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<尖 official building problem> Capital Governor Ishihara, visit to China discontinuance… “China unreasonable [yakuza] similar” “being asked, does not go”, “, Japan and America should defend train being the 尖 official building,”


  • 110 我打算从东京奥运会和支持以货易货 110 gt 22 Therefore gt Tokyo Olympic opening support and barter it goes it is

    • 142敌失?片面的威胁,没有错,但
      142 Enemy losing? But on the one hand intimidation and difficult habit reason

      • 2007年以来,东京都政府在中国人民的生活已超过1300万,据统计,2015年增加了10000人左右,100公民东京,中国只有线仍然在20万步伐人们预计突破 Ever since 2007 the Chinese of capital Tokyo residence breaks 130 000 about 10 000 person increases in 100 people of Osamu appropriation and Tokyo citizen of Tokyo This way if it goes at pace the Chinese sees by 2015 that 200 000 is broken
        • 2007年,在东京生活的中国人民已经突破1300万人口,统计,在东京一出每100个居民,中国人民 2007 the Chinese of the Tokyo residence broke 130 000 1 people became the Chinese in 100 people of Osamu appropriation and Tokyo citizen of Tokyo

      • 65年前,同样的573,只能算是Bakkari埃泰没有冲突迎头结束女孩 573 Same as the 65 being years ago only from the front striking with gachi it is thought is tsu temporary

        • 730 和自嘲的历史感,但我说这个词本身更宽松的教育 说,它与日本的一个积极的例子就是那些词的,他们认为没有 730 However our 虐 history impression you say this word itself elbowroom education and also in the word which comes out For the Japanese that if you say whether plus is as for such a thing you think that it is not
          • 自嘲的历史感梯田评论家(例如,San鸟越)还就这个问题,在民意比较体面,不好玩 Our 虐 history impression Poult platform komenteta Torigoe sun and the like In regard to this case With extremely honest opinion it is funny

        • YouTube是一个有点太多人都可以看到石原经常露面意见
          If Ishihara capital governor conventional appearance of everyone YouTube seeing Frequency of playback it is too small

          • “中国是强盗一样不理性”的“TTA的常说的!”等字样不 gt “As for China the same as unreasonable ruffian” “You said well ” There is no word other than
            • 也许少流氓,你的责任和义务,中国人民 Whether below the ruffian the ro which is not justice human feelings in the Chinese person and is

          • ★“不合理的,中国黑帮为”“不要依赖线,但很少,”石原,石原东京正在考虑下月访问北京残晃停止访问中国诚太郎21总督七月接受强硬立场的岛屿中的关闭所造成的冲突中捕鱼,“我们不相信这在中国行 NULL
            • 然而,对中国渔业发展取决于冲突必须停止审批 But with development circumstance of the Chinese fishing boat collision incident it examined also the discontinuance

          • 。 年ヽ 二十二。 3,中国在做武器是什么?布鲁诺 ヽ ∨ (# C )的,它是 22 REPT i 3 So China the military expansion has done with something REPT � no ∨ 92 ha As for that……
            • 它,更重要的是比 ∨ 谢谢你,有一个真正做日军为什么? ?人说的理由! 乙二十二ヽ 3嗯,是 NULL

          • ーGottsu从歹徒,恫。再见至上暴徒?你永远池袋,琦玉94
            [yakuza] [tsu] - from, 恫. Don't you think? punk of supreme principle? 94 The [ro] which is Ikebukuro how Saitama prefecture

            • 不,根据国际法,包括潜艇船舶无害通过。有一个正确的事情 或者,一些知名Yanaindarouna TTA的法律在这里,这位Oreore Well in the warship which includes the submarine harmlessness with respect to international law There being right… Legal something there is no this ya which is known is probably will be my my honor
              • 不,根据国际法,包括潜艇船舶无害通过。有一个正确的事情 或者,一些知名Yanaindarouna TTA的法律在这里,这位Oreore Well in the warship which includes the submarine harmlessness with respect to international law There being right… Legal something there is no this ya which is known is probably will be my my honor

