藤博文,也不愿看韩国吞并 拥有一个漂亮的手写注 2010年8月23日02 00 韩国的主要竹岛问题。发现推翻旧地图 2010年8月28日07 00 悲伤和愤慨的道歉保守的日本韩国我不需要 2010年9月8日21 34 基督教大学御厨隆没有能力持有政府部门交给民主党。演讲 2010 8 15 19 13 Under the Democratic party administration exceptional case 8 15 2010 8 16 03 11 As for historical fact rewriting the Korean one is troubled 2010 8 18 03 03 Japan taught the Hangul in the school 2010 8 19 02 49 As for the Korean school gratuitous conversion unconstitutional doubt 2010 8 22 06 43 Hirohumi Itoh … our writing brush memos which are negative in the Korean merger it is found 2010 8 23 02 00 Bamboo island problem Korean main thing The old map discovery which it overturns 2010 8 28 07 00 The Japanese apology and the like it does not need The sighing of the Korean conservatives you resent 2010 9 8 21 34 There is no administration charge ability in the Democratic party Tokyo University 厨 your teaching Lecture
                                        • NULL Without mercy pardon reach to the Korean race the ri exhaust to the Japanese citizen the ri Legal measure strengthening… lawsuit increases rapidly in scholarship nonpayment prevent “the bad debt” “Scholarship repayment hell” The young people who are cut off The old education meeting which becomes the moneylender ↓ ↓ ↓ Even in the Korean school the scholarship examination… literature course ministry of repayment unnecessary without argument to state expenditure throwing “According to the earnings of household year 118 800 237 600 Yen” High school gratuitous conversion the Korean school to object It decides with standard of the special school Gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school Section meeting of the Democratic party “you do not question quality of education” that acknowledging the standard plan which is done lt New

                                      • 日本人种附表生活在日本,因为我如少数民族,不受任何限制了他们的思想教育和培训的人自己,朝鲜族显示足够的细节服务的权利,生活在日本,即使从保护的多种族国家税权的角度 The Japanese race which lives in Japan can do the race education and idea education for the self many restrictions without therefore it is As for the Korean race which lives in Japan being able to recognize similar right Considered as the viewpoint of right protection of small numbered race proper duty of multi race nations

