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“Penal servitude 6 year, be too light…” From legal profession authorized personnel and court gallery voice of doubt


  • *,违反毒品管制法被捕
    <Duty as for being asked the August 2nd night > Osio study, drug control method violation arrest

    • - 玲子Oohara死亡(森Shiniti前夫
      Ohara Reiko Death (Motoo Mori Shin one

      • 135监禁犯“如果Tsukanakere缓刑”,并撤消先前的试用
        135 “If stay of execution is not attached,” it cancels also the stay of execution before in guilt of penal servitude punishment

        • 40出348%,他们说我不知道意义或 348 The 40 you propose and or meaning is from the wa
          • 810之前,你傻? 810 You fool
          • 888氖恩戴到死 888 That dying don t you think it does
          • 就在你愚蠢332 332 You the ro which is foolish
          • 我一百四十九瓦特太监 149 Whether 宦 official w
          • 首先,当然我出去了4周茹 4 However it comes out of course it does not come out first w

        • 474或更少吗?我不知道从什么我也Mixi的条款有没有做殆等 NULL
          • 474或更少吗?我不知道,以及来自殆等我没有做过米西 474 It is little it is Because mikushii how it is not done almost You do not understand well but it is

        • 588 “只要什么?”“我!”从那里我 588 gt “Immediately it is ” “It is ” Because it was
          • 581 “只要什么?”“我!”从那里我 581 gt “Immediately it is ” “It is ” Because it was

        • 847,前850名非专业法官制度开始的,已赎回模拟试验线,围绕“家庭不应该依赖于情绪:”我认为,下一阶段是认为井 847 850 Before the judgment member system starts simulated judgment was done at every place but It seems that the opinion “we should not influence by bereaved family feeling” is sequential
          • 847,前850名非专业法官制度开始的,已赎回模拟试验线,围绕“家庭不应该依赖于情绪:”我认为,下一阶段是认为井 847 850 Before the judgment member system starts simulated judgment was done at every place but It seems that the opinion “we should not influence by bereaved family feeling” is sequential

        • 9 / 15 TBS的一审讯中,麻生太郎喷发山大(观察员狂热而闻名),我认为,这个判断令人费解的行为Yamaguti
          With TBS of 9/15… The trial was heard, the Mt. Aso large eruption person (the famous hearing maniac) you think, incomprehensible speech and behavior of the latest Yamaguchi President of the Court

          • alive女性受害者的我知道这是Katashi fingers finger behind的长,他们正在一惊奇可爱的女孩,你应该看到父母还在 But the woman of the victim has done method of kind of living which the rear yu bi points extremely like If even then it tries making the parent it is lovely the daughter no shelf and the surprise
            • alive女性受害者的我知道这是Katashi fingers finger behind的长,他们正在一惊奇可爱的女孩,你应该看到父母还在 But the woman of the victim has done method of kind of living which the rear yu bi points extremely like If even then it tries making the parent it is lovely the daughter no shelf and the surprise
            • 在这种情况下,有多少人“明天我将成为受害者,”我想我TTA的? In the latest incident about some person “tomorrow whether me the victim” with the combining which is thought

          • Nasuritsuke反罪恶和死亡的所有妇女,我不能说死,我就已经发生药物杀死特恩布尔508。你是什么,理由是很滑稽 508 Dying being the medicine which Osio has on the ru in the deceased there is no mouth in the woman who dies being all crimes The ri attaching and the like which it forms counter Therefore nil what the logic is strange
            • Nasuritsuke反罪恶和死亡的所有妇女,我不能说死,我就已经发生药物杀死特恩布尔508。你是什么,理由是很滑稽 508 Dying being the medicine which Osio has on the ru in the deceased there is no mouth in the woman who dies being all crimes The ri attaching and the like which it forms counter Therefore nil what the logic is strange

