In the face of the ogre domesticated fowl and animals boy and woman Takao of the failure of woman Takao rape the concrete pile of 30Kg… where 10 times or more it is accustomed to hitting “future of the boy” the decision ★3 which was thought
2004年12月在日本筑波或殴打同班在回家的路上,女性老人在学生的高中是一个13人谁拥有通奸与女性年龄超过了有威胁,强奸罪,企图谋杀作为一个男孩赎回审法官的人的罪的问题企图谋杀19)和强奸未遂(,水户地方法院8月14日,八年徒刑四年以上(少于5年至10年监禁的要求)一个句子如果说通过 Ibaraki prefecture Tsukuba the December last year in city of the same class to the returning home middle in the woman pupil 3 year of high schools Assuming that the person who commits adultery tried will designate the woman of 13 years old or more as crime of rape to murder making use of assault or threat the boy 19 who accuse of a crime to of attempted murder and rape attempted incident With judgment member judgment as for Mito district court on the 14th penal servitude 4 year less than or more 8 years above the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment penal servitude 5 year 10 years less than decision was sentenced
刑法(油菜),177攻击或威胁的人谁犯奸淫的都是女性,他们13年,强奸罪被判处三年监禁一个明确的任期 Criminal law Rape 177th provision The person who commits adultery designates the woman of 13 years old or more as crime of rape making use of assault or threat executes in terminal penal servitude of 3 years or more
强奸,那么请一倍强奸罪,而是因为他们想不想重量沉默中死亡概率的受害者,真相沉默的狙杀了我,这次发射企图谋杀如果法律不能这样做非常重要Kunaru When crime of rape and rape is made heavy It is not heavy in the reason that the probability where the victim kills with the oral sealing rises but is When aiming for the oral sealing you murder truly cause murder attempted incident Way to be tremendous it becomes heavy law those which cannot be amended
21:12编号:If47YnGQ0 59并不是盲目 21 12 ID If47YnGQ0 59 Loss of eyesight has not done
586 85: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 09 17(星期五)10:21:12编号:If47YnGQ0 59并不是盲目 586 85 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 09 17 gold 10 21 12 ID If47YnGQ0 59 Loss of eyesight has not done
疯狂的外观编号:对 w6ofDl0 kichigai appearance ID P w6ofDl0
477这也是一个人,不管如何以自我为中心自私事后,即使是诚实的人Ohitoyoshi然而,可能是暴力犯罪分子殴打 477
As for that result theory shelf
How self central [wagamama] and how with the person [ohitoyoshi] with the honest person,
There is a possibility of being assaulted to the brutal offender
Bakkari只是一个开头“热时间Kunaru被视为在其风化面对镜子,”我评论,我在那里 It is visible simply the tsu temporarily “It becomes harsh in the degree which looks at the face where with the mirror by your have become ragged” The tsu te you have commented
Bakkari只是一个开头“热时间Kunaru被视为在其风化面对镜子,”我评论,我在那里 It is visible simply the tsu temporarily “It becomes harsh in the degree which looks at the face where with the mirror by your have become ragged” The tsu te you have commented
妇女的选举权,在世界上的破烂社会进步中 Because denizenship of the woman with social advance it became society ragged
Kyasutoauei像,以及无法确定的日子就是这样一个地方会很孤独,如果您解决此桶,所以我回应,我觉得military鄂宜训练中心直接永远荒废这么没用作为 kiyasutoauei likely day hits but if it makes lonely it is repaired probably will be There is no such a place but Well certainly trying probably to correct forever in the training camp of the troop the wasteful air does The ze which answers considerably the unmanned island
Kyasutoauei喜欢,也不能确定是否一天是这样的地方会很孤独,如果您解决此桶,所以我永远鄂回应,我觉得作为一个无人居住的那么窝囊,直接的军事风格 kiyasutoauei likely day hits but if it makes lonely it is repaired probably will be There is no such a place but Well certainly trying probably to correct forever in the training camp of the troop the wasteful air does The ze which answers considerably the unmanned island
Nitibenren,真的我在某处读到我留下了日本旦反? However the day valve connected [te], you read hideout [tsu] [te] somewhere of anti-Japanese left flanks
