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菅 camp staff “therefore Ozawa system only the [kin] meat man like people, you wanted to appoint truth it leaks in the product where the talent is not” sutra newspaper


  • 米惨烈,有尾迹,如果没有他的低智力小泽阴谋
    The fact that there is no [wake] whose intellect strategy of Ozawa's himself is low is miserable what

    • 514。你有你的营地笑话。队营地。木壁的核心小组中,我将火炸弹? 514 The camp is joking too much with to do the yo Camp… group Core group… force stick and molotov cocktail Don t you think
      • 。作为阵营的领导人,例如,我说好岁的男人或肌肉男子 Camp staff the old boy of good year says the muscular man is
      • 小泽人营地肉类包装,坤无肉。难民营Kinkotsuman Ozawa camp kin meat man meat pulling out Camp kin bone man

    • 65 ::::::::┐───────────────┌:::::::: |似乎终于被击中一郎...│::::: ───────────└───┌v┘┬───::::: |呵呵... ...他是最弱│四间小泽...─────└──┌ ───v┘────────┬─|负,当你踢简│|────└│脏家庭一方的企图小泽v┘────────|米,/`ヽ/!。──,|彡/ 2 O的妮妮|布鲁诺/ 333!,|! \,_,| / -
      65 : : : : : : : : ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ : : : : : : : : | Finally way Ichiro did, shelf… │ : : : : : ┌ ─ ─ ─ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ┬ ┘ : : : : : | As for [huhuhu]… person even in Ozawa four Tenno most weakness … │ ┌ ─ ─ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ | Every 菅 it is defeated to coming with │ | Disgrace of Ozawa whole group │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ v ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ | [mi], / `REPT /! . ─ ─, | 彡/Two O [nini] | No /333! , | ! `and ' \ _, | /- [ya] [to] `= j r = [re] /[mi] ! 彡 T Nail | / /¯ | /' _ _, [ya] | `33 -/ | `=, | = ' | /Person REPT [mi] = ' / | `: : : : : : : /[i] _ _ [to] `- [ku] _ _, -, , _! _ / / `- ─ ' | _. [i], | | / Y / | | | j / [mi] `┴ ' 彡 \ Kenji Pearl Seizi

      • Haraite 151万维网
        151 [haraite] www

        • Tererere Tererere Teketeketen Teketeketeketeke
          [teketeketeketeke] [teketeketen] [tererere] [tererere

          • Tsuzi聪五志穗园,它的官僚约像一个小武扬松本民主党还是一个典型的可以做或副部长或议会确定是否小泽秘书上里约?议会秘书瓦特松树根公认为茹的工作使我觉得,所有的时间在很内阁
            Certainly around Ozawa state affairs official or the secondary minister of state bureaucratic [agari] which can be done typical Democratic party Assemblymen it is few Matsumoto hardness discernment or Tsuji Megumi or Hosono it is great about will? You cannot think that Matuki 謙 the public state affairs official w [tsu] [te] it starts feeling, very at the Cabinet 46 Tokinaka can work

            • TTP的好像是我的感觉没有确切的颜色28:/ / blogimg.goo.ne.jp / user_image /超五类/ 87 / a501f62248eeb37721c63911d7dabd08的。jpg
              28 Well color it is in sense precision the kana which is not… ttp: //blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/5e/87/a501f62248eeb37721c63911d7dabd08. jpg

              • “我不知道常用词的意义,信心更是疯狂反正”你是这样的万维网 “As for meaning of word it is well from the wa in any case sugo to be the ro www which is self confidence and” is tsu te thing
                • 一个词的含义是很清楚或不自信的东西,或在去? Meaning of word is is in any case enormous self confidence well from the wa Such you feel
                • 一个词的意义不是很清楚,只是太神奇了! Meaning of word is is in any case enormous self confidence well from the wa Such you feel
                • 我不知道常用词的含义,只是令人惊讶的是信心 Meaning of word is is in any case enormous self confidence well from the wa Such you feel
                • 我不知道常用词的意义,信心就是了不起! Meaning of word is is in any case enormous self confidence well from the wa Such you feel

