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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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“Such a country, two degrees it comes or!” [jiyobuzu] CEO of Apple in Japan large rage ★2


  • 50:13编号:Y4YulbvD0乔布斯总是停放残疾人车停车位,入口在191个苹果Mac开发最接近 50 13 ID Y4YulbvD0 191 At the time of Mack development it is closest to the entrance of the apple corporation Always in the parking space for the handicapped person the car of jiyobuzu It had parked
    • 196:无题:2006 03 12(星期日)11:35:45编号:R26O7C2E0日本是全球第二大市场,日本是既无内债的Mac,而不是爱一个忠实的客户,而如分配在寒冷的左边的稀有气体 196 Name unestablished 2006 03 12 Sunday 11 35 45 ID R26O7C2E0 But as for Japan at world marketplace 2nd rank as for the Japanese proud the kind of reason which loves Mac which is not the domestic product That the kind of inert gas which is treated coldly comparatively

  • 558什么ー一撞,苹果主动做一些事情,因为宪法只包括但如果仍然是围绕着,Wareru开放在一定程度上被剥夺分享Gossori和Ru了竞争,不再相信自由竞争,从公司,在薄弱Ranakatsu或变得难以取悦于人 558 Therefore Apple still enclosure included constitution How initiative finishing something you probably will do but When a certain opening the competitive item comes out Entirely you take share therefore the enterprise which is poor competition When it is gone was gone with no one troubles

    • 622 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 622 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
      • 75 Nannaru生产者 75 The producer who becomes what
      • 哦,如果我真的种一 Roughly it is rough The ho it is with it is what how it is what
      • 怎么样?你傻?我也是这样想 NULL
      • 日本积极响起时,我们尽量不立即下降,但一次穿“我认为这个词现在Wareru But when time tries settling think that it reaches the point where Japan was correct”
      • 读我424 421 421 424 Read
      • 谷胜从第一页是131纹 NULL

    • 913,当披头士乐队的时候,我在外面Kararashii完全由私家车从机场 913 As for that when visiting Japan in the Beatles completely from the airport by the private car Because it came out it seems

      • GE是一家广告禁令“ ”大怒,说是从某一个地方 Be able to inform prohibition because “ ” with rage with it is it probably is speech of that place
        • 幕张基调漂白MacEXPO惨败持续几年前“将在日本哑然第二个主旨!”和愤怒发作的,但笑埃塔瓦特通过https: sekihi net 宝石 日8126人们曾试图推动银行协助死亡我很喜欢鱼 Bleaching rust large mistake in the Makuhari MacEXPO keynote presentation of several years ago “Two degrees as for keynote presentation it is in Japan ” With large you could laugh the episode which rages but w https sekihi net stones 8126 The Japanese like the fish which dies surged in the bank

      • Kanteidan Moraubeki由一个什么专家,我不知道手里剑国宝
        The [ro] which is the hand reverse side sword what of national treasure class It should have judging regardless with judgment group

        • Kottara问题1月在一私人飞机发射事故 When accident happens even with the private jet problem it is

          • TTA的我从来不买什么忍者瓦特
            You bought reverse side sword how some because of the hand, it is w which is

            • “我说 没有 证据”,因为没有理由解出 “Such a thing it is not said evidence” puzzle because there is no reason which can be put out

              • “这其实是:”如果你不否认,“案(调整到各级等),因为没有”声称 “The fact that it is really” is denied is not to be the te “incident it examines and etc level as the insistence that it does not exist”
                • 说,经过事件Namamugi 1 You say afterwards It is live wheat incident

              • 不能让它摆脱因达公司运行和人民感到愤怒,并保持下去,因为这是无聊的工作 When even jiyobuzu is the kind of human who continues to get angry permanently with such a ma viewing thing the company is managed Thing and the like there is no reason which it is possible therefore it is
                • 乔布斯索尼将让你下次来日本发展武器杀死暗杀 NULL

              • 不,不对,我没有请他们停止写了任何可疑,但我想对你说我可爱的偶像称为魔鬼,因为一切都证明,仅仅是怀疑鄂 It probably will ease not to be doubting regardless if it starts there is no paulownia because it can doubt all ones the tsu te Calling that proof of demon it is possible to apply you want it is

                • 乔布斯Koshitaku飞行员发动恐怖袭击,但没有它,可能会或瓦特 Terrorism you wanted to cause jiyobuzu perhaps the pilot so it is not and w
                  • 803乔布斯你的意思废话 803 With as for the notion that where you say as for jiyobuzu the kudzu tsu lever…

