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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

じゃらん レビュー 要約

“Accumulation of wealth ahead owing doing to send in the generation of the voice “child and the grandchild of the rally where of the parent whom you consume because your own” generation the young person is strong selfishly, the good air rubbed”


  • 100%的继承税做我完全投入到债务偿还
    If inheritance tax it should have appropriated to payment in full government bond redemption with as 100%

    • 1( ·ω· )我也做了一个好政党无论如何,如果你只是听 1 If the Ω how the se if also the support political party heard although it was good
      • 认识到,环境会不会是我的Mareta惠,不管怎样,就可能不承认 Because probably there is no consciousness which is as the environment where by his is favored how it does not designate the se signet however probably will be

    • 89,或残疾人生活的人将超过90乃木诚孤独的父母一方死亡 Or 89 90 where it has obstacle it passes and it lives and can point 1 actual parents and loneliness makes die
      • 因为“焦虑症”多亏了大学是 With favor from time of the university it became “insecure obstacle”

    • Netouyo他们不怠慢创造了良好的孙子
      [netouyo] which does not make the grandchild may be cold treatment

      • “Ikubeshi成为津贴纳鲁重要王侯”我们将重置为销售,货物支付的纳鲁至少Tasenu结果都不是双指令的成本,甚至死亡 “Whenever generation is repeated it keeps becoming magnificent the wisdom that cannot be carried out until should” At least whenever generation is repeated the household belongings being sold out there are no times when it keeps being reset

        • ○我永远不会让我们的孩子们的钱432 432 The gold of the child is applied how Don t you think ○
          • ○我永远不会让我们的孩子们的钱432 432 The gold of the child is applied how Don t you think ○

        • 一个障碍可能会下降之前,我继承了父母的依赖,因为它是甜的糖果帮她,这是出现在花萼尖阁傻瓜必达雷塔赢得了一场比赛,我有残障内记神奇确保良好分钟 Depending on the parent because it deteriorated it is inherited you perhaps one of handicaps but as for that there is no ginger Sweetly therefore the candy winning the competition which has handicap it is exultaion If you look at the hetareta fool at the 尖 official building you understand well
          • 嗯,要小心的nymphomaniac,然后才能被继承 Well because lust mania is inherited you pay attention

        • 一旦婴儿或现在的年轻人,我死了一个老男人! !所谓 When the current baby becomes the young person and jijii die With you say
          • 此外,我来了!情感与态度上进行紧密 And coming The impression does and does the hi the hi with in with attitude the ru

        • 三遣散组金色降落伞的总承包商足额缴纳退休Morai企业银行是为了积累工程光公帑税收债务在明年进入收购我看坏注入杆忠
          Enterprise retirement age doing, retirement lump sum grant full amount you receive and in the 3rd group order exerted from above and the earth building the public works projects next accumulate wealth with the tax which is packed To step on loans from banks and push down, public money fill

          • 丰富的婴儿潮一代,一代的父母是谁残余数字贺都和明
            As for property of the nodule generation, those which the parent of the Showa one column generation leaves

            • 之后,我没有让他们住在街头,直到成年子女容易,“哦,那么你面前,让他来自己的生活对我的,我享受我的生活我的财产,其余的,”当我们说我结构的我不认为 Until the child becomes an adult after making live what without inconvenience Because “the a then as for you by your own power live as for me you enjoy rest of life with my property ” When with you say you think that it does not care separately

              • 也包括娱乐,走了宋代中国陶瓷收藏我收到各地避难的曾爷继电器,祖父的财产只存放在仓库内,还
                Being succeeded from time of the 曾 pop, [ru] Chinese Song generation Also the collection of the ceramic ware is put away and, also the personal effects of the pop are deposited to the warehouse

