06:56编号:wAeV2H8t在中国新的法律,华拓谷↓嵌入式Nde ll知道为什么我还从来没有得到执行,但疲劳也是嵌入式驱动tTA葬礼当然要进入在线游戏,第一个实名登记需要身份验证过程中,他们和分钟,以防止未成年人长时间玩,“重点肖像50多小时,每到三天,05小时或zero如果”只有一个新的系统公司强制运行游戏是 06 56 ID wAeV2H8t However it pasted even in funeral sure you knew degree of fatigue how it was mounted with something it is with the 貼 tsu it solves The legal ↓ whose China is new In China it accesses the online game the actual name register is needed first The case of certification if the minority you understand in order to prevent long haul play If “it exceeds 1 day 3 hour above point reducing by half and 5 hours if zero” With it can be required of the game management trader the new system which is done
405:我们有这个名称已被使用:2010 09 16(星期四)21:19:47编号:8UbkRJJL Square Enix公司,法国法郎Square Enix公司合作,与领先的中国线上游戏最新推出昨天,中国在线宏伟发挥领先的游戏运营商(上海)联手与最新的14旗舰游戏“最终幻想(法郎)”宣布,中国市场 405 The name is used already 2010 09 16 wood 21 19 47 ID 8UbkRJJL sukueni and FF up to date work the Chinese throwing It cooperates with the online game major company As for sukuuea enitsukusu on the 16th the Chinese online game management major prosperous amusement Shanghai city with in cooperation It announced that “ huainaruhuantaji FF 14” of the leading game up to date work is thrown to the Chinese market
769名:我的名字是已经:用 张贴在 根据2010 09 16(周四)23:06:56编号:wAeV2H8t实施,甚至为什么我有疲劳,而且还内置驱动tTA当然葬礼在中国,一个新的中国法律拓谷↓嵌入式Nde ll知道要访问的网络游戏是第一个真正的名称登记过程中所需的认证,并分钟他们为了防止未成年人长时间播放“每一天在一个半小时的相似点三小时,如果超过零“将颁发给承包商的管理职责和新的游戏系统 769 Name Already the name is used Contribution day 2010 09 16 Thursday 23 06 56 ID wAeV2H8t However it pasted even in funeral sure you knew degree of fatigue how it was mounted with something it is with the 貼 tsu it solves The legal ↓ whose China is new In China it accesses the online game the actual name register is needed first The case of certification if the minority you understand in order to prevent long haul play If “it exceeds 1 day 3 hour above point reducing by half and 5 hours if zero” With it can be required of the game management trader the new system which is done
Square Enix公司是个好地方,如果你认为那个地方是一个坏的表面 The place where enitsukusu is good becoming the bad place in sukuuea as come to the surface you think
225假日老百姓在一些人说我做了很多要去 225 The holiday large quantity the tsu te person who is done it is in the general person it is the ze which is
你能相信吗?我是一个成熟的05年数这个吗? It is believed Spending also this 5 years the ze which is this degree of completion what
277 Netoge黎明和差异的情况我瑞杉 277
[netoge] dawn circumstance is different too much, it is the shelf
519 SSD的要求?瓦特 519
SSD necessity? w
662 和它的催泪填充眼黄清霞森黄清霞森尾肉 662
> Tail meat of large newt
Large newt tear eye shelf
715 wwwwwww你和什么服务供应商在中国,只提出了关于中国从一开始,不,国产网络游戏为FF忧郁是一个明确的怀疑,只有一个确认的名称和时间来茹 让我觉得当地雇员 715 wwwwwww The service offer in China how from From first it was made in for China when well the age of FF come to Chinese make MMO you call just the name front matter beam The ze which it makes dejected feeling that doubt is decide
715 wwwwwww你和什么服务供应商在中国,只提出了关于中国从一开始,不,国产网络游戏为FF,使我们感到抑郁症是一个名称和最后怀疑作为确认让 715 wwwwwww The service offer in China how from From first it was made in for China when well the age of FF come to Chinese make MMO you call just the name front matter beam The ze which it makes dejected feeling that doubt is decide
不愿购买中国竹制品 Without wanting to buy the Chinese product it is
