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LG electron with liquid crystal television in the Japanese market after 2 years re-entry


  • 420因此,解释为一种更NHK的
    420 Therefore as for that on the other hand NHK with is interpreted the one which

    • 508“日本制造”Wareru写上涌的现场日本Munayo你混蛋我说,韩国的产品比较缺乏信心,他们的泡菜味 508 That “made In Therefore reliability of the Japan” or less The Korean product is said the coarse item tsu te it is the ro which is chiyon writes to the Japanese sight is kim chee smell
      • 美国球员从来没有在韩国买了一个电视吗?我讨厌站起来像一些廉价的梳子瓦特 The person who the Korean make television how buys it is How much it makes cheap and passes and it is hateful don t you think w

    • 689五百七十五俳句(随季节字)
      689 As for haiku 575 (season word being attached)

      • FUJIAIR人喜欢,但它不是那么有趣

        • LG电子LG电子778电视相比,我会用面板的REGZA屏幕上,一些相关的专利Kuatoron浩纪伊我知道我是不同的发动机,我认为质量是远远优于日语I 778 The same LG panel as the television of LG using the picture of ru reguza comparing by sight the difference tsu te of the picture quality engine it is large you realize that it is Doing in kuatoron whatever relationship of patent Japan decisively is predominant what don t you think
          • 而且因为我从来没有出现在侵权面前韩国和中国,我们的专利 Korea and being the Chinese how patent infringement natural Doing you wrapped it is

        • LG电子希望通过本人的,我没有虐待nected也接受日立标志标识不觉得是生理坏志 , 〜° ¯ But LG is to call separately it cannot accept that feeling bad logograph physiologically However also the Hitachi logograph is terrible ¯ ¯ “ ¯ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ┐ └ ─ ─ ┐ l l ¯ l REPT REPT ¯ ¯ 92 92 No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
          • 美国电视市场三星■奢侈品,价格也高我,强烈的大贵电视,LG电子最大的市场份额,因为他们卖的便宜价格欺骗人民,日本制造商的价格第二位的韩国厂商份额没有安全,尤其是东芝和夏普是不被出售的还不很多瓦特投売日国家万维网 The American television market samusun The high class brand item to raise price to force to the large amount large sized television share 1 rank LG Because price is cheap the fool sell in the populace share 2 rank Japanese manufacturer Price is cheaper than the Korean manufacturer especially Toshiba and as for sharp sacrifice sale state w Although that it is www which is not sold excessively

        • LG电子标识戴上“东芝”,“SONY”为出售或正在取得傻瓜Netouyo简板,很讨厌?瓦特
          It stretches with respect to LG logograph, if it makes the plate “of TOSHIBA” “SONY” In hateful Korea [netouyo] the fool sell the kana which is done? w

          • LG的是一个多功能的高清晰度电视的一个体面的电视输出
            As for TV which LG puts out high picture quality many functions TV of that appearance

            • SUMSONG · LG电子最好的!相对于并行信息产业部作出的所有在日本和韩国做出了优异的价格,来测试我,我不喜欢看发生什么事,松下,东芝,头盔标志,他们选择的图像质量,那些隐藏在韩国制造! ! !我不明白为什么不买脸说每个人都感到惊讶时,当您看到标志 The SUMSONG LG highest panaso and Toshiba something there is no eye Something calls and applies and cost performance is preeminent what Arranging Korea make and Japan make in trial to be to try comparing as for logograph hiding When the one whose picture quality is good is chosen as for that Korea make When verifying logograph when you call the face where everyone is surprised… The reason which you do not buy is not found
              • 本身就是一个质量差,但我Kankoku隆艾希日本IDE是一件好事,甚至恶心,为什么不能和血浆制品)期间,韩国(笑这就像从 Good thing shelf Japan riding although it is quality useless it is high and… Disliking Korea itself unless the Korean product competes It means plasma laughing like thing of one time consist of

            • Tteru与日立和东芝共同光驱,如果你有PC Tteru
              Making with the joint venture of Toshiba and Hitachi, if the optical drive for [ru] PC having, the [ru

              • Tteru胜韩国的电器都可以Netoge偶像剧
                [netoge] and idling and drama and the electrification product Korea winning entirely, the [ru