                • 什么一个概念潮子孙都没有?他们的父母,他们用切断总茹也对国民经济的贡献,如果你把它只是八十年万元应付五是浪费他们卖掉了祖传的土地法律Kusobabaa的岳母,换句话说,我进一步忠晃无辜的,我会请我没有消费的例子 In the nodule there is no child and a grandchild tsu te concept Your own parent in other words kusobabaa of justice mother The ancestral generation after generation land is sold out in 5 years 80 000 000 waste If just that is possible also patience with contribution to domestic economy but Everything to consume furthermore in we request Honesty going out it is gone and with thinks
                  • 已婚的父母,他们用来切割总茹也作出了贡献,如果你把国民经济只是八十年万元应付五是浪费他们卖掉了祖传的土地法律Kusobabaa的岳母,换句话说,我进一步忠晃无辜的,我会请我没有消费的例子 Parent of wife in other words kusobabaa of justice mother The ancestral generation after generation land is sold out in 5 years 80 000 000 waste If just that is possible also patience with contribution to domestic economy but Everything to consume furthermore in we request Honesty going out it is gone and with thinks

                • 什么你的婴儿潮时期出生的60岁? 米坏婴儿潮
                  The [ro] which is 60 year old [tsu] [te] nodule generations? The nodule is terrible

                  • 他。 我考上了妈妈一代的压力在你的身体和破坏,谢谢,我用我的肾痛赠品垃圾 但Kitatsu推出自己的意识,没有做任何违法的:老害和垃圾堆我不 我已经累了,设备老害我关心的浪费。惠悠觉得最后两个狗死于婴儿潮早期作出要么你怎么真的吗?我觉得这个例子中,我只是觉得 That World substituting … With favor okan by his the body breaking with stress you were hospitalized by his is the being defeated being attached of the kidney junk with sore … So that rubbish old age damage by your the place where nothing is done it occurs with for the sake of and passes and there is no consciousness it is don t you think … Don t you think another nursing you become tired dressing up rubbish old age damage Friendship two of the nodules the feeling which we would like to do Recently when how you do truly murder quickly the re ru Only the tsu te thinking the ru air does
                    • 还出520。因为我原本要照顾动物的结束在家里,一个牧人ü老害垃圾愚蠢的罪行:结束争吵婴儿潮一代都非常重要,尽管在家照顾和很贫穷,我不是一 520 Inside With place for the fool of the nodule raises rubbish old age damage at family becoming the predicament which the ru Because we would like to take care therefore pitiful at the house to end in the habit which babbles You do not take care essentially no one it is don t you think

                  • 他是为退休墓地急于赚钱正确工作,否则你会小心,因为我有我有债务 The nursing government bond it makes suitably in the person whose old age is insecure It cannot carry the money to the grave yard therefore it is
                    • 为了妈妈,我想以某种方式使他们成为好老疏散 Somehow good old age we would like making to okan send but it is

                  • 但婴儿潮一代成为老人时,青少年不会有金钱和人力资源 But as for the time where nodule junior becomes the old person there are no man power resources where also the gold is young is
                    • 此外,婴儿潮一代在日本挥霍下降硬币在国外不 Furthermore as for the nodule you spend a lot of money in the foreign country and you do not drop sen in the Japanese country

                  • 但是这个可怜的家伙是潮人没有孩子,后来孩子,死亡是唯一象样的领域凹陷 But pitiful the child there is no person after the nodule junior The honest field it droops and only dies and is

                    • 但由于早期的继承人已经死亡境界是从我妹妹一
                      However the older sister was, because you died of illness in early, because the successor was my one person

                      • 你依靠母公司的资产TTA的世界并没有分在尖阁列岛的问题。遗传继承税,100%我会堕落到公平竞争,没有障碍
                        The [ro] which understood is with case of the 尖 official building and The world which depends on the property of the parent. The gene degenerates, it is Without handicap of the inheritance tax 100% righteousness 々 the [ze] which probably will compete grandly

                        • 和破坏行为,因为婴儿潮一代婴儿潮一代不吃饭,一直在旷野果园耕作与汗水挂,这是目前在日本
                          And The orchard which after the nodule junior generation the nodule eats away, the wilderness converts the sweat water dropping The [te] it plows, that present Japan

