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“The indemnity 42,000,000 Yen Kobe Oji zoo pays to China with the panda death,” - the Chinese reporting


  • 402 , ○○ 402 ¯ REPT DREPT i i i re ┼ t i tsu ru i V re REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No Alpaca tsu te what 92 ⌒ ⌒ i i l lt o O
    • 〜 Г 我 〜 〜〜〜〜我Yarashi! ! г i Letting do i

  • 480,500,但也有业务,在政治,萨克我经常看有这么严重 480 500 But business that to use in politics don t you think it is the te hateful the ho it is with seeing
    • 480,500及 480 500 Certain
    • 8 43亿元再见? 843 Don t you think 3 000 000 origin
    • Tokanai和人民对我想出一个成年大熊猫 Unless the person that tries comes even with the adult panda solves
    • 你做一些愚蠢又太熊猫 Panda something it is good already aho it passes
    • 你并不需要更多的东西熊猫 Already the ro which panda something does not need and is
    • 例如说人是不够的,是一个重大的冲击 You cannot call to the person easily but it was tremendous impact
    • 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 Well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well
    • 因此,即使不同的路线类似业务 Therefore with similar business Being the route is different
    • 太傻了( ·ω· ) The too fool to be the Ω
    • 它只是Baiin线将返回中国的所有见Takerya Return entirely It should have gone to seeing fungus ri ya China it is
    • 我不需要多一个熊猫永远 1 The panda it does not need anymore eternally
    • 所以 我要走了,在他们说288 288 So you can declare with something it is
    • 整个争论采取 1 Receive entirely
    • 每头,5000万是什么一年? Ø熊猫活着 Concerning 1 heads the tsu ke which is 50 000 000 in year The panda it is viewing
    • 资料来源:路透社 Source Reuters

  • J 布鲁诺ヽ:: ,ヽ ∪ lt gt re c to re c to and no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ i REPT No REPT No i i i No REPT No HKRPT j i REPT ∪ j REPT No REPT ∪
    • NULL people people people people people people people people people people people people people human gt l Ten MARU l Ten MARU Ten lt gt re c to re c to and no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ i No REPT i i No REPT No i REPT ∪ j REPT No REPT ∪ people people people people people people people people people people people people people human gt l Ten MARU l Ten MARU Ten lt gt re c to re c to and no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ i REPT No REPT No i i i No REPT No HKRPT j i REPT ∪ j REPT No REPT ∪
    • ř Mimimimimimiヽ, ー ,,, ,女 噢 ,,, ) ,强 r mimimimimimi REPT i r mi 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No t to a REPT nini r REPT t i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92
    • 人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人 people people people people people people people people people people people people people human gt l Ten MARU l Ten MARU Ten lt gt re c to re c to and no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ i No REPT i i No REPT No i REPT ∪ j REPT No REPT ∪ people people people people people people people people people people people people people human gt l Ten MARU l Ten MARU Ten lt gt re c to re c to and no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ i REPT No REPT No i i i No REPT No HKRPT j i REPT ∪ j REPT No REPT ∪
    • 人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人 people people people people people people people people people people people people people human gt l Ten MARU l Ten MARU Ten lt gt re c to re c to and no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ i No REPT i i No REPT No i REPT ∪ j REPT No REPT ∪ people people people people people people people people people people people people people human gt l Ten MARU l Ten MARU Ten lt gt re c to re c to and no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ i REPT No REPT No i i i No REPT No HKRPT j i REPT ∪ j REPT No REPT ∪
    • 熊猫天然气公司R的吨,ヽ ヽ,我,,, 布鲁诺ヽJ号,Ĵ ヽ ⌒ ー 首相福田康夫(笑) The panda it comes the panda r REPT t i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92 Prime Minister Fukuda laughing

  • W或站在酒吧的东西就像一个敲竹杠 It is tsu or w Something the bo tsu it is chestnut bar like
    • 什么是敲竹杠将可使用了 As for those which it should utilize utilizing thoroughly the bo tsu it is the chestnut

  • “50万美元的赔偿为日本(约42万日元),但你付出我作出决定
    > The Japanese side indemnity 500,000 dollar (approximately 42,000,000 Yen) is the arrangement which is paid

    • →出生→怀孕会被植入胚胎♀秘密巨型棕熊,“这是一种突变的植物
      Stealthily, the brown bear XXFEM imbedding -> pregnancy -> making to the fertilized egg of the giant panda give birth, “as for this it is the individual which mutates suddenly

      • ∧∧( 瓦特沃勒塔

        • 〜我该怎么支付赎金!

