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<尖 official building collision>The reason of strong attitude of the Chinese government was in Koizumi “political judgment” at the time of 尖 official building archipelago illegal landing incident of 04 years


  • 1970〜1978年,在2008年违反休闲渔业水域船在距台湾船,警告产生的领土,侵犯中国经营的100台在1990年于1996年,入侵活动在上海建成领水,海中抗议抗议深度飞行和“船闯入活动或警告海湾水域淹没97年7月,在钓鱼岛Tyuugoku在2004年,但驳回了。被捕 1970 78 years China turns back with warning 100 boats 08 years By the Taiwan playing fishing boat in territorial waters violation and operation inside territorial waters 90 years the Taiwan violation of territorial waters 96 years the Shanghai go getter for violation of territorial waters and protest you jump in the sea “drowning 97 years 7 bay protest boats with violation of territorial waters and warning retreat 04 years Whether the Chinese activity in fish 釣 island on Flagrant delict arrest
    • 1970〜1978年侵入渔船领海100中国九十年捕鱼领海,领海96侵入台湾,跳侵入领土和水域的活动在上海,深度为抗议海中,“船于1997年抗议台湾溺水关于钓鱼岛侵入领海,但在2004年警告或驳回Tyuugoku活动。被捕 1970 78 years China by fishing boat of 100 boats violation of territorial waters and operation inside territorial waters 90 years the Taiwan violation of territorial waters 96 years the Shanghai go getter for violation of territorial waters and protest you jump in the sea “drowning 97 years The Taiwan protest boat with violation of territorial waters and warning retreat 04 years Whether the Chinese activity in fish 釣 island on Flagrant delict arrest
    • 我与中国比赛,将所有的人们,TTA的解 In China it is the race which pushes all things to the human whom you apologize
    • 违反一个岛屿周围以及时间的领海。尽管海岸警卫队巡逻艇船相撞的,我要道歉,而不是无罪释放逮捕捕获 This time the stand which is violated in the same way in the territorial waters around the 尖 official building archipelago Although the boat and the sea preservation patrol boat collided Instead of capture arrest innocence releasing therefore to apology the red sandal wood

  • Indaro希望这个事件之后博览会队长共产党政府工作人员
    This time the [ro] where the captain is the operative Also in government we want the event of after the Shanghai international exposition, it is the [ro] which is

    • NULL 660 Here some person the operative who stays Being aho Intellectual viewing as for this problem to the last It is problem what of the Japanese police right for the crime which occurred in the Japanese country To understand speaking easily using disguise pasupo to on the Japanese country the support 那 person who enters illegally The thief intrudes in the store of the jewel store hits the crime prevention glass of the store dividing in the Japanese police When it was arrested basic the ze which is the same circumstance what aho which permits this constitutional government nation and the like A certain expectation well the ro which is As for the jewel the fish as for the store the Japanese patrol boat as for the glass which cracks the same as the damage of the hull When such a thing it does as for Japan being licked arbitrary you can go away from peripheral country and support 那 with the injustice Being tormented with territory territorial waters problem receive big damage to ru southeast Asian countries it is the ze which is
      • 区在2008年11巡逻艇,沉予与一艘渔船相撞时,整个捕鱼船,结果台湾收紧了福田在11船长尖阁领土的入侵,讨论了道歉信结合形成一个省级行政,我是队长TTA的赔偿支付给渔船!我道歉,我让在千夫长面前的船头到90度呢!难道你们子敏剂? In 2008 the patrol boat of 11 regions the territorial waters colliding to the 尖 official building the occasion where the Taiwan fishing boat which is violated is managed the fishing boat sank as a result but The time as for Fukuda administration having the letter of apology of the fishing boat captain address 11 region headquarters chiefs write you paid to fishing boat captain to the indemnity it is Furthermore in the headquarters chief being able to point to the uncle gi of 90 degrees before fishing boat captain it could point to apology it is Your our people operatives

    • NULL ∧ ∧ Support 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ha The Chinese capital punishment
      • NULL 574 o ∧ ∧ Support 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ha The Chinese capital punishment
      • NULL o ∧ ∧ Support 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ha Patriotic innocence
      • ∧∧76( W和做有趣 76 ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt It was funny w

