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Defense side “informing, because emergency conveyance catches 40 minutes super, innocence” -> “with witness “in 2 - 3 minutes time it is required arrival yes” it is difficult to think that conveyance,”, the ★2


  • 16因此,报告,救护车到达现场,该医院从那里运到调查,Denee这意味着40分钟的时间来达成?有抢救抵达它在5分钟救护车,时间也是适当的交通第一次调查,我也没有区别40分钟共井 16 Therefore informing the emergency soldier arriving actual place ahead conveying searching from there it arrives at the hospital Until it does time understanding 40 in sense well Assuming that the ambulance came in 5 minutes unless it does not revive deals with there go or ahead suitable conveying Time it puts out also the fact that you search 40 understands and necessarily is not the mistake
    • 救护人员赶到现场,“即使他们怀疑吸毒者称为早熟马铃薯,这一行动将是”我作证,大意是 The emergency soldier who goes to actual place “early being called the effect is testified it doubts narcotic addiction probably becomes the disposal”

  • 174嗯,我不喜欢杀人的半致死放弃了保护责任的

    • 280救护车,“我什至不适合而要求”这也将为这不是有罪的死亡原因对你有什么自己的,判断的? NULL
      • 如果我要求他支付从承运人后,根据623的紧迫性情况,我叫 623 With urgent characteristic circumstance circumstance of the person whom it called conveying price it should have tried to claim from after although

    • 3 你的意思是,就在那一刻是非常严重的,78?你可能会认为我会说话不帮忙吗?还远远没有致命90%80%Tasukatta行不行?我会Kotojan押尾的清白? 78 At that point in time 3 next tsu levers the ro which is the serious illness rather The tsu lever Toda ro which sufficiently has also the possibility there is no help can Approximately 8 percentage 9 tenth it does unless you can say that you applied it is not possible to homicide it is the ro which is The Osio innocence tsu lever it is
      • 我认为,我们流浪和过失杀人罪起诉也TTA的 NULL

    • 410特别是不作为犯罪的,因为,“如果8 10预计出行为作了九个没有帮助”需要证明因果关系 410 Especially therefore forbearance offense “is expected you could do the artificiality which if is in 8 10 and 9 being saved” It becomes necessary for the proof of the causal relation
      • 为了证明,特别是当它涉及到听起来更难 When with it becomes don t you think all the more what it proves is all the more seriously so

    • 42零任何可能性,但考虑到例如,假设一个问题,做零比零 42 Any possibility is not zero but you do at zero as a prerequisite and thinking zero there is no problem

      • 467 NHK的节目取决于教育福利做药物。它的特点,我应该看融化

        • 702是的,有说是高只是确认心室颤动的可能性甚至没有真正尝试,以确定死亡原因是心室颤动,如果如果不能,可以提出迪拉姆死亡病例为例,从使用松村特恩布尔援助的事件并没有在他们的意识,有责任将取决于 NULL
          • 间距Desuta韩国法官 被告人五天押尾(1)“来吧”的受害者更多的医生喜欢抱怨的话作证说,摇头丸韩文症状和波纹管9 10 11 25“田中这里摇头丸的饮料,和书面材料是一个死亡的症状,直至改变,以便能够在大型监视器项目坐落在法庭 Pitch is the Korean it is “More the victim who margin yells securely” In the word like the Hangul complaint The doctor testifies MDMA condition 9 10 11 25 lt lt Tanaka drinks MDMA here until the death the change of condition writes the data which It starts projecting to the large size monitor which is installed in the court
          • 间距Desuta韩国法官 被告人五天押尾(1)“来吧”的受害者更多的医生喜欢抱怨的话作证说,摇头丸韩文症状和波纹管9 10 11 25“田中这里摇头丸的饮料,和书面材料是一个死亡的症状,直至改变,以便能够在大型监视器项目坐落在法庭 Pitch is the Korean it is “More the victim who margin yells securely” In the word like the Hangul complaint The doctor testifies MDMA condition 9 10 11 25 lt lt Tanaka drinks MDMA here until the death the change of condition writes the data which It starts projecting to the large size monitor which is installed in the court
          • 间距Desuta韩国法官 被告人五天押尾(1)“来吧”的受害者更多的医生喜欢抱怨的话作证说,摇头丸韩文症状和波纹管9 10 11 25“田中这里摇头丸的饮料,和书面材料是一个死亡的症状,直至改变,以便能够在大型监视器项目坐落在法庭 Pitch is the Korean it is “More the victim who margin yells securely” In the word like the Hangul complaint The doctor testifies MDMA condition 9 10 11 25 lt lt Tanaka drinks MDMA here until the death the change of condition writes the data which It starts projecting to the large size monitor which is installed in the court