                • 乔布斯还推出Kosanaku恐怖分子,恐怖分子可能造成威胁的人陪同我用短剑队长
                  [jiyobusu] also not causing terrorism, the attendance person using the hand reverse side sword, perhaps the captain it causes threat terrorism, and

                  • 买Otaota乔布斯在这样的事情在TTA的小事作为,即使这种说法是真实的业务在国际的美国就业机会是不可能的,即使它是一个非常体面的外交 As for purchasing those which jiyobuzu were made assuming that this speech of jiyobuzu is true in the American way otaota it does with such a trivial thing Very honest diplomacy and international business are unreasonable
                    • 我讨厌史蒂夫乔布斯Inan日本? 120:无题:2006 03 10(星期五)14:51:53编号:jBnmkwIHO日本的金刚鹦鹉,而是致力于爱的Mac,我讨厌日本大师Wareru金刚鹦鹉,主机立即作出贡献它看起来像一个女人 Steve jiyobuzu tsu te Japanese hateful what 120 Name unestablished 2006 03 10 gold 14 51 53 ID jBnmkwIHO Japanese maka although Mack is loved self sacrifice the Japanese maka tsu te which is disliked in the founder the woman who supplies to the host is like
                    • 购买乔布斯TTA的制造者,他们有很多日本的产品不断美国人 As for purchasing those which jiyobuzu were made assuming that this speech of jiyobuzu is true in the American way otaota it does with such a trivial thing Very honest diplomacy and international business are unreasonable

                  • 什么礼物手里剑,是什么让日本良好的地狱瓦特
                    The hand reverse side sword [tsu] [te], the [do] just it is it is Japanese favorite what in the gift, w

                    • 你会拉Atarimae Tatte镖在安全检查走?再见约破旧,我说我不这样做!一个小家伙 In safety inspection the hand reverse side sword the ro which is tsu te atarimae which is caught Don t you think gudaguda you say with about such a thing Small person shelf
                      • 也许从督察扔手里剑从天空Geru吉焦 The hand reverse side sword the causing re which throws it is from the sky empty inspector gj
                      • 你会拉Atarimae Tatte镖在安全检查走?再见约破旧,我说我不这样做!一个小家伙 In safety inspection the hand reverse side sword the ro which is tsu te atarimae which is caught Don t you think gudaguda you say with about such a thing Small person shelf
                      • 在你扔手里剑Getaro万维网www或 Your www hand reverse side sword ro or www which was thrown
                      • 在船上德克Tsukatsu崩溃,是不是没有限制,以较少的机会呢?苹果产品都没有,毕竟好 The hand reverse side sword using in the inside of a plane it falls the ro which is also low possibility not to limit and is Apple product fog tsu pa useless shelf
                      • 我不知道所有这镖瓦特 How the ro w which is such a hand reverse side sword what of the se
                      • 我该怎么办时,飞机坠毁在一镖 When the aircraft falls with the hand reverse side sword it is intention what which how is done

                    • 切大腿扔手里剑在Les TTA的这个光头! ! !我就买苹果的人是疯子!我死了吧!我们的模糊! This bald neck with the hand reverse side sword the chi yo it is re which is cut The apple product buying as for the ru person only kichigai Die quickly Though becoming dim
                      • 京都,大阪辉卡诺线省道非法贩运,我们仍然 In Kyoto and Osaka even now dense structure illicit sale of the hand reverse side sword being done ru
                      • 手里剑799申请? 799 As for use of the hand reverse side sword
                      • 立即深度测试带来手里剑弯曲wwwwww wwwwww什么的外国游客在京都的家是一个艰难的万维网 Bringing inspection wwwwww of the hand reverse side sword The sled ya wwwwww which is what The foreigner of the Kyoto sight seeing return very much shelf www

                    • 即使在好莱坞,即使日本人偷走Bakkarijan产品 To the Hollywood movie also to the commodity Japanese pakuri tsu temporary it is

                      • 即使这是真的这件事情,“是的,这是真的”是不是说比如二战尴尬Kashiku Assuming that this case was true “It is it is true” with being shy ww which you cannot say
                        • 日本官员欺骗世界,可以不感到羞愧 As for the foolish public official of Japan shame tsu lever Toda of the world

                      • 哦,那还有业余电镀也很出名,他们的忍者滚装恐惧! !
                        The amateur [me] [tsu] [tsu] which fearfulness of the droppings and the hand reverse side sword is not known! !