          • 上野公园在市中心居民区的反,公共安全或-瘟疫。无家可归的不扩大箱根公园和改进的方法
            So As for downtown Ueno park neighborhood Safety? With plague measure public. Not expanding? Park method you improved The Hakone homeless peolpe

            • 不喜欢我采取了亿年认为他们更稳定TTA的赔偿 Rather than the indemnity thinking it is cheap Year 100 000 000 being taken the ru it is the tsu ke which is not

              • 为了澄清死亡的日本-中国联合事业还派出专家到中国
                Also the Chinese side dispatches the specialist and it is Japan and China joint and cause of death is elucidated

                • 主持人在介绍会的开始,但我必须清楚在开始他们的名字,尽管外界对会计师事务所的解释等候在会场前排的情况下,主持人将接受质询,亚伯等。连续两位数 The chairman whether discernment beginning and others had done name with beginning of explanatory meeting but in spite the chairman continued to receive Abe and others question to also the circumstance where the company which does balancing of accounts explanation in the foremost line waits outside the meeting place
                  • 尽管场外等候解释公司交易完成之后,将接受主持人的问题,安倍连续数位等。 In spite the chairman continued to receive Abe and others question to also the circumstance where the company which does balancing of accounts explanation next waits outside the meeting place

                • 也许这可以使犯人犯同样的错误客场王子动物园和赖雅Girutoizure普及得多,但熊猫宝宝 When so it depends on baby panda popularity too excessively whether in each case it is not unable to commit the same mistake as the Oji zoo don t you think
                  • 776提示:城市动物园 776 Hint Municipal zoo
                  • 动物园的巨大努力和智慧,甚至大熊猫 The panda is not and there is a zoo where also the te is prosperous with the device and effort
                  • 嗯感觉,我看到了在王子动物园熊猫 The panda you saw in the Oji zoo but The hu it is With the feeling which is said
                  • 如果是这样,送他们返回较少的死亡也和歌山 If also Wakayama it may to die decreasing number return
                  • 某处在和歌山,生殖成功,我是一个充满动物园 Whether Wakayama angle it is dense propagating succeeding there is a zoo where all the way it is it is don t you think

                • 什么为100万日元的年上野动物园你是一个RIP富裕呢?另一个Pandairanaiyo Don t you think the bo tsu it is it is the chestnut The tsu ke where also the Ueno zoo is 100 000 000 Yen in 1 Already the pa it is it does not need
                  • 你肯定你会说租金近10年1 0亿上野动物园 Also the Ueno zoo being nearly 100 000 000 10 years the ro which is the tsu te story which borrows

                • 什么是坏帐486瓦特

                  • 但10年后,762上野,立刻成为中国饲养的租金支付胜Nobu餐厅和重新终止

                    • 但是,你说什么它正确的,是神户王子动物园 But as for you saying sound argument the Oji zoo is the Kobe municipal
                      • 王子动物园会得到更好的改变埃塔在动物园的立场 As for the Oji zoo as a zoo the method which changed stance is better

                    • 你转换到一个更健康的熊猫 Healthier panda have changing

                      • 侵略穆施娜第二个理论的岛屿,可能使用眼睛作为一种手段,有负面的感觉,智士日本人民支那 尖 official building archipelago invasion the eye theory mu support 那 is also a possibility of utilizing as the expedient which makes the debts to the support 那 the Japanese citizen feel
                        • 井出尖阁列岛的势头,在日本的熊猫你不贷有一个向公众意见 With spirit of the 尖 official building as for the panda you lend becoming public opinion piles up in Japan on emptily kana