                                        • 日本广播协会秘书长关于2010年7月25日(星期日)开始播出,由9至9 54韩国“在第二次世界大战后日本的解放和分裂,”韩国人苏东小学的方案目前在某些地区的电影,据日本广播协会Nallet,其中吉田tive收集全校一天晚上,孩子现在和公平在教育方面与火的民族班茂被关闭的关闭后,该戏上演汽笛声,在火Ritsukeru日本警察用棍棒殴打他们今天逃脱麻豆韩国韩国“Aboji”的哭声和喊叫1位的韩国偶像可爱 NHK synthesis 2010 July 25th day 9 9 54 broadcasts “Releasing and dividing Resident Cori un after the war” With the part which is in the program which is said The present Higashi Osaka Korean beginners class school is projected According to NHK nare here was closed by Shigeru Yoshida but after the closing When it connects the fire of race education with nighttime grade and the like has reached to the present is This day whole school child was gathered the play was performed The Korean where the siren sounds in the flame escapes and is puzzled The Japanese police who it is strikes that Korean densely with the stick “ aboji ” the girl of the Korean who wails There voice of loudspeaker “It repeats we do not recognize the Korean school at once dispersion margin” Way eat the play and enter only Korean saw you stare which From juvenile period the Korean school which does tremendous anti Japanese education In other words it seems the true way reaching the point where the Japanese is hated the proper NHK unscrupulous Japan which oppresses the race education of the Korean With it was broadcast with the section which is said but So it had made miss intend whether why the Korean is oppressed At that time Shigeru Yoshida was agonized iron hand by the Korean occupation force even just the record of GHQ 4000 Japanese are killed Organizing this Korean occupation force The Korean entire ream and the Korean entire ream in Japan race education That anti Japanese education will be done making The Korean school as Japan naturally it is proper to move to this organization destruction Gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school was decided August 3rd of one week later of this broadcast by the Democratic party
                                          • NULL Because in Japanese welfare ratio 1 Receiving the welfare of the confronting 5 from the ru People group HP 5 occupation circumstance Total number 636 548 Inoccupation 462 611 people It was deleted from the official sight of people group but 拓 There is a fish ttp s04 megalodon jp 2008 1229 0147 53 www mindan org toukei php Japanese as for election right there is a major premise that in the human who does not have nationality relation it is not That cross over election right you conspired with democracy large were confused Japanese politics High school gratuitous as for the object of conversion to the Ichijo school as for the Korean school there is no qualification of the Ichijo school The same vocational schools as the private school the teacher who is taught there teacher license does not have The Korean entire ream makes also the textbook and does not receive the Japanese screening of school textbooks The anti Japanese education system to which the Kannari day which has consisted at the fund from North Korea designates the principal To decorate the portrait picture of the man who orders kidnapping without either being ashamed Japan It is you drive to gold aligning to that gratuitous conversion margin it makes a noise National Japan which is abnormal the anti Japanese politician is many
                                          • NULL Now becoming problem gratuitousness conversion of the ru Korean school There is a lie in mass communications reporting The gold has not come out of the country to the Korean school The money coming out of the local self governing body it is ru If you say only Kyoto from Kyoto city and the Kyoto prefecture The tax which is 58 000 000 Yen in total in four Korean schools is thrown As for graduate of this Korean school pachinko industry About only the Korean entire ream there is a place of employment The North Korean kidnapping as for many citizens the operative from North Korea Coming to Japan you think that you kidnapped but as for this the big mistake To tell the truth human of the Korean entire ream of Japan Kidnapping the Japanese In the receipt the North Korean operative comes to Japan Almost in case of Yokota Megumi The rare case where the North Korean operative kidnaps accidentally Even 200 people say the majority of the kidnapping victims who Being something by the human of the Japanese domestic Korean entire ream Training the kidnapping execution offense of this Korean entire ream the Korean school Our taxes will be thrown there the Democratic party Immediately after the blessing of 15 years old is kidnapped It was taken in North Korea with the photograph that The expression which it can have in fear was floated Even now the image the head the gi ru Becomes very balance feeling And the Assemblyman who protects this North Korea is many in democracy With the abnormal actuality which is said
                                          • 他们对人类饲料驱动tTA禁止写★,反对,或听取投诉Kemasen顶部?我们强烈建议韩国的学校免费不会怀疑合宪★呻 ●●sankei jp msn com 政治 政策 100819 plc1008190252002 N1的。媒粘贴时候,我曾两次书面这项禁令被列入了!我希望它仍然是产经新闻的文章是他们的食物,禁止写多篇文章,并粘贴但这是好的,但也有人声称觉得我读了! (如果你的谎言,他们认为,请复制并粘贴两次!,书面 Objection of the human who receives write inhibit you cannot inquire about dissatisfaction We ask As for the Korean school gratuitous conversion unconstitutional doubt http sankei jp msn com politics policy 100819 plc1008190252002 n1 htm With 2 kopipe I made write inhibit The is still to be good but How reading you think the article of the product sutra newspaper that it is the nice article which is insistence But But when kopipe it does this it receives write inhibit as a multiple post Lie if 2 kopipe please think try doing distantly It is executed in punishment of write inhibit Why That manage the human who spreads this article it is to have deletion request Perhaps the Korean school authorized personnel Vis a vis the deletion requestor whether it has the inconvenience which how is said to the newspaper article which has circulated it asks vis a vis the requestor We want listing as the reason is So unless is it becomes the public opinion induction which is malice of the foreigner it is control of speech Quotation of the legitimate newspaper article becomes impossible That article slanders if slander is understood but If the product sutra newspaper has made the article it is the expectation which is not problem With crime of the separate charge kopipe “this Korean school gratuitous conversion regulates the article of unconstitutional doubt” As been about probably to bury in the darkness only it is not visible Link below me and is exchange of management position It starts from 318 of sure above We request the opinion of everyone
                                          • 日本广播协会秘书长关于2010年7月25日(星期日)开始播出,由9至9 54韩国“在第二次世界大战后日本的解放和分裂,”韩国人苏东小学的方案目前在某些地区的电影,据日本广播协会Nallet,其中吉田tive收集全校一天晚上,孩子现在和公平在教育方面与火的民族班茂被关闭的关闭后,该戏上演汽笛声,在火Ritsukeru日本警察用棍棒殴打他们今天逃脱麻豆韩国韩国“Aboji”的哭声和喊叫1位的韩国偶像可爱 NHK synthesis 2010 July 25th day 9 9 54 broadcasts “Releasing and dividing Resident Cori un after the war” With the part which is in the program which is said The present Higashi Osaka Korean beginners class school is projected According to NHK nare here was closed by Shigeru Yoshida but after the closing When it connects the fire of race education with nighttime grade and the like has reached to the present is This day whole school child was gathered the play was performed The Korean where the siren sounds in the flame escapes and is puzzled The Japanese police who it is strikes that Korean densely with the stick “ aboji ” the girl of the Korean who wails There voice of loudspeaker “It repeats we do not recognize the Korean school at once dispersion margin” Way eat the play and enter only Korean saw you stare which From juvenile period the Korean school which does tremendous anti Japanese education In other words it seems the true way reaching the point where the Japanese is hated the proper NHK unscrupulous Japan which oppresses the race education of the Korean With it was broadcast with the section which is said but So it had made miss intend whether why the Korean is oppressed At that time Shigeru Yoshida was agonized iron hand by the Korean occupation force even just the record of GHQ 4000 Japanese are killed Organizing this Korean occupation force The Korean entire ream and the Korean entire ream in Japan race education That anti Japanese education will be done making The Korean school as Japan naturally it is proper to move to this organization destruction Gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school was decided August 3rd of one week later of this broadcast by the Democratic party

