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Postponement gas field negotiation…In fishing boat collision in Japan opposition measure - China


  • 元的请求,但对条约的谈判,早日把日本方面,中国的反应Zezu鄂困难拥抱国内反对派

    • 1 R的 ┼ )丶娜(如听湖 ,布鲁诺 └肯定 , , , 1 92 r ┼ na 丶 Hearing do l lt ¯ ¯ gt ┌ Ability t na f It is dense u REPT 丶 92 REPT l Obtaining n ⌒ l REPT REPT To no It is l l n j he l a a j” no lt f j he l mimi l r └ ⌒ REPT person HKRPT mimi 廴 f HKRPT HKRPT and no 92 ku └
      • NULL No REPT 92 No REPT No mi ⌒ mi No REPT mi 彡 ⌒ lt The country is collapses already immediately REPT REPT Don t you think flattery the tsu te ginger which was sold the empty 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 92 92

    • 180岁的中国真正的幸存者和中国的户籍在5000看起来像一个养老问题是否定古代汉语,直言不讳地说,中国的5000年新兴国家的历史,我们中华人民共和国,死亡这样,在养老金和遗属户籍出生在江户
      Being similar to annuity problem, [ru] China Chinese 5000 and survivor on family register of 180 years old To tell the truth, denying ancient China, the new life history Chinese 5000 the current Chinese people republican citizen who is done says Plainly, you have died, the survivor and annuity problem on the family register of the Edo age origin

      • 569岁,来到由经济部估计,征收的储备量,我做的一切不

        • 723反正你喜欢,“关在日本,”我会喜欢你就是一个国家的威胁到其他沿

          • 919号的主题和一个你会?人格分裂?口是心非?
            919 That ID someone wearing, the [ru]? Split personality? Two tongues?

            • Minsyutou 887(日本共产党支部)的总统选举,但擦过普天间搬迁的故事,故事的气体来中国的侵略出了那尖阁

              • Parous大臣二阶俊博一行扭转将在随后的与我就职的福田内阁的政策,但是,“我要探索的路径,”制止和军等待美国海洋运动Kiga后停止冲绳“这些波动在茂木联盟搬迁问题,日本政府在冲绳和紧张的关系而在中国”将返回到正在等待中国历史学家之间的强烈呼声 But Fukuda Cabinet Policy is converted attendant upon start Two floor Tosihiro multipara phase of the successor “I do not take the road of prospecting” that stop You applied after that the movement stopped US military Futenma with transfer of facilities problem of airport Japan U S alliance fluctuation While also something related to Okinawa between the Japanese government will be awkward in China “returns Okinawa” voice It has strengthened between the Chinese historical scholars

                • TTA的美国陷入经济衰退的,但转让是由美国公司在中国的方式,进入美国的智慧与人民币的美元对日元的疲软只作为进入日本推入与清理该 As for America falling into depression although the Chinese moving of the American enterprise is cause with the Chinese suggestion Weak dollar the people origin it is cheap vs It has been about to push the winding up to Japan to increase in yen value
                  • 尽管如此,美国仍然是与美元和人民币稳定,协调与归纳,按日本的日元清理 Even then still America weak dollar the people origin cooperating with China cheaply pushes winding up to Japan with increase in yen value induction

                • Zamamiro!瓦特TTP的:/ / blog.nettribe.org / user_images / æ / 55 / a44d4427fd67931f4dbed0d3110014f0 JPG格式。
                  [zamamiro]! w ttp: //blog.nettribe.org/user_images/ae/55/a44d4427fd67931f4dbed0d3110014f0. jpg

                  • _NULL_
                    1947 People's Liberation Army It invades to Nanjing * It happens. It evacuates to national party Taiwan 1949 The People's Republic of China formation, invading the same year China [uiku] ゙ [ru] 1950 China Volunteer corps 480,000 participates to the Korean War and attacking the U.N. forces (It is the standing army. Adjusting to North Korea to cease-fire, it sustained 1,000,000 damage) 1951 China invades to [chihe] ゙ [tsuto] and slaughtering local people several 1,000,000 people 1958 Large rapid advance policy it starts. In 2 years 20,000,000 person death by starvation or downfall death 1959 China [into] ゙ and border incident, occupying Casimir district 1960 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution being, it starts, China domestic from here. 65,000,000 person or more dies with the purgation race purification and death by starvation 1964 October China which is in the midst of Tokyo [orinhi] ゚ [tsuku] holding does first atomic test with [uiku] ゙ [ru] 1969 The Chinese troop collides with the [sohi] ゙ [eto] troop with the distinctiveness treasure island In fact diplomatic relations extinction 1979 Nakagoe war [he] ゙ [tonamu] military force invasion. 懲. War you state 1989 At the Tien An Men the democracy movement by the student who occurs it is strong in the troop. To suppress, deceased 300 or more 1992 The eye is glared in resource buried deposit, declaring the possession of the south sand archipelago and the west sand archipelago 1995 Occupying the mistake chief atoll which [huirihi] ゚ [n] possesses 1996 The missile it discharges at the Taiwan Strait and intimidating Taiwan 1997 Insisting possession right to the [sukaho] ゙ [ro] atoll which [huirihi] ゚ [n] possesses historically The same year Insisting the possession of the 尖 official building archipelago which you insist Japan territory possessing 2000 The Chinese warship going around the Japanese archipelago. China executing the offshore oilfield investigation inside the Japanese territorial waters near the 尖 official building archipelago 2004 Open sea no Torishima it is the rock and you insist that the Japanese territorial waters it does not recognize, The same year The Chinese atomic submarine violating the Japanese of the stone wall island territorial waters 2005 It enacts counter divided country method and declaring use of military force vis-a-vis Taiwan The same year Starting the Japanese resource stealing digging The same year . With the riot of the standard of living group, the Japanese embassy of the resident in inside destroys The same year If it intervenes in Taiwan issue, when mushroom, intimidating America The same year It shows doubt in Okinawa Japanese reversion and as for Okinawa Chinese ones insists historically

