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China “釣 Uoshima (尖 official building) Chinese territory. The Japanese law it applies” “in Sino-Japan relations serious shock”…The Chinese fishing boat problem


  • 30有证据表明,它收到了船开枪不同的是梁捕鱼的北海道沿岸,北部领土的国后,照明已被解雇,一海岸警卫队(小樽)通过检查除以凯塔 With the island open sea after the country of northern territory operated receives shoot to fishing boat 2 of Hokkaido which being the kind of mark which on the 30th We were discharged the flare 1 region marine preservation headquarters Otaru understood with investigation
    • 30有证据表明,它收到了一枪位不同的捕鱼船在北海道沿岸,北部领土的国后,第一区域海岸警卫队总部(小樽)通过审查的凯塔纪要 With the island open sea after the country of northern territory operated receives shoot to fishing boat 2 of Hokkaido which being the kind of mark which on the 30th We were discharged the flare 1 region marine preservation headquarters Otaru understood with investigation

  • 5 881年(明治80年),后来,日本政府已多次实地调查,这不仅是无人居住的,有没有证据证实这是,法治清代及恩戴981 1月40至5天的现场。线是不是内阁决定兴建一台效应已被纳入日本领土 NULL
    • 你现在是时候了安全地离开了荒岛,另一种是对你did ll去茂木 Already tsu lever Toda where while it is the unmanned island it leaves and solves and passes the times when it is safe and goes away

  • 599非武力的解决方案,以太阳,你知道你是自由的,如果他们自己和中国
    599 As for solution method other than military force unless it is, individual China saying, the [ro] which is the [ru

    • Iranee m太松,如果珠也是我们追求的目标在我六百六十〇瓦特铁火 660 The gun shooting with motivation it hits if it is aim and the front sight it is and don t you think and others the e it is it is w
      • 好像老铁。我不是说给我的战区肩 Former times likely iron Shouldering to the battlefield tsu te story or

    • Ja wikipedia org 维基 托里布鲁诺关闭#。E4类。B8中。AD E5 9B BD E3 81。AE E4。B8中。BB E5。BC B5 567:Shisan名无 十周年:2010 04 18(星期日)09:23:53编号:OXN1CNgD0占领了菲律宾的美军基地的西沙群岛→撤除美军从越南→ 在被占领的美济礁,南中国海上中国海 ja wikipedia org wiki open sea no Torishima E4 B8 AD E5 9B BD E3 81 AE E4 B8 BB E5 BC B5 567 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 18 day 09 23 53 ID OXN1CNgD0 The US military from Vietnam withdrawal gt occupation west sand… The Philippine US military base removal gt occupying the mistake chief atoll So as for south China Sea in the Chinese sea
      • TTP的: ja wikipedia org 维基 托里布鲁诺关闭#。E4类。B8中。AD E5 9B BD E3 81。AE E4。B8中。BB E5。BC B5 567:没有名字Shisan 十周年:2010 04 18(星期日)09:23:53编号:OXN1CNgD0占领了菲律宾的美军基地的西沙群岛→撤除美军从越南→ 在被占领的美济礁,南中国海是中国海 ttp ja wikipedia org wiki open sea no Torishima E4 B8 AD E5 9B BD E3 81 AE E4 B8 BB E5 BC B5 567 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 18 day 09 23 53 ID OXN1CNgD0 The US military from Vietnam withdrawal gt occupation west sand… The Philippine US military base removal gt occupying the mistake chief atoll So as for south China Sea in the Chinese sea

    • Marudaro开始抨击邪恶竟在中国环境中 That the Chinese environment was made bad the ro which busing among those starts and is
      • 中国允许犯有没有好了,不是吗? Already there is no modesty compunction vis a vis China it is possible to be the ro which is

