0 ll退还税款100没有收入是320%正确的遗憾 320 The ma which does it is correction There is no income tax 0 the te Return 100 shelf
269:名片Orimashi re出是:圣人:2010 09 09(星期四)20 38:06株。茹出来的数字是否以及在什么样的速度,是因为“退税金额的百分比,但我有单声道,这东西是上瘾的讨论” 269 As for the card we having run out sage 2010 09 09 wood 20 38 06 Burden Argument be possible to be it comes out “there is a ratio in the number whether several percentages of tax it is returned as treatment ” but it is dense Tsuga kusemono
2010年9月10日,欧盟702笔记本劳动法和政策(星期五)汤浅诚先生混淆 有人出政策,直至现在,“有一个政策,他们认为我把国家的形象Kaseyou我的工作,为什么我不喜欢行认为,这是事实似乎有点混乱 702 EU work Hosei step notebook 2010 September 10th Gold Confusion of Yuasa genuine person gt Therefore as for being interesting Yuasa north Europe welfare state until the person appears until the policy doing again to hit thoroughly” the person who is given appears oh there being with a policy doing again to hit thoroughly” It is not the country which it can use and how does having the image that gt When that tried doing unless so it was you are confused rather it is about to seem
699斯堪的纳维亚半岛,包括瑞典,只要家庭有关的政策,所以不维护 699 If north Europe which includes Sweden regards family policy very it is not maintenance
所谓北欧福利“重”是有关劳工政策,“我会彻底击败,直到我雇人直流谁”的工作早生一个政策,即使没有节食或获得类型不小心 The generally known “is heavy welfare” of north Europe in regard to work policy “Until the person who is employed appears being the policy doing again to hit thoroughly” Because it is not the type that it can make also the function te feed main point note
244其实婚姻(同居妻子)是在第一次,因为我知道我今天驱动tTA碎片不会收到配偶扣除 244
Fact 婚 (the wife of the inside edge) deduction for a spouse cannot be received, it is even
The [wa] which today is known for the first time
2通道的是,他们很多想回到他的昭和瓦特家庭主妇模型的研究,但背后的动机,“懒惰”妇女寻求增强机体底部方便,围绕做家务照顾孩子。男子和妇女寻求底部的方便,以提高人只是摆编织成的钱 The people who would like to revolve in the Showa housewife model the multitude are in 2ch w So as for being a root of the motive “indolence” The bottom which seeks the convenient woman who does the thing of housekeeping childcare appearance The base woman who seeks the convenient man whom just the man and the gold shake and are packed
2通道的是,他们很多想回到他的昭和瓦特家庭主妇模型的研究,但背后的动机,“懒惰”妇女寻求增强机体底部方便,围绕做家务照顾孩子。男子和妇女寻求底部的方便,以提高人只是摆编织成的钱 The people who would like to revolve in the Showa housewife model the multitude are in 2ch w So as for being a root of the motive “indolence” The bottom which seeks the convenient woman who does the thing of housekeeping childcare appearance The base woman who seeks the convenient man whom just the man and the gold shake and are packed
459家庭护理,但不是70,我有年龄的单亲家庭的要求,通过80年没有要求医院通过 459 However there is no home nursing the housekeeping helping and going to hospital of the parent of 70 and 80 year old generations it has done to help
584余:管理公司的回约19至20〜结婚:她的三个班护士:周一至茹,因为他们睡12小时,10小时日间托儿所为1年的日间托儿旧地,超过80%或睡觉的地方 584 We Company management Returning generally o clock around 19 20 Wife Nursing teacher 3 alternation Daughter To month earth 10 hour nursery schools When they are 1 year old children because about 12 hours you sleep above the inside 8 tenths of 1 days the nursery school sleeping the ru
586为我们的人民 和大多数的案件,具体是把一家养老院甚至是你自己的父母?或只是偏执?瓦特 586 gt As for trouble of the child is seen in the family when it is something which advocates ideal theory the person who gt You inserting your own parent in the nursing facility when it reaches Such concrete case being large portion Or mere delusion w
幼儿为我们的人民,他们认为理想主义是背诵对家庭的事情,或者如果您正在进入疗养院他们的父母,不知何故我 As for trouble of the child is seen in the family when it is something which advocates ideal theory the person who You inserting your own parent in the nursing facility when it reaches after the kana which is what