                      • 勒索敲诈勒索里的措施,使他要支付惩罚性赔偿
                        Blackmail you want to blackmail temporarily the punishment indemnity we would like to make measure by the fact that you make pay

                        • 叩只熊猫在动物园租用媲美的不平等条约繁重合同
                          The panda renting in disadvantageous contract of the extent which is a match to unequal treaty, hitting the zoo

                          • 同时,福井县鲭江眼镜交换熊猫城本地工业的技术
                            On the one hand, Fukui prefecture Sabae city exchanged glasses technology of local industry with [retsusapanda

                            • 听起来像矢田市长掏腰包支付
                              Pay with the pocket money of Mayor Yada and

                              • 嗯我会从监狱中输入你真正每天10万就业智人智人

                                • 土壤污染,空气污染和森林砍伐在香港大地震。不必频繁终极熊猫仍在努力使国内和外国受害者杀死我一个故意杀害,稀有电梯很Derurashii核试验,但周围的原生境面积属于西藏
                                  With soil contamination, air pollution and deforestation earthquake damage enlargement Hungary. Frequency Ultimate seems the tract around habitat dying being nuclear test damage, the [ru] The country overseas intend, killing, whether it has been about to increase rarity value So not to be the [te] as for the panda although originally they are Tibetan ones

                                  • 在“收集3精子从熊猫, 五月限于 gt As for the Oji zoo that from the fact that in the tongue tongue 14 years old of the female you could see the sign of sexual excitement spermatozoon picking was tried it explained but gt In China “as for picking the spermatozoon from the panda it is limited in 3 May
                                    • 王子动物园,丁丁女性(14岁),显示发情的迹象,并解释说我试图收集精子,在中国“,以收集3精子从熊猫 在五月有限公司是 As for the Oji zoo the tongue tongue of the female 14 years old that from the fact that you could see the sign of sexual excitement spermatozoon picking was tried it explained but In China “as for picking the spermatozoon from the panda it is limited in 3 May

                                  • 埃塔增加459分钟,即使我想在日本教育,缴了钱还会辉Hayo 459 When the amount which increased we would like to raise that in Japan in addition paying the money the ru
                                    • 如果我想在日本的教育已支付的金钱和Wanakya When we would like to raise in Japan in addition the gold the payment wa you must be
                                    • 支付非常容易,对鄂四千二点○○万日元如果政治家喜欢 If the politician the ro which about 42000000 Yen you can pay simply and is

                                  • 大熊猫在中国会怎样对待臭忽视 The panda what handles inside China and it is what it probably is neglecting
                                    • 熊猫,我和你在一起在中国Fri ll支付在日本罕见。 The panda being born in Japan the money paying to China the ru die

                                  • 大熊猫,其中中国西南生活在山上,住,吃竹子
                                    The giant panda inhabits in mountain zone of the Chinese southwest section, Eating the bamboo grass, and the like it has lived

                                    • 它看起来像我犯了一个特种养殖设施,希望亿美元的租金仅296星期一 296 You just borrow it is year 100 000 000 Yen it is Also raising equipment is the special making like die

                                      • 对西藏人民的原生地钱是倍
                                        It should turn the gold to the Tibetan of field habitat one

                                        • 尽管国际贸易的濒危动物在预期的回应禁止Warota,但我就是败类做系统以及在中国的支付给中国我租赁的借口,背叛自己的国家,但也同政治家租金熙Hoihoi恩戴
                                          Reaction [warota] of according to expectation Although it is the overseas transaction prohibition animal in extermination fear kind, with lease how excuse it just has made the remittance system to China although But China and the kudzu, [hoihoi] rejoicing, the politician whom you borrow are the treason guy

                                          • 已经摆在了所有权利罗马:来产生,新郁陶

                                            • 应当找到并杀死的人因为障日Shinachikupanda眼睛会回到中国饲料 Therefore the eye to affect shinachikupanda what To everyone murder return to China

                                              • 您的过错在中国的不朽Yokosanakatta大熊猫
                                                The [ro] which is the Chinese mistake which the Hurou immortal panda is not crossed over

