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In “treason policy” China of the Democratic party Okinawa selling away Chinese “mass settlement” vision


  • 1 2中国渔船。这些指令释放战国 !民主在中国屈辱外交倾斜 清除 &#8232青山茂2月2日中国钓鱼。这些指令释放战国!民主在中国屈辱外交倾斜 清除 青山茂释放中国渔船的船长,森谷芳登再次说明,日本。律政司他似乎在动 1 2 Chinese fishing As for release indication of 仙 valley The Democratic party humiliation diplomacy which submits to China 8232 2 2 Chinese fishing As for release indication of 仙 valley The Democratic party humiliation diplomacy which submits to China The release of Chinese fishing boat captain after all in the 仙 valley Yosito s indication Oobayasi Because the Public Prosecutor General moved it seems
    • 1 2中国渔船。这些指令释放战国 !民主在中国屈辱外交倾斜 清除 &#8232青山茂2月2日中国钓鱼。这些指令释放战国!民主在中国屈辱外交倾斜 清除 青山茂释放中国渔船的船长,森谷芳登再次说明,日本。律政司他似乎在动 1 2 Chinese fishing As for release indication of 仙 valley The Democratic party humiliation diplomacy which submits to China 8232 2 2 Chinese fishing As for release indication of 仙 valley The Democratic party humiliation diplomacy which submits to China The release of Chinese fishing boat captain after all in the 仙 valley Yosito s indication Oobayasi Because the Public Prosecutor General moved it seems
    • 9鸠山看,看管,船舶。寻找释放 9 Looking at Hatoyama looking at the tube the boat Looking at release

  • Fヽ ヽ布鲁诺 ::: 布鲁诺 冲绳的3000万中国移植ヽ,ヽ 。分享中国和主权移交主权 he REPT No REPT 92 No REPT Sale Country Person mi mi No REPT mi China changes Japan 彡 The citizen who is not inserted in democracy is foolish ⌒ It immigrates 30 000 000 Chinese to Okinawa REPT REPT In China transferring changing of national sovereignty 譲 and joint ownership of sovereignty
    • lt he REPT No REPT REPT
    • 日本国立,公立承认在中国和人民谁 ヽ被转移到冲绳3000万中国人民,ヽ。 中国分享主权和主权移交 In Bloom Person People Also Harmony Country Public Recognizing admitting No REPT 92 No REPT Sale Country Person mi mi No REPT mi China changes Japan 彡 The citizen who is not inserted in democracy is foolish ⌒ It immigrates 30 000 000 Chinese to Okinawa REPT REPT In China transferring changing of national sovereignty 譲 and joint ownership of sovereignty

  • Koumeitou(所有),Syamintou(每个人),共产党(大家)民主党舛添要Youiti改革(下院),所有38人(均为经验丰富的领袖)小泽一郎,冈田克也前原诚司菅直人,鸠山由纪夫赤松孝弘泉健太,岩国Tetsuto,三展览奥村,阁下敏锐Hirobumi小泽平野,学金田,达夫川端康成,和子县,小宫山裕子北泽Toshimi,近藤Akikazu,宏隆佐佐木义视Suematsu,谷芳登森幸枝野,筒井信孝,津村启介,中川正治,Itirou西村聪奈美小泽刚碗鲁耀西,平冈秀夫,Huzii裕久,
    Komeito (everyone), Corporation people party (everyone), Japan Communist Party (everyone), New party reform Masuzoe main point one The Democratic party (member of the house of representatives) All the 38 people (Party chief experience person everyone) Ichiro Ozawa, 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada, Seizi Maehara, Yukio Hatoyama Hirotaka Akamatsu, the spring health it is thick, Akihito Iwakuni, Okumura spreading/displaying three, plain Hirohumi Eizin Ozawa, Kanada sincerity one, Tatsuo Kawahata and Gun Kazuko, Kitazawa 俊 beauty Youko Komiyama, Kondo Akira one, Hiroshi Takashi Sasaki, Yosimi Suematu and branch field Yukio 仙 valley Yosito and tube well Nobutaka, village Keisuke Tsu, Masaharu Nakagawa, Ichiro Ozawa Kazuo Nami Satoshi Nishimura, bowl Lu good fortune male and Hiraoka, Yasuhisa Fujii, Fujimura learning/repairing, Norio and Mitsui 辨 male Hosokawa, lunate large structure, Kansei Nakano Katuhiko Yokomitu, Takahiro Yokomiti Blastopore Kazuhiro, Kenji and first deer Akihiro Yamaoka The Democratic party (Councilor) All the 37 people House west Sato, dog mound direct history, one river Yasuo and Oshima Kyushu man, Arita 芳 raw Toshio and Okazaki [tomi] child Ogawa, Kagaya health, Mieko Kamimoto Yoshihiro Kawakami, Koo east, Sato Yasushi mediating/helping, Kentarou Kudou, Takeuti rule man and valley Hiroyuki, Ikuko valley Oka, Yatarou Tsuda, Keiko [tsurunenmarutei] and Chiba. Interest Osamu, Satoru Tomochika bright, Osamu Satoru Nakamura, 那 valley house justice, white true Isao and rattan end Kenzo, Fujitani optical trust, Tetsu and room well Kunihiko Matsuoka, Yukihisa Fujita, Fujiwara it is good trust, Takeshi Maeda and increase child Teruhiko, Nobuo Matsuno, Shunichi, beam shoal Shin water Oka and the Yamashita eight state husband, side 峯 it is good 郎 Tail stand source happiness The Liberal Democratic Party Takeo Kawamura and leaf pear Yasuhiro, Nakane one happiness, Tanihata filial piety, Takeshi Tokuda Takeshi Noda, Koichi Kato

