The Japanese of the 尖 official building archipelago possession is legitimate. As for the Japanese Japan Communist Party in 1972 verification being completed. As for the Chinese side starts insisting after seventies
1817年1月日本602余Tyuugokuーーーーーーーーーーーーーー China 602 Japan 1817 John
1817年1月日本602余Tyuugokuーーーーーーーーーーーーーー China 602 Japan 1817 John
Tyuugoku 378:日本583:那是1520 378 China 583 Japan 1520 Was
中,可能有,我没有得到消息Tteta Whether so it is are not and the te a certain tsu te say
例如说我69万维网 69 Being able to say ru www
咦? That
白天我的朋友 Japanese Chinese friend
这个词,如果不是很难理解和直接560 560 It was difficult to understand if is you rephrase
这是一个真正的简单文章 1 The article shelf which is easy to know truly
鄂,并认为它开始at m也表现以及 When that you think in order to have fought well well even it is visible
1988年1月28日,冢本三郎Minsyatou主席在众议院全体会议上对竹下登首相发表施政报告时代表质疑 1988 January 28th, in the House of Representatives plenary assembly Chairman Saburo Democratic Socialist Party Tsukamoto asks typically vis-a-vis the administrative policy speech of Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita
656“马苏Hazime晃晃的弟弟也生气了,”新公明党成员被绑架的该协会的可支配!“ 656 “The younger brother increase original illumination you get angry “Komeito abandoned the academic society member kidnapping victim ”
circle→从右边开始收紧等着带伞反对派上台警察→,陷入腐败等Maeru女子参加了臭名昭著的犯罪或与任何即使罪犯谁形式执政党的领导Shimaini的反对党一再以防止,减缓与权力 gt Police power coming to the umbrella you manage group of objectors gt Starting from the right group in the end if regardless it is possible even with type offense the tsu you catch the potentate of the ruling party first party with destruction honor crime of bribery or woman relationship In order not to be able to oppose with such repetition power is controlled slowly
Kyousantou我不能做什么的只是435口 435 Japan Communist Party what is possible with just the mouth and says and it is story
Netouyo站。代理商,“共产党Netouyo” [netouyo] ream. As for operative “Japan Communist Party [netouyo]”
, ” REPT ¯ 92 丶 Friend Love 92 Î ⌒ ⌒ 92 ku ⌒ 92 92 ∩ i 92 Pigeon i 92 ∩ l REPT ∩ i i ∩ no j REPT No l human REPT No 92 REPT 92 u j 92 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 92
[]无核三原则-在当时的民意不同意接收小无核三原则的Kera 'Denuclearization three principle'
- In public opinion poll of that time as for the opinion which approves denuclearization three principle
It was not discovered almost
“韩国吞并”是日军的频频入侵所,杀死王后,国王威胁要政府官员和扼杀了人民取得由军事抵抗,“韩国的吞并条约”是,韩国对日本,非法和不合理的单方面强制性条约Oshitsuketa军事 As for the “Korean merger” invasion of the repetition by the Japanese military the murder of the queen and threat to the king government VIP By military crushing to death of resistance of the populace is actualized to be something which as for the “Korean merger treaty” Japan It is the illegality unjust treaty which it is accustomed to doing on the one hand vis a vis Korea with military forced draft
我没有吞并朝鲜,嘿,这一次发生的事情 When Korea it is not merged the combining e which now how has become
。像少将Nebai支持A愚蠢的或愚蠢的人员的死亡,我想 . Support Rear Admiral like being foolish, the foolish officer thinks that it should have died,
一定要属于两国同样的汉字与日本文化和人,但他们共享相同的经典之作,或种族不同,原来,中国还是有差异的教育, •不要精神日本和韩国之间的间隔太浩纪伊两国 Also the people of these two countries the Japanese to belong to the Chinese character cultural sphere similarly the same classic It has shared but is differing originally race or being a difference in education The mental distance from Chinese Korean two countries and Japan is large even excessively
一定要属于两国同样的汉字与日本文化和人,但他们共享相同的经典之作,或种族不同,原来,中国还是有差异的教育, •不要精神日本和韩国之间的间隔太浩纪伊两国 Also the people of these two countries the Japanese to belong to the Chinese character cultural sphere similarly the same classic It has shared but is differing originally race or being a difference in education The mental distance from Chinese Korean two countries and Japan is large even excessively
中国和我也从北方的资金削减 _NULL_
中方政府将继续只在日本第一次握手是狡猾的三双搦我握手 The Chinese government continues to shake Japan cunningly with the double 3 heavily back gates
京都。进进桥公园和共产党的孩子。敬事有关系Kokuta 14 Capital Soliciting contributions bridge children s park Common property There is something related to grain rice field blessing two 14
京都。进进桥公园和共产党的孩子。敬事有关系Kokuta 14 Capital Soliciting contributions bridge children s park Common property There is something related to grain rice field blessing two 14
京都。进进桥公园和共产党的孩子。敬事有关系Kokuta 14 Capital Soliciting contributions bridge children s park Common property There is something related to grain rice field blessing two 14
京都。进进桥公园和共产党的孩子。敬事有关系Kokuta 14 Capital Soliciting contributions bridge children s park Common property There is something related to grain rice field blessing two 14
京都。进进桥公园和共产党的孩子。敬事有关系Kokuta 14 Capital Soliciting contributions bridge children s park Common property There is something related to grain rice field blessing two 14
从低强度冲突的干预商业的角度来看,拒绝美国政府的经济压力 From the standpoint that economic pressure of American government low intensity conflict business intervention is denied,
例如,原水禁逼迫自由和韩国学校的方式 For example, the Japan Congress Against Atomic and Hydrogien Bombs the Korean school converts applies pressure gratuitously
共产党的权利。瑙世界末日共产党执政的政治保守的官僚腐败 _NULL_
华尔街日报-意见-日本■,联系人和海岸警卫队的巡逻艇和梅鲁领土要求中国渔船的态度在冲绳附近的岛屿县强阳性,日本■,看守人员的船只后,以海岸中方对政府的反应到船上逮捕的船长和起码比惊人 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
* Japan, positive attitude it strengthens in territorial waters insistence, *
Contact of the Japanese near Okinawa prefecture 尖 official building archipelago Maritime Safety Agency patrol boat and the Chinese fishing boat and,
After that embarkation to the fishing boat with marine sheriff and correspondence of the Chinese government for the arrest of the captain are not Hirotune
只要你相信共产主义,即使你不信任分配欺骗所有常设平行的价值远诡辩 If communism is believed, it arranges a lot of philosophism and is raised and believes it is not worthy of
吾中国,中国共产党刚刚行叩绒毛自私的没有休息的战国时期,从B到自己的国家,但很多强大的W型 If China how, also just in it hits, OK
After, it is selfishly age of civil wars of group male percentage basis
Selfish B type whether [tsu] therefore w
和之后。韩国成立Souren,○Kan的首任主席。铢的。“国家阵线中央委员会”Dearimashita Furthermore afterwards. Bright/fresh entire ream is formed, the Korea ○ where becomes first chairman. As for 銖, “. The central member of the national front” was
嘿编号:j18 / rXji0推广废物源头普选的政治案件很快瓦特 It is dense and others ID: j18/rXji0
Quickly, the source of national governmental denizenship promotion put out, rubbish w
国家地理教科书悟纳卡 台湾 (1971年修订)所载“琉球群岛地形图”(改变边界,“钓鱼台。岛岛”。注名)1958年(1958年)出版,北京地图“发行公司在日本的世界地图集 所载”图中,“岛”台湾,就像,“尖阁群岛”和日本的名字被列在八重山群岛和尖阁边境台湾我不得不拉他到中间线 The Taiwan national junior high school geographical course textbook revised edition 1971 Place 載 “the Ryukyu archipelago relief map” Modification of border and “釣 fish stand 嶼” Island Attention to name When 1958 1958 year “the Japanese figure” of the worldwide it is issued from the Beijing map publisher map collection place 載 is The “尖 official building archipelago” Taiwan to be stated in the same way in the “尖 official building archipelago” and the Japanese name the border Taiwan and the 尖 official building Yaeyama archipelago It is to be pulled to the intermediate line
国家地理教科书悟纳卡 台湾 (1971年修订)所载“琉球群岛地形图”(改变边界,“钓鱼台。岛岛”。注名)1958年(1958年)出版,北京地图“发行公司在日本的世界地图集 所载”图中,“岛”台湾,就像,“尖阁群岛”和日本的名字被列在八重山群岛和尖阁边境台湾我不得不拉他到中间线 The Taiwan national junior high school geographical course textbook revised edition 1971 Place 載 “the Ryukyu archipelago relief map” Modification of border and “釣 fish stand 嶼” Island Attention to name When 1958 1958 year “the Japanese figure” of the worldwide it is issued from the Beijing map publisher map collection place 載 is The “尖 official building archipelago” Taiwan to be stated in the same way in the “尖 official building archipelago” and the Japanese name the border Taiwan and the 尖 official building Yaeyama archipelago It is to be pulled to the intermediate line
在“带黑社会性质的特别帐户的NICO准备的话题说:”学校,而是由5连拍Tteru樱井诚 “On campus the ruffian” being taken to the tape of resident in special meeting of happy animated picture, the [ru] by 櫻 well sincerity
在中国共产党的现实和贪婪的手,尽可能在标准的日式共产主义行政区日,棕榈油完全打开你的花圃 Being realistic, with the palm also in worshiping gold principle, the Japanese type communism of flower garden full opening becomes standard at the Japanese autonomous area
在同一时间,从疯狂派对生产。对于党的会议上,“民间运动”,推进 Simultaneously, from mania product party. “Migration” to the meeting party was executed
宇野说,以方境内的尖阁列岛从日本共产党和领土尖阁说,他们是春中共当然是正确的 Therefore the Chinese Communist Party is the 尖 official building home country territory as for saying the [ru]
The Japanese Japan Communist Party the 尖 official building as for home country territory the [ro] which is proper
当你年访问和两个首次在六千,证明引进跟踪访问汉城西大门监狱体验被处死的独立运动囚禁殖民统治期间,日本 The occasion where visiting Korea it makes for the first time two 〇 〇 six years,
Introducing the experience which visits the Seoul west Omon jail mark where in the colony dominant period by Japan the independence movement house is imprisoned & is executed
我很反按揭电视和海豚握手川田直哉Puipui齐秦“地方”嘿嘿你你,松冈辙的全时间在大阪Minsyatou黑暗,黑暗的薪水。 1强度利益松本Ryou Hukuoka福冈区将返回一个退休金,以代表解放联盟副主席全称博仲Kiga部落 Super counter day MBS The chi chi it is the pu to be the pu it is Connecting the hand of Naoya Kawada and the dolphin whether it broadcasts “the place” It is and is dense and others Tetsu Democratic Socialist Party Matsuoka In Osaka city Stopping working full time and stopping allowance Return the annuity The Fukuoka 1 Ku The Fukuoka airport right As for strength of the Matsumoto dragon the title of village release alliance central secondary chairman displays everything
我很反按揭电视和海豚握手川田直哉Puipui齐秦“地方”嘿嘿你你,松冈辙的全时间在大阪Minsyatou黑暗,黑暗的薪水。 1强度利益松本Ryou Hukuoka福冈区将返回一个退休金,以代表解放联盟副主席全称博仲Kiga部落 Super counter day MBS The chi chi it is the pu to be the pu it is Connecting the hand of Naoya Kawada and the dolphin whether it broadcasts “the place” It is and is dense and others Tetsu Democratic Socialist Party Matsuoka In Osaka city Stopping working full time and stopping allowance Return the annuity The Fukuoka 1 Ku The Fukuoka airport right As for strength of the Matsumoto dragon the title of village release alliance central secondary chairman displays everything
换句话说,从党,但不希望从它疯狂左转在最佳外语普选,是不是我对流浪温达立法保障人权 In other words therefore the mania product party with foreign carrot administration leftmost group however we would not like to insert Being the place where it opposes to the protection of fundamental human rights bill it is perplexed it is
因为我不想进入共产党的最左翼外国普选,是不是我流浪权利温达反对立法,以保护人类 Therefore Japan Communist Party with foreign carrot administration leftmost group however we would not like to insert Being the place where it opposes to the protection of fundamental human rights bill it is perplexed it is
换句话说,从疯狂派对活跃的人。左翼党委员会,集团是作为真正的相同 In other words mania product party conduct group The meeting party left wing to tell the truth is to be the same group
茹相信我会来的一天哦共产党心强 The a the day when heart strongly you think Japan Communist Party comes how
支那,认为这样的船了,“日本和中国,这是正确?”华尔街日报调查哪一方是正确的?(Tadashii这是什么?)◯◯日本中国)日本953是正确的积极Chankoro新的6938 “Japan and Chinese either one are correct concerning are of the latest support 那 boat ” With the questionnaire of the uoru street journal which is said Which side is right The forcing which is both abnormal play ◯ China ◯ Japan chiyankoro is correct 953 Japan is correct 6938
日本共产党的宗旨破坏日美安全,核武器和军队所需的关键自卫队 As for the Japanese Japan Communist Party aiming the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements cancellation, the Self Defense Force national military conversion and because of that indispensable nuclear armament
日本共产党,如果你已经放弃武装革命,但我认为他们在劳动交换的ERE好名字 If the Japanese Japan Communist Party is abandoned Bolshevik revolution if name is changed into the work party although it is good that you think
JCP的方案Kyousantou The Japanese Japan Communist Party general plan It is Japan Communist Party
我不应该说出这样的话后,离开了共产党匍匐 When the common property proposes such a thing kneels on the ground the one which calling
日本共产党,如果你已经放弃武装革命,但我认为他们在劳动交换的ERE好名字 If the Japanese Japan Communist Party is abandoned Bolshevik revolution if name is changed into the work party although it is good that you think
最近,我没有,我已与中国共产党的日本共产党更好的关系 Recently the Japanese Japan Communist Party tsu te Chinese Communist Party and the related improvement red sandal wood the tsu ke which is not
日本共产党,日本共产党表示,它会告诉你的事我觉得偶尔体面的所有真正的?预感和W有时间Gutteshimau Because the Japanese Japan Communist Party is honest thing sometimes The Japanese Japan Communist Party saying as for ru thing there is no all true something When with suspecting w which is
来来一个全球信息时代,线,他们知道现代文明和国际法,致力于中国和韩国的精神,千百年来继续与我没有什么区别 There being times when information comes and goes on a terrestrial scale while knowing concerning modern civilization and international law The Chinese Korea which continues to relate to the past mind which is not different from thousand years ago
来来一个全球信息时代,线,他们知道现代文明和国际法,致力于中国和韩国的精神,千百年来继续与我没有什么区别 There being times when information comes and goes on a terrestrial scale while knowing concerning modern civilization and international law The Chinese Korea which continues to relate to the past mind which is not different from thousand years ago
橡木,地板从战国敏熊谷,一个虚构的教学体系Oosaka経法大Souren赚取日元间谍杆Zyoniru至少1400万 [minsu] 仙 valley Barrel floor Kumatani and as entire connected type Osaka sutra method large overhead professor, from Kim Jong-Il spy remuneration of 2,000,000 Yen or more
正因为有第9条,还有许多障碍军队,没有美国,军队至今没有实际条件 In any case because there are 9 provisions there being various hurdles With the US military pulling out in the troop extent being distant is the actual condition
没有Akahata 13(Kyousantou),如竹岛和尖阁列岛的正常运作,我知道什么问题的方式,声称独岛为日本领土共产党始终太旧,什么是“竹岛是日本政府立即努隆退后!“我说的,但现在我得到w如果你的花盛开的花园会,不态度冲进日本领土称为奇 13 Well the akahata Japan Communist Party it is normality driving The bamboo island and the 尖 official building etc being consistent from former times even Japanese territory insists By the way “the Japanese government the bamboo island military force you recapture certain bamboo island problem occurrence at that time what and Japan Communist Party at once ” The tsu te w which was said However now the flower garden is and is 咲 the chi ya tsu te the Japanese territory tsu te as for the attitude which is said it does not change
因此,日本政府声称要 The Japanese government should insist this way
河数码网络 文件┤。。( ·我·,· 你已经被告知,我遇见 r o ru ┤ UMLAT i UMLAT HKDRT Support 那 Korea REPT “ It associates although you advised that is
, 我林俊杰 彡ヽ 米 ,六)彡 米( (三 你已经被告知,我遇见 i jj 彡 REPT mi 彡 he mi Three El ゚ mimi o gt r o ru ┤ UMLAT i UMLAT HKDRT Support 那 Korea REPT “ It associates although you advised that is
消除核武器和第9条宪法修正案,取消武器 - 美国军事,外交排斥,真正的共产主义,并开始大声呼喊,一党统治Metara When 9 provision abolition & constitution amendment, nuclear armament + US military removal, foreigner removal and a party dictatorship it starts shouting, genuine communism
然而,世界人口大约20 6800万美元,%内一党的中国共产党腐败政权的统治,是一个人为的情况 But approximately 20 population 6 800 000 000 of the world as for being among the systems where a party dictatorship also in became corrupted is unnatural situation
〜1300万中国大陆人有15 00亿人,如南斯拉夫,正在向一个必然的历史内战 1 300 000 000 human 1 500 000 000 person also in seems the Yugoslav way it is being induced by inevitable civil war historically
真正的日本。 。多数党的重建资金,在日本当时的组织。序列(在日本朝鲜人联盟 )提供了 NULL
真正的日本。 。多数党的重建资金,在日本当时的组织。序列(在日本朝鲜人联盟 )提供了 NULL
第五条├。这种持续的,只有中国继续在不人道的屠杀行为 ├ data 5. Presently in progressive, China continues slaughter with non humane behavior
第五条。噪声。许多与会者Dearimasu事实上圧什么是从其他地区到比当地动员 Fifth as for 騒 As for the participant other than other than local end those which are mobilized from the area pressure arriving at multi and are with are the fact which is said
第五条。噪声。许多与会者Dearimasu事实上圧什么是从其他地区到比当地动员 Fifth as for 騒 As for the participant other than other than local end those which are mobilized from the area pressure arriving at multi and are with are the fact which is said
约3 147自卫队,学校国外。停止立法,采取裁军措施 _NULL_
耶〜〜〜耶〜〜〜耶〜〜〜耶〜〜〜耶〜〜〜耶〜〜〜含泪的眼睛合作的粪便,我们聘请了子敏 Also the employing operative of the droppings our people the tear eye it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain
在你的城市■■中国间谍 The Chinese operative of your town
聪聪的合适地点(哲权)Kankoku驻日本大使地进(荣金)行政长官及民团民团,中央总部李相源(Sanduku二)聊天与韩国,日本和议会联盟主席 Ken right Satoru kuon chiyoruhiyon the stop day Korean ambassador 鄭 Shin the chiyon gin you chatted with the people group central headquarters leader and the people group official and Japanese plum phase profit i sandouku union Chairman etc Korea day Assemblyman at the meeting place
自民党福田承认父母和两个孩子递给我一个恐怖世代 The Liberal Democratic Party Fukuda conceded to the terrorist over parent and child two generation
萨都爱TTA的线-日本共产党主席志位和夫在纳卡博65周年纪念解放日是日本第15届联盟在中央总部开放供居民的韩国如下: With the 65th anniversary optical returning/repeating paragraph central commemoration system which main Korean Airlines people national group central headquarters of resident opened on the 15th the Japanese Japan Communist Party
Greeting where Chairman Kazuo Sii does is as follows
请呑很少浪岸杆,但充满了猪中舢舨翻转,和人民巨额猪 The sun pan which fully loads the pig and the Chinese being the bank soon it was drunk in the wave and turned over the pig and the person were thrown out
走出的第一步,从党的战争后,日本的爱好者。鲜奨博物馆学会是“在日本朝鲜人联合会 ”Dearimasu已经设立了筹备委员会办公室成立 The Japanese mania product party took the postwar first step In bright fresh encouragement to study hall “resident Bright fresh human union” The office of formation preparatory committee was established already
太阳0 0一一年一月,但五四九一顶嘴,和德田球天堂○○等为首的黄金人群新宿,在。我买的方式鲜奨博物馆学会 Story is reset but 1945 10 month 10th the gold heaven ○ and the Tokuda sphere ○ and others are led by the crowd Shinjuku It faced to the bright fresh encouragement to study hall
这一丑闻在议会中首次提出绑架问题是一个总承包商和小泽,日共 _NULL_
通过该法,原产地在中国民族主义,唯一的光线是一个台风天鶸9月7日,9月7日,为什么呢?网站寻找在中国大使馆,以便检查中覆盖了,它可以追溯到三天的消息,“日本政府正式启动了中国工作在处置废弃的化学武器”和文章引起了我的眼睛 With this behavior as for beginning of nationalism in the Chinese country the typhoon opening September 7th It was siskin day Why it probably is to be September 7th When you look at the home page of the Chinese embassy in order to check reporting the Chinese side before the thing 3 day which it goes back in new arrival information “The Japanese government abolition job of the chemical weapon which is abandoned in China the article of proper form start” stopped in the eye
通过这一法案,在中国民族主义的提高,进一步向世界,外面的人与被遗弃的问题,我说了一个意外的问题,对存在的威胁 With this behavior as for beginning of nationalism in the Chinese country the typhoon opening September 7th It was siskin day Why it probably is to be September 7th When you look at the home page of the Chinese embassy in order to check reporting the Chinese side before the thing 3 day which it goes back in new arrival information “The Japanese government abolition job of the chemical weapon which is abandoned in China the article of proper form start” stopped in the eye
那个时候,是50年或10年,5年或不知道 You do not understand whether that time being 5 years later whether being 10 years later whether they are 50 years later
那个时候,是50年或10年,5年或不知道 You do not understand whether that time being 5 years later whether being 10 years later whether they are 50 years later
野坂参三522,共产党的领导人后,立即战争或不来往,但我会吹捧的力量创造自卫 _NULL_
钟是在新年讲话头,强调Taseru亚洲扮演了核心作用,以创建一个新的国际合作,如果日本和韩国 The 鄭 leader if with New Year quitting/words, day Korea both countries cooperate, Niikuni occasion emphasizes that in order to make order central role can be carried out in Asia