                    • _NULL_

                      • “与日本中国之间的良好关系是绝对Kushitai”宾博立即作出贡献散装渗透率从轧坏家伙正在看嘲笑Waretakunai例如在此认为,日本 “As for Japan by any means China chummily the paragraph you want” You penetrating such thought the ri which makes foolish and sows Because we would not like you to dislike foolish woman Japan which supplies to the man
                        • 100日元店,餐饮连锁,消费电子,超市,尽管他们的钱China m贡献,我可以欺骗剪下它,而叫喊反那么可爱偶像 100 Yen shop eating out chain and home appliance in super all China gold Supplying although the ru how the fool who in the counter shouts with that to some extent margin

                      • 万美元。在不,我看到很多不公平的,我们的间谍船来自韩国不仅意想不到的事情,就像我〜把戏,中国瓦特 Ten thousand Being useless therefore only unexpected thing it is the case that it comes to the repair ship applying Don t you think it is mean the e Method is the Korean entirely support 那 w
                        • 世博会是599迟到过一次,对关于艺术节结束Waru 599 Final stage it puts out also international exposition Gradually the ro which ends also the celebration and is

                      • 不是猎人或不公开说我131瓦特老将代理人或

                        • 中国已经在该国丰富的煤炭可以,你把权力利用燃煤被使用和(所以不需要减少二氧化碳排放量),但我不能把车的油比汽油的电动汽车将被传播希望 Because as for China as for the coal it comes off abundantly in the country we would like to utilize the thermal power generation which used the coal therefore CO2 reduction does not do But because the crude oil does not come off excessively as for the gasoline powered vehicle compared to we would like to spread the electric automobile

                          • 中国战争打击 已经抚子日本和美国奥运女子的美国足球配合日本和加入Itsuku消费我梳填补了大厅的方式中都应该是最后的爆发,一个大球场助威美国形象当前场景重复围绕中国观众,熙恩戴 The Beijing Olympic woman soccer wild pink Japan anti American game Already as for the Chinese game although it is the expectation which has been ended the Chinese buries the meeting place specially exhausting When America overtakes tie in Japan as for the stadium large cheer The scene which also the Chinese audience around the American rejoices was let flow many degrees in image
                            • 中国战争打击 已经抚子日本和美国奥运女子的美国足球配合日本和加入Itsuku消费我梳填补了大厅的方式中都应该是最后的爆发,一个大球场助威美国形象当前场景重复围绕中国观众,熙恩戴 The Beijing Olympic woman soccer wild pink Japan anti American game Already as for the Chinese game although it is the expectation which has been ended the Chinese buries the meeting place specially exhausting When America overtakes tie in Japan as for the stadium large cheer The scene which also the Chinese audience around the American rejoices was let flow many degrees in image

                          • 中国是一年又一年,因为他作出了巨大的军事实力增强,越来越高的压力 Furthermore China every year Every year large making military power reinforce it became from the ru steadily high pressure
                            • 中国是一年又一年,因为他作出了巨大的军事实力增强,越来越高的压力 Furthermore China every year Every year large making military power reinforce it became from the ru steadily high pressure

                          • 中国是关闭的门旁边亩基地,奶奶生活不在于技术,他们突然拉花园线在这里“哪里是我这里的土地,由”,你有一个响亮呢?我生病了?但是,揉虽然我我,从这里的参数线我是奶奶是日本领海 There is no the technology in China Off base babaa which lives in next door pulling the line to this garden suddenly the tip is my land “from the 此 place” We assume that with it made a noise The mu it is attached don t you think So having trouble there inside the ru this is the Japanese territorial waters from the line which babaa pulled
                            • TTA的随和的孩子谁就会生长在190个孩子,揉罕见TTA的兄弟长大了,觉得自己像一个孩子不先排除只 190 The child which was brought up with one person tsu child and will be gentle and Being rubbed with the sibling you were brought up it comes out and the child like feeling which does not have the eye does

                          • 中国需要采取的态度,这样做只是沙哑插手排挤的领土问题,但日本无视甚至没有我好后悔的事情,但阴沉的 Or China to territorial issue prickly in order to convert the chi yo tsu producing just the ru It is not necessary to take force attitude but also disregard is useless If Japan being regrettable regardless should have corresponded with 粛 々 from calling it is
                            • 中国需要采取的态度,这样做只是沙哑插手排挤的领土问题,但日本无视甚至没有我好后悔的事情,但阴沉的 Or China to territorial issue prickly in order to convert the chi yo tsu producing just the ru It is not necessary to take force attitude but also disregard is useless If Japan being regrettable regardless should have corresponded with 粛 々 from calling it is