        • 7467 745好了,我可以做它毕竟提出上诉 NULL
          • 467? NULL
          • 923摆在我们面前,这工作不正常 923 You the ro it has not worked and is
          • 另一条说谁是新Waremashita详细信息 The detailed person is already 1 people that It was said
          • 您Chigau467瓦特 467 The ro w which is different and is
          • 我们源出387 387 The source put out
          • 是的的确八十三瓦特 83 W which so is certain
          • 谢谢176 176 Thank you

        • 787押尾的earnest ll槽的大小也有不同的方式一个战士,我认为它会立即对谷川武强大到足以返回,如果谁连讨范围为30战斗机,表示押尾然后,而不是替代战斗机涩。请押尾幻想的朋友,以及涩谷莉孔,但不幸的是他的言论。因为有这样的墙 787 Osio the grapple house surrounding with 30 from the extent forcing which is made killing a would be avenger You think that Hasegawa you do not become the partner There is also a physique difference and By the way the grapple house the concave tsu passing as for there is no Osio speech Grapple house Shibuya 莉 Speech of this person But also the Shibuya 莉 hole Osio similarly in regrettable thing emptiness Because it seems that is the wall
          • 787押尾的earnest ll槽的大小也有不同的方式一个战士,我认为它会立即对谷川武强大到足以返回,如果谁连讨范围为30战斗机,表示押尾然后,而不是替代战斗机涩。请押尾幻想的朋友,以及涩谷莉孔,但不幸的是他的言论。因为有这样的墙 787 Osio the grapple house surrounding with 30 from the extent forcing which is made killing a would be avenger You think that Hasegawa you do not become the partner There is also a physique difference and By the way the grapple house the concave tsu passing as for there is no Osio speech Grapple house Shibuya 莉 Speech of this person But also the Shibuya 莉 hole Osio similarly in regrettable thing emptiness Because it seems that is the wall

        • Shisan十名无 周年:2010 09 10(星期五)16:28:26编号:q4ZNdZXA0尽快在交通,可致电Baretara事实,理由没有帮助,当我背着?现场观摩也没有死亡的时候你不明白 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 09 10 Friday 16 28 26 ID q4ZNdZXA0 When so it is called really assuming that it can convey immediately conveying the cod as for the basis which is saved There is no clock in actual place time of death is not understood it is with to do the yo
          • 当救援人员赶到的尸僵并不意味着我已经死了,当我不知道702名结尾: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 09 10(星期五)16:28:26编号:q4ZNdZXA0在只要交通可以调用Baretara事实,理由没有帮助,当我背着?现场观摩也没有死亡的时候你不明白 When emergency party comes you do not know after all already postmortem it is stiffened with reason when it died 702 Name Name it is not ten lap year 2010 09 10 Friday 16 28 26 ID q4ZNdZXA0 When so it is called really assuming that it can convey immediately conveying the cod as for the basis which is saved There is no clock in actual place time of death is not understood it is with to do the yo
          • 我不知道这家伙是愚蠢的,它可能是燃料的厨房,某种形式的间谍? 702名: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 09 10(星期五)16:28:26编号:q4ZNdZXA0,可尽快运呼叫Baretara事实,理由不帮助时,我背着?现场观摩也没有死亡的时候你不明白 Is it is dense probably foolish what Fanning 厨 it probably is what It probably is operative what 702 Name Name it is not ten lap year 2010 09 10 Friday 16 28 26 ID q4ZNdZXA0 When so it is called really assuming that it can convey immediately conveying the cod as for the basis which is saved There is no clock in actual place time of death is not understood it is with to do the yo
          • 田中是幸运,被揭发后,他在死亡的2307室 You say that Tanaka postmortem 2307 was carried to the room