6500万工资扣除相关的基础妻子+ Warazu余0的,税率为3700万扣除1.02亿美元工资,他们分别为38高买的丈夫婚姻的全部扣除 Wife side 650,000 + basis deductions of earned income exemption with 370,000 among with 1,020,000 allowance in taxation 0
Becoming, in spite even in the [ru] full amount deduction for a spouse 380,000 it pulled even on husband side,
663 第二年,我和税收计划大大商务展上总统的小细节 _NULL_
665或官僚主义,它不是这样的事情,我提出一个有趣的形式返回在民主立法,公司利得税,我决定创建一个文档弹出一个麻烦的方式 665 Government office work there is no such the te With the strange law which the Democratic party made in the declaration of income tax making the difficult document specially it came to the point of starting
即使他们在这里看到,让他们勇于创造一个新的文档 Here you see Nevetheless being able to meet it makes the document make anew
697 20,所得税率适用于轻的重量,比大多数工人从应纳税所得额在330万% 697
> It is lighter than the income tariff 20% which is applied to the assessable income 3,300,000 super most worker
840见过的,“如何把他们和韩国人,”你指的是,韩国人复制和粘贴 NULL
复制并不能确定什么肯手流粘贴在外行人说话,我喜欢这种屈辱,白痴 The do amateur biting with anything kopipe doing because sure you build you are embarrassed such it is the fool
92但是,我个人排名上升了优先对一人或抚养子女教育和妻子,而是一个家庭主妇,我不认为这是不可能的 92 Even with so also overstraining privately with the wife as a housewife educating or training to the child Preferentially only do as for class movement to above you think that it is not possible
而且“工作也很好的家庭主妇”,并证明将是 而当我们的孩子谈谈只接受值将整洁 Furthermore that “also the housewife calling nice work ” when it justifies when it becomes … When the sense of value is accepted the child only becomes neat
而我们的全职家庭主妇,没有子女,成为家庭主妇后,他们的孩子长大后,让该扣除的基础上,没有婚姻是不 After the housewife and the child where the child is not become the adult in the housewife As for the basis which gives deduction for a spouse it is gone completely
Shiboritottara 487儿童 从他身上没有税收,我知道你越来越多的儿童 Tsukurenai? 487 It squeezes tax from the person who when the child is not and takes the ro which the child it cannot make more and more and is
我们支持他的808敏相反,我会要求这种情况的棕褐色 808 The people who support minsu probably will be on the other hand have asked this circumstance are
ー家伙睡得最近呢?滥用和浪费土地的发展是一个严重的,说我是一个家庭主妇,吃高 Don't you think? original and others - man? Saying, that eating out and the like where, the housewife is high it has done denouncing, it is rubbish treatment
ヽ 升ç 当地雇员 胶 ) 升 乙 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 7L条 我 , 我! 负担 升: 升人 虽然有多达 升 ⌒ヽ抱歉。 : 升 我 REPT l ha l l Paste l i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 7l i i As for burden l l Person It increases but l The ⌒ the a it does not driving l il The Democratic party ll l i 92 n l REPT l 92 92 ⌒ gt
! 尔斯, ,古。゚ 。·,国际旅馆协会, 英里。゚。· 92 ire gt Three ゚ ゚ gt ⦠V DREPT DREPT ⧠gt ku ゚ iha mi ゚
三百三十八瓦特和民主的方式,并不反对,突破了社会主义党(村山富市行政麦当娜〜)让终身雇佣!什么是学习西方的优点!尝试传送?各地要工作!让好处?河内诚齿轮或?成为一名兼职工人呢?和就业是我性交煽倍 338 Either democracy does not oppose and w By the way Japan Socialist Party rapid advance age Madonna whirlwind Murayama administration Lifetime employment will be stopped Learning in Europe and America in capability principle It will dispatch You probably will switch jobs steadily It will make result principle It is good being the gear It probably becomes the free tar With fanning they were the times when it makes employment chaotic
174 15年前,去了同样的事情是媒体多次在愚弄人民再次,即使在完全相同的情况下,我们的政府是在社会主义已采取向新闻界CON组或 174 15 years ago being swindled in the mass communications when making administration Japan Socialist Party take Completely although you say that it is the same circumstance The citizen being swindled again in the mass communications repeatedly the same thing it finished