              • ∩:∨ 。:∪:。ヽ : ─, , 布鲁诺 原口 ∩ ∨ ∪ REPT ─ l REPT gt gt ku ¯ ¯ gt gt ri REPT ┗ re i 92 The ¯ ¯ Soviet Union 92 ¯ ¯ 92 I ─ 92 No Blastopore
                • 247 米 米 斯卡 我 ヽ⌒⌒)!゙(·) ヽ 247 mi mi 92 suka 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human 92 REPT
                • 升( 人 )。 ー l human 92
                • , 布鲁诺 原口 o o o REPT 92 92 ゙ gt ∨ ∩ ∨ ∪ REPT ─ l REPT gt gt ku ¯ ¯ gt gt ri REPT ┗ re i 92 The ¯ ¯ Soviet Union 92 ¯ ¯ 92 I ─ 92 No Blastopore

              • 。他们的营地是不会卡诺花瓦特聪明,但我真的认为我会一边瓦特小泽无能学校 As for the camp as for by yourself the kana w which is wise intention As for we thinking that talent it is not it is the side from Ozawa group however the ru w
                • 。他们的营地是不会卡诺花瓦特聪明,但我真的认为我会一边瓦特小泽无能学校 As for the camp as for by yourself the kana w which is wise intention As for we thinking that talent it is not it is the side from Ozawa group however the ru w
                • 。辜不要写文章,瓦特形式,但没有人妄想阵营领袖 gt Camp staff The person with respect to delusion making the article you write is w

              • 。营领袖,“小泽家伙系统从肉类包装一样的人,甚至不希望委任人员”,那么你有足够的肌肉力量记者解释功率(在)刚刚Otsumu(情报)是弱 As for camp staff “Ozawa system Therefore only the kin meat man like people wanted to appoint the talent is not” When you interpret say that the ri the muscle which is pushed just power with otsumu intellect is weak by power
                • 。我也得到农场管理人员的意见,如结构从中小企业总承包商维护土著型城市郊区民主派阵营小泽白色独立 Camp… city suburb type liberal… white collar worker non party Ozawa camp… native type maintenance… earth building farmer small to medium sized small manager Therefore composition 1 Also like thought comes out
                • 。营领袖,“小泽家伙系统从肉类包装一样的人,甚至不希望委任人员,”揭示的感情和真实的 As for camp staff “Ozawa system Therefore only the kin meat man like people wanted to appoint the talent is not” When you interpret say that the ri the muscle which is pushed just power with otsumu intellect is weak by power
                • 。营领袖,“小泽家伙系统从肉类包装一样的人,甚至不希望委任人员,”揭示的感情和真实的 As for camp staff “Ozawa system Therefore only the kin meat man like people wanted to appoint the talent is not” When you interpret say that the ri the muscle which is pushed just power with otsumu intellect is weak by power
                • 。营领袖,“小泽系统从男生喜欢肉类包装的人,但也不想委任人”噢,这是正确的 gt Therefore camp staff “Ozawa system only the kin meat man like people wanted to appoint the talent is not” So so so is
                • 斯廷豆芽充满学生。但是,这主要营地 The student the moyashi being lazy which is ill smelling The camp you want but to be

              • 。高级阵营系统“小泽家伙就像一个人从一个包装肉,但也不想委任的人,”小泽是成员的意义系统,是一个很大的信心从每分钟反正我常常 gt Therefore the staff “Ozawa system of the camp only the kin meat man like people wanted to appoint the talent is not” As for type Assemblyman Ozawa as for meaning of word you do not understand well but it is in any case enormous self confidence
                • 。郁库拉感到惊讶,如果债券不称职的官员还排除了一些营地 If also staff of the camp omits part extent disabled you are surprised