                          • 中方认为,这次入侵霸权国家资本主义为从野生型的经济食品在欧洲和美国进入中国大陆,他们还相当不穿

                            • 你在做什么情况下增加了取消第9政治家在这个国家的国防开支,

                              • 你没有良好的政策目标不能改变外资自卫队是根据国家利益的外交力量来尽量扩大军事力量

                                • 做的事情,来了Gorotsukichinpira歹徒击中肩部或认沽在争吵

                                  • 像俄罗斯的北方领土巡逻艇,谁射中的切身细则非法捕鱼的?

                                    • 像蝗虫吞噬群在中国罕见 中,中国很少像蝗虫吞噬,如野生型霸权国家资本主义有食物,或溃疡是不是食物?我们西方列强!ー如果我不知道 The sufficient is swallowed in the Chinese like locust corps eats away Leadership type National capitalism Being swallowed in the Chinese like such a locust corps eating and being crushed The European American powers a How it does
                                      • 罕见的像蝗虫一样吞噬中 群,或溃疡是不是食物?我们西方列强!ー如果我不知道 The sufficient is swallowed in the Chinese like locust corps eats away Leadership type National capitalism Being swallowed in the Chinese like such a locust corps eating and being crushed The European American powers a How it does

                                    • 党的发现或年龄在16王朝19世纪,西方帝国主义的世纪,其实867,或者只是在共产党的差异,不得做同样

                                      • 入侵东1949东突中,占用(大屠杀维吾尔族),正于1950年大跃进期间正在进行的种族清洗,入侵1951年西藏参加1950年Hazime拓大屠杀在朝鲜战争中的3000万文革,职业(种族灭绝西藏),正在进行种族清洗入侵)印度于1959年(战争中国和印度接近Tyuugoku 1973年的武装冲突和通信解决方案,在领土争端志摩亘Tasuku战舰试射导弹)群岛,西沙群岛(帕拉塞尔群岛宝金1969年占领该地区Akusaichin,越南在1974年入侵军队1976年占领柬埔寨,红色高棉大屠杀

                                        • 全国各地也不会被转化成塞在美国唯一超级大国的是要知道,如果他们认为这是 It becomes that peripheral country is shown the fact that it changes to the monster which does not stop even in large country America

                                          • 八重山地区,冲绳日本帝国的石头。官方球村。 。 。哈市班救济你辛苦,这使一个亡灵返乡,让他们从他家

                                            • 农业部长后,立即被削减配额的稀土TTA的将是更好的转移,是他叹无力
                                              The capture framework immediately after transferring, notice the rare ground As for Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries the person who sigh your own disabled is good

                                              • 即使他们交谈的情况下,你认为中国将停止抢劫?这条路线是100%不可能 Assuming that it did to discuss you think that China stops stealing digging That route cannot be a 100

                                                • 即使资金Shiteyare中国的地下,一个整体将大大早瓦特

                                                  • 即使这两个国家,日本的国际声誉不信任的结果和Swing(井,马。但对过去的管紧张感谢傻鸽) Vis a vis these two countries the international appraisal of Japan did not shake with the result and reliance well the horse But with favor of the pigeon foolish tube past it became shape
                                                    • 但日本的国际声誉和信任并没有实际的摆动(井,马。但对过去的管紧张感谢傻鸽) So the international appraisal of Japan did not shake with the result and reliance well the horse But with favor of the pigeon foolish tube past it became shape
                                                    • (略)不再指望获得国际常识,这两个国家不应该 Omission Already you do not have to expect that common sense where these two countries are international is learned

                                                  • 反措施,逮捕或拘留的收费,在中国或日本是不恰当

                                                    • 另外,今年的国防白皮书,是相当大的优势等待警告色,中国这个中国的强硬立场加上不要像他们

                                                      • 四川大地震,而25个国家表示感谢后,没有被中国的权力,过气的支持,日本的世界20倍的金额美国,中国和日本有一月后不仅对日本的导弹攻击“东风3号”到“第21号东风”的迹象,进一步增强了更新! Chinese Sichuan at the time of major earthquake Japan which does 20 time thing worldwide most large amount support of America But China was not after that in 25 countries which state appreciation as for Japan Not only that after the January as for China To missile “easterly wind for toward Japan attack 3” is renewed “easterly wind 21” Furthermore you reinforced It is like the
                                                        • 四川大地震,而25个国家表示感谢后,没有被中国的权力,过气的支持,日本的世界20倍的金额美国,中国和日本有一月后不仅加强对导弹袭击日本的更新“东风3号”到“第21号东风”进一步 Chinese Sichuan at the time of major earthquake Japan which does 20 time thing worldwide most large amount support of America But China was not after that in 25 countries which state appreciation as for Japan Not only that after the January as for China To missile “easterly wind for toward Japan attack 3” is renewed “easterly wind 21” Furthermore you reinforced It is like the
                                                        • 四川大地震,而25个国家表示感谢后,没有被中国的权力,过气的支持,日本的世界20倍的金额美国,中国和日本有一月后不仅加强对导弹袭击日本的更新“东风3号”到“第21号东风”进一步 Chinese Sichuan at the time of major earthquake Japan which does 20 time thing worldwide most large amount support of America But China was not after that in 25 countries which state appreciation as for Japan Not only that after the January as for China To missile “easterly wind for toward Japan attack 3” is renewed “easterly wind 21” Furthermore you reinforced It is like the