他们之所以这样说,并非坏事,“我的中国网络游戏设备,中国网络游戏生产是”穿Kudarou中线的问题坦率地说我最好 Unskillful excuse do “It made with Chinese MMO tsukuru it is mass production MMO of the Chinese product” With the one which is called honestly settles problem probably will be…
FF14最新的电脑近20万 ll他买wwww查塔 The [ro] wwww which nearly 200,000 up-to-date PC buying [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is the person tear eye it passes because of FF14 and is
FF14议员已经埋葬 FF14 was buried already
FFT的快速它甚至不公布TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d wdtdbwSmdHw及星期日u003d 1 Quickly FFT sale margin
ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = wdtdbwSmdHw & NR = 1
FF是老板的第一战应该是经过了几代人之后,比赛开始 As for FF as for generation after generation first boss game although it was immediately after the game starting
NULL 35 12 ID fOyvczlU We the wa w where the determination which the company is already stopped is attached With FF14 maji be too funny www When whether you should have slept it is from the wa w 777 Name Already the name is used Contribution day 2010 11 28 Day 04 35 12 ID fG5rzZAb e kept stealing very ones That sleep time and is work desire AAry 789 Already the name is used sage Contribution day 2010 11 28 Day 04 37 45 ID 6CffTu6p When so now you think funeral mood before that selling was what it is probably will be w 802 Already the name is used sage Contribution day 2010 11 28 Day 04 40 00 ID oMtUA15Y Before the selling 200 000 PC buying tsu chi ya tsu it is the person how it does because of FF14 it is wwwwwwwwwww After the selling Being swindled in the negative can of 2 the reservation cancellation chi ya tsu it is person ha ゙ refuse wwwwwww 843 Already the name is used sage Contribution day 2010 11 28 Day 04 43 55 ID uOQulxAb The negative can it is not the te When it is that deki at the point in time Î the tsu te which becomes also funeral mood
Negakyan如果他们仍然良好,为什么我买 You say that even then it is the negative can if is it should have tried buying
PS3的内部的S - ATA接口和扩展茹如贴片机,100兆/秒的SSD硬盘和RAM更好的回应或安装它们(硬盘比),但我做了一 If there is a S-ATA port and an addition mounter inside PS3, the RAM disk of 100MB/s and
SSD placing, however response improvement (HDD ratio) is possible, don't you think?
Rubeki形成了日文版有英文和日文版本。备1115。重型推力矛回Hevisurasuto易:。精神永铸快速银Fastcast秘银矿石Mythril俄勒冈州主要武器Meinuepon设备。 Chocobo Chocobo鸟不削减它了,我不知道好 Japanese edition English edition The form where should be a Japanese edition Preparation Guard Guard Spear Heavy Thrust hevuisurasuto Inner part ceremony 詠 Fastcast Fast cast Spirit silver ore Mythril Ore Mistake rill ore Vessel Main Weapon Main weapon Bird Chocobo chiyokobo Don t you think as for this whether already useless it is from the wa
客户代表一般公众了解日本Chocobo羽毛的项目名称。客户代表羽毛鸟羽毛Chocobo英语 Name of item Understanding of general people Feather of chiyokobo Japanese client inscription Feather of bird English edition client inscription Chocobo Feather
Square Enix公司 经济中,中国FF14紧急部署“大游戏”的独家营销合作伙伴在中国的承认 1 3 “Prosperous amusement” and monopoly sale in the cooperation… Chinese country it recognizes with sukuuea enitsukusu and FF14 never Chinese development
Square Enix公司 经济,在“大游戏法郎”的独家营销合作伙伴在中国的承认 1 3 “Prosperous amusement” and monopoly sale in the cooperation… Chinese country it recognizes with sukuuea enitsukusu and FF
Square Enix公司 经济,在“大游戏法郎”的独家营销合作伙伴在中国的承认 1 3 “Prosperous amusement” and monopoly sale in the cooperation… Chinese country it recognizes with sukuuea enitsukusu and FF
VAIO的Z或移动它在直打鼓? This VAIO Moving honestly with Z?