                          • 和自私的婴儿潮,婴儿潮给婚姻不幸的对唱和一婴儿 wagamama of the nodule nodule junior marriage and the child making are abandoned The duplication playing of unhappiness
                            • 婴儿潮一代有很多兄弟,没办法得到的东西是父母的财产 Property something of the parents you can receive the nodule generation where the sibling is many the ro which cannot boil and is
                            • 那么,婴儿潮世代Kiru用尽生命是一个很长的路要走 Well life of the nodule running out still ahead

                          • 哇塞Baiin我是婴儿潮一代,以弥补损失的政治
                            Loss of politics should have been made to supply to the nodule generation, it is

                            • 哈市゚你为失业及福利现在码头的应用程序!从日本央行日元,最终颁发金融崩溃→政府→公共援助申请人或爆炸欧麦尔恢复→→→日元贬值政府注意的问题!那么完美!
                              Unemployed person and wharf ゚ [a] probably will apply welfare now! Welfare applicant sudden increase -> public finance failure -> the or government note issue where government at last has circle Bank of Japan print -> weak yen -> business recovery -> [uma] ! The [u] - it is perfection!

                              • 哎呀Gerubeki所有继承税的使用好榜样
                                You should have used entirely, but It should increase [te] or inheritance tariff

                                • 噢,那的 没有养老金60〜我真的需要4000万日元的储蓄,60年Ttara认为试图生活在二点〇亿日元每年的生命一百点〇万日元直到万日元八十年一年可节约20 我需要你 (汗) If the a … annuity it is not when year 2 000 000 Yen you try to live to 60 80 years old savings of 40 000 000 Yen are necessary what with 60 years old… 20 000 000 Yen is savings necessary what even in life of year 1 000 000 Yen … the sweat
                                  • 父母或削减它会护理程序我继承从我闻到钱,我已经说过,因为我们都必须使用有1 4亿人,不希望父母遗留下来的一 Because procedure of inheritance it is troublesome As for savings it consumes entirely in the parent and with is said We does not enter 140 000 000 having from the ru heritage of the parent

                                • 国家原则,日本人的适量抗试图拉下官员婴儿潮约百分之二十锗根据该条规定,私营机构的薪酬公开,抗税额他们声称Jijibaba TTA的土地朦胧模糊减少嗯,我用在税收中舔Gitetsumannainodayo我,继承,因为在我们看来,这一努力,我可以自豪的100%,我不同意
                                  Wages of government employee of nodule generation Conforming to private enterprise, about two tenths it will lower this and will make the proper amount Equal to the amount where the country decreases is anti-Japanese tax in the domestic anti-Japanese principle person Insistence of [jijibaba] blankly the too ambiguous to be Tetsu [ma] is not to be The [wa] which is licked in the sled [ya] Chinese Therefore so, effort being pride it probably will put out, don't you think? as for inheritance tax the 100% I am large approval

                                  • 在未获批准的难民营扔归档到亲生父母
                                    The actual parent is thrown into the internment camp of non approval

                                    • 如果你想要继承未满20岁,现在一半的遗产税
                                      When under of 20 years old inherits, inheritance tax is designated as current half

                                      • 如果蠕虫食物碎屑散落在青年最多拍摄他们,如果他们Itsui饮食,以经济增长 Adhering in the Japanese economic growth period you eat to the young bud the scattering and others refuse rubbish insect

                                        • 婴儿潮一代优于我支付全额报销制度,以消除对昂贵的医疗制度和医疗保险制度和旧-旧的,但我认为748医院消耗的
                                          748 Losing the system of the latter-term senior citizen medical system and the health insurance union system and large amount medical expense assistance If it makes payment in full individual payment You think direction above the baby boom generation that it consumes at the hospital, but is,