                                                      • 在40日上午7:00左右,日本的经济专属区西北约280公里的冲绳岛船(专属经济区),日本海上保安厅的调查已经进行了调查我海洋“宏明”和“佐藤洋”,但中国。数字接收来自船舶的要求停止

                                                        • 在八Republic的中国,中国福建共和国的冬天。惠安渔民。谁遇到从订单Zyuuzou Hazime的案子的困难。夜,八重山,冲绳日本帝国。弘岛尖阁群岛(钓鱼岛)导致

                                                          • 在此之上,“来到岛上领土钓鱼岛是中国,日本和行为像)对没有违反国际准则和国际法的基本荒谬(,是非法和无效的”强调

                                                            • 外交部官员参与学校“精品课程竞争激烈的”反中国势力也 Inside Ministry of Foreign Affairs where naturally the elite bureaucracy fights furiously There is also a “counter China school power”
                                                              • 213美国学校或中国,外交部或喜欢,因为Roshiansukuru 213 Because the American school or the China school is roshiansukuru or Ministry of Foreign Affairs don t you think
                                                              • 701岁,我是销往美国和俄罗斯帝国时代阿拉斯加Tteta 701 Former times in the Russian imperialism era it sells Alaska in America don t you think

                                                            • 外交部立即,“中国掠夺资源,像一个荒谬的国际法基本准则的违反国际”我警告你

                                                              • 大家在不逮捕违反了甜蜜waters m确保中方看到,船长被逮捕,只是因为它被逮捕时,船长微笑司法警察梗阻在俄罗斯考虑。在日本的差异,并立即被枪杀被捕获

                                                                • 大家,我已经准备了这场战争现在wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww War this wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which comes The a it prepares or everyone wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                  • 天然气窃取于中国穆家隔壁我在那里超过950更正,惯犯专家

                                                                    • 好了,有水无气体在414,日本自卫队是不伸手瓦特 414 Because as for the gas field it is not inside the territorial waters as for Self Defense Force w which cannot be interfered
                                                                      • 日本要求美国Sayoku。重申该理论认为,花圃你自卫队裁减和减少意外 The resident United States which sayoku is said The fact that it is the flower garden theory whose reduction and the Self Defense Force reduction are outrageous re was recognized

                                                                    • 如此。可爱的偶像击飞太傻了东亚共同体的废话也是惠悠外国左派民主普选

                                                                      • 安倍内阁的这一问题公开讨论到司局级,其中中国对日本勘探时,该地区的中位数东行去“船舶”经济部长,中川Akikazu是威胁,(当时)帝国石油公司获得探矿权采矿权申请 Abe Cabinet opened Bureau Chief class conference with this problem but there When Japan prospects China “produces the warship” With you were threatened but Nakagawa Akira one economic industrial phase at that time In the Teikoku Oil Co Ltd which applies mining concession to the east side sea area of the intermediate line Granting prospecting right
                                                                        • 安倍内阁的这一问题公开讨论到司局级,其中中国对日本勘探时,该地区的中位数东行去“船舶”经济部长,中川Akikazu是威胁,(当时)帝国石油公司获得探矿权采矿权申请 Abe Cabinet opened Bureau Chief class conference with this problem but there When Japan prospects China “produces the warship” With you were threatened but Nakagawa Akira one economic industrial phase at that time In the Teikoku Oil Co Ltd which applies mining concession to the east side sea area of the intermediate line Granting prospecting right

                                                                      • 尽管巴基斯坦WW3 851中印战争,可能更实际比,与所有周边国家,中国的增益变化,任何一种今天在日本的利益,是不是处理,或者更确切地说,我们的尖阁列岛是愚蠢之前在日本境内的天然气田开发的事实是,中国的急躁情绪变化Waran 851 That sign pas war is realistic from WW3 by China saying As for cooperating with contiguity national everything of China With current Japanese profit There is no change such as something in a certain thing Story is bent Rather than with saying you just the fool As for 尖 official building Japanese territory As for gas field development the Chinese impatience As for the fact the strange straw it is
                                                                        • 会保持一个白痴释放渔船已被故事击中背部,谈判推迟在日本尖阁列岛的气体,吸收了我们中国 1 Shooting the fool when you reset story As for throwing the fishing boat in order to make this negotiation postpone The gas field of the Japanese 尖 official building is inhaled in China
                                                                        • 虽然由851 WW3中国和印度与巴基斯坦的战争更真实,任何利益是日本的增益变化与所有周边国家,而中国不改变主题,或者说,在你的尖阁列岛哑在日本领土的天然气Waran在中国发展领域不耐烦改变的事实, 851 That sign pas war is realistic from WW3 by China saying As for cooperating with contiguity national everything of China With current Japanese profit There is no change such as something in a certain thing Story is bent Rather than with saying you just the fool As for 尖 official building Japanese territory As for gas field development the Chinese impatience As for the fact the strange straw it is