NULL At the countryside house also the parent calls the child of relation of the acquaintance with childhood friend Although you say that it is in a state where it is finished to know that it is discovered without fail Raping even being the extent sexual desire we would like to fill up 19 you call as for sexual desire level of age Or has the woman been convinced that the crotch you open immediately As desired the te it was resisted to the victim gt yaha ゙ su which is discovered around the parents family gt it tried it will not go and probably to kill reflected In the future of such a person thinking with something CARE the partner who is done the ro which by mistake is the ru Giving rescue to the offender who is done to here how it does it is
NULL Time of the student just it touches “the birth of mishieru Foucault to prison” It has tried challenging you read also half and could not pass but w Together long haul being lacking in charge and offense history it gave pain carefully “retribution punishment” the empty Being uniform quantity “teaching As for changing to punishment” Dignity separately and even from to humanity being from heart of mercy and mankind love Simply simply nation pays to administration of justice time and cost of labor and cost was considered just It is not possible after that for nation to utilize the victim who dies and or has become disabled but If the assailant who has lived stacks training the fixed standard as “man power resources” Reuse is possible Especially the militia by conscription is established and throws away in the times when all out war starts as for scene It probably is regrettable even with 1 How therefore the God way Christ to leave se last judgment with that way Now Every just clean humanism doing to walk one person forever In place of the man power resources good citizens who take the unqualified item is preserved important National budget the next being packed
NULL Time of the student just it touches “the birth of mishieru Foucault to prison” It has tried challenging you read also half and could not pass but w Together long haul being lacking in charge and offense history it gave pain carefully “retribution punishment” the empty Being uniform quantity “teaching As for changing to punishment” Dignity separately and even from to humanity being from heart of mercy and mankind love Simply simply nation pays to administration of justice time and cost of labor and cost was considered just It is not possible after that for nation to utilize the victim who dies and or has become disabled but If the assailant who has lived stacks training the fixed standard as “man power resources” Reuse is possible Especially the militia by conscription is established and throws away in the times when all out war starts as for scene It probably is regrettable even with 1 How therefore the God way Christ to leave se last judgment with that way Now Every just clean humanism doing to walk one person forever In place of the man power resources good citizens who take the unqualified item is preserved important National budget the next being packed
TTA的袭击,打死一名妇女面临更多的熟人绝对不是在头一点点,如果你喜欢这家伙 If the dense Tsuga the just a little head avoids already The woman who is not the acquaintance was attacked and You killed securely
515 被死亡Monojan 515 gt This kind of those which are killed it is
我没有被杀害,杀害我做的是同样的结果 You are not killed however killing it is the same result of the ru don t you think
※ 少年法庭元Nyususure魔鬼试图强奸一名女学生抵抗,混凝土面板。 →监狱造成四人死亡,并付诸表决的决定,立即开枪★八年前〜※2: Original niyususure To be resisted that the ogre domesticated fowl and animals boy and woman Takao will be raped in the face the concrete Pounding in it tries probably to kill gt penal servitude 4 8 year decision 2 Before
爷爷不会前后戊二醛林奇强奸的可怕,你是魔鬼 Rape hido it is and lynch of the front and back is tremendous the ogre domesticated fowl and animals shelf
一个家庭法院法官不与747,我不属于 747
Because it is not attached in judgment of the Family Court, it is outside the application object
