As for smoking ratio with entire country 23.9% and 15 year continual decrease prohibition of smoking? Buying putting? The habitual smoker which is perplexed at tobacco price hike, the everyday life which is troubled
嗯,我超过20% Obtaining The 20 exceeding the ru it is ……
我想有任何数据源中包含48个我 48 Including also that data the source we want
让903迅速 903 It will explain quickly
: 92
- 自一年后的室内吸烟的法律调查,酒吧工作人员在爱尔兰的呼吸道症状我跌百分之16.7 _NULL_
173是从厕所的人,他们有一个非常长的(徒步旅行想我得通过电话播放只),休息和工作的限制难以在厕所万维网见你傻?主任成果好吧,我会说我认为他可以吸收一个很好的例子,如果吸烟是完全免费的假日瓦特来吧,如果没有好的,如果我来提问的内容太 173 When is because the person where the rest room is long strangely is playing with carrying only the ru think it is Way also the rest room limits during rest time persevering www Don t you think fool Result manager OK inhale also the tobacco time saying saying how the refutation in the ru person w Being complete free 休 If you do not question either contents it should have made favorite it is
但是,如果它不含税这些产品流入非法行 However if the dense structure item because tax does not enter OK
363 -高,身份证学校毕业的前364名更改为榜样,重新出现编号:7Mun4FEj0 u003d编号:mTc6a79W0 wwwwwwwwwwwwwww 363 - 364
High soldier/finishing of the [tsu] coming, ID changing, again appearance
ID: 7Mun4FEj0 = ID: mTc6a79W0 wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
441香烟孩子在老人的。是我干的还是恨自己,我们可以说已开始库赛用尽没有瓦特照顾他们的解决方案 441 At the time of gaki tobacco of otsusan Hate you did it is the burn starting inhaling kusai being said W which by your solution you view and becomes the plug in the air
685“气味如果没有大不了的,”我真的认为,我在乎而是被停止坤 685 “It is not many smell” that you think Actually if it tries stopping you become aware rather but it is
464编号:gXjImeXyO会更好拒绝处理 464
ID: As for gXjImeXyO the one which is not made the partner is good
562你很快“归咎于吸烟,”我Baretaji柳井 562 You immediately “it is consequence of the tobacco” the tsu te the ji which is discovered and it isn t
莫哦,我收集了检查人们如何吸收ü确保廉价香烟 Method or the a which inhales the tobacco cheaply Collecting storm moku of others
615(外科医生提出的报告,1989年)我要穿立即下降 615
(The American public health general report, 1989)
It will settle
625香烟不能呼吸 请继续铀技术 安全网机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管买自己(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管香烟), Metara包装,与愿望鄂20 300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 625 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper for � tubing machine cigarette tube Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
625香烟不能呼吸 请继续铀技术 安全网机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管买自己(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管香烟), Metara包装,与愿望鄂20 300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 625 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper for � tubing machine cigarette tube Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
技术 烟草乌拉不能呼吸,请保持安全网 机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管我买了,(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管烟)和填充自己Metara,鄂吸收了20至300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper cigarette tube for � tubing machine Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
技术 烟草乌拉不能呼吸,请保持安全网 机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管我买了,(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管烟)和填充自己Metara,鄂吸收了20至300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper cigarette tube for � tubing machine Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
技术 烟草乌拉不能呼吸,请保持安全网 机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管我买了,(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管烟)和填充自己Metara,鄂吸收了20至300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper cigarette tube for � tubing machine Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
技术 烟草乌拉不能呼吸,请保持安全网 机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管我买了,(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管烟)和填充自己Metara,鄂吸收了20至300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper cigarette tube for � tubing machine Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
技术 烟草乌拉不能呼吸,请保持安全网 机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管我买了,(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管烟)和填充自己Metara,鄂吸收了20至300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper cigarette tube for � tubing machine Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
技术 烟草乌拉不能呼吸,请保持安全网 机,手挽罐烟叶一百四十零克油管我买了,(注射器)的Chubingumashin纸套(管烟)和填充自己Metara,鄂吸收了20至300日元,即使在加税。更稳定,然后买Ttara Kunaru线去旅行。 With net � hand cheroot leaf 140 gram can � tubing machine injector Sheath paper cigarette tube for � tubing machine Buying when you stuff by your Even after the increasing taxes with 20 it can inhale to for 300 Yen When it goes to overseas travel when you buy next it becomes cheaper
Bimashou出来这样的事情选择496 496 Kind of those which do not appear in this will be chosen
手从喉咙里出来495严重 495 The hand comes out of the throat with maji
Sarsen,你的意思我有一种尼古丁退税永远消失?新年的例子,大家谁的戒烟库克斯 It becomes the sir plug, without eternal
There is assistant 填 [tsu] [te] something of [yani] tax, it is it does?