                                                                      • 尽管政府的可能性极高该死找到大型石油和相模湾油田,因为我绝对不做 Even the oil field even the possibility the large scale oil field being found in the Sagami bay Although it is high kuso government does not do no matter what it is
                                                                        • 对于“自我”的献身油田钻探,是一个强大,认为比我们国家Wareru Because of that with the attached heart for the oil field which can be dug “own power” is thought that it is stronger than our country

                                                                      • 巡航导弹“遗憾”中程导弹“惠悠”核航母“道歉”管“核导弹”的声明
                                                                        The mind of cruise missile “regrettable” Intermediate-range missile “friendship” Carrier vehicle nuclear “apology” Nuclear missile “tube conversation”

                                                                        • 当日本气质,运行军国主义的危险吞掉扩增预算?开发能力和世界一流的技术,完全不认为有效力,我认为要共同努力推动你的屏幕上,直到它到达 From the point of view of Japanese disposition expanding also budget at a stroke the danger which it runs to militaristic conversion With you do not think but Technology and development power of the worldwide highest level which has justifiability that becoming assemblage you think that it advances
                                                                          • 当日本气质,运行军国主义的危险吞掉扩增预算?我们认为,屏幕上,直到您到达和进步不会发生在认为有合法性 From the point of view of Japanese disposition expanding also budget at a stroke the danger which it runs to militaristic conversion With you do not think but Technology and development power of the worldwide highest level which has justifiability that becoming assemblage you think that it advances

                                                                        • 忽略震动的外观将直接反驳发言人随机疯狂法西斯的合作者,但立即。海上自卫队和需要,以创造一个直升机场设施渔业Uoshima ll至少我就只能等待沉默尖阁对短期行为的海洋是自 Disregard the inclination which is not seen the enemy s benefit behavior due to randomly It is not necessary to refute to kichigai reporting official directly but Same Conduct of the extent which waits the Maritime Self Defense Force near the 尖 official building only saying nothing At least 釣 it is necessary to make the heliport and the Maritime Self Defense Force related facility in such as Uoshima
                                                                          • 该导弹将达到几分钟或梅鲁说,如果他们是悬挂在海上自卫队决定逮捕甚至半天,我们无法回应934 934 Until even this time arrest is decided half day being required the ru Therefore the Maritime Self Defense Force saying how correspondence is not achieved to the missile which arrives in several minutes

                                                                        • 我不是从一开始,它狙1?中国已初步被分配到每一个尖阁列岛,而建设一所房子寻宝埋资源已经或翻译,但是它的领土,尽管从某种意义上说是一个日本的领土,因为,只要是明确表示,日本正在谈判梅塔亚洲国家开始要求用谎言领土,注册Tyuugoku 1 From beginning That was the aim it is the ro which is As for China at the beginning as for the 尖 official building even Japanese territory in the habit which had territory consciousness To be built the house for buried deposit gold excavation of the resource That negotiation or Japan became clear immediately reversing that it began territory insistence The Asian liar nation the Chinese me
                                                                          • 虽然日本庭园被分配到每个建房的寻找宝藏,我已经模糊或会谈,日本是甜的!情况下,他们不放过! To be built the house for buried deposit gold excavation in the Japanese garden That negotiation or the wa becoming dim whose Japan is sweet Expel

                                                                        • 我和会承认非自我批评应凡人废物水库淤积的牛肉颈部,贡丸甚至被杀害 Until you do not kill if in the waste accumulating of the cow pig you sink to the neck recognizing fault You self criticise probably will be

                                                                          • 我看到一个故事分销或直接在当地的熟人,在这里我想就做展览扎西面板南京大屠杀是一个乡村小镇ROM的一个偏僻的地方或在欧洲里诺塞假名免光盘,甚至可能已被确认

                                                                            • 我立场,我做梦权力购买他们想要在900长引通缩,当原子调整?这是一个现实的筛选非常喜欢的一个中国依靠旅游业 900 Deflation being prolonged also purchasing power going down although the ru when the good ge it is it does also that you dream The sight seeing industrial one very Chinese way look at the actuality unreliablly
                                                                              • 159这种方式。万美元。获胜的国家希望気取Koketara我会像我这样的权力Tyuugoku Tyuugoku责怪我可以入侵 159 The other side Ten thousand The fact that it is invaded can be criticized The Chinese way riding the Chinese way moss cod victorious country you should have been affected and

                                                                            • 我要在制度内的反中世纪的理论,因为它需要民主,但不稳定,更可能成为总理或 Therefore democracy administration the extent which is taken being gone counter medieval theory like the ru it does Either one becoming Prime Minister the resin which already stops it may do
                                                                              • 总理向公众,看到在一个纳税偏狭的事情做外交防盗 To Prime Minister diplomacy doing from the general people to the ru tax thief you look at the thing with island country nature