    • [编辑]克林顿在美国外国部长级会谈“应适用于五尖阁群岛美安全保障条约”,并明确
      Secretary of State Clinton you declared in the Japanese-American foreign minister conversation that “the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty 5 provision is applied to the 尖 official building archipelago”,

      • _NULL_
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Purity 100% - - - - - * - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * - - * - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * - * - - - - - - - - - * - - * - - - * * * * * * - - - - - * - - - - - - * - * * * * * * * - * - * * * * - - * - - - * - - * * * * * * * - - - * - - - - * - - - - * - - * - * - - * - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - * - - - - * - - * - * - - * - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * - * - - * * * * * - - * - * - - * - - * - - * - * - - - - - - - - - * - * - - - - * - - * - * - * - - * - - - * - * - - - - * - - * - - - - - * - - - - * - - - - * - * * - * - - - - * - - - - - * - - * - - - - - * - * * * * * * * - * - - - * - - - - * * - - - - * - - - * - - - * - * - - - - - - - - - * - - * - * - - * - - * - * * - - - - * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * - * - - - - * - - - - * Political party . [ha], and [ha] ( ゚ Ω ゚ ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The special [a] right wing which it does not do the Japanese [tsu] [te] just being what?

        • _NULL_
          The Democratic party The Asia Pacific combined road map “Also east Asia the same body” (ASEAN + 3) it constructs as a most preferential strategy Short term Focusing on east Asia expanding EPA Conclusion goal (Chinese & Korean & Malaysian [huirihi] ゚ [n] tie ASEAN) Visa relief of procedure and simplification of entrance tube procedure, phase of technician and researcher. Qualification approval Construction of management acceptance system of employment of guest worker and simplification of entrance tube procedure Stage of the foreigner it accepts, introduction of the relief system and establishment of the “Japanese edition green card” Invitation of foreign student completeness of scholarship Historical problem promotion of the collaborative research conversation of Asia which is directed to conquest ttp: //www.dpj.or.jp/news/files/k-g050427. pdf

          • _NULL_
            The foreigner does not carry out obligation and just right is obtained) │ 2. Actualization of foreign carrot administration suffering election right (From local self-governing body of countryside of population decrease │ First because foreign power takes over,) │ 3. Admission of surname classified by married couple In order (the family system to make the Korean & Chinese system,) │ 4. Admission of woman type emperor system (With marriage with the foreign woman emperor house takeover) │ 5. Public support to major mass communications (Relief and speech control of resident type media) │ 6. Day morning diplomatic relations normalization (In North Korea gratuitousness provision of mass fund) │ 7. Apology compensation diplomacy (in the world gold rose spreading Japanese weakening

            • “基达是应当称颂的努力为中国和亚洲问题的美国在东南亚的合作和”这是自由和繁荣的建议“的外相”麻生太郎在小泉的弧您
              “Cooperating with the United States and southeast Asia, etc toward China problem should be tackled” Minister of Foreign Affairs Aso Koizumi Cabinet day lectured this, “the arc of freedom and prosperity” the [ro] which is

