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“As for possession of northern territory as for Russia which is the result of the secondary great war” the permission historical distortion


  • *元和平条约,都明确战争的立场后,国会批准了
    * The conclusion of the peace treaty which decides postwar both position and ratification at the national assembly

    • *国内和外交问题,战争
      * Diplomacy occurrence of war accomplishment of internal affair problem

      • [闪回]湛山石桥湛山岩波文库,第134〜135
        Ishibashi Tanyama 'Tanyama recollection' Iwanami library, page 134 - 135

        • ー仍然是第三世界的战争,有什么我要赢99? 99 If it wins it is regardless no shelf The third great war still
          • 第三次世界大战吗? The third great war still

        • 一方面改变政权的手掌,他可以把它太Emasu Kyousantou 611 611 When administration you take also Japan Communist Party the palm it changes
          • 一方面改变政权的手掌,他可以把它太Emasu Kyousantou 614 614 When administration you take also Japan Communist Party the palm it changes

        • 三岛由纪夫,“自二分法”从 From Yukio Mishima the “Self Defense Force two minute theory”
          • 三岛由纪夫,“自二分法”从 From Yukio Mishima the “Self Defense Force two minute theory”
          • 三岛由纪夫,“自二分法”从 From Yukio Mishima the “Self Defense Force two minute theory”

        • 三方条约余德国二战-共产国际的事实和德国战后日本的领导在第二次世界大战期间,以澄清历史海军领导和失败的结论来自共产国际的三方联盟我从这个角度德国荣誉证书债务挑起东京审判史观已经核桃托洛茨基一个替罪羊全球视野的历史和苏联军事Yone隐藏穆二的德国和日本从世界的角度,我附上的历史战争分配。街道是开展或根本就没有什么理论已经指出,
          World War II and the Japanese-German Italy three national alliances - from point of view of navy and the Comintern The history which reaches to defeat from the Japanese-German Italy three national alliance conclusions is made clear Thusness of the Japanese-German war guidance in World War II The second next worldwide large military history which was seen from the Comintern point of view The Soviet and the like in America and England which surrounds the Japanese-German Italy global view of history The book which throws the stir to Tokyo judgment view of history which designates the military as the scapegoat As for the Japanese-American opening of the hostilities, walnut dividing of [torotsuki]. That it points out whether it was not something which is accomplished according to theory, It has done

          • 不,这是611 Kankoku冲绳中国→↑我对马岛当前的朝鲜半岛,形成在每平方米韩国可能辉说,这是哈市对马,我是说,中国是中国冲绳 611 As for Korea riding in condition Tsushima China gt Okinawa Can be ↑ this well Korea being Tsushima that it is Korea the ru does in reality As for China being Okinawa that it is China the ru
            • 109 Kankoku还对马说我怕我会高兴得忘乎所以权力 109 Korea riding in condition calls also Tsushima perhaps

          • 丢弃的那些国家出现了一个独立的,我们的利益分开来判断,这是矛盾的说,今后,日本要继续活着,我认为最好的政策 The person who throws away the appearance of the thing which is independency from can protect the national interest of the home country But the story which contradicts in order ahead this for Japan to survive that you think whether it is not upper step
            • 如果是这样,日本已经放弃了一个独立的国家,我认为他们是更好的美国纳入国美已经开始 If with it does as for Japan abandoning the fact that it is independency making the United States of America incorporate You think that it is good to receive

          • 中国在战争和尖阁列岛,俄罗斯将如何与北方领土打击呢?它终究逃脱我重复历史 At the 尖 official building it becomes China and war after that it becomes in fighting with Russia in northern territory kana After all the historical tsu te it repeats don t you think it is
            • 什么是丑陋与领土延伸为此肮脏混乱 Confused nature it stretches in the territory which such an edge is done it tries riding the tsu accompanying
            • 管“为什么不干脆领土,宜兰?实现只有当你购买你现在在北海道 It probably means that in just tube “northern territory may If now attaching also Hokkaido good bargain
            • 这是俄罗斯,北方领土归还租赁Itakattara re再次走向战争 The shank returning northern territory you want to receive with Russia Once more that war probably will be done

          • 中国居民(约50万学生,包括),谁进一步半岛(5000万),占该国,如果我想成为 Resident Chinese The foreign student it includes Approximately 500 000 person furthermore the peninsular person approximately 500 000 person we want returning to the homeland

            • 中国法律没有对三 3 In China law or

              • 什么是安全理事会统治地球记
                As for permanent member of the U.N. being the air which controls the earth?

                • 什么样的和平条约为什么不仅限于该国的我要全部都从第三Yarikaesou及其Karahuto Tishima发挥走出玩
                  Chishima and the Sakhalin both taking [tsu] [chi] [ya] you obtain with third opposition and are good Because it can trample peace treaty only that country Entirely, do that way and apply it may

                  • 从直升机领土小船上闯入扫射这是位家庭支付赔偿所有Waseta m半年克制俄罗斯船员查获
                    The territory as for the fishing boat which is violated the machine gun strafing from the helicopter, as for the boat as for the forfeiture crew half year restraining The indemnity after paying, learn Russia which is returned home a little

                    • 他们用金钱买鸠山由纪夫的父母和祖父母,习惯性逃税票
                      Yukio Hatoyama… to buy vote with the money of the parent and the grandfather, the chronic offender of tax evasion

                      • 他还从启动任何战争,我(在时间方面的战争在)我卡里的安全,我有权利要求外界控制斋藤种牛蒡在另一 Namely as for them whatever war happening in circumstance of war of that time by your the person of safety Being temporary although in a manner of speaking it does the insistence which does the 斎 with the burdock of others it was not outside

                        • 你忍受斯大林的北方领土问题侵略,领土容忍没有从一开始美国以外,美国现在已接受美国和俄罗斯的领土侵略和罗斯福站及软件俄罗斯扶持行动,如在冲绳威胁美国利益和横须贺海军基地,只是它只是不允许 As for admitting northern territorial issue America which is not other things As for admitting Stalin s northern territory invasion Roosevelt Also present America has admitted that In other words from first as for America being affirmative in the Soviet and Russia northern territory invasion The Yokosuka base and which simply is the American interests you call the kind of Russian conduct which threatens Okinawa that you do not permit That much story
                          • 旧宫城故事旅行纪念品高校教师的通信解决方案:“我远道而来,返回被好心的裤子出售,”但我在路上TTA的好词,“我将不会返回北方领土?”我为什么轻声细语Ttara Former times the teacher of the Miyagi technical college “the underpants which are thrown away were returned specially kindly” that talked to the proud ge in the gift story of the Soviet travelling but it is We “does not return northern territory don t you think When” the tsu te you said why it became taciturn

                        • 例如,在对俄罗斯和中国自成为思想作为第一线基本上群岛的真正不安地想到海参崴千岛群岛Ttara从该出太平洋620独“关闭等造成的弱点不看“人之所以被称为浩纪伊 620 You try when to come out to the Pacific Ocean of Vladivostok the Kurile Islands by any means becomes the disturbance Basic the same thought as the first archipelago line of China Well after becoming Russia “ you do not show the kind of weak point which causes independence movement” the tsu te the reason which is said is larger but
                          • 我会来的夏威夷群岛,其中672名在日本?你和我过了百万瓦特年,这该死的Itashi板块也将在伊豆半岛的日本列岛 672 In Japan among those of the Hawaiian archipelago tsu te you come But story after the n 10 000 000 year w Also the Izu peninsula adhered to the Japanese archipelago with plate movement and

                        • 例子,因为它是不欢迎他们到战争的手中本来要在雅尔塔会议领土,条约单方面销毁慌中性,而且小偷轩然大波,说通过整齐Humi晃我没有要 While the territory which is the expectation which can be received in the Yalta Conference does not enter into the hand it may receive termination of war because was Being flurried when it cancelled neutrality pact unilaterally did the fire place thief unless Masashi must be handed down securely don t you think
                          • 例子,因为它是不欢迎他们到战争的手中本来要在雅尔塔领土,而且小偷丢弃轩然大波中立条约单方面慌,说通过整齐Humi晃我没有要 While the territory which is the expectation which can be received in the Yalta Conference does not enter into the hand it may receive termination of war because was Being flurried when it cancelled neutrality pact unilaterally did the fire place thief unless Masashi must be handed down securely don t you think
                          • 该条约,或者,如果我是要守许多东西我不麻烦战争 Treaty is directly protected when it is war what It does not happen but it is

                        • 俄罗斯和中国,即使是现在,我会做一个可怕的恶性国家 Russia and China now even presently doing unscrupulous thing tremendously the ze which is ru country
                          • 我不知道在什么之间的区别是什么,是比较恰当 Already something being correct you do not know whether something is the mistake
                          • 晃艾希就是我现在578强 578 It means that now presently strong ones are correct

                        • 其中,我有一个Kishita手册,但我离开日本右翼 So this So the shank leading with the shank with left flank something of Japan the shank
                          • 这是有我这样留在机翼来到生效 So with shank Such uniting it entered from left flank

                        • 北方领土问题是一个问题的解决方案,同时在外交,政策真正对美国的外交是Koyonaku
                          As for northern territorial issue, when it is problem of anti- Soviet diplomacy, simultaneously, To tell the truth especially it is toward America diplomacy

                          • 北领地Poppo〜是啊,我给他和柴
                            The [po] [tsu] [po] is the shelf which the northern territory lifting [chi] [ya] may be - and is

                            • 即使是政治职务的政治家程度Toudai m 469通常是傻子不意味着我认为是一位杰出的政治家官僚 NULL
                              • 即使是政治职务的政治家程度Toudai m 469通常是傻子不意味着我认为是一位杰出的政治家官僚 NULL

                            • 发布者尽一切共产党领导发出指引,像这
                              This guidance summary it has issued Is the publisher of everyone Japan Communist Party type

                              • 哪里是这个问题的管辖权?经济部?联邦的时候到了一辆车,从石马忠志相关,骑七叶树爱好者反滥用,除非Ttena
                                Jurisdiction of this case is where? Multipara ministry? Therefore as for direct 嶋 labor union graduate related to car, Considerably, if [tochi] it does not deviate in counter day, it rides

                                • 嗯,我想我不知道它(笑)※苏联海军情报的间谍,不断解决北方领土→→鸠山Itirou Domunitsuki 离开日本右翼,他们秀雄 The a I am not recognized well however is don t you think as for that laughing The Soviet Naval Intelligence Division spy domunitsuki gt Ichiro Hatoyama gt Northern territory to the Soviet Union 92 The Japanese left flank rice field Hideo

                                  • 嘉宾:泷泽Itirou(教授,国际研究,国防科学院家元),“鸠山民主党政府,”这是部长现在外国的下落ー俄罗斯,俄罗斯报纸对不起总理,认为下任首相,这个理论非常Arekore是相同的 Guest Ichiro Takizawa international problem researcher former Defense Academy professor Whereabouts “of Hatoyama Democratic party administration” anti dew diplomacy So now the newspaper of shank and that roshia the thing of Prime Minister and next term prime minister Hatoyama very this discussing of that The te it is

                                    • 因为如果他们阻止军队在北海道登陆辣蜘蛛苏联军队中将站Higuti 449,我刚好有一半的鱿鱼,我是无法保护Hokkaidou

                                      • 在各大城市部署了核导弹目标,以适应国家和日本相继而不能到邻近国家的最严重的暴行
                                        The worst atrocious nation in history being in great numbers in the neighboring country, furthermore Aim together in the metropole of Japan the nuclear missile It has disposed

                                        • 如果劳动不是作为一个翻译的472差了,留下我和文件所描述的固体, 472 There is no meaning which it presents If you use as labor force with the document which expresses remains
                                          • 456的意思是,你出劳动力的陆军士兵作为关东军的差异,不要让他们 456 Being mean The Kwantun Army presented the soldier as labor force therefore it is How it will do it is not

                                        • 它们是否会拉领土扩张一直是媒体,我又回到这个时候脚
                                          If the mass communications do not pull the foot, northern territory now has returned

                                          • 帝国陆军总部领导班子的秘密战争的战争日记 - 防卫研究所图书馆
                                            Imperial Headquarters army section war guidance group Secret war logbook - National Institute for Defense Studies library possession

                                            • 库克斯Rupiuyo“反美联盟形成恩戴百发Russo m买哦!”
                                              Anti-American 厨 [rupiuyo] “day dew alliance tying, PAK-FA the [ze] which probably will be bought! ”

                                              • 我在做一些所谓的模型,然后过滤唤醒他们害怕做的事情 Something doing with the model the fearful thing where the ru tsu te you say doing it is ru wake

                                                • 我来有七百二十六瓦特战争白痴谁想要一个没有战争,他们家在包括一个强有力的,我认为他们浪费 726 Alone going to war it is dense w Wastefully having been convinced the home country that it is strong the fool who who wishes to do war is
                                                  • 我要采取与中国俄罗斯北海道做战争的世界战争 China and war while having done it becomes the empty great war where Russia comes to the Hokkaido taking

                                                • 我确实感到自豪联盟在德国的管理不善的最坏余三。 致命的埃塔曾给人的印象感谢希特勒喜欢的
                                                  The Japanese-German Italy three national alliances may be proud in the worst losing government in history. It was fatal to give the impression that the same type of Hitler with favor,

                                                  • 我行我有什么可以莫斯科,在俄罗斯我与北方领土问题,俄罗斯的政治家和学者,但我再加热时间讨论在那,他们说是合理的我,“好吧,再一旦你这样做,“和 I going with Moscow the researcher of the shank and Russia and However the politicians and with northern territorial issue the shank you have a heated discussion in Russian don t you think that time he et al says stuffing The me and others re ru and “ one time you do already ” that
                                                    • 那么,北方领土问题的真正原因,但我可能就安全问题 Well as for the true reason of northern territorial issue however it probably is problem what in regard to security don t you think

                                                  • 我要说的领土亚达292中情局在某些报纸Ÿ
                                                    292 Northern territory commenting saying, as for [ru] the certain Y newspaper publishing company of the CIA subordinate

                                                    • 所以,你作为外交战略和通讯解决方案,而不是它恢复外交关系Doukou,我讨厌开始与吉田元 In other words in the Soviet Union recovering the shank and diplomatic relations as a diplomacy strategy how like this the question u thing compared to Yoshida 憎 with it did and began it is
                                                      • 濒死的人做的,所以我等待更坚实的仇恨和复杂的吉田 With human something which was done with that already Yoshida 憎 with it does coagulating the ru

                                                    • 摘要北方领土是日本那些,俄罗斯没有正当理由 Summary Northern territory is something of Japan there is no legitimate reason in Russia

                                                      • 政府的做法是毫无意义的侵略任何国家的土地
                                                        Being violated the country in the country of somewhere, the government which the spatula spatula has been done is

                                                        • 斯大林主义崩溃后,立即对苏联时期的顺序,北遗留下来的领土可耻的,叫的声音打破了和平条约,并返回日本,俄罗斯发生的权利? Tteta人说这是,现在你在做什么?对于连续时间的外交解决方案,比如20世纪70年代拜倒在日本,也许我应该要反映 In time immediately after the Soviet collapsing as for northern territory the shame zu of Stalinism the heritage which should Returning tearing Japan and peace treaty also the voice which you say it met inside Russia it is with to do the yo At that time so say do the people now why ru At that time it seems like seventies of Japan for the Soviet Union kneeling on the ground diplomacy which it should reflect Becoming with the tsu lever kana of the ru
                                                          • 578中国和俄罗斯在错误的,它不是尖阁群岛是中国领土在历史上从来没有,你抢我领土TTA的苏联打破了连续苏日中立条约 578 China and Russia have made a mistake as for the 尖 official building archipelago also one time in history has not become Chinese territory and Northern territory the Soviet Union tearing the Japan and Soviet Union neutrality pact is something which is taken

                                                        • 日本利率的前65个愚人的完全毁灭的政策
                                                          Even with foolish people conversion policy as for the first desire of 65 year Japanese complete disappearance

                                                          • 日本必须付诸实际运用到快中子增殖反应堆冷聚变或不要战争
                                                            If it does not utilize even with the normal temperature fusion reactor or the FCC Japan war is not possible

                                                            • 朝鲜和伊朗核问题上中国和俄罗斯目前的核危机欺诈和古巴北朝鲜被认为具有很高的相似性1962年古巴导弹危机
                                                              The North Korean nucleus and the Cuban crisis The Chinese and Russia deception Present North Korean and Iran nuclear problem, is thought that the Cuban crisis and similarity 1962 are high,

                                                              • 来自韩国的那志,并证明日本领土和恐吓剥夺鄂 NULL
                                                                • 不,我干脆放弃我Ro m北方领土没有好 Well just northern territory it is useless what … abandon

                                                              • 核武器武装日本,俄罗斯洲际弹道导弹也有你的同情!

                                                                • 正是在这两个岛屿不能退回呃,我把它终于到了北方领土问题左祖 With that shank and those two island returns It not being possible with it has become after all soon the shank and northern territorial issue the remaining tsu chi ya tsu with
                                                                  • 我有一个亲苏倾向的人,我是所有发射 NULL

                                                                • 此时,俄罗斯开始被泄露原子弹秘密
                                                                  This time, also secrecy of a-bomb leaks to Russia, The [te] you said

                                                                  • 祝你好运解除粮食自给自足,再一次让我们来隔离
                                                                    Therefore persevering, food selfsupport ratio lifting, the [ze] which probably will become isolated once more

                                                                    • 竹岛,没有忘记在朝鲜混乱崩溃夺回半岛
                                                                      At the time of the North Korean collapse because the Korean Peninsula is confused, without forgetting bamboo island recapture

                                                                      • 虽然它不是立即停止悠当我跟贝拉贝拉小时内并留在这里,因为我出什么特别的战争的唯一负(笑),短短3分ー嗯,我想点 Adhering to being defeated game how long from the ru here no time When so the latch latch it starts speaking however it is the chi yu u thing which is not stopped don t you think laughing just the ma three points pointing out Every you want
                                                                        • 虽然它不是立即停止悠当我在这里谈了几个小时,所以贝拉贝拉(笑),短短3分ー嗯,我想指出 Therefore here no time When so the latch latch it starts speaking however it is the chi yu u thing which is not stopped don t you think laughing just the ma three points pointing out Every you want

                                                                      • 虽然这个人想从私营部门相当肛上的人们的故事,外交部长,谁肛(一郎寺岛诚(JRI的主席)),但它会成为一个马克思列宁主义 As for such a person the story which calls Minister of Foreign Affairs from people has risen but ano one the temple island actual 郎 Japanese entire research When chief director becomes this considerably… Also the ano person is the Marxism Leninism person
                                                                        • 如果它要谈外交大臣来自私营部门,谁肛(部寺岛诚(JRI的主席)),但它会成为一个马克思列宁主义的人相当肛 The story which calls Minister of Foreign Affairs from people has risen but ano one the temple island actual 郎 Japanese entire research When chief director becomes this considerably… Also the ano person is the Marxism Leninism person

                                                                      • 辉卡诺和日本人认为他们将有更多的好我真的由于北方领土?俄罗斯有权接受这种方式对朝鲜标志着几十年来一直与韩国一北及其子女之间的小偷,Muno真理的问题,包括例如喜欢的是不是embracing m As for the Japanese thinking that the one where northern territory returns truly is good ru As for a leak Russia petty thief and the Korean and the child at that time being attached as for the other side no ten years although it bears problem Don t you think as for truth even north like of the South Korean it is
                                                                        • 辉卡诺和日本人认为他们将有更多的好我真的由于北方领土?十年是孩子之间这样一个与俄罗斯和韩国,并有权获得例如拥抱真理问题在Muno including m喜欢的是不是北朝鲜 As for the Japanese thinking that the one where northern territory returns truly is good ru As for a leak Russia petty thief and the Korean and the child at that time being attached as for the other side no ten years although it bears problem Don t you think as for truth even north like of the South Korean it is

                                                                      • 返回同一时期TTA的Yone Kazutika公约神奈川日俄条约或其他Sun
                                                                        Already it returned to the age of day dew friendly relations treaty or the Japanese-American friendly relations treaty it is same

                                                                        • 这种恐惧被清除芝麻自己的人民。人们睡觉的言言ü
                                                                          The native people were purged [goman] fearfully. Race says sleep talk, is

                                                                          • 那么,什么是谁把这些人?我是一个政府 Someone inserting such person Government Is don t you think
                                                                            • 发现590巴卡 NULL
                                                                            • 我会回来Baiin Shikattara想借此电源恢复 When we want returning it should have regained by power it is

                                                                          • 部件只有一对苏联的军事驻军志摩守在解除武装的突然袭击持续占领,但是! ! !日本投降的国家已经
                                                                            The Soviet troop set up sudden attack attack to the occupying Mori island garrison which however is in the midst of the dearmament! ! ! Homeland Japan has surrendered already

                                                                            • 钨冷战俄罗斯战败国站的解决方案。灭绝,西东德国统一

                                                                              • 鸠山的我,虽然我Teiu儿子Itirou新修,但我会送你到俄罗斯 As for with Hatoyama shank as for son period Ichiro tsu The te you say however it is don t you think sending to Russia the ru it is with the shank

                                                                                研究 開発