                                                                            • 把一个时代错误的武力和军事强权的压力不会被人从世界各地

                                                                              • 支那是牧兼容与北主Rashii让我们有一个麻烦氖瓦特战争陷入了困境,但我是最国会议员行贿受理与Minsyu支那瓦特

                                                                                • 日本也把厚宽137伸展拉长,但我认为这是以往任何时候车道嗯纹,真实只有Doronpa而已,它是 137 Thinking that it was and extended and thickly extended and was thickly the gong obtained Japan until now and rubbed To tell the truth you say that you could transform doronpa were…
                                                                                  • 邰泰也伸在拉伸,但我认为这是以往任何时候车道嗯纹,真实只有Doronpa而已,它是 Thinking that the extension thickly it extended and was thickly the gong obtained until now and rubbed To tell the truth you say that you could transform doronpa were…

                                                                                • 更多的欧洲殖民大国,我们是专注于中国在非洲的利益困境 Furthermore the European suzerain has been taken the right of the African continent in China Condition
                                                                                  • 更多的欧洲殖民大国,我们是专注于中国在非洲的利益困境 Furthermore the European suzerain has been taken the right of the African continent in China Condition

                                                                                • 本人过滤,然后你是这个线程在365行-任何预算-约9270.000亿日元的补贴减少

                                                                                  • 此外,还有将被视为没有时间兴趣在解决发展问题的首位的背叛自己的国家在理论和党的紧迫729间

                                                                                    • 海军的海上自毁来自支那,彻底去除海岸卫队试图降落在岛上很快就使阴暗和相应的203 203 So 粛 It corresponds with 々 just Soon because it tries to land to the 尖 official building archipelago with sea preservation thoroughness removal Because and the support 那 navy comes it destroys in the Maritime Self Defense Force
                                                                                      • 在同一中毒饺子,日本悄悄地处理了绒毛线,由于刑事案件,这将导致疲劳和有例子吠 Being the same as the poison 餃 child if Japan 粛 々 keeps coping as a criminal incident that way barks becoming tired You probably will put away

                                                                                    • 潜在的社会认同在中国:一个疯狂的骑Chitsu邪恶共产党,人民把基地,贪婪的自我超越国家利益

                                                                                      • 然而,这傀中国学校中国。这相当于秘密军事组织,是批评或触摸的秘密“的口误”,“媒体的不当行为”,在今年秋季通过谴责日本在中国留下的控制和注进 However as for this China school China 傀 Because it is equal to the special duty system When it mentions secret and or criticizes “Losing word” “scandal” and so on being informed in China It is impeached via the Japanese left wing media and falls from power
                                                                                        • 然而,这傀中国学校中国。这相当于秘密军事组织,是批评或触摸的秘密“的口误”,“媒体的不当行为”,在今年秋季通过谴责日本在中国留下的控制和注进 However as for this China school China 傀 Because it is equal to the special duty system When it mentions secret and or criticizes “Losing word” “scandal” and so on being informed in China It is impeached via the Japanese left wing media and falls from power

                                                                                      • 现在的情况是不冷不热约10万日本人会死好了,现在如果我将捕捉总理郗呒恶尖阁拍摄导弹化解石油 In oil field missile loading If the 尖 official building the prime minister you do now Well the Japanese probably will die 10 000 000 about but Now it paints to be it breaks circumstance
                                                                                        • →W的是美国的石油对美国领土挽救美国并没有得到日本出于成为Wareru吸收尖阁在中国的情况 w Becoming the situation where the 尖 official building is taken in China when Japan does not interfere The United States recapturing American territory gt the oil field in American ones

                                                                                      • 现在,世界经济衰退,但是我说Wareru雷曼冲击,事实上,甚至美国,例如,靖Tadasu Medoinchaina公司在中国产品进入美国,被带回自己的国家,因为美国而且它是欧洲,德国,法国等是一个问题,欧元疲软,希腊设法就是 TTA的关平 As for the world economy becoming depression however it is called the Riemann shock as for the actual place For example to America China advances the American enterprise which the cheap maid in China product The fact that it imports to the American home country conversely to be cause but as for that Europe similar Germany and France etc The Europe it becomes cheaply with the Greek problem somehow it is the sufficient it finishes to escape

                                                                                        • 由于该设备已被内斗的人,只有在成熟过程中,提醒我的是为什么他们总在他们的脑死看政府职能

                                                                                          • 结束女孩如果其他国家的目的,而不是他们的战争占领了独岛的情况也很常见 美日同盟美韩同盟,“攻击我,如果你只是有人帮助我,”我所以(Yoroshi韩国联盟在谷歌美国),我不认为美国的态度取决于他是否喜欢你第一次作为 When it becomes the gachi war which designates the taking combination well time of the bamboo island or the occupation of partner country as purpose… Japan U S alliance and American Korea alliance being in common When “the partner attacks it helps” Because they are tsu te contents the gugu ru may with American Korea alliance as for the American attitude Either one produced the hand first depending upon it is the kana which is not
                                                                                            • 从北,西是来自中国采取对俄罗斯,我们是剥夺了韩国的竹岛,对马岛韩国担心今后要采取 From north taking to Russia From west taking to China The bamboo island is taken in Korea Tsushima in the future Korea is a possibility of being taken