              • 一个人的背叛自己的国家,因为民主是愚蠢的,或说反代表团对国家主权Tteta
                Therefore democracy says transfer of national sovereignty the anti-Japanese treason fool,

                • 一位伟大的政治家,日本圣德太子以感谢苏中国的邻国,尽管我入鹿“,是一个独立国家之前,1700年”是一个鄂字与!我们忘记了这是一个良性王子,苏我入鹿圣后人! Great politician Masanori Crown Prince thing 蘇 with favor of our entrance deer as for Japan even in Chinese neighboring country relation “It was independency from before 1700” that you can say We forget that the Crown Prince thing of the virtue which becomes saint 蘇 it is our entrance fawn grandchild
                  • 一个伟大的政治家,王子在中国苏我入鹿圣德的“处女日本所称安永”拒绝请求 Great politician Masanori Crown Prince thing 蘇 with favor of our entrance deer as for Japan even in Chinese neighboring country relation “It was independency from before 1700” that you can say We forget that the Crown Prince thing of the virtue which becomes saint 蘇 it is our entrance fawn grandchild

                • 不是我在之前的散发传单和张贴这样的志愿者一些选举警告 Such a part volunteer with posuteingu and leaflet distribution warns there is no story before the House of Representatives selection
                  • 大选前的灾难性ーー嘿做双声道我们并没有你说我发言 Is and others before the House of Representatives selection it is said awfully with 2ch story well

                • 中国,日本,而不是放弃 R的┤〜。。L , ,,。 我, 日本Waru奇怪!首位华人生活 92 China does not abandon Japan r ┤ l 92 i Japan changes Life of the Chinese the foremost
                  • 政权改变一个国家,两种制度。 日本和中国放弃 R的┤〜奇怪。升 我, 日本Waru!首位华人生活 Country two systems Alternation administration We would like to make Chinese everyone happy 92 China does not abandon Japan r ┤ l 92 i Japan changes Life of the Chinese the foremost
                  • 谁信镭统一的国家(隆Mitihito庆)谁是被奴役的那些骄傲的战士高百济百济王室 Unified country Sinra person celebration Naomiti person royal family of hundred end Pride of hundred end the high warriors to slave were converted

                • 为什么他们不能在你面前仁聪? ? ?民主党人,但我声称冲绳主权移交日本人民 我真的只是个孩子 You et al not knowing The Democratic party transferring changing the tsu te 譲 has declared Okinawa sovereignty but is… It is the Japanese national tsu te child truly

                  • 为什么,因为我不得不赞扬中国,“中国Ryuukyuu”什么?证明你没有其他国家表示敬意,如果我 With something morning Mitsugi doing in China because it hurt “Ryukyu is Chinese” what Morning Mitsugi doing whether there is no proof country classified by cod
                    • 你在日本,因为中国已表示敬意,日本群岛,我会说中国的事情,他们留在 Even Japan morning Mitsugi doing in China because it hurt as for the Japanese archipelago Chinese ones Among those of the tsu te you propose

                  • 什么是最后一个独立党州长选举吗? 1%的选票的人分享我喜欢
                    The [tsu] [ke] which is the German political party formation with previous governor selection? The person of poll ratio 1% was, don't you think?

                    • 今年的预算要求麻生太郎在内阁中的政府更迭后的期间内作出,规定了三个替代的作用埃塔第一次部长萨瓦北正志勉
                      The estimate demand for budget of this year being something which can be made Aso Cabinet era, after the administration alternating, state affairs three part rearranged including Minister of State Kitazawa

                      • 会从解放军into ll看说我太Irane冲绳美军基地
                        The [ze] which also Okinawa the US military base will be and don't you think? and others the [tsu] [te] calling, the People's Liberation Army inserting from the [ru], it will see

                        • 其结果是一个虔诚的藏传佛教国家,已成为地狱
                          As a result pious Buddhism country & Tibet became the hell

                          • 冲绳是日本,你会认为我们做什么?我要回去,真正想到了琉球王国?美国军方把琉球Kareru然后,它意味着 The Okinawan of our Japanese how thinking is the ru When we would like to return to Ryukyu kingdom being serious thinking the ru So when it does the US military base is placed on Ryukyu tsu lever Toda
                            • 我们的开放日。琉球群岛,绳纹人们都在直线Arase(冲绳)提供同伴的Geru Opening of our Japanese The Ryukyu archipelago which makes be rope civilian direct line Okinawa you say to Doho

