“Affiliated industry feels concern”, “it suffers a direct blow”, - “it has made hotel applying although,” the Chinese customers 10,000 cancellation…Asahi newspaper
10000在中国入境旅游公司,二取消费用。北京 500万 小谷弘。肯有限公司,17种商品,在北京举行新闻发布会时强调,旅行目的的小组,日本采取施塔特哈勒我苏表明,日本政府抗议行程冲突尖阁群岛的水域中 As for 10 000 human visit to Japan travelling of the Chinese enterprise and cancellation charge 2 500 000 000 Yen The health daily necessaries limited responsibility company on the 17th to open press conference in Beijing the round the collision incident with the 尖 official building archipelago open sea It emphasized that the fact that protest is shown in the Japanese government is purpose of the visit to Japan package tour cancellation
。他计划留出560个保健品有限公司共线整体分钟至7天 560 inside total of one lines of the health daily necessaries limited responsibility company dividing into 7 days it was the schedule which stays
166嘿,我有一个理论,它由希雷恩注定担心,日本游客草坪绑架(由北,因为是否真正瓦特) 166 Because that well at that time the Japanese sightseer was in North Korea There is a theory that you feared the fact that it is restrained therefore it is the shelf the by north lawn truth how oak viewing w
你点击他们,说世界是中国游客在首位,我更惊讶地信息 In the first place with something the Chinese sightseer being hit in the world the ru applying when you say it is extent feeling weak what which is surprised
384朝日新闻,毕竟我的销售狗屎战争煽我希望我的世诚解礼,即使打败发言科凯科洛创新麦克阿瑟总司令部的梁如神,使咬“阿Q”这些人说一个给定的绝对 384 The Asahi newspaper by your you should have been good therefore it is Fanning war awfully after all it was widely sold being defeated Flattering to roller tsu and GHQ the God way you raised MaARTHUR likely “You flatter and the Q” tsu lever u you mean the thing of the party who is said it is the shelf
这一制度本身,或科凯第一次世界大战中,蟑螂塞纳我认为他们是狡猾的哥里很少有机会推进,将使外交pressure m没意识洙屎,你有更多的能力Birushika科凯和U With administration in 媚 this itself ww The ma small 狡 it is as for the Chinese cockroach Now thinking as chance of the gori pushing pressure applying the ru it is probably will be but With droppings minsu of diplomacy tone deafness furthermore only flatter there is a talent probably will be
399啊?什么是我们和父母的乐趣,并在业务,将提高对领土问题的问题我用报纸,我真的很愚蠢的我,当任何人都不得侵犯领土争端,但全国规模的身份我没有 399 a Although territorial issue how it is not Using the ze tsu lever and the foolish newspaper publishing company which will recognize invasion on a national scale It makes problem raise and to territorial issue has converted opening To be pleasant it is business There is no identity in you it is
399啊?什么是我们和父母的乐趣之前,争端和业务特点,将领土问题提出的问题我用报纸欺骗在国家范围内的领土的侵略,但我不认同这样的东西没有 399 a Although territorial issue how it is not Using the ze tsu lever and the foolish newspaper publishing company which will recognize invasion on a national scale It makes problem raise and to territorial issue has converted opening To be pleasant it is business There is no identity in you it is
645关西,大阪,京都,同时,我也充满了中国奈良 645 Kansai Osaka and Kyoto and Nara overflows with the Chinese rather the ru
奈良左右,我想再次行前我死了,我似乎比锁定更好元 Per Nara before dying once more it tried going however you applied don t you think the person who stops is appealing
NULL Asahi newspaper editorial 2007 August 16th In the expression “people who are infringed human rights as for President of the House of Representatives Youhei Kono by the non humane behavior which is by the portion of the Japanese military furthermore even now suffer” It touched the victory girl expressed apology Abbreviation And also the eye of international society changed As understood from victory girl resolution of the House of Representatives the criticism to Japan which past does not face is not restricted to Asian countries The news item which looks down upon Japan spreading in the world delightfully so Asahi As for if the origin you say someone s consequence “The Asahi newspaper fabricating history from the fact that it reports development and the Yomiuri Shimbun Company point out victory girl problem to diplomatic question” “Asahi arrogance is felt” that everyday the newspaper “The self ““to excavate” binding victory girl problem and the kidnapping problem which were spread the Asahi newspaper corporation people party organ which is discussed” it should print” that the product sutra newspaper With victory girl resolution new Terrific repulsion Just Asahi editorial is isolated “As for victory girl problem the non problem which most Asahi newspapers fabricate ” “You dream of that the bamboo island is transferred to Korea” that the Asahi newspaper “The Japanese bamboo island abandonment theory being public this time the Korean media