                                          • 婴儿潮一代正在享受水果果园没想到过的二战一代的教育和文化在世界的汗水悬(高增长期),我失去了案件扰乱根吃考虑什么后果甲酸(泡沫)
                                            The nodule generation plows and, game medieval generation dropping the sweat water, resigns the truth of the orchard which raises and enjoys (High growth period), in front of and behind you did not think and the 喰 [tsu] [chi] waited completely (bubble economy)

                                            • 它有三个697倍量是时代的产物常设养老金从他的孩子只有一代又一代儿童的一次会煮付债务的国家的例子,我不说这个词 697 As for that annuity as many as 3 times that the amount which the times s amount accumulates from the child generation taking Being able to point to debt to the country when it turns the child generation boiling attaching as for the person it is the word which cannot be said
                                              • 钠,即使我有,但不是一个大数额 Although it is not great amount in case of the tsu te is it is

                                            • 您Tamerya欢蹦乱跳30年每年40万1600万 In 1 years because of 400 000 at ri ya 30 year 16 000 000 The ro which is easy victory
                                              • 你欢蹦乱跳的一年Tamerya 40万1200万30年 In 1 years because of 400 000 at ri ya 30 year 12 000 000 The ro which is easy victory

                                            • 我对一个半奇迹代我80后一代岁以上就是金钱轧制养老金和医疗保健归档瓦特我水库对奖金,他们登记的数据包,而无需使用公帑租最大的癌症的婴儿潮一代就进一步但是生存下去湿重
                                              Furthermore the generation on the nodule probably is first cancer what Don't you think? super old person generation after the 80 generation middle extent w Without using, it accumulates the gold and is packed In the annuity medical care the public money is received, turning In addition on the family register ww which continues to live forever

                                              • 我想你应该停止寻找转移到养老金领取非国有化的博客你们设法逃脱海外 The foreign country escaping when annuity burogu of the people who live you see Nationality depriving it remits stop with you think
                                                • 也超过65 Gitara投票或双管齐下剥夺资格 When that and 65 it passes both election right and suffering election right deprivation margin

                                              • 我是一个整洁的卫队已经半年多的三对青少年胜志
                                                Also three teen becoming halfway, we of the neat home guard wins, group

                                                • 或经济增长,甚至泡沫,干好钱只是喜欢驯服的时代,日本人,因为他们将垃圾居座 米等待仍连接到灌装的位置去 Furthermore the bubble or high level economic growth age just were good accumulate the gold simply and densely are the ri Because while it is attached to position the kudzu is stationary as for Japan reaching the limits the ru

                                                  • 所以说,我们采取税收Ttaro室466!纬度和W Itadake不过我说可能会导致混乱或Netouyo“婴儿潮!”我W对他们周一代你 我是“〜孩子是”一代人的习惯,说我Wareru罕见! 466 Therefore the ro which was called Coming off elbowroom tax With w Elbowroom netouyo saying just caused confusion As for that habit “nodule ” Is it is from the generation w te me gill how above “as for the recent young person ” the tsu te in habit of the rare generation who says

                                                    • 拿起最美味的,他们只是碰巧有婴儿潮一代的年龄和正好是刚刚剪 邓小平 Accidentally being able to carry the place where the nodule is tastiest age you just say probably that it can escape
                                                      • 也就是说,毕竟,这意味着我们要让青年失业的婴儿潮 In other words After all the nodule making young unemployment the ru tsu lever
                                                      • 婴儿潮一代更好地实现了我十分难得的惠 As for the nodule being favored rather the person who is conscious of ru thing is good

                                                    • 新鲜的观点到现在年轻的一代世代Rashiku自私和自我保护差为后泡沫
                                                      After the bubble collapsing poverty the selfish generation whom it presents to the young generation it seemed because of self self-protection, it forces refreshingly, opinion