            • 东京居民将投票的一大Chankoro选人厚
              As for Tokyo citizen of Tokyo with House of Councillors selection [renhou] of [chiyankoro] large poll

              • 中国共产党对中国共和国和冷血统一战线,因为我有同样的根源
                Therefore as for the Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party the root the same being unconcerned, it struggles jointly

                • 中国射击船舶在俄罗斯,中国海岸警卫队的货物,这船沉没,2009年02月20日,俄罗斯军队打死八名船员或

                  • 人气8石原慎太郎确定是否“正确”,我努力工作Kiru 8 Ishihara popularity runs out in “the right” tsu lever certainly
                    • 不进入中国的东西Nokonoko石原慎太郎 gt Ishihara the saw saw goes in Chinese something it cannot boil
                    • 鄂对我说,我认为Wareru面粉我总是选择观望,因为石原 Therefore the Ishihara tsu te always the bystander favorite thing the tsu te which can be said it is thought

                  • 什么右翼反美主义为他们的反日网民方便狗屎蓝色眼泪
                    As for anti-American right wing [tsu] [te] droppings blue anti-Japanese netizen straw raincoat opportunism person

                    • 什么是劳动密集,但它可能是你种
                      As for human sea tactics [tsu] [te] those of the hand However perhaps, don't you think?

                      • 他们说,“翻译希特勒的”南京大屠杀是捏造出来 To Hitler The “Nanjing holocaust” was fabricated in excuse
                        • 他们说,“翻译希特勒的”南京大屠杀是捏造出来 To Hitler The “Nanjing holocaust” was fabricated in excuse
                        • 他们说,“翻译希特勒的”南京大屠杀是捏造出来 To Hitler The “Nanjing holocaust” was fabricated in excuse

                      • 余头队长斩首只发送到Reyo主席胡锦涛盐渍
                        The neck of the captain don't you think? 刎 send to the 胡 brocade 濤 the [te], to a salting

                        • 余石原慎太郎,谁敬进新居事件道歉乞求封黑?
                          The Ishihara Sintarou [tsu] [te], the person who it kneels on the ground apologizes to military officer Satoshi Arai in the black seal incident?

                          • 作为西日本应该加入北约成员
                            Japan should participate in NATO as one member of the Western Worlds

                            • 你必须总理外交大臣石原慎太郎现已完成樱井良子
                              The [ro] which is only Prime Minister Sintarou Ishihara and is Even if as for Minister of Foreign Affairs the 櫻 well it is dense Now perfection

                              • 只要做到尖阁列岛防卫部由国防部和美国演习“等字样TTA的 NULL
                                • 只要做到尖阁列岛防卫部由国防部和美国演习“等字样TTA的 NULL
                                • 国防部部可以锻炼我在美国和尖阁列岛防卫 NULL

                              • 同样,一个联盟的原则是方便右翼反美的美国英雄在日本处理瓦特
                                Also the hero of anti-American right wing after all opportunism shelf w It should cope with Japan-U.S. alliance

                                • 哇,我不是说这些事的结局日本Bukkake m就像这位老人用石头直觉区别卫 Such misunderstanding hitting greatly only the ru old boy such Japan which is not said Ending the ru ……
                                  • 对于这些事情我会说这是一件好事 In regard to such good thing you say

                                • 因此,我希望良好的口碑和大豆粉,在很大程度上 Depending to considerably it is possible to mean favorite thing is
                                  • 但我不知道他们说什么你的那种民族主义 However you do not know the national refined principle tsu te which you say what kind of don t you think

                                • 国家u003d领土水域侵入飞越立即攻击的唯一途径已经打开可疑船只开火卫队和日本海岸忽略了警告,但忽略了警告,当它完成时没有发生任何事件修订,使许多或击落大韩航空殆等和
                                  Violation of aerial domain violation of territorial waters = same attack shooting, almost there is no country Like the Korean Airlines aircraft downing incident when many degrees warning is ignored, however it is done Also Japan directing to the doubtful boat where sea preservation ignored warning, it is fired and