Warota已改变在这最后的幻想14主题 This [sure] being modified by last fantasy 14, [te] [warota
Www youtube com 手表?ν u003d clrgjZA8tPI TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d oPNaNMBEs8s TTP的: getnews jp 档案 76640级TERA TTP的: www gametrailers com 视频 E3展 2010 万亿次 701208 TTP的: www gametrailers com 视频 气相色谱 10 万亿次 703155 TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d qK8MkxlGvTQ(性格塑造)龙巢的家居: dragonnest hangame co jp TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d pOmgc VeJg8 TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d Ue0cUDjXy6s洛奇英雄TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d DEL0ZEe6fOY TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d 7YryL6U0AnQ TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d WKrH5 Wag78(创建字符)BNS的TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d Orpk82YyWoA TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d WsyLZKd 4tg www youtube com watch v clrgjZA8tPI ttp www youtube com watch v oPNaNMBEs8s ttp getnews jp archives 76640 TERA ttp www gametrailers com video e3 2010 t e r a 701208 ttp www gametrailers com video gc 10 t e r a 703155 ttp www youtube com watch v qK8MkxlGvTQ kiyara compilation Dragon Nest ttp dragonnest hangame co jp ttp www youtube com watch v pOmgc VeJg8 ttp www youtube com watch v Ue0cUDjXy6s mabinogi hero transmission ttp www youtube com watch v DEL0ZEe6fOY ttp www youtube com watch v 7YryL6U0AnQ ttp www youtube com watch v WKrH5 Wag78 kiyara compilation Blade Soul ttp www youtube com watch v Orpk82YyWoA ttp www youtube com watch v WsyLZKd 4tg
一般 秘技:。 40击剑奖金3物理专业的认识到10个STR →诠释 10 General purpose Secret skill Recognition Fencer 40 3 STR due to the physical bonus it converts to 10 gt INT 10
一般 秘技:。奖金的40 3体育击剑到维生素 →专业通信的PIE 10 10 General purpose Secret skill Trust Fencer 40 3 VIT due to the physical bonus it converts to 10 gt PIE 10
最终幻想XIV TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d clrgjZA8tPI TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d oPNaNMBEs8s TTP的: getnews jp 级TERA TTP的: WWW的档案 76640 。gametrailers com 视频 E3展 2010 万亿次 701208 TTP的: www gametrailers com 视频 气相色谱 10 万亿次 703155 TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d qK8MkxlGvTQ(字符创建)龙巢TTP的: dragonnest hangame co jp TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d pOmgc VeJg8 TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d Ue0cUDjXy6s洛奇英雄传说TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d DEL0ZEe6fOY TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d 7YryL6U0AnQ TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d WKrH5 Wag78(字符创建)BNS的TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d Orpk82YyWoA TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d WsyLZKd 4tg FINAL FANTASY XIV ttp www youtube com watch v clrgjZA8tPI ttp www youtube com watch v oPNaNMBEs8s ttp getnews jp archives 76640 TERA ttp www gametrailers com video e3 2010 t e r a 701208 ttp www gametrailers com video gc 10 t e r a 703155 ttp www youtube com watch v qK8MkxlGvTQ kiyara compilation Dragon Nest ttp dragonnest hangame co jp ttp www youtube com watch v pOmgc VeJg8 ttp www youtube com watch v Ue0cUDjXy6s mabinogi hero transmission ttp www youtube com watch v DEL0ZEe6fOY ttp www youtube com watch v 7YryL6U0AnQ ttp www youtube com watch v WKrH5 Wag78 kiyara compilation Blade Soul ttp www youtube com watch v Orpk82YyWoA ttp www youtube com watch v WsyLZKd 4tg