                                                                                          • 美国从中国成为危险的关心,如果日本不发生有钱,我 Japan which America and becomes serious the gold does not have how If it does from China how it is good

                                                                                            • 美国公司抓住作为人质,前进到中国,他说这可能甚至不再投诉,中国奥巴马 The American enterprise which advances to the mainland China Hostage It was obtained even complaint became unable to call to China obama
                                                                                              • 美国公司已经陷入经营为人质,甚至没有奥巴马称这将不再抱怨中国在中国 China the American enterprise which advances Hostage It was obtained even complaint became unable to call to China obama

                                                                                            • 美国的雪佛龙公司,荷兰皇家壳牌隐藏冉制度薄弱或我的球不支付的主要油公司,他们说,但我会拉中国人,我得等日本各地的包裹包括Maretakunakatta之间的问题这是习惯,花岗岩掴只有钱,你拿出你的双手毟日 American type chevron the English and Dutch system as for royal Dutch shell Because you did not want you to involve to the problem between Japan and China That the hand was pulled saying however ru one it is Whether petroleum measure such a tama It does not pay it is When the hand is produced unskillfully just the gold tears being taken The refuse 掴 it can surpass
                                                                                              • 你没看见我是敷衍 邓小平的974家公司中主要的石油? 974 Petroleum measure is and the tsu pe is seeing You escaped it is the tsu ke which is not

                                                                                            • 至少,看一看在这种情况下,民主党夺取了政权,即使爱看堪与小泽甚至当你明白 At least looking at this situation Well to the 菅 also to Ozawa The Democratic party making take administration circumstance and you understand
                                                                                              • 不过,我也会采取政府八百十六年,我便立即弹出旧政权的是,这听起来很愚蠢 816 Administration taking although it is also one year you bring up still old administration how the wa which is foolish itself
                                                                                              • 日本也已成为一个政党是哪个,我觉得他们的东西绝对不把 As for Japan some political party becoming administration the te the wa which cannot happen to think such a thing no matter what

                                                                                            • 词到了一点,日本远见我们拥有超过100年以前Asia Hukuzawa Yukiti逃避现代翻译Essay]不幸的是中国和朝鲜半岛

                                                                                              • 该国已一分钟长的历史,狡猾狡猾,但收集的歌曲为钱扔在Geru人即使耀西晃
                                                                                                That country the amount whose history is long, being crafty, cunning, because of the gold if even justice the 捻 [ji] is the aggregate of the human who is bent

                                                                                                • 该技术能够利用世界级的科学和能源发展核潜艇的核炸弹,核航母,外汇5代战斗机,机器人技术,质子
                                                                                                  Freely using the technology power of worldwide highest level, in the nuclear weapon the atomic submarine and the carrier vehicle nuclear, In fifth generation FX fighter planes, robot technology, proton energy development…

                                                                                                  • 这一途径,美国,欧洲,日本等以及,制造商迁往中国国内产业也造成大量失业的是挖空,消费质量下降的深度或不能立即支付的贷款,从而导致随着全球经济衰退鄂对我说是在经济衰退的结构性缺陷 This it requires not only Japan America Europe etc Production enterprise moving China Industry inside the home country becomes hollow and the mass unemployed person occurs unless it can pay loan popular consumption falling As the result falling into structural depression you can say that it became worldwide simultaneous depression
                                                                                                    • 因此,西方列强,包括日本,中国作为一个刚在经营结果据说鄂全球经济衰退 This way the European American powers which include Japan as the result China of advancing all together You can say that it became worldwide simultaneous depression

                                                                                                  • 这两党的377来历不明的日本从一个。你是否真正接受报告? NO)和出路从382人(维修成本,如果我们不是说我们喜欢护送出一个无人看管的死亡rate m除非你正在运行

                                                                                                    • 这是一个伟大的方式是荒谬的容忍谈判侵入领海的天然气延续
                                                                                                      For negotiation continuation of the gas field violation of territorial waters with the direction which acquiesces the shank It is splendid topsy-turvydom

                                                                                                      • 这是国家第一次在俄罗斯在于遣照顾,但也把对美各国的压力是非常值得的Keshikaketara在这里,现在,日本的战争,因为他感到了鼓舞轮在印度Zanppara亚拉越南战争可怕的陷阱啄 As for that country there is a manner which uses the air in Russia but awfully in Vietnam India the tsu pa and others The ke setting up with war feeling exposure from the ru When now the war ke it sets up to Japan here suitable pressure it is applied from around The trap which is picked well awfully even from United Nations
                                                                                                        • 这个国家是俄罗斯,印度的战争,也证实越南南方的边境战争与界定 As for that country Russia India and going to war it demarcated the border and fought with Vietnam and decided also southern part

                                                                                                      • 通过采用更先进的设计技术,可以由那些拥有更先进反应堆级钚的破坏力

                                                                                                        • 钓鱼台 中国天然气谈判推迟,对中国海岸警卫队的行动官员“的差异。跑掉?为例自由思想?,我从Barbary ll违反法律是吗?”他说: lt 尖 official building gt China to postpone gas field negotiation China opposition measure Sea preservation staff “difference At the same time invalidity If you think selfishly Legal Bali Bali tearing therefore the ru it is ” With you talk
                                                                                                          • 顶点。佩Demokita基特基特详情はる青山师哥 尖 Detailed report kita Beijing demokita Aoyama it does as for the ge ru kita