                                                      • 是不是指婴儿潮一代将积累资金来提高他们的海滨Ttara买回来的东西有人借款268? NULL
                                                        • 我也不知怎么妗莫拉瓦ー借金津市嗯 是什么现政权 Well debt somehow also current administration and others the alligator ya …
                                                        • 是不是所谓的婴儿潮在积累资金,我将获得海滨买东西,有人Ttara 268债务? 268 Owing when something you buy someone is the bu gaining it probably is the ru but That is not accumulation of wealth of the nodule is

                                                      • 没有什么比父母搭便车和其他文物
                                                        They are not anything ones other than unearned income such as heritage of the parent

                                                        • 现在,我们想成为潮叶德娴Bitatameni大选政治也不是一个在年轻一代,经济不景气集中的伤害,但问题而扩大,说TTA的停滞的社会中,大多数传媒叶德娴和结节已报告歪曲事实 Politics and to think of the thing of election because you flatter to the nodule the problem such as the blockade impression of deterioration and society of the result and the economy which damage concentrates on the young generation was expanded you flattered to the nodule which but the mass communications is majority group twisted the actual condition and reported
                                                          • 不平等的资产Katayori这些家伙,或退休金是从年轻,年轻人没有工作或提前等 It is dense and others property unequally deviation Annuity from young person going to the side The reason where employment of the young person does not advance with that

                                                        • 申请人字节在便利店和小酒馆寻找的大小。其中也有一些,找工作的情况后尽快明天如果你有时间工作,但她说,在投诉挛缩两个U Even with konbini even at byte collection and pub byte 募 While being a lot of if complaint there is a spare time when you say with 2 The recruiting search immediately even in tomorrow regardless of work
                                                          • 所以我会说这句话Gudaguda,他们去医院,他仍然安全, Therefore the complaint which is the gu which is the gu saying the ru feeling at rest as for the people still it can go to the hospital

                                                        • 破坏基因的婴儿潮结束埃泰相当肯定家庭独身逝准备复仇的死亡法孤立结节
                                                          Vengeance method to nodule While it is celibacy with lonely dead preparedness you pass away The gene of the nodule stopping, whole group end

                                                          • 税率为40和2000万Sagero继承税的标准金额百分之五十
                                                            Lower basis of assessment amount of inheritance tax up to 20,000,000 And tariff it is 40 - the 50%

                                                            • 索赔的团队合作精神!薄熙来并非一瓶照顾老人,年轻人,甚至他们对年轻人会比今天更宾博青年 Insistence of group soul The fact that it is bottle baud was not old people s welfare to the young person as for the time where also the uncle is young more was bottle baud from the current young person
                                                              • 老人的福利现在需要的是不是青年得救 The fact that now it is necessary not to be old people s welfare relief of the young person

                                                            • 罗马:拜托企业家自己。娱乐代自有自己的球队在他们是傻瓜,如果我不说什么的家伙已经没有钱给我婴儿潮生人才亩。有绝对松开手习惯的同时美浓既得利益 By your starting a business margin The person who does not have the talent which bears the nodule tsu te gold being whatever it is wasteful Fool in your own amusement in your own generation group When there are common acquired interests in the habit which does not release no matter what
                                                              • 罗马:来吧索诺526杆偿还债务,如果他们以自己的愚蠢康乐用途。我觉得我婴儿潮 526 If the extent which the fool uses in his own amusement With that gold government bond repayment margin Nodule tsu te feeling shelf

                                                            • 葬礼的Tteta一个家庭或Fireworks船屋与固体漂浮在隅田川说我马上打Geru佛经,而不是
                                                              Inside the family 葬 by the Yakata boat which is floated in the Sumida river, The fireworks is launched the [tsu] [te] which you call in place of the sutra

                                                              • 认真养老金海出访一代。穆有限的信心在日本各地的温泉旅行禁令是否
                                                                In [ma] [ji] sea travel abroad of annuity generation. When you make passage prohibit how? You ask with limitation around the domestic hot spring