不久,“不响亮,但再次声明,我将介绍一个与罗马削减鸡巴:刑事前来的,这些人 Gradually “May 蠅 to be vis a vis the offender chinko cutting introduction margin… It does at anything degree as for such people
783是一个他妈的复制和粘贴?也可以钓鱼,“不响亮,想成为罪犯,”但我觉得有一天 783 Don t you think kopipe e Fishing “May 蠅 it is the offender extra troop” only thinks don t you think the handle
不仅是高中同学一起经常从学校,初中和在同一所学校,因为它不是太年轻,请熟悉附近的房子,说的第一件事情,我不介意沉默我不是充满 To be possible to be the classmate of high school together not only it has left school In the small medium high same school also the house being close therefore the reason which is childhood friend Unless it seals orally because speaking first the head became all the way whether it is not that
为了消除由于残酷的谋杀罪,但人民自己谁梅鲁国家权力的治疗应取消死刑的谋杀是国家 in order to lose the cruel kind of crime human murder individual the national person in power who rules the people should abolish the capital punishment which is homicide of nation
根据该法令是在日本首次死刑Shomu Those where the 詔 of first capital punishment abolition is lowered in Japan are saintly military affairs emperor
为了达到这个有趣的故事太可爱偶像大声呼喊,锻炼成为法律,我们终于情绪鲁莽外界指控企图谋杀罪,并不过也没有提前规划(犯罪冲动的阻力) After all, our public people becoming at random, feeling severe punishment conversion humorous story to put out also the fact that you shout, entering with attempted murder
It is not the case that it has planned characteristic in the defendant, (the impulsive crime which is by being resisted)
为什么我决定放弃頑法规Me ll未来随着張709克如认真的家伙? ? ?可怜的家伙想如果临时 709 It is dense persevering seriously the ru it is The rubbish te why it scolds it is We will assume if the temporarily dense Tsuga it is bad
主审法官的审判长,这 睫毛在脸上超过10倍,试图杀死 And as for President of the Court and judgment member of this judgment gt Trying probably to be rough to the woman pupil who is 17 years old Because gt it is resisted that detection probably will be prevented the neck the 絞 me it is on the concrete make ku of approximately 30 kilometers to be gt 10 times or more it tried it will strike 2 to the face to murder
挂只能由审判长习惯八有点生气 The just a little stomach passes in the President of the Court who is made custom 8 applying
主管机关应找到Dekinee锻炼的法律,但很信任, But severe punishment conversion well enough, cop what with confidence the stamp [e], with
事件的受害者,但也提请人大常委会开始为了补偿制度的议案仅仅是一个损失索赔分配到墙上的受害者仍然很高 The victim of incident, states compensation for damage claim simply
Also the compensation for damage order system started, but the wall to victim relief still is high
人权组织61人的意志不仅保护罪犯和非法居留的外国人 61
The human rights group protects only human rights of the criminal and the illegal foreigner
人的性冲动和暴力的结果密切Bitsuiteirundayo 742 740 740 742 Characteristic impulse and violence impulse of the man have been related closely it is
企图谋杀是不是好得因谋杀罪被判刑或在其内容,尽快 The contents it does attempted murder and is to be it is possible, with to become punishment above murder
但不是盲目的,“Kunaru被视为一次热面镜子中”的评论和受害者,当浩纪伊出相当引人注目的心理伤害,而戴口罩,眼罩似乎 Loss of eyesight those which are not done “becomes harsh in the degree which looks at the face with the mirror” that The victim has commented when going out when it cannot be avoided wearing the mask and the eye band It seems that also the mental damage is large rather
我不认为这种情况可以到114弱智 114 You think that there is no circumstance which it can go out mentally
但其真正的法官 已经色调分钟 But the judge as for the actuality the husband who understands…
你这个家伙的倾向Netouyo喊着什么,经常看到 You understand well the guy of some natural disposition has called repeatedly [netouyo],
前罢工,但你也更好,如果他们有经验的法官在他三十多岁的疯狂的人 If man judgment member experience person you of kichigai 30 generation beat although it was good
去势性罪犯,凶手死刑,盗窃罪脱落的手指和 As for the characteristic offender emasculation, as for the homicide person as for capital punishment and larcenary the finger is cut down
和931律师和一名志愿者感化主任,已被驱逐出Nitiren正宗美很多促进采用并包装核温度为一个出色的工作重新命名Shiku优良人权组织组织,如羽毛,有一定的政党也支持我担心我有一个似乎释放后就业刑事诉讼 931
Attorney and protective Osamu and human rights protective group