                                                                                                        • 顺便说一句,那炸药被带到日本作为第一时间围绕武器的海盗总是 “彦荒木◆”Aaaatsu背后 爆炸 ?相当之后等待!返回摆动津市,并在同一时间!Kikomu叩立即!“。07龙骑◆”我当然知道!当时声音过滤了大爆炸的位置!我的情况,我是蛊惑 But digression as for gun powder as a weapon for the first time being brought to Japan time of the original 寇… where is” Rough lumber Hirohiko “From back explosion aaaatsu which is The tsu which waited for this When you look back simultaneously tsu It hits instantly and is dense the mu ” Dragon horseman 07 “ dokaaan … Where big blast pronunciation does with rear We rearranged the circumstance which by your are placed…
                                                                                                          • 武器控制和国际安全委员会和国家科学院(作曲者协会联合会)1994年管理和处置钚的过剩武器:未爆炸的炸弹有免费的! ?根据第一次的核材料链式反应的计算。博萨基,因为他们被压缩到一个可持续的,即使推出了设计长度的最糟糕的经历在早期。一千吨至几种简单的设备相对(克拉:TNT炸药爆炸力相当于1000吨炸药的),应该成为爆炸性的功率约 The American scientific academy international security and arm control commission CISAC 1994 Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium There is no misfire in the atomic bomb According to calculation the nuclear matter for the first time the chain counter To maintenance possible size the point in time when it was compressed In other words even with when early occurrence occurred at facilities appropriation worst point in time length Relative with the simple device of type 1 or several kilotons kt The explosive power which is suitable to the TNT gun powder 1000 ton it is the expectation which becomes explosive power

                                                                                                        • 首先,该交易所同意,记者应该停止在白天! ! TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E6的%97%± 5%%E4类%B8座公元%E8的%± 8%98%E8的%80%85%E4类学士学位%%%8楼A4纸%E6的第9B%E5公司% %%94%E5公司8D的%%9A条新闻曝光健全的! !
                                                                                                          First, the shelf which should stop Japanese-Chinese reporter exchange agreement! ! ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E6% 97% A5% E4% B8% AD % E8% A8% 98% E8% 80% 85% E4% BA % A4% E6% 8F % 9B % E5% 8D % 94% E5% AE % 9A Soundness of reporting! !

                                                                                                          • 麻烦的是,我将会谈推迟出售日本政治家娱乐和贿赂政客正在做的业务,因为他们对支那乌利亚瓦特 The politician who trades with the support 那 Bribe entertaining selling Japan the ru politician Being negotiated being postponed as for being troubled like this the ro w where is just the yu u party
                                                                                                            • 513否则,它也将在现场来支那不去 513 So unless is with the support 那 don t you think it is not to be able to keep living

                                                                                                          • 麻生事情的经过是我们任命516气体吸入统一?这是奴性五百二十四瓦特 516 The gas field inhales has left Aso passing 524 Slave nature shelf w

                                                                                                            • 黎明主任中国外交部发言人姜瑜03月11日,东中国南海诸岛(钓鱼岛中文名),日本反对附近衡量冲突对日本海上保安厅巡逻艇和渔船在中国是引起,取代两国政府签署了这项条约本月晚些时候在白天有关东方中国东海天然气联合开发场已定。梅塔是明确指出,决定推迟第二次会议 The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs as for 姜 瑜 secondary reporting Bureau Chief 11 day early dawn the 尖 official building archipelago of Dong Hai Chinese name 釣 Uoshima in near To repel to the measure of the Japanese side which is related to the collision incident of the Maritime Safety Agency patrol boat and the Chinese fishing boat which occurred in the middle of this month Treaty conclusion intersection of the Japanese Chinese both governments regarding the Dong Hai gas field joint development which it has planned 2nd assembly It made that postponement is decided clear
                                                                                                              • 。在日本的首席发言人,执政走出了一条中国渔船,10天拘留船船长阻塞被捕的罪名是司法,“尽管中国的重叠度的抗议,日本队队长对他的大胆行使 司法 程序“,并表示强烈不满和抗议 As for secondary reporting Bureau Chief in Chinese captain of the fishing boat which in Japan is arrested with official business execution disturbance suspicion 10 days Concerning detention decision being put out “in spite even in the protest to which the Chinese side occurs repeatedly as for the Japanese side Being able to meet vis a vis the captain administration of justice procedure ” assuming that it used you stated the mind of strong dissatisfaction and protest
                                                                                                              • 在日本被捕击中的渔船,在谈判中占上风站在放气Tsuto怪,但让我赶上 The fishing boat throwing arrest is in Japan 捕 difficult habit attaching when it stands predominantly in gas field negotiation

                                                                                                            • (如海军,韩国轰炸)乱杀,在许多时候是肮脏的把戏自卫队
                                                                                                              When (like the Korean naval bombing incident is) many Self-Defense Official killing and wounding with un-discriminating and the mean hand,…

                                                                                                              研究 開発