        • “在下午6点20分,突然,眼睛仍然开放,是床坏”系列写的时间是按照为罕见症状,例如,“公共检察官”我们认为有关症状的变化Ukagaitai “6 20 PM suddenly while open the eye it collapses in the bed” and so on condition following to the time series it is written gt gt We would like to infer concerning trial counsel “condition change
          • “在下午6点20分,突然,眼睛仍然开放,是床坏”系列写的时间是按照为罕见症状,例如,“公共检察官”我们认为有关症状的变化Ukagaitai “6 20 PM suddenly while open the eye it collapses in the bed” and so on condition following to the time series it is written gt gt We would like to infer concerning trial counsel “condition change
          • “在下午6点20分,突然,眼睛仍然开放,是床坏”系列写的时间是按照为罕见症状,例如,“公共检察官”我们认为有关症状的变化Ukagaitai “6 20 PM suddenly while open the eye it collapses in the bed” and so on condition following to the time series it is written gt gt We would like to infer concerning trial counsel “condition change
          • “在下午6点20分,突然,眼睛仍然开放,是床坏”系列写的时间是按照为罕见症状,例如,“公共检察官”我们认为有关症状的变化Ukagaitai “6 20 PM suddenly while open the eye it collapses in the bed” and so on condition following to the time series it is written gt gt We would like to infer concerning trial counsel “condition change
          • “在下午6点20分,突然,眼睛仍然开放,是床坏”系列写的时间是按照为罕见症状,例如,“公共检察官”我们认为有关症状的变化Ukagaitai “6 20 PM suddenly while open the eye it collapses in the bed” and so on condition following to the time series it is written gt gt We would like to infer concerning trial counsel “condition change
          • “在下午6点20分,突然,眼睛仍然开放,是床坏”系列写的时间是按照为罕见症状,例如,“公共检察官”我们认为有关症状的变化Ukagaitai “6 20 PM suddenly while open the eye it collapses in the bed” and so on condition following to the time series it is written gt gt We would like to infer concerning trial counsel “condition change

        • “我打过电话可爱的偶像没有时间到死亡事件发生后不久,”但我会说喜欢,这个曾经是恩戴我想我正准备打电话呢?我曾听过,因为它是 NULL

          • 不叫救护车最终押尾
            To that, as for Osio the ambulance it is not called after all

            • 与药物使用的484例,所以我说没有问题问三级应急处理臭味

              • 中岛先生是Gomeo通过Supoido肛门注射的男性肯定属于百毫克的10倍附近使用一常
                As for suspect Nakajima [gomeo] of hundred milligrams which usually hit to nearly ten times that amount used From the anus of the man it fills with [supoido

                • 井来处理非常迅速解除茹,而移动救护车和急症室我会得到20分钟来计算预计将缓慢呼吸,运到

                  • 今天在法庭上,急诊医学专家认为,盐,“我在10分钟死”否认的事实 At the present court the emergency medical medical specialist the salt insists “died being about 10 minutes” With the fact which is said was denied

                    • 但是,为了确保没有一个人对我们的工作,抑制无法移动,“公共检察官”抵达后,房间里我有许多“证人”,但我没有看到一个人,另一名成员是说我有两个人,“检察官”是人或查问,“证人” Simply because the fact that the human who is there is guaranteed is not our duties movement It cannot stop ” The arrival time trial counsel “ no person it was in the room ” What witness “I verified is 1 but another soldier that 2 it was said” Was circumstance listening done “in that person of the trial counsel ” The witness “it is
                      • 大眼睛,桌子上押尾被告笔记,我也考虑到听“检察官”是第三者无法进入现场,“证人”是 Defendant Osio expands note on the desk has drunk in exchange gt gt Is the third party not to insert in trial counsel “actual place ” The witness “it is

                    • 你不适合之间的一个结果内疚?这种思维方式,不能很了解 It was not in time result therefore it is innocence You cannot understand the how to think it very

                      • 你可以欺骗这个法律,如果你太Furuhata Ninzaburo

                        • 你怎么看?纪s延亨默橡木米?万维网
                          How you think? [mikashi] ゙ [yon] [yuuki]? www

                          • 前心脏骤停,心脏骤停,避免作证的医生,我这是现在躺在产经新闻迪拉姆与肺水肿分钟可以注意的是不可能的,例如使用,也可以发送氧医生和护理人员呼吸道

                            • 印象 我的律师,我将努力脏东西〜,让我说,他们的愤怒和不情愿的证人,或通过各种技巧性,你会也将采取主审法官 NULL
                              • 人被释放,从19至855证人,其中最后一 855 The witness te 19 person it is announced the empty With the 1 people end
                              • 印象 我的律师,我将努力脏东西〜,让我说,他们的愤怒和不情愿的证人,或通过各种技巧性,甚至拨打审判长生气 NULL