                          • 台湾中,美国政治学家和一个国家,两种制度。根据供电宇,杨Obira全国案件的采访,一,二系统(特别是在台湾方面的),据说已在心里,他说,联邦茹(。胡力“Obira忠贺都统一规划新的“十七] [年龄月刊1983年8月)
                            Country two systems and Taiwan Political scholar of the Chinese type American. According to the power space/large house, as for � Kodaira in interview of the 楊 application/response The [ji] it is occasion, federalism is put to mind one national two system (at the time of the being related with especially Taiwan), It is said that the [ru] you spoke, (. Power space/large house “� Kodaira anti- peace standardized up-to-date conception” '70 age monthly' 1983 August edition)

                            • 国家支持的抢劫团伙居直里。我怎么活下去的牲畜? TTP的:/ / www.dpj.or.jp /新闻/数量u003d 602?
                              [yakuza] national support of taking a threatening attitude burglar. Also the domesticated fowl and animals growing, how you do? ttp: //www.dpj.or.jp/news/? num = 602

                              • 国家政策对多尔只向内消费者债务Itadai书,我购买政府债券的转让费用约1,000名日本冲绳万亿日元变得相对不太可能出故障运行经费
                                On for country rose maquis policy So, there is no money source, when it may fail it becomes, instead of transferring Okinawa About 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen you buying the Japanese government bond, debt cancellation

                                • 在今天的老火车管老头,我是说他会喜欢小泽涌 The elderly old boy the tube as for Ozawa that it is chiyon speaks by the present streetcar

                                  • 在海上自卫队作为对付中国的海军建设,“海洋监测船,”威慑曾要求施工预算
                                    In the Maritime Self Defense Force, construction budget of the “ocean surveillance ship” was required as a deterrent of the Chinese naval power reinforcement

                                    • 夺茹有利可图投票民主,政府如果有普选的ERE在收到外国移民318放入一个大数目将是民主党,它不会发生什么事向日本背叛自己的国家 318 If immigration is accepted in large quantities and foreign carrot administration is given it becomes vote and the gold of democracy Administration for the 奪 ru that Japan how probably will become there is no relationship It probably is treason but it probably is what but it does That the Democratic party
                                      • 这不可能发生在媒体面前说Wareru,国家背叛自己的魔法,如果政客本人ー分钟,外交部和国防部,我做蜡守伊藤支那日本? Such a thing before being said to the mass communications from the tsu te which understands When the politician is treason as for the defensive ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs whether it does not try probably to protecting Japan

                                    • 如果没有自民党和30的来源,更不会TTA的,只有奥田硕在整个日本经济团体联合会同意,我说一个人是愚蠢的想法,对日本民族民主党第二官方网站上已经没有故事关注的并讨论了同样的方式我Ruhou奇怪的事情,正式宣布民主党 30 As for the source ro aho which is the official web sight of the Democratic party Yamato conception how Okuda second 1 you just said Obtaining the agreement of all Japan Federation of Economic Organizations if it is not ru reason Not to mention the Liberal Democratic Party the story which is not many relationships When such those which the Democratic party has announced officially The wa where the one which is discussed to same rank is stranger
                                      • 中国是不是我以同样的方式对待其他国家,因为中国在高国认为该国的骄傲 Therefore as for China in the country whose pride is high the country of the Chinese idea the foreign country is not handled in same rank

                                    • 子敏和邪恶Ratsu小泽辞职只与鞋或任何你Iiri一直不错,这很好,我只是租,我会后悔 As for the bad and others cord our people just the cousin receiving tastily Whether arbitrary It is and needs and attaches the shoes and also Ozawa resigns regrets certainly

                                      • 它背叛了他们的祖先,就是要认识到,Reyo声明对后代的责任 That to betray the ancestor when it is to abandon the responsibility for the future generation be conscious
                                        • 1 AreiRaise后世纪念的,“8 30” 1 AreiRaise Spirit afterlife “8 30”

                                      • 差的说法,即使阵列对应一个什么样的眼光冲绳 Deducting that as for Okinawa vision te suitable are contents
                                        • 冲绳是第一个独立的国家,说户外琉球王国 In the first place as for Okinawa the u Ryukyu country it was the nation which becomes independent