          • “元点开始了痛苦的受害者,皮疹元,而我开始睡觉,你可能会说,开始的座位元,国家不得不驱魔然后又给孩子成为瑙人会是什么样子咒怨,然后我进一步损失Reko“如果你叫救护车在恩戴奥凯→,遗弃(死亡)罪的是,我们不得不思考 “The victim started suffering while sleeping butsubutsu it started calling then sitting down it started speaking Then it became exorcist state after that the groan like the boy of the 呪 怨 was increased Furthermore after that it collapsed” gt If the ambulance was called here thinking that it did not become crime of abandonment homicide

            • 一个歹徒的情妇的摇头丸也是我小时候押尾
              In whore of [yakuza] MDMA how Osio [gaki] shelf

              • 不算多好,可以减刑坏尚未选,得到了,我永远不会再刊登广告密集细则 Furthermore Although that much the good thing bad thing s chi ya tsu it is S it is with such a light punishment the u tsu te Again to advertise the chi ya u how
                • 甜蜜的惩罚,如果他们成为家庭成员的Urusakunakere暴徒,并受到严重构成犯罪的家庭,即使没有重大戈大声 If or the family is not noisy with brutal offense it becomes sweet punishment and the family makes a noise with the crime which if is not great thing when it becomes harsh…

              • 不要忘了在加贺市的巴利市大家不要只是在能美小松市
                Not only Nomi city, even in Komatsu city It is to rub it is no [bare] [te] to be in Kaga city

                • 业余,或死刑或终身监禁及缓刑宣告无罪被迫极端词,但
                  As for amateur, capital punishment or indefinite penal servitude With Only thorough argument of innocence or stay of execution you can say

                  • 之所以说“过失杀人的最高刑罚放弃香织的父母负责保护(20年有期徒刑)和愿望无损检测,刑事指控,许多人肯定会掩盖很重 As the reason “Kaori s parents the highest punishment of protective patsy abandonment lethal crime penal servitude 20 year Criminal responsibility is very heavy e g we desire do concealment construction many
                    • “最大误杀一句遗弃香织的父母负责保护(20年有期徒刑)和愿望无损检测,刑事指控,许多人肯定会掩盖很重 E g “Kaori s parents desire the highest punishment of protective patsy abandonment lethal crime penal servitude 20 year do concealment construction many Criminal responsibility is heavy very

                  • 什么是不是什么皮肤表面淳杉渴望成为最高刑罚ー误杀Mutte放弃了立场香织负责任的父母为保护受害人的?对违反毒品法打击将是原来的女儿,因为你们 Kaori s parents at standpoint of victim the highest punishment of protective patsy abandonment lethal crime The tsu te which you desire the skin of the surface to be too thick don t you think something Even your daughters originally probably are the drug management method violator but
                    • 我怎样才能活,我一定轻轻回首族所不同重罚 Is punishment becomes heavy with desire circumstance of the family and or becomes light

                  • 他假装要善于它,我会后悔减刑 The person where the inclination which you have reflected that this it is is good to be reduced penalty the chi ya u

                    • 但可能不知道押尾Tsuitetara在于,即使是587女人通奸平民在此过程中的名人,我会一刻我结婚色调 587 If the general people immorality doing also the te being attached lie whether there is no cod wa can but In case of Osio as for having gotten married properly with the show biz celebrity Also this woman understanding because it probably is the ru …
                      • 有没有平民白色背景检查好吧,我会真正成为一个女人,一个老师 平路盐这次不只是一个女人,我会真的是黑色的 When well they were the general people the woman there is no certainly at all in the back of true tsu white there was no way out of salt teacher Because at present as for the time as for the woman it was deep black

                    • 作为审判押尾辩方证人“,是不太可能的幸存者”,然后按下。一个辩方证人的生命。奥卡托米先生丈二
                      In Osio's judgment as a defense side witness “the possibility lifesaving of being possible is low”, that the pushing. Lifesaving which testifies protection. Tomioka 譲 two people