    • Netouyo的“我来攻击中国津市ー!,”在大约一上午10时05分于2010年5月8月3日,切断与爱知县一把刀附加共同社逮捕家庭,包括建设井田Kitazaki大府市。银杏的粮食(68)从房子,“这动摇它的儿子和一把刀,”和他的妻子,美代子(61)110 netouyo “ tsu which China attacks ” And so on with it is accustomed to cutting the family with the edged tool arrest Cooperation communication 2010 August 3rd 1st 5 10 AM around city north promontory town Ida s prefecture Obu Aichi construction Texture Italy pitch 68 from house “Two men have swung the edged tool” that Miyoko of the wife 61 did 110th
      • 彰彰的儿子将粮食(40)地方的刺受伤的数字是整个身体,他的头也削减美代子,驱动tTA负轻伤 The texture and eldest son Akimitsu 40 sticks systemic several places the serious injury Miyoko to be cut the head it owed the flesh wound

    • ×一个严重的打击,共产党专政○严重打击中国中日关系
      In Sino-Japan relations × serious shock In ○ Japan Communist Party party dictatorship serious shock

      • “1970”之前,台湾离岛地图和中文教科书,钓鱼岛是明显的“尖阁”,他画了他岛屿地区为日本,并表示ü名称 ” “To around 1970 clearly the “尖 official building” and departure you call the 尖 official building archipelago to the map of the Taiwan and China textbook It was drawn as the islands inside the Japanese territory of name
        • “李登辉的”尖阁列岛是日本领土“,并说这是不是第一次,要求台湾媒体大致仍然在光束的同时需 ” Li Denghui “as for the 尖 official building Japanese territory” as for speaking this time is not unprecedented but even then Taiwan of accompanying collection of data The media picked up this simultaneously largely

      • “东盟的贸易和交通的苏林取决于公开的和平与安全在南中国海”(东盟秘书长) “As for the trade and transport of ASEAN south China Sea flat Harmony and being safe it depends on is being opened” surin ASEAN executive office leader
        • “东盟贸易和运输,这取决于它是中国海上安全和开放的南方”(东盟秘书长苏林) “As for the trade and transport of ASEAN south China Sea flat Harmony and being safe it depends on is being opened” surin ASEAN executive office leader

      • “日本人很暴力”的中国船舶船长的祖母去世。逮捕或逮捕由朝日新闻 “The Japanese very brutal” The grandmother of Chinese boat captain dies suddenly The anxiety with arrest… the Asahi newspaper
        • 无损检测,它不与案件无关的鱼雷在韩国(船沉没我还一个或美国) It is with the Korean boat torpedo sinking incident also irrelevance it is not that one biting also America the ru

      • ▼其中一个原因,内阁官房长官战国义人,因为他显示了驻波和中国Tetakunai态度
        * You say that because one of the reasons, unless secretariat Director 仙 valley Yosito, would like to raise China and dissension, showed attitude,

        • 上述事实,因此它群岛思维方式,为我国的尖阁,感到“从我的方式是”使用武力“它” As for fact above As for one method of the thought for the 尖 official building archipelago of our country Because “the air faced “power” is used”
          • 上述事实,是在钓鱼岛的立场清楚地表明,首先是我们国家的领土 As for fact above Position of the 尖 official building archipelago as a territory of our country it is something which is shown more clearly than what
          • 榜样的激励思想和竹岛,尖阁列岛将在普通光在中国占领 When of example of the bamboo island is thought normally the 尖 official building archipelago is simply occupied probably will be in China

        • 不要觉得我们的生活垃圾。将更多的时间来排序的所有普通 Such it is there is no motivation in the rubbish and simultaneous Arranging the one which sorts probably is time but
          • 不要觉得我们的生活垃圾。将更多的时间来排序的所有普通 Such it is there is no motivation in the rubbish and simultaneous Arranging the one which sorts probably is time but

        • 不过,我想你可以留茹派别和探索这个机会 So the faction which looks at this as chance stay it is probably will be

          • 世界上最大的民主国家-印度的一党专制国家,中国共产党
            China … Fascism nation of Japan Communist Party party dictatorship India … World's largest democracy nation

            • 中国共产党是“试图寻找在货架上钓鱼岛问题,”那么,应用程序和德塔
              Also in “尖 official building problem will be shelved”, that it is saying it is