                        • 嗯,早上跪在地上。我喜欢这个星期一Muyouna公司为秃头银行瓦特了 Well as for kneeling on the ground morning The bald bank and the kind of enterprise which unites the hand how such it is don t you think w
                          • 嗯,我喜欢周一Muyouna公司为秃头银行瓦特了 Well the bald bank and the kind of enterprise which unites the hand how such it is don t you think w

                        • 在日本就职,包括外国人立刻有另一个谜板一镖
                          As for [jiyobuzu] in Japan, the foreigner of the puzzle which it tries probably to bring the hand reverse side sword to the inside of a plane

                          • 如果我否认ITI的ITI的,像我教你一个真实的他们 Denying one by one it seems that teaching the cod either one among those the phone mono it is

                            • 如果董事会在Satta安全镖刺头,穿着忍者服饰
                              The enduring costume wearing, if you embarked when the hand reverse side sword has stuck to the head, it was safe

                              • 它看起来像一个初中行镖瓦特湿重
                                Junior high school student like shelf w of the hand reverse side sword ww study travelling

                                • 宗一郎信处分无当然这只是非常积极的
                                  Simply because Soichiro's Honda letter very much was favorable, of course there is no dealing

                                  • 恭喜时代,他们会立即把你从我的Toku的下降招
                                    We to be the brief note book, because it solves, be able to settle, the [me] [e] and others

                                    • 愤怒是不是知道,TTA的TTA的比买新的手里剑,而是更津津有味,他不那么容易的忍者来的?瓦特 However the one where the person who is not the ninja does not come so simply on the other hand is delightful Being known from that that the hand reverse side sword is bought you got angry it is it is not w
                                      • 愤怒是不是知道,TTA的TTA的,但手里剑比买新的,而更多的快乐来的?瓦特 However the one which does not come separately on the other hand is more delightful Being known from that that the hand reverse side sword is bought you got angry it is it is not w

                                    • 我做了一些奇怪的,金薪工作立即作出贡献,日本马卡多石乔布斯万维网 Those whose jiyobuzu is strange making the money you pay it supplies to jiyobuzu maka is many in the Japanese and www
                                      • 需要追捕恐怖分子训练下来的东西不够好是可能的,但他们不知道我将是真正工作 If the patience which was trained well sufficiently terrorism the notion that where probably does not know either as expected jiyobuzu it is possible

                                    • 我得到两个学位!优香我,我很惊讶它的到来!而在私人?说到证据,说如果我是最Ttena乔布斯自己,不差者扬性别歧视的著名日本传统 Two degrees it comes tsu te yu u It has come you were surprised especially Furthermore with private If you say that main person of jiyobuzu is not said if that mentions evidence the famous discriminatory principle person whom the Japanese abhors from former times it is
                                      • 446这是伟大的,你热了起来,在证据来吧,如果是该人打电话来,说Ttena的大多数工作 446 Heat it raises greatly but if you say that main person of jiyobuzu is not said calling it is with that evidence
                                      • 我得到两个学位!优香我,我很惊讶它的到来!而在私人?乔布斯时,日本著名的性别歧视者扬有一个很大的老讨厌 Two degrees it comes tsu te yu u It has come you were surprised especially Furthermore with private If you say that main person of jiyobuzu is not said if that mentions evidence the famous discriminatory principle person whom the Japanese abhors from former times it is
                                      • 苹果公司的史蒂夫乔布斯,但另一个人,如果 If apple corporation jiyobuzu individual but difference

                                    • 我想我会在发展中国家得到Bittarisareruhougaiitodemo贿赂希望猴子
                                      It is developing country, the [ru] we would like to see and the bribe [se] [bi] [tsu] wants the one which the [ri] is done is good when with, you think kana

                                      • 我来日本的两倍! “愤怒的和 Two degrees It comes to Japan You say that” with you raged

                                        • 我确信乔布斯在415素食寿司唯一的例外?这就是你的意思假厨房工作 415 As for certain jiyobuzu just the sushi was vegetarianism with exception because In other words as for jiyobuzu fabrication 厨 tsu lever
                                          • 你还不知道? )及对“捏造的证据,而不是”容易 The ro which is not and is Confronting “the evidence which is not fabrication” is simple

                                        • 我说没有捏造的证据,我认为在这种情况下,有一个魔鬼的证据 The evidence which in this case is not said evidence of demon is not fabrication it is the kana which is not
                                          • 我说不在这种情况下我觉得我们有证据证明魔鬼 The evidence which in this case is not said evidence of demon is not fabrication it is the kana which is not

                                        • 手里剑恐怖主义的私人飞机瓦特
                                          With private jet the hand reverse side sword terrorism w

                                          • 手里剑?这是因为金刚鹦鹉
                                            The hand reverse side sword? Therefore this as for [maka

                                            • 文章说,海外主要的机场安全检查站和乘客宫为结构性Kankuu从私人喷气式飞机不同,私人飞机的设计已经使用了和乔布斯Wareru,认为将安装成本,以及 In the article the principal airport of the foreign country safety inspection for the private jet occupant of the Seki sky which differs Also specification and price etc of private jet which is thought that the mechanism and jiyobuzu used have been recorded
                                              • 乔布斯不区分即使这是一个党好,你来日本本身没有工作也可以从经验中学习 Well assuming that the party of at this incident was jiyobuzu so that is not assuming You come as for jiyobuzu itself and in Japan without either the characteristic being disgusted

                                            • 无损检测我立即抓住这个人开枪射击的家伙手里剑
                                              Someone it is dense the hand reverse side sword ramming down to the neck

                                              • 日版白色飞镖状菌落,因为阿拉伯人的忍者艺术是一种无声的,但我烤滚装轮,因为每个房子销毁大规模武器的战斧
                                                Therefore as for the hand reverse side sword of the white art as for the Japanese of colony saying nothing, the [ro] Therefore as for the hand reverse side sword of the Arabian person the massive weapon but every house total loss to come with the tomahawk,

                                                • 最糟糕的是这样的惜飞镖???
                                                  The hand reverse side sword is regrettable so? ? ? ? ?

                                                  • 来,做了第二茹Warota WWW的wwww
                                                    [warota] wwww Two degrees it comes www

                                                    • 比我更强烈iPad的光束飞镖扔掉?
                                                      Don't you think? iPad was thrown the one which is strong from the hand reverse side sword?

                                                      • 白人不必理会来自泰国,日本,但有一个天堂,花满Iku Because there is a heaven tie in the white completely it is not necessary specially to come to Japan
                                                        • 我相信这个白576 576 Probably there is no this white

                                                      • 相反,对日本take ll也喜欢我就买一个忍者虚构武器
                                                        Conversely, about the hand reverse side sword how overhead weapon buying [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] also the Japanese favorite comes off, but

                                                        • 看起来他们不知道日本忍者和一个过滤风险
                                                          Like fearfulness of the Japanese hand reverse side sword is not known it puts out,

                                                          • 确名无限期手里剑星
                                                            SHURIKEN' S Uncertain definite name STARS

                                                            • 私人飞机投掷的恒星或东西在击落iPhone应用程序的恐怖狂潮乔布斯喜欢飞镖在安检所以你很快就作出巨大茹
                                                              The [ru] where [jiyobuzu] throws the hand reverse side sword at the safety inspection place and sows The private jet of the terrorist is downed with the hand reverse side sword when Being the case that it can do such a iPhone application already immediately the shank

                                                              • 美国的这一Tteka,情报再见也许一高宽比 This American as for intelligence however perhaps whether the tsu te it is high asupe something

                                                                • 而我太忙了,在像持有人之间的差额带狂暴283 飞镖飞镖酒吧或星夹制剪辑
                                                                  283 [beruseruku] inserting in the belt type holder likely, the [ru] > stick hand reverse side sword system As for star type hand reverse side sword clip type holder

                                                                  • 而让其他飞机drop m飞镖
                                                                    The other airplane can be dropped with the hand reverse side sword, it is

                                                                    • 萨克购买excursion ll剑在同一水平上饿了,你正在在美国境内销售的是一个忍者瓦特瓦特尴尬秃香椎
                                                                      About the hand reverse side sword selling even in America, the [ro] which is the [ru] When the hungry ghost the wooden sword buys in study travelling, the same level w Shy bald shelf w