社会主义党 突破时间(〜麦当娜村山政府)让终身雇佣!什么是学习西方的优点!尝试传送?各地要工作!让好处?河内诚齿轮或?成为一名兼职工人呢?和就业是我性交煽倍 Japan Socialist Party rapid advance age Madonna whirlwind Murayama administration Lifetime employment will be stopped Learning in Europe and America in capability principle It will dispatch You probably will switch jobs steadily It will make result principle It is good being the gear It probably becomes the free tar With fanning they were the times when it makes employment chaotic
不幸的是,父母没有让186名儿童仍从结婚后,婚姻即使扣除子女失去了日本军队和人民在金字塔获得多项国家一级WWW的三个孩子被迫加入是不是出于资本(非配偶扣除原)很多外国人多坏的只是普通的庞氏计划的性质分钟内湿重手 186 Regrettable as for the parent doing profit After those children get married because there is no deduction for a spouse As for child large loss www With murine explanation learning of the national level which forces child 3 or more At the same time as for the Japanese citizen forcing joining furthermore it comes out and does not put out fund equal to the amount which originally is distributed it is not to also the foreigner of deduction for a spouse Ww whose character is much worse than normal murine explanation learning
事实上,即使不计,但只有工作收入的家庭主妇和全额扣除限额为配偶到目前为止朱达罗手流河内大部分在未来的工作,年收入超过1 3一亿〇三百万日元卡兹没有实际收入或没有刻意从Kunaru好好休息,以避免溢出S的年收入10300万日元,不是吗?小时的工作,但希望将是一个较长的时间 The housewife being counted really working with the part the ro where ru is the majority But so far for income restriction of deduction for a spouse it could not work in full In the future above year income 1 030 000 Yen being the case that it reaches the point where it can make In order for annual income not to exceed 1 030 000 Yen not to go to bed purposely because also the te becomes good ro however actually income rises and is work hour becomes long but
从幼儿园的儿童照顾婴儿和我在世界上没有好工作?我需要你的母亲外包工作,抚养孩子?我工作的失业,工作,你需要一个配偶? With working together the child as for from 0 year old children depositing to the nursery school being good society Until ordering parenting having the necessity for the mother to work Until making the unemployed person having the necessity for the spouse to work
与此同时,国内生产总值的1所60个,他们用什么服务〜20%,4个退款退还资助GDP的50%,14作为一项公共服务,国内生产总值的百分之20%%的收费变得 On the one hand taking 6 tenths of GDP when you use 1 2 tenths in service return 4 5 tenths money return ratio collects the 14 of GDP becomes about the 20 of GDP as piblic services fee
345: 卡再出业务Orimashi:鼠尾草:2010 09 09(星期四)21 32:47,如果一个简单的提法,日本国内生产总值14%的征收百分之二十的费用作为公共服务,国内生产总值我们之前和之后进行的收缴福利费用的分配 345 As for the card we having run out sage 2010 09 09 Thursday 21 32 47 If it formulates simply Japan collects the 14 of GDP as piblic services fee does welfare cost collection distribution concerning approximately the 20 of GDP
低税率也上升了,我想说,广泛Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa扎马减薪wwwwwwwwwww我不是很会分配税款的外国人后面你,你白痴 The highest tariff saying low enlarging white collar worker tax reduction we would like to call also The za well well well well well well well well well well well well a wwwwwwwwwww bakayaro which is tariff rise with the shade The gold distributing in the foreigner don t you think the ru it is
低税率也上升,一边只是打工仔一再减税,结果,因为它 The highest tariff saying low enlarging white collar worker tax reduction we would like to call also The za well well well well well well well well well well well well a wwwwwwwwwww bakayaro which is tariff rise with the shade The gold distributing in the foreigner don t you think the ru it is