                • W的663监督权利生病或浏览网络模式三菱搭售疲劳的视频,我觉得便宜的是第一个很大的负担挂 663 As for the one for monitor the ro w which is yabai Because the ge which we assume that net perusal it does with Mitsubishi animated picture mode you become tired as for the cheap article burden falling on the eye rather you think as the ru
                  • 当他们买便宜日立,置换等什么美丽的!埃塔Itamon让我吃惊,在过去一台洗衣机:究竟发生了什么事,我 When you bought to the Hitachi cheap article and changing so becoming clean The tsu te you were surprised it is The present washer just was what it is the tsu te

                • Zumuin“韩国LCD世界品质”,我说什么?什么是质量? “Quality of the zumuin Korean liquid crystal the greatest in the world” the tsu te was not said It probably is quality tsu te what
                  • 八万日元并没有22的舔我说日本的超级竞争的世界其他比我 80 000 Yen licking Japan whose greatest in the world competition is extreme with 22 types only the ru the good way it is not

                • 一年 索尼的,电视的平均销售价格在1114年3月31日美元(约10万5000日元),但四 六)个月1007美元(约50000009日元,下降通缉 Average selling price of the SONY make television this year in 1 March periods was 1114 dollars approximately 105 000 Yen but As for 4 June periods 1007 dollars approximately 95 000 Circle it went down
                  • 然而,日元)的平均价格三星国产电视美元,同一时期,在1007(约五千二万○九日元)从1051美元(90 000 9000,并希望顶部 But as for average value of samusun electronic make television 1007 dollars approximately 95 200 Yen from 1051 dollars approximately 99 000 Yen to with it has risen in the same period

                • 一旦触发相反的反应规律,被誉为LG电子Netouyo万维网
                  [netouyo] When it repels Opposite law Extolment motion LG electron www

                  • 三菱感觉就像当你设置视频
                    It seems like the time of the animated picture setting of MITSUBISHI Feeling

                    • 不知道你的产品更了解韩国现实的韩国产品的最佳对他来说,其实,日本的产品可供选择比,但我不是都有一个故事,我 Being the case that they are recognized the actual condition of the Korean product best well The fact that indicating everything they have selected the Japanese product from the Korean product With reason something which is the shank
                      • TTA的不觉得它想要韩国制用具,生活从来没有 The Korean make electrification product what you think that we want there is no either one time of life

                    • 但是,通过这样的事情,“韩国制造的破坏,”我就Gatten称为形象 But via such a ones “Korea make is broken” the tsu te is said the image which It has been completed is
                      • 但它是不会的,我不Tyousen厌倦 So not to be the te As for we Korea is disliked
                      • 电视怎么样?嗯,我很好,无论从韩国厂商购买任何狗 The television how what Well we the Korean manufacturer however how it is good from all buying cup

                    • 其他国家的决策者应该我也不轻视
                      It is not necessary to disregard the manufacturer of the foreign country

                      • 即使是那些日本韩国汽车在谁是极为精通韩语至上韩国碰伤,包括一个事实,即它们增加Mareta撤出买现代,一些韩国 That finishing is the extreme Korean supreme principle person with Korea Without buying the Korean car hiyundai was driven to withdrawal with even the people of the resident Korean With it is the fact which is said
                        • 我不觉得,也不是韩国车的方式走穆 As the Korean car the air which walks the same road is not done

                      • 只有445 或4年保修游戏的响应速度,并认为TTA的戴尔TTA的我会买的21英寸TTA的租赁代之以一个新的四倍四年 445 Speed of response of the game and the like was thought acquiring 4 year guarantee as for we which buys 21 inches of DELL exchanging to 4 new items in 4 years you received
                        • 梅鲁事情到了极点 一个游戏响应速度快和保修三年保修在商店五年 3 year guarantee At store 5 year guarantee Raising the speed of response of the game and the like to the extremity

                      • 只有通过按摩的蔑视甚至是蔑视的原因
                        The [tsu] [te] which has the sufficient reason which also the fact that it is disregarded is disregarded it rubbed

                        • 同样的全高清质量,速度4,USB的硬盘录像功能和附加功能它必须 After all full HD picture quality addition function such as 4 time speed and the video recording function to USB HDD is