    • TTP的:/ / mamorenihon.wordpress.com / 2010 / 08 / 25 /%E3展%80%90%E6的%8B条%E6的± 1%± 3%%95%E4类为%9D条%%%A0的九个人口众多公元前%E3展%80% %%91%E4类学士学位%8B条%E6的%± 5%%E4类公元%%95%E5公司BB心跳%88%86%E3展%81%91%E3展%81%97%E3展%81%A6的%公元前%81%英外汇基金%%%81%E5公司公元前%%96%E5公司A4纸%9B条,屋宇署%%%广管局%E4类学士学位%E3展%82%80%E3展%81%91%E5公司%± 5%± 8%E5公司%%A6的助理署长/
      ttp: //mamorenihon.wordpress.com/2010/08/25/% E3% 80% 90% E6% 8B % A1% E6% 95% A3% E4% BE % 9D % E9% A0% BC % E3% 80% 91% E4% BA % 8B % E6% A5% AD % E4% BB % 95% E5% 88% 86% E3% 81% 91% E3% 81% 97% E3% 81% A6% EF % BC % 81% EF % BC % 81% E5% A4% 96% E5% 9B % BD % E4% BA % BA % E3% 82% 80% E3% 81% 91% E5% A5% A8% E5% AD % A6/

      • “将”公共草香的专栏中,写在背面穿小泉参拜靖国神社倍
        In column of the Kusaka public servant “of WILL”, Writing the reverse side of Yasukuni worshipping Koizumi day, the [ru

        • “或者如果这个问题发生的子敏,”他会说我很埃塔平静周一说, If “our people such a problem That it did not occur” saying the ru person rubbed being unconcerned well such a thing you could say
          • 我曾在美国支持中国自由民主党甜Tsukeagatta Our people are sweet because it is corresponding you attached China and rose

        • 一个与你会面访问8月15日参拜靖国神社,小泉纯一郎,或 Meeting and the kana which Yasukuni Shrine worship to Junichiro Koizumi or August 15th

          • 不过这一次,那就是我的味噌好处是妨碍司法公正
            But this time, official business execution disturbance being done [omake], [ru] [tsu] [te] point what,

            • 中国的目标是安全的海洋权益,海军建设一直在加速

              • 中国竹下派的利益,官方发展援助美图鹤,端午福田康夫,二楼是

                • 中国,同时是日本所有的责任!结论是,宣传威胁
                  On the one hand as for China as for all responsibilities there is the Japanese side! With intimidate reporting which is concluded

                  • 什么是福田的法律以外的起源措施小泉的导师

                    • 什么是英雄的访问Netouyo小泉在参拜ー它,直到我做了一个意义上的酱汁,像钢或ー,梅奈小泉在空中战争更加民主realist m逆读我不知道瓦特 As for Koizumi who is what is the hero of netouyo with Yasukuni worshipping whether a certain semantic hetare re te it is ma what as for Koizumi realist no shelf The air not being able to read democracy conversely the tsu chi ya tsu it is in war the ri doing w
                      • Netouyo政治“复制和粘贴”亚达认真鼓吹向UpStage手机棍 和通常(笑),只是多么幼稚的我血想到一根棍子或复制寒冷并粘贴因为攻击无关的其他如果w 确定 “ tsu te commenting which netouyo politics kopipe ” pastes and sows the side which so you preach usually greatly laughing for partner attack if kopipe which is not relationship in sure being unconcerned when it pastes angle just it is it is immature thought w

                    • 但861是一种革命性的同志刑事战国成为主流的驱逐迦巴(笑)我应该做的

                      • 但是,这片土地上的时间就到了队长的不仅是非法的,被驱逐出了良好司法的穿着阻塞or m已
                        But there is no just illegal landing, in regard to captain the [te], Also official business execution disturbance being attached, with forcing repatriation stopping being completed from the [ru], the [ru

                        • 你们是叛徒你更好,100倍和民主骂叛徒子敏茹!
                          You the traitor abuse democracy, but our people are 100 time traitor!