假日活动383→K表→得说你不能工作路线加班欢迎病童 早解雇查看详情→休息是家庭主妇与子女 和所有祖告诉自 The child did the sickness gt You go to bed leaving early If the child line it is not in receiving gt You cannot work overtime Event of preschool gt You go to bed The inside became with such a such a naturally housewife
所以,别再全职工作沓Tatte,马洛伊,所以很容易找到工作的东西在,我不太多的天空面积学龄前他们,因为我穿的全职地位 Principal occupation stopping the tsu which works passing workplace something you see so and simply the handle view Even the regular member being less crowded the nursery school saying area of circumstance it is many it is it is
公共开支占本地生产总值的60%,国内生产总值u003d 60%,不应该是60%的国家所得税 In order public expenditure 6 tenths of GDP, unless 6 tenths of 6 percentage = national income of GDP have had to have paid tax,
关于第(1)如果图是发现,有一个高收入免税额明显优势家属 _NULL_
其余30%的人希望我死和火化,70%的蔓税养老金待遇的酥脆约增加620不这样做,你的津贴是太完美 620 When it dies being about 7 tenths of annuity receipt amount sakutsu we would like to have cremating As for remaining 3 tenths allowance If this you call even with tax increase ideal pass
前“行政否决该公司的特别裁决家庭”有一个业务系统,小流行的被废除的目的走 _NULL_
北欧模式划分瓦特,简单的管理水平和Arerano的国家公务员人事费是忽略民主党人瓦特 North European model w
In the dividing, simple administration of those country, as for government employee labor cost level the [minsu] party w which is ignored
因此,那些谁索赔的儿童津贴入息上限,让他“受养人15 000个高扣除所得税将会获得津贴,相当于日元effect的”为什么不批评have以怀疑 Therefore income restriction margin you insist to child treatment the people whom “in the high income earner When treatment of month amount 15 000 Yen is provided the deduction for dependents which becomes the same effect” why Not criticizing it does not have to be strange
我是在照顾老人的是276还支持翻译的老人我会变成,如5%的税率,是不是? 19000每年需要增加税收日元 276 Therefore as for the notion that where the old person is nursed also that old person entering into support ru meaning when you refer to tariff the kana which is not the 5 In a word tax increase of annual 19000 Yen
在一个陌生的世界,是427,但我不相信一个安全,人们可以做的就是这样一个地方,我已经准备好了 民主党的支持率确定鸠山政权更替的话说,我将但你,民主党国会议员说,他们仍然只是翻译没有什么端午端午年 427 The Democratic party is support ratio 1 rank what social in strange thing Just this random thing doing safe tsu te is believing and others brick… Although Hatoyama says the administration alternation preparation OK tsu te that much still democracy Assemblyman is still 1 years is what only excuse
在我的家庭与年轻主妇濒临灭绝的物种,你只是一个问题的Burgers来自富裕家庭Jijibaba With housewife how young person household the gold having in extermination fear kind, only [ru] [jijibaba] household
Because it is not, there is no problem,
在现实中,婴儿患病的健康疗养设施,谁访问护理安老院,日间护理,以及护理,是到花园将是一个幼儿园和儿童 甚至 In actuality as for sick person to medical treatment type sickbed as for main point nursing person visit nursing day CARE Furthermore it became to special nurturing When is it means also the infant to the nursery school and the child garden
在现实中,婴儿患病的健康疗养设施,谁访问护理安老院,日间护理,以及护理,是到花园将是一个幼儿园和儿童 甚至 In actuality as for sick person to medical treatment type sickbed as for main point nursing person visit nursing day CARE Furthermore it became to special nurturing When is it means also the infant to the nursery school and the child garden
在这个意义上说,那些在家的爸爸,但是很少看到的,可惜无法知道日本人 In such sense principal occupation househusband the way Perhaps not being seen almost the Japanese unhappiness
好两端,使639的生命安全,我必须把它意味着我失业我会在超过 639 Well therefore after all the story it guarantees life with some expedient don t you think The unemployed person is therefore it is human labor being left over is the ru
将扣除发行退休金的1%70无限的数目搅拌护理成为长期照护收到623的设置是一回事 623
When it becomes main point nursing state, it can receive nursing limitlessly by the fact that 7 tenths of annuity receipt amount are deducted,