                                                • 我不是一般情况下,中方的租金借中国大熊猫而来,但我公开一些在名称动物园在关东地区“合作基金”保护约9000万日元的一年(笑),但我觉得我付出了我认为TI为企业的坏孩子相当于 Even in the Kanto certain zoo the panda borrowing from China however the ru The rental charge there is no Hirotune don t you think However you think that annual approximately 90 000 000 Yen laughing is paid as a “protective cooperative fund” on the Chinese side You think that it is the suitable vicious business which publicly offers name designates the child as dashi
                                                  • 我不是一般情况下,中方的租金借中国大熊猫而来,但我公开一些在名称动物园在关东地区“合作基金”保护约9000万日元的一年(笑),但我觉得我付出了我认为TI为企业的坏孩子相当于 Even in the Kanto certain zoo the panda borrowing from China however the ru The rental charge there is no Hirotune don t you think However you think that annual approximately 90 000 000 Yen laughing is paid as a “protective cooperative fund” on the Chinese side You think that it is the suitable vicious business which publicly offers name designates the child as dashi

                                                • 我也帮了你囊赔偿死亡的历史是真实瓦特
                                                  Until it dies, when we assume that details are fact, The indemnity the trap w which paying is not the ginger

                                                  • 我们作为政治工具使用的一些军国主义独裁熊猫,我不需要
                                                    Panda something which is used as the political tool of militarism dictatorial nation, it does not need

                                                    • 我忽略了以面包精子不采取行动的权利!性骚扰!我也,可以挑出来的死亡Shibora当精子同性耻辱,如果Kashiku The behavior which ignored the how pan right which takes the unreasonable doing spermatozoon sekuhara By your if the spermatozoon it is squeezed from the same sex being shy whether death the gill bu
                                                      • “为了收集大熊猫,三精 可能是有限的 gt “It is limited in 3 May that the spermatozoon is picked from the panda

                                                    • 我期待着,说中国是对应于原小鹰虚假和伪造的驾驶嗯周一 The false gong obtaining is and the Chinese correspondence which calls the false kitty the original the pleasure
                                                      • 鳗鱼馅饼,地点和假装熊猫忍受的是,它很容易学 The u the gi pie the panda in rank and that bear course which lie simple thing

                                                    • 我死了老年的赔偿?合同不能返回之前死亡或成为高级?租一濒危物种或秀雄ー我的意思
                                                      Senility dying being, the indemnity? When it becomes advanced age, before dying, return the contract which is produced reason? With you say or, extermination fear kind with rental or the [hi] -

                                                      • 我要把这824保险818 818 824 Insurance entering the ru

                                                        • 我觉得,你知道动物的东西没有说清楚看我马上302 302 Speaking clearly animal something immediately you do not see and you think as the ro where also the te is good and is
                                                          • 多么肮脏的动物屁股在日本我也只是lionize熊猫 The wax which the panda how rear end dirtily as for Japan may have the animal which seems with something quickly
                                                          • 我觉得,你知道动物的东西没有说清楚看我马上302 302 Speaking clearly animal something immediately you do not see and you think as the ro where also the te is good and is
                                                          • 这是很糟糕足以让任何动物的镜头 The extent seeing re ru with any animal hate with image
                                                          • 那么,我可以来现场死亡,你的动物昂贵 Living the te and death it is the tsu te the animal where the money is required

                                                        • 支付赔偿金,即使我在生活中死去?
                                                          When it dies being life, the indemnity you pay?

                                                          • 此外,每年将增加其军事实力,公司在中国经营成为人质,居丈高,奥巴马保留了大量的债务是美元,例如,强迫困境甚至抱怨说,已成为 The enterprise where every year on that you reinforce military power becomes overbearing and China advances Hostage For example obama which is possessed in large quantities even complaint has become unable to be the dollar government bond Condition

                                                            • 死亡覆盖率,缓解来自日本和租赁业务的话,那就歹徒 Now rental charge and they are the death guarantee droppings from Japan it comes with just yakuzabijinesu

                                                              • 没了贷款大熊猫Morawana为什么我付出的研究经费数以亿计
                                                                Until the research expenditure of hundred million units paying with something, the panda you have lent and others, the trap scale

                                                                • 温达赔款它神户王子动物园缴纳税款Koube你雇用的人,你是不平等的决定使用任何非基地

                                                                  • 熊猫饲养出来的东西,想的例子是两次钱的手,价格较高。反对 It was the high compensation but think that it is the hand being cut off gold Two degrees panda something you raise Outside panda Opposition
                                                                    • 熊猫饲养出来的东西,想的例子是两次钱的手,价格较高。反对 It was the high compensation but think that it is the hand being cut off gold Two degrees panda something you raise Outside panda Opposition

                                                                  • 第一个谎言,铝哟没有诚实的人

                                                                    • 给我一个威胁,并送他到死曼陀罗金熊猫,大熊猫是严重的消极选择岁的消极选择蟹
                                                                      The crab it is accustomed to sending, the panda which is not commercial law to sending it is accustomed, commercial law When it is accustomed to sending the panda which timewears dies that cross over, the gold you intimidate

                                                                      • 虽然阪神大地震中每Tsukkon纳税人认为埃纳花花公子神户Etara我只是名称的改变和Oosaka Republic of中国新疆Koube打,直到有足够的呈U熊猫补偿费和租金?瓦特

                                                                        • 见你想想你40万元的赔偿为演歌歌手让我错人死亡,每天租金30万?你永远不能采取更清冰川 1 day rentals 300 000 Mistaking when it murders indemnity 40 000 000 Don t you think even with ballad singer that extent The ro where Hikawa it comes and even if how is taken more and is

                                                                          • 该死的我有我这之前,我厂的猫动物拿钱! It is the animal where the money is required The grass ku tsu te before cat how this it is
                                                                            • 什么你会住在中国兰花必需的子或Mareta熊猫 Panda or main point viewing wa The ro where also the child which is born is Chinese what
                                                                            • 可爱的熊猫承担共同但Kawaiijan As for the panda it is lovely it is However also the normal ku ma is lovely
                                                                            • 没有熊猫更可爱的猫! Panda unnecessary The cat is lovelier

                                                                          • 该设施是教育的天然元素的城市儿童晴赖希 The nature it is splendid in the children of the city it is the facility which educates

                                                                            • 这wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Warota
                                                                              As for this [warota] wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                              • 这也是一个好地方九五○○○○○○年是它一敲竹杠 The tsu ke which is one year 950 000 dollar It is the place where also botsutakuri is good

                                                                                • 这是第一次在一个人迹罕至的发明本身尚未诽谤理由
                                                                                  Furthermore the way of the non track that basis itself of slander was fabrication,

                                                                                  • 这肉可卖出日元关于熊猫100g50000 It should have sold with about panda meat 100g50000 circle

                                                                                    • 须有直接和不要让思想个案例如用一点点的“,如果它认为可能的国度所知,很多日本及,因此这将是很好的,如果 When association is made to reconsider a little …” with If you think that it is possible to make many of the Japanese be conscious as for that whether it is good being that

                                                                                      • 黑柳彻子熊猫将返回到魔鬼Chibetsuto

                                                                                        • ,米彡⌒ ,我彡 米 所需要的!但福田,五十铃我¯过的东西 !°〜〜 五十铃,你?ーヾ我 “,ヽ 。 ⌒ 彡 ⌒ mi i 彡 mi It is Fukuda but HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT Something it is business DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No ∧ t gt i ∧ ⌒ REPT 92 REPT Λ ⌒ REPT i 92 and no ¯ 92 i 92 no i r No 92 ¯ i HKRPT no i l REPT No 92 │ l ⊂ i gt REPT 92 ku lt 92 nini gt REPT ⌒ ゚ lt 22 └ ─ ┘
                                                                                          • ř Mimimimimimiヽ, T的默认 u003d 阿 你们,我会尽快熊猫 r mimimimimimi REPT i r mi 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No t to a REPT nini r REPT t i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92

                                                                                        研究 開発