                                      • 当然,出现这种情况侃,仙石冈崎,叛国罪和其他罪行,例如吸引敌人的“死亡”,我想知道什么? Don t you think of course when it becomes so 菅 the 仙 valley Okazaki and so on and so on it probably is “capital punishment” what with civil war crime and outside 患 attraction crime
                                        • wwww的年轻女子,他们强奸,他们并不介意将立即逮捕,或死亡 wwww As for the young woman when rape it does not like same arrest or capital punishment

                                      • 我们只是侭冲绳群岛茹困渔场,丰富的地下资源东洋潜艇冉纳卡要求讶然
                                        As for Okinawa only of our 侭 as for the 尖 official building archipelago where the fishery and the abundant seabed underground resource whose main point viewing is rich sleep it is

                                        • 我们的专栏作家,谷猪排,高雄灰尘委员会工作人员,总督桥本Dyusa专业的报告制度,TBS电视台是组织主任
                                          Us the columnist Masaru valley, it is high the dust commission staff, the governor under the bridge, reporting [sutepurodeyusa] It is TBS formation Bureau Chief

                                          • 我完全明白这是什么纳尼和日本对美国的力量,这样等你 So if it did by yourself had done nani in US Forces in Japan and Japan you understand probably will be sufficiently
                                            • 590元没有更好的阻止他们从面积小,它们或拉纳尼 590 When that it is nani to do because with faint you do not understand the person who stops is good

                                          • 我没有自由民主党的失败政策失去意义TTA的· · ·北方领土及竹岛
                                            While the mistake by northern territory and the Liberal Democratic Party administration which loses the bamboo island does not awaken…

                                            • 我终于有个快乐的结局Minsyutou u003d所以,我写一篇文章背叛自己的国家之一的 1 It reached the point where at last you write on the Democratic party treason tsu te article It does successfully It does successfully
                                              • 我是民主党,使我们这样一个危险分子 Consisting of such a dangerous molecule with the is Democratic party something the shank

                                            • 所有民主党人“吸引犯罪敌人”让人们在它的手中死刑前法官制度奠定溃疡是法院的,即使他是司法部长最近我capitally很冒险的
                                              With the Democratic party Assemblyman everyone “outside 患 attraction crime” it is possible to be death penalty What recently legal phase and the courthouse being risked, however the [ru] The judgment member system before being crushed, by the hand of the citizen it makes death penalty, the [chi] [ya] concave

                                              • 无损检测呑也需要不合理的需求,也曾经你仍然
                                                When unreasonable difficult problem is required once more with that In addition you drink this

                                                • 日本不管我这样说,因为有很多人的意见做色彩以及冲绳是要他们采取什么冲绳,要松开手,日本不应该被原谅我独立冲绳或者,如果一个附庸,但我们也不应允许澳湿重 Color is the person of opinion is even in Okinawa therefore it is such you say is There being whatever Japan you must take Okinawa with something and you do not have to release Okinawa independence how you do not permit Japan and we should not permit However if it becomes tributary O ww
                                                  • 日本不管我这样说,因为有很多人的意见做色彩以及冲绳是他们必须遵守冲绳,要松开手,日本应该被原谅我花艾希独立冲绳但是,如果客户端状态,也不应让澳湿重 Color is the person of opinion is even in Okinawa therefore it is such you say is There being whatever Japan you must take Okinawa with something and you do not have to release Okinawa independence how you do not permit Japan and we should not permit However if it becomes tributary O ww

