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Japanese-Chinese interchange stop Foreign Office statement Chinese boat violation of territorial waters incident ★7


  • 100,我被宣告无罪的队长,而不是000%至388%是我得到瓦特闽政权很可能发生的是真的 388 Instead of how the 100 which the captain innocence is released it is 10 000 although profit saying w That happening maji without being strange is minsu administration
    • 本人认为这只是获得队长是不是通过法院去 The captain without passing judgment returning there are no times when it starts

  • 16 19世纪的地图,是他见过的方式画尖阁群岛是中国领土,并接受参与 In addition 16 in the map of the 19th century you can see those which do the how to draw can receive the 尖 official building archipelago Chinese territory
    • 16 19世纪的地图,是他见过的方式画尖阁群岛是中国领土,并接受参与 In addition 16 in the map of the 19th century you can see those which do the how to draw can receive the 尖 official building archipelago Chinese territory
    • 16 19世纪的地图,是他见过的方式画尖阁群岛是中国领土,并接受参与 In addition 16 in the map of the 19th century you can see those which do the how to draw can receive the 尖 official building archipelago Chinese territory

  • 463政府的意见合理性司法“侵入领海非法捕鱼,梗阻,”你瓦特,?
    463 As for government opinion “violation of territorial waters, illegal operation and official business execution disturbance” the [ro] w which is So, as for basis?

    • Amerikago Besupitchi发现了美洲,因此,美国是西班牙的领土。这一点,他们的理论没有跑到通过瓦特的权利 amerikago besupitsuchi discovered the American continent Depending the United States is Spanish territory The ro which does not pass such a ma viewing theory and is… w

      • Kusosayo管理,并在国外的同胞迦巴湿重
        [kusosayo] administration, compatriot and domestic violent affairs ww of foreign country

        • NULL Therefore although you called many degrees China is kichigai nation as for the Chinese kichigai that the tsu is As for the person who already directly points out the abnormality of the Chinese from before however many people hurt well As for China honest rule does not pass it is Conforming to law it cannot do to process phenomenon it is it is w China as much as possible means without becoming interrelationship If labor force or the market the ro which is possible to be India and southeast Asia is Unless cooperating in the entire world you enclose China It means that the inside of the world is chaotic Such a kichigai the kichigai nation how w which as many as 1 400 000 000 is
          • 这一次,我不希望非日,所有的中国人民和中国人民,这是无法认识到梅鲁济贫到任何人,不能承认自己的父母从非还教什么是从中国人甚至世界各地,他们不仅不知道日本人的大脑是这样的东西,我是疯子梅鲁 This time as for fault completely it is not in Japan but it is Because when by his is bad it cannot do the Chinese to recognize Because does not teach such a Chinese does not exist and even from the parent Brain point does not know that it recognizes your own fault There is no just Japanese and Chinese tsu te is kichigai considered as the human in the world

        • Ttara认为,朝鲜和看起来像什么回应 Correspondence being similar to something when you think the ru the North Korean shelf
          • 668韩国人,我认为 NULL

        • “第四阶段的Ntsukyouso←反皇帝”,将断裂阻力

          • →日本NHK日本海上保安厅船只与中国船相撞捕鱼
            -> NHK The Chinese fishing boat collided to the boat of Maritime Safety Agency

            • 中共控制下,即使没有犯罪
              Even if, it does not do crime and the [te] is under controlling also in

              • 中国和尖阁列岛停止部长级交流。 2010年日本经济新闻报道事务的声明外交部处长队长被拘留的1920年延长了碰撞/ 9 /:19(2010 / 9 / 1920:59更新)北京-中国外交部周四佐藤肯,监狱队长一中朝日新闻局发表声明说,早上长度延长到抗议马
                The interchange stop of China and Cabinet minister class 尖 official building. With captain detention extension of collision Ministry of Foreign Affairs reporting Bureau Chief talks Nikkei newspaper 2010/9/1920: 19 (2010/9/1920: 59 renewals) As for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs the 19th night, horse morning Asahi which protests to the detention of Chinese captain being extended The conversation of reporting Bureau Chief was announced

                • 中方政府将继续只在日本第一次握手是狡猾的三双搦我握手
                  The Chinese government continues to shake Japan cunningly with the double 3 heavily back gates