                          • 侵入领土领海水域和走私Udaro 452不同的不受侵犯,该署色拉寺侵权将受到严厉处罚捕鱼每个国家
                            452 The [ro] where violation of territorial waters and dense entry are different at all and are Violation of territorial waters and fishing right violation severe punishment can inflict every country

                            • 共产主义中国政府正在与该团伙多次威胁
                              Also in government has converted the mob which repeats intimidation

                              • 关于参拜靖国神社是重要的,但绝对不转让,他们有没有用刚刚返回事宜的,应当找到一个人在岛上登陆他们支那Ujimushi However you do not transfer no matter what in regard to important Yasukuni worshipping ujimushi support 那 human what which lands on the island how from calling it just repels it does not make the partner

                                • 剂,但我就像一个无声的makefile出院枪发言

                                  • 卫兵们声称,为创纪录的战斗与日本巡逻艇接到火警后,日本的数字,从1956年竹岛船的日本巡逻队11月30日四 In addition as for garrison to insist that after that there was combat with the Japanese patrol boat even with the Japanese side record 1956 on November 30th of 4 We assume that the Japanese patrol boat received shelling from the bamboo island
                                    • 1956年4月,韩国国家警察。抑郁症。 8人现在居住的武警官兵,驻军被解散勇耀西独岛驶出2004年12月25日 1956 April the Korean national police policing 鬱 It to reach the point where 8 armament policemen of police station is permanently stationed as for the German island heroism garrison December 25th of the same year was dispersed the tsu te from here

                                  • 即使小泉参拜靖国神社,因为它特别希望我能原谅,如果不参拜民主党,决不允许获得 You permitted especially with even Koizumi who does Yasukuni worshipping therefore it is If the Democratic party administration which does not do Yasukuni worshipping when you make permit absolutely
                                    • 噶尔禄东赞靖国神社Jiminga南京 jiminga Yasukuni ga Nanjing ga

                                  • 另一方面,驱逐舰鞍马上午9点从她的母港佐世保港,是在事故发生后的港口停泊,墨子(佐世保市,长崎县)减少到
                                    On the one hand, the escort ship saddle [ma] 9th morning, from the Moji port which anchored after the accident the Sasebo port of the home port (Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city) It results

                                    • 向井基诺恐吓这些表他并不需要所有相信他们照顾的非
                                      It minds the intimidation of their publics completely in mind and there is no necessity

                                      • 在847,我模拟了一个先例,将继续“特殊待遇”,我认为正确的指控继续?你 847 So imitating as front example even from now on the “exception measure” Right it does that it continues combining As for you
                                        • 在842,我模拟了一个先例,将继续“特殊待遇”,我认为正确的指控继续?你 842 So imitating as front example even from now on the “exception measure” Right it does that it continues combining As for you
                                        • 在853,我模拟了一个先例,将继续“特殊待遇”,我认为正确的指控继续?你 853 So imitating as front example even from now on the “exception measure” Right it does that it continues combining As for you
                                        • 在853,我模拟了一个先例,将继续“特殊待遇”,我认为正确的指控继续?你 853 So imitating as front example even from now on the “exception measure” Right it does that it continues combining As for you
                                        • 在871,我模拟了一个先例,将继续“特殊待遇”,我认为正确的指控继续?你 871 So imitating as front example even from now on the “exception measure” Right it does that it continues combining As for you
                                        • 在872,我模拟了一个先例,将继续“特殊待遇”,我认为正确的指控继续?你 872 So imitating as front example even from now on the “exception measure” Right it does that it continues combining As for you

                                      • 在当时政治局势的,是没有公共意识Chige啊并不意味着屈服于恐吓
                                        Political circumstance, national consciousness at all the [chi] [ge] [e] That time it submitted to intimidation, it is or

                                        • 在民主党政府的“政治决定”对这一事件中国政府似乎已预期 gt The Chinese government is seen that “political judgment” was expected to the Democratic party administration even in the latest incident
                                          • 关于这个在民主政府的“政治决定”事件中国政府似乎已预期 The Chinese government is seen that “political judgment” was expected to the Democratic party administration even in the latest incident

                                        • 在预计的领导者。华先生(三三)参拜东京(在监狱上的狗),东京地方法院作为Kishita涂鸦监护人,神社在去年十月接受年定罪三个试用期,在恩典是
                                          Inside, it is seen as leader case. Brocade bloom The suspect (33) assuming that the 狛 dog of Tokyo Yasukuni Shrine (frame it is not) it scribbled, at Tokyo district court penal servitude October, stay of execution Conviction of three years was received, it was postponement period Manaka