                                                                      • 葛深度行李,立即通知巡查在家里关西国际机场安全检查站一飞镖,“我们现在哪一个傻瓜的喷气飞机造成恐怖自己!”“这个国家,并两次为什么“或愤怒 When returning home at safety inspection place of Kansai international airport revelation bringing inspection of the hand reverse side sword of baggage “The fool who causes terrorism with his own jet aircraft is somewhere it is ” “Such a country two degrees it comes ” that you raged that
                                                                        • 葛深度行李,立即通知巡查在家里关西国际机场安全检查站一飞镖,“我们现在哪一个傻瓜的喷气飞机造成恐怖自己!”“这个国家,并两次为什么“或愤怒 When returning home at safety inspection place of Kansai international airport revelation bringing inspection of the hand reverse side sword of baggage “The fool who causes terrorism with his own jet aircraft is somewhere it is ” “Such a country two degrees it comes ” that you raged that

                                                                      • 要更好的武器的威胁,除非在不情愿的他自己的飞机的飞行员的飞行,是不是可能有自杀式炸弹袭击的地方 If even by the sled ya your own airplane you do not operate with itself Threatening the pilot which you dislike with the dangerous weapon there is a possibility suicide bombing terrorism of doing it isn t somewhere
                                                                        • 飞行员用来威胁850 850 You use in order to threaten the pilot

                                                                      • 该型普通手里剑宫内手里剑,但需要一些训练(4片)什么是需要的是一把刀我用巨额鄂人
                                                                        As for the hand reverse side sword of [kunai] type however discipline probably is necessary The normal hand reverse side sword (four blades) it is the throwing knife which the [tsu] [te] in brief anyone can use

                                                                        • 请逝〜阴影镖红色scrunchy

                                                                          • 这些人不知道有麻烦了飞镖和恐惧,因为它filtered m
                                                                            Therefore this the person who does not know the fearfulness of the hand reverse side sword is troubled, it is

                                                                            • 这是令人失望的,因为它低于685冲突,乔布斯先生表示,不同职位之间的七月,在他的家人,私人飞机来,它似乎更容易和Shinda京都观光 685 It was regrettable Because below it contradicts as for that the mistake According to the article jiyobuzu with the family July visits Japan with the private jet You say that it seems that enjoyed the Kyoto sight seeing and the like

                                                                              • 鄂贻误找到一个人德克德克是用来Biruna不知道我看到了忍者
                                                                                The human who can use the hand reverse side sword the hand reverse side sword does not do the blunder which is found You look at the ninja, the [ku] [bi] [ru

                                                                                • 铃木Muneo(新党大地的脚:。村,博悟石川(室兰拉萨尔高中民主党人。松山的Tiharu村(脚会津小鉄歌手。残暴的反社会系统脚踏Takaandotoshi村札幌,旭川(东京总部吉(吉本,东京)加藤口子(通博乐园东京总部吉(吉本,东京)真一郎Azumi将军(TBS的带广市,北海道)清水宏靖(带广,北海道),北海道大学教授Yamaguti Nirou信徒Minsyutou
                                                                                  Muneo Suzuki (new party ground Foot. Village, Intellectual Yutaka Ishikawa (the Democratic party Muroran [rasaru] high school: Foot. Village Matsuyama Chiharu (ogre domesticated fowl and animals singer of counter social characteristic Aizu small iron base Foot. Village Hawk and Tosi Sapporo city, Asahikawa ( Yosimoto promotion of industry Tokyo head office (Tokyo Yosimoto) Kouji Kato (Paradise register Yosimoto promotion of industry Tokyo head office (Tokyo Yosimoto) Living in peace 紳 Ichiro (TBS Hokkaido Obihiro city) Shimizu Hiroshi Mamoru (Hokkaido Obihiro city) The Democratic party believer Jiro Yamaguchi Hokkaido university professor

                                                                                  • 领导认为日本人民总是好的,但尽量不明白 Bitsuiterukedo飞了,因为每个人都和他的哥哥耀西基诺日本流行的苹果,或皇家道路的结束并获得Gottsuー,可我才想起来哟如此不同在日本,或者更确切地说,在革命的感觉出租等位基因 As for being advanced however you understand unless it is the Japanese taste always you think lt the apple Therefore the fashion curious Japanese now everyone and him jumping however the ru after all The tsu which cannot become kingcraft being too progressive arere the feeling tsu te you say Because is it does not come to Japan separately and also the te is good the te you think
                                                                                    • 我想发明一种领导方式Dekinakya If you can invent advanced ones and are not it becomes like this

                                                                                  • !“手里剑乔布斯”温泉被拒绝的文章:苹果公司
                                                                                    “[jiyobuzu] hand reverse side sword” SPA! Denial article: Apple corporation

                                                                                    研究 開発