■全国人民代表大会直到你看到时间,因为目标产品FF11 1.7s FF14 6.9s准备继续前进只显示排除项目■FF11 FF14 3.9s 1.2s从目标性质■时间显示器产品FF11 2.3s FF14 4.8s购买的时间来完成一个项目■■FF11选择FF14 4.1s 2.6s积分ü如愿意看到的日志已没有任何东西FF11 2.0s FF14 6.3s小时,直到屏幕上并没有任何人工合成■FF11 4.1s FF14 12.3s * After the target doing NPC, until the commodity is indicated, time
FF11 1.7s FF14 6.9s
* Passing through from the commodity screen, until it becomes portable possible state, time
FF11 1.2s FF14 3.9s
* After the target doing the character, until the commodity is indicated, time
FF11 2.3s FF14 4.8s
* After the item selecting, until 1 purchases complete, time
FF11 2.6s FF14 4.1s
* Until the preparation which looks at the log from a state where nothing has done is prepared, time
FF11 2.0s FF14 6.3s
* Until it enters into the synthetic picture from a state where nothing has done
FF11 4.1s FF14 12.3s
ヽ (Ÿ○ REPT y ○ REPT y ○ REPT ¯ ¯ i U U l ll REPT HKRPT
河 。( ° ¯ 的ヽ ⌒。 布鲁诺:: ,ヽ 布鲁诺我 我::: 布鲁诺¯ ¯ r ¯ ¯ 92 ⌒ J 33 333 It does the ⌒ REPT No REPT No i i No ¯ ¯ 92
一个图形FF14我一比古作出的,因为整个景观是取得了较好的古比绝大多数Zenobureido As for one one graphics Being able to make FF14 good but the ru it is as the entire scenery zenobureido makes good preponderantly
我法郎Ougabatorushirizu不仅在这两个舞蹈 Just ougabatorushirizu without becoming the repetition of FF
一个或ー,BOT m推太多因素是进入眼睛或反然和贸易知识 - BOT and trader measure or intellectual viewing
The eye pushing element to insert it is what too much
一般 秘技:20不知疲倦的工作者击剑 10体育的地塞米松 →国防部为10 奖金 General purpose Secret skill Indomitability Fencer 20 DEX due to the physical bonus it converts to 10 gt MND 10
一般 秘技:20不知疲倦的工作者击剑 地塞米松 物理奖金转换→5国防部按 5 General purpose Secret skill Indomitability Fencer 20 DEX due to the physical bonus it converts to 10 gt MND 10
一般 秘技:20认证击剑虔诚 物理奖金为维生素 5→5的PIE General purpose Secret skill Devotion Fencer 20 VIT due to the physical bonus it converts to 5 gt PIE 5
不可能经常更新米达外国赖,我想这样做将会转移Waranai The foreign country you will ask also update and therefore probably will not be frequently and is wanted doing probably will not be transmitted and
不固定Guridania家臣的根源并没有更多的奈良先生和用户界面是不是新的UI正确意义上的劳动是不慢有组织的执行情况,不能解决的怪异项目排序志位的国家将不会被释放Ishugarudo国会议员再生公司不会修改或感觉有点慢的狮子在生产不适合PVP的销售Ttemasen执行其采取发展过程中? Nara and the plug it solves the original news item of guridania it is Above riteina It is not corrected Sluggish the impression of UI It is not corrected The number of strange of UI hands It is not corrected Sort of item House keeping It is not mounted New national ishiyugarudo It is not released The nature recovery of MP is not mounted Sluggish the impression of production Only it is corrected a little Company PVP Development being in time increase it is The air which it sells it seems
不固定Guridania家臣的根源并没有更多的奈良先生和用户界面是不是新的UI正确意义上的劳动是不慢有组织的执行情况,不能解决的怪异项目排序志位的国家将不会被释放Ishugarudo国会议员复兴公司是感觉有点慢的狮子会不会被固定或不执行PVP的生产发展之间的配合Ttemasen Nara and the plug it solves the original news item of guridania it is Above riteina It is not corrected Sluggish the impression of UI It is not corrected The number of strange of UI hands It is not corrected Sort of item House keeping It is not mounted New national ishiyugarudo It is not released The nature recovery of MP is not mounted Sluggish the impression of production Only it is corrected a little Company PVP Development being in time increase it is The air which it sells it seems
与同U检验费瓦特β大杉租户 The person large cedar w which associates to the compensatory Î test
中国,韩国是不是所有的,现代的游戏文化基础 Completely there is no foundation modern game culture in Korea and China
二氧化铀,情商,交流,政务主任,DAoC是来自人口大量流动的毫无疑问 As for the mass person flowing from UO, EQ, AC, AO and DAoC
You are not wrong