                          • 咦? 2年?这意味着,到目前为止,我没有瓦特 Obtaining After 2 years The tsu lever until now it was not it is w which is
                            • 总之,就象牛的照片瓦特使用一些网络打印 How the se as for photograph something net print you use die w

                          • 夏普“的Aquos”索尼“Bravia液晶”东芝“REGZA”三星“波尔多”请有点高,通常会买三星Udaro Sharp “ akuosu ” The SONY “brassiere beer” Toshiba “ reguza ” samusun “Bordeaux” Some being high the ro normal which samusun you buy and is

                            • 如果你不能直接比较仅网络销售,某种程度上被出售? If it limits to the net sale which cannot do direct comparison it is it can sell because
                              • 当然,在黑暗中开始在商店水平,亮度太多空间 It is visible darkly at the store with when it is the room be too bright

                            • 如果我买它彻底的反日民族产品瓦特
                              The product of plain anti-Japanese nation buying, how it does, w

                              • 如果消费者的口味绝对日本在签约ü由日本驱逐舰日本消费电子制造韩国,而不是取消
                                If the taste where the Japanese atrophies there is no Japanese make home appliance no matter what The [u] where the Japanese home appliance is expelled in the Korean make home appliance -

                                • 如果这是一个略小于IPS的彻头彻尾的NEC ASV的·弗吉尼亚州观看真正的系统更有吸引力,但认为鄂
                                  If just a little it is inferior from NEC IPS, however you can think more attractively than ASV VA system, unless the real thing you see, at all

                                  • 它比我多,知道我们面前的事实,而不是因为他会认为我犯了一个低质量的普遍无知的日本人韩国人 As for that you et al who know fact compared to thinking that the ignorant general Japanese the Korean make how quality is lower from the ru
                                    • 914不,不,我会说我是一个球迷,我会买韩国制 914 But well well as for we buying the Korean make electric fan calling the ru the ru it is

                                  • 我不介意Terya很少包括埃泰添加到开始撤出半导体技术教育我是我的错东芝Samuchon浩菊,直到有一
                                    In the first place, [samuchiyon] became large to there riding, but consequence what of Toshiba Semiconductor technology teaching, by your being driven by withdrawal, the [wa] which is not [ri] [ya] care

                                    • 我们期望韩国制造商,开发并发布的狗要愚弄打印机成本并不便宜,但也不笨我用墨水和爱普生打印机高 It does not use the Epson and the like fool high printer ink that you would like to expect to the Korean manufacturer the te Running cost the fool the cheap printer the cup which is wanted developing selling
                                      • 我们期望韩国制造商,开发并发布的狗要愚弄打印机成本并不便宜,但也不笨我用墨水和爱普生打印机高 It does not use the Epson and the like fool high printer ink that you would like to expect to the Korean manufacturer the te Running cost the fool the cheap printer the cup which is wanted developing selling

                                    • 我是一个电脑显示器,我认为雅马哈Ttara好^ ^ LG电子DVD驱动器是非常适合我的父亲我是一个电脑ETE的时间被认为是先锋在DVD驱动器和更换
                                      When as for we PC monitor you think as the [ze] ^ ^ we perfection which is [iiyama] The [ze] where DVD drive is LG… 1 hours thinking, you exchanged with the pioneer DVD drive of PC of the father

                                      • 我看到电视上的LG和东芝公司昨日作出in中国低价产品卖给我同日本制造商如 As for LG the tsu te which sells the Japanese manufacturer equal price band commodity You saw with yesterday Chinese make Toshiba television
                                        • 然后是同样的价格,我会选择,如果我故意 Equal price specially selection it is probably will be…

                                      • 我肯定不会买它便宜,或让相同的价格冲击国内 Being cheap buy although you think that it should it is not domestic production throwing at the same price
                                        • 市场营销和投资,我们可以借鉴日本有很多 The place where such as marketing it should learn also Japan and investment is a lot of