                            • 即使是救护人员,更无能。只要我的妻子和日本福利久,我没有不称职的帮助和总理
                              The emergency soldier being, already disabled. If the prime minister and disabled long wife public welfare Minister of labor are As for Japan the [wa] which is not saved

                              • 吸毒者,“以下三个紧急”井周治疗。急诊室中的最优先项目

                                • 嗯,那人就会采取行动,以形成一个盐,现在法院还没有作出明确表示 Well also with judgment it became clear not to be the kind of human where the salt forms such an artificiality but
                                  • 也有一些是盐胜艾希也考虑这样一个例子是 NULL
                                  • 每次你说什么是盐,正确的处罚Kiga你用棍子精神 Something salt each time you say punishment is correct with the spiritual stick
                                  • 盐是598做太晚太糟糕了我的头 598 To do that already it is too slow Furthermore head badness it passed the salt

                                • 因为如果你做119个神奇的助手,在当场抓获一名女子,他们等待着药物 Because 119th it informs when it is saved the woman is caught with medicine offense

                                  • 因此,我会立刻跳杀747瓦特的死亡率肺水肿患者的医疗戏时,我
                                    747 Dying instantly in the lung edema, fatality of the patient leaps with cod medical drama, on [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] w

                                    • 在痛苦和肺水肿是什么,他们怕“肺水肿,是说起来容易,肯定会被人体血液循环不良的,它需要在肺部的负担
                                      The lung edema [tsu] [te] it is painful, it is the shelf, we fear “As for the lung edema, speaking simply, circulation of the body of the blood of the human becoming bad, burden falls on the lung

                                      • 在这种情况下,立即看到成员,因此直接进入指定将被视为三级急救医院 In latest case if the soldier sees same because you think that as 3 it is judged next emergencies it goes straight to the designated hospital

                                        • 它不会削弱最后317
                                          317 It is not disabled person decision, probably will be

                                          • 家庭似乎是生气或not ll道歉明信片仍是单一主机Kosazu押尾,向死者道歉矢田亚希子花线TTA的卡诺
                                            Unless Osio even postcard one not handing over now is apology way the bereaved family is gotten angry, but, The bereaved family went to apology in Akiko Yada kana

                                            • 德塔我一读起的日子,是我疯了法官愤怒Tenjan很多次,这名律师盐 However you read directly from first day the attorney tsu te head of your this salt it is strange Many degrees you are gotten angry to the judge it is
                                              • 梅鲁只提供了盐的要求,因为我将努力捍卫任何情况 Directing to the direction which the salt calculates that it probably is what kind of circumstance therefore defending work

                                            • 慢慢地,它似乎填补外护城河完美,但我

                                              • 我正式辞职119,但如果你是大小如110,119三个小时后,毕竟 If temporarily 119th has done abandoning 110th you understand but after all 3 hours later 119th
                                                • 我正式辞职119,但如果你是大小如110,119三个小时后,毕竟 If temporarily 119th has done abandoning 110th you understand but after all 3 hours later 119th

                                              • 我没有马上叫救护车,因为我有密切的关系,必须一救护车可怜的家伙被称为死亡的权利,没有一个女人,但死亡比例可能去了第三个家伙?不是没有魔法的帮助,我会帮我立刻马上叫救护车,只是紧张的奶奶,帮你直接从Nasou海滨克如叫救护车的帮助,仍然。你马上叫救护车 Several percent of person who was said 3 next may die although is the person who does not call the ambulance is bad The woman of intimate relationship may die although is why the ambulance is not called immediately it is We called the grandmother just was convulsed the ambulance immediately It is saved the ambulance is called in order is not saved not to be to help it is the ro which is If it probably will form from help furthermore The ro which calls the ambulance in the swift attack and is
                                                • Nanakattara 786女人DNA的死似乎没有与我们测试我们的贵重物品,跟随我们的样子,你做护士叫了你的各种gold口里呼叫救护车按任一按钮将可爱的偶像我必须有更多的 786 When it does not die DNA inspection or Way it is the money aim woman therefore the oral reverse side it does to adjust with the money The button pushing the expectation where the nursing teacher it calls or the ambulance calls and the re as for the road is various
                                                • 我没有马上叫救护车,因为我有一死救护车,但该名男子可能是正确的死亡没有一个女人亲密的关系必须可怜的家伙叫什么?不是没有魔法的帮助,我会帮我立刻马上叫救护车,只是紧张的奶奶,帮你直接从Nasou海滨克如叫救护车的帮助,仍然。你马上叫救护车 The person may die although is the person who does not call the ambulance is bad The woman of intimate relationship may die although is why the ambulance is not called immediately it is We called the grandmother just was convulsed the ambulance immediately It is saved the ambulance is called in order is not saved not to be to help it is the ro which is If it probably will form from help furthermore The ro which calls the ambulance in the swift attack and is