                                                • 日本冲绳岛的分离,你应该飞飞行的售价出售给中国的政策?围绕冲绳(琉球群岛)是一种反日立场,在一个中国的不同行为致敬眼睛。凭借专注于儿童冈崎汤米和他的同事被任命为主席的争论全国公共酿造安全内阁还制定了改造时间的远见冲绳 The policy which separates Okinawa from Japan sells away in China It sells away Around Okinawa southwest archipelago to China morning Mitsugi s mistake It assumes that anti Japanese speech and behavior is conspicuous The Okazaki tomi child people where is inaugurated as national public peace chairman at the remodelling Cabinet being center Also deciding the Okinawa vision of that time causes scandal
                                                  • 日本的行为已经站在一个眼睛一反。凭借专注于儿童冈崎汤米和他的同事被任命为主席的争论全国公共酿造安全内阁还制定了改造时间的远见冲绳 1 It assumes that anti Japanese speech and behavior is conspicuous The Okazaki tomi child people where is inaugurated as national public peace chairman at the remodelling Cabinet being center Also deciding the Okinawa vision of that time causes scandal
                                                  • 民主党去年应该制定“中期防卫计划”(反中)和UE被送往一年只是因为他是政府采取的,尚未进行辩论螨 As for the Democratic party it was the expectation which is decided on end of the last year “mid term defense buildup plan” mid term anti Administration just was taken with saying after making 1 year advance shipment discussion is not advanced yet
                                                  • 第一幕是一个反日的立场。凭借专注于儿童冈崎汤米和他的同事被任命为主席的争论全国公共酿造安全内阁还制定了改造时间的远见冲绳 It assumes that anti Japanese speech and behavior is conspicuous The Okazaki tomi child people where is inaugurated as national public peace chairman at the remodelling Cabinet being center Also deciding the Okinawa vision of that time causes scandal
                                                  • 第一幕是一个反日的立场。凭借专注于儿童冈崎汤米和他的同事被任命为主席的争论全国公共酿造安全内阁还制定了改造时间的远见冲绳 It assumes that anti Japanese speech and behavior is conspicuous The Okazaki tomi child people where is inaugurated as national public peace chairman at the remodelling Cabinet being center Also deciding the Okinawa vision of that time causes scandal

                                                • 日本列岛不仅是日本人占有 As for the Japanese archipelago there are no possession ones just of the Japanese
                                                  • (六 。ヾ 日本列岛不仅是日本人占有 NULL

                                                • 日本历史上前所未有的政变阴谋是在闽││正是外国势力煽动的西藏,维吾尔日完成一国的背叛自己的政策在 1│。接受双重国籍(外国势力渗透到国家权力│警察和自卫队 Completion of the Tibetan conversion Uighur conversion of Japan which is by the treason policy of │ minsu 煽 It was moved to foreign power just The Japan coup plan which does not have example in │ history │ 1 Admission of dual citizenship Foreign power disappears to national power such as police Self Defense Force │ In order to do

                                                  • 日本没有对战争罪行的适当补偿,有公认的情况下已多次说,它的逆历史中风后的中国 Japan does not do the compensation which is done securely vis a vis war offense The historical recognition which after that in opposite does China repeatedly there are the details which start
                                                    • 鄂其他国家 甚至给我一个机会,回到韩国道歉赔偿穿日 Apology compensation is made to dig to Korea and the opening is given to also the foreign country

                                                  • 日本的缓冲地带↓(三及电话)不需要从南韩国荣格也变得孤僻和伊莎贝拉 ↓ Japan buffer area priming chiyon how there is no necessity but when it becomes iza it withdraws probably will be even from Korea
                                                    • 日本的缓冲地带↓(三及电话)不需要从南韩国荣格也变得孤僻和伊莎贝拉 ↓ Japan buffer area priming chiyon how there is no necessity but when it becomes iza it withdraws probably will be even from Korea

                                                  • 日语Wareru m只是猜测这样Netouyo因为我喜欢我的647已经成为人们,我不能相信其他人 跆拳道种政府 控股伤心它比什么都它有一个凉爽的气候一样,要利用 647 Because such wind only distrust has done netouyo it is said it is As for the Japanese it became in the citizen who already cannot believe the person kana We that is sadder than what It is what building in government and being attached is a tendency which is katsukoii like

                                                    • 是的其中一个简单的78%作为冲绳扰乱经济即使那些试图非法 78 If those which illegally you will stay will convert even with the 1 among those The extent simplicity which fails Okinawa economy so the shelf
                                                      • 我完全不感到疼痛Tteka大分县506 506 Considerably speaking painfully it has failed completely

                                                    • 村山富市的不至少?他说,他们已经验证的正确的解决方案之日为防日本天皇制度烤反女巫轮或第一个皇帝叫上休息蜘蛛Bitsukete许多服务器敬畏菅直人
                                                      The Murayama time it is not above? [ba] Korea Naoto fears, His Majesty the Emperor being accustomed to calling also many from ahead recuperating To make total loss coming anti-Japanese [babaa] of day or solution same ministers of state of counter emperor system certify, simply the [ro

                                                      • 案件5米海拔和停止侵略者所谓环境难民增加了P21的亚洲是一个重大的三角洲 The sea surface it obstructs the aggressor environmental refugee also 5m by rise Above mentioned P21 is the principal delta zone of Asia
                                                        • 海平面5米,由于全球变暖时,大多数事情会在水里照样升起 When the sea surface 5m rises with terrestrial warming as for the majority it probably is to submerge

                                                      • 民主党,而这个主权转让和移动将是巨大的, tsu With Large Thing It is dense With a ru Main thing Right Transferring changing 譲 People Main thing Party
                                                        • 湖ヽ 八人,¯) □ 民主党,而这个主权转让和移动将是巨大的, l REPT Person eight ¯ □ 92 tsu With Large Thing It is dense With a ru Main thing Right Transferring changing 譲 People Main thing Party

                                                      • 汤米的儿子被任命为主持国家公安冈崎,我惊呆了
                                                        Although the Okazaki [tomi] child was inaugurated as national public peace chairman, it will be agape,

                                                        • 滑稽的妨碍司法公正摆在首位,逮捕了中国领海的侵犯
                                                          The Chinese violation of territorial waters arrest by official business execution disturbance in the first place is strange

                                                          • 王抗背叛自己的国家。出卖国家的人对自己同样的反邪教日本创价学会。创价学会的追随者→反卖国贼
                                                            Anti-Japanese treason sect. Also Soka academic society is same Anti-Japanese treason sect. Soka academic society believer -> anti-Japanese traitor

                                                            • 琉球中国,中日战争的日本侵略(1895年),而不是从“神圣的和不可分割的领土”,并相信,通过一些中国知识分子Kagitta无 As for Ryukyu as for China as for the Japanese invasion the Nisshin war 1895 from is not “To holy as for believing that inseparable specific territory” is It is not to limit to the Chinese intellectual of part
                                                              • 琉球中国的“神圣的和不可分割的领土特定的,”我相信你是被一些中国人Kagitta不知道 As for Ryukyu as for believing that “to holy inseparable specific territory” of China is It is not to limit to the Chinese intellectual of part

                                                            • 真正的党的支持率是选民总数,尝试计算票数
                                                              True political party support ratio tries calculating, from total number of the voter and the number of polls

                                                              • 紫菜Nonohe人 资源 祢补卜 ) Paste human nonohe ri ゛゛ mi 92 Γ mi Ryo
                                                                • ((诺诺 ,认真的! L的L )此外水平,主要 nono ¬ l No REPT l l Furthermore at suitable serious level

                                                              • 罗马:来一人死亡每民主党叛徒!罗马:来一个叛徒所有民主党人死亡!罗马:来一个叛徒所有民主党人死亡!
                                                                1 Democratic party Assemblyman of traitor In everyone capital punishment margin! Democratic party Assemblyman of traitor In everyone capital punishment margin! Democratic party Assemblyman of traitor In everyone capital punishment margin!

                                                                • 美国独立后,从日本,琉球,军事,然而,如果我不仅要冲绳独立和道德孜悟更加饱满的最坏的福利线我的工作之后,我会下降更多,当然中国也失去了防御我可以包括派遣军队,保护中国公民的名字已成为中占主导地位的暴力事件的真实的,穿了很多移民的生活 我可以很容易想象 When Okinawa becomes independent from Japan With the welfare being lazy scholastic ability or moral does not become independent with just the lowest Okinawa person the te Furthermore as for the US military keeping coming out as for work benefit 々 decreasing without also proper defense capacity becoming The Chinese immigration to live in large quantities and arrive and with violence of number substance reaching the point where it is controlled China the troop sending with pretext of native people protection … tsu te you can imagine easily

                                                                  • 联盟→。荏深度的外交政策中的纠纷疲软的日本周边地区的军事左右。增加
                                                                    -> Alliance. Militarily weakening around Japan with being packed Cowardice in diplomacy be mixed up of peripheral area. Increase

                                                                    • 菅沼光弘先生对此作了最初冲绳原局长第二项研究中,“在琉球不得不致敬历史的原因,中国[中国] Ryuukyuu潜在除了理念的认识认为迎合中国的立场民主党在一些主已即时

                                                                      • 辉Tokii与关键保安局ー专辑是近莫霍克,你可能会出来,如果我添加一个保镖,想想哇,我想占领支那 The morphine can getting near ha ゙ ki ゙ with therefore the tsu te which may expel the carefulness stick at the time of the ru it is That the wa which you think whether we would like to be occupied in the support 那