              • 三宅,喜欢姬井或田村田中美惠子,我是一个职业运动员的U头从身体可以使用有关机构的思考 In Mieko Tamura or Miyake and Tanaka princess well How thinking it is the physical group physical education meeting affiliation which uses the body from the head
                • 让这个运动“肌肉人”是一种文化,我是愚蠢的 It makes physical education meeting related exposed thing “the muscular man” tsu te foolish it is to be a culture

              • 产经新闻我在外面瓦特湿重今年13好笑 13 Because the wa w which from the inside this year is made the product sutra it is funny ww
                • 第二,,,,懂了瓦特 Already it is good don t you think w

              • 什么是一件好事,还是一个政治问题附表交战派别?男子筋肉的大脑? ? 肉类民健 Only the fighting faction which likes political strife tsu te thing atama kin meat man gt kin meat man

                • 什么是他们所遗留下来的在一个地方的朝圣和尚侃令人窒息觉得呢?
                  When the 菅 the monk being densely, the [mu] [se] it is riding, because pilgrim you remembered?

                  • 他们对内阁花系列小泽Ku m孩子恐怕你哑口无言研究员
                    The child way, Ozawa system fearing, cannot be effective either the mouth, for the people of the Cabinet, it is the shelf

                    • 他们没有在使用信心呢?有没有才华? 662法作为与小泽的辜松,只是想消除官僚专政是不会害怕是很容易反驳官僚 There is no self confidence which it manages There is no capability 662 Way Ozawa to be uninformed in law because we fear to be refuted simply in the bureaucracy Removing the bureaucracy dictatorship just we would like to do
                      • 主任。而缓慢的步伐与合作进行的业务改革 Official Cooperating with financial world it reforms loosely

                    • 任何人都可以成为成为朱达罗是Renho w可以做好,即使我是在这里of m某处日本主妇协会刚刚做的只是官僚排序恩戴我做我的正式书面答复读反正瓦特 The connected hoe is accustomed when it is the ro w to which anyone is accustomed and is How reading the reply book which the se bureaucracy made Therefore the categorization which the bureaucracy made just is done what There it is and others the housewife accompanying it is good and can do w

                      • 你总是一文的过滤弹出巴卡火力
                        Foolish power always the fire causing in order to put out, the [ru] it does,

                        • 你知道你正在试图安抚一年内或错位的愤怒无论如何折扣票559 559 How se discount ticket 1 years s amount with trying to conciliate opposite gire it was done it is the ro which is
                          • 559免费门票漫长的等待,不要5? 559 About free ticket 5 the tsu ke which is not

                        • 内阁官房长官的职位是部长,卫生部长和
                          As for post general affairs phase Thick labor phase and secretariat director shelf

                          • 前原诚司组的原哈希细野,这个“理由”有小泽欢呼 As for Hosono Originally those which the Maehara group it puts out this time “there being a meaning ” support Ozawa
                            • 在获委任为学校考虑,即使小泽我是怎么细野 Appointing Hosono in consideration to Ozawa group the combining of viewing

                          • 原因是民主党人人才是在混乱中被浪费了日本的和平,我们不认为比较一级所作的汝 On the one hand the minsu party the outstanding talent who traps Japan which is peace to confusion wastefully with meaning has reached to the level which can be compared You think that it is not
                            • 有没有办法把驱动tTA没有像样的概念民主党第一人 In the first place because the human who had honest idea in the minsu party does not exist there is no manner

                          • 四郎叛国自卫队起义。民主党人破坏
                            The Self Defense Force revolt margin Treason. It annihilates Democratic party Assemblyman

                            • 在最后一分钟(前一天晚上,除非他们最近的强烈阚身边的填充前原诚司)将要为代表的人力资源梅塔包括门勾结闭门“三驾马车”的名义 Being completed the area of eve and Maehara does not approach strongly in the 菅 it had been about to be able to do the personal affairs which include representation in closed room consultation at the place Under name “of troika”
                              • 马克将不会有时间来推动该国曾经闭门造车,再根 Already probably is not the times when the country is moved with the closed room and the groundwork laying