              • 中国在日本的恐怖组织,并说这不是恐怖分子或无限 If you mention terrorism it does the terrorism in Japan of the Chinese organization and at will isn t

                • 中国派出巡逻艇尖阁渔业水域“是荒谬的日本法律适用。”
                  In China and 尖 official building archipelago sea area fishing industry patrol boat dispatch “As for the Japanese domestic method application absurd nothing 稽”

                  • 中国驻日本是一个非常重要的问题,这条线是不是一个严格的应用,把它的陪同立即向日本岛屿自古以来钓鱼岛,并指出,日本对中国的领土,强烈抗议,渔民和渔船被非法扣留中方立即释放渔民和渔船都必须确保他们的安全 This the importance apparent to do the stop day Chinese embassy very at once offer strictly on the Japanese side 釣 the islands of Uoshima and the attachment ancient times It points out that it is Chinese specific territory the Japanese side protests to the Chinese fishermen and restraining the fishing boat illegally strongly releases the fishermen and the fishing boat at once It required that the safety is guaranteed

                    • 人。如果你把一个政府的愚蠢和胆怯的立场,因为塞纳梅东洋情况会更加强统治的东中国海和尖阁或者明显更糟 People If the cowardice attitude whose administration is foolish is taken in the future China more and more control of the 尖 official building and Dong Hai Because it tries to strengthen as for situation furthermore as for deteriorating it is clear
                      • 中国要求在当时是不尖阁 At that time also China the 尖 official building archipelago There was no thing which it requires
                      • 人。如果你把一个政府的愚蠢和胆怯的立场,因为塞纳梅东洋情况会更加强统治的东中国海和尖阁或者明显更糟 People If the cowardice attitude whose administration is foolish is taken in the future China more and more control of the 尖 official building and Dong Hai Because it tries to strengthen as for situation furthermore as for deteriorating it is clear

                    • 人。我要卖国给药途径的进展,并击败能够设置一个爱国政府
                      People. If administration advances, it knocks down the treason route with capability, establishes patriotic administration

                      • 从中国最初,入侵,但不启动对驻军与那国元移动岛屿
                        But originally because China violates the territorial waters, the reason which gets going in Yonaguni stationing and remote island measure

                        • 你只是不想浪费时间和金钱将是一个巨大的选择现在能够在正常的征兵
                          Assuming, that conscription system it was possible with current normal state, in selection enormous time and fund it just means to waste the [ro

                          • 你有什么关系,迫使中国向全面战争的现在,如果中方打败中国在尖阁群岛是不部署或梳子基地撤离 If from the power some serving which does all out war in current China in the 尖 official building it repulses China with base disposition this Only it retreats the Chinese side
                            • 你有什么关系,迫使中国向全面战争现在,中国人不打了尖阁或梳子离开中国 If from the power some serving which does all out war in current China in the 尖 official building it repulses China with base disposition this Only it retreats the Chinese side

                          • 你有什么害怕什么政府施加脳无施使自卫队基地? Netouyo热泪盈眶的眼睛wwwwwwwwwww Warota wwwwwwwwwwwwww
                            The Self Defense Force base make the brain it is not grandly government What it vibrates is? [netouyo] tear eye wwwwwwwwwww [warota] wwwwwwwwwwwwww

                            • 例如,中日战争(8月〜4 981 59 4月),这是沉重和中国,中国台湾澎湖威胁到日本不公平的(这更好)及离岛区二战结束后其归还给了中国,它不包括在尖阁群岛 For example the Nisshin war 1894 August April of 95 with from the fact that it is piled as for China Taiwan which Japan captures unjustly from China The 澎 lake one area of the archipelago and the like after the World War II is returned by China densely It increased but the 尖 official building archipelago is not included in that
                              • 中国威胁台湾澎湖不公平的例子中日战争(这更好)群岛及其他地区在第二次世界大战之后,但已经回归中国和尖阁列岛不包括在这 For example Taiwan which in the Nisshin war Japan captures unjustly from China The 澎 lake one area of the archipelago and the like after the World War II is returned by China densely It increased but the 尖 official building archipelago is not included in that
                              • 在此(〜8月4 981 59 4月期间,中日战争),这是沉重和中国人,声称他们不公平地剥夺战争影响该项目由日本乘以尖阁马苏 From the fact that this time is piled with the Nisshin war 1894 August April of 95 as for China Japan multiplying in war you insist that the 尖 official building archipelago was taken unjustly