                                        • 显示详情可自由写是日本人只是它犯肩像理所当然多次 You write in anything degree but It is proper to become gratuitous The Japanese has shouldered that much crime
                                          • 平壤民兵的人。我在学校收费,哥打现在我〜! Gold pig people soldier Nothing making up for even in the training school side it is the a it is
                                          • 自由意志是日本人民应该得到这么多罪肩 It is proper to become gratuitous The Japanese has shouldered that much crime
                                          • 自由意志是日本人民应该得到这么多罪肩 It is proper to become gratuitous The Japanese has shouldered that much crime

                                        • 最好是取消你隐瞒团结
                                          Your agreeing uniting, the method which makes the withholding system abolish is better

                                          • 有人指出,我们的教育从教育部奖学金的例子违反宪法,试图改变资助学校岐阜巴西两国政府的脚是光恩戴在当地
                                            Gifu prefecture in the Brazilian human school When fund it tries to help there is an example which is pointed out the fear of violation of constitutional provisions from the education scientific ministry, modifies in scholarship presentation, Each self-governing community steps on two feet

                                            • 朝日新闻850条,但大部分是读Memasen,外交部居住自愿征召朝鲜人在日本在战争中谁提出的245 850 The article of the Asahi newspaper only this you could read It resides with large portion and free will Ministry of Foreign Affairs it announces with the resident Korean As for wartime conscription 245
                                              • 这是很好的事,因为我是日本社会的租金按时间表日本人民在日本?一旦走后,我认为人们在日本日本 Therefore Japanese social what also the person of resident Japan together to be possible to receive it is it is not If the person of resident stops being as for that there is no Japan

                                            • 朝鲜日报是不会Naver的东西?

                                              • 查看详情不知道,我不知道为什么力自由估计进展
                                                Whether with something unreasonably gratuitousness conversion it implements at all it is from the [wa

                                                • 梅塔Goneta确认的结果,作出了特殊情况下,刚刚发生的事情 gone are the result and the exception which recognize being possible just it became so
                                                  • 最近似乎应该受到影响,没有特殊的 Don t you think another when should make exception all clearance is

                                                • 梅曼编号:zU69699v0当然,我们努力埃勒PacPac瓦特
                                                  Semi- fish person ID: zU69699v0 [pakupaku] being able to point to [era], [sure] w which perseveres

                                                  • 燃烧的天轮在校园,在亲爱的领袖崇拜的照片,绑架或向右我Nukasu
                                                    The circle of day you burn, you worship the photograph of the General, justice it does not solve kidnapping at the schoolyard or, Good Heavens

                                                    • 特别是,我要第一个也是唯一6618线公共政策或族裔的歧视 6618 Doing race discriminatory policy In the first place if it goes public institution however it is excuse
                                                      • 本身是不奇怪的是,这个民族的歧视 The notion that itself where this is called race discrimination it is strange reason but
                                                      • 种族歧视政策,做好很明显,朝鲜618 618 In other words Korea and North Korea doing clear race discriminatory policy the ru