他们之所以不说“穷在亚洲,主要是中国拓展 对煤,因为埃塔已经被客户端创建的主要中 Unskillful excuse do “The Chinese development because it placed moxa to main in Asia it draws up the Chinese client as main
他们之所以不说“亚洲穷人 向下发展,中国的主要客户,因为埃塔已创建为主体中 Unskillful excuse do “The Chinese development because it placed moxa to main in Asia it draws up the Chinese client as main
以网络游戏FF14 Tsukimashita讲话致谢,以弥补我的心^ ^查看详情 The ^ ^ where the determination which stops MMO with the favor of FF14 is attached
作为平衡的比赛结果来看,这些等级上限设置在50个服务启动 The level cap when starting the result and the service which consider the adjustment and the like of gemubaransu is set to 50
作为平衡的比赛结果来看,这些等级上限设置在50个服务启动 The level cap when starting the result and the service which consider the adjustment and the like of gemubaransu is set to 50
作为平衡的比赛结果来看,这些等级上限设置在50个服务启动 The level cap when starting the result and the service which consider the adjustment and the like of gemubaransu is set to 50
保安局u003d新的曙光,我觉得什么样的MMORPG The dawn of SB = new MMORPG
[tsu] [te] feeling kana
发现年龄在33国内?光荣我做我不是么?这瓦特 33
Domestic large navigation age
KOEI made, don't you think? it is, - it is? This w
哎呀,我不是一个人在这两种疾病或瓦特矿石生产和更广泛的词汇MMO ll朱达罗 With just the [te] or the ore the medium two illnesses the [wa] w which is not solved
MMO which has production general vocabulary the [ro] which is one
国内发誓,日本政治家将奇数时,直接苏 If domestic production it is not at each time you correct and it becomes strange Japanese don t you think it is probably will be
695是的,我的国内网络游戏 695 The obtaining e it is domestic production MMO
地图RPG游戏设备是用这些钱作为零售就这一点,我怎么得到的结果是什么破坏信任ü As for kind of MAP which was made with RPG [tsukuru] how the thing,…
Now the gold those where you take become the result which loses confidence as a product edition
地图粘贴我有一个护送任务,我看了看电脑上玩视频嵌入与敌人占领全国人民代表大会当然戳或损坏,不再攻击,我会做一个基本制度牛粪 However it is pasted play animated picture you saw quickly in [kopipe] MAP [sure]
You must guard with QUEST, NPC the damage saddle possessing the enemy uninformed
It becomes not be able to attack PC when, don't you think? fundamentally system droppings something
如果他们提出了另一个网络游戏玩,如果我从来没有让他移动到14人将不得不采取愚蠢的或弱的最终信息 Presently having played other MMO if we assume that the human who does not move to 14 is Accompanying probably is feeling weakness or both oak serving of the ultimate fool
但在国内同你说句话网络游戏之前 The letter in before the domestic production MMO is attached however
如果他们提出了另一个网络游戏玩,让他感动,如果我有14人将不得不采取愚蠢的或弱的最终信息 Presently having played other MMO if we assume that the human who does not move to 14 is Accompanying probably is feeling weakness or both oak serving of the ultimate fool
如果你有PS3的530之前,瓦特 530 If PS3 has to that w
当然我不知道哪些书你不能切断它了 最终幻想40 FF14 宰线 709第八FF14 14★十葬礼地点 Don t you think as for this whether already useless it is from the wa This sure Last fantasy 14 Resident in line 978 FF14 funeral meeting place 14
FF14 10★葬礼地点 FF14 funeral meeting place 10
FF14 10★葬礼地点 FF14 funeral meeting place 10
FF14 10★葬礼地点 FF14 funeral meeting place 10
FF14 10★葬礼地点 FF14 funeral meeting place 10
FF14 11★葬礼地点 FF14 funeral meeting place 11
FF14 12★葬礼地点 FF14 funeral meeting place 12
FF14 16★葬礼地点 FF14 funeral meeting place 16
FF14★〜13节在这里一殡仪厅 Presently while celebrating FF14 funeral meeting place 13
当然最终幻想40 FF14 图书 宰线 709第七十 This sure Last fantasy 14 Resident in line 977
当然最终幻想40 FF14 图书 宰线 九十殡仪厅709 FF14 15★ This sure Last fantasy 14 Resident in line 979 號 FF14 funeral meeting place 15
我赶紧停止法郎的水平不是,它瓦特 When FF it is not swift attack stopping ru level w