                                  • 在东中国海,日美联合演习(培训),似乎有必要 Don t you think in Dong Hai the Japanese American joint practice training seems like necessity

                                    • 在附近的中国大使馆或者是一种增强安全性快? (笑)
                                      So, the Chinese embassy neighborhood gradually patrol reinforcement kana? (Laughing)

                                      • 它有什么差异作出明确向日本学生和那一代青年人,我正好有期望,未来,我感到嫉妒“,”日本的年轻人,因为没有身份 Don t you think the young people of that generation clearly don t you think different from the Japanese university student have expectation future you feel the notion that where enviously the better seed” Because “the Japanese young person there is no identity
                                        • 因为没有一个青年的身份 Because there is no identity as the person who is in springtime of life

                                      • 当涉及到核武器的,永远,永远,“没有核试验的地方,”站出来,说了些愚蠢芮体莸 When it becomes story of nuclear armament always always “the nucleus there is no place where it experiments” that aho which persists comes out

                                        • 很亲切,礼貌得当,我听说现在为什么不,我会做它没有支付,直到残奥会的 Very Being kind being polite don t you think when it tries hearing don t you think to the paralympics you do with non remuneration it is even

                                          • 我以为(互联网公告板),我真的不能沟通或写在这样的按摩2通道 After all Internet bulletin board Don t you think 2 entry of the ru such rubbing true communication is possible it is or
                                            • 我真的不能沟通的写什么我还以为双声道的按摩 After all don t you think 2 entry of the ru such rubbing true communication is possible it is or

                                          • 我常常想,希望国立即埃泰税等反小偷日本自己的罪恶的政客的背叛一个人的
                                            Tax thief anti-Japanese treason politician throat [chi] And others we want thinking well whether the harm for Japan

                                            • 我是一个政客石原慎太郎反应正常反应 Ishihara s reaction is the reaction of the normal politician
                                              • 我是一个政客石原慎太郎反应正常反应 Ishihara s reaction is the reaction of the normal politician

                                            • 我的偏见报道新闻和报纸生病愚蠢
                                              Deflection reporting of nonsense news and newspaper how already boring

                                              • 我看了他的新闻发布会上也二战总督)

                                                • 支那人粪尿在东京举行。我希望我可以订立规例Ttara
                                                  With Tokyo support 那 person anti-. Although regulations it should have made

                                                  • 日军焚烧的方法来粮食,开始逃离城堡的顶部南京国防司令杀死自己的公民 When the Japanese military approaches It baked the food killed the home country inhabitant and from the Nanjing castle defense captain kept escaping in the first
                                                    • 日军焚烧的方法来粮食,开始逃离城堡的顶部南京国防司令杀死自己的公民 When the Japanese military approaches It baked the food killed the home country inhabitant and from the Nanjing castle defense captain kept escaping in the first
                                                    • 日军焚烧的方法来粮食,开始逃离城堡的顶部南京国防司令杀死自己的公民 When the Japanese military approaches It baked the food killed the home country inhabitant and from the Nanjing castle defense captain kept escaping in the first
                                                    • 日军焚烧的方法来粮食,开始逃离城堡的顶部南京国防司令杀死自己的公民 When the Japanese military approaches It baked the food killed the home country inhabitant and from the Nanjing castle defense captain kept escaping in the first

                                                  • 日本应坚持不与更高层的政策处理中 Japan should firmly maintain the policy at a higher level without of designating China as the partner

                                                    • 日本自卫队和美国的军事训练,另一轮损失尖阁他妈的你娃
                                                      Already, as for the Self Defense Force and the US military training around the 尖 official building and before the [tsu] [chi] [warosu