The [se] obtaining, only the hateful smoke 厨 one
ü人说吸烟者它不象有些人在吸烟者Tyousei Kishita我刚好465 465 Smoker That the person who lives long even with the non smoker is the person who says is but That accidentally is
一定要查看已经成为一个名人去世,享年70岁左右,但大多数烟民 Has died in approximately 70 years old when you look at the work expert who the majority It is the smoker
你几乎百分之百的非吸烟区,吸烟 Almost the 100 smoker it puts out also the fact that you have smoked at the non smoking area
怎么办我会在遣清勉从吸烟者支付补贴 The smoker paying the subsidy putting out from ru spirit working hard employment you should have sent
愚蠢的家伙,我鄂特权只给予在什么吸烟者 Just the smoker gives privilege with something it is foolish yaro which is
有些人喜欢有的人说妳Tyousei Kishita m也恰好吸烟者 That the person who lives long even with the smoker is the person who says is but That accidentally is
有统计采取辉隆结束死因主要是由吸烟引起 In the first place smoking as cause concluding cause of death statistics applying there is a ru paragraph
有统计采取辉隆结束死因主要是由吸烟引起 In the first place smoking as cause concluding cause of death statistics applying there is a ru paragraph
翻译是不对的不吸没有压力,他不抽烟 The ro which is not the meaning where the person who does not smoke stress cancellation and breather are not done and is
调整后的医疗费用都可以见到吸烟者不吸烟者465 465 Smoker Medical expense it tries inspecting with the non smoker
_NULL_ 220
* * * Passive 喫. Evidence of healthy damage it is too much [warota] * * *
In France prohibiting smoking at the restaurant and the hotel and the casino in 2007, from here. By the myocardial blockage the emergency patient 15% decrease
Even in Italy similar result
With the Irish prohibition of smoking method enforcement, health state of employee of non smoker dramatically improvement
California tobacco measure of the state, the heart disease death decreases from immediately after
Passive smoking method with regulation heart. Decrease Research result report successively from Europe and America
Scotland With non-smoking method, hospitalization of the heart seizure in 1 years the 17% decrease
The Irish heart departure. It decreases after the number of cases and the prohibition of smoking system introduction
It is due to passive smoking with MRI. Verifying the damage
一个犹太阴谋? ■“〜Eeee烟草梅”,“情报失败造成”所以,你绝望了,我必须看看二战游手好闲,但你俩Tabakogotoki wwwwwwww“”你的香烟Tsuketaku找借口“的家伙像我会说只是,我真的认为吸烟是凉爽,吸烟区“现已全面分离 Being the Judean conspiracy ” Intelligence obstacle is caused “The tobacco bear the e e e e ” “every some tobacco the tsu chi ya tsu te it is desperately with coming the ww your spare time human shelf wwwwwwww” “The tobacco which the parenthesis we would like to attach it inhales the ro which is” saying very the ru person as for truth the tobacco thinks as katsukoii “Now the amount smoke it is done completely
一个犹太阴谋? ■“〜Eeee烟草梅”,“情报失败造成”所以,你绝望了,我必须看看二战游手好闲,但你俩Tabakogotoki wwwwwwww“”你的香烟Tsuketaku找借口“的家伙像我会说只是,我真的认为吸烟是凉爽,吸烟区“现已全面分离 Being the Judean conspiracy ” Intelligence obstacle is caused “The tobacco bear the e e e e ” “every some tobacco the tsu chi ya tsu te it is desperately with coming the ww your spare time human shelf wwwwwwww” “The tobacco which the parenthesis we would like to attach it inhales the ro which is” saying very the ru person as for truth the tobacco thinks as katsukoii “Now the amount smoke it is done completely
人死于癌症或心脏病,被认为是吸烟引起的,达到年世界600万元左右,600名亿人,没有一点点 As for the person who dies with the cancer and the heart disease etc where you can think smoking cause In world reaching to annual approximately 6 000 000 person Don t you think 6 000 000 human tsu te it is little
什么是你的妻子或Haorimasenu Tagara人,香烟烟雾从戒烟Yurusenai和观看 确定 That sure of the tobacco you see you that it cannot be permitted the hateful smoke Be kept away from the wife and the subordinate the rice bran
我想戒烟出血,更好地把基地观看这个话题(笑) That this sure you see the hateful smoke seeing the off base ji ru like laughing
但是,只有“烟草”,打破其他were m我玩手机),休息,休息空间在有限的时间和毅力去WWW的只有一条路,他认为这种前列腺种愚蠢 But “just the tobacco” being different from the rest of other things special it was done to handle awfully it is When is because the person where the rest room is long strangely is playing with carrying only the ru think it is Way also the rest room limits during rest time persevering www In only such direction the person who cannot think is foolish
余汝和源出吸烟直接影响二三九瓦特223 224 239 When the effect is produced with same effectiveness due to prohibition of smoking it is the source w 223 224
你,是的,我想我希望我们都晃Toshii瓦特文件通常不会很好,当我知道,我读了它 You becoming dissertation the re thinking that it is correct entirely so shelf w Normally you know that it is useless at the point in time when there was read
像身体依赖性的高兴奋剂 The stimulant being like as for the physical dependency is the ' It is high
共有703箱16万从实际5000(2 1万日元约5000)以数字接受 Actually the total 703 carton approximately 50 002 100 000 cyclotomic was accepted from approximately 165 000 person
50箱(一点五〇万日元分16)一些人进行预约 You say that 50 cartons 165 000 cyclotomic the person who reserves it was
总有一个数字接受703箱,共约100人实际上(约210万日元) Actually the total 703 carton approximately 2 100 000 cyclotomic it accepted from approximately 100 people
其根本吸不吸收,我们是不是疯了,但我沉浸在街道滨崎步地无论细则 Fundamental it inhales it does not inhale anyhow is Inhaling on the roadside you are walking well kichigai
在,我没有在你摄入抽烟吗? So your tobacco the tsu ke which was not inhaled
即使是几十年百滨崎步Yuzuru什么效果,这是本世纪结束 Hundred steps transferring, assuming that there is an effect, ahead several dozen years, in other words the end of the present century
可能是因为你没看我的833,但严重?曼陀罗我认真地阅读医学文献,你觉得在你的辉胜? ? ? 833 The ro because we it is not read seriously When we reads medical dissertation seriously You think that it can win you
我们在前面829了解医学文献辉Hayo 829 As for you compared to being able to understand medical dissertation the ru
吸烟者的位置非尚未两周敲笨 _NULL_
啊啊啊啊紧盖子wwwwwwwwwwwww各项爱滋病 The coming stick it is the cover [za] well well well well well well [a] wwwwwwwwwwwww
因为太多吸烟者不遵守礼仪158条款的地方,特别是在第一 158 The smoker who is not protected in the first place especially manner aspect being too multi causes
好吧,我得付说,吸烟偏好受益人 The ma with benefit assessment in the smoking priority It makes do
在387科学家否认烟草控制何时现身?或100年?咦? wwwwww 387 So the scientist who denies tobacco regulation when is present 100 years later It is wwwwww
401科学家否认烟草控制是一段时间来?或100年?咦? wwwwww 401 So the scientist who denies tobacco regulation when is present 100 years later It is wwwwww
403科学家否认烟草控制是一段时间来?或100年?咦? wwwwww 403 So the scientist who denies tobacco regulation when is present 100 years later It is wwwwww
728科学家否认烟草控制何时现身?或100年?咦? wwwww 728 So the scientist who denies tobacco regulation when is present 100 years later It is wwwww
在此之后,编号:gW2rNrNC0 u003d编号:joKxrZEwO编号:7Mun4FEj0 u003d编号:mTc6a79W0吓唬她的小组已经下降了,您将要梅鲁1000 Kuyashi少油瓦特↓ After this,
ID: gW2rNrNC0 = ID: joKxrZEwO
ID: 7Mun4FEj0 = ID: mTc6a79W0
The [hatsutari] leaving school group, the [ku] palm up to [tsu] [te] 1000 w which probably is to bury the less
在阅读故事的年龄,只要穆贵宾凡TTA的很多谷歌最初没有从较低的吸烟率一直很低,流动的考虑是,一旦我像一个小戒烟 Very if the gugu tsu is story ahead is read because with as for the age layer of vip it is low smoking ratio is low originally considering once in the minor prohibition smoking the tsu po which is the flow it is
例如,你如果公平地对待别人的品味和爱好吸烟 If smoking hobby taste other hobby and handle fairly
如果仅仅是虚张声势,形成307编号:7Mun4FEj0 u003d编号:mTc6a79W0宁愿浪费,瓦特 307
Just [hatsutari] is written
ID: 7Mun4FEj0 = ID: mTc6a79W0
W which probably is the consumption whose one is wasteful
如果你认为90 Eru ll Nashimoto%真实的烟雾从什么我会根据行业的长远Kuita越南嗯吸烟率?我或者是一个很好的砖你猜不仅向公众发布的Word是否癌症线,包括肺部疾病 If you think first in the pear book don t you think from passive smoking to the thing which is to be long under environment of industry of the smoking ratio 90 exceeding Whether or not the lung line cancer to include because as for detailed condition it is not published with only presumption the language brick
503老人TTA的工作场所吸烟率有限大规模的梅鲁高粉尘,请确定是否老人被杀害二手烟雾是不是像一个梨元是不是科学 503 Advanced age smoking ratio of the workplace is not to limit to the mass rubbish high With science it is impossible to decide whether or not you died the Nasimoto like senior citizen with passive smoking
如果是这样気取465日泰高收入纳税人,你给我钱我充分的卷烟税,而不是仅仅有很多稼瓦特 465 So if the large amount taxpayer we would like to be affected not to be tobacco tax something and making all the way and supply all the way w
傻瓜也失去国家有这么多呀,三个月出院后我一样烟草于纳税人 Country foolish shelf we like yu u ri yo u tobacco taxpayer in 3 months after It loses therefore it is
如果这不是你走了,打开字典,我认为我已经是我的自定义843区别W“的任何像样(副词),以”我不喜欢写 843 That thinking whether the refuse we by mistake is don t you think national language dictionary opening it was and the chi waited w Where “that it becomes the adverb ” writing don t you think
寻求即时的通缩,而民主党人税收的国民生活升降机 _NULL_
我一直认为能够提出赔偿要求在香烟烟雾吸入Wasetara When the tabacco smoke is made to inhale, it reaching the point where it can do compensation for damage claim, it leaves, the shelf
我不买了,直到被占领的项目,后卖小梳子解除安全 Until it becomes absence of stock buying up after the marking up making a little cheap it sells
我不抽烟,但: - But as for we non smoker:
我不知道家里或照顾他的衣服,甚至会忽视的吸收量虽然鱿鱼Ttena在我最初从妻子怀孕了,我不得不担心它正因为它是一个妻子的严格去除异味Raretarashii顺利地从戒烟也很重要只是为了解除 It does not neglect CARE from the origin and inhales and the ru is not inhaled or is from the wa with the person Furthermore the house or the clothes because the wife thorough removal it is ill smelling it has done completely it did not become matter of concern but it is The wife becoming pregnant because exactly also tobacco price hike was piled up it was stopped easily it seems
我不认为吸烟或狗饲Ubeki Nuko The smoker thinks that it should raise the [nu] densely and the dog it is not,
我也不做来解决老年人退休金和消费问题而埃塔 But the trap where annuity and latter-term senior citizen problem nothing which go out are solved
我也知道拼命地复制和粘贴[确定],许多烟草代理商 However [kopipe] to numerous [sure] by the tobacco operative the desperate circumstances which are done it is recognized
我会说我是206马苏都市相关? Sosuyan产生无尽的各方在你出去瓦特来源认为这是禁止的。我出来的食物来源,他们会在食物的认识 206 Profit phase relating saying the ru The source which the source thinking tsu drill authorized personnel whom you put out produces and it is w In other words prohibition The rice eating in enlightenment the ru party producing the ru source
我就知道我是206马苏都市相关? Sosuyan产生无尽的各方在你出去瓦特来源认为这是禁止的。我出来的食物来源,他们会在食物的认识 206 Profit phase relating knowing the ru The source which the source thinking tsu drill authorized personnel whom you put out produces and it is w In other words prohibition The rice eating in enlightenment the ru party producing the ru source
我正在学习,你如何评论这吸烟的做法呢?如果调查的提取方法凉爽的家伙,我的答案,但我说Eru ll Ttena吸进了,与大多数人是元的翻译设置得太低,因为用尽了愚蠢的,他们开始时世此请我会愚蠢到隐藏的烟雾 Actually this smoking ratio tsu te how doing you investigate it is If extraction questionnaire system inhaling inhaling also the te saying the person who answers is don t you think it is From katsukoii with aho which is said it starts inhaling in the reason which it passes puts out large portion meaning When they are your these times the fool who who tries probably to hide smoking it will be
没有理由不呼吸开始这些愚蠢的Janakerya 153 153 If the fool it is not those which is not the reason which starts inhaling
我猜你是太普通太891 _NULL_
我要用尽高峰持续瓦特午夜谭〜我为什么开始 Rising to nighttime the ru w It starts inhaling with something
或健康危害,二手烟的去做这项工作,较“闻” Healthy damage, it is the secondary flow smoke when, from such a ones
“It is ill-smelling in any case”
更蠢行气,让客户到商店购物和Poor m生病wwwww The store which designates the non smoking seat and the smoking seat as next door is bad And customer gaaho which goes to such a store Furthermore to sit down in the smoking seat complaint wwwww where the person who is said stays The hateful smoke is the sickness
梅鲁能够打破10年来,我使用的非皮坡他们的吸烟习惯 By his came and non-smoking [paipo] using, 10 years it was possible to change smoking habit,
没有经过最危险的经济增长,成人婴儿潮 After the economic growing the nodule which becomes an adult is most dangerous
清除和gag [特鲁利]我这样做,直到最后,手术死亡威胁! *参考这里[确定] Finally the JT operative doing to homicide notice, the [ru]!
* Reference [sure] this is
烟草是很难管理不善来源不明的火灾 The fire how majority of cause obscurities irregularity of tobacco
班邦已销往他Warota 15万日元或一个特殊的角落Oobako心怡本田 _NULL_
直到311烟民,认为这样一个伟大的烟雾吸入哇塞人士的胜利,他吸收烟雾Waseta其他人,如罢工,我能石庞大的家族,或系统的东西我必须这样做 Making the smoke others inhale you think large victory 311 Until there is no smoker the way The person who had the smoke others inhale may beat you are possible to throw the stone to the family that you say Unless it makes the system you think that it is useless
直到最近,任何一个无家可归的人在摄入量,如果你想讨好的廉价雪茄或烟斗,如果你不觉得你没有走那么远 If we would like to inhale cheaply … With so or the road surface living person it does not do recently to there it is the kana which is not If it does to there when it makes Hamaki or the pipe how
禁烟只能设置在高知县的步行区,如市议会通过一项法案在六月时禁止吸烟,吸烟者很窄的肩膀Kunari Even in Kochi city providing prohibited area of smoking,
The shoulder body of the smokers is becoming narrow e.g., the regulations plan which prohibits the walking tobacco is approved at the June city assembly,
编号:7Mun4FEj0 u003d编号:mTc6a79W0嘿一样 ID: 7Mun4FEj0 = ID: mTc6a79W0
With it is the same, well
编号:7Mun4FEj0 u003d编号:为W mTc6a79W0 ID: 7Mun4FEj0 = ID: The same as mTc6a79W0 w
编号:MtkVizGK0 m对不起,我不明白,我解释到其他精神病患者 ID: MtkVizGK0
The [me] it is, explaining to the mental patient partner, you do not understand, don't you think? it is
肺癌的致癌物质,但如果假设是老化和氮的化合物,而不仅仅是烟草和石棉 When as for the carcinogenic characteristic substance of the lung cancer/gun is not just the tobacco as a prerequisite and there is an asbestos and a nitrogenous substance and age increase etc but
进水口余人没有气馁统计数字之前,烟草401“为什么你会吸收狗屎?”我说瓦特赎回人说这样的事?现在人们都到了疯狂的东西,然后 401 In the person who the lottery ke ru tobacco is not inhaled before the statistics “ unko be sure to inhale with something the ru ” With It was said w Such a thing you call to others Something the person where the head is strange occasionally is present
“我不吸烟的人,”为什么你会吸收狗屎?“我说瓦特赎回人说这样的事?现在人们都到了疯狂的东西,然后 gt The tobacco in the person who is not inhaled “ unko inhaling with something the ru ” With It was said w Such a thing you call to others Something the person where the head is strange occasionally is present
非吸烟者,但也有一些小数目,没有怜悯那些谁吸烟,扔出去点 The non smoker of course thing, part and extremely small amount, the smoker you have not thrown away jauntily is pitiful