                            • 在过去,支持电视石破茂贫困成员就像一个Asou像很多地,而现在,因为我将不仅对贫困国会议员小泽一郎回应电视?相对于不知道,电视覆盖率避免小泽,麻生太郎和我们是竞选总统选举4时代感,我会尽光,晒得黑黑的只有几分钟,成为总理?石破茂岁,现在我想我花别人瓦特小泽太晚竞选代表 Former times as for the Assemblyman who is unskillful the correspondence to the television the large quantity being however also Aso or Isiba so was Don t you think now the Assemblyman who is unskillful the correspondence to the television about have no other choice but to Ozawa cause Ozawa avoiding the television unless correspondence understands contrast Aso also four times running as a candidate to president selection divided the light and darkness whether those where correspondence is remembered become the prime minister of don t you think it is Also Isiba former times and now another person like producing w As for Ozawa the trap where it is too slow to run in typical selection
                              • TTP的: ja wikipedia org 维基 麻生太郎 ttp Taro ja wikipedia org wiki Aso

                            • 天皇Otokojuku死亡..易经,Nirrti,万治丸,全日制四Senkuu三泽,川田,小桥,田上
                              Man private school dead Tenno. . Celebration, man-eating devil, 卍 circle, [senkuu] All the day four Tenno Misawa, Kawada, Kohashi, Tagami

                              • 威胁和恐吓,迫使Hatake音频建立在以前的面带,挖掘头未受过教育的无知,作品是不正确使用
                                With the physique looks of nature it has dusted in coercion threat intimidation and the like, but Ignorant non culture of [karatsupo], [te] now is questioned the [tsu] you question the head you cannot use in work

                                • 小泽一郎战胜怒气的方式,对这种性质的支持者4在Ku
                                  Anger of defeat of Ozawa supporter It faces to these 4 people naturally

                                  • 小泽一郎曾许诺从李管居民投票是我们的敌人Netouyo
                                    Because Ozawa resident denizenship promised to Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi, as for the tube of the enemy [netouyo

                                    • 小泽说,每次一个派系的事情只不过是消极的哈希山冈,它就会赶紧把它和我在内,这五志细野梁细野即便如此,完全依赖于被踩之后使一个损失!我愿意人扮 Yamaoka the thing in the degree which is said Only it was 0 in Ozawa group and being flurried the pulling tsu including it depended on Hosono who increased the self introduction afterwards it was the tsu drill and Nevertheless Hosono it is great will It lost now It is the regrettable talent
                                      • 明显减少,松树,和山冈(即只有一个痛苦 从茹),看看是否dinginess“政客”不能感觉和在该国沙沙任命 Not to mention Yamaoka and Matuki etc only that the misery which does not stay because you see it is dirty to smooth such as the air which leaves a country the “political house” it is not accustomed

                                    • 山地集团 - 社会民主党 - 的事件,东京地方法院以建立一个由水谷一亿日圆
                                      The Democratic party land mountain meeting incident, to 100,000,000 Yen proof from Mizutani construction Tokyo area inspection

                                      • 布鲁诺的⌒γヽ⌒ 。 。 ー。┘¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯○ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯Ο No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i l human If it leaves to me 92 No The ze solving with any thing ∠ i ¯ REPT 92 REPT 92 REPT ┴ REPT REPT r ku To l lt and no no Bow DREPT No ¯ ku ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT 92 To No 92 ┘ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ○ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Ο

                                        • 常设专家委员会在充分现场直播!该检举Shobon东京电玩展格哈按重量在这里!
                                          In the midst of SCE complete live relay! Opinion turn [shiyobon] of [geha] TGS is cut thickly!