                      • 你不想点亮的毒品问题上对我的审判是有什么不同?亚拉的证据是不可能做到无论如何,如果你的那个时刻是作为一个最危险的条件下对法官的流量亚拉现在你不必在做不可能的事?如果足够重Idaro 1994? Being another being judged the ru it is to put out the case of the medicine The ro which is not light and is Well the excessiveness doing the one chi it did as the judge who is let flow to dangerous state if is anyhow For the present there is no evidence which the excessiveness you do and can let do it is the ro which is If the ro which sufficiently is heavy even in 6 years and is
                        • 我会说这是114左右,这样我才可以因为我们的情况不拉屎的地方要说的话对当前法官的情绪作为 114 Because that there is no story of feeling condition it is natural We saying as for ru the story kuso as the judge who is let flow to the feeling of that place

                      • 你判断一个没有死刑是适当增加Wattara谋杀和抢劫等IT滔天罪行
                        When brutal crime of homicide and the burglar etc joins to that, judgment it is not the [ro] whose capital punishment is proper

                        • 你可能都试用一次呼叫533救护车
                          533 If the ambulance is called immediately, the [ro] which perhaps is stay of execution

                          • 你总是认为我是有罪的,从国家检察官...谵妄因吸毒和粪便停止侵犯人权的权利
                            It has become in derangement state with medicine use of being empty innocence the [ro] normal thought… Droppings investigation stops human rights violation and

                            • 例如,它可能有一个对他起诉消极的想法,并得出结论的陪审团仅六年的滚动恩戴包括八年
                              The jury involving with the statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment of 8 years, when it concludes hearing in 6 years Thinking being defeated, the [ru] it is probably will be

                              • 北区的地写了763,所以没有错:如你所说瓦特严格个人通信,因此,如果你已经彻底争Ubeki上诉 763 So far because the fact that you write to the last is my Makoto misunderstanding it is not the way w As said if there is an appeal making clear we should dispute thoroughly there probably

                                • 单次身份证编号的方式适合它与几乎所有的案件在较
                                  When single-engine ID does ID the less by the way single-engine almost everything is applicable to that

                                  • 受害人死亡,但我可以同情与吸毒
                                    The victim died however it cannot pity with drug use,

                                    • 合理的,因为它也有一个因谋杀罪被判缓刑
                                      There is stay of execution even in the homicide, therefore it is, it probably is proper

                                      • 后据犯罪嫌疑人被逮捕高相位
                                        After that, you can announce the arrest of high phase suspect

                                        • 因为摇头丸可以创建人为地,似乎有变异,取决于制造商
                                          Because MDMA is made artificially, there is a dispersion, depending upon the manufacturer it seems

                                          • 在此之前,PJ的和现任总统的CM从大都市区,但我并没有感到惊讶,甚至爱媛 Although to that only CM how metropolitan area of PJ president it was done As for flowing to Ehime Surprise
                                            • 此外,不再是总统有关小报pj的嘴 Then with wide show the relationship with PJ president became unable to mention

                                          • 在狭间智代的唯一的女儿,尽管地方深窓
                                            There is deeply only a daughter of the window of the ignorant of the world of somewhere

                                            • 太严厉,对待暴力罪犯,你主持公道,对不对?
                                              If even brutal offense the serious illness after remedying, the [ro] which is judgment?

                                              • 如果你知道为了只从顶部的网上看到少梅鲁贬 确定 家长和914单杆等受害者殆 914 resusure where the single engine majority looks down upon the victim and those parents If it keeps seeing from above in order it is understood

                                                • 审判长主审法官非常伤心,有关声音测试测试怯埃塔金属探测器,作为终审法院首席法官埃塔很不高兴怯声怯声测试测试测试金属探测器,金属检测仪埃塔是如此难过 The President of the Court had trembled as become frightened to the inspection sound of metal detection machine inspection The President of the Court had trembled as become frightened to the inspection sound of metal detection machine inspection The President of the Court had trembled as become frightened to the inspection sound of metal detection machine inspection
                                                  • 此外,埃塔是不满的声音怯金属检测器检测试验“,其中只包括一个录音装置立即提请关注,而不是在水平 Furthermore as become frightened to the inspection sound of metal detection machine inspection it had trembled” This is not the level which bringing the recorder fear is done