                  • 为国家祷告。祷告祈求国家断绝。祷告祈求国家断绝。祷告祈求国家断绝。祷告祈求国家断绝。祷告祈求国家断绝。祷告祈求国家断绝。祷告祈求国家断绝。祷告突破
                    Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer Prayer Country. Extinction Prayer

                    • 乞丐乞丐组SMAP的日本银行,他们喜欢的上海车展是Syanhai取消中国,尖阁冲突鱼线的国家,我是一个他妈的停止售票演唱会的演出SMAP的
                      Don't you think? the Shanghai performance of beggar group SMAP became the discontinuance As for the Japanese Kawahara beggars Going to China and 姦 country, the concert it does, is 尖 official building archipelago fishing boat collision incident Ticket sale of SMAP Shanghai performance in stop

                      • 井上清萨克我说,在他们的反马克思主义的美国红津市津市真的,我很疯狂的科学家有一个邪教组织的文化革命
                        The Inoue Kiyoshi [tsu] [te] as for saying, with the anti-American Marxism person whether the deep-red [tsu] of, It is the [kichigai] scholar who glorifies the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution don't you think?

                        • 从日本偷无损检测技术,它想逮捕的间谍Tyuugoku Technology is stolen from Japan it is something which also the Chinese spy wants arresting

                          • 从那里340多 日本政府提出割让例如离岛补领磨床,并加入到小寒条规最惠国条款在中日耀西 NULL
                            • 日本政府提出的例子,那里的岛屿割让最惠国条款更换磨床,并加入到中日耀西小寒条规 The Japanese government proposed the cession of the tip island archipelago to addition and the pulling changing of the Most Favored Nation treatment provision to the Nisshin learning repairing good provision correcting rule
                            • 日本政府提出的例子,那里的岛屿割让最惠国条款更换磨床,并加入到中日耀西小寒条规 The Japanese government proposed the cession of the tip island archipelago to addition and the pulling changing of the Most Favored Nation treatment provision to the Nisshin learning repairing good provision correcting rule
                            • 日本政府提出的例子,那里的岛屿割让最惠国条款更换磨床,并加入到中日耀西小寒条规 The Japanese government proposed the cession of the tip island archipelago to addition and the pulling changing of the Most Favored Nation treatment provision to the Nisshin learning repairing good provision correcting rule
                            • 日本政府提出的例子,那里的岛屿割让最惠国条款更换磨床,并加入到中日耀西小寒条规 The Japanese government proposed the cession of the tip island archipelago to addition and the pulling changing of the Most Favored Nation treatment provision to the Nisshin learning repairing good provision correcting rule
                            • 日本政府提出的例子,那里的岛屿割让最惠国条款更换磨床,并加入到中日耀西小寒条规 The Japanese government proposed the cession of the tip island archipelago to addition and the pulling changing of the Most Favored Nation treatment provision to the Nisshin learning repairing good provision correcting rule
                            • 日本政府提出的例子,那里的岛屿割让最惠国条款更换磨床,并加入到中日耀西小寒条规 The Japanese government proposed the cession of the tip island archipelago to addition and the pulling changing of the Most Favored Nation treatment provision to the Nisshin learning repairing good provision correcting rule

                          • 他们害怕真理,“普选”外国材料1├。Toudai教育元。部分教师的日本共产党侵略发言09.04.26酒井├第2条。移民来台├条非法表决年的五项3.2008和警察罢工的公告旗自己Geru

                            • 你知道,没有任何原因,你可以找到有关中国的岛屿,日本之前有一种感觉,如果我六百五十二瓦特1403年(明王朝)显着顺风 传送阶段的书籍中的字符钓鱼台一 652 If it has common sense the Japanese can discover the 尖 official building archipelago first from the Chinese The ro w which about without being reason is understood and is 1403 discernment generation there is a letter of the 釣 fish stand in the book fair wind which is written phase sending
                              • 到这个时候,不,当然声称主权的事实,中国是更值得的证据是什么我承认领土尖阁列岛,而在日本积极,一流的历史 Without being the fact where China insists possession right of course to this time On the other hand it is evidence which Japanese territory recognizes the 尖 official building archipelago positively from some there is a primary history charge value
                              • 到这个时候,不,当然声称主权的事实,中国是更值得的证据是什么我承认领土尖阁列岛,而在日本积极,一流的历史 Without being the fact where China insists possession right of course to this time On the other hand it is evidence which Japanese territory recognizes the 尖 official building archipelago positively from some there is a primary history charge value