                                          • 我也习惯了外交部长田中真纪子,让他是一个肯高部长像老虎的相关发展北海道,北海道松本
                                            Makiko Tanaka was accustomed to Minister of Foreign Affairs, therefore it is, The tiger Matsumoto and of Hokkaido like being good Hokkaido-related development minister of state being able to point

                                            • 我们可以思考,我会评为财政部长和副首相兼外交大臣,如果内阁部长
                                              If inside official building foreign minister and financial affairs phase If and Vice-President case of diplomatic relations phase it is good thinking

                                              • 我只是不喜欢丑陋飞卢补孟和,张诚把蛋糕面对绫举例说,在国内事务中去思考游戏三国志野 If you refer to Sangokushi of the game when you try internal affair to do Hari flying The face it is good The sentence it is scurvy Lu cloth The place that 孟 only you obtain and are
                                                • 纳木错61演义,而且我鄂如用于Akainan 61 akainan you can use namuko Sangokushi it is

                                              • 我觉得我喜欢271众议员长岛昭寿
                                                271 You think that it is Akihisa Nagashima or good Assemblyman,

                                                • 我运行小泽先生赶走包括四个...“古之一的领导人重申这一惊人的数量
                                                  Four Tenno chases Ozawa in running, 込 It is, it is… where is” One person of renovation meeting staff like this rages

                                                  • 既然是小家伙,你是让你的运动队和刚刚超过一员,不仅在社会价值的思想的东西, As if as for the people from small time the member of the sport team which belongs because you have passed Of phenomenon can be thought with only sense of value inside that community
                                                    • 我感觉不好我会说,他仍然从某种意义上说 1 Speaking after all trick of sense of the ru person is felt

                                                  • 日Yuhouyabai诈骗者wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww页瓦特^ ^ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Eieiuie津宇wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlh只:sphr我们并没有敏感性只看pgpp页皮佩j p啊看Efegegegegegeeeeee傅伏wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                    Swindler wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [ri] [yu] one the dangerous ^ ^ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [tsu] [u] [e] say the [i] obtaining w [pe] wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlh [ke] which is said: sphr [ke] To the calling obtaining the j [pe] [tsu] [pe] pgpp [ge] pp [ge] [hu] [e] p [hu] [e] [hu] [e] [ge] [ge] [ge] [ge] [ge] it can be able be able to the [hi] obtaining be able to obtain, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                    • 更大的机会使老板说ü分钟,不说只是因为只有傻瓜傻瓜 To understand speaking easily Therefore BOSS fool Only the fool unintentionally the lever being
                                                      • 该系统还为喜欢我的孩子有意义分钟 It was the system which is easy to understand even in we like gaki and

                                                    • 有没有选举和支持者,我会被部署在倾斜埃塔预测 With respect to the tilt which is not supporter election at all and exceeds the te and expectation It became development however probably will be …
                                                      • “让我们做一个体面的支持者恩戴选举登记瓦特表示:”我将行使也 “Registering to the supporter the ze w mark probably choosing honest representation” There was also motion don t you think

                                                    • 机管局的组合杀我解释第四维
                                                      You explain with AA of four dimensional shooting method combination,

                                                      • 松树的画笔。如果你选择了一个宴会经理吗?
                                                        As for Matuki writing brush. When selects in feast department manager, how?

                                                        • 田中真纪子井,一名妇女打电话给我们的心和管理森林。大力士党也从民主党很可能冶炼原料hair m寡不敌众s Tanaka 眞 also Noriko says the forest how applying in the heart one Therefore the hair may have grown Muscular uoman large crowd it is in the Democratic party
                                                          • 真纪子只是一个诽谤的二百三十九顷“毒药”没有举行 239 Makiko is not being mere slander slander “the poison”

                                                        • 真纪子美妙的制度只是吐出毒液手流时井230? 230 The poison spitting just at the time of the ru it is splendid Makiko system
                                                          • 真纪子美妙的制度只是吐出毒液手流时井230? 230 The poison spitting just at the time of the ru it is splendid Makiko system

                                                        • 简,内阁由内阁将要远远领先于官僚,这将是他们对抗崩溃点从各部委 Because the 菅 Cabinet becomes the running alone Cabinet of the bureaucracy the fire the point being in ministry and board opposition It means to deteriorate from inside