With it is possible to be the setting which is said kana
当孩子 埃塔的增加,除非超过10%的平均工资减少,那里的员工收入增长的总和可以索诺部分花 When the child 1 extras obtaining averaging if there is no 1 tenths super wages decrease Harmony of employees income of the part of that increases probably will be
我只是散落在家庭福利1万元,到中间层的最终挤压。低流量Shitairashii _NULL_
我没有这样的事情是交谈六零零瓦特合埃泰还不错,我不认为有没有工作,直到主角 600 Because it was not discussed becoming such a thing w which is ru reason Well the notion that where fact you did not think that work main it is character to there
护照签发垃圾都是这样,但实际上是作为一个公共服务返回,而不是货币的国内生产总值的1〜20%,但我有很多,看看日本的国内生产总值的税收采取的国内生产总值超过30%的1〜20%使用这项服务,将退还的税款金额的一半 Rubbish collection passport issue is not money and those which are returned as actual piblic services are about 1 2 tenths of GDP but it is When Japan we would like to see as tax taking a little more than 3 tenths of GDP 1 2 tenths of GDP in service we use money return becomes half of tax payment amount
收入和支出的收入(如为受薪工人兼职工作的收入扣除)在确定的折扣金额 _NULL_
政治生活 - 家长 - “夏日补充”,以支付他们的冷却成本... 2★上乘长妻卫生部长 In welfare person “summer addition” Air-conditioning expense to extra provision… long wife thick labor phases * 2
有没有市民的经济诱因,结婚不扣除小于小型企业或工作的赡养费,配偶赡养费扣除取消 Deduction for a spouse and deduction for dependents being abolished
Dependency allowance for the citizen below small and medium-sized business working which is not
There is no money merit in marriage
未来的人口增长了超过目前的预期,并希望降低楼价相当艰苦的思想你 _NULL_
本来,对它进行了一个临时特别税,在其推出的时间,如果满足了客观条件,什么样的特殊退出,我想明确说明 Originally if the exception tariff which is introduced time limit that introduction time If some objective condition is satisfied ending exception You think that we want clearly writing
或者支付子女 在←,“老不够”,即使它有没有孩子,那么,胃口好税率将是那一点儿增强 lt Here child treatment However becoming in the “good year ” it does not have the child if is That time you apply the tariff of raising a little
每月)的全部好处的26,000儿童(日元是一个高的水平还与其他国家相比,税率每月扣除家属谁是高收入高达15,000日元减税超过 Full amount (month amount 26,000 Yen) of child treatment is high level in comparison with the foreign countries, but
Deduction for dependents is something which does the tax reduction which exceeds month amount 15,000 Yen in the high income earner of the highest tariff
没有购买必要加入一个特别扣除额第一。扣除以及讨论,并取消他们,如社会保障福利的那些孩子,需要考虑另外的政治(有时税收信贷)是,为了在轻Mubeki First the thing unnecessary thing especially percentage whose tax deductions and allowances are necessary About deduction After arguing well abolishing these To however as a social security in those which are thought that policy it is necessary Tax credit with the order which is said should be stepped on child treatment and the like depending upon when
例如,没有采取明确的立场,以支付任何利息或股息,通过适当的组合和共同基金价格继续波动只是,我认为我们将能够大量的工作与税收 For example interest and allotment all not paying By the fact that the investment trust and the like where just price keeps fluctuating is constituted suitably It reaches the point where tax assessment can be operated with a lot of it is the kana which is not
我们没有得到钱的感觉,一个细节显示减少应缴纳的税款,并敲诈勒索。陷阱是有效的 The gold is not received but in the sense that tax assessment of the expectation which you supply it decreased It is temporary The trap which is the effect
现实,谁已经有孩子 恩戴彼此,更大胆的政策,高效的帮助您获得无成本提高卡诺花 As for being realistic the child already in a certain person Already 1 people bearing when making raise in the policy which assists cost boldly The one which it does is not efficient kana
目前的总生育率只有1.37,女性儿童一代,1.37 / 0.68 2≒≒2 / 3吧 If present total special birthrate 1.37 is, as for the woman of the child generation,
1.37/2 ≒ 0.68 ≒ 2/3 is, don't you think?