rejoicing for the first time you announce that it is raised” The Asahi newspaper gledging the address of the Soga family you bleach with no permission “Without factual elucidation it is the newspaper publishing company ” “suicide behavior of the journalism” Asahi NHK problem everyday it is criticized to the newspaper ““The poison” it came from Japan” of the Chinese food that the Asahi Shimbun AERA… Chinese Communist Party house organ People s Daily introduces The Asahi newspaper it handles Taiwan as Chinese territory the Taipei branch is encircled Asahi newspaper at scandal occurring frequently… editing manager 2 year 3 human reshuffles “The democracy”… small one step of the “Asahi ru ” induce the big movement does the net actualize that
NULL Asahi newspaper editorial 2007 August 16th In the expression “people who are infringed human rights as for President of the House of Representatives Youhei Kono by the non humane behavior which is by the portion of the Japanese military furthermore even now suffer” It touched the victory girl expressed apology Abbreviation And also the eye of international society changed As understood from victory girl resolution of the House of Representatives the criticism to Japan which past does not face is not restricted to Asian countries The news item which looks down upon Japan spreading in the world delightfully so Asahi As for if the origin you say someone s consequence “The Asahi newspaper fabricating history from the fact that it reports development and the Yomiuri Shimbun Company point out victory girl problem to diplomatic question” “Asahi arrogance is felt” that everyday the newspaper “The self ““to excavate” binding victory girl problem and the kidnapping problem which were spread the Asahi newspaper corporation people party organ which is discussed” it should print” that the product sutra newspaper With victory girl resolution new Terrific repulsion Just Asahi editorial is isolated “As for victory girl problem the non problem which most Asahi newspapers fabricate ” “You dream of that the bamboo island is transferred to Korea” that the Asahi newspaper “The Japanese bamboo island abandonment theory being public this time the Korean media rejoicing for the first time you announce that it is raised” The Asahi newspaper gledging the address of the Soga family you bleach with no permission “Without factual elucidation it is the newspaper publishing company ” “suicide behavior of the journalism” Asahi NHK problem everyday it is criticized to the newspaper ““The poison” it came from Japan” of the Chinese food that the Asahi Shimbun AERA… Chinese Communist Party house organ People s Daily introduces The Asahi newspaper it handles Taiwan as Chinese territory the Taipei branch is encircled Asahi newspaper at scandal occurring frequently… editing manager 2 year 3 human reshuffles “The democracy”… small one step of the “Asahi ru ” induce the big movement does the net actualize that
NULL The Japanese warship and the US Navy towing “in the 尖 official building the re such the incident which is foolish did not occur If that does the Chinese 10 000 sightseer cancellation how doing The Chinese” does that it is laughed with your opinion the yo I so think The how funny story to which the fishing boat strikes to the seventh fleet because of protest it is So it is such a dream story The 尖 official building archipelago is not specific territory being international as a territorial issue it is recognized and effective may be controlled next don t you think is When that is quick above expecting as for Japan there is no extent room which passes through constitution amendment at the National Diet don t you think When that it is the 尖 official building archipelago transfer chi ya tsu te At purple prohibited castle with parade of red carpet receiving prime minister Nikkei enterprise the like one where the Chinese advance rare metal guaranty and sightseer surges in Japan is not good If so it is not being dispatched the warship in the 尖 official building archipelago receiving the humiliation of effective control Japan cannot place in even the future textbook In regrettable conclusion tsu chi ya u
日本渔民保持吸收超过10 000 Girudaro狡辩取消计划或时间在1。检获的“被迫”我来自恐惧或转动禅师和领土野心燃烧认为来吧现在认为美国是公开的,我最好的距离驱动tTA The ro where 10 000 person it is and the tsu pe it is cancellation or deliberate passes and is In order difficult habit to attach in being disgusted ya Japan fishing Capture “it pointed ” that is thought the one which calling When you think that America and distance opened burning territory ambition immediately because you wrapped Don t you think it is fearful
[中共]让你的同志业务伙伴-日本基本指令-日本的政治操纵赢得日本的先进工业技术的军事信息的重要工具,对日本的目标,外交部,台湾民主的收集工作,建立一个基地日本公布的大纲第二阶段工作的信息收集2运动和法轮功- 。日本的和平使命发布了一套工具实现自由是通过以下三个步骤 The basis acquires use
Toward Japan construction principal goal
Acquisition of the Japanese frontier industry technology
Japanese politics, collection of diplomacy and military intelligence
Anti- Taiwan construction of base of construction
Democracy movement and the data gathering regarding legal wheel Isao
The Japanese release second period construction summary
- 2. Duty of release construction group
Passing 3 stages under, it achieves the Japanese peaceful release,
“蝇蛆幼虫。京都府警察”的“斯特赖克装甲车辆的示威者”在安全保密汉堡8 “Uzi. ” As for by the Kyoto headquarters of police “striker armored vehicle”, safety of demonstrators guaranty margin
⇒⇒资本在中国收购破产中国或日本线中断峨的中国游客在景点中唯一的政治⇒⇒⇒没有。我可以在日本让步 In the ⇒ Chinese exclusive use which the Chinese customer attraction ⇒ Japanese stops going the Chinese traveler the ⇒ bankruptcy ⇒ Chinese capital which stops purchases with ⇒ political issue In It can designate the settlement as in Japan
⇒⇒资本在中国收购破产中国或日本线中断峨的中国游客在景点中唯一的政治⇒⇒⇒没有。我可以在日本让步 In the ⇒ Chinese exclusive use which the Chinese customer attraction ⇒ Japanese stops going the Chinese traveler the ⇒ bankruptcy ⇒ Chinese capital which stops purchases with ⇒ political issue In It can designate the settlement as in Japan
不是没有东西尖阁群岛的领土争端,这些书籍太不合适,我认为他们可以适用该法的水平防止颠覆活动 Territorial issue what it serves to the 尖 official building archipelago with reason even excessively with the inadequate writing You think that it is the level which the Anti Subversive Activities Act it is possible to apply
我会假装在日本(旅游)面临粮食和腹部打孔(钓鱼岛问题)做同样的 huri which lifts the feed to the face Japan sight seeing doing when punch 尖 official building archipelago problem it has done in the stomach the same
中国共产党,如果不是国家可能在尖阁群岛,一反日运动,以避免参拜靖国神社,侵权,反日运动 If also in, anti-Japanese campaign is not possible with Yasukuni self-control, until doing illegal behavior with the 尖 official building archipelago,
Say that it is the country which does anti-Japanese campaign
中国我,如果我喜欢舔屁股,一篇文章的权利给予金钱。游客您喜欢中国 Licking Chinese way [ketsu], the [ro] which is the article the cod and the Chinese sightseer under the gold 賜,
人类的敌人“蛆。京都府警察,”尽管轻罪,逮捕或拘留的反日每日Ikisugi报告时相比,我为什么被逮捕3 Enemy “Uzi of mankind. As for the Kyoto headquarters of police” although it is minute crime, arrest detention goes too much
Super anti-Japanese everyday broadcast is when arresting, why reports
任何事情,包括资产流失的领土和788日元的损失价值约700000000000000 _NULL_
但是,从酒店业茹还采取措施保护自己,未来的中国游客,“他们难以得到一个良好的酒店预订”,“高Kunaru取消收费”,将导致这种弊端 Because so hotel industry self protecting step you take in the future as for the Chinese sightseer “reservation of the good hotel takes and becomes the zu and others ku ” “Cancellation charge becomes high” and so on demerit probably will be occurs
关西机场官员和空中门户关西“的一个廉价航空公司全日本航空公司宣布成立,并认为这对中国游客狙 As for staff of the Kansai airport which becomes the entryway of the Kansai sky “establishment of the cheap airliner which All Nippon Airways Co Ltd announce those which aimed for the Chinese sightseer
你有没有在阳光下的东西留给抱怨像中国的决定? ^ ^我会清除? _NULL_
信息系统昨日,“尖阁天然气问题明星”为说,“我需要中国的事情的思维也”有点快,过一小病,卡诺索诺本能驱动tTA认为诚实和结束了在 Information sute concerning “gas field 尖 official building problem” of yesterday speech of the star Unless “thinking either the Chinese thing ” Unintentionally truth comes out Those where you think as just a little yabai after that a little it became patter
公司高级管理人员和附近的该公司提出了我国政府的意见很多关于旅游目的地的强烈附表求立即和无条件释放的队长被逮捕,“参加者(在日本)埃泰撤消考虑安全和情感问题 As for the same company staff the immediately unconditional release of the captain who is arrested while the Chinese government seeks strongly about the Nippon Travel Agency We assumed “ in Japan of the participant thought also the problem of safety and feeling and cancelled that you could move aside to the same company many opinions
公司高级管理人员和附近的该公司提出了我国政府的意见很多关于旅游目的地的强烈附表求船长立即释放被逮捕,“参加者(在日本)和安全埃泰撤消考虑的情绪问题 As for the same company staff the immediately release of the captain who is arrested while the Chinese government seeks strongly about the Nippon Travel Agency We assumed “ in Japan of the participant thought also the problem of safety and feeling and cancelled that you could move aside to the same company many opinions
前原诚司也吸引日本Shitarashii什么是公关路线,可以理解阿卡Yusaburi前原诚司将完成对前原诚司小学,这个国家的时间从家庭甚至表面Remashi指示,撰写文章,强调第一次挥杆或 Also Maehara going to PR it attracted to Japan it seems but this time Maehara That it probably is the complete shaking for Maehara You can understand even with the elementary school student As for akahi As written the article which emphasizes shaking it was indicated from the home country
“在小学明白阿卡前原诚司已完成Yusaburi国家针对本国甚至表面先写了一篇文章,强调挥杆 ” That it probably is the complete shaking for Maehara You can understand even with the elementary school student As for akahi As written the article which emphasizes shaking it was indicated from the home country
前原诚司访问中国也安排旅游团到日本一万元以上成为中国突然停止,外观和介绍了尖叫滨名湖酒店 In addition Minister of State Maehara visiting to China, you mediated, visit to Japan tour of the group 10,000 from China becomes suddenly the discontinuance,
Hotel such as Hamana lake screamed, so
副局长和大使还就内容交换了意见和奥巴马纽约会见了新总理伐丽流线23 _NULL_
华盛顿-美国副国务卿-时事斯坦伯格17日,新华社藤崎一郎会见了伟大的国家元首和使用 As for [sutainbagu] American duty secondary director on the 17th, the Fujisaki Ichiro stop United States large
It conversed at use and the state department
即使海岸警卫队射击可疑船舶,航空自卫队将是“双手弹出一个”场景,什么是说,即使你做任何你希望自卫队在前面不能做任何事情过于“双手弹出和“政府会造成更多的问题发现的指示,配备了甚至说为时已晚, 久场岛属于大正岛第六条在美日安保条约,根据第二条的岛屿部队地位协定,宰由于美军开枪爆场,要知道是提供 Maritime Safety Agency shooting to the doubtful boat As for Air Self Defense Force from above “The hand is produced” the tsu te being said from the ru At all actual place is not possible Self Defense Force We would like to do before the eye at will being done Even the order which you say that “the hand is produced” 1 day lag From problem of equipment Will of government In association lt The Hisashi place island and the Taisho island which belong to the 尖 official building archipelago have consented when it is offered on the basis of the Japan U S Security Treaty sixth provision and the Japan U S status of force agreement second provision as a US Forces in Japan bombing range
即使海岸警卫队枪杀身份不明的船只,但航空自卫队抢在日本,每年重复100次,也来到美国的国家安全,捍卫我们的新闻,甚至是愚蠢的,邻居和业务保护已 Maritime Safety Agency shooting to the doubtful boat As for Air Self Defense Force from above “The hand is produced” the tsu te being said from the ru At all actual place is not possible Self Defense Force We would like to do before the eye at will being done Even the order which you say that “the hand is produced” 1 day lag From problem of equipment Will of government In association lt The Hisashi place island and the Taisho island which belong to the 尖 official building archipelago have consented when it is offered on the basis of the Japan U S Security Treaty sixth provision and the Japan U S status of force agreement second provision as a US Forces in Japan bombing range
反日情绪和应变公民文领土你说得对我用399艘。北京京太发射Kitsukeru现实的社会和经济之间的差距,我很Netouyo我应该清除 399 So is The fishing boat using territorial issue causing the anti Japanese impression of the native people Kindling the Beijing government which is attached is netouyo Economy and actual society the Beijing government which alienates too much should do purge don t you think
反日情绪和应变公民文领土你说得对我用399艘。北京京太发射Kitsukeru现实的社会和经济之间的差距,我很Netouyo我应该清除 399 So is The fishing boat using territorial issue causing the anti Japanese impression of the native people Kindling the Beijing government which is attached is netouyo Economy and actual society the Beijing government which alienates too much should do purge don t you think
另外狙中国的酒店业部组织的噪音井(日本海岸警卫队管辖)和刻录到一个螺丝 The Chinese aim, the hotel economic organization making a noise, the national traffic ministry (Maritime Safety Agency jurisdiction) to probably is to screw in
哪里的方式,业务联系吗?制造或逆转,但我不认为我没有跟我来自中国IT行业中退出作为生产base m已经开始?收入差距我想购买城市和农村地区的中国或东南亚听我出身谁搬到印度国家风险隆艾希工资或祖父可怕的一个高薪的工人 By the way it is related industry tsu te where You think that the industry which is not China and relationship how it is not conversely but is As for manufacturing industry or IT starting withdrawing from China as another production foothold the ru Income differential of the Chinese urban district and the farm village section is tremendous but Wages of the high giving worker rising the ru country risk it is high comparatively and Starting moving to the Indian or southeast Asia one the ru don t you think
人类已经推出不能说转移路线是我们在农村和幽灵般的吃人 And A reporting that is introduced gruesome human meat diet was done in the farm village
噢,但我不知道时间管理,和中国的狗。赖我尝试和商店也不会感到痛苦,是一个 The a as for time of management however it is from the wa Dog and the Chinese Becoming request the ru store thinks probably will be painful
我,我中四晚酒店,我迷路了几行从日本 4 The Chinese lodging at the ru hotel the Japanese not going from the tsu chi ya tsu te ru
这样一个地方溢出百万中失去了他们的日本当然我的方法 When the Chinese it seems that also 10 000 overflows it is dense Don t you think the Japanese stops coming near securely
因为他们太害怕相似,霸权主义的侵略,当时的中共党专政,中国⇒国家社会主义德国工人党 National socialist German worker party ⇒ People s Republic of China Chinese Communist Party The leadership invasion with a party dictatorial nation… Because it has been similar to that time even excessively we fear
这也是从中国的风险!靠一党专政的共产党“愚蠢”到你的皮肤应该感到烦恼 Because this is the China risk It depends on the Japan Communist Party 1 party dictatorial nation “folly” should have been felt with the skin
围绕同一组万人次的朝日新闻在6月效应“数十亿日元每百万”,而他自己 In June the Asahi newspaper” the economic result of several hundred million Yen has written the travelling group this same 10 000 with 10 000 person”
没有官方发展援助需要中国和亚洲的尘埃。我必须有鼻子像废话的经济效应相对于捐赠比尔 ODA and the yellow sand opposite there is no necessity to China If you compare to the financial contributions there is only a nose ku so like economic result
在Hoteruuhauha这将♪应可作为种族清洗干净,谁藏族永远是移动和梅罗公认的全球公民肯定会喜欢中国,我Baiin将抵达中国,日本,或者更好的是啊438躲避差瓦特 438 So so Rather every thing Japan it should have covered to China it is The Chinese way if that certainly recognize the terrestrial citizen it moves and Like the Tibetan race the expectation ♪ which does the clean race purification So if it does hoteruuhauha you are not wrong w
♪Hoteruuhauha错误回避应该能够这样做的漂亮的种族清洗和公认的世界谁是藏族公民担任我的,我敢肯定,中国会像Baiin中国将抵达日本的438或更好,但这样做瓦特 438 So so Rather every thing Japan it should have covered to China it is The Chinese way if that certainly recognize the terrestrial citizen it moves and Like the Tibetan race the expectation ♪ which does the clean race purification So if it does hoteruuhauha you are not wrong w
在。我想可以这样说,毕竟火呢?全校提出让他失去像中国的乐土? _NULL_
在日本的消费金额是中国和日本没有在中线用一只手和驱动tTA犯罪造成的损失估计在排队503000000000中国?我肯定考虑直接损失的损失费,而不仅仅是公众安全的措施 As for the amount which the Chinese consumes in Japan presumption 50 300 000 000 Yen Unless it publishes either the loss with the crime and the like where the Chinese does in Japan it is one hand falling because If there is no just direct damage amount and considers also public order measure expense it is the absolute deficit
4根据6月份消费行为的调查,以一个旅游机构,在日本所消费的金额估计五千零三十零亿日元在中国,有22%的外资总额占1 3 According to the consumption trend investigation of 4 June of sight seeing agency the amount which the Chinese consumes in Japan at presumption 50 300 000 000 Yen occupies the 22 of all foreigners
在日本的消费金额是中国和日本没有在中线用一只手和驱动tTA犯罪造成的损失估计在排队503000000000中国?我肯定考虑直接损失的损失费,而不仅仅是公众安全的措施 As for the amount which the Chinese consumes in Japan presumption 50 300 000 000 Yen Unless it publishes either the loss with the crime and the like where the Chinese does in Japan it is one hand falling because If there is no just direct damage amount and considers also public order measure expense it is the absolute deficit
塞纳说,如果超过90%,对国家关于风险问题的发生。博Tamotsu会发出吞下执行以为我不抵消和鸬鹚?因此,无论在什么地北振春尖阁问题本身 In the Chinese partner above risk rate of occurrence 9 tenth saying the country It is cancelled in gullibility It probably is the problem large possession thing as the how manager who is not thought Problem itself of the 尖 official building shaking therefore it is not the problem which grows
塞纳说,如果超过90%,对国家关于风险问题的发生。博Tamotsu会发出吞下执行以为我不抵消和鸬鹚?因此,无论在什么地北振春尖阁问题本身 In the Chinese partner above risk rate of occurrence 9 tenth saying the country It is cancelled in gullibility It probably is the problem large possession thing as the how manager who is not thought Problem itself of the 尖 official building shaking therefore it is not the problem which grows
大跃进和文革的历史价值,以及天安门,西藏,东土耳其斯坦(维吾尔)蒙古,目前,大清洗和残酷压迫,破坏民族汉族的历史文化传统,种族清洗,灭绝,同化政策正在开展 Famous large rapid advance and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in history Presently not only the Tien An Men incident Tibet and east Turkestan the Uighur in Mongolia the cruelty Assimilation policy to purgation and oppression destruction race purification extermination and Chinese race of historical traditional culture action The te it is
Rubeki展示不人道和恐惧,这些家伙,“反革命的因素”已记了抗体没有增加摇有辱人格的残忍和暴力侵害的人认为 The human where and they fearfully show the non humanity which the ru should regard the” counter revolution molecule” Being cruel vis a vis shaking vulgar violence is recorded
如果政府可以把企业的压力对旅游业,工业通过从资格每次我现在有业的衰退,日本啊,我说的旅游行业,例如旅游业的国家,与该10000是一个中国问题的赞成只要古纳噪音消除 When sight seeing industry pressure applies in government passing from all industries It receives now the Japanese entire country roughly the industry which is depression just sight seeing industry sight seeing establishment With saying although you are favored with the Chinese problem with just cancellation makes a noise in 10 000
我的意思是从我的头一分钟我手边的国家,探索非旅游的事情,他们从来没有到现在为止 The meaning of facing to the sight seeing establishment even one time you have not done until now with groping does not understand
当然你一会已经采取了很多报纸文章的观点,是指对我只是利益的忠实客户,但即便如此,这个行业是酒店和旅馆肯塔基州和朝日新闻社 1 But certainly the newspaper for the large quantity as for ru hotel hotel industry Therefore the tsu lever it is it makes no proud way article with just interests as a point of view how As expected KY the Asahi newspaper shelf
当我得到探索的富人把擅自行动,纽约时有报告显示这种“哦,不来好,只有线路输出或中文的方式!”我会我觉得好像是一 The gold having you are patient as long as comes to sight seeing selfishly but there being such reporting when demonstration it is done with NY “well it does not come and the te is good the Chinese keep coming out ” Becoming the tsu te the trap which is feelings
微笑的常设视频专户磁带是“学校如龙”的副本5 Tteru樱井诚 “On campus the ruffian” being taken to the tape of resident in special meeting of happy animated picture, the [ru] by 櫻 well sincerity
您已理解的原因我看,视频,谁是索尤集中在长野163宁可面对严重?我照顾的妇女是中国Japan m怪异的国民生活在所有这些 163 The accompanying u it is the meaning which the surface serious Chinese who are said gather in Nagano If that animated picture you see you understand being it does the yo It was such resident Chinese of everyone it is Paying attention to the strange nationality woman don t you think
我也有一个行Warazu由中国有关的非法活动,中国期待插入彻底改变了这样的故事,有一个根本的责任,犹如日本政府无视国际规则的野蛮国家对但不会被视为 Although China has done illegal behavior without relating way just there is a basis of responsibility on the Japanese side Only savage country which ignored the rule on international it probably will be considered in China which does the 挿 ge changing of story
取而代之的是在日本没有好处,苏罪行在该国的只是一些违法犯罪,唯一的缺点 Instead of there is no merit in Japan part staying illegally crime just is committed is only a demerit
我们应该让没有获得来自军国主义和侵略,他们希望中国游客,如果他们有不错的增长,如果中国人民,正式 Because we want the Chinese sightseer, invasion of the person et. al and militarism should be admitted, that you say, if is, if it becomes formally the citizen of People's Republic of China, it is good
我刚刚获得230,000票,许朝总联,立命馆大学,韩国的温泉在北供认不讳。松下谭联盟。我们要对那个黑鬼丢失选票只宗教团体? North Korean [supa] it made confession Ritsumeikan University Xu Masaru
Whether 230,000 vote which passes
Entire connected. 譚 Combined Panasonic. Only teaching group voting, don't you think? don't you think? - it is, -?
我将朱达罗尖阁等事件道歉和赔偿,能不能放弃在日本自由的土地,我会说什么远远大于213朝日朱达罗 213 The ro whose Asahi one is large much and is What saying offering the ru Japanese domestic land gratuitously If apology it should have compensated don t you think it is As for incident of the ro 尖 official building archipelago which is such
这远远左按我说我朱达罗远远大于ー可以得到的资源海洋保卫尖阁或2 The ro where the ocean resources which are obtained by the fact that the 尖 official building is defended desperately much are larger and are What you say as for this extreme left newspaper which is
我的意思,它是崇高的434郁蒂诺“土著”,我不是中国,我只用 434 That being brought up it is humble you say or use in only “the native” how Chinese but it is
我的意思是说他们的崇高和教育434“土著”,我不是中国,我只用 434 That being brought up is humble you say or use in only “the native” how Chinese but it is
我给洗浴缸内衣绝对是肮脏的鞋Iteta不仅没有得到过热水只有当我挂中国游客 When the Chinese sightseer tsu te hot spring entering the spending hot water just it does not do not to be the te Until now you have worn you wash also the underwear which becomes dirty in the bathtub it is don t you think …
埃泰有所增加,但在中国还水疗设施,他们是从Narurashiku发痒海关自由体硬浸泡在浴缸里做从最初开始到蒙克在洗澡 However also China increased the hot spring facility because there is no habit originally of driving to the bathtub The body becomes itchy it seemed because the bo ri bo ri it starts doing in the bathtub balance
日本朝日新闻社对本船的船已经进入许可,中国没有意义,是游客在日本国内是日本,他们被指控为少做,但它显然不坏,为什么中国我要站出来,为什么我来日本不好打?中国是否会像目前的尖阁周围气体在这里进一步穷人?达罗可能比反日本游客的重要,当我们会拿到饱和基鲁 As for the Asahi newspaper although the support 那 is bad clearly with something When the sightseer decreases with place because of the Japanese correspondence or the meaning of criticizing it is unclear Although it struck to the Japanese boat in the support 那 boat which enters selfishly in the Japanese country Unless Japan must come out unskillfully with something Furthermore coming out unskillfully here it is the intention the support 那 way of presenting the gas field around the 尖 official building The ro which is more important than the anti Japanese sightseer perhaps that one when grows tired
朝日新闻有报,企业联盟与中国人民是我国政府的官方驻地 The Chinese government People's Daily and business we cooperate the Asahi newspaper, also the authorized personnel of the Chinese government has been permanently stationed,