                                                          • 肉类民健(超级凤凰)你什么什么?不要将头部重量的气味非常可怕的和卑鄙狡猾的冷好血 The ro which is kin meat man super Phoenix tsu te thing The head is good but being coldhearted being sly being mean the menial it is ill smelling but it is enormous

                                                            • 让我们来看看这一切了,现在是自民党政策研究会总干事石破茂董事长,也是人民群众的密切到小池主席小泽
                                                              It will try remembering, Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council current Liberal Democratic Party Isiba and Chairman of the Executive Council Koike were everyone Ozawa aide

                                                              • 识别这些感觉现在(菅直人)一旦民间运动 Now present recognition such feeling 菅 Naoto At one time the civic movement house

                                                                • 运动员,你知道他们喜欢什么东西资
                                                                  Physical education meeting affiliation, the [ro] which is seniority like party [tsu] [te] thing

                                                                  • 这方面有密切的小宫山裕子小泽武昭松本Morimegumi侑子辻折叠,拥有瞥见他们把自己的工作,如果他出适当的人员或团体,每根副部长副
                                                                    Tsuji Megumi forest [yu] [u] Taiko densely Matsumoto hardness discernment Komiyama If as for the Ozawa aide of this secondary per minister of state state affairs official properly the 菅 group the people of the bureaucratic coming out and the time, being accustomed to being agreeable, it may work

                                                                    • 这是一个“大力士”和“肉民健,”写了一个坏记者 As for this such as the “muscular man” The “ kin meat man” the reporter who is written is bad

                                                                      • 这是一个穷人筋肉1,再见。该阵营的人才(笑)我?我说好人埃拉索已经超级不称职的部长和总理 1 The kin meat man produces is yes 哀 phase In the camp the tsu te where the talent laughing is Doing from the prime minister although already super it is disabled the wa which you say to eraso well
                                                                        • 穷人的肉类包装和一个或无能本身是不是在所有侃! 1 The kin meat man to produce yes 哀 phase in the first place 菅 itself disabled well

                                                                      • 这是民主的,但我恐怕相反,我们的支持者说,选举是危险的,危险的人作为成员的投票 When this was just Assemblyman vote it was dangerous However it is said that supporter vote is dangerous being opposite Fearful wa democracy
                                                                        • 而所参加投票的胜利,即使你离开,即使正确的地方,但不利于优秀而是石窟Shiteyatsu On the other hand when it is great victory with Assemblyman vote leaving to suitable also even when making kind but the rank which on the other hand is good

                                                                      • 逃避税收。号无法逃避税收的一方。哇你可以改变党龄
                                                                        Tax evasion taking in. Nothing. From party disabled tax evasion taking in. The [tsu] lever which changes to the party

                                                                        • 那让他们闻出其中的派系纠纷,
                                                                          Simply, faction you dispute and to be ill-smelling the kana which is [tsu] [te] what -

                                                                          • 部长们赞同研究员任卡诺小泽干?
                                                                            Ozawa is the person who is supported to be dried with the Cabinet minister?

                                                                            • 阚小泉阵营舫氏莲,前原诚司表示,明的妻子把他们都长出来
                                                                              菅 As for the camp of prime minister lotus 舫, Seizi Maehara, long wife Akira and others aggregate power throwing

                                                                              • : Meat he □ □ □ y □ □ □ REPT REPT The brain muscle fool below the elementary school student who cannot be used with maji DREPT REPT No Like nuance 92 ¯ two The way of the kin meat cartoon brain how truly 喩 as for obtaining the thing 92 92 92
                                                                                • Fヽ :布鲁诺ヽヽ : he REPT No REPT REPT Meat he □ □ □ y □ □ □ REPT REPT The brain muscle fool below the elementary school student who cannot be used with maji DREPT REPT No Like nuance 92 ¯ two 喩 Obtaining how in the kin meat man the thing 92 92 92

                                                                              研究 開発