                                      • 我要修理,我已经到了红线在7个月TTA的Samusunterebi我买了去年12月,加拿大结束 But Canadian what the line whose samusunterebi which is bought in December in 7 months is red in the edge entering if the te it does not repair viewing
                                        • 对我来说,茶可购买三星LG ü条件,只是它不会 It probably is tsu chi ya LG in we but it probably is samusun but as for the condition for buying it is not other than this
                                        • 是啊,如果我使用由LG电子洗衣机和冰箱便宜切分超过海尔 The cheap article dividing with the washer and the refrigerator you use if it is higher earl shelf than LG

                                      • 按摩一员工有点像送你一个长期的临时工,但景点可以信任(而不是每天发货)信用在那里我真正成熟使用 If long term dispatch period employee like rubbing As for some however it can trust spot dispatch day to day employment dispatch maji it can trust the place where you use and is
                                        • 按摩一员工有点像送你一个长期的临时工,但景点可以信任(而不是每天发货)信用在那里我真正成熟使用 If long term dispatch period employee like rubbing As for some however it can trust spot dispatch day to day employment dispatch maji it can trust the place where you use and is

                                      • 既然你只能用,避免贸易摩擦和来自日本,美国,尽管你认为同样的事情的ERE与日本的贸易盈余与韩国的贸易赤字韩国
                                        If the toward Japan trade deficit and trade black-ink balance amount of Korea think from the same thing Normally, because it is the case it has utilized because Japan evades the Japanese-American trade friction and the like when be no other choice but to,

                                        • 日本LED制造商,因为他会使用LCD好,“你也可以去我们自己!”想的权利,自然囊 Well also the Japanese manufacturer using the liquid crystal of LED it can go from the ru “even at the respective company being ” With the ro whose also it is proper to think
                                          • LED是出奇地低功耗也感到惊讶,因为他采取了低价格模式 Because LED is adopted low to the model of the price range the extent which electric power consumption is surprised it is low

                                        • 日本制造商是如此之薄,薄韩国厂商Tsukurezu As for the Japanese manufacturer with thin shape thin shape about of the Korean manufacturer not making it is
                                          • 日本制造商如此之薄,韩国的厂商Tsukurezu对面 As for the Japanese manufacturer being opposite thin shape about of the Korean manufacturer not making it is

                                        • 日本及其他国家的这种卑鄙的人看下来不吐在脸上
                                          It is not the mean kind of race where the Japanese despises, disregards the foreign country

                                          • 日本废钢我一直对那些老框框束缚,标准的,对面是建设西部前列
                                            Japan is the urgent spearhead of the scrap & build, but… It is bound in custom and the standard where the European-American one is old conversely

                                            • 是的,但也许863,如果有一日本品牌,至少,我是来自日本的制造商,以确保质量品牌的含义 863 But you probably will bend if at least there is the Japanese make brand the Japanese manufacturer The quality is guaranteed therefore it is there is meaning as a brand
                                              • 900然而,在日本制造的老了,我是伟大的 900 But Japan make of former times was enormous

                                            • 毕竟,就会立即得到了我的制造者我撰三菱回收费
                                              After all, MITSUBISHI where recycling charge becomes the manufacturer having 撰 it is the [tsu] it is

                                              • 汽车,最强的红绿灯!我对他说的人喜欢我会说第一次世界大战,我会免费的,如果他将成为一个相当大的驾驶执照,他们没有二战“矮”我是日本人,我喜欢 The car how it is light the tora strongest Everyone saying the ru it does ww That saying the ru person license also the person where the car which does not have is not driven entering suitable ru ze ww The fact that we like” atrophy” is Japanese what

                                                • 没有533,所以这台电视机只有这样高端市场
                                                  533 Therefore well, the latest television for the quality item market

                                                  • 然而,在痹阻舒展下半年10 2011财年销售一遍,又是不是被迫撤离 lt Posterior estimate gt But from 10 junior half extending through 11 in addition sale did not extend again made withdrawal unavoidable
                                                    • 克如事我不继续退出这个非赢利 Because it does not make a profit without withdrawing don t you think it is to continue
                                                    • 或者说,我告诉它前两次退出日本出你 That also tsu or in the past 2 times withdraw from Japan the ro which is
                                                    • 撤回第一次真正愚蠢的人赖希万维网现在Tyousen反正没用,便又 Surely the Korean it seems now pulling out the way of removal www This time how the ro which is the se useless