                                          • 地基因的手足口,因为当有一个反复感染挥发一部分,我们比较了病毒的基因组成部分首先是在宫崎县发现在香港搜集香港99病毒或遗传信息。百分之二相匹配 In the gene of foot and mouth disease the occasion where infection is repeated From the fact that it is the part which is easy to change when information of heredity of this part is compared first it was verified inside Miyazaki prefecture As for the virus were picked in Hong Kong information of the virus and the heredity which 99 2 percent it agreed
                                            • 地基因的手足口,因为当有一个反复感染挥发一部分,我们比较了病毒的基因组成部分首次在宫崎县发现,被收集在香港港99病毒或遗传信息。百分之二相匹配 In the gene of foot and mouth disease the occasion where infection is repeated From the fact that it is the part which is easy to change when information of heredity of this part is compared first it was verified inside Miyazaki prefecture As for the virus were picked in Hong Kong information of the virus and the heredity which 99 2 percent it agreed
                                            • 牲畜感染发生在宫崎县的农业,在口部地的疾病,英国院校发送病毒的基因信息,拥有先进的Me分析 Infectious disease of the domestic animal which occurs in Miyazaki prefecture concerning foot and mouth disease at Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries information of the gene of the virus You send to the English institution are advancing analysis
                                            • 香港病毒是通过在今年二月感染猪口蹄疫与地 As for the Hong Kong virus It is something which from the pig which is infected to foot and mouth disease this year is taken in February

                                          • 多次被卡住我们就496,你会看到很多次的愤怒,我想这是奈勒不可能Mekura 496 Many degrees being pasted in regard to sore the combining which is mekura where nera is angry and shows many degrees and as for ru is not visible…

                                            • 小泉再次退役的东西,你拉他伸出了,“可怜的家伙!帮助如此!”你 Again Koizumi something which retires starting pulling the fellow temporarily “ aitsu is bad Therefore it is helpless Whether”
                                              • 小泉他做什么,我相信我们能做到 Koizumi doing from the ru this time doing it is all right
                                              • 小泉伸出拉the ll退休了,“可怜的家伙!帮助如此!”你 Again starting pulling Koizumi who retires “ aitsu is bad Therefore it is helpless Whether”
                                              • 我明白了,和一个小喷泉或对他做一个叛徒反正血祭 So in addition Koizumi temporarily the fellow as a national robber in blood festival margin
                                              • 设和是前原诚司!小泉的东西我也从一开始,充满活力哦 Maehara occasion like this and Koizumi something from first it was and viewing applied it is and
                                              • 请不要再浪费太多了,只写一些你想捍卫小泉 Excessively unreasonable painful brown thing is written on the just Koizumi we would like to protect is

                                            • 当船沉没解放军,共产党就会失去向心力显着
                                              When is sunk the boat of the People's Liberation Army, the Chinese Communist Party loses centripetal power considerably

                                              • 当陷阱,小泉驱逐决定是在法律范围内几乎没有
                                                As for judgment of forcing retreat of Koizumi's time the trap which is inside the range of last law

                                                • 志愿团此外,货币供应量M1是手持一把枪步枪和卡宾枪的所有 As for heroism party in addition M1 rifle Everyone you had armed with the carbine
                                                  • 它改变了什么,现在即使Waranai与理论武装呟 Theory arming murmuring here although what does not change don t you think

                                                • 我不知道哪个更好,但现在,感觉有点增长被认为是Kitsuke叩的现实,每一个民主党人之一 Either one is good however you do not know For the present every one of the Democratic party being accustomed to hitting actuality There is the feeling where you can see some growth

                                                  • 我不知道要在民主的战争,战争空气阅读梅奈10瓦的模仿相反往往比共和党更民主,在美国是事实 10 The air not being able to read the imitation of democracy conversely the tsu chi ya tsu it is in war the ri doing w Even in America from the Republican Party as for the Democratic party is easier becoming war fact
                                                    • 我不知道空气中的战争更多梅奈10瓦扭转民主的战争往往更共和民主比美国是事实 10 The air not being able to read democracy conversely the tsu chi ya tsu it is in war the ri doing w Even in America from the Republican Party as for the Democratic party is easier becoming war fact

                                                  • 我们刚到这儿等议员批评小泉来了,我不能没有,如同Ru和Omeome行事 Koizumi criticizing because the just member who comes to here it is the case that shamelessly it cannot appear in such conduct
                                                    • 不,小泉政府扭转“非常良好待遇,”你是指权利 Well this Koizumi administration “processed conversely very well” the tsu lever Toda ro
                                                    • 生命就像生活就像小泽Itirou Kankoku菅直人Tyuugoku政府管理 菅 Naoto administration The Korean way life Ozawa Ichiro administration The Chinese way life