                            • 减少反叛乱运动和其他国家权力军事基地跌幅○·●激活思想,从以下的摘录 Below excerpt Kuniriki s decrease Decrease of ○ military power Activation of motion idea of counter troop counter base etc
                              • 日本还加强军事实力多一点,最好是你现在要滴下来,以防止在城里自卫队 The one which has reached the extent where already just a little military power strengthening Self Defense Force potsupotsu has patrolled also Japan throughout the city is better

                            • 出席这次首脑会议还向国会事务委员会主席和参议院党团主席山冈Kenzi Koshiishi东
                              In conversation national anti- Chairman Kenji Chairman and Yamaoka Councilor sedan chair stone east You had sat together

                              • 到业余外交政策制定的情况事与愿违,在一个角落里站着的军事恫吓Tasa
                                In amateur diplomacy situation to the reverse side in development and military intimidation lets stand in predicament

                                • 受污染的土地浪费了最好的时候我脱掉该国与中国和印度的反应知道,从汉族和资源可以得到保证,如果他们不都是一堆 The Indian reaction would like to know When that country and the mainland China it can cut off but the highest what If it is even with the land which becomes dirty wastefully because it can guarantee the resource Chinese race does not need completely but

                                  • 后人民解放军及人民美军空袭提供后勤中国,支持,最先进的核潜艇在航空母舰供应基地和摧毁雷达站降落在岛上的抗辩突破对矿井
                                    After the logistics and the aerial bombing by the US military, It breaks the defensive game by the Chinese latest and most powerful atomic submarine, the aircraft carrier and the mine and lands on the island Destroying the radar base and the supply depot of the People's Liberation Army

                                    • 噢哦噢哦噢哦津市津市啊啊啊啊744哇! ! ! ! ! 744 Oh well well well well well well well well well well well oh the tsu tsu
                                      • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                      • 大阪,是啊是啊,我不需要567 567 The u it is the u it is Osaka there is no necessity don t you think
                                      • 这就是真的没有哪一年的其他196瓦特7000 196 7000 saying already Enormous tsu shank w

                                    • 因为尖阁列岛的不是因为要的是第一名,开始争论元中国境内的油田,只要我浸泡 NULL
                                      • 中国境内的日本,“日本自治区”完成 Japan the Chinese territory “Japanese autonomous area” Doing you make complete
                                      • 我为自己TTA的Kokuryou任何其他地图,美国甚至没有回收 The map and foreign country territory it put out the return request which you made by your had not made the United States

                                    • 国际[下]中国外交部表示,他们在白天的交流。案例6成侵入领海★
                                      Japanese-Chinese interchange stop The Foreign Office states China. Violation of territorial waters incident * 6

                                      • 在照顾未来的事情,没有忘记我这样的国家,需要837,让 837 In a word it will keep making important without forgetting that even from this it is such a national what
                                        • 一谈到这些,也有837 837 So if you said there was also such a story
                                        • 与往常一样,我认为这是将在中国的傲慢 You think that so usual sort it means that China is haughty
                                        • 但是,他们不找一个地方真的很快下降 So you drop gradually with maji and search the place unless
                                        • 在没有忘记的事情,我是这样的一个国家,我们的未来非常重要的 It will keep making important without forgetting that even from this it is such a national what
                                        • 我会说508 500瓦 500 508 You said w
                                        • 我需要像857 857 In a word it is such feeling

                                      • 如果是正确的基础上,认为不放弃的岛屿,但日本放弃台湾吗? When that is correct although Japan abandoned Taiwan unless the 尖 official building archipelago is abandoned As for the basis which you think
                                        • 什么是好的理由美元网络高峰s四百六十七瓦特 467 Or w where ku ゙ ku ゙ ru is basis

                                      • 小泽会见了中国国家主席胡锦涛:“我真的想我最好的解放军人民军队的指挥官在该领域”,并交谈,并讨论中国和共产主义民主,促进政党之间的交流
                                        As for Ozawa 胡 the Chinese head With “conversation when me perseveres with the intention of having become the Army in the field commander of the People's Liberation Army and increases” and so on with doing story, the Democratic party and in Promotion of national Japan Communist Party interchange between the political parties was conferred