李。嘴巴关系正常化与我们的国家(工作的第一目标)的。民主联合政府的形成(第二阶段的工作目标的)下。首魁执行作为战争罪犯的目标建立了人民民主共和国○○日(第三个任期的工作),田中内阁发布的一组任务的第二季度在日本工作以来批准了上述情况。 。组,立即说:“在民主联合政府”的形成准备工作完成 [i]. Diplomatic relations normalization of our country (goal of the first term construction)
Mouth. Formation of democracy combined government (goal of second period construction)
[ha]. Establishment executing of Japanese people democracy republic 0 as the ringleader of war crime
(Goal of third period construction)
As for duty of the Japanese release second period construction group after the being formed of the Tanaka Cabinet, on. . Section, namely
There are times when preparation construction “of formation of democracy combined government” is completed
查拉的领土问题的核心,经济外交,说在口头上驱动tTA我做什么,让我看看你正确地源 Because economic diplomacy is designated as the nucleus territorial issue is designated as chiyara Expressing in how some word Securely you show in the source
我洗或等于领土问题能站在一个核心的经济外交775 775 Setting economic diplomacy in the nucleus Whether the same as the thing which designates territorial issue as chiyara
查拉的问题是由经济领土的核心,我所做的一切驱动tTA,让我看看你正确地源 Because economy is designated as the nucleus territorial issue is designated as chiyara Expressing in how some word Securely you show in the source
此外,每年将增加军事实力,该公司进入中国大陆的人质,即使是世界上最好的美国,奥巴马一直在南国库券大量美国,中国有牙齿Kaenai方式 Furthermore the enterprise which every year reinforces military power advances to the mainland China Hostage For The worldwide strongest As for obama which the American bond in large quantities is possessed the tooth without being able to face to China it is in even America
排减蓄唯一的核武装日本军队将不能指望美国仍 If America does not become depending Japan being armed with nuclear weapons after all Military power only is stored
比赛泵例如南京大屠杀,参拜靖国神社没关系,如果你吻一个大规模垃圾国家标准悄然徽章 _NULL_
没办法,我认为瓦特常常临时共产党,这样一分钟也将尝试有关的神奇历史上的尖阁,因为这是一个专政文基鲁蒙特而且我喜欢霸,私人需求也影响到雅典但他们的方式 You think that temporary it cannot boil w Often such a occurs The latest 尖 official building seeing and others straw raincoat details the te you probably will understand Also in it is yakuza like mon Furthermore therefore dictatorial nation also civilian demand is influenced by that But ate as for doing the selfishness
它是用于一个共产党政府或政治愚蠢开枪大于朱达罗中,这么好,它永远不会在乎不应该为自由旅行行程的中国队长涉嫌策划 The ro where this shock of the Chinese is large and is Also in foolishness politics being utilized in government it is not good freely even in travelling For the Chinese of travelling schedule Therefore the captain being arrested how how good thing
海上自卫队海上自卫队的损失是不利于海上自卫队海上自卫队的国家利益作为国家利益是海上自卫队是不是损害国家利益的损失是不利于国家利益的利益 The Maritime Self Defense Force impaired national interest
The Maritime Self Defense Force impaired national interest
The Maritime Self Defense Force impaired national interest
The Maritime Self Defense Force impaired national interest
The Maritime Self Defense Force impaired national interest
游客流利的日语,汉语优衣库的牛仔裤,有趣朱达罗牛仔裤在日本,如果我买店的面团一起上课吗?石窟不后悔? Japanese Fluently the Chinese jeans of uni clo The Chinese sightseer The Japanese make jeans summary buying whose cloth is good with the high class shop The ro which is strange and is It is not vexatious
熊谷等人Tarudoko仙石敏,一个虚构的教授,大阪経法大朝总联,超过14万日元的赔偿金正日金正日的间谍 [minsu] 仙 valley Barrel floor Kumatani and as entire connected type Osaka sutra method large overhead professor, from Kim Jong-Il spy remuneration of 2,000,000 Yen or more
现实的想法或想我最好放弃尖阁已派出军舰到中国钓鱼岛Dekinaijan冲绳成为没有任何军队在美国,从控制不体面的领土争端,微笑是更有效然后他们把这些钱将作为一个旅游你可能想,我拉你的手最好 Is the person who already abandons the 尖 official building archipelago to call without being Thinking realistically when the US military it stops being in Okinawa is not possible at all it is China the warship dispatching in the 尖 official building archipelago rather than unshapely effective being controlled The method which with the smiling face pulled the hand from territorial issue is better The one it keeps putting in place the money as a sightseer and
请问你买东西,他们来日本并不比我在中国对尖阁看吕奥 It lifts to 尖 official building archipelago how China and the ri ya is good Coming to Japan from that more unless it shops
田中和中曾根康弘,如果你需要做的瓦特新公明党政府因创朱达罗事情过去 _NULL_
直接输入接收1 一击突然中止,是由一游约10000人来自中国,那里的酒店 1 gt By the fact that the package tour approximately 10 000 from China is discontinued suddenly it accepts and the hotel ahead suffers a direct blow
此行突然取消了约一万名来自中国,那里的酒店是一个打击,直接组织接受输入 gt By the fact that the package tour approximately 10 000 from China is discontinued suddenly it accepts and the hotel ahead suffers a direct blow
此行突然取消对从中国万,那里的酒店接受输入接收直接命中组织 By the fact that the package tour approximately 10 000 from China is discontinued suddenly it accepts and the hotel ahead suffers a direct blow
福冈大仓饭店。夸夸其谈,并驳回了向客户的员工醉酒驾驶事故 _NULL_
至少,在选举之前。政府取缔了我的结果,雕刻部长前往靖国神社参拜群岛,尖阁最近的情况发生,但奇怪的诚意中共对日政策,这是很好的休息浮动凯塔 At least, before the typical selection. Administration, the result of prohibiting Yasukuni Shrine worshipping of the Cabinet minister,
With case of the 尖 official building archipelago of these days, strange of Japan policy also in insincere, but again as for having become relief was good
认真了。“中华抵制日货”,并试图!为什么总是“抵制,抵制,”不要说我的Netouyo同意吗?你有没有影响股票?因此,只有“口”,“懦夫在关键时刻,”我说伐丽流,Netouyo〜 Already “boycott of goods of the Chinese product” it will do with maji and te ru netouyo which why “boycott and boycott” is said always not approving Having because it has an influence on ru stocks Therefore “just the mouth” “the hetare tsu te is said the essential time ” it is netouyo
该公司是停止的原因,“抗议日”和“中国心和尊严。健康信息”,维护中国的尊严,日本的抗议行动,充分的审议。日本意欲赴日演出的安全。肯有限公司董事。果断作出决定。一年后。 。 。万元,给予主要注射笔。旅行于赴日 The Chinese heart where the same company “the protest to Japan” is concerning the reason of the discontinuance “is dignity Health feeling” maintaining protection Chinese human dignity protest Japanese behavior sufficient consideration 赴 day 団員 safe harmony feelings Health company 董 thing Dauntless decisive taking Lapse 1 year Giving major writing brush throw everybody 赴 day traveling 游
“中国心。健康信息”,和尊严的维护中,日本的抗议行动,充分的审议。日本意欲赴日演出的安全。肯有限公司董事。果断作出决定。一年后。 。 。万元,给予主要注射笔。旅行于赴日 “The Chinese heart Health feeling” maintaining protection Chinese human dignity protest Japanese behavior sufficient consideration 赴 day 団員 safe harmony feelings Health company 董 thing Dauntless decisive taking Lapse 1 year Giving major writing brush throw everybody 赴 day traveling 游
该方案是美国把对日本渔船生气我党第一次尝试日本和移动目标的民主苏麻烦研究。要被捕获,但应miokuri捕鱼,只是让脱气同一时间压力和气体线索反正向井克萨紧张国内舆论在日本脱轨说他们把谈判 As a scenario first there being a purpose which tries the how to come out of Japan and ame with chaos of the Democratic party Japan getting angry fishing You will capture but the fishing boat probably will be waived but the margin saying attaching temporary in either one gas field it negotiates is held up Making the internal pressure hard domestic public opinion Japan direct simultaneously just breathing
该方案是美国把对日本渔船生气我党第一次尝试日本和移动目标的民主苏麻烦研究。要被捕获,但应miokuri捕鱼,只是让脱气同一时间压力和气体线索反正向井克萨紧张国内舆论在日本脱轨说他们把谈判 As a scenario first there being a purpose which tries the how to come out of Japan and ame with chaos of the Democratic party Japan getting angry fishing You will capture but the fishing boat probably will be waived but the margin saying attaching temporary in either one gas field it negotiates is held up Making the internal pressure hard domestic public opinion Japan direct simultaneously just breathing
这不是你我可以从罚款的问题?相反,这种方式并不Imagoro旅行社颜面苍白? _NULL_
这很难,但我想说这样的友好关系,我只是喜欢这个崩溃,但我没有什么地方友好第一 Friendship saying but like with utmost effort is in such a wind The relationship which deteriorates simply how in the first place friendship or being whatever it is
霸权对中国侵略国摆布在,例如,为事实上的全部波动幅度,人民币,全球经济 伐丽流说,世界经济衰退和雷曼,休克但是,即使美国,例如,在中国美国家庭和带回美国制造公司在中国经济,增加地方的失业率在工业空洞化因失去工作,而且迫使消费者支付贷款,造成第一 It is tossed about in leadership invasion national China For example people origin Complete variability Concerning the world economy As for worldwide simultaneous depression however it is called the Riemann shock the actual place for example to America China the American enterprise which advances importing cheap maid in China to the American home country conversely With the employment decrease unemployment increase due to industrial becoming hollow consumer loan becomes unable to paying original cause
日本的经济扩张和30岁的外国公民在所有的资本主义。中国的侵略霸权,例如慈悲,为人民币的全面波动,世界主要经济体说的困顿,不是犹豫不决,甚至抱怨 The Japanese of 30 years ago economic advance completely heterogeneity National capitalism Leadership invasion It is tossed about in China For example people origin Complete variability Concerning 臆 even complaint you cannot call worldwide major power Condition
(联合红军谋杀※山基地峨林奇说,这是建模)也毛的“大跃进”的错误就农业(种植厚ñ太,我不适合种植庄稼的土地,让害虫摆脱麻雀)也推出了饥荒发生的就是最大的恐惧Rubeki (* You can call the mountain based lynch murder case of the Red Army that it was this imitation,)
In addition, in” the large rapid advance” of Mao Tse-tung's, erroneous agricultural guidance (it plants excessively thickly, it is not agreeable to the land
We fear the largest famine in the history which the [ru] should the sparrow which makes the crop cultivate, exterminates the noxious insect is exterminated) due to departure
It is introduced that it raises,