Like the feather it wraps kindly warmly
For renaming the village parent who adopts all the way it is
You were expelled from the Nichiren correct sect, the support group of the certain political party
Advancing, job it is mediated in the offender after the being discharged it seems being, the shank
We fear, the shank
哈纳河野造成的罪行的罪犯释放后的人,并再次确定 The man of this assailant after the being discharged causes characteristic crime by all means again
因此,这次审判的法官,裁定无我希望严惩 This, you cannot desire the severe punishment conversion of decision with judgment member judgment,
在日本的韩国人看到,以摆脱犯罪和暴力犯罪的婴儿大便 It understands that the [kuso] criminal is resident Korea from atrocious characteristic and young child characteristic of crime,
如果年轻女性,受害者不是开玩笑,我不是我应该品尝痛苦的死亡,他们从这种持续的痛苦 Furthermore the young woman with the joke pulling out as for the victim rather than dying presently the taste wa wa you doing harsh pain in progressive ru expectation
不是说他们写一个玩笑,你真的需要 Not to be the meaning which has been written with joke truly necessity
如果死刑是适当考虑影响未来的ERE女生 If into woman Takao's in the future you think of influence
Death penalty is applied
如果这些人说有可能有很多问题,我觉得更重要的价值潜在罪犯的人权,恢复一天以上满足受害者的复仇 Perhaps such expression there are various problems but making the vengeance heart of the victim satisfy compared to Once upon a time you think that the thing which makes the human rights of the assailant who has the possibility of being regenerated important is more important
你真的不再开来他就像是你父亲的意见受害者 Comment of the father of the victim to do truly probably will bite because it becomes unable to be cut off
我做这些事化妆品回到受害者出来手术的丑陋或美丽体育馆 busaiku and the angular arm which appear in the beauty coliseum from calling Resetting this victim in the cosmetic surgery
对损害侵权索赔多年,例如10,欢迎处方即使最终决定,本身灭绝的索赔 As for compensation for damage claim right of illegal behavior, there being irrevocable judgment
Aging is received in 10 years, claim right itself disappears
就像484强奸犯,是不是很有趣的地方,你会首先想到的想法,自然会校正他们的滔天罪行 484 But also rape offense so in the brutal offender The tsu te conception which expects that it corrects naturally in the first place is strange
在任何暴力犯罪,你说你可以自由地发财 It is with the tsu lever which has the freedom which becomes happy with any brutal offender
所以,做任何你要来所有的方式做在日本以及外国刑事 Because is also the foreign offender would like coming specially in Japan at will
布鲁诺(ο布鲁诺0。将获得吱吱作响的车轮!会吱吱响的车轮! ni REPT ¯ ¯ i ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ ni noni i REPT Pushing REPT ni ゙ ゙ ゙ It does ku V i Î¥ i re Returning ku i No Î L i i i No It does ku i i earth i REPT r It is Earth i ゙ tsu ji re οΟ No ゙ No No 0 Î REPT gone profitable gone profitable tsu …… gone profitable tsu ……
在这个封面,因为他得到了完全的少年法等广泛的趋势,即使日本20什么好东西来自于煽年前在这里不可能没有惩罚的恐惧的人,他们只会增加死亡这一谋杀案的百谋杀和具体它真的失去了,她会让许多人还先例,因为我输了,她会说,他们更好地完成之前,“郗摩嗯刚我做了,”律师冲绳,作为案例,从起身“进刚我本人TTA的很喜欢!“少年死刑是一个翻译法无一定要举起拳头父母在前面的受害者, When it is Japan if 20 years old ago whatever it is good doing the tendency that completely from the wide ma tsu chi ya tsu te ru To overturn this unless fear heart of the citizen who only increases capital punishment is fanned it is unreasonable When with boy method it is good doing to here the word tsu chi ya tsu te ru it is it is Don t you think front example to be many also the work tsu chi ya tsu te ru it is in concrete homicide and the couple homicide to “and the tsu chi ya tsu it is it is to win” it does and the chi ya tsu is the empty Like Okinawa incident the attorney won “we it is don t you think ” With it is the meaning which the guts pause is done before the parents of the victim Boy method being gone when capital punishment is applied it was done with this time it can rub probably will be First is decided the person who Such decision is put out “with something at the time of we it is Don t you think unfairness ” The tsu te without fail it becomes the noise probably