感觉自己的意识和行动,是太不友好的Mossari不幸的是,这个水平,但我认为肯驱动tTA河内系统在1个月的“目标”,但该地图的概念“来在触摸的对象如果“太像了,作为神秘菜单系统可能的选择,但无塔格如果你看一下,说,美 It is too regrettable That unkindness you thought that with sluggishly the impression and the individual operation impression go are this… are level with month amount system Although there is a concept “of the target” if it tries being said that “touch those on the map” The choices just appear in the system menu puzzle pass the tage re zu
键盘 外记Yaikannoga累赘,让固定石窟命令,并按下输入手之一远离鼠标,并选择正确的行动后,我离开了我说塔格鼠标鼠标或更好的战斗 永恒之塔好多我还是会 When it is the keyboard mouse with the mouse of the left hand action after choosing with the tage tsu te right hand releasing the hand from the mouse entry pushing One by one ya circumstance to be extreme being difficult in the command decision se … AION the wa where how to fight still directly is mashi
我不能够取消,连我的书和正式取消店限量版 The first limited edition the wa which is cancelled When you have reserved with official mail order even cancellation it is not possible seems the ze … which
限量版“生产将有利于护目镜”免于匮乏 “Production becomes profitable because the goggle where” of the first limited edition we want
我可以改变线类,不改变该规范s是不使用外部的行动 Doing kurasuchienji in order for the action which you cannot use not to come off it modifies specification
我可以改变线类,不改变该规范s是不使用外部的行动 Doing kurasuchienji in order for the action which you cannot use not to come off it modifies specification
我可以改变线类,不改变该规范s是不使用外部的行动 Doing kurasuchienji in order for the action which you cannot use not to come off it modifies specification
我得到的简化版本PS3的图形未知 Don't you think? graphics is not simplified does not obtain PS3 edition
我等待,不发展大航海时代光荣553 553
At the time of large navigation substituting, development [koe] the [tsu] [ke] which is not
技术上有趣,但不是540,它不仅可以提高您的计算机的USB记忆我从来没有听说过主 540 However it is funny technically USB main memory how you have not heard even for the personal computer
数以百万计死亡352现在复制和粘贴,我想通过并完成数以百万计的地图是Kopipeteisuto ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 352
Extent [kopipe] which dies
From now on tens of thousands and some 1,000,000 MAP which it passes being finished in [kopipeteisuto], the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ which it increases
日语汉字写的字写在作出一切事情就不会因为这是 In addition, because there is Chinese character inscription with Japanese, saying, everything
There are no times when it makes Chinese character inscription
有什么办法就充分倾斜的基本项目免费的钱 The road [ma] [tsu] which with basic free conversion is gained with the rating item it does and it is the [gu] and others
楼8法郎,因为我是玩,我不知道这是多么有趣的是,没有什么 F. However it was FF play ever since 8, this is whether something is funny at all
正常。它的唯一版本βu003d约完整性零售 Normally. Therefore degree of completion what about of Î edition = product editions
没有611的普及,帕凯特 销售(月和无料无)不盈利上升,因此,即使球员?来吧与突破K表以下的球员人数下降终止服务 611 Therefore the te pake sale month amount there is no no charge not to be popularity The prayer is not and also the te rises the profit it is it is not When prayer number of people are less than profit and loss divergence with service end k
我们需要购买和帕凯特。这东西是不是免费或减少 When it is pake purchase necessary in It decreases when There are no any such a things
由于NES游戏文化对话已建成为日本或其他国家,如美国的D&D世界的表自顾继续 The Japanese the natural way the game culture which ever since the Family Computer which it has is built If the American world view of the table talk which ever since D D continues
620 Mikotto你,你少了我每一天做了拍照 620 If mikotsuto everyday doing photographing meeting there was the ru tsu te less
编号:msUkOjIe0是我在工作中写? ID: As for msUkOjIe0 writing with work, the [ru]?
编号:PSnmtzgM0沸腾这里有没有蟑螂是为时已晚的智慧蛆 ID: PSnmtzgM0
Did the grub boil even intelligence late [goki] here?