真正的托儿所,或供应制约的预算办公室说,在有需要的市民,以适应高,或其他 Above being the supply restriction which is called to the actual nursery school budget of the government office It is natural to accommodate from the person whose necessity is high
福利国家是常见的北海重响,开放接入医生(1极低的使用),以确保设备,愚蠢的医生医疗医院有限被浪费,损坏,不是国家,我离开了这个国家一个像样的医生,医生传唤下一阶段的井 As for it is being in common to the ring North Sea heavily welfare state The opening access for the doctor quite cheap utilization by the fact that it guarantees It limits and it is wasted because of the medical care where a certain medical expense doctor hospital equipment is nonsense fails Overseas escape of the doctor following one another it is in a state where the honest doctor does not remain on the country
税和公司利得税税率的说在国家所得税收入为15 9因此附表为主(百分比)6 5 5 1 6 9旭日,日本5%〜9%瑞典8日,大约相当于 When you refer to ratio of the tax revenue amount which is occupied in national income Income tax Consumer tax Indication Day 6 5 6 9 瑞 5 1 15 9 Therefore the Japanese 5 Swedish equals to 8 9 reaches extent
等待采取每月二万七千亿日元逃税家庭主妇(1 /完整的平衡→2)没有也可以工作出路 _NULL_
老实说,没有,只有一户一整天呆在家里的母亲和儿童的生活和家庭价值与 有分支一一点时间,但朋友和their利益“,以let放松through的房子,”我喜欢 another 10 Zaidake蔓延到我们的孩子在年龄的伊塔 Honesty the mother being in Japanese Chinese family without be no other choice but to the housekeeping the te Child and housekeeping at reason to live To your own hobby and branch from the friend “For the sake of the ho tsu you make be disgusted applying in the house” … In the child whom 10 years old it exceeds already the u za harboring
727诚实,家里整天只有家庭没有母亲留下来,孩子们生活在同一个家庭 启,精彩与否 727 Honesty the mother being in Japanese Chinese family without be no other choice but to the housekeeping the te Child and housekeeping at reason to live It is splendid isn t
而扣除所有邪恶的根源,婚姻,演绎,因为应用之间的收入差距拉古,或高,低税率总收入,数额较大的实际税 Therefore and as for root of badness as for deduction for a spouse the deduction which deducts income About the person whose entire lowness of the income tariff which is applied is high tax reduction amount of substance is large
在日本的案件一直是最大因素抑制了税收收入的再分配是低税率整体 In case of Japan it has become the largest primary factor which obstructs the redistribution entire lowness of income tariff with tax
而渴望尝试低收入家庭主妇的男子将尽一切努力照顾自己周围,低收入妇女找到高收入的人谁我希望他的营养,讲朽 And the housewife where the man of earnings does the care of appearance low entirely is desired low the woman of earnings desires the man of the high earnings which raise by his keeps decaying
家庭主妇被停飞,对低收入的工作现在是一个整体将降低工资Kunaru日益强大的趋势 Now when low the housewife of income layer appears in function more and more wages become cheap the tendency where It strengthens probably will be
这是不能和它的位置太多的负担增加,如果有孩子的年轻夫妇和老人的家庭(主要是全日制),但增加对合法的政策性负担 Old person household most principal occupations the ma tsu which increases burden you question instead of not increasing the burden of the young married couple where this has the child excessively it is policy
这些钱相似的租金498儿童是我,滚装浪费钱生孩子 498 If the child you bear the gold can be received if the ro which bears the child because of the gold and is