                                                      • 更令人惊讶的是Minsyutou也许它能够野人迷信的人做了一些人的外交气氛是正确的,我最好西村Souiya 485 485 So the tsu ke which well the Nishimura how person is Diplomacy huechi mania atmosphere it was the person don t you think The causing re which it can go unexpectedly it is As for the Democratic party compared to the ro which is mashi
                                                        • 这是485以后,这不是日本的方式的思维,这是一个坏外交,厚颜无耻地说both人家境Warerujan差异,但我不喜欢 485 As for that as for this Diplomacy unskillfulness the Japanese who cannot do the how to think it with it is said it is Well to be impudent however it is not different don t you think

                                                      • 樱井隆武Yoshi的孩子Tamogami国防部长总理内阁官房长官石原慎太郎西村诚悟170 外长 170 Prime Minister Sintarou Ishihara Chief Cabinet Secretary Even if 櫻 well child Defensive minister of state Tamogami 俊 male Minister of Foreign Affairs Nishimura 眞 Sato
                                                        • Kibon外长石原慎太郎,西村真悟总理诚 Prime Minister Sintarou Ishihara Nishimura 眞 our Minister of Foreign Affairs kibon
                                                        • 樱井隆武Yoshi的孩子Tamogami国防部长石原慎太郎总理,内阁官房长官 Prime Minister Sintarou Ishihara Chief Cabinet Secretary Even if 櫻 well child Defensive minister of state Tamogami 俊 male
                                                        • 石原 不是摆在我们面前,但仍 Ishihara After all only you it is
                                                        • 石原一税是否小偷,但不是很大的问题是未来 Whether or not Governor Ishihara the tax thief such a thing excessively is not a big problem
                                                        • 立即拥有电视上的Getara石原,也许他们在茹出嘘声是 When Ishihara you raise with the television it accompanies and whether buingu comes out from and others don t you think

                                                      • 民族的国防命运取决于其他国家,重要的是我跌倒或支流
                                                        Essential defense as for the end road of the nation which depends on the foreign country tributary the trap which is fall

                                                        • 然后战争! !哦,哦四郎朝鲜与韩国宣布对中国的战争! !
                                                          War! ! In the Chinese Korean North Korea declaration of war margin! !

                                                          • 熊猫将继续成为活着的东西Ø支付租赁费517 517 Or panda what which continues to pay rental charge it probably is viewing
                                                            • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                                            • 变化是很好的结合Warinai中国民主党 China or the Democratic party do not change It is the good combination
                                                            • 来自102个公民,并受到捕鱼 102 Because the citizen of Tokyo is easy to fish

                                                          • 现在,有很多像七十年代有727人,成为反战Busayo他们记忆斗Shika托莫的唯一或一负检查 727 Current 70 generations to be defeated certainly because only the memory which suffers hardship in the game you know in anti war busayo Don t you think the person who becomes in large quantity it is

                                                            • 瑞典和俄罗斯击沉了中国船已经沉没的船一样,成为闯入俄罗斯领水侵入
                                                              As for Russia the territorial waters the Chinese boat which is violated it has sunk and Sweden the territorial waters sank the Russian boat which is violated

                                                              • 石原Kaseru中国行,我觉得Muyounamonodato包括森林大火来飞一圈又一圈蜿蜒炸药美浓 Now China making go in Ishihara You think that it is kind of something which jumps in Yamabi thing the dynamite round and round to winding in the grass skirt

                                                                • 石原先生,踢Sarimase还分发到较低的三名外国人在日本的生活
                                                                  Also Excellency Ishihara and the Mikuni person of the Japanese residence doing 蹴 scattering, increase

                                                                  • 石原对美国的消极防御的说明在尖阁群岛
                                                                    Governor Ishihara illustrating the American by 尖 official building archipelago defense out polarity

                                                                    • 石原的人说这个移民主张亲中国立场的手段相当浩纪伊领导人
                                                                      As for Ishihara in group in considerable parent chief of immigration propulsion group The meaning this person saying is large