网络游戏的小手制作的做法,不应该和我一起工作,因为我喜欢这家伙 It got used to more or less in the MMO making because the tsu te it is such people of the tsu te and it works together and the chi ya is not good
网络游戏不应该和他一起工作一样,仅仅因为他们正在小手惯性 Because some it is experienced in the MMO making such people of the tsu te and it works together and the chi ya is not good
自愿离职的131谎言的“圣贤LOM的”龟冈它的好的有发言权团队和车队正健说,法国法郎Burauniburaun谁已撤回其反对自愿轮班队正健的LOM法力圣贤参与的字幕后进入Burauniburaun Ubeki后来可怕的方式,而约事情是(或者我应该说,否则因为这些家伙续集正健。)嗯,MOTHER3,魔幻假期已使我希望这神圣的人谁想要什么我想说 131 Lie it is attached Independence those where you quit work are “the saintly sword LOM” team Kameoka may call also the saintly sword team but Opposing to FF shift independence the brow knee Brown s who quits work people should call the saintly sword LOM team The saintly sword after the new approximately saintly sword legend where brow knee Brown relates by the way the extent which makes the thing which is not was terrible With you say or you are possible to say that and others it is dense is not the continuation of the saintly sword with consequence Well but MOTHER3 and majikarubakeshiyon it is possible and is to call Something applying would like to say when you say the nucleus of the saintly sword team is nashiya However name it comes out first even with OP of saintly sword 2 As for the director which manages the rear respective game Ishii excluding still it is in SE At the time of Kawazu Aoki Tanaka rice field As for them everyone greatness
这一成绩8分和199 FF11 FF14海外服务的实施,鼠标线的硬件和执行公务的七个 199 When it is score of the foreign country FF11 8 points FF14 7 points About mounting in proper form servicing It mounts hadoueamausu
556 老鼠和路线的贯彻执行的硬件 556 It mounts hadoueamausu
逃犯发现一大型国际集团的500或300,甚至150多人,但与服务器的连接欧洲的首要今北人民报 But now the golden time of North America & Europe
Server connected number of people 150 people or 300 people Being many, 500 people
In the midst of overseas uniting large escape
钱从那个好思想的真正恢复你的系统407 407 Because you think truly well as the system which collects the money
钱从那个好思想的真正恢复你的系统408 408 Because you think truly well as the system which collects the money
长期合同(3个月在日本,北美和欧洲的3个月 6个月)可申请折扣 Long term contract as for Japan 3 months as for North America and Europe 3 months 6 months cut rate fare is applied by the fact that it does
长期合同(3个月在日本,北美和欧洲的3个月 6个月)可申请折扣 Long term contract as for Japan 3 months as for North America and Europe 3 months 6 months cut rate fare is applied by the fact that it does
长期合同(3个月在日本,北美和欧洲的3个月 6个月)可申请折扣 Long term contract as for Japan 3 months as for North America and Europe 3 months 6 months cut rate fare is applied by the fact that it does
::::( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 ⌒ ヽ 布鲁诺 古 human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human Normally God Gaea REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku
° ¯ 受害者 。 ━ ━ 公司 ( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 ⌒ ヽ: 布鲁诺 古 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Victim 92 ━ ━ Employee 92 human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human Normally God Gaea REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku
° ¯ 受害者 。 ━ ━ 公司 ( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 ⌒ ヽ: 布鲁诺 古 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Victim 92 ━ ━ Employee 92 human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human Normally God Gaea REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku
° ¯ 受害者 。 ━ ━ 雇员 ( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 ⌒ ヽ: 布鲁诺 古 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Victim 92 ━ ━ Employee 92 human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human Normally God Gaea REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku
° ¯ 受害者 。 ━ ━ 雇员 ( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 ⌒ ヽ: 布鲁诺 古 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Victim 92 ━ ━ Employee 92 human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human Normally God Gaea REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku
° ¯ 受害者 。 ━ ━ 雇员 ( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 ⌒ ヽ: 布鲁诺 古 ¯ ¯ 92 92 Victim 92 ━ ━ Employee 92 human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human Normally God Gaea REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku