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Takuro's Morinaga tobacco price hike defense package as for “lifetime amount buying, freezing retention” possibility?


  • ...我分配到一个电荷分钟加息付给我的孩子?做你的意思他妈的除了铁拳食尸鬼制裁?
    Tax increase understanding, it is applied to child treatment, it is? Iron fist sanction to have added to the [kuso] hungry ghost, saying, thing?

    • 219 gross m在你面前时,老人瓦特 219 kimoi is you jijii w

      • JT是一个烟草店,我会,我可以要求赔偿损失的国家吗?
        Don't you think? cigar store and JT compensation for damage can claim to the country it is?

        • Landscape协会厨师停止WWW的饮料和吸烟的平均活动强度空气清洁的人无法呼吸双声道存档侧流烟,烟是我抽的是沉默Ikigatsu ll态度上真正大
          Drinking meeting scenery of even hateful smoke 厨 Deca- it is with 2ch, going the [tsu] [te] real saying nothing with attitude, with the secondary flow smoke smoking As the human air purification machine which sucks smoking large participation www

          • ü 3号码只需要吸收烟草面对惜不知 我将让他们下到约4 Baiin?我可能会恨烟草一天 If the face is regrettable with reason quantity which inhales the tobacco simply should have been decreased in about 3 4 don t you think it is Once upon a time perhaps it becomes hateful the tobacco it is to put out
            • ü 3号码只需要吸收烟草惜钱 我将让他们下到约4 Baiin?我可能会恨烟草一天 If the gold is regrettable quantity which inhales the tobacco simply should have been decreased in about 3 4 don t you think it is Once upon a time perhaps it becomes hateful the tobacco it is to put out

          • _NULL_
            To the below-mentioned information details 1, now the teaching which is learned from Tetuya's dying/fleeing coming Tsukushi losing word (Binary gas cilium of the Nazis internment camp gas chamber ) 2, to mobilize the employee et. al to the JT regulations questionnaire, the employee with the station radioactive ones. Spreading incident The activity of JT in England 3, influence to circulatory organ system “Basedow illness Smoking” “bar jar illness Smoking” “Smoking Tooth lap illness” “free radical Smoking” “active oxygen It searches even with smoking” 4, the substance which the tobacco includes * Poison of poison and deleterious substance control law -> Nicotine and hydrogen cyanide * Chemical weapon prohibition treaty -> hydrogen cyanide (= hydrogen cyanide) COPD (tobacco illness) with? Overseas tobacco package photograph Smoking and the baldness, the infant suddenly dead syndrome Smoking and suicide and nicotine brain The woman smoker 14.5 is shorter than short life and average In pregnancy obstacle 5, passive smoking 6, “fights with the group non-smoking fascism of puzzle the meeting which”? 7, × we Aso Aso of ○ cigar store 8, eating-house extensive prohibition of smoking it is bitter the half Eating-house consciousness investigation and desiring the 95% super passive smoking measure 9, tobacco and fire 10, smoking (influenza) virus and cilium Smoking and pneumonia 11, with smoking internal exposure and lung cancer Cancer leukemia Supplementation Process and the myocardial blockage which become aging, bad breath, [sumokazuhueisu] and the cancer, [teromea], immunity and summary

            • “∂6(9 吨 ♀ ∂9”答案是否定的,并保持它在你自己看 ” 6 ∂ 9 t 9 ∂ “Those where the answering is found are you yourself
              • T ♀ ∂9“答案是否定的,并保持它在你自己看 t 9 ∂ “Those where the answering is found are you yourself

            • “中国经济分析师森永Takurou叶德娴,说:”我给我
              You call “Takuro Morinaga of the economic analyst in the 媚”,

              • 一个犹太阴谋? ■“〜Eeee烟草梅”,“情报失败造成”所以,你绝望了,我必须看看二战游手好闲,但你俩Tabakogotoki wwwwwwww“”你的香烟Tsuketaku找借口“的家伙像我会说只是,我真的认为吸烟是凉爽,吸烟区“现已全面分离 Being the Judean conspiracy ” Intelligence obstacle is caused “The tobacco bear the e e e e ” “every some tobacco the tsu chi ya tsu te it is desperately with coming the ww your spare time human shelf wwwwwwww” “The tobacco which the parenthesis we would like to attach it inhales the ro which is” saying very the ru person as for truth the tobacco thinks as katsukoii “Now the amount smoke it is done completely
                • 当我不知道哪里的咖啡馆线是吸烟区固体分离 NULL

              • 一个瓦特证明我们的625头被殴打 625 The evidence shelf w where the head is done
                • 我希望你的头720 720 Your head calling

              • 一生的时间来买冰箱,“一个人的大脑认为,所谓的香烟的案件,这是 Buying lifetime amount ” you think of that it freezes retains This tobacco brain tsu te person shelf of example
                • 一生的时间来买冰箱,“一个人的大脑认为,所谓的香烟的案件,这是 Buying lifetime amount ” you think of that it freezes retains This tobacco brain tsu te person shelf of example
                • 对不起我闻到像香烟一样,当我吻了女人,我以为我烟草摄入量 When and the tsu pa tobacco human tsu te kiss of the woman who is inhaled it does The tobacco it is ill smelling it is probably will be

              • 不要害怕二手烟舔梅鲁
                Fearfulness of the secondary flow smoke is licked, is

                • 不要让我租税鄂梅萨精彩自由决定是否要征税 Making decide whether it pays tax or it does not do freely there is no splendid tax where you can receive
                  • 像我这确实是我们奋斗税402 402 With true tax payment hardship way Good Heavens

                • 从最早的薄荷香味损伤提取,是不是无用的,如果我不能买按摩 Because menthol the coming out of the fragrance is quick you massage and buy and useless are not possible it is
                  • 客观地说,不过,我不买你的感谢该死的电梯 But it is it is purchase thank you objectively is

                • 但是,如果没有他的球重重地打了很多,但任何决定也心雪茄品牌在世界各地,包括当我是朋友立即下降,犹如给了他一个哑巴胸部瓦特吸烟,我作为一个孩子是 By your however not to be decided the varieties it inhaled the brand and the cigar of the world even with something when falling w which is the existence like the friend of heart The tobacco in the person who stops the tobacco being the same as the breast made the child tsu te foolish but

                  • 但还有10天才能完成非成功,易新事物的全部或重新发现的味道,但我肯定可以吃到可口的空气一样,每一天日增重 Still completely stopping smoking succeeding but 10 days everyday day by day the air becomes the tastiness ku Same ones eating the thing being lazy which the te is rediscovery of taste and or is pleasant
                    • 10天不吸烟,但仍然充满了新事物或重新发现了音乐的味道,但我一定要吃饭,每天的空气一样美味的日增重 Still stopping smoking completely but 10 days everyday day by day the air becomes the tastiness ku Same ones eating the thing being lazy which the te is rediscovery of taste and or is pleasant

                  • 作为汤涉嫌越来越多的自己的烟草摄入量和U智富虽然我觉得这样的话我可以修身养性,但将Ppoku 114支雪茄,味道没有得到免费赠送的添加剂 114 Then however you think that if independence you should have cultivated Gold bringing up Cultivating the tobacco which you inhale by your because there are no times when it is arrested Therefore there is no additive also taste becomes the cigar tsu po ku however probably will be
                    • 正如你会遇到困难吸收586香烟!最后爆裂人士到www 586 The tobacco inhaling at ru point in time It cannot have The person doing www which has finished

                  • 你只能销售利润克惹森永Takurou修改系数向黑暗的地窖,因为我℃二○瓦特
                    20 ℃ remodelling the cold dark place [tsu] [te] wine cellar of extent If it is accustomed to selling in Takuro Morinaga, whether large it can gain, w

                    • 入口点不仅放火没有时间,没有休息的烟雾
                      � moment without inserting, the fire is inhaled the point [ke], there is no rest with

                      • 即使在消费1mg的例子定制过滤烟雾不休
                        Also the refuse which inhales after 1mg without the limit goes out

                        • 另外这个家伙无知的人挑起,TTA的煽政权改变的罪犯之一
                          It is dense, always, instigating the foolish people, it fanned administration alternation, it is one person of war crime

                          • 嗯,因为四分钟的财政资源,但他们是你的税麦 4 Well because that much revenue source is will not but and others tax increase

                            • 如果你是到Sureiva奥凯Suteishisufirudo进入,我可以节约数亿年
                              If you insert in the stay cis field of [sureivua], it is retention possible in anything hundred million years

                              • 室内大麻种植。引到非法生产设施家伙可能问世
                                Indoor hemp 栽. Diverting the facility, dense structure as for the 輩 which is done Perhaps, it comes out, but

                                • 尚志森那你抽烟吗?吸烟后进一步扩大或活
                                  The Morinaga [tsu] [te] you have smoked? When it stops smoking, furthermore it swells it is?

                                  • 尚志说,在中国“是由从低税收和烟草非医疗费用升降失调报纸森是不是电梯的感觉
                                    In the medium day newspaper Morinaga “with tax revenue increase of tobacco price hike and therefore the medical expense decrease due to prohibition of smoking offset as for price hike there is no meaning

                                    • 应用吸烟整个薄荷油大量文件的一部分
                                      The � peppermint oil part to the whole paper of the tobacco is applied in large quantities

                                      • 底层是不仅要了解世界上现有的机制 Other than of base layer already has understood the mechanism of society
                                        • 不幸的是,174是我唯一不会基地 174 But regrettable with just base saying it is thing

                                      • 开头可以在吸烟者想吸烟组的形式收看了乞丐群
                                        When you look at the form of the smoker who crowds in the smoking place be visible in the group of the beggar

                                        • 我不是那种东西,女人就是我说,因为烟草 Because therefore the tobacco what there is no with woman and such present callous which are said don t you think
                                          • 有什么更好的没有说什么,因为它像香烟一样的可笑 Therefore the tobacco whatever it is strange to be like it is good saying

                                        • 我会回来的四种产品五毫米天堂拣选出纳米技术
                                          Four millimeter absence of stock of nano- TEX it has done is The money return

                                          • 我只是去躲藏起来后奢侈品法规
                                            When the taste item is regulated, although it just dives to the underground

                                            • 我滑了一跤,做出最好的标志,一个陌生男人的微型车的名字命名的著名tive收集的开始让人们假装是极其丰富的森永极客憧Takurou尽管千野忠男先生
                                              Takuro Morinaga Large rich the populace you put on airs extremely in habit Yearning to mania, it starts gathering the mini car Famous it can point to the strange sign which is associated with that person in the person, but sliding highest, the [ru

                                              • 我的意思是其计算664万维网 664 It is so what calculation www
                                                • 我计算14万维网 14 It is what calculation www

                                              • 或者我应该离开逃逸的ID Geru他们让我整个宫廷,将是很好的价值,并恢复他们卖给我扔了一下,给我建议哪一个好呢? This way difference ID making judging entirely being good to escape Selling at throwing away value to collect even a little is it good Either one is good the advice giving
                                                • 沿着狭窄的傻瓜,因为工作室请Paratta ll更好地销售呢?ー612名比例哭喊:Shisan名无(新)发布日期:2012 05 29(星期五)14:12:02编号:ORuhFMDj0 Owata Therefore the one room being narrow from foolishly viewing the sale tsu pa and others tsu it is one being good Accompanying crying 612 Name There is no name new Contribution day 2012 05 29 Friday 14 12 02 ID ORuhFMDj0 The wa it is

                                              • 把一个水桶去外地能力方面的能力也冒出了烟草和烟草深度领域或接近午夜忍者424
                                                424 Nighttime secretly creeping in to tobacco field The [ho] [ji] [ho] [ji] doing the tobacco which produces the bud in the bucket of carrying

                                                • 挑衅工具做代理的巢穴大多数嘈杂Giyatterunoha双声道日本烟草公司只
                                                  Doing to majority group construction, agitation doing, as for [ru] Don't you think? 2 just JT operative of [ru] 棲 house

                                                  • 新桥左右),在市中心(非区道路的过程,因为我目前更容易探测到他从街上吸烟Paraimitainanowo的probe ll甚至醉 Business quarters around Shinbashi inside of course road surface non smoking area with even Rather than drunkard gero and the drunkard which rages searching the fact that it is like Therefore road surface the person who searches the person who has smoked much easy present condition
                                                    • 新桥市中心周围夜间(当然在街头吸烟区),因为我目前更容易探测到他从街上吸烟Paraimitainanowo的probe ll甚至醉 In even business quarters of course road surface non smoking area around Shinbashi of night Rather than drunkard gero and the drunkard which rages searching the fact that it is like Therefore road surface the person who searches the person who has smoked much easy present condition

                                                  • 更重要的是,在犯罪的情况下,您将穿越朝鲜假烟 The te from that the false tobacco of China and the North Korean product probably will swagger by way of the mob

                                                    • 本人已被冻结,我可以请回来,成为各地吸烟环境宽松 By his being frozen being retained if and it should have revived the time where smoking environment becomes loose
                                                      • jk的205 吸烟者权利Pachinka 205 The ro JK which is smoker pachinka
                                                      • 我会天天祈祷我死了马苏只有你许多吸烟者 The smoker being one person in order to be many and to die the ze which tsu te everyday we pray

                                                    • 本,运输成本可笑股票收购Munomo ll屁股(仓储费) 微观经济分析师并不好,你知道太多的宏仓储手术费 Also thrusting seems aho but… Stock generation storage Shipment warehousing job charge The economic analyst who macro or micro is not known…

                                                      • 梅塔停下,但我六年以前,无用的,如果他们买香烟,我觉得不如买,例如大量的内容 But we which you stop 6 years ago if you buy and useless do if with the cheroot content is bought in large quantities you think that it is good
                                                        • 梅塔停下,但我六年以前,无用的,如果他们买香烟,我觉得不如买,例如大量的内容 But we which you stop 6 years ago if you buy and useless do if with the cheroot content is bought in large quantities you think that it is good
                                                        • 鄂200日元买了一箱减去运费,如果你能想到例如,如果私人进口外国烟草 If the foreign tobacco if the individual it imports the postage thinking you can buy for 1 box 200 Yen or less

                                                      • 森林。 Gau m不稼例如像
                                                        Forest. Making, in [ru] habit at the time of the beef bowl popular group appeal the [u] [ze] obtaining

                                                        • 森永Takurou分析师的经济扩张只是在报纸,如西方的理论吸烟对这种价值的人23日期九月
                                                          Takuro Morinaga of the economic analyst has developed the cherished opinion for the latest tobacco price hike in the west Japanese newspaper and the like of September 23 date

                                                          • 森永Takurou经济分析师的“买一辈子冻结”是的,相信
                                                            Takuro Morinaga of the economic analyst “buying lifetime amount, thinks of that it freezes retains”

                                                            • 此人从37号税抗议,反对39(森永先生储蓄)中的目标和宗旨,不仅不希望加税之后,上缴税金 37 39 Well this person Morinaga conservation is not purpose and protest rally object and the empty just would not like to pay the tax assessment after the increasing taxes to tax increase

                                                              • 温达我觉得出国旅行,并启动和非常短期增加的数量,使我们这个免税瓦特
                                                                When the quantity of holding of this exemption from taxation 込 it increases You think that overseas travel activates of super short term it is, w

                                                                • 烟草是吃也Himekatsuobushimushi
                                                                  You eat [himekatsuobushimushi] even with the tobacco

                                                                  • 特鲁利,嘿,我做Atafuta!托德[确定]使用ide曝光处理其他转让,↓完全删除我! ! !特鲁利终于做代理死亡威胁?如此方便贫困↑,死亡威胁和退出,如果!傻瓜!
                                                                    JT and [atahuta] doing, the [ru] well! As for other JT disclosure [sure] with moving treatment, As for ↓ complete deletion [tsu] [te]! ! ! Finally the JT operative doing to homicide notice, the [ru]! ↑ So, if are inconvenient, it will stop homicide notice! Foolish [me]!

                                                                    • 电冰箱10〜20年的折旧,我不知道是否使用深度计算的电力损耗和增益和空间?
                                                                      Refrigerator 10 - Assuming that it depreciates in 20 years, Loss and gain it tries calculating in electric generation and the use space included?

                                                                      • 要不就让自己买种子种植,并每年可收获,是不是生态 Buying kind if you plant by your every year it can harvest and There is no echo

                                                                        • 要做到这一点吧!然而,骄傲的是什么瘾 Do selfishly But bragging about poisoning how it does

                                                                          • 该TTA的想你尝试塞它例如更换不买的车,因为它是浪费了,因为我已经超过Mazo三十年已经想要做的人与出越来越溢洪道面对只有继续如果吹反正被视为解决反为什么会成为瓦特 Already becoming year 30 maso or more because the ru because it is wasted stopping That you thought whether it will do even with the buying changing of the car but When you look at the less of the anti Blowing it continues to be even with nature accompanies and as for stops wanting in the face why spitting out w which probably will be
                                                                            • 该TTA的想你尝试塞它例如更换不买的车,因为它是浪费了,因为我已经超过Mazo三十年已经想要做的人与出越来越溢洪道面对只有继续如果吹反正被视为解决反为什么会成为瓦特 Already becoming year 30 maso or more because the ru because it is wasted stopping That you thought whether it will do even with the buying changing of the car but When you look at the less of the anti Blowing it continues to be even with nature accompanies and as for stops wanting in the face why spitting out w which probably will be

                                                                          • 超恩戴我闻到我死,如果我死我死我死我死我死我死我死我死的死 Die die die die die die die die die The super ill smelling being empty it dies
                                                                            • 超恩戴我闻到我死,如果我死我死我死我死我死我死我死我死的死 Die die die die die die die die die The super ill smelling being empty it dies

                                                                          • 辣红辣椒,也是一百十一瓦特
                                                                            111 Is harsh also taste of the red pepper and the like w

                                                                            • 这是一个让步Ittara 454托德瓦特勉宝也不受相关的降落伞仅因烟草业协会或排序 454 When it is that JT financial affairs right shelf w The tobacco related compulsory group the reason which does not become the object of business categorization

                                                                              • 这狗你是头摄入量和吸烟过多良好的先决条件Kattara
                                                                                When the head it is good, the [ro] which is the tobacco sucking/absorbing cup Prerequisite it passes this

                                                                                • 这种电梯数量的值将被说服特鲁利需要考虑的ERE分钟 If of the inside JT taking amount of the latest price hike amount is thought you agree upon probably will be
                                                                                  • 这种电梯数量的值将被说服特鲁利需要考虑的ERE分钟 If of the inside JT taking amount of the latest price hike amount is thought you agree upon probably will be

                                                                                • 这种药物的罪犯将更加肯定和相对稳定的大麻或大麻烟不仅是一个经验证的高
                                                                                  When the tobacco becomes large amount Relatively the hemp and the marijuana etc become cheap, As for meaning to increase the drug offender the actual proof being completed

                                                                                  • 难道外国烟草免费(在生产月份马克参见制造商) As for without being the foreign tobacco as for production date as for the manufacturer it is understood with the sign
                                                                                    • 烟叶也刚好有,如果他们没有纸张的知识 Simply as for the leaf of the tobacco having whether or not the paper has you do not know

                                                                                  • 需求是稳定的,即使他们不买以后的例子是,如果扣除一起购买,现在362茶特鲁利麻烦 362 Now to collect being done to buy being done to refrain from buying from after because demand stops stabilizing it makes JT and the ro which is chi ya annoyance
                                                                                    • 托德始终显示435 435 As for JT there is statement from former times

                                                                                  • 香椎可惜,但嘿,他们想到口袋里香椎 However just a little it is shy bosom it forces memory
                                                                                    • 我还用得到,所以我感到羞耻,我必须 We former times was such it is the shelf with you are ashamed

                                                                                  研究 開発