                            • 其他狗屎“请你,”就像从我说是一件好事,不要犹豫使不足为奇创新 The being disgusted ya partner saying “please does” the tsu te therefore the way is it is what the work tsu we should solve without modesty
                              • 考虑到大脑可能产生941 941 The brain which considers such a thing is improbable

                            • 千岛问题红旗 为什么 “北方领土”问题的部分叫什么名字? 政府和大众媒体,千岛群岛问题“北方领土问题”,并呼吁恩戴 Chishima problem why is called “northern territorial issue” government and the mass media call Chishima problem “northern territorial issue”

                              • 卫Rikiru或接收灾难性的破坏之前解决
                                It finishes to protect, devastating damage before receiving, it solves

                                • 只欠外国匍匐排除一切太髋自民党
                                  This bill of waist coming out kneeling on the ground diplomacy of all Liberal Democratic Party administrations

                                  • 在中国的大量增长是致命的杀手剔
                                    Multiply the homicide tick in large quantities with the support 那

                                    • 在解放军部队寇(周节?)制服
                                      People's Liberation Army Kokubu troop (Zhou Enlai one group? ) It suppresses

                                      • 塞纳在2020年已经投降日本,“二线群岛”我一直骑在认真通过建立霸权 As for China yielding Japan by 2020 When to leadership “of the second archipelago line” is established it has embarked in earnest it is

                                        • 多少失控太平洋,14井。这是很难走,但我不知道什么营养 We would like to appearing in the Pacific Ocean so well 14 It keeps raising Very much however it probably is what
                                          • 尤其是因为工作到美国来分裂中国太平洋 Because China approaches Taihei Yoji amount America all the more

                                        • 好吧,如果它成为真正的中国,而是为了抵御一定的方式做事情,比如有没有打击入侵的尖阁群岛和 Well if China becomes true has kind of invading by all means to the 尖 official building archipelago Encounter doing there is no road which it should repulse
                                          • 如果小泽一郎首相,这将是中国领土钓鱼岛,冲绳也总是 If Ichiro Ozawa becomes the prime minister don t you think by all means the 尖 official building archipelago and Okinawa become Chinese territory

                                        • 如果下弯的威胁,如表示准备保卫日本领土,我的旅行我会的力量,我们应该执行中

                                          • 对马岛,竹岛是韩国领土的北部被偷走了尖阁被盗俄罗斯天然气在日本和中国是在日本被盗,该国超支耶瓦特外国军事基地顶礼膜拜wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww As for bamboo island Tsushima stealing to Korea As for the four northern islands stealing to Russia As for gas field 尖 official building archipelago stealing to China It is devastated the Japanese country by the US military base Don t you think obtaining obtaining country and Japan w Kneeling on the ground diplomacy wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                            • “渔民将很快返回了他!纠缠是为得到一个道歉负责!”自杀是负责匍匐被迫接受Hoihoi投入 “Return the fishermen immediately The patsy accompanying make apologize ” So hoihoi accepting be able to kneel on the ground patsy suicide

                                          • 当然,人们。政府“叛徒”我推了被驱逐的品牌
                                            Naturally, the people. Administration being done the brand of the “traitor”, is exile

                                            • 彰隆先生的儿子是失业人员在企图谋杀行为,推动东海确认只有一(38日)拘捕
                                              Running the Tokai office member who is attached suspect two man optical Takashi of inoccupation (38) arrests with flagrant delict of attempted murder