                                                    • 由 ,但我想说,我们离开了任何其他情况下的数额Waretara However gt separately put out the case to other things it can put out even with the tsu te saying basin saddle
                                                      • 由 ,但我想说,我们离开了任何其他情况下的数额Waretara However gt separately put out the case to other things it can put out even with the tsu te saying basin saddle
                                                      • 通过,但我要说,我们离开了任何其他情况下的数额Waretara However separately put out the case to other things it can put out even with the tsu te saying basin saddle

                                                    • 编号:zU69699v0惠它,给我一个机会回到教育
                                                      ID: zU69699v0 The opportunity to receive education, of blessing is returned,

                                                      • 联合航空,问什么我卡约?是的,什么高中也是免费向东 The a what is questioned it is Proceeding east high school gratuitous conversion margin
                                                        • 现在,我确实有赛车和赛车学校,学校免费 Already also the horse racing school and the regatta school converting gratuitously

                                                      • 自拟公开的法案后,帕金森外国学校的学生[3立即/ 27]在相付不起学费衰退,不愿提供资金支持98为外国政府建设学校宪法第这个问题表明,自民党和新公明党议会委员会“成员支持儿童的外国人学校和外国的教育”(社长河村)52天,让资金。“对外援助法案学校“(暂定名)编制一个粗略的草案
                                                        Our public discussion ream bill preparation [3/27] While the child pupil of the foreign school which cannot handle school expenses in depression follows one another, Government constitution 89 provision with the problem which in building has shown disapproval in financial support to the foreign school, Assemblyman union “foreign school of our people fair both parties and the meeting of the Assemblyman who supports the education of the foreign children” (Chairman Takeo Kawamura) on the 25th, Financial support is made possible, the “foreign school support bill” (the tentative name) draft was collected

                                                        • 虽然不是940,我想控制?活不下去费支付学校
                                                          940 Idea control how doing, increase it is? It continues with while the compensatory school is compensation

                                                          • 该书推出接受朝鲜的核开发和光彩之星“的阴谋活动,企图瓦解朝鲜総联,日本政府”,并报告国家的意见,北的家如果你写的东西完全一样[7],金日成194倍,107倍传递s金正日“亲爱的”一“大”,然后重复与其他预选赛描述和
                                                            With the textbook, discharging nuclear development and the light star by North Korea Receiving, “that the Japanese government will collapse the Korean entire 聯, military artifice”, that and so on the Korean center of the home country which is said Completely same ones as the opinion which broadcast announces being described, it reaches, [7], as for Kim Il-Sung 194 times, as for Kim Jong-Il in 107 times Crossing, “it reveres” attaching the modifier “of greatness” and so on, repeatedly it is described

                                                            • 该法案还没有在国外学校授权学校▽基金,国家的“规则杂帮助学校,”如果管理目的,以满足地方当局峨赋权滥用防治给予外国学校,地方政府做▽ ▽国家,给了外国政府赠款,以资助学校 本质 As for bill If “vocational school regulations” of the country are satisfied even in the foreign school where the ▽ vocational schools are not approved the local self governing body may support fund Support gold abuse prevention authority of the foreign school is given to the ▽ self governing community ▽ country the foreign school fund is supported can provide the subsidy to the self governing community which the essence
                                                              • 该法案还外国资助的学校没有被授权可能在各中小学▽,该国的“杂项规则▽学校”如果管理的目的,以满足地方当局峨赋权Abuse预防授予外国学校,地方政府▽国家,给了外国政府赠款,以资助学校 主要问题 As for bill If “vocational school regulations” of the country are satisfied even in the foreign school which is not approved in the ▽ vocational schools the local self governing body may support fund Support gold abuse prevention authority of the foreign school is given to the ▽ self governing community ▽ country the foreign school fund is supported can provide the subsidy to the self governing community which the essence
                                                              • 该法案,学校批准的标准品种相比,一套新的标准,以支持要求,并大大降低了学校的财产 As for the bill in comparison with the criteria for validation of the vocational schools important matter such as possession property of school side substantially relief Setting the standard for supporting which it does anew

                                                            • 谁站在会议肚子苏加按该部门的朝鲜问题如何哥里的免费学校
                                                              That you say how [gori] you push the problem of the Korean school gratuitous conversion, You become angry to the way of at this section meeting