                                                • 成员的决定是法官不同于314配置的例子认为,不公平的,我有一个陪审员制度约束力的先例,在
                                                  314 As for decision differing depending upon the constitution member of the judgment member from the thought, unfairness, Judicial precedent has force of constraint even with the judgment member system

                                                  • 我不仅被特恩布尔客观证据,例如我可以说,吸毒人员555田中香织
                                                    555 Osio just calls also Kaori Tanaka the medicine common practice person It is there is no objective evidence and the like

                                                    • 我不知道如何增加血液中的浓度和血液水平之前,他对10那么押尾,怎么说?这是不对的 However it does the manner of rise of density in the blood and others is not When with it does before coming to Osio s place the thing kana that a density in the blood about 10 there was The ro which is not that and is
                                                      • 押尾和受害者的性别为4 5倍590,他们两个的被使用,这些药物事件早已进入了一天,并证明押尾 590 As for sex of Osio and victim 4 5 times Inserting also the day of incident 2 times with Osio testifies that the medicine among those was used
                                                      • 此刻,他们通过了控方说,被告无表情押尾已深深叹了口气向井地法官谁 The instant which is sentenced the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment as for Defendant Osio who is non expression the judgment member facing deep sigh It was attached
                                                      • 马塞卢和坚持中断期间押尾面对山本录像 Also the inside of Osio s image video makes the Yamamoto face interrupt persistently with

                                                    • 我与过去几次喝毒品真的恶心,是不是没有普通的会议上,我 Past several degrees the medicine drinking when the te it is truly hateful the ro whose it is normal not to meet
                                                      • 在现场(数额我喝)先进的饮料金额,通常认为做了很多的权利 That the quantity which was made to drink on site the quantity which was drunk it was many the ro whose it is normal to think

                                                    • 我什至没有保护咸味的空气,你不能太同情与受害者多,即使我有一个合理的印象,甚至有点沉重,六年 However there is no either air which protects the salt it cannot pity either the victim excessively and 6 year te propriety the margin which bites just a little there is even a heavy impression but it is
                                                      • 我什至没有保护咸味的空气,你不能太同情与受害者多,即使我有一个合理的印象,甚至有点沉重,六年 However there is no either air which protects the salt it cannot pity either the victim excessively and 6 year te propriety the margin which bites just a little there is even a heavy impression but it is
                                                      • 我是一个女孩或女人实话,家长往往在受害人Dzura左 Also the honest woman is the woman the parent it comes out well with victim zura
                                                      • 死亡是一个女人,我还没有权利 受害者 ,并确认 The ro which as for the woman who dies is not the reason which still the victim is decided and is
                                                      • ,受害者已被确定,可能是我将会是这样的前或有一些事情你 So the victim specifies the baggage or empty your thing specifies and perhaps the chi ya u

                                                    • 我们有条刑法押尾被告219问题“放弃自己的责任,保护杀人罪”,但你
                                                      But as for Defendant Osio being questioned “protective patsy abandonment lethal crime” of criminal law 219th provision

                                                      • 我会在等待特恩布尔先生是民事审判二战
                                                        Waiting also civil judgment, the [ru] it does, Mr. Osio ww

                                                        • 我假装喝醉了无辜Terya恩戴本人也迅速叫救护车万维网
                                                          Quickly the ambulance calling, by your have been intoxicated, doing to shake, although it was [ri] [ya] innocence, www