                                              • 我不应该受到侵犯领土和水域,即使在他们已经占领的土地可以击中即使www是艰难的道路只有虚张声势 If long ago landing occupying and it is the expectation where also the te is good don t you think Although it did not violate in even the territorial waters www Being serious burahu for shank home country
                                                • 和日本这些水域免受侵蚀不要害羞,我正在执行的芽开放的图标゙提请罪犯在日本追赶中国。让我们对中国资本 Therefore the ru it is the offender of the Japanese who is caught in China to a ha ゙ nha ゙ n capital punishment Not to be modest Japan these territorial waters 侵 The ze which will designate the Chinese as capital punishment

                                              • 我只能做我离开法庭务实的态度,他们被迫进入国内法禁止在1?
                                                Judging in a businesslike way with domestic method Don't you think? if you should have forced retreat with entry prohibition just?

                                                • 我很想利用日本是一个很好的舔自己的手苏逸华丽的非公相眼Warazu改变什么国家如中国,你们是民主党的道具,表现在一个小拍卖合嘿表弟,并迅速移动,只有在时间 As usual the heavy hand where the eye of the citizen is eluded outside is used rubbed Chinese tsu te country Japan to be licked the good way to a prop the ru The people of the Democratic party there is a spare time when you skirmish if it is quickly the cousin movement and it is dense and others
                                                  • 好多了一个小锤子合不总是 The extent which skirmishes usually is better

                                                • 我知道你们562非政府我国政府面前Tteru升值吗? 562 The letter of appreciation tsu te of non government of your Republic of China government knowing the ru
                                                  • 我认为中国的共产主义恐怖分子的非政府 Also in there is no non government terrorist of the tsu te Republic of China

                                                • 我认为真正的天才坏的,我今天来到日本将倍唯一威胁到日本,并最终Terya
                                                  After all intimidating in just Japan, if [ri] [ya] current Japan being thought that it breaks, It is useless what

                                                  • 所以忘了汤米也向文革和天安门广场向人民瓦特
                                                    To make also the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the Tien An Men incident the citizen forget, because the [chi] [ya] you bore, w

                                                    • 拥有或发展邮轮前555导弹潜艇,潜艇数量的3倍的
                                                      555 Developing the cruise missile before that The atomic submarine is possessed or, the number of submarines three times

                                                      • 支持。只是布莱恩做,如果在升级屠宰联盟美国驱逐舰
                                                        Support. If the domesticated fowl and animals escalate, just the [ri] [ya] calling which is expelled with Japan-U.S. alliance

                                                        • 日本经济增长将越来越多地在中国的挑衅恨我说有趣的事情Warazu阶段贪婪
                                                          As usual avaricious thing saying, provocation China The Japanese increase which is in benefit 々 hate

                                                          • 是的布莱恩政府,但一个国际问题和中国的外交政策威胁到联合国尽快召开
                                                            As for government the United Nations meeting to summon quickly Although to international problem is converted the [ri] [ya] which to be able to obtain Chinese intimidation diplomacy,…

                                                            • 朝鲜战争共产党第三次794不打紧,不是吗? 794 Japan Communist Party and Korea in the war the ro which is third power which is not relationship

                                                              • 法轮功天安门西藏文革
                                                                The Tien An Men Legal wheel Isao tibet The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

                                                                • 海军陆战队搬迁的要求和额外成本的例子说的更多丰田(板栗事件威胁抨击美国对日本有意接触的外观你这个容器下层)由中国和韩国韩亚人民报挂起年围绕
                                                                  Intend contact incident of the Japanese downgrade and this fishing boat of the American chestnut Furthermore if you say, the Toyota hitting and the Marines Guam moving additional expense request (intimidation) As for American China and South Korea many years the chord it is from before with the [ru

                                                                  • 组织支持在长野奥运火炬,我没有吃,直到中央政府包括
                                                                    Organizational correspondence at the time of the Beijing Olympic Nagano Olympic Torch, eating to government center, the [ru] it does,