506 524 10周年名无Shisan新!2010 09 14(周二)00:13:25编号:第X 1jY5XG0肖像我要钱,如果租金从498子女身上,从为孩子滚装船废物 524 506 Name it is not ten lap year New 2010 09 14 fire 00 13 25 ID x 1jY5XG0 498 If the child you bear the gold can be received if the ro which bears the child because of the gold and is
通过胃和家庭甚至接受他的妻子从优待我我所付的税款几次更好,如果我丈夫不站立或1500 Kaz m 1 82亿 182 15 000 000 making the ru master supplying the tax of several times therefore the ru it is That wife and the family receiving favorable treatment the stomach does not stand separately and
那么,作为个人的价值观,如要支持国家,看看我们采取子女照顾的全职家庭主妇,家庭主妇,如果他们是它的意义,扣除婚姻“,现在养孩子家庭主妇(主。含)“我必须限制 Well the country supporting the fact that the housewife looks at the trouble of the child as a sense of value of the individual We should do you say that is meaning of the housewife if is Deduction for a spouse “the housewife who presently has raised the child the main thing It includes ” Unless you must limit
881 ー我喜欢模糊的社会舔火影忍者:嘿 881 gt If the ∀ lt deduction for a spouse abolition it should have worked niko gt ↑ Don t you think gt it licks society the e the tsu becoming dim tsu te feeling
家庭要推动甚至兼职1 03亿美元,3800万 1豁免。婚姻是扣除3800万3800万 豁免,拉他的妻子 As for the home which is held down up to 1 030 000 with the part your own basis deduction 380 000 Deduction for a spouse 380 000 Basis deduction 380 000 of the wife himself was pulled
就个人而言,如果你消除了婚姻扣除,一旦津贴,也失去了我们的孩子,但不能同时,我和更好地建设和促进反税和福利老化 Privately deduction for a spouse is lost if is losing also child treatment once From the place there are no both tax system constructing it contributes to little child aging measure treatments You think that the one which it keeps doing is better
那么,作为个人的价值观,如要支持国家,看看我们采取子女照顾的全职家庭主妇,家庭主妇,如果他们是它的意义,扣除婚姻“,现在养孩子家庭主妇(主。含)“我必须限制 Well the country supporting the fact that the housewife looks at the trouble of the child as a sense of value of the individual We should do you say that is meaning of the housewife if is Deduction for a spouse “the housewife who presently has raised the child the main thing It includes ” Unless you must limit
锄头将工作在任何时间,如果该公司聘请我作为一个孩子,即使全职887!对一个女人的一部分废配偶扣除额,我不伤害不够 887 The child being the company which you employ as the regular member that time the wa which works even with The part housewife as for deduction for a spouse abolition sufficiently there is no wound but it is
锄头将工作在任何时间,如果该公司聘请我作为一个孩子,即使全职887!对部分废止的家庭主妇blow m好配偶扣除 887 The child being the company which you employ as the regular member that time the wa which works even with The part housewife as for deduction for a spouse abolition sufficiently there is no wound but it is
闵粟Gokko Kyokusa政治是有组织的武装民团即将结束,人们中华绒螯蟹,日本在朝鲜,人们尝试受害归 [kiyokusa] it is to see it does it depends
As for political [gotsuko] prompt end
To organize armament our police/policing group, the Chinese person and the Korean, resident, the naturalized person
It will make the blood celebration
雷曼时间工资在最后爆裂仔相当永久性的,而且税收是一括日错 _NULL_
魔鬼,我不是人,我十分优秀的家庭主妇?我们已开始工作他Metara刀柄,是清楚的,我在那里服务工作 With the ogre woman the housewife how excellent person well enough it is it is it is not When accompanying and others starts working the do tsu pu ri Elbowroom is air what which works somewhere