                                              • 我的B计划,但仅限于非常早期的可能
                                                My plan B, however only at the time of super early correspondence possibility

                                                • 我能打开我们克如679孔 679 Being possible this time to bore the hole
                                                  • 40分钟的例子是不可能考虑什么感觉 How thinking the air which is not possible does 40 minutes

                                                • 押尾很不好,但即使在世界法律,已被落案起诉与保护TTA的从自我隐瞒了自己的职责 But Osio considerably is vicious law in case of world from self self protection Because it neglected the obligation it is prosecuted from investigation
                                                  • S的一系列动作与此押尾学夫的代名词 Don t you think as for consecutive conduct of Osio study the same meaning as this
                                                  • 押尾相当糟糕,但它也是世界充满荒谬的立法 But Osio considerably is vicious law in case of world from self self protection Because it neglected the obligation it is prosecuted from investigation

                                                • 押尾行为遗弃(左),以及是否Ataru
                                                  Whether or not Osio's behavior undertakes abandonment (leaving)

                                                  • 摇头丸是负责保护特恩布尔指责的情况知道什么时候从我德塔的女人,我的看法可能不完全死亡 In Defendant Osio protective responsibility awakening from MDMA when grasping situation the woman has died perfectly is the ro which is
                                                    • 我们看到特恩布尔包括埃塔恩戴高斯我屁股上的白色方块 Riding in gau it keeps thrusting to the white base Osio was visible
                                                    • (二)是否室负责←保护特恩布尔两名被告 2 Whether or not is a protective responsibility in Defendant Osio lt In room 2

                                                  • 救护人员在法庭昨天额外的398,或者,如果作出适当的通知,它一直在接受住院治疗,15分钟的Kera容易想象作证说, 398 Supplementation Whether it is judgment of yesterday the emergency soldier being able to do the information which is done securely If it is as for within 15 minutes remedy being received at the hospital You can imagine easily that you testified

                                                    • 比罗向公众道歉,他们认为坏的全正面Ttara矢田亚希子
                                                      When you think that also Akiko Yada is bad, apologize to the world with the hair nude

                                                      • 相适应的时间,使现场处理和旅行时间地板23 211井山,约30分钟,我想我们会 211 When well shifting field to the Hills 23 floor and disposal time on site are set to that in 30 minutes It becomes it is the kana which is not
                                                        • 未完成治疗的方式,因为国家已经死了的受害者Syakai By the way because those where disposal it is not completed the victim already were social dead state

                                                      • 编号:gWHA + bSv0喜欢把名字标记,证明了我
                                                        ID: gWHA + bSv0 As the [tsu] lever is recognized, attaching the nameplate, don't you think? the [te

                                                        • 编号:q4ZNdZXA0像韩国人的唯一扬
                                                          ID: q4ZNdZXA0 Such a simply South Korean it is

                                                          • 编号:rOpT4hfc0我放弃另一个编号:gWHA + bSv0似乎消失

                                                            • 编号:白痴1QUTJfM90来自同一NGID书面存档的建议
                                                              ID: 1QUTJfM90 Therefore the same thing the fool who is written NGID recommendation

                                                              • 考古现象表明,日本原产意识Tyousen
                                                                Archaeological the conscious phenomenon which suggests the Japanese Korean beginning

                                                                • 而如果我们按下了恐慌的按钮,在六本木山,一迪拉姆2名护士已在三分钟内赶到,他们用它,如果我九十○分钟服务后,我很神奇的紧急百分之更多援助 If and the emergency button of Roppongi Hills s is pushed the nursing loyal retainer having AED it arrives in 2 and 3 minutes If you use that and emergency party comes after that several minutes the tsu te which above the 90 is saved

                                                                  • 肺水肿774之前,立刻被打死,也许技术的盐
                                                                    774 Before the lung edema, instantaneous death was the causing [re] it is with tech of the salt

                                                                    • 至于防守,我Tteta狙,直到一氧化氮手打致死遗弃在废弃的退化葛部署

                                                                      • 葬礼是完美的,但它也是892矢田亚希子
                                                                        892 If also Akiko Yada buried, it was perfect although

                                                                        • 计划,企图毁灭证据,这一阴谋的证据的Kio拓决定是为了保持冷静。
                                                                          Conference will be opened and that evidence will be extinct, as for planning, The proof which judgment does calmly.