                                                                    • 而目前一党执政的社会主义国家性质瓦特
                                                                      True character of Japan Communist Party party dictatorial nation was displayed w

                                                                      • 虽然单词或尖阁列岛钓鱼岛领土争端或不存在领土争端◆,这是昭和34(8 691),在联合国经济委员会,亚洲及远东(联合国经济委员会,亚洲和远东),但东中国东海大陆架,因为它指出,有潜在的巨大的石油储备,并没有真正的问题是 Territorial issue of the 尖 official building archipelago which does not exist Territorial issue or possession right problem of the 尖 official building archipelago you say but as for that 1968 in 1968 year ECAFE the United Nations Asian Far Eastern economic commission In the continental shelf of Dong Hai the enormous petroleum resource buries Of being done having the possibility After pointing out with thing originally it is to be the problem which does not exist
                                                                        • 虽然单词或尖阁列岛钓鱼岛领土争端或不存在领土争端◆,这是昭和34(8 691),在联合国经济委员会,亚洲及远东(联合国经济委员会,亚洲和远东),但东中国东海大陆架,因为它指出,有潜在的巨大的石油储备,并没有真正的问题是 Territorial issue of the 尖 official building archipelago which does not exist Territorial issue or possession right problem of the 尖 official building archipelago you say but as for that 1968 in 1968 year ECAFE the United Nations Asian Far Eastern economic commission In the continental shelf of Dong Hai the enormous petroleum resource buries Of being done having the possibility After pointing out with thing originally it is to be the problem which does not exist

                                                                      • 这一先例的事实是,如果在这里让步
                                                                        When it conceded here, becoming front example, to concede, to established fact it is converted

                                                                        • 这一次命中草案的核心是不是其中一个错误的大小
                                                                          This time how you do not understand, but Don't you think? in each case it strikes Nucleus and conscription system shelf

                                                                          • 这些岛屿,部分原北海道齿舞(不Bomai),色丹(痰恶棍)和第二次世界战争与苏联吞并后的不公平 These islands and the tooth dance which originally is the Hokkaido portion bo will not the color red lead to do densely it is it is Those where it merges immediately after the secondary great war unjustly were the Soviet Union
                                                                            • 日本人口下降是松散的,因为它是被迫迁移到巩固土地废物处置场 That way atrophying slipperily Japan to be merged as for the inhabitant forcing immigration As for country in waste disposal place

                                                                          • 进一步扩大在大中国地区,世界霸权的控制,也希望胶是全人类的股份
                                                                            Furthermore, as for expanding the large Chinese sphere and holding the worldwide leadership, all mankind verges to crisis It is connected

                                                                            • (丝) 08 08,1999 (日期) ,“支持中国◆只有文章已经承认,钓鱼岛是日本领土, Silk 1999 8 8 day ” The data which supports the fact that China Japanese territory has acknowledged the 尖 official building archipelago
                                                                              • 303:Shisan名无周年 8:2007 11 17(星期六)21:42:35编号:9eWD6x980只是物质已被日本的支持下,尖阁群岛和233承认中国的领土 303 Name it is not eighth anniversary 2007 11 17 Saturday 21 42 35 ID 9eWD6x980 233 The data which supports the fact that China Japanese territory has acknowledged the 尖 official building archipelago
                                                                              • (丝) 08 08,1999 (日期) ,“支持中国◆只有文章已经承认,钓鱼岛是日本领土, Silk 1999 8 8 day ” The data which supports the fact that China Japanese territory has acknowledged the 尖 official building archipelago

                                                                            • : )。 ,我 ー ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ヽ,邻ヽ Ø i No to “ No and 92 gt 92 ku eeyuyu HKRPT lt As for 尖 official building archipelago Japanese specific territory i ゙ 92 釣 Uoshima is Chinese specific territory 丿 92 ¯ ¯ REPT 92 REPT 92 i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT o REPT 92 o
                                                                              • 中国的60年,“中国领土钓鱼岛是”咦? China 60 years of building countries “釣 as for Uoshima Chinese territory” a

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