                                        • 小泽日晚,国家主席胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂(海洋大学呼吸)总统会谈中
                                          Ozawa Evening, 胡 brocade 涛 (it is to come you question) it converses with the Chinese President densely at the Great Hall of the People of Beijing city

                                          • 尖阁群岛(钓鱼岛中文名)和日本抗议在此问题上,“观察粤语的蜡”,似乎已被逮捕,他们涉嫌策划了公开演示运动的主张

                                            • 就业措施会有助于阻止日本人民,而且可以整天罚款

                                              • 我不再说话喜欢这样一个私人的交流,你要么恩戴和中国一直做的,从来没有修订或没有采取这种行动是与感觉,日方 1 Such private interchange stop like story tsu te the Chinese side does always it is with In addition whether with the feeling which is said does but One time either taking such measure from the Japanese side there is no
                                                • 我不再说话喜欢这样一个私人的交流,你要么恩戴和中国总是这样,从来没有修订或没有采取这种行动是与感觉,日方 1 Such private interchange stop like story tsu te the Chinese side does always it is with In addition whether with the feeling which is said does but One time either taking such measure from the Japanese side there is no

                                              • 我们能不能让为什么呢?釉面兴奋+ + +∧∧∧_ _ _∧∧∧+ +(∀゚0 °)(∀゚0 °)(∀゚0 °)(∪∪゚0 +(∪∪0 ° +( ∪∪0 °和+ __)__)_ +和_)_ _)和_ + _)_)+
                                                Why being able to let do? [wakuwakutekateka] + + ∧ _ ∧ + ∧ _ ∧ + ∧ _ ∧ + (0 ゚ ∀) (0 ゚ ∀) (0 ゚ ∀) (0 ゚ ∪ ∪ + (0 ゚ ∪ ∪ + (0 ゚ ∪ ∪ + With _ _) _ _) + With _ _) _ _) + _ _) _ _) +

                                                • 我希望能讲中文。因此,我希望我能去中国学习国外。 I want to be able to speak Chinese So I hope I can go to study abroad for China

                                                  • 无主无主的土地法(楚国际昆虫)对首次被占用,“占用(不不),”不这样做)“我已经认识到收购的基础上,有效的控制 With respect to very international law first it possessed in the area of non main thing insect yu where the owner is not “tip occupying the se It is the plug ” Are the plug ” acquisition and the effective control which are based are recognized
                                                    • 无主无主的土地法(楚国际昆虫)对首次被占用,“占用(颤抖)”我已经认识到收购的基础上,有效的控制 With respect to very international law first it possessed in the area of non main thing insect yu where the owner is not “tip occupying the se It is the plug ” Are the plug ” acquisition and the effective control which are based are recognized

                                                  • 日本政府在冲绳石垣岛大会堂,和台湾同属于宜兰县,声称每个 The Government of Japan to the Okinawa prefecture stone wall city hall on Taiwan in 宜 orchid prefecture the genus and each insists
                                                    • 石垣市厅都是基于简单的感谢信中存储的节目 The letter of appreciation which is shown on is kept in the Okinawa prefecture stone wall city hall
                                                    • 石垣市日本政府,台湾是属于宜兰县,声称每个 The Government of Japan in Okinawa prefecture stone wall city Taiwan to 宜 orchid prefecture the genus and each insists

                                                  • 旧金山452,放弃了领土问题,因为没有任何条约,而不是仅仅作为我进入尖阁群岛 452 Because there is no territorial issue which is abandoned in the San Francisco treaty the 尖 official building archipelago has not entered simply
                                                    • 而中国没有这种竞争在创纪录的领土琉球TTA的 Furthermore China Ryukyu The record and the like which is disputed in the territory it does not exist
                                                    • 这是不是领土问题,只是想在一个中国入侵 NULL

                                                  • 本届政府(中国),我不得不放弃在20世纪70年代是一个事实主权 Present government People s Republic of China as for abandoning possession right is fact to the seventies
                                                    • 本届政府(中国),我不得不放弃对主权的事实将是20世纪70年代 Present government People s Republic of China as for abandoning possession right is fact to the seventies