                                                  • 我会说有一个甚至生命的损失唉懦夫

                                                    • 我想知道在所有的SS被暂停驱逐法院判决同船员
                                                      How, being the same as the crew of [se], SS with judgment becoming stay of execution, you force repatriate it is the [ro] which is

                                                      • 我要谴责民主,我的ID吸收它为国家利益:fyDJOE6x0为什么不呢?来吧wwwwwwwww
                                                        If democracy is not impeached because of being disgusted [ya] national interest, is, ID: fyDJOE6x0 Why it does not do? [ho] and others [ho] and others wwwwwwwww

                                                        • 战国先生还指出,这是军事统治下的韩国总统朴正熙然后签署了一项条约韩国 日本,“我们作为朝鲜问题的是什么什么要说的是,鄂然所知,没有“他说 In addition as for the 仙 valley person Korea of that time when it concludes day Korea basic treaty 朴 correct being under the military government of President Hikaru It points out “as the Korean domestic matter as for us being able to say all intellectual viewing how being ” that it emphasizes

                                                          • 政客参拜靖国神社,比八月份的家庭都是455,但春玛莎性能 455 The politician who Yasukuni worships to August other than the bereaved family everyone is political performance
                                                            • 小泉参拜10史观本身原先并非有意参拜靖国神社, 10 As for Koizumi itself originally there is no interest in Yasukuni Shrine and Yasukuni view of history

                                                          • 日本政府措手不及的反日示威数弱年前的反对。改进了色调,不得不首先攻击政府活动中已成为焦点离开了我,批评 With anti Japanese demonstration of several years ago in some ma Weakness of the government for Japan The go getter which it is critical is center The eye of attack has faced to the Chinese government
                                                            • (朝日Mainitishinbun※我立即战前是一场战争燃料的国家利益,以牺牲抗日的国家利益是纳鲁 Asahi everyday the newspaper prior to world war 2 fans war and don t you think national interest same after the war impairs national interest with counter day

                                                          • 最后一刻决定▽事件发生后,在当天的两国政府都是“反应冷淡”电话只成倍增加,并讨论了外交渠道的表面下的补救办法通过 ▽ last judgment After the incident occurring Japanese Chinese both governments called “calm correspondence” together conferred remedial measure at below water via the diplomacy route

                                                            • 来自中国,受到威胁,总理的决定将是想象

                                                              • 枝野幸男,顺便说一句,已经访问了尖阁群岛
                                                                By the way branch field Yukio inspects the 尖 official building archipelago

                                                                • 没有丰富的民主党正式抗议信道的路线,通过外交部,中国,我很抱歉,我来直接抗议 It does not protest on the formal route which leads Ministry of Foreign Affairs as for the notion that where Protest has come to the abundant Democratic party of the Chinese channel with direct it is probably will be
                                                                  • 没有丰富的民主党正式抗议信道的路线,通过外交部,中国,我很抱歉,我来直接抗议 It does not protest on the formal route which leads Ministry of Foreign Affairs as for the notion that where Protest has come to the abundant Democratic party of the Chinese channel with direct it is probably will be

                                                                • 滨崎步Yuzuru百和茹,中国海。支付赡养费和船舶修理费用
                                                                  When hundred steps you transfer, the Chinese government the sea. Repair expense and consolation money of the vessels are paid

                                                                  • 然后,妨碍司法公正将是错误的,仅仅打一船入侵
                                                                    It is it is illegal invasion and the boat which become throwing, official business execution disturbance it probably will be different

                                                                    • 第四警务人员不驻扎在韩国由韩国“入侵”,以避免将被视为,或立即具备足够的军事守卫什么是固定或不 41 Korean policemen not being stationed is according to Korea is in order to avoid the fact that it is considered “occupation” but some kind of armament Whether having you have patrolled it is not certain
                                                                      • 不驻扎在占领“韩国军队的韩国”,也就是为了避免被视为,或立即具备足够的军事守卫什么是固定或不 The Korean troop not being stationed is according to Korea is in order to avoid the fact that it is considered “occupation” but some kind of armament Whether having you have patrolled it is not certain

                                                                    • 群岛起飞的时间冲突,也有人约160艘渔船非法捕鱼的中国渔船
                                                                      You say that with the 尖 official building archipelago open sea collision incident at that time, approximately 160 thing Chinese fishing boats illegal operated,