                                                                        • 这些地区的环境难民驱逐立即从下降到饥饿的鬼魂,武装难民,面积曳围绕它周围的将是必要的

                                                                          • 这将帮助您隔离侵略将损害日本
                                                                            Japan to weaken be isolated invade making easy

                                                                            • 这就是为什么公司喜欢绿色的家伙,我会让它瓦特党的政策背后的民主,捍卫真正的汉奸Sayo甚至愚蠢的事情,大多数左翼极端Syakaitou
                                                                              Making the policy of the Democratic party with the reverse side, therefore the [ru] party that corporation blue same w Japan Socialist Party leftmost group Those which are radical group [bakasayo] protecting, it is the genuine traitor

                                                                              • 释放后仅收取当地居民和政治,体现了民主宪政国家的领导人将要改变会有什么样的立法和国会回顾 When local politics is widely different with the inhabitant Democracy was materialized it becomes the recall some appearance It keeps changing the head and the national assembly with degree of laws is constitutional government nation

                                                                                • 鸠山内阁的内阁现在区分937在任何,我高中毕业学历两个高度的并不多,大学辍学生(高中,所以没有一个真实的单位或采取)一,四有经验的部长(Monbu教育大学在重复部长)是高的学校,明治时代以来的壮举
                                                                                  937 The Hatoyama Cabinet anyhow The current Cabinet particularly is not high educational background Because high soldier/finishing 2 name, university leaving school in mid-course (either 1 units are not taken, substantial high soldier/finishing) 1 names, 4 repeater experience people at the university Education scientific minister of state (Minister of Education) the fact that it is high soldier/finishing is heroic deed ever since Meiji

                                                                                  • 鸠山,“日本列岛不仅是日本拥有”民主党 As for the Hatoyama “Japanese archipelago there are no possession ones just of the Japanese” The Democratic party
                                                                                    • 鸠山,“日本列岛不仅是日本拥有”民主党 As for the Hatoyama “Japanese archipelago there are no possession ones just of the Japanese” The Democratic party

                                                                                  • 鸠山,小泽,山冈,Koshiishi,千叶,北泽,简,冈崎仙石首饰等...我认为是出卖国家的人对自己
                                                                                    Hatoyama, Ozawa, Yamaoka and sedan chair stone, Chiba, Kitazawa, 菅, Okazaki and 仙 valley etc… Jewels of treason and -

                                                                                    • !在接到事故发生以来相当大的媒体的规定,被埋葬在黑暗的日子,在即将被 监测报告 总结3★货物中船船员日本外海相撞,石川县,中国的wiki ll和捕鱼权或与日本渔船容器 邓小平昨晚这 It has been about we will receive the considerable reporting regulation since accident occurring to be buried in the darkness The Japanese fishing boat and the Chinese freighter collide with the Ishikawa prefecture open sea 3 Reporting supervision summary wiki The container where the Chinese crew rode last night applied to the Japanese fishing boat and escaped

                                                                                      • (3※)“暴政”,这意味着没有其他比我Kyousantou承认工人阶级也就是中世纪君主专制政府领导人民民主,“国王”到“党”是这种差异的更换,例如制度或只是说鄂 In the sense that 3 people democracy “despot” in other words rule other than Japan Communist Party which is the leader of working class is not recognized “the king” of absolute Imperial Rule of Middle Ages to you can call the sufficient system which was replaced “the party”
                                                                                        • (※2)“暴政”,这意味着没有其他比我Kyousantou承认工人阶级也就是中世纪君主专制政府的领导者,“国王”到“党”的例子是不同更换朝鲜民主主义人民共和国制度或只是说鄂 In the sense that 2 people democracy “despot” in other words rule other than Japan Communist Party which is the leader of working class is not recognized “the king” of absolute Imperial Rule of Middle Ages to you can call the sufficient system which was replaced “the party”

                                                                                      • (※3)换句话说,未来的全国选民投票给民主党常任全欧系统。拒绝的声明
                                                                                        (* 3) it is plugged, the poll system democracy by the European-American type nationwide private ownership authorities future it is long. It is the declaration which it refuses

                                                                                        • (记者japanjapanjapan)文字:[宪法] Tyuukazinminkyouwakoku Tyuukazinminkyouwakoku条出版者出版的人民,阶级领导的工作,(1※)※联盟基于对农民和劳动者,人民民主暴政( 2)国家社会主义

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