                                                  • 李建国副委员长推迟,全国人民的国民议会副议长)的访问是国会(相当于
                                                    Japanese plum building national secondary of the National People's Congress chairman (Suitable to the National Diet vice-chair) postponed also visit to Japan

                                                    • 来来一个全球信息时代,线,他们知道现代文明和国际法,致力于中国和韩国的精神,千百年来继续与我没有什么区别 There being times when information comes and goes on a terrestrial scale while knowing concerning modern civilization and international law The Chinese Korea which continues to relate to the past mind which is not different from thousand years ago
                                                      • 全球衰退,如果Shiteyare团伙袋来在世界叩 Depression it puts out on a terrestrial scale depends in the world applying if making the sack hitting

                                                    • 毕竟,如果我可以,是不是没有被抓到偷猎,仅次于日本船 In the first place it being possible the cod 捕 the mere poaching boat is to Japan the ro which is
                                                      • 如果共产党的队长,而不是非法捕鱼船 If the captain communist 党員 it is not the mere poaching boat
                                                      • 特工○×船船长 × Fishing boat captain ○ Special agent

                                                    • 海岸警卫队船只与中国渔船相撞
                                                      The Chinese fishing boat and the boat of Maritime Safety Agency collided

                                                      • 清代的901,“跑出了知识”,即“不喝酒 和他们写的条约,”我不知道这是梅萨领土承认日本强迫清做瓦特 901 The Empire of China “inside the notion that intellectual viewing” “Well writing on treaty and others the cup…” with Japan did the excessiveness and that it was clearly territory it made recognize it is the ro w which is

                                                        • 现在,我会排队490部分行业在中国是不是会觉得满洲二战前的繁荣,这一次?战争,历史是重复现在美国或盟友? 490 Also industry going to China the ru it does and now the kana which is the pre world war 2 Manchurian boom like feeling This time the opening of the hostilities history is repeated or … This time as for America being friend
                                                          • 美国市场上一样好,但如果有人将返回日本与Mansyuu If America released also Manchuria together in Japan although it was good …

                                                        • 瑞典左翼联合政府第一次涉足民主党击败反移民极右主张
                                                          Insists Sweden and immigration rejection the extreme right Democratic party which in national government first advance As for left wing combination defeat

                                                          • 由于船美国战斗机,敌人自然日军
                                                            Because our machine is the US military fighter plane, the enemy naturally the Japanese military

                                                            • 破裂,在国内中驱逐出境

                                                              • 红海(红海)和解放军数个月至一年的人在被占领的岛屿-岛任务扩大了日本海军救援

                                                                • 群岛是Republic of中国(台湾与台湾群岛。会说,很多时候它被认为群岛 As for 尖 official building archipelago the Republic of China as for Taiwan as for 尖 official building archipelago the Taiwan attaching That it was thought that it is the archipelago you probably call many degrees but
                                                                  • 岛屿是中国中华民国(台湾)与。可以说,很多时候它被认为群岛 As for 尖 official building archipelago the Republic of China Taiwan attaching That it was thought that it is the archipelago you probably call many degrees but

                                                                • 联合国经济委员会,亚洲及远东于1969年发表的报告(亚远经委会),有与会者指出,可能存在的背景大量的天然气石油和尖阁群岛附近的海底 In 1969 The United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East which is published ECAFE in the report the 尖 official building archipelago In seabed around petroleum nature The possibility the gas existing in large quantities being pointed out is a background
                                                                  • 联合国经济委员会,亚洲及远东于1969年发表的报告(亚远经委会),有与会者指出,可能存在的背景大量的天然气石油和尖阁群岛附近的海底 In 1969 The United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East which is published ECAFE in the report the 尖 official building archipelago In seabed around petroleum nature The possibility the gas existing in large quantities being pointed out is a background
                                                                  • 联合国经济委员会,亚洲及远东于1969年发表的报告(亚远经委会),有与会者指出,可能存在的背景大量的天然气石油和尖阁群岛附近的海底 The United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East which is published in 1969 ECAFE in the report the 尖 official building archipelago The possibility the petroleum natural gas existing in large quantities in the seabed around being pointed out is a background