                                                                      • 福田的自民党已经向恐怖分子承认他们的家庭是两个不同的唤醒
                                                                        [wake] is different from the Liberal Democratic Party administration where Fukuda which conceded to the terrorist with parent and child two generation is

                                                                        • 科垃圾败类。让我们试着屠杀越来越多的死亡
                                                                          Rubbish kudzu support. The [ze] which probably will slaughter domesticated fowl and animals raw steadily

                                                                          • 编号:???40:56 0 石原说,从北京奥运 中国的青年有一个梦想 仪式印象北京奥运会开幕式 40 56 ID 0 There is the Chinese young person dream The Beijing Olympics As for impression of the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony
                                                                            • 北京奥运 石原“中国青年有一个梦想”“ 因为在日本贫困青年陈纳鲁真正的沟通和2”1 8★:★φGuratcheguratche:2008 08 14(星期四) :56编号:???17:40 0 石原说,从北京奥运 中国的青年有一个梦想 仪式印象北京奥运会开幕式 NULL

                                                                          • 英国旗舰“的威尔士王子”是亚洲从白人殖民地解放,驱逐他们从菲律宾向美国投降,白色和其他许多国家的沉没
                                                                            In the English troop flagship “prince Of The Wales” other large number was sunk and white nation made surrender and America was expelled from the Philippines and the Asian colony was released from the white

                                                                            • 该citizens m 16,小偷没有免税,但不幸的不安与狗Hayo石原瓦特我认为它完全有我,我是一个中国爆炸 16 But citizen of Tokyo what however it is not the case that it does not have dissatisfaction in Ishihara the tax thief completely the thought cup w Unless it stays insecurity now the Chinese it has increased and

                                                                              • 请不要从一开始就行,如果北京奥运会开幕式
                                                                                If from first it goes to the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony, is

                                                                                • 这个字的道歉不出来支持,甚至是假的视频,我只是毫无价值。猪,阿Q。蓝色是我们的死亡一样 Just it is yakuza Even animated picture to call fabrication or the fact of the matter which is proposed put out Support Pig and flattering Q Blue dies
                                                                                  • 这个字的道歉不出来支持,甚至是假的影片,我只是不值钱。猪,阿Q。蓝色是我们的死亡一样 Just it is yakuza Even animated picture to call fabrication or the fact of the matter which is proposed put out Support Pig and flattering Q Blue dies

                                                                                • 都知事石原慎太郎是一个真正的航空公司如下(羽田机场),似乎想不想来 As for capital Governor Sintarou Ishihara to tell the truth at the below mentioned airliner Coming to the Haneda Airport you have desired it seems
                                                                                  • 请注意,正确的燃料火的恩戴我在一个石原孝久的欢乐时光 After a long time don t you think it is the Ishihara paragraph the oil pouring in the fire the ro which you rejoice and is

                                                                                • 问:只要美国政府长期,现在Dasanai威慑,训练。分布式脚手架是没有讨论,“被告
                                                                                  If present government does not question deterrent to America, training. There is no foothold which discusses dispersion” With it impeached

                                                                                  • 韩国和朝鲜潜艇的例子是日本,投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 1 For example when the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge is dropped
                                                                                    • 韩国和朝鲜是日本的潜艇,投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 When the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge It is dropped
                                                                                    • 韩国和朝鲜潜艇的例子是日本,投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 1 For example when the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge is dropped
                                                                                    • 韩国和朝鲜,例如日本潜艇投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 For example gt when the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge is dropped
                                                                                    • 韩国和朝鲜,例如日本潜艇,投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 For example when the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge is dropped
                                                                                    • 韩国和朝鲜,例如日本潜艇,投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 For example when the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge is dropped
                                                                                    • 韩国和朝鲜,例如日本潜艇,投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 For example when the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge is dropped
                                                                                    • 韩国和朝鲜,例如日本潜艇,投下了深水炸弹,你违反了我们的领水和中 For example when the Japanese submarine violates the Korean and North Korea and China territorial waters the depth charge is dropped

                                                                                  研究 開発