                                                                      • 这一次中方政府的反应,但是,而不是敌视日本日本正朝着对公众的敌意,倾向于认为,如此强烈 At present correspondence of the Chinese government of the time calling hostility vis a vis Japan rather than In order to direct hostility of the citizen to Japan with in order for the tendency which was said to be strong you think
                                                                        • 所以现在我觉得我生气的时候来转移公众的视线与自己的愤怒,我们对日本的愤怒让他们只 Therefore this time just it can upset vis a vis Japan being able to upset avert the eye Breathing of the citizen is done you think that it is

                                                                      • 这一次我们是在我的屁股妨碍司法海岸警卫队收购
                                                                        Because this time it thrust to sea preservation, it is official business execution disturbance

                                                                        • 这个问题是岛屿,也是中共领导的尊严 The latest 尖 official building archipelago problem namely is dignity of the executive committee of the Chinese Communist Party

                                                                          • 这是一个奇怪的故事的国家,就在那个时候美国的代表分别来自中国和台湾有关的依然占据了同一地区胜国的战争。裁定,将不得不在轰炸一个目标的一部分,它也对台湾提出抗议,如果没有 Because as for this in the strange story at that time as for the right of representation still regarding China it was in Taiwan as for America the same game Territory of victory country occupying It rules it means to designate the part of that as the target of bombardment practice but to that confronting To the fact that partly due te Taiwan how protested it did not do
                                                                            • 这是一个奇怪的故事的国家,就在那个时候美国的代表分别来自中国和台湾有关的依然占据了同一地区胜国的战争。裁定,将不得不在轰炸一个目标的一部分,它也对台湾提出抗议,如果没有 Because as for this in the strange story at that time as for the right of representation still regarding China it was in Taiwan as for America the same game Territory of victory country occupying It rules it means to designate the part of that as the target of bombardment practice but to that confronting To the fact that partly due te Taiwan how protested it did not do

                                                                          • 那么,小泉时代的许多国会议员已包括Mareta中国知识产权在任何情况下,抓住自民党Bitari迪尼,我什至一极右翼政党在日本大约,即使极端保守 Well Koizumi day also the Liberal Democratic Party flatters to China anyhow to obtain because the ri the Assemblyman who is packed was the multitude To also Japan super maintenance rather than the extreme right political party may be about one because
                                                                            • 674小泉时代,你就会有中国自民党和管道内的官员在 674 Koizumi day the ru VIP was inside the Liberal Democratic Party with China and the pipe
                                                                            • 688 小泉时代,你就会有中国自民党和管道内的官员在 688 gt Koizumi day the ru VIP was inside the Liberal Democratic Party with China and the pipe

                                                                          • 阅读我傻瓜,我从56例31可作为贝鲁调整净茹作出正确的白痴 56 31 Read The ro which the fool being foolish about inspecting is possible and is The net being able to use therefore the ru it is
                                                                            • 天堂是否接受良好的教育?完善了愚蠢的十堰 gt 1 The education which is done properly it has received Foolish exposure and it is

                                                                          • 难道我们担心类似的东西,而不是图像我小泉Japan 519中国关系 519 However it has done there is no image in such an air related to Koizumi tsu te Japan and China Something the tsu ke which is
                                                                            • 我不会多,他为什么会在这样一个保守的鹰派小泉图像 Why Koizumi the hawks like image having with maintenance however the ru person it is many

                                                                          • 非法偷猎和财产损失的事故Udaro土地没有区别瓦特
                                                                            The [ro] w where illegal landing and poaching substantial damage accident is different at all and is

                                                                            • 韩国的网民,动作移动到的事实是双声道Netouyo Bishiteirudakenanoka发挥术语,

                                                                              • 首先,“特殊”,因为它是一个元那么承认 Don t you think in the first place the reason where “exception” is recognized just is what
                                                                                • 首先,“特殊”,因为它是一个元那么承认 Don t you think in the first place the reason where “exception” is recognized just is what
                                                                                • 首先,“特殊”,因为它是一个元那么承认 Don t you think in the first place the reason where “exception” is recognized just is what
                                                                                • 首先,“特殊”,因为它是一个元那么承认 Don t you think in the first place the reason where “exception” is recognized just is what
                                                                                • 首先,“特殊”,因为它是一个元那么承认 Don t you think in the first place the reason where “exception” is recognized just is what
                                                                                • 首先,“特殊”,因为它是一个元那么承认 Don t you think in the first place the reason where “exception” is recognized just is what

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