will be Then saying that human rights group is cruel lecturing the bribe you receive it is probably will be So as for boy method the one which was removed ahead of time is good because “the inside tsu te of law the person who is said probably will continue also the bad law” to increase from this REPT ni REPT ¯ ¯ i ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ ni noni i REPT Pushing REPT ni ゙ ゙ ゙ It does ku V i Î¥ i re Returning ku i No Î L i i i No It does ku i i earth i REPT r It is Earth i ゙ tsu ji re οΟ No ゙ No No 0 Î REPT gone profitable gone profitable tsu …… gone profitable tsu ……
康复的手段,出狱后我们安排一份工作是一个国家 After with for the sake of regeneration, origin the country mediates employment
强奸(Goukan)的死亡,失业的人被赎回的问题和尸体被遗弃的收费14年的监狱,是工人中的下年的监禁徒刑九建筑 Rape ([u] can) homicide and abandonment of a body crime
And so on in the man of the inoccupation which is questioned penal servitude 14 year, the jail sentence of penal servitude 9 year in the construction worker
我不敢刑事法专家也许我将有一个特殊的思想,过分依赖新的,但行凶者,受害者不是简单地从受害者的东西,改变其他律师?我希望我能Motomu Kaname Being able to meet special tsu te Attorney detective special idea having however the ru causing re it is the empty in the assailant it is reliable accumulated is not in the victim From victim side attorney change of partner Although when the tsu te it could require don t you think
做355,大多数的情况下,你真正田濑诚Iyo ll罪犯的亲属,这讨赎回,不仅例如,在行为人的血 355 Doing communication making this offender the relative attack the shelf That is best You can atone this incident with only the blood of the assailant
我喜欢的那一刻起车祸受害者的痛苦“的依法治校] [证言死刑的刑事检察长由日本比菊菊Kouiti Kouiti(第二东京律师协会成员),名誉教授,明治大学,法学博士(明治)TTP的:/ / /维基/%E8的%八楼%E7的第8A%94%B0的%%%B9%B8中E5公司%E4类%80%B8中TTP的:/ / / aoiryuyu / yamaguchishikankikuta.htm Like pain how traffic accident of the victim it is instant” 'Capital punishment abolition Japanese testimony' From chrysanthemum rice field Koichi author
Chrysanthemum rice field Koichi Criminal jurist attorney (Tokyo second bar association post) University emeritus professor and law doctor Meiji (Meiji university)
ttp: // E8% 8F % 8A % E7% 94% B0% E5% B9% B8% E4% B8% 80
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我怕我会就住在这些国家,但大多数日本人民更好地实现了刚刚平静下来,让我快乐,因为他会觉得与他的正义唯一的盟友,或者帮助 Living in such country however as for just ru tsu te fearfulness the one which you are conscious is better As for the most Japanese as for by himself the unconcern thinking that or friend of justice helps by himself from the ru It is funny
具体叩Kitsuke后欧洲联合航空,你是这次攻击正义柜台的男孩,杀死了一个女孩?对吗?此外,我是一个onnaji After being accustomed to hitting with the a concrete the girl attacked the boy with strike and died It becomes this tsu te justice being it does the yo Don t you think That distantly it is it is the ji
损失可以看出,在光名古屋年轻夫妇也希望尚未补偿的谋杀罪与袭击者你有97? 97 Furthermore claiming to the assailant the indemnity of the Nagoya couple homicide we would like to see Stepping on the possibility of being pushed down it is it is with to do the yo
切像你真的很喜欢这个未来的精神行为人或 In the future of the assailant spiritual judgment To some extent margin the ho it is with
本人447,我离开了警察,检察官和法庭请愿 447
We, the suit book it comes out in prefectural police and area inspection and the district court, Good Heavens
根据刑法和当地人知道你说了,现在刑事 确定 ,她之前还有一个562,但我猜Riyo假名离奇的新信息 562 By the local people that the criminal who appears in front sure is informed when She was separately in the criminal it seems But rather doubtful information don t you think …
当地人民的真实性在里面的信息269梳最有条件 269 Well… the position it is with local people information and solves the authenticity doing…
正史沙达的不赔偿,但那时,这个残忍的人偿Ubeki生离死别送她购买 There is no Masashi's making up for which is, but this ogre domesticated fowl and animals man should make up for until she dies, lifetime remitting,
此外,在释放部门应要求公布住宅的受害者及其家属 After that, origin you assign the obligation which releases residence area to the victim and the family and should