                                                                • 肯定是热衷于经典的中国画媒体插科打诨

                                                                  • 自16世纪之前的情况,纳入日本809,中国的记录“尖阁群岛最东端的岛屿,”红色。岛咳嗽)“在中国(比绍直到一些属于久米岛东到琉球“描述被认为是采取接受 809 Circumstance before the incorporating to the Japan After around the 16th century in the Chinese record “the island “red of Higasibata s of 尖 official building archipelago 嶼 se harshly yo ” to in China The Kume island which is on the east belongs to Ryukyu” that you can see the description which can be received
                                                                    • 此外,从琉球特派团向中国代表团中国的琉球派。不远处的很多倍,也更准确的知识抗击日本群岛 In addition from China the delegation to Ryukyu compared to from Ryukyu group of the delegation to China Frequency From the fact that one is many preponderantly the knowledge for the 尖 official building archipelago the Japanese was more accurate
                                                                    • 由于纳入国家16世纪之前,日本,中国的纪录,“尖阁群岛最东端的岛屿,”红色。岛(比绍咳嗽)“在中国,直至一些属于琉球久米岛,东到”描述被认为是采取接受 Circumstance before the incorporating to the Japan After around the 16th century in the Chinese record “the island “red of Higasibata s of 尖 official building archipelago 嶼 The se is harsh the yo ” to in China The Kume island which is on the east belongs to Ryukyu” that you can see the description which can be received
                                                                    • 自16世纪之前的情况,纳入日本809,中国的记录“尖阁群岛最东端的岛屿,”红色。岛咳嗽)“在中国(比绍直到一些属于久米岛东到琉球“描述被认为是采取接受 809 Circumstance before the incorporating to the Japan After around the 16th century in the Chinese record “the island “red of Higasibata s of 尖 official building archipelago 嶼 se harshly yo ” to in China The Kume island which is on the east belongs to Ryukyu” that you can see the description which can be received

                                                                  • 这是一个证明已确认为钓鱼台群岛在日本的中国领土 As for this in Japan the 釣 fish stand archipelago Chinese territory With it is the proof which is recognized
                                                                    • 这是一个证明已确认为钓鱼台群岛在日本的中国领土 As for this in Japan the 釣 fish stand archipelago Chinese territory With it is the proof which is recognized

                                                                  • 这种“自治区”日本赤军和保安部队在中国日本的安全警察,由部队的共产党,是和平的保证,从中国得到保护的避风港
                                                                    At this “Japanese autonomous area” the Chinese Communist Party Red Army, depending on the Chinese preservation unit and security police unit The Japanese is protected and peace the paradise is guaranteed from China

                                                                    • 通用电气故障和一束来到十中,也是日本428好认真,请给我一个突破 428 Because the Chinese who seriously likes Japan it is please pardoning ten bundle one connect ge

                                                                      • 通讯塔上的极端痛苦逢元之间密切客栈祸害。连续第二救济。梅塔事务代表步兵队长。乡。声明如下:
                                                                        It masters misery even among them hotel it is close with the water tower concerning the tragedy. 2nd ream of rescue. Infantry acting commander was served. 鎮. Testimony of witness is as follows

                                                                        • 那么,这样做...在日本,是因为妨碍司法逮捕或拘留
                                                                          If the sled [ya], official business execution disturbance you do in the Japanese country, as for… arrests detention the proper

                                                                          • 邮票841家“北方领土”会不会发疯立即停止仅下降错误提取模式 841 “Northern territory” it comes out in the home stamp falling With design mistake sale discontinuance You say with sanity kana

                                                                            • 钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿钓鱼岛3,0 x34674e0fd77f192f:0xf54275d47c665244,即u003d 0&&UTF8的总部u003d&hnear%u003d%E7的9层%B3的%E5公司%9E条%± 3%E5公司%B3的%B6及会u003d 25.746405,123.474655&SPN的u003d 0.028373,0.044074和Z u003d 15
                                                                              Fish 釣 island 釣 Uoshima 3,0x34674e0fd77f192f: 0xf54275d47c665244,0& ie = UTF8& hq = & hnear = % E7% 9F % B3% E5% 9E % A3% E5% B3% B6& ll = 25.746405, 123.474655& spn = 0.028373, 0.044074& z = 15

                                                                              • 马萨春小泽交流,促进了自1989年作为一个私人组织一郎,“规划Zyou武:”我 Ichiro Ozawa the government which propels from 1989 as a private organization Osamu interchange is “Nagashiro plan”

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