                                                  • 电影模式或配置更改,疲劳 我只是调整时,所有的东西小Shidake Modification of setting just something to investigate it just does you become tired a little with animated picture mode it is

                                                    • 百合月麻生区。我会奔跑的现代民营的士轮
                                                      Aso Ku new lily. The private taxi of today running to the neighborhood, the [ru

                                                      • 经过不断的坚持的车队系统,我将展示掉进决策无聊,我会一直是蔑视结果观众滚装船
                                                        After all it hung on forever in escorted convoy system, Falling to the [ma] viewing program making, the [wa] which is the result of designating the viewer as the 蔑 [ro

                                                        • 罗技10年前,我Ttara恼人的品牌在韩国作出了购买一台液晶显示器,因为许多人留下了错误的认为他们只要百分之背光 About 10 years ago Logitech It was the brand when the liquid crystal monitor is bought because as for Korea make various uza to be Extremely immediately you remembered that back light had become strange
                                                          • 使液晶面板生产线在812 LED,但说白了,我终于在日本品种,一种罕见的不良 812 Way it goes with the LED liquid crystal but it is finally to be even even in Japan and It is not unusual
                                                          • 罗技品牌10年前,我对购买韩国产液晶显示器Ttara留给他们去错了,因为一旦百分之背光 About 10 years ago Logitech It was the brand when the liquid crystal monitor is bought because as for Korea make various uza to be Extremely immediately you remembered that back light had become strange
                                                          • 韩国制造,这么多烦人,我避免可能的 Because Korea make various uza to be avoiding as much as possible it increases

                                                        • 美国和韩国的各种流派,但现在非经济,蜜月纪录
                                                          In addition to economy the United States and Korea now past with various genres highest honeymoon

                                                          • 茹和公正,方是来自该国,他们认为有一个例子 Therefore thing of that country it comes being correct attack method with you cannot think
                                                            • 悟悠香椎被尴尬的电视LG电子马克我 The friend coming the TV tsu te of the LG mark it is shy

                                                          • 虽然我一直担任危机的Buma F1的家里,我决定取消罚款或不喜欢LG电子和LG也是一个很大的打击不论
                                                            F1 home country opening being feared, however the [ru], in stopping, when it becomes especially, LG there is no large shock something Or penalty anything related to LG it is not kana

                                                            • 虽然我得碘LG电子LG电子,不得进入的同时TTA的衣橱
                                                              LG and IODATE having, however the [ru] as for LG while it enters into the closet the shelf

                                                              • 螨,但我的时间没有在日本的VHS旧金星的LG Konbachidekki我将使用的磁带,我三生金星韩国大宇等产品的安全性并
                                                                But as for we the Japanese of still using the tape old GOLDSTAR with [konbachidetsuki] of VHS of LG, the [ru] At that time the large space/large house Sanxing The Korean item such as Venus was cheap

                                                                • 质量方面取得了日立超的IPS及的DD IPS的一个最新的W远优于笑鄂不觉得我的最新更改排减单位,但在质量方面较弱的视频 In made in Japan with Hitachi Super IPS DD IPS as for picture quality w which can laugh the fact that it is the extent which is better than latest line of However animated picture it is weak the air which is changed into latest line of in the picture quality aspect does not do it is

                                                                  • 贺都隐藏Sutepurodyusa李向我们报告,以避免造成更多的日本,谷刚,你杀了我们烧Purodyusa委员会
                                                                    Because the Japanese above this are not made to kill Japanese plum England and Japan and information [sutepurodeyusa] and the victory valley, it burns commission [purodeyusa] and kills

                                                                    • 这幻觉Moderunaru龟山Perasaniha ll这么薄或尖锐的捕鱼经验TTA的客户,↑会畏缩

                                                                      • 透过大型电子零售商销售液晶电视型号从11月10日
                                                                        The liquid crystal television 10 type is sold from November via the major home appliance mass sales store

                                                                        • 那么在日本和最好的业务备案Yaaiinjane
                                                                          Don't you think? the [ri] [ya] which trades in the well at the very most resident partner it is to be to meet

                                                                          • 问题是,它看起来是一个便宜的六百六十六瓦特 666 To be cheap w where those where it is improbable are problem

                                                                            研究 開発