残酷谋杀的坏榜样,一个著名的情侣名古屋,试图说,在光补偿618 _NULL_
毫不犹豫地死!只有当子弹或删除董事会自卫队滥用私刑我迟到 Without hesitation capital punishment Or at Self Defense Force in unkind treatment end bullet excluding board of lynch
现在,我们想要一个惩罚的将来与男童的死因 1 Thinking of the future of the boy capital punishment
源一人知道,“它已经到了道歉可能会觉得比其他治疗等,”一些人认为U和感情立即“,在你面前,我变得疯狂” If you know that 1 people are discharged and “come to apology a little whether the air was settled ” with there is also a feeling which is thought but when “it makes before the eye by himself becomes strange”
源后,做这样的事情Gattara他的女儿,也许他们想出来尽早所以我要好好利用地狱监狱看风险 In your own daughter such thing doing and tsu cod After being discharged don t you think showing the hell with jail preparedness Therefore the causing re which is wanted coming out if possible quickly it is
特别是他们的性罪犯改造工作的伟大复兴TTA的定罪率几乎说的那些好 NULL
伟大的工作进行评价,恢复穷人,他们只是元 Simply the original defectiveness being regenerated when it works it is appraised from everyone
男孩“只有”在考虑ERU或愚蠢的未来?未来的受害者?您的家庭的未来?当地人民的未来回来,他会跳舞的垃圾? When the boy “just” of future is thought being foolish As for future of victim As for future of family As for future of the local people the rubbish returns
HOLA的男孩未来彰瑞晃Harui It is and is and future of the boy is bright it is bright
我是男孩,照顾所有的溃疡,但什么样的未来,从未来的女孩没有去过法庭,面对溃疡 Future of the girl how how the se face collapsing the ru it is to put out Because as for the boy the face it is not collapsed there is a future and With courthouse
法官,是否有必要考虑未来的男孩,为什么?我想事实是埃塔? As for the judgment member why having the necessity to consider the future of the boy With you probably think of the point which is said
白丁在日本强奸了,我开始听到他们是在企图谋杀罪判处较轻 Hearing, that punishment is light even with rape & attempted murder, the resident unprinted leaf began rise
神作像(团队Kusobitchi湮灭)也关系到监狱对司法的行为,不论 The God work way ([kusobitsuchi] annihilation party) even in conduct of justice in spite penal servitude to the jail
这些人也必须承认我,我不给付的赔偿 Compensation for damage being recognized, such party does not pay
这些原则或先例屠宰很多人,我基本上死刑,自私和残酷杀人“故意”运行,除非惩罚我什至没有考虑到 With judicial precedent principle death penalty how many humans were slaughtered basically that, “deliberate the selfishness and cruel homicide”
When it executed, it is punishment what which even consideration is not done to other than
这从一个残酷的一天食尸鬼。受影响的地区,而且我可能受到受影响的区域快速断头台日本经济团体联合会 From this hungry ghost ogre domesticated fowl and animals, day. Affected part and the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations affected part
Quickly was put on the guillotine the one which calling
遥不论它是有意义的受害者谁U为巡游的税这个食尸鬼恢复使用?在那个年龄强奸杀人(未遂),但他显然我有一个很明显的康复免费客房 The tax which is used in regeneration of this hungry ghost the one 廻 in victim relief probably there is no significant something much?
Rape homicide with the age (attempted incident) how puts out the reason which does not have the margin of regeneration clearly,
那么经历,负责法官提出这是治疗的甜头小子并不意味着法官的形式在展览ü要求起诉,但是我认为,立法机关和检察官 Well, as for the judgment member being the case that it judges in the form which accompanies to the statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment which prosecution presents whether the [u]
As for responsibility concerning the sweetness of treatment of this hungry ghost, are the legislature and prosecution, you think that it is, but
那天发生的事在学校里,学习教Teita似乎刑事不学习 Accidentally as for that day in the school teaching study to the criminal who cannot do study it probably will do is
鄂扣除低于杀害野生动物都不吃的人,我只是战争的开始 In the first place only human how war doing, other than eating, it is lower than the wildlife which refrains from destruction of life
魔鬼也刑事犯罪等Egetsunai 444,抑或是未来的球员,而这些人权?该女童被打死,是对人权的未来会发生什么? 444 Such egetsunai crime even in the ogre domesticated fowl and animals which commit And others it is dense in the future and being a human rights tsu te Human rights of the girl who kills and in the future how it becomes it is