                                                                          • 这感觉就像一个值得欢迎的例子在英美烟草一郎与基地,没有出的货物,或者
                                                                            Or in the no out loaded bases receiving [ichiro] in at bat, the [ru] feeling

                                                                            • 阅读昨天的新闻,直接从情况下,我住在附近90 90 Living in there news of yesterday do again to read from the ru
                                                                              • 因此,我看昨天的新闻直案件90 90 Therefore news of yesterday do again to read
                                                                              • 我知道我是来自927我住在附近 927 Living in there knowing from the ru the ru

                                                                            • 麻布Ntsuseki在这里和附近有医院周围,都广尾,北里大学,慈惠大学,济生会中央,Keiou信浓,这种头盔必须有足够的运气

                                                                              • 麻布警署只要现场,身穿“〜的规定向事件”

                                                                                • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!人月韩国 刚刚开始,有与这些就像喊叫 In the data which is presented You see and the ke are moving aside the wrinkle it is butsubutsu complaint to someone in the word like Hangul language The latch secure… more margin When with it starts yelling it is but Such a simply South Korean it is
                                                                                  • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!人月韩国 刚刚开始,有与这些就像喊叫 In the data which is presented You see and the ke are moving aside the wrinkle it is butsubutsu complaint to someone in the word like Hangul language The latch secure… more margin When with it starts yelling it is but Such a simply South Korean it is

                                                                                • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!喊叫,并开始有这些 ,它是一种症状,并Iemasu摇头丸或“证人”摇头丸被认为是一个幸福快乐的迹象的影响“,”他们有小 许多 许多 和 他们写 被称为幸福感,或强的药物,是和欣快感,幻觉和妄想的更多的大脑署理预期情绪高昂 NULL
                                                                                  • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!喊叫,并开始有这些 ,它是一种症状,并Iemasu摇头丸或“证人”摇头丸被认为是一个幸福快乐的迹象的影响“,”他们有小 许多 许多 和 他们写 被称为幸福感,或强的药物,是和欣快感,幻觉和妄想的更多的大脑署理预期情绪高昂 NULL
                                                                                  • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!喊叫,并开始有这些 ,它是一种症状,并Iemasu摇头丸或“证人”摇头丸被认为是一个幸福快乐的迹象的影响“,”他们有小 许多 许多 和 他们写 被称为幸福感,或强的药物,是和欣快感,幻觉和妄想的更多的大脑署理预期情绪高昂 NULL
                                                                                  • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!喊叫,并开始有这些 ,它是一种症状,并Iemasu摇头丸或“证人”摇头丸被认为是一个幸福快乐的迹象的影响“,”他们有小 许多 许多 和 他们写 被称为幸福感,或强的药物,是和欣快感,幻觉和妄想的更多的大脑署理预期情绪高昂 NULL
                                                                                  • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!喊叫,并开始有这些 ,它是一种症状,并Iemasu摇头丸或“证人”摇头丸被认为是一个幸福快乐的迹象的影响“,”他们有小 许多 许多 和 他们写 被称为幸福感,或强的药物,是和欣快感,幻觉和妄想的更多的大脑署理预期情绪高昂 NULL
                                                                                  • (本文介绍) 抱怨和牢骚话的人对我们说皱纹像韩文出钱只挂出了 更多 来吧!喊叫,并开始有这些 ,它是一种症状,并Iemasu摇头丸或“证人”摇头丸被认为是一个幸福快乐的迹象的影响“,”他们有小 许多 许多 和 他们写 被称为幸福感,或强的药物,是和欣快感,幻觉和妄想的更多的大脑署理预期情绪高昂 NULL

                                                                                • ,在时刻的办法,它发生,梅鲁起诉要求之间的差异对面的行为 If that time like this it did that became like this as for the investigation which says seeks the behavior of opposite the mistake
                                                                                  • 而且我知道它是无辜的起诉 And as for being innocence prosecution being recognized the ru

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