                                                                • 该公司最好的真正的,不错,让我的父母双方在就业,加上一个人喜欢的地方谁就会继承这个孩子通常会龙福纳卡备用8000万日元 It is profit truly also the parents to serve at well enough good enterprise Plus one person tsu child As for such person even with general middle class as for inheritance 80 000 000 Yen rank it goes with room
                                                                  • 继承他的遗产是非常惊讶,在这么奇怪的其余儿童伊藤支那 Being strange not to try probably to leave about the land house which by his inherits to the child the a it is cut off

                                                                • 谁留下了鲜花TTA的享乐主义领域,但父母你觉得你的毒药
                                                                  But your pleasure principle flower garden as for the person who had the parent left flank unfortunate

                                                                  • 这个游戏可能存在,并且祖坟
                                                                    While there is no ancestral generation after generation grave, whether good game

                                                                    • 这位老人想要的是不是唯一的荣誉自己老了,“我的祖父一枚奖牌,我这样一个国家,”但我可以吹嘘头盔和孙子,快乐 Therefore as for the old person wanting just reputation the old person himself “The grandfather received such a decoration in the country it is” that Being able to brag to the grandchild you think that you rejoice but is
                                                                      • 从一个艰难的事情护理程度导致谋杀自杀 Therefore nursing about reaches to homicide suicide be tired thing

                                                                    • 这项比赛是一种消极的数字某处文物全部捐献金额,家长珍惜日本那么我想知道这是什么勉勉死了,你的死亡按摩是合理不参加比赛的公平和广场障碍你也可以告诉我,如果我死了 As for the person who is defeated to competition the ro which is what which should die Very effort is the Japanese treasure Then contributing heritage of the parent payment in full somewhere participate in the competition which does not have correct 々 boldly handicap That rubbed the reason tsu te If die die just you say it is possible even to I

                                                                      • 那么我,我用它是在日本的126,它接受一个女巫或星认为使用热水的气味像一个傻瓜,韩国周五说我 126 Well to use in the country however you think don t you think Going to Korea as though it is the hot and cold water in the aho ill smelling star the gold babaa which is used…
                                                                        • 小逆转,因为我将使用始终只是用来为自己想想,恩儿童父母的钱 Directly the gold using just for the child therefore the ru parent conversely a little you think that use because your own

                                                                      • 那么,日本癌症,我用Bakkari非生产性税,低效公务员的关系,企业间的关系,医疗,护理相关的资讯科技
                                                                        Well, the Japanese cancer/gun, tax [tsu] temporary using, non-productive, non efficiency Government employee concerns, something related to Special Corporation and something related to medical care, it probably is something related to old person

                                                                        • 除非妻子或儿子乞求退休生活费用将由行
                                                                          If cost of living of old age is not requested in the son and his wife, it probably is OK

                                                                          • 难道你们连Teiu伞?即使在他们听到你Karetara“Ne m年轻,但他们用积累资金,削减自己的情况,但还不够,第一个地方”,尽管它在鄂做自己的答案和W y的投诉请说周一埃塔我 The te the umbrella which is said You so the ro which is When it is heard don t you think you “accumulation of wealth it is as for the young person Although it is the circumstance which in the first place is not enough you consume because your own” that you answer probably will be w You could call to the habit which by your do y ku complaint it rubbed
                                                                            • 95氖财富accumulation m年轻,但谁也难以积累财富,没有一个像样的30年,甚至为自己的废话,但第一种情况是不够的 95 Don t you think accumulation of wealth it is as for the young person Although it is the circumstance which in the first place is not enough for by your also is there also kuso The person who is honest accumulation of wealth 30 years later how it probably will not almost stay

                                                                          • 雇员不分配企业利润,留存收益和外国直接投资
                                                                            Enterprise does not distribute the profit to the employee, directs to investment overseas and internal reservation

                                                                            • 青年犯罪在战后初期,比恶性今天在一个肮脏的
                                                                              After the war as for crime of the young people of prompt time, being mean even from now, viciousness

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