(四)税收,他们的工作,并咳出四郎(゚゚)Aaaaaa゙高乐!家庭主妇想要一个孩子,如果他们的工作乔木词典)境界不工作和儿童日托存款片段(丁)你已经有了一个子女的免税额?该啊! (主妇)只需支付托儿费是不够的,我只斗 The Democratic party The bamboo grass working tax and payment margin and ゚ � ゚ ko ゙ ruaaaaaa If it does not stop work and the child wants the housewife To work unless the child can be deposited to the nursery school … The Democratic party Child treatment you received it is the ro which is a a Housewife With just child treatment is not enough in nurture charge however it is o
107和它的工作,它也增加了房子周围没有吃的手,我想购买食品食品进来Bakkari,牛买鞋子做衣服的工作做的女儿,这也是一个家庭主妇的女儿Waranai最近注意到,它可以改变后,他们共收到少 107 When it is working together The housekeeping and eating out increasing with omission the delicatessen you buy being the tsu temporary food expenses it rises and Also the wife the clothes the shoes buys to one for commuting and After in the wife having becoming the housewife The air was attached to not changing that much with total recently
低收入妇女结婚只是一部分,不能说他们是一个家庭主妇或意外风险 Only the housewife or the part low those where you get married with the kind of earnings which it is not possible woman are to be outrageous risk
将收集食物,以减少每个家庭4000日元左右就要结婚费用一家庭主妇 If the home which can make the housewife marrying if about month 4000 Yen 1 eating out are decreased you can collect
我不工作的女人,我和古结构并没有这样的豁免,继续成为古配偶,家庭主妇Muyouninattanoka蔑视,为什么试图去恨,知道 Deduction for a spouse and the like it probably will be gone but it will continue but however it does not care separately The housewife who works why hates the housewife this much and that would like to know whether it reaches the point where it disdains
时间家庭主妇的好处一个完整的,你看起来像什么,以保障公正水果具有强烈的家庭重新分配的薄弱它说,可以维持或妻子没有工作 In the housewife as for favor as weak protection being visible To tell the truth the wife does not work and also the te just has reallocated in the fighter who can maintain housekeeping expenses
现在,这也足以在经济衰退,而只有127全职家庭主妇,采取更多的支线recession ll 127 Only the housewife when it is possible depression now this you do the trap which impetus is given to depression more and more
相反,如果没有国家标准扣除,有效益的主妇地位,歧视性的工作,共同成为 If conversely it designates a state where it is not deduction as standard Present condition is a favor in the housewife it is discriminatory to working together
这也足以在目前经济衰退,而不是只有一个家庭主妇,而这需要更多的刺激经济衰退 Only the housewife when it is possible depression now this you do the trap which impetus is given to depression more and more
鄂如家庭主妇不能拥抱的碎片存放在幼儿园托儿所,这样我就可以证明,我不认为这是一个新的扣除限额 Recognition may be able to do also the housewife who holds the not yet school attendance child who is not deposited to the nursery school Therefore you think that the new deduction framework may be
(四)税收,他们的工作,并咳出四郎(゚゚)Aaaaaa゙高乐!(主妇),工作境界的不仅是一个儿童日托存款(四)你已经有了一个子女的免税额?该啊! (主妇)只需支付托儿费是不够的,我只斗 The Democratic party The bamboo grass working tax and payment margin and ゚ � ゚ ko ゙ ruaaaaaa If it does not stop work and the child wants the housewife To work unless the child can be deposited to the nursery school … The Democratic party Child treatment you received it is the ro which is a a Housewife With just child treatment is not enough in nurture charge however it is o