                                                              • 这个题目也应该不是美国和印度的学校 Also the American school and the Indian school etc should not make the object

                                                                • 这就是为什么我很自豪地提出了多民族的国家,通过民族的歧视 In the multi race nations It is the case that race discrimination grandly has gone unchallenged
                                                                  • 在日本的朝鲜人,我要抗议全国之首?而我没有呢?他们愚蠢吗? 642名: 周年名无Shisan 发布10 :2010 09 09(星期四)18:31:24编号:ukJADO3u0 636 嘿一些国家的人民,其他国家认为是啊 The resident Korean should protest to the home country first So it is not done Party aho what 642 Name Name it is not ten lap year Contribution day 2010 09 09 wood 18 31 24 ID ukJADO3u0 636 Because gt there is also a country which is not sled ya other race nation don t you think the e

                                                                • 这本书不仅是韩国历史的北方,但也有触摸朝鲜総联的历史,一直在与国家金日成和金正日,邪教的儿子这是综合命题
                                                                  As for this textbook not only history of the Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea, It has mentioned also the history of the Korean entire 聯, but it is being consistent the home country similarly Kim Il-Sung, to the Kim Jong-Il father and son It is the proposition, glorification and unification

                                                                  • 问:17%,从济州为什么呢?答:战争结束后,寻找逃脱总统李承晚济州的大屠杀,是日本走私

                                                                    • 附表决定不认为我是黑色的约不是一个正式成员,甚至是明显的专家会议上我,我党没有从民主是专政,工人党似乎是一个W Even the ad hoc meeting tsu te member it is the complete black box which does not become clear don t you think It decides at such a place is there is no dictatorial nation therefore it is The Democratic party quite the Korean work party like shelf w
                                                                      • 韩国是党226 226 It is the Korean work party

                                                                    • 韩国人爱夫哈希定期家庭,曾批评日本的军国主义
                                                                      The Kazuo family the empty Korean dearly, had criticized the Japanese militarism always

                                                                      • 韩国大学生再拘捕两名男子抢劫嫌疑人人身伤害案件-在池袋,东京警视厅,驱动tTA的威胁路人的钱只用了一打的是大学生,韩国,货币丧失了来自路人由于TTA和事务部刑事和周三池袋车站警方怀疑爆窃的身体伤害,黄金柏青哥雇员。专栏(23)u003d小日向文京区,朝鲜三年大学。纯一(20)小川町小平两名嫌疑人再次被捕
                                                                        The Korean Oobu 2 people the re-arrest = burglar 致 scar suspicion - Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department In Tokyo & Ikebukuro, Korean Oobu acquiring connection to the pedestrian, in the incident which threatens the gold and takes, even from another pedestrian Assuming that the gold was taken, as for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department criminal Administration Division and the Ikebukuro station etc on the 8th, with burglar 致 scar suspicion, the pachinko store employee Gold. Obinata Ku pillar (23) = Bunkyo =, the Korean large 3 years. Junichi (20) Cho = both suspects city Ogawa = Kodaira re-were arrested

                                                                        • 高中生谁租我五六月,这也没有纳税人的钱这样一个皇帝的地方肯定日本政府朱达罗凯姆您将退出北荣学校移交给政府并不能保证我将使用我会愚弄瓦特 Furthermore this gold receiving chiyon high the person of the pupil there is no guarantee that uses in the emperor it is the ze which is The school remitting to north chiyon government the ro which becomes end and is The Japanese government will verify or Tax throwing entering with such densely w of the aho chi ya u
                                                                          • 什么是愚蠢而不是纳税人的钱在一个地方,以确保政府朱达罗凯姆您将退出6月的租金,学校移交给政府周五北涌并不能保证高我将使用它的学生也什么我一直在瓦特 Furthermore this gold receiving chiyon high the person of the pupil there is no guarantee that uses in the emperor it is the ze which is The school remitting to north chiyon government the ro which becomes end and is The Japanese government will verify or Tax throwing entering with such densely w of the aho chi ya u

                                                                        • 鱿鱼问题,如果你不容易908,这意味着你不知道的历史,每个国家或他人囊不等,我有受教育的权利谁嘴里喷出韩国 908 The ro which is not the problem and whether or not it is pleasant of is meaning is not recognized As for history being different respectively depending upon the country natural is a right someone to produce the mouth to education of the Korean Peninsula is

                                                                          研究 開発