                                                          • 我用的药物,现在我与毒品泛滥或叫救护车,如果它不那么肯定,邪恶的人,一个我这样的情况下,我想我的感受是某处发生的是你不必去思考和严厉的惩罚ü The drug using the partner condition being bad unless the ambulance it calls applying Now when the drug is inundated happening somewhere so the air does it is Unless you must make severe punishment you think at such incident that

                                                            • 押尾我致命的,如果他们忽略了自己的责任保障,让所有公认的药物传输接收+ + +亘Yuzuru麻醉药物使用
                                                              If Osio is recognized everything, the protective patsy abandonment lethal + drug it takes over, + drug use + drug transfer

                                                              • 推荐此起诉 ,“毒品的事,”因为我认为,这样的结论变得 gt As for investigation “it is the drug” that you insist this mail the empty it becomes such conclusion
                                                                • 这封电子邮件的“药事”起诉,因为我认为,这样的结论变得 As for investigation “it is the drug” that you insist this mail the empty it becomes such conclusion

                                                              • 摇头丸-新物种已被受害者恰好有(从特恩布尔问题的被告),一受害者摇头丸善太郎同一物种死亡的痛苦,我突然被我的立场是,饮酒状态的恩戴我叫救护车Sokko Karetara可爱的偶像
                                                                The victim had new species MDMA, (from Osio's defendant question) The victim died suffering the [ze] is By your drink same new species MDMA When we is placed in Osio's circumstance, the [sotsuko] ambulance it calls

                                                                • 有趣的超过普通致命药物。血药浓度 Being in common as for being strange the medicine which exceeds the lethal dosage Density in blood
                                                                  • 你到了13的血,例如水平 We assume that density in the blood became 13 for example with that

                                                                • 有道理的,因为该药物注射团伙一个女孩,最高法院八十年TTA的事件下被允许在监狱中死亡,因为这是多年未见高达8 1 The mob injected the sense consequence medicine into the girl left and died Is because it was seen from the highest judgment example where penal servitude 8 year goes down in the incident as about the same 8 years
                                                                  • 1 意义,因为该药物,注射到女团伙的TTA的案件,根据最高法院↑8疏忽年在狱中死亡造成,虽然这是一场虚惊 1 The highest judgment example where penal servitude 8 year goes down in the incident where gt the mob injects the sense consequence medicine into the girl leaves and dies But ↑ this incorrect report what
                                                                  • 有道理的,因为该药物注射团伙一个女孩,最高法院八十年TTA的事件下被允许在监狱中死亡,因为这是多年未见高达8 1 Is because it was seen from the highest judgment example where penal servitude 8 year goes down in the incident where the mob injects the sense consequence medicine into the girl leaves and dies as about the same 8 years
                                                                  • 有道理的,因为这种药物注射在一个女孩刚,最高法院的判例,这在监狱TTA的8年中造成的死亡离开 1 The mob injected the sense consequence medicine into the girl left and died Is because it was seen from the highest judgment example where penal servitude 8 year goes down in the incident as about the same 8 years
                                                                  • 案件被驳回,如果没有违反,最高法院的判决,并确认侵犯我 If there is no contravention to judicial precedents it is rejected but violation becomes judgment with the signet and the Supreme Court

                                                                • 服务中心“周一是TTA的湿重湿重,我确实是一个真正的笑。作为一个很好的例子唯一的罪行,但我不怀疑,法院。我在天堂,我舔 Sir plug” Is it is ww The wa ww which is laughed as expected Truth In about only the fine becoming crime however you cannot question cutting deciding Whether it has licked
                                                                  • 构成犯罪的,严格的“严重鄂拯救状态到左(但最坏死亡)”只有当 To the last becoming crime “although it can rescue leaving deteriorated state the worst death but ” only when

                                                                • 沙巴狗屎了大规模迅速与一个被垃圾和律师说,他们不考虑它到底那个例子出新的受害者 Putting out kuso to shiyaba quickly way you do not think of that it produces the new victim completely The mass rubbish shelf which what it has done says and the attorney becomes the appearance
                                                                  • 我是什么人,从而丰富的方式聘请律师鄂 The extent gold which by the way the attorney can be employed so with something it has the saw when

                                                                • 法官管理到396个,判例法也被称为当时光刺激或不Sugiya向法官想起了应领取提到它与所有意见的,我也意味着审判法官 396 Somehow the judgment member referring also the judicial precedent of that time that expressing opinion whether be too light there is no palm if that sticks to the heart of the judge there is also the meaning of having become judgment member judgment don t you think
                                                                  • 在那里他们说垃圾Gitekitanomo人类生活质量,影响了陪审团作出的裁决,要求维克反感了足够返回到系统茹法官只被判 When the decision which the judgment member puts out influences the life of the person the mass rubbish overstating But certain becoming judgment member system you opened and the re extent biku which returns became just the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment and the decision which are attached

                                                                • 法院 “,如应力考虑迁离,”我的母亲是一个巨大的下降地板上的死为一岁,判处缓刑 Because it was “stress with such as moving consideration” Throwing down 1 year old children to the floor in the mother whom it can murder stay of execution decision
                                                                  • 怎么这样一个较轻的刑罚? With something becoming such light decision

                                                                • 理事会讨论决定,判决过程中的实际,取决于我们是否向陪审团解释什么是民事法官和法律知识有限,认为这是可能的Wareru容易说服和操控其中表的互动没有得到任何 With process of the discussion which argues actually decision and assessment the judge does some kind of explanation in the judgment member according to The citizen where knowledge of law is limited thinks that become easily persuasion and operation possible but Then exchange does not appear to the chart altogether
                                                                  • 主审法官,其实,秋天第一次被判处八年监禁徒刑要求非礼袭击造成超过七,几起案件都拿出 Actually the penal servitude 8 year which with judgment member judgment the forced wa is and the se exceeds the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment of penal servitude 7 year with 致 scar crime Plural judicial precedents have come out e g decision goes down for the first time

                                                                • 编号:Fvle58Bn0编号:LPApCRvXP编号:tZdzFGW30编号:+ h3NJkrz0嗯,让员工的工作习惯瓦特瓦特我不是诱导我的W名公众声誉损害控制
                                                                  ID: Fvle58Bn0 ID: LPApCRvXP ID: tZdzFGW30 ID: + h3NJkrz0 Construction habit - - w It is the employee of somewhere, don't you think? public opinion induction of w rumor damage control [tsu] [te] name whether - w

                                                                  • 编号:qyaiEajN0是无用的,因为间谍Majiresu Noguti米卡
                                                                    ID: Therefore as for qyaiEajN0 Mika's Noguchi operative [majiresu] uselessness

                                                                    • 编号:这是什么PQEseKOB0官方人工盐
                                                                      ID: PQEseKOB0 This it is what as for the salt authorized personnel who purposely seems

                                                                      • 联合国安理会104(法官)和非常任理事国(法官)没有我喜欢?哦,孩子。好吧多数决津市也一样,大多数法官的支持 104 United Nations permanent member the judge with non permanent members the judgment member like something the tsu ke which is not Majority The te like large number of the judge is supported

                                                                        • 自我药疗○Mamuko人。非常有名的怪
                                                                          Medicine ○ human [mamuko] oneself. With responsible shift super famously

                                                                          • 这不是在变态盐坏,但是,这种可怕的行为,甚至想到了例子,我将带走的行动 It did that the salt is bad with metamorphosis with say how thinking such a terrible behavior the ze which is the conduct which is widely different
                                                                            • 课文内容是可怕的呢(笑) Contents composition are terrible anyhow laughing Furthermore

                                                                          • 通勤分钟的试用期是复原吗?嘿,我的意思是什么瓦特干分钟独资
                                                                            Because stay of execution is cancelled, that much reduction of sentence? [sore